Inside This Issue - Lagan College annual Lagan College Ceili to mark St. Patrick’s Day, was even...


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Drama Trip 9

Year 8 Challenge 9

Irish News 10

Peaceline Visit 10

6th Form Seminar 11

Sports Update 12

Inside This Issue

Victory for Lagan College

Lagan College Ceili Science Week

Wishing all at Lagan College a Happy Easter



Rotary Club 2

Year 8 Day Trip 3

Ceili 2006 5

Science Club 6

Aids Awareness 7

Business Studies 7

Politics Trip 8

Inside this issue:

Editorial Team

• Mrs R. Harbinson

(Vice Principal)

• Mr A. Harper


Copy Date

Please ensure that all material for the March issue is submitted by

Thursday 25th May 2006

On Tuesday 14th March 2006, Lagan College competed alongside Bloomfield Collegiate, Strathearn Grammar School and two teams from Wellington College in the Northern Ireland Rotary Club Public Speaking Competition. The Rotary Club provided a range of subjects from which each team, consisting of three members, had to select one. The issues debated included the ordination of women, education selection procedures, cloning and drugs. The format of each team’s presentation included the role of Chairperson, Speaker and Vote of Thanks and lasted fifteen minutes. Performed to an audience and judged by a panel of three adjudicators, it proved to be a thoroughly enjoyable and educational competition. The Lagan College team spoke on the issue of Cloning and the moral justifications and objections to it. After approximately two hours, the judges adjourned for their deliberations before returning their verdict and complimenting the hard work and talent of the competitors.

Congratulations to the Lagan College team, Laura Devenny, Sarah Martin and Lara McIvor, trained by Miss Michelle Clohessy, who were crowned the 2006 Nor thern I re l and Rotary Club Champions and won their place in the United Kingdom Finals in Manchester in May. Miss M Clohessy

P A G E 2

Northern Ireland Rotary Club Championship 2006


Year 8 Day Trip To Dundonald On Friday 17th February, the last day before half-term, a group of 24 pupils from Year 8 had to endure the torture of a whole day off school in order to go on a fun day out at Dundonald Ice Bowl. The day was organised as a reward for these pupils’ tremendous efforts across all their subjects in first term.

The party left school at 9.30 a.m. accompanied by Mr Killen and Miss Mullan and reached our destination in time to begin ten-pin bowling at 10 o’clock. After photos (which are incidentally on the school’s website), we went bowling for two games. (Of course, the girls seemed to be much better at the bowling than the boys).

Mr Killen – who seemed to suffer a mysterious bout of coughing every time his nearest rivals (especially Sarah) were getting down to bowl – ended up coming a pitiful sixth, with William Skillen finishing top with a great score of 127, and Louise McCorry (come on 8L, we’re the best!) beating all girls to finish second. There were even a couple of side bets between teachers and pupils, with honours being shared.

Before we headed off onto the greens, we tucked into our chips, burgers, ice cream, candy floss and helium balloons, happy in the knowledge that our classmates were having their boring, more healthy lunch in school. One or two of us tried our hand at ice hockey and pool. All we can say is, keep practising at pool Miss Mullan!

Next, it was on to the Pirates’ Mini Golf, with some pupils deciding to play the outside course and most settling for the indoor golf under the huge domed marquee.

Outside, Rhiannon and Ashleigh fell into the river and got soaked. The water cannon also soaked everyone who came anywhere near it! One or two pupils managed to win extra vouchers for a free round (isn’t that right John?), although a bit of cheating was going on.

When the day eventually came to an end, we made our way back to school in the minibuses. Mr Killen’s bus even managed to get lost – which meant we only had 15 minutes of classes to return to at the end of the day.

Overall, we had a brilliant day and the weather was great. Thank you to Mr Killen and Miss Mullan for organising such a great day out.

By: Ashleigh Allen, Caitriona McDonnell, Clare Rattray, Rhiannon Stewart

P A G E 3 L A G A N C O L L E G E U P D A T E

P A G E 4 L A G A N C O L L E G E U P D A T E

The annual Lagan College Ceili to mark St. Patrick’s Day, was even more special this year as it marked the 25th Anniversary of the very first ceili to be held in the college.

As usual, the music was supplied by the John McGurran Ceili band and Mr Gerry Lenaghan hosted the event, calling out the steps, thoroughly embarrassing everyone and anyone as well as injecting a big slice of craic’!

The event was attended by a large crowd of pupils, parents, governors and other well-wishers who seemed to thoroughly enjoy themselves (have you seen the photographs?) A raffle was also held, the proceeds of which went towards financially supporting students to attend the Donegal Gaeltacht, a feature of the Irish department and something very close to Mrs Donaldson’s heart…..and speaking of Mrs Donaldson, she wore a smile as big as Galway bay and was delighted with the turnout and support of ‘Trim the Velvet’ who feature three dancers who are pupils at the college: Katie Dick, Rebekah Jackson and Toni Jordan.

An enjoyable night was had by all and apparently the band is booked already for 2007, so get your dancin’ shoes ready!

Miss M Clohessy

P A G E 5 L A G A N C O L L E G E U P D A T E

Ceili 2006

Year 8 Science Club The Science Club has got off to a great start this year, with over 20 pupils attending regularly. We have carried out a squeaky pop contest, experimented with slime, made a volcano, and watched an explosion, burned magnesium and many other exciting experiments.

We have our very own Science Club Badge that was designed by year 8 pupil, Qaesar Yousaf.

The science club is on Friday during Junior Lunch in Sc7, everyone in Year 8 is very welcome.

Miss K Wightman

National Science Week Year 8 & 9 pupils participated in an open competition by sharing their views on science. The entries covered a wide range of topics from scientists through the ages, famous inventions, global warming and other current science news.

Hundreds of entries were submitted and displayed in the foyer of the college for one week. The standard was excellent and various types of media were used.

Year 8 winners were: 1st - Ciara McGivern, 2nd - John Cahoon,

Joint 3rd - Niamh O’Conner & Connor Fisher Bannon

Year 9 winners were: 1st - Julia Brown, 2nd - Kristine Dodds, 3rd - Mary Brown

The winners received HMV gift vouchers and these were presented at Junior Assembly. Thanks to everyone who participated.

Miss M Duffy

Sixth Form students admiring the science display

P A G E 6 L A G A N C O L L E G E U P D A T E

Aids & HIV Awareness Week

Business Studies News

From the 20—24 March 2006 the Justice Group presented Lagan College’s First Aids and HIV Awareness week. Throughout the week there were assemblies, a guest speaker and red ribbons on sale.

We raised over £100 from the ribbons which will be split between the National Aids Fund and Concern who both work with aids victims her in Northern Ireland and in developing countries.

Thank you to everyone for their support.

Laura Devenny & Karin McCully

Of the Justice Group

Many thanks to Mr Tim Morrow for his valuable contribution to the Business Studies Programme in Lower Sixth. Mr Morrow shared his experience of entrepreneurship with the group and provided an opportunity for the students to ask questions on the growth of his Open Farm ‘Streamvale Open Farm’.

The students gained a valuable insight to the role of an enterprising manager and the challenges and opportunities facing an entrepreneur in a changing external environment.

Information on the farm is available on the website

Mr Tim Morrow

P A G E 7 L A G A N C O L L E G E U P D A T E

Politics Trip to London In February, 32 intrepid A level students and 3 teachers (dear love them!) embarked on a 3-day trip to London. The group included pupils from three departments – Politics, Drama and Art, an artistic and volatile mix potentially!

During each day the three separate groups pursued their own subject related itineraries, then, everyone came together in the evenings to eat out, socialize and to experience two spectacular West End shows. Many pupils declared the irreverent and hilarious show, “The Producers” to be the highlight of the trip. Mind you, for sheer spectacle and novelty value, Glenn McKnight eating a quarter-pounder with cheese in three bites took some beating!

My own Politics group managed to find time, in between “faffing about on the tube network”, to visit the Houses of Parliament. While there we met local boy turned Liberal Democrat MP, Lembit Opik (He is local, honestly! – Bangor, actually!). We also took in visits to the Imperial War Museum, The Churchill Museum and Cabinet War Rooms and HMS Belfast, all of which were fascinating. ( a geeky politics and history kind of way!) Photos were taken at all venues of Ryan Stephenson and Carl Ross draped in their beloved Norn Iron flag – tragic! Look out for them on the “Our Wee Country” website. Forker and wee Danny’s Spanish has improved greatly as a result of the trip, which is strange!

All in all the trip proved to be a raging success, with no major mishaps,…well, ok, several people did get trapped briefly in a lift and I almost sparked a security alert after leaving a rucksack on a tube station platform. There was also an unfortunate conversation about the movie; Final Destiny, while we were in the airport departure lounge. If you’ve seen the movie you will know this was not a good idea as it made for a nervy take-off. Thanks for that to “I’m a nervous flier but I want to be a pilot” Marc Rice.

All things considered, though, a great time and an unforgettable learning experience was had by all.

Mr F McGuckin

P A G E 8 L A G A N C O L L E G E U P D A T E

Winner of Year 8 Challenge

London Drama Trip London was a whirlwind of a trip, bustling with activity from the start to finish of our three day trip. Thirty students and three teachers survived to tell the tale!

Visits included the Tate Modern Museum, Houses of Parliament and tour/workshop at the Globe Theatre. Two highlights were "The Producers" musical at Drury Lane and celebrating Arron Pollock's eighteenth birthday in the TGIF restaurant, Covent Garden. GREAT FUN!

Ms S Black

Matthew Herd (8C) showed tremendous initiative by successfully downloading and burning the hard to get Honda Civic commercial. This clever advert is a sound collage. It uses a choir to impersonate a day in the life of a Honda Civic. A brilliant resource for our Year 8, "Hairy Toe" Drama module.

Thank You Matthew.

Well Done!

P A G E 9 L A G A N C O L L E G E U P D A T E

Irish News Six pupils took part in a BBC survey - BBC (Jam) - the new name for the Digital Curriculum is working on the creation of online interactive learning resource for learning Irish aimed at the age group 11 - 16 years.

The six pupils who participated were; Aaron Flanagan (Year 12), Kieran Lambe, Conor McParland, Amy Connolly, Stephanie Boyle (all Year 10) and Eilidh McCann (Year 9).

Aaron Flanagan (Year 12) got a very romantic Valentine message published in Lá - Irish language newspaper. Ask him what it said? It was addressed to a female called Amber!

He has also written an article in Irish on the 25th Ceili which has recently been published in Lá.

Visit to the Peaceline

Group of Year 13 students beside the Workman Avenue gate

Stephanie and Claire with members of the Cornerstone Community on the Springfield Road

P A G E 1 0 L A G A N C O L L E G E U P D A T E

Congratulations to the Year 9 and Year 10 Irish language pupils who impressed the external examiner, Christopher Markey from Comhaltas Uladh, with their fluency, enthusiasm and eagerness to answer questions in oral Irish.

Two Year 9 candidates were awarded scholarships to Rann Na Feirste - Eilidh McCann (9 PTN) and Ines Mathieu (9 RG).

Mrs E Donaldson

Sixth Form Study Skills Seminar Following the success of our Year 12 study skills seminar, Easter revision prepara-tions got off to a kick start on Tuesday 11 April when all post 16 students received valuable advice on how to increase their learning power.

Special thanks to all staff involved in this worthwhile seminar and a special word of thanks to the Sixth Form Supervisor Don Micuel and the School Nurse Nora O’Loan, for providing our students with techniques and support to deal with exam stress.

Good luck with the revision schedule Years 12, 13 & 14.

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Sports Update Congratulations to Mrs McKnight and the Year 8 Girls PE who took home the Belfast Year 8 Netball Cup.

Well done girls!

Congratulations to Clare Byrne who was awarded the Gaelic Football Player of the Year.

Shireen Nicholl in year 13 was awarded her Black Belt (one of the highest awards you can achieve). Congratulations Shireen!!

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