Ingredion Media Relations Book


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IngredionHow Ingredion is helping job growth in the United States

Howling PR Team: Alesia Howard, Cris Lauer, Patricia Nicandro & Aaron WestbrookPRAD 562 • DePaul University • March 21, 2013

Media Relations • Team 4 • DePaul University

Table of Contents

I. Media Goal & Objectives ! 4



II. Media Coverage Analysis! 5




III. Media Contact List! 8





IV. Journalist Dossiers and Q&A Guide! 11



V. Email Pitches! 16



VI. Spokespeople & Third Party Sources! 18



Media Relations • Team 4 • DePaul University

VII. Information Subsidies! 20





VIII. Measurement & Evaluation! 22

Media Relations • Team 4 • DePaul University

I. Media Goal & Objectives

Ingredion Incorporated is one of the world’s leading ingredient solutions providers; turning corn, tapioca, wheat, potatoes and other raw materials into a myriad of ingredients for the food, beverage, brewing and pharmaceutical industries as well as numerous industrial sectors. With more than 10,000 employees around the world, Ingredion serves customers in more than 60 diverse markets in over 40 countries.

Though this FORTUNE 500 company is known well by the Stock Exchange and other financial institutions, it needs to increase coverage in major media outlets to attract additional stakeholders (i.e., potential investors and employees).


To be identified through earned media as a company that drives job growth in the United States.


• To obtain favorable media coverage in 10 major news outlets (e.g., New York Times, Wall Street Journal, USA Today, etc.) about Ingredion within a 6-month period (from April 2013 to October 2013).

• To increase the amount of job inquiries (e.g., e-mails about Ingredion’s careers, job applications received, etc.) by 15% within one year (from October 2013 to October 2014).


INGREDION INCORPORATEDHeadquarters: Westchester, IL

Employees Worldwide: 11,000+

Employees US: Approx. 1,900

Open positions US: 88 (as of 3/21/13)

II. Media Coverage Analysis


Top news sources:• American Banking and Market News• Chicago Tribune• Crain’s Chicago• Localized USA• Reuters• Wall Street Journal• Zacks Investment

Trending coverage:• Ribbon cutting ceremony for Ingredion’s

Bedford Park facility with Gov. Quinn• Corn Products International changes name

to Ingredion to better reflect its brand• Ingredion looks to expand internationally• Positive investment ratings• Quarterly earnings beat expectations

After doing searches on Lexis Nexus, ProQuest, NewsBank, EBSCOhost, and Google, we found that most of the coverage on Ingredion came from business and financial sources, such as Crain’s Chicago Business, American Bank and Market News, and Zacks Investment. From these sources, we gather that Ingredion’s financial status is stable. Over the last year, Zacks and financial service providers like BMO Capital Markets and Citigroup, have tracked Ingredion’s

financial ratings and revealed that Ingredion’s financials never fell below “neutral.” In fact, reports have displayed Ingredion’s outperform ranking, as well as Ingredion selling thousands of shares since December 2012.

Crain’s, on the other hand, only appeared in my Google searches of Ingredion. Unlike the other reports from Zacks and American Banking, we found more statements directly from the executive management team rather than a summary of stock quotes. Ingredion CEO Ilene Gordon and VP/Controller Matthew Galvanoni both had interviews with Crain’s within the last year, except Gordon’s interview focused more on Ingredion’s business while Galvanoni’s was mostly geared towards his own career. Ganvanoni said that he plans to “[get] out and [meet] people to better understand specific business issues in the countries where Ingredion operates.” While Gordon divulged, "We are looking at Asia and Eastern Europe for geographic expansion as well as looking at broadening our portfolio for other ingredients that will make us more important to our customers.” Crain’s is the most active in covering Ingredion’s progress, but Ingredion must move beyond local and financial publications to get noticed by the general public.

Though Ingredion has been mentioned in major publications, like the Wall Street Journal and Chicago Tribune, it is very clear that Ingredion needs a boost in media coverage. The most recent articles in the aforementioned publications cite Ingredion as


an example in a larger story. For instance, the Wall Street Journal wrote an article about international expansions and how companies like Ingredion are losing money due to the tax jurisdictions in countries like Brazil, India, and China. Moreover, before Ingredion’s recent article in the New York Times (dated March 16, 2013, we discovered the last time the newspaper wrote a story on Ingredion was in 2008 (four years before Corn Productions International announced its name change in June 2012). Ingredion’s biggest competitor Archer Daniels Midland (ADM), however, had two articles in the New York Times last year – one about its profits exceeding analysts’ estimates, and the other on the company’s bid for GrainCorp. Cargill, another Ingredion competitor, had its CEO Greg Page write an op-ed about food security in The Washington Post. In EBSCOhost, we were unable to find a single article in The Washington Post concerning Ingredion. If Ingredion is going to be noticed by potential investors, clients, and employees, it needs to have feature stories in major publications as its competitors.

Though these are not trends in the media coverage, we also uncovered unique findings about Ingredion.

Noteworthy topics:• Consumption of high fructose corn syrup

falls, Ingredion cited (Chicago Tribune, January 2013)

• Ingredion facility in Bedford Park listed as one of Cook County’s biggest greenhouse gas emitters (Chicagoist, January 2013)

• World Business Chicago enlarges its board, adds Ingredion CEO Ilene Gordon (Chicago Sun-Times, October 2012)

• Concern over salmonella with Ingredion subsidiary (Chicago Tribune, July 2012)

• Class action lawsuit against Ingredion for failing to pay its employees vacation wages (PRWeb, October 2012)

Ingredion should track these stories on an ongoing basis, especially the negative ones regarding the lawsuit, salmonella, decline of high fructose corn syrup, and increase of greenhouse gas emissions (should a crisis arise). Now, we understand why Ingredion’s Director of Corporate Communications Claire Regan advised our class to stay away from a “green angle” and direct our focus on other topics, like Ingredion’s strong female leadership and innovative practices.


Top sources and spokespeople:

• FORTUNE Magazine• New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)• Ilene Gordon, CEO• Cheryl K. Beebe, CFO

Top overall coverage:• Corn Products International changes name

to Ingredion to better reflect its brand• Ingredion facility in Bedford Park listed as

one of Cook County’s biggest greenhouse gas emitters (Chicagoist, January 2013)

• Corn Products International receives honors from Fortune Magazine (identified as a “Most Admired” company and Fortune 500 company)

• Overview of financial results


• Quarterly earnings beat expectations• Ingredion presents at financial conferences

and other industry-related events (i.e., Deutsche Bank Global Consumer Conference, Analysts Day)

• New leadership announcements for the company and board

The majority of Ingredion’s news releases over the past year are financial updates, as it is in my review of Ingredion’s media coverage. Though financial updates are dominant, you can see a shift in the news releases once Corn Products International changed its name to Ingredion in June 2012. The story content became more varied and longer. For instance, Ingredion produced news releases that announced new leadership – the company appointing Matthew Galvanoni as VP/Controller in August 2012 and the Ingredion board of directors electing Christine Castellano as SVP, General Counsel & Board Secretary in September 2012. In these news releases, CEO Ilene Gordon and CFO Cheryl K. Beebe appear more vocal than in previous releases for Corn Products International, such as their Fortune “Most Admired” statements in March 2012.

In addition, events are being covered in more detail since the rebrand. If you look at news releases about the presentations Corn Products International made at the Deutsche Bank conferences in Mexico City and Paris, they do not explain anything about the events or why Corn Products International was even presenting. Skip ahead to the news releases about Ingredion’s role in NYSE Analyst Day and the ribbon-cutting ceremony at Ingredion’s Bedford Park facility, and you see that Ingredion provides thorough accounts for each event with many quotes from Ingredion

leaders, as well as public figures like Governor Pat Quinn.


As mentioned earlier, you can sense that financial news has been the main focus of Ingredion over the last year as evidenced in Ingredion’s newsroom and the media searches in Lexis Nexus, ProQuest, NewsBank, EBSCOhost, and Google. While Ingredion’s stable financials are (of course) something to boast about, Ingredion needs a better hook to capture the attention of major publications. Additionally, Ingredion must have feature stories that would entice a broader audience in order to build its SEO. For example, in our search we saw that the Chicago Sun-Times reported CEO Ilene Gordon was added to the World Business Chicago board. In the Ingredion newsroom, we spotted a news release about CFO Cheryl K. Beebe receiving the 2012 CFO of the Year by the Financial Executives International Chicago Chapter. One would think that a major publication would pick up the story on two female executives running a Fortune 500 company, but that story has yet to be told.

In addition, we researched the innovations Regan and her colleague Aaron Hoffman referred to in our class and, the results only came from small publications. For instance, wrote a piece on Ingredion’s clean label start technology on February 26, 2013. Clearly, the Ingredion communications team should find a way to pitch these innovations to major publications.

All in all, Ingredion needs a less conservative approach in its stories to grab media attention.


III. Media Contact ListReporter/Editor Name Title/Beat Media Outlet Phone E-mailBob Tita Correspondent in

ManufacturingDow Jones Newswire

(312) 948-4600

Bobbie Gossage Articles Editor Inc. Magazine (212) 389-5344 bgossage@inc.comDavid Schaper Reporter NPR National

Desk / Chicago and Midwest

(312) 750-4129

Jim Puzzanghera Staff Writer Los Angeles Times Business

(202) 824-8345

John Huber Sr. Producer FOX News Channel

(212) 301-3027

Margo Baumgart Sr. Producer Good Morning America/ABC News

(212) 456-5947

Maxwell Murphy Sr. Editor Wall Street Journal CFO Journal

(212) 416-2171

Michael Fletcher National Correspondent

The Washington Post Business

(202) 334-7433

Stephanie Genkin Segment Producer

CNN Your Money

(212) 275-7978

Stephanie Siegel Booking Producer


(312) 836-5567

Tim Mullaney Reporter USA Today Money

(212) 715-5425


Bobbie Gossage, Inc. Magazine Articles Editor | Gossage is the Articles Editor for Inc. Magazine, as well as the magazine’s former Senior Editor. As an editor, Gossage generally writes two to three articles per year in the “Launch” and “The Way I Work” sections of Inc., assigning the remainder to her staff. Gossage’s writing mainly focuses on start-ups or interviews with business book authors, such as Starbucks CEO Howard Shultz. Yet, Ingredion may be able to peak Gossage’s interest by pitching the company’s increasing national job creation on the heels of its highly anticipated acquisition of National Starch and the first-class leadership of recently appointed CEO Ilene Gordon. Search results do not reveal any previous Inc. Magazine coverage of Ingredion, nor Ilene Gordon.


Jim Puzzanghera, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer | Puzzanghera is someone the Ingredion communications team should pitch to. Puzzanghera covers national business issues and discusses labor and unemployment nationwide. Ingredion is a company that is thriving in tough economic times, which is important national and local news for Puzzanghera to report. In addition, California is the top producer of agricultural products in the nation. Ingredion CEO Ilene Gordon said to Crain’s Chicago Business, “We are looking at broadening our portfolio for other ingredients that will make us more important to our customers.” Therefore, California is a state where Ingredion may look for more ingredient opportunities.

Maxwell Murphy, Wall Street Journal Sr. Editor | Murphy is the Senior Editor who reported on Ingredion CFO Cheryl K. Beebe in the WSJ CFO Journal. As our class learned from the journalist panel on January 31, 2013, most reporters keep companies on file. Claire Regan, Ingredion Corporate Communication Director, should return to Murphy with more success stories, such as the facility expansion in Bedford Park, INGR stocks 52-week high, etc.

Michael Fletcher, The Washington Post National Correspondent | The Washington Post is another publication where Ingredion’s competitors have received more coverage, like Cargill CEO Greg Page writing an op-ed about food security. Ingredion also needs a story in The Washington Post to demonstrate its dominance and expertise in the ingredients industry. Michael Fletcher is the best reporter to approach because he covers enterprise on a national level. Ingredion’s enterprise is strong and steady, which in turn, means the opportunity for job growth and new innovations.

Tim Mullaney, USA Today Reporter | Mullaney covers innovation and the ongoing impact of the financial and credit crisis for USA Today. In fact, Mullaney recently wrote an article about the jobless rate rising in 26 states, as of August 2012. Ingredion, on the other hand, is advertising plenty of job opportunities across the nation. If you visit Ingredion’s career site, you will see that 64 jobs are being offered in Illinois, California, Indiana, Missouri, New Jersey, and North Carolina. Ingredion’s communications team can relay this information to Mullaney. Additionally, Ingredion can give exclusives to Mullaney about its innovative ingredient solutions.


Margo Baumgart, Good Morning America Sr. Producer (ABC) | Good Morning America (GMA) is the top morning news show in the country and is rising in popularity due to Robin Roberts’s return. GMA covers a variety of topics from celebrities to politics to business. Ingredion can benefit by contacting Baumgart who concentrates on “general business for ABC network shows.” GMA has covered both positive and negative company stories, so Ingredion can pitch its acquisitions, expansions, and job growth to Baumgart. In addition, GMA stories are also covered in other ABC news programs such as Nightline and World News with Diane Sawyer.


Stephanie Siegel, TODAY Show Booking Producer (NBC) | Like GMA, the TODAY Show is one of the leading morning news shows. Unlike GMA, TODAY has a booking producer in Chicago (not far from Ingredion’s headquarters). Stephanie Siegel, TODAY Booking Producer, is accessible to the Ingredion communications team and executive staff. Therefore, it would be easy to arrange an on-camera interview with CEO Ilene Gordon at NBC Tower in downtown Chicago versus flying to New York.

Stephanie Genkin, Your Money Segment Producer (CNN) | CNN is a cable news channel, but it’s one of the most reliable sources among PR professionals and journalists. And, CNN’s Your Money with Ali Velshi is no exception. It has recently held interviews with CEOs like Sir James Dyson of Dyson vacuums and covered stories on growth with companies like Google. Thus, Ingredion should contact Segment Producer Stephanie Genkin. According to Gorkana, “[Genkin] is the best point of contact for guest pitches for Your Money.”

John Huber, FOX News Sr. Producer | FOX News is another cable channel that has a large audience. FOX News has a reputation for being conservative similar to Ingredion, and I thought it would be a good match between the company and news channel. Sr. Producer John Huber focuses on business programming, so Ingredion should pitch Ingredion’s business model and job growth to him.


David Schaper, National Public Radio Reporter (NPR) | NPR has one of the highest news circulations at 34 million. Ingredion wants to reach as many stakeholders as it possibly can, so NPR is a sensible choice. The radio program also has a website, which makes sharing articles and audio clips about Ingredion’s expansion very simple. Reporter David Schaper is the reporter for NPR’s Chicago and Midwest desk. Therefore, Schaper is the best contact for Regan and Hoffman.


Bob Tita, Dow Jones Newswire Manufacturing Correspondent | Tita has written past SWOT analyses of Ingredion, the most recent of which appeared in 2005. This speaks to Tita’s business-centric writing style, as he comments mainly on how business practices affect a firm’s financial success. This may be a fairly natural pitch for Ingredion because the firm has consistently been reporting strong financials, yet Tita will want the pitch to tell him something he does not know. The recommended angle for this story is to give Tita new insight into Ingredion’s future growth such as how further expansion, whether in the U.S., Europe, or Asia, will only help the domestic employment situation.


IV. Journalist Dossiers and Q&A Guide


Desk: (212) 715-5425

Cell: (973) 713-1119


Twitter handle: @timmullaney


• J.D. Law, University of Maryland School of Law (1995)• M.S. Journalism, Columbia University (1987)• B.A. Politics, The Catholic University of America

Job Activities / Experience

• USA Today, National Economics Correspondent (2011 – present)• PhoCusWright, Editorial Director / Financial Analyst (2011 – present)• BAGEM LLC, C.E.O. (2010)• Bloomberg News, Technology Reporter (2006)


• The only bio found on Mullaney is on the PhoCusWright website. Mullaney is based in suburban New Jersey. He travels mostly in the U.S., often with his wife Kim and son Sam, who still fondly recalls the thrill of his first Platinum hotel upgrade.

• On Twitter, Mullaney tweets occasionally (last tweet was February 22, 2013. He mainly tweets questions for articles he’s working on, most relate to the economy. Tweets/retweets stories from other outlets, but never his own articles from USA Today.

• Shared contact: Matt Ragas, Assistant Director of PR at DePaul University. He worked with worked with Mullaney 15 years ago at an investment website.

News Beat

• Focuses on covering innovation, economic policy and the ongoing impact of the financial and credit crisis.


Frequency of Public Articles

• 1-4 articles per week

Cover Stories / Noteworthy Articles

• A city readies for defense job cuts; Charleston, S.C., looks to diversify. (USA Today, Money Section, February 2013)

• Business leaders cool to deal; Fiscal cliff agreement falls short, some say. (USA Today, Money Section, January 2013)

• Citigroup slimdown part of larger trend; 11,000 jobs cut as it grapples with new world of banking. (USA Today, Money Section, December 2012)

• Fiscal cliff fears may be getting contagious. (USA Today, Money Section, December 2012)

Q&A with Ilene Gordon, Ingredion CEO for USA Today’s Money Section

Question:What was your response to the White House’s fiscal cliff agreement? We noticed executives who invest in job-creating plants and equipment gave it a much cooler reception?

Answer:Ingredion is comfortable with the deal, because our business is steady. Our company has made it through a lot of successful milestones in 2013 already. Recently, our fourth quarter earnings increased 17% and we’ve been recognized as a FORTUNE 500 company for a seventh time. Through our strategic acquisitions, strong margins, and positive reputation, we will continue to grow. We’re fortunate to be a company that’s thriving in this economic climate.

Question:How has “insourcing” helped expand Ingredion’s business in the U.S.?

Answer:Ingredion has manufacturing, R&D and sales offices in over 40 countries. By doing business in these countries, we are looking at broadening our portfolio for other ingredients that will make us more important to our customers. We can possibly bring new ingredients and innovations to our facilities in the U.S.

Question:Why is investing in Ingredion a good idea?


Answer:Just look at our investment portfolio. Ingredion’s numbers remain consistent on MarketWatch and our financials haven’t fallen below “neutral.” And, unlike our competitors, we were able to get those big acquisitions to help us grow. We have more facilities, jobs and innovations; our new clean label starch technology is a clear example of this.


Outlet: Inc. Magazine

Desk: (212) 389-5344


Twitter handle: @bobbiegossage


• B.A. Journalism, New York University (1998)

Job Activities / Experience

• Inc. Magazine, Articles Editor (2011 – present)• Inc. Magazine, Sr. Editor (2008-2011)• Worth Magazine, Staff Reporter/Writer (1999-2002)• Equity Magazine, Assistant Editor/Reporter (1999-2000)


• No bio online bio on Gossage; had to consult Twitter. On Twitter, Gossage tweets many articles from Inc. not written by her. She also has friendly interactions with reporters and editors from Inc., as well as other publications such as Fast Company, Ad Age, and Glamour.

News Beat

• Edits the "Launch" and "Way I Work" sections (front and back of book) of Inc. She mostly assigns stories, but does occasionally write articles. Prefers contacts by email. Pitch up to three months in advance.

Frequency of Public Articles

• Quarterly


Cover Stories / Noteworthy Articles

• Business is War, Learn to Adapt; Inc. 5000 CEOs and the Pat Tillman Foundation offer invaluable tips to veteran entrepreneurs at the Inc. 5000 conference, about starting and growing a business. (Inc. Magazine, Online Article, October 2012)

• The Soft Sell; an article about Rand Fishkin, CEO and co-founder of SEOmoz and why he doesn’t hire salespeople. (Inc. Magazine, Launch Section, July/August 2012)

• Howard Schultz on How to Lead a Turnaround; In his new book, Onward, the Starbucks founder describes how he overcame slumping sales and quality control issues that threatened to destroy the company he had built. (Inc. Magazine, Launch Section, July/August 2012)

• Weak Economy; Strong Companies; Inc. 5000 CEOs remain optimistic despite economic uncertainty. (Inc. Magazine, Launch Section, October 2011)

Q&A with Cheryl K. Beebe, Ingredion CFO for Inc.’s “The Way I Work” Section

Question:What is the most striking difference between your day-to-day operations as CFO and those you experienced when you first began with Ingredion, or CPC, as it was known then?

Answer:My decisions impact the company on a grand scale, and I operate under an incredibly large microscope. My daily routine, then, becomes a little more about calm and focus now that I am at the financial helm of a Fortune 500 company.

Question:When you began your career, did you have aspirations to one day own the role of CFO? Now, at the top of your game in the manufacturing industry and partnered with CEO Ilene Gordon, how is the industry changing in its everyday treatment of women?

Answer:I knew I wanted to progress and financials were my strong suit. It was not until later in my career when I realized just how adept I was in investment leadership and stewardship, which set me trailblazing along this path to my appointment as CFO. Our CEO Ilene Gordon is a tested leader, who addresses people confidently and has the necessary business acumen to communicate under the watchful eyes of investors, clients, and employees. Examples such as her’s help people, especially women, in any industry to be recognized for genuine talents and skill sets. To sum it up, companies like Ingredion benefit from a genuinely empowered and inspired workforce that is exploiting greater opportunity for the organization.


Question:Can you forecast “The Way I Work” for Ingredion’s incoming workforce?

Answer:We’re hiring new, skilled workers from all sectors, updating and expanding existing facilities, as well as building new ones. Ingredion’s “Way I Work” is one of growth opportunity and encouragement for bright minds.


V. Email PitchesEMAIL PITCH 1

To: Tim Mullaney

From: Alesia Howard

cc: Claire Regan, Aaron Hoffman, Cris Lauer, Patricia Nicandro, Aaron Westbrook

Date: March 21, 2013

Re: Many CEOs still hiring: What Ingredion is doing differently

Hi Tim,

I hope this e-mail finds you well. A mutual friend of ours, Matt Ragas encouraged me to contact you since you write about the U.S. financial and credit crisis, particularly the jobless rate. I have a company that will give your readers hope that there are businesses still offering jobs in this tough economic time. Ingredion is the perfect example of this.

Ingredion is one of the world’s leading ingredient solutions providers. They turn raw materials like corn, wheat and potatoes into a combination of ingredients for the food, beverage, brewing and pharmaceutical industries, which offers many employment opportunities. Today, Ingredion’s career site has 88 job openings in Illinois, California, North Carolina, Indiana, New Jersey, and Missouri. As of December 31, 2011 Ingredion had approximately 11,100 employees, 1,900 of which were located in the U.S.

Clearly, Ingredion is leading the pack when it comes to job growth. If you’d like, I can introduce to Ingredion CEO Ilene Gordon. She would be thrilled to discuss how the company is able to offer jobs domestically. If you would like more information or if you want to schedule a time to meet, feel free to contact me.

I look forward to hearing from you soon!



Alesia Howard, AssociateHowling PR(312)



To: Bobbie Gossage

From: Alesia Howard

cc: Claire Regan, Aaron Hoffman, Cris Lauer, Patricia Nicandro, Aaron Westbrook

Date: March 21, 2013

Re: The Way Ingredion Works towards job growth

Hi Bobbie,

You do a fine job interviewing execs for The Way I Work. Loved that article you did on Rand Fishkin (interesting that he doesn’t hire salespeople for his company, but that’s his prerogative). I have a fantastic individual that’s equally as intriguing to cover. She is Cheryl K. Beebe, CFO of Ingredion. Under Beebe’s leadership, Ingredion has solid financials and positive investment rankings. More importantly, Ingredion continues to increase national job creation, even in hard economic times. Right now Ingredion has over 80 job openings in the U.S., which is impressive for any company.

Ingredion is one of the world’s leading ingredient solutions providers. They turn raw materials like corn, wheat and potatoes into a combination of ingredients for the food, beverage, brewing and pharmaceutical industries.

As you can see there are many positive aspects about Ingredion. This is an opportunity to highlight and introduce this FORTUNE 500 company to the general public, especially investors and job seekers.

I would love to arrange a time for you to meet with Cheryl to talk about the growth of the company and its impact on job availability. If you are interested in more information, feel free to contact me.



Alesia Howard, AssociateHowling PR(312)


VI. Spokespeople & Third Party Sources


Ilene Gordon, Ingredion CEO | In order to consider job growth and creation, a company must convey financial success. In a shrinking economy with many tenured workers being laid off, Ingredion has continued to succeed in its innovations as proven through continuous job creation. One representative who has eloquently communicated those efforts is CEO Ilene Gordon. We believe she has the ability to provide tremendous insight to the overall corporate culture that cannot be displayed in monetary value. As a respected leader, and most recently recognized individual of the brand, it would be wise to utilize her in efforts to promote the company as it pertains to job creation.

Cheryl K. Beebe, Ingredion CFO | Beebe has earned her stripes with Ingredion, tracing her roots back to 1980 when she joined the company’s U.S. consumer food products business as part of Corn Products International. This accomplished executive has witnessed the FORTUNE 500 company grow and change over three decades and hailed as the 2012 Chicago CFO of the Year. Beebe has shown considerable prowess in communicating current Ingredion financials, overseeing investment of company funds, and forecasting future economic opportunity. As an Ingredion expert and industry leader, Beebe can provide detailed explanation on the importance of job creation tied to Ingredion’s economic growth.

Diane J. Frisch, Ingredion SVP of HR | Frisch not only understands employment trends as a senior vice president of human relations, but also has a vast knowledge of the ingredients industry. Prior to working at Ingredion, Frisch served as the VP of Human Resources and Communications for the Food Americas and Global Pharmaceutical Packaging businesses of Rio Tinto’s Alcan Packaging from 2004 to 2010. Frisch’s professional experience makes her an excellent candidate to speak to any journalist on Ingredion’s upward job trajectory.



Lindsey Pollack, LinkedIn Ambassador and Career/Workplace Expert | Pollack is an author, consultant, speaker and recognized expert on next generation career and workplace trends. She serves as an official Ambassador for LinkedIn and is the bestselling author of "Getting from College to Career: Your Essential Guide to Succeeding in the Real World." Moreover, Forbes recently named her website,, one of the Top 75 Websites for Your Career.

When we first began our research of Ingredion, the company had 4,000+ LinkedIn followers. Since then, Ingredion’s following has increased to over 5,500. We believe recent coverage in the Chicago Tribune, New York Times, and Forbes Magazine has helped Ingredion grab public attention. As a LinkedIn ambassador, Pollack can offer testimonial about the number of users who follow Ingredion’s company page and visit the company’s careers page.

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Department of Agricultural & Biological Engineering | The Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering (ABE) is a solid third party source for Ingredion due to the amount of engineering opportunities that the company offers on the career site. There are currently seven openings for engineers in North America. The goal of agricultural and biological engineering work is to enhance complex living systems involving agriculture, food, environment and energy. ABE works toward this goal by applying principles from many scientific and engineering disciplines into their complex curriculum.

The common link between the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and Ingredion is Matthew Galvanoni, VP and Corporate Controller of Ingredion. Galvanoni is an alumunus of the university and has the credibility to initiate a relationship for media purposes, and even possible recruitment opportunities.

The Manufacturing Institute | The Manufacturing Institute (MI) is poised as a non-partisan think-tank and solutions creator for industry trouble-shooting, which is affiliated with the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM). More than likely, this trade organization is designed with intent to protect manufacturers’ interests, much like the Corn Refiners Association (CRA). Statistics, such as those provided in the MI’s Skills Gap Report, naturally identify the importance of manufacturing job growth relative to the health of the U.S. economy. Ingredion stands to benefit from this third-party think-tank, not only demonstrates the national benefit of skilled job creation, but narrows its finding to show the potential output per individual employee. This is a partnership from which Ingredion only stands to gain, and search results for this organization also do not show any prior, direct association with Ingredion.


VII. Information SubsidiesNEWS RELEASES

News releases surrounding Ingredion’s expansion and job creation still provide crucial support and controlled messaging for media outreach. In addition to carefully written text, easily viewable visual attachments of new and upgraded facilities, as well as sample job descriptions and a link to the corporate careers page will show reporters the roadmap to a comprehensive, although brief synopsis. The general concept is for the journalist to have a ready-made story, ideally only leaving decisions of stylistic voice and composition to her. For example, Ingredion can quote the Manufacturing Institute’s Skills Gap Report to grab the reporter’s attention before delving into the details of recent growth. These tactics can, then, be followed by a short video of the latest, state-of-the-art employee faciities being developed for Ingredion’s expansion.


Ingredion must have an ample supply of photos and videos that showcase its employees, new facilities, innovative products and services, and overall brand when reaching out to to the media. Creating compelling and informative videos is not unchartered territory for Ingredion. There is a variety of videos on outlets, such as YouTube, that feature Ingredion, Corn Products International and National Starch. For example, on user Frank Sandoval’s YouTube page, there is an Ingredion video dated March 12, 2013, that features one of Ingredion’s newest facilities in Latin America. In this video, employees are positively interacting with each other in the facility. The video also shows how employees are using the space to enhance innovation. Visual aids such as these provide supporting evidence to Ingredion’s news releases. As PR consultant Jeff Domansky said the New York Times, "The old news release format died a couple years ago, and businesses can now reach audiences directly."

With our objectives of increasing the amount of coverage from major media outlets, as well as number of inquiries from job seekers, these strong images will engage our target audiences with the overall brand and culture that Ingredion possesses.


Howling PR understands Ingredion’s resistance towards social media. For some businesses it takes a lot of time to build an audience, gather insights, and gauge impressions. However, Ingredion is a FORTUNE 500 company that can benefit from using social media. Social media is a simple platform that helps build relationships with stakeholders. From our research, we


discovered Ingredion’s influence on big social platforms, like Twitter and LinkedIn. According to the social media monitoring tool Social Mention, Ingredion is mentioned the most on Twitter. Many have “tweeted” Ingredion’s latest article in the New York Times. Clearly, this is an opportunity for Ingredion to engage with a larger audience (i.e., potential stakeholders), as Twitter has over 200 million active users. Competitors have already capitalized on the value of Twitter. Cargill, for instance, posts its job openings and corporate social responsibility. From its efforts, Cargill has over 14,000 Twitter followers.

LinkedIn is another valuable tool for Ingredion. Ingredion jumped from over 4,000 followers in January 2013 to over 5,500 followers in LinkedIn in March 2013. We gather that Ingredion’s recent media coverage in the New York Times, FORTUNE, and Forbes Magazine helped increase its following on LinkedIn. While this is impressive, competitor ADM has over 12,000 followers. LinkedIn is he world’s largest professional network with 200 million users. Ingredion needs stories regarding its job growth to post on its company page and, ultimately attract news followers.

Blogs also are important to consider. Beebe and Gordon would benefit greatly from a ghost-written blog post for a publication, such as American Express OPEN Forum, where high-profile executives are spotlighted and influential bloggers present insightful posts to a select readership of business leaders from a variety of industries. Themes of business tips, leadership case studies, marketing strategies, and business growth can provide exposure through cardholders’ automatic feeds, as well as individual site visitors. An additional blog for guest blogging is the Harvard Business Review Blog Network, which is frequently shared via email newsletter, as well as LinkedIn. Aside from the obvious prestige associated with Harvard University, business leaders and academics often peruse this blog for thought provoking posts.


Infographics are visual presentations of information that condense statistics into a combination of images, data, and text. The infographics that Ingredion will benefit from will display facts and figures from the U.S. from the Department of Labor, as well as information on Ingredion’s history and growth as a business.


VIII. Measurement & EvaluationInitial evaluation of campaign outputs will consist of recording the number of the articles published successfully in targeted outlets, as well as those shared through syndication and and digital publishing. Successful qualities may include, but are not limited to:

• Positive tone

• Inclusion of most, if not all, key messaging points

• Print and offline editions of individual outlets

• Stand-alone piece

• Social media sharing

‣ By individuals, as well as aggregators‣ Active comment participation

One outtake measurement employed after 6 months of recorded outputs will analyze employment inquiries in relation to job creation-themed pitches:

Number of general inquires about employment opportunities

• Electronic

‣ Direct e-mail messages‣ Social media messages and comments‣ Spike in visitors to owned Careers Page and job postings on employment job search engines‣ Growth of LinkedIn followers‣ Increased traffic on owned Contact Us page

• Phone Inquiries to corporate headquarters

Number of employment applications, or CVs submitted after 6 months of coverage, via online and offline channels

• Referral through internal or external individuals

• Careers page

• Job search engines

