Insects NAmed After Rizal.!.docx(12.30.10)


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When he was an exile in Dapitan, he collected different kinds of species of animals. Among

them were the:

1. Draco rizali (Wandolleck), a species of flying dragon. The ribs and their connecting membrane can be extended to create a wing, the hind limbs are flattened and wing-like in cross-section, and a small set of flaps on the neck serve as a horizontal stabilizer. 

2. Apogonia rizali (Heller), peculiar beetle. The beetle itself is a flying insect less than an inch (2.5 cm) in length at maturity.

3. Rhacophorus rizali (Boetger), a hitherto unknown species of rare frog. It is an inhabitant of primary and secondary rainforest. It breeds at swampy forest pools. 

4. Spathomeles rizali, a small fungus bettle. Also known as the handsome bettle.

5. Hydropsyche Rizali was the only hydropsyche found along the river, except at one site at the headwater where it was found coexisting with H. infernalis Schmid. Its higher abundances were found at the start of the dry period (June) and at its end (October).

6. Glenochrysa Rizal, kind of Elton fly. They are delicate insects with a wingspan of 6 to over 65 mm, though the largest forms are tropical. 

7. Pachyrrhynchus Rizali is widely known as one of the spectacular beetle species in the world owing to its very beautiful colors. It always crawls on the leaves of tree and when disturbed, it dropped to the ground, feigning death. 

8. Aedes (Finlaya) Rizali is characterized with 3 or more basal white bands, sometimes with apical bands also; femora not lined anteriorly. Its scutum with distinct narrow longitudinal lines of white or golden scales; and scales of vertex usually mostly narrow.

9. Ecnomus Rizali is a genus in the Kingdom Animalia. It has abdominal segment 1 without retractable papillae.

10. Hemerobius Rizali is about 5 mm (body only). These are quite a bit smaller than the green lacewings that are more commonly seen. 

11. Cyrestis Maendis Rizali, a butterfly’s genus in the family nymphalidae. It has a long curved spiky horn which is dark purplish brown, this color extending as a saddle which links to the dark lower part of the body. 

12. Dolichopeza Rizaleusis is a medium-sized crane fly. Its body length is up to 8.0 mm, wing length 8.3-9.9 mm.

13. Anopheles Minimus is one of the most important vectors of human malaria in Southeast Asia. Distinguished by the adult's head-downward stance and absence of breathing tubes in the larvae.

14. Leptocorisa Acuta Rizalensis is a paddy bug, bush bag or stink bag. Sucks the developing grains causing empty or partially filled grains.

15. Chalcosoma Atlas is a species of beetle found in southern Asia. It is remarkable for its size 25–130 mm. As common in some insect species, the male is larger than the female and usually two males will fight for a female for mating.

16. Salaginto is a type of green insects with dark back under the wing .The scientific name that was previously Metriona Charidotella sexpunctata bicolor.  One feature they having the ability to change color.

17. Sasamba is a genus of praying mantises found throughout Asia. Many species are referred to by the common name giant Asian mantis because of their large size

18. Scorpion (Alackdan per Raca) has eight legs and are easily recognized by the pair of grasping claws and the narrow, segmented tail. It carried in a characteristic forward curve over the back, ending with a venomous stinger. 

19. Coconut Beetle is mainly a pest of coconut and oil palms. It also attacks other palm species.

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