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InnovationStandard Positioning Service

Handheld GPSReceiver Accuracy

Standard Positioning Service

Handheld GPSReceiver AccuracyChristian Tiberius

With a background in geodesy, I’mquite familiar with high precision

applications of GPS. Working andresearching in this area entails process-ing raw measurements of range in dif-ferential mode, resolving carrier-phasecycle ambiguities and using sophisti-cated models and calibrations for a widerange of error sources.

A few months ago my first personalhandheld GPS receiver, five years old,

Officially, the Global Positioning System has two levels of service: the Precise Positioning Service(PPS) which is afforded to the United States military, allied military forces and some other U.S.government agencies, and the Standard Positioning Service (SPS), available to all users worldwide.Currently, the SPS is provided by way of the Coarse/Acquisition (C/A) 1.023 megachip per sec-ond pseudorandom noise (PRN) code on the GPS L1 frequency at 1575.42 MHz. The vastmajority of GPS receivers now in existence, including virtually all civil-use handheld receivers,are SPS receivers which determine their positions by tracking the L1 C/A-code.

SPS policy initially dictated a predictable positioning accuracy of 100 meters, at the 95 per-cent confidence level, horizontally and 156 meters (95 percent) vertically. SPS positioningaccuracy was purposely degraded to this level through the use of Selective Availability (SA). WhenSA was removed on May 2, 2000, SPS accuracy improved greatly, approaching that of the PPS.

The civil benefits of discontinuing SA. Previously, SA made it difficult to determine which high-way a car was on, in areas where several highways run in parallel. Such inaccuracy caused prob-lems for in-car navigation systems which could sometimes give erroneous turn information. Now,it may even be possible to determine in which lane of a multi-lane highway a car is traveling.Such distinction not only improves navigation but can also significantly benefit emergency vehi-cle response to E-911 calls which provide automated position information and roadside assis-tance vehicles responding to disabled cars.

SA removal has also benefited fleet management. Tracking the locations of taxis, buses,tractor trailers, and boxcars has become much more efficient especially in crowded parking lotsand railway yards. In the field of aviation, SA removal enhanced the safety of GPS for non-pre-cision runway approaches and generally improved pilot situational awareness. Recreational usersof GPS have also benefited from SA removal as their waypoints now more precisely locate favoritefishing holes, boating obstacles, and game left for future retrieval. Fishermen can more accu-rately locate lobster pots and other fishing gear, and with SA removal, the orbits of satellites car-rying GPS receivers can be more accurately determined and real-time onboard orbit determi-nation is now possible.

So just how good is the SPS now? In this month’s column, Dr. Christian Tiberius assessescurrent SPS performance in a case study using a handheld GPS receiver in both static and kine-matic modes. — R.B.L.

Christian Tiberius is a lecturer in theDepartment of Geodesy at the DelftUniversity of Technology (TU Delft) inDelft, The Netherlands. He received hisPh.D. in geodesy in 1998 at TU Delft witha thesis on recursive data processing forkinematic GPS surveying. He is currentlyinvolved in research on data analysis andprocessing for precise GNSS positioningapplications. Dr. Tiberius co-authoredthree earlier articles for the Innovation col-umn: “Fixing the Ambiguities: Are YouSure They’re Right?” in May 2000, “TheStochastics of GPS Observables” inFebruary 1999, and “A New Way to FixCarrier-Phase Ambiguities” in April 1995.

was getting a little slow in acquiring satel-lites — or did I get impatient and moredemanding in the meantime? I decid-ed to replace it. I was surprised, to saythe least, by the performance of the newone. Driven by personal curiosity, I decid-ed to objectively assess this improvedcapability with regard to both positionaccuracy and signal tracking ability.

The results of my investigations showthat the accuracy of single point or stand-

alone GPS positioning lies at the few-meter to dekameter level, instead of –naturally – the millimeter to centimeter-level found in high-precision applica-tions. Instead of using raw pseudorangemeasurements, this assessment is basedon the positions as output by the receiv-er. The receiver was first installed at aknown location (static test) and then Irepeatedly drove a particular trajecto-ry in a small van (kinematic test).

Static AnalysisA small external antenna attached to thehandheld receiver was installed at aknown location and measurements weretaken over almost 14.5 hours in July 2002.

Ground Truth. For measuring positionperformance, one should use a locationwith position coordinates known to anaccuracy at least one order better thanthe accuracy of the standalone GPS posi-tioning under assessment. TU Delft main-tains several reference points. One of thesites, part of the European ReferenceFrame (EUREF), sits atop the roof of thebuilding housing the TU Delft Departmentof Geodesy. EUREF is the European den-sification of the International GPS Service(IGS) global tracking network, whichprovides a worldwide fundamental geo-detic reference. The IGS employs, main-tains, and contributes to the InternationalTerrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF). Atpresent, similar to the IGS tracking net-work, EUREF is realized by more than100 permanent stations across Europe:the EUREF Permanent GPS Network.

The geodetic (ellipsoidal) coordinatesof the point (see photo) are availablein ITRF2000 (evaluated at a specific epoch(2002.0), as all points on the Earth’s crustslowly move with respect to each otherdue to plate tectonics), and the local iden-tification of the point is “Marker #18”.

GPS uses a reference system knownas the World Geodetic System 1984

44 GPS World February 2003

(WGS84), consistent with the InternationalTerrestrial Reference System (ITRS). Thecurrent implementation of WGS84 isWGS84 (G1150) of January 2002, andcoordinates in this frame agree at thefew-centimeter level with those inITRF2000. In summary, the coordinatesof the point used are known with cen-timeter accuracy and were used here asabsolute ground truth, to assess the posi-tion accuracy of standalone GPS.

The antenna was centered on the mark-er plate. The offset in height between theantenna’s phase center (to which thereceiver’s positions refer) and the plateis just a few centimeters and has beenneglected.

Positioning. Latitude and longitude, shownin Figure 1, can be interpreted as north andeast coordinates in the local horizontalplane. Most of the positions, over the whole14.5-hour time span, are within 5 metersof the ground truth. No outlying positionsamples were encountered. The horizon-tal dilution of precision (HDOP) was gen-erally between 1 and 2.

Figure 2 shows the ellipsoidal heightas a function of time. Note that local timeis two hours ahead of UTC in TheNetherlands during the summer.

The measurement time span com-prised morning, afternoon, and evening,but no apparent atmospheric effects (inparticular ionospheric) can be observedin Figure 2.

The height varies in a band of 10 meterson either side of ground truth.

For numerical analysis, the differenceof latitude, longitude and height fromthe ground truth has been computed,and Table 1 gives the mean and standarddeviation over the full time span. Asalready indicated by Figures 1 and 2,there is no reason to suspect any sys-

tematic offset or bias in the obtainedposition solutions. The mean positionover all 1,712 samples is in good agree-ment with the ground truth; the devia-tion is only a few decimeters.

The spread in the position solutionsis remarkably small. The precision of theindividual position solution (given bythe standard deviation) is less than 2meters for the horizontal componentsand slightly over 3 meters for the verti-cal. These values are close to those thatcan be obtained with conventional code-differential GPS.

The last row of Table 1 contains the95th sample percentiles of horizontaland vertical position error; 95 percentof the position errors, overthe full time span, are with-in the limits given.

Other Analyses. Of course,I cannot claim that the resultsfrom a single 14.5-hour ses-sion are necessarily typical.In fact, they appear to be rep-resentative of the best SPSresults currently achievable

without differential corrections. Colleagues at the University of New

Brunswick in Fredericton, Canada havealso performed some SPS accuracy tests.Using an OEM receiver and a rooftop-mounted antenna, they collected posi-tion results continuously for two days inDecember 2002 at a nominal 3-secondsampling interval. On December 18, the95 percent horizontal and vertical accu-racies obtained were 5.3 and 6.9 metersrespectively. However, on December 19,the corresponding horizontal and verti-cal accuracies were 9.6 and 9.8 meters.

Dennis Milbert, a geodesist with theU.S. National Geodetic Survey, using areceiver similar to that used in my own

FIGURE 1 Horizontal position scatter (in WGS84)of over 1,700 samples at a 30-second interval.Grid represents the ground truth; circle has 5-meter radius.

4.3876 4.3878 4.388051.9859




East longitude (degrees)


th la


e (d



10 m

FIGURE 2 Height (in WGS84) as function of time;the horizontal line represents the ground-truth.

TABLE 1 Mean and standard deviation of GPS single pointpositions with respect to known reference, over almost14.5 hours of data at a 30-second sampling interval. The95th sample percentile values refer to the (2-D) horizontalposition error and the absolute vertical position error.

latitude longitude heightmean [meters] �0.40 0.50 0.17standard deviation [meters] 1.79 1.82 3.1195th percentile [meters] 4.83 6.34 GPS World February 2003 45

The external antenna atop marker#18, on the roof of TU Delft’sGeodesy building. The site, 30meters above ground level, hasunobstructed visibility of the skyvirtually down to the horizon, 360degrees around.

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2250











Hour of day (UTC)



dal h


t (m



The ContinuingNeed for DGPS The removal of SA has not obviated theneed for differential GPS (DGPS). Although insome places accuracies of stand-alone SPSmight be as good as 5 to 7 meters in thehorizontal, and 8 to 9 meters in the vertical,95 percent of the time, such accuracies areby no means guaranteed. Furthermore, whatabout the remaining five percent of thetime? To obtain horizontal and vertical posi-tion accuracies better than 5 meters withany kind of consistency, differential correc-tions are required. These may come from aregional source such as a coast guardradiobeacon or a wide-area system such asa space-based augmentation system. Thesedifferential systems also provide higherintegrity than that afforded by basic GPS.Users requiring higher accuracy and integri-ty include aircraft, vessels navigating incongested harbors, railroads using precisetrain control, precision farmers and miners,and those entering data into geographicinformation systems.

Removal of SA has meant that DGPS sys-tems do not have to transmit corrections asfrequently. Satellite orbit and clock errorsand ionospheric propagation delay errors,to a certain extent, do not change as quicklyas SA errors did. So DGPS corrections nowremain valid for longer periods than theydid under the SA regime. — R.B.L


tests, collected 2-second position results(subsequently decimated to 30 seconds),more or less continuously for the monthof June 2001. The antenna was locatedin the attic of a Washington, D.C.-areatown house, and an accurate referenceposition was determined for it using dif-ferential carrier-phase observations. Heobtained an overall 95 percent horizon-tal accuracy of 7.7 meters and a 95 per-

ple, just a few minutes apart.Signal tracking. Comparison of the two

histograms of Figure 4 shows that thereceiver rarely misses any visible satel-lite; overall the receiver tracked 95.6 per-cent of the satellites available above thehorizon. Detailed analysis showed thatall satellites above an elevation angle of10 degrees are tracked. Usually a satel-lite is tracked from a few degrees abovethe horizon when it rises, down to a fewdegrees when it sets again, and somesatellites are tracked from horizon tohorizon. Over nearly 14.5 hours, the min-imum number of satellites tracked wasseven, but tracking of seven satellitesoccurred for less than 1 percent of thetime. On average, 10 satellites were trackedsimultaneously. The histograms, boththe number of satellites in view (in blue)and the number of satellites tracked(in green), are bounded to 12 satellites,the maximum number of satellites whichthe receiver can track.

Figure 5 shows the signal-to-noise ratio(actually the carrier-to-noise density ratioC/N0, as output by the receiver and like-ly expressed in dB-Hz) as a function ofsatellite elevation angle. The trend inkeeping with the rule-of-thumb, “thehigher the satellite elevation angle, thestronger the received satellite signal,”can be observed clearly. When a satelliteappears at the horizon, the signal-to-noise ratio is in the range of 30-40 dB-Hz, and it increases up to a maximumof slightly over 50 dB-Hz once the satel-lite is at 50–60 degrees elevation angleor higher.

The trend in Figure 5 is in large mea-sure due to the antenna gain pattern: theantenna is less sensitive to signals arriv-ing at low elevation angles. Low eleva-tion angle signals can be affected by unde-sired reflections (multipath), and theireffect (as they arrive delayed, by thedetour, as compared to the direct pathsignal) on the receiver’s tracking loopsand eventual pseudorange measurementsshould be minimized. Even signals atnegative elevation angles are possible.The antenna gain is therefore typicallyreduced at low elevation angles.

During the full measurement timespan of almost 14.5 hours in Figure 5,all of the 28 available GPS satellites weretracked (each for at least 250 epochs, atthe 30-second interval).

Kinematic AnalysisThe antenna was mounted on the backof a small van (see photo), and the same

cent vertical accuracy of 14.3 meters. Comprehensive Testing. The U.S. Federal

Aviation Administration assesses SPSperformance through observations madecontinuously at more than a dozen sitesaround the country. It reports 95 percenthorizontal and vertical accuracies in itsquarterly performance reports; these val-ues are usually between 5 and 7 metersand around 8 to 10 meters, respectively.

Correlations. The auto-correlation func-tion of the height determinations appearsin Figure 3. The lag along the horizontalaxis is given in terms of 30-second inter-vals. At lag zero, the correlation coeffi-cient is 1 by definition. The correlation inthe position coordinates extends over sev-eral tens of minutes. The correlation is 0.5at about lag 20, corresponding to 10 min-utes. Only after more than half an hourdoes the correlation drop off to about zero.

Why are the sequentially determinedheights so correlated? Causes for theobserved time correlation can lie in effectsof error sources not (or not sufficiently)accounted for by models employed andwhich change (at the decimeter-meter

level) relatively slowly, as for instanceatmospheric delays. Secondly, filteringby the receiver itself introduces corre-lation in its output. The latter effect isnot believed to be severe, as the receiv-er seems to respond adequately to changesin motion (accelerations), both slow andvery sudden.

Although the receiver provides newpositions at a high rate (up to once persecond), the successive positions definitelydo not represent independent samples.On the other hand, the correlation impliesthat coordinate differences can possesssub-meter precision (standard deviation),provided that the positions are observedat closely spaced epochs in time, for exam-

FIGURE 3 Auto-correlation function of heightfrom 1,700 samples at 30-second intervals

0 50 100 150–0.2








Lag, τ (30-second epochs)


FIGURE 4 Histograms of number of satellites in view (left) and tracked (right) in static test overalmost 14.5 hours; no elevation cut-off angle was imposed, and there was unobstructed visi-bility of the sky down to the horizon

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 140











Number of satellites in view



e fr






4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 140













e fr






Number of satellites tracked

FIGURE 5 Carrier-to-noise density ratio versussatellite elevation angle of observation in statictest. Colors designate different satellites.

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 9020








Elevation angle (degrees)


0 [d



46 GPS World February 2003



48 GPS World February 2003

trajectory was driven, both ways, fivetimes. The drive starts just outside thetown of Delft, in The Netherlands’ met-ropolitan area, taking highways pastbuilt-up areas of Rotterdam and Dordrecht.It ends in the provincial town ofRoosendaal, 50 kilometers south of Delft,right in the town-center, after a few kilo-meters track over local streets througha built-up area.

Positions were recorded at 2-secondintervals, at highway driving speeds of80 to 100 kilometers per hour, over a one-hour run. For thepurpose of repeata-bility, I always drovein the same right-hand lane. The mea-surements were car-ried out on differentdays from Julythrough September2002.

Positioning. For thekinematic test, Iconsidered position

the driving speed was usually about 90kilometers per hour.

Though a precise reference trajecto-ry is absent, the good physical repeata-bility allows us to partly assess posi-tioning accuracy numerically underkinematic circumstances. I have exam-ined the across track (horizontal) errorand the height error over ten one-wayruns in the forward direction (using fiveadditional runs in this direction,September–December). Table 2 gives theempirical standard deviations and the

repeatability instead of establishing pre-cise ground truth. Figure 6 shows fiveruns in each direction, outbound in redand return in blue. Street width is indi-cated at two spots on the graph. The areain the middle of the single lane round-about in the right lower corner has an18-meter diameter.

On a straight section of highway, abouthalfway through the trip, the desiredtrack could be followed to within a fewdecimeters. There is generally an unob-structed view of the sky at this site, and

The kinematic test included travel on the A16 multilane highway.

The external antenna mount-ed on the back of the van.The roof is about 1.8 metersabove the road surface.

Each GPS satellite currently in orbit transmits two positioning signals: L1centred on a carrier frequency of 1575.42 MHz and L2 centred on 1227.60MHz. Modulated onto the L1 carrier are two pseudorandom noise (PRN)codes: the 1 millisecond-long Coarse/Acquisition (C/A)-code with a chip-ping rate of 1.023 megachips per second and a week-long segment of theencrypted precision (P)-code with a chipping rate of 10.23 megachips persecond. The C/A-code and the one-week segment of the P-code are uniqueto each satellite. Also superimposed on the carrier is the navigation mes-sage, which, among other items, includes the ephemeris data describingthe satellite’s position and clock correction terms. The encrypted P-codeand the navigation message modulate the L2 carrier – the C/A-code is notpresent. Provision of the C/A-code to all GPS users is known as the StandardPositioning Service (SPS).

The encrypted P-code (called the Y-code) is available only to users autho-rized by the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) through the PrecisePositioning Service (PPS). A receiver with a cryptographic key is required forPPS access. The encryption procedure is known as anti-spoofing and wasformally activated on all Block II satellites on January 31, 1994.

Tests conducted in the late 1980s showed that use of single-frequencyC/A-code measurements provided position accuracies approaching those ofdual-frequency P-code measurements, especially during benign ionosphericconditions. In response, the DoD decided to limit the accuracy afforded bythe SPS by purposefully degrading the SPS signal through a procedure calledSelective Availability (SA). SA was effected through satellite clock dithering –manipulating the frequency of the satellite clock which affects all code andphase measurements. SA was imposed at a level which would yield a statedSPS horizontal position accuracy of 100 metres or better 95 percent of thetime for any point in the world during a measurement interval of one day.The corresponding vertical positioning accuracy was 156 meters or better.On May 2, 2000, the SA level was set to zero. SPS users immediately saw aquantum jump in positioning accuracy. Some users reported twice distance-root-mean-square errors of 10 meters or less.

With the removal of SA, uncorrected ionospheric delay and multipath are

the largest SPS error sources. Whereas dual-frequency PPSreceivers can remove almost all of the ionospheric delay on

their measurements, single-frequency SPS receivers must rely on an empiri-cal model to reduce the effect of the ionosphere. The GPS navigation mes-sage includes parameter values for such a prediction model. However, thismodel typically accounts for only about 50 percent of the actual delay onaverage. Residual range errors can vary from a meter or so to 7 meters ormore. The effect of multipath can be reduced through the use of specialantennas and sophisticated receiver designs. However, most SPS receivershave no special provisions for attenuating multipath effects. Investigatorshave reported measured multipath on pseudoranges of about half a meteror less in benign environments and up to 4 to 5 meters or so in some highlyreflective areas.

According to the U.S. government’s 2001 Federal RadionavigationSystems report, “SPS [now] provides a global average predictable position-ing accuracy of 13 meters (95 percent) horizontally and 22 meters (95 per-cent) vertically.” These values should be considered as rather pessimisticeven though they only account for signal-in-space errors (satellite orbit andclock errors) and do not account for the single-frequency ionospheric modelerrors, tropospheric delay model errors, multipath, or receiver noise. As theaccompanying article helps illustrate, currently achieved horizontal SPSaccuracies at a 95 percent probability level at sites with minimal multipathare often better than 7 meters – sometimes even better than 5 meters. SPSusers can achieve even higher positioning accuracies through the use of dif-ferential GPS (DGPS) corrections from public or commercial DGPS serviceproviders.

Under the GPS modernization program, a civil PRN code will be added tothe L2 signal to be transmitted by the Block IIR-M satellites which will belaunched starting in 2003 or 2004. The use of L2 code measurements alongwith those on L1 will virtually eliminate the ionospheric delay error and fur-ther improve SPS positioning accuracy. A third civil signal will be added onthe L5 frequency (1176.45 MHz) for use in safety-of-life applications. L5 canalso serve as a redundant signal to the GPS L1 signal. The L5 signal will betransmitted by Block IIF satellites with the first launch scheduled for 2005.

— R.B.L.

The Standard Positioning Service

50 GPS World February 2003

total spread (maximum difference betweentwo runs).

The standard deviation of the heightcomponent is slightly larger than that

the example of Figure 6), and is also inline with the results of the static test.

Signal Tracking. Small obstacles (forexample portals and overpasses) arebridged “unnoticed” by the receiver; itkeeps on providing full position solu-tions at the required 2-second interval,and it keeps tracking the satellites (atleast the higher-elevation angle ones).The only significant problem with sig-nal reception was encountered in theDrecht Tunnel (see Figure 7). At a nom-inal speed of 90 kilometers per hour (25meters per second), the interruption whiletraveling in the tunnel lasts for slightlymore than 20 seconds (10 samples).Though the receiver indicates that nosatellite signals are being received at all,it still outputs positions (apparently itextrapolates on previous positions, ascan be seen in the graph on the rightof Figure 7). Only when the tunnel is dri-ven through slowly (with the satelliteblockage lasting for more than 20 sec-onds) does the receiver eventually stopproviding position solutions.

Concerning the number of satellites,a slight discrepancy has been observedbetween the signal-to-noise ratios (deter-

obtained in the static test, but for theacross-track error it is clearly smallerthan those for latitude and longitude asgiven in Table 1.

With the equipment used, multipathdoes not seem to be a concern. The metalsurface of a car is not a benign envi-ronment for a sensitive GPS antenna, letalone other vehicles (such as large trucks)in the direct vicinity and tall structuresalong the road. With different satellitegeometries over many days, the positionrepeatability is surprisingly good (see

Further Reading For the official government policy on the Standard PositioningService levels of performance, see

• Global Positioning System Standard Positioning ServicePerformance Standard, by the U.S. Department of Defense,Washington, D.C., October 2001. Online version available at<>

For the Federal Aviation Administration’s quarterly SPS perfor-mance analyses, see

• Global Positioning System (GPS) Standard Positioning Service(SPS) Performance Analysis Reports, prepared by the William J. Hughes Technical Center, Atlantic City International Airport, New Jersey. The reports are available on line at<>

For daily statistical analyses of GPS signal-in-space errors anddaily PPS performance reports, see

• U.S. Space Command GPS Support Center <>

For further details on the SPS accuracy analyses carried out byDennis Milbert, see

• GPS Accuracy Monitor <>.

For a discussion of the effect of ionospheric delay on SPS, see• “Variations in Point Positioning Accuracies for Single Frequency

GPS Users During Solar Maximum” by S. Skone, V. Hoyle, S. Lee andS. Poon in Geomatica, Vol. 56, No. 2, 2002, pp. 131-140.

For a discussion of the temporal correlation on standalone GPSpositioning, see

• “Temporal Impact of Selected GPS Errors on Point Positioning”by M. Olynik, M.G. Petovello, M.E. Cannon and G. Lachapelle in GPSSolutions, Vol. 6, No. 1-2, 2002, pp. 47-57.

4.455 4.456 4.457 4.458 4.459 4.46 4.46151.5270








100 m

7 m

13 m

East longitude (degrees)


th la


e (d



TABLE 2 Kinematic positioning repeata-bility; standard deviation and maxi-mum range of (horizontal) across-trackand height error, in meters.

across-track heightstandard deviation [m] 1.03 3.67max-min [m] 2.95 10.13

FIGURE 6 Position repeatability over thelast part of the trajectory through a built-up area, with driving speeds up to 50 kilo-meters per hour. The photo at right istaken at the arrow; the street consists hereof two single lanes, 4 meters wide, with a5-meter green section in the middle.

Circle 11

Innovation GPS World February 2003 51

mining the number of satellites tracked)and the number of satellites in use forthe position solution, as indicated by thereceiver. When a satel- lite signal is lost,for instance by passing some overheadobstruction, the signal-to-noise ratiodrops to zero immediately, but the num-ber of satellites used in the position solu-tion is adapted, apparently with a delayof a few seconds. Consequently, valuesfor the number of satellites in use, as out-put by the receiver itself, may yield a sta-tistic that is too optimistic. The numberof satellites tracked, as presented in thisarticle, is therefore based on the num-ber of satellites with non-zero signal-to-noise ratios.

Figure 8 presents the number of satel-lites, accumulated over all runs. On aver-age, eight satellites were tracked duringthe kinematic test. Compare these per-formances with the histogram of Figure4 for the static test with unobstructedview of the sky.

Figure 9 shows the last part of thetrajectory in the built-up area, where theindividual position solutions are color-coded to indicate the number of satel-lites tracked; positions from fewer thanthe minimum number of four satel-lites are colored red, those from morethan seven satellites blue, and those from4, 5, 6, and 7 satellites are colored magen-ta, yellow, green, and cyan respective-ly. Again, five runs are shown, both ways.

Data LoggingData for all tests were output in NMEA0183 format at a 2-second interval (thereceiver sends the NMEA messages at4800 bits per second). The NMEA sen-tences were logged, over the serial RS232connection, to files on a simple laptopcomputer, by means of a rudimentaryprogram running under MS-DOS.

Concluding RemarksStatic and kinematic tests carried outwith a simple, current commercial hand-held GPS receiver showed good over-all performance. Standalone positionaccuracy was shown to be at the few-meter level (standard deviation). Trackingcapabilities and position availability werefound to be excellent. Accumulated overall kinematic runs, seven satellites ormore (with four being the absolute min-imum for a full three-dimensional posi-tion solution) were available for 92 per-cent of the time.

Note that the trials underlying theseresults are of a “snapshot” character;

27C external antenna provided the datafor the Dutch tests.

The UNB tests used a MobileKnowledge Inc. (Kanata, Ontario,Canada) MKN5610 evaluation kit. TheWashington, D.C.-area tests used aGarmin GPS Map 76.

“Innovation” is a regu-lar column featuring discussions aboutrecent advances inGPS technology and itsapplications as well asthe fundamentals ofGPS positioning. Thecolumn is coordinated

by Richard Langley of the Departmentof Geodesy and Geomatics Engineeringat the University of New Brunswick. Tocontact him, see the “Columnists” sec-tion on page 2 of this issue.

they referto one par-ticularreceiver atone spe-cific placeon Earth,and to alimitedinterval oftime —although

the kinematic trials represent more than15 hours of measurements over sixmonths. Furthermore, these resultsare based on a redundant GPS constel-lation with up to 28 healthy — thoughfor the majority ageing — satellites, where-as the nominal constellation featuresonly 24 satellites. �

ManufacturersA Garmin Ltd. (Olathe, Kansas) GPS 76handheld receiver fed by a Garmin GA-

FIGURE 8 Histogram of number of satellitestracked, accumulated over all runs in the kine-matic test, representing in total more than 700km of measurements

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 140







Number of satellites tracked



e fr






FIGURE 9 Number of satellites tracked along the trajectory. Foliage (see Figure 6) does notseem to affect signal reception. A narrow streetnorth of the roundabout, with houses of up tothree-storeys, reduces the number of satellitestracked incidentally to the minimum of four.

4.455 4.456 4.457 4.458 4.459 4.460 4.46151.5270








100 m

East longitude (degrees)


th la


e (d



<44 5 6 7 >7

Handheld GPS receiverused for the experiments.

FIGURE 7 The Drecht Tunnel under theOude Maas River in Dordrecht blockssatellite signal reception over a distanceof more than 550 meters. During ashort period without signal reception, the receiver provides positions by extrapolation;between entrance and exit however, the tunnel changes heading by about 60 degrees,and a significant correction (jump) in position is experienced upon exiting the tunnel,when the satellite signals are re-acquired; five runs are shown both ways. The individualposition solutions are represented by dots, color-coded to indicate the number of satel-lites tracked. the receiver quickly re-acquires satellite signals upon leaving the tunnel.

4.635 4.640 4.645 4.650 4.655 4.66051.802








200 m



East longitude (degrees)


th la


e (d



<44 5 6 7 >7

