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Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements

For the degree of Doctor of Philosophy

Dissertation Adviser: Dr. Dustin J. Tyler

Department of Biomedical Engineering


May 2013

[Type text]



We hereby approve the thesis/dissertation of

Erik John Peterson

Candidate for the Doctor of Philosophy degree*.

(Signed) Dustin J. Tyler, Ph.D. (chair of the committee)

Dominique M. Durand, Ph.D.

Hillel J. Chiel, Ph.D.

Andrew M. Rollins, Ph.D.

(date) January 24th, 2013

*We also certify that written approval has been obtained for any proprietary material contained




This work is dedicated to Charissa, Karen, John, Janis, Bruce, Carmen, my

family, and friends, with whom I have been blessed to share my life with. Without

their support, none of this would have been possible. Thank you.


TABLE OF CONTENTS Dedication ............................................................................................................................ i

Table of Contents ................................................................................................................ ii

List of Tables .................................................................................................................... vii

List of Figures .................................................................................................................. viii

Acknowledgements ............................................................................................................ ix

List of Abbreviations ........................................................................................................ xii

Abstract ............................................................................................................................ xiii

Chapter 1: Introduction ...................................................................................................... 1

Anatomical Overview ..................................................................................................... 1

The Neuron .................................................................................................................. 1

Neural Circuits ............................................................................................................. 4

Peripheral Nerves ........................................................................................................ 5

Neural Interfaces Used to Treat Injury and Disease ....................................................... 6

Central Nervous System Interfaces ............................................................................. 7

Peripheral Nerve Interfaces ......................................................................................... 7

Surface Stimulation .................................................................................................. 9

Implanted Interfaces............................................................................................... 10

Extraneural Interfaces ................................................................................................ 10

Interfascicular Interfaces ........................................................................................... 12

Intrafascicular Interfaces ........................................................................................... 13

Regenerative Neural Interfaces ................................................................................. 14

Neural Interfacing Modalities ....................................................................................... 15

Electrical and Magnetic Neural Interfaces ................................................................ 15

Chemical Neural Interfaces ....................................................................................... 16

Optogenetic Neural Interfaces ................................................................................... 17

Infrared Neural Stimulation ....................................................................................... 18

Research Motivation ..................................................................................................... 22

Chapter 2: Dissertation Objectives and Organization ...................................................... 24

Introduction ................................................................................................................... 24

Aim 1 ............................................................................................................................. 25


Aim 2 ............................................................................................................................. 26

Aim 3 ............................................................................................................................. 27

Appendices .................................................................................................................... 28

Chapter 3: Motor Neuron Activation in Peripheral Nerves Using Infrared Neural

Stimulation ........................................................................................................................ 30

Abstract ......................................................................................................................... 30

Introduction ................................................................................................................... 31

Methods ......................................................................................................................... 33

Surgical preparation and EMG recording .................................................................. 33

Electrode fabrication .................................................................................................. 35

Infrared delivery ........................................................................................................ 35

Optical stimulation .................................................................................................... 36

Electro-Infrared Stimulation ...................................................................................... 38

Data Analysis ............................................................................................................. 39

Results ........................................................................................................................... 41

Nerve Sensitivity to INS ............................................................................................ 41

Motor Recruitment with Infrared Stimulus ............................................................... 43

Electro-Infrared Stimulation ...................................................................................... 49

Discussion ..................................................................................................................... 52

Nerve Sensitivity to INS ............................................................................................ 52

Infrared-Evoked Muscle Recruitment ....................................................................... 53

Combined Electrical and Infrared Stimulus .............................................................. 56

Infrared-Driven Neural Activation ............................................................................ 57

Conclusion ..................................................................................................................... 59

Acknowledgements ....................................................................................................... 60

Chapter 4: Modeling Mechanisms of Infrared Neural Stimulation ................................. 61

Abstract ......................................................................................................................... 61

Introduction ................................................................................................................... 61

Methods ......................................................................................................................... 64

Spatially-Lumped Membrane Models ....................................................................... 64

Spatially-Distributed Axon Models ........................................................................... 65


Temperature-Driven Capacitive Changes ................................................................. 66

Intracellular Calcium Release .................................................................................... 68

Results ........................................................................................................................... 70

Membrane Capacitance Change - Membrane Models .............................................. 70

Membrane Capacitance Change - Myelinated and Unmyelinated Axon Models ..... 74

Intracellular Calcium Release .................................................................................... 79

Discussion ..................................................................................................................... 81

Membrane Capacitance Changes ............................................................................... 81

Beam Profile Affects Excitability .............................................................................. 82

Recruitment Order ..................................................................................................... 85

Intracellular Calcium Release .................................................................................... 85

INS Interface Design Implications ............................................................................ 86

Additional INS Mechanisms ..................................................................................... 86

Conclusions ................................................................................................................... 87

Acknowledgements ....................................................................................................... 88

Chapter 5: Conclusions .................................................................................................... 89

Aim 1 ............................................................................................................................. 89

Hypothesis 1.1 ........................................................................................................... 89

Hypothesis 1.2 ........................................................................................................... 90

Hypothesis 1.3 ........................................................................................................... 91

Hypothesis 1.4 ........................................................................................................... 91

Hypothesis 1.5 ........................................................................................................... 92

Aim 1 Summary......................................................................................................... 92

Aim 2 ............................................................................................................................. 93

Hypothesis 2.1 ........................................................................................................... 94

Aim 2 Summary......................................................................................................... 94

Aim 3 ............................................................................................................................. 95

Hypothesis 3.1 ........................................................................................................... 95

Hypothesis 3.2 ........................................................................................................... 96

Hypothesis 3.3 ........................................................................................................... 97

Aim 3 Summary......................................................................................................... 98


Dissertation Conclusion ................................................................................................ 99

Appendix I: Predicting myelinated axon activation using spatial characteristics of the

extracellular field ............................................................................................................ 100

Abstract ....................................................................................................................... 100

1. Introduction ............................................................................................................. 101

2. Methods ................................................................................................................... 102

2.2 Activation prediction methods........................................................................... 104

2.2.1 Modified Driving Functions (MDF) ............................................................... 104

2.2.2 Activation thresholds ...................................................................................... 106

2.3 Verification ........................................................................................................ 107

2.3.1 Extracellular potential generation ................................................................... 107

2.3.2 Verification cases ........................................................................................... 108

2.3.3 Performance measures .................................................................................... 110

3. Results ..................................................................................................................... 112

3.1 Threshold value generation ............................................................................... 112

3.2 Prediction performance with single point source .............................................. 115

3.2 Prediction performance with multiple point sources ......................................... 120

3.3 Computational runtime ...................................................................................... 123

4. Discussion ............................................................................................................... 124

4.1 Activation thresholds are a function of extracellular potential .......................... 124

4.2 Single point source performance ....................................................................... 125

4.3 Performance differences between methods ....................................................... 126

4.4 Replicating key findings from literature ............................................................ 127

4.5 Computational run time comparison ................................................................. 128

4.6 Applicability to other models ............................................................................ 128

5. Conclusion ............................................................................................................... 130

Acknowledgements ..................................................................................................... 130

Appendix I.A – Threshold Generation and Activation Prediction .............................. 131

Appendix II: NEURON Code ........................................................................................ 134

Descriptions of Membrane Dynamics ......................................................................... 134

Memcap.mod ........................................................................................................... 134


HH_t.mod ................................................................................................................ 135

FH_t.mod ................................................................................................................. 137

Axnode_t.mod ......................................................................................................... 141

Ca_track.mod ........................................................................................................... 145

Cagk.mod ................................................................................................................. 146

CaSquare.mod.......................................................................................................... 146

CaTherm.mod .......................................................................................................... 147

Spatially-Lumped Membrane Models ......................................................................... 148

HHMembrane.hoc ................................................................................................... 148

FHMembrane.hoc .................................................................................................... 151

HHMembrane_Looped.hoc ..................................................................................... 154

Spatially-Distributed Axon Models ............................................................................ 162

HHAxon_DiamAndTempSweep.hoc ...................................................................... 162

MRGAxon_Interactive_LoadBeamShape.hoc ........................................................ 171

Appendix III: MATLAB Code ...................................................................................... 182

Recruitment Curve Plotting ......................................................................................... 182

AnalyzeAndPlotOpticalRecruitmentCurves.m ........................................................ 182

ExtractAndAnalyzeLVMData.m ............................................................................. 194

ExtractEMGStartAndStopTime2.m ........................................................................ 198

Chapter 6: References .................................................................................................... 207


LIST OF TABLES Table 3-1 Significant recruitment differences comparing combined stimulation over

electrical-only stimulation ................................................................................................ 52

Table 4-1 Q10 and membrane capacitance, Cm, simulated in each model ....................... 65

Table 7-1 Computation time consumed by numeric simulation and each proposed

prediction method ........................................................................................................... 124


LIST OF FIGURES Figure 3-1 Methods for infrared and electrical stimulation of rabbit sciatic nerve .......... 36

Figure 3-2 Locations of detected optically sensitive regions............................................ 42

Figure 3-3 Sensitive regions detected in rat sciatic nerve................................................. 43

Figure 3-4 Motor recruitment over time and versus pulse duration ................................. 45

Figure 3-5 Comparing response versus infrared pulse power .......................................... 47

Figure 3-6 Maximum electrical and infrared recruitment compared ................................ 48

Figure 3-7 Latency between threshold stimulus and EMG recruitment ........................... 49

Figure 3-8 Electrical and combined stimulus recruitment curves .................................... 51

Figure 4-1: Modeled membrane and axon circuit diagrams ............................................. 68

Figure 4-2: Maximum membrane depolarization versus initial temperature and membrane

potential for HH membrane model ................................................................................... 72

Figure 4-3: Peak time differences and peak values of m, h, and n gating variables in

response to transient temperature and capacitance changes ............................................. 73

Figure 4-4: Maximum membrane depolarization versus initial temperature with increased

Na+ conductance or decreased transient temperature change .......................................... 74

Figure 4-5: Maximum membrane depolarization in HH axon model with various IR

intensity profiles................................................................................................................ 76

Figure 4-6 Membrane depolarization across fiber diameters with flat and double-peaked

spatial profiles ................................................................................................................... 77

Figure 4-7 Amplitude scale factor required to trigger action potentials using a Gaussian

beam profile ...................................................................................................................... 79

Figure 4-8 Peak intracellular calcium concentrations caused by threshold calcium

currents .............................................................................................................................. 80

Figure 7-1 Electrode-axon geometries used for investigating prediction method

performance. ................................................................................................................... 110

Figure 7-2 Activation as a function of pulse duration and peak extracellular voltage ... 113

Figure 7-3 ........................................................................................................................ 115

Figure 7-4 Activation prediction method results with a single point source electrode and

100 us pulse duration. ..................................................................................................... 118

Figure 7-5 Activation prediction results across pulse duration and electrode-to-axon

spacing ............................................................................................................................ 120

Figure 7-6 Stimulation threshold error across prediction methods ................................. 121

Figure 7-7 Threshold error for an arrangement of six anodic and five cathodic electrodes

arranged in an alternating pattern longitudinally to a 10 um diameter axon. ................. 122

Figure 7-8 Stimulation threshold across prediction methods for an eleven-electrode

arrangement..................................................................................................................... 123



I would like to thank the people without whom this work would not have been

possible. While this is not an exhaustive list, hopefully it gives some sense of the

kind of support it takes to work through a Ph.D. These important relationships came

about from a mix of planned and serendipitous interactions, teaching me that being

open and aware to deviations from my own plans is a critical and lifelong skill. I am

truly thankful for the words of encouragement, support, new perspectives,

challenges, and feedback provided by everyone.

I would like to thank my family for their role in helping me become who I

am. They are the ones that have put up with my antics, stunts, bad ideas, obsessions,

mistakes, and wrong turns for the longest time, but still showed love and support

along the way. Thank you: John, Karen, Bruce, Janis, Nicole, Andrew, and Sam. My

in-laws have been a positive and encouraging force in my life for many years as well.

Thank you: Carmen, Dan, Marie, AJ, Michelle, Kathryn, and Zoë. I wouldn’t be

writing any of this without the person that makes each day a blessing, believing in

me when I don’t, and making the whole journey a fun adventure. Thank you,

Charissa. I am the luckiest because of you.

Dr. Dustin Tyler has provided important guidance and perspective in

developing this research. Dustin was able to look at the big picture and see what was

possible when the details painted a bleak picture. I appreciate Dustin sharing his

experience and insight over these years. I am thankful to have been able to be a part

of the Functional Neural Interfaces lab.


Dr. Hillel Chiel has gone above and beyond the duties of a guidance

committee member. Through research-based and personal conversations, Dr. Chiel

was instrumental in developing my vision beyond engineering and seeing the

excitement and possibilities in science. This invaluable mentorship was not what I

expected when I meeting a professor of biology while riding the bus.

Dr. Dominique Durand and Dr. Andrew Rollins have provided important

input as members of my guidance committee. Dr. Durand has challenged me, in

committee meetings and in the classroom, to find my limits and push beyond them.

Dr. Rollins gave important insight, looking at this research from a different

perspective and challenging assumptions along the way.

I would like to thank Dr. Erin Lavik for lending an ear and giving career

advice. Dr. Lavik shows genuine care for graduate students. I know her perspective

and encouragement have helped many students in their journeys.

Dr. Paul Marasco helped me to look at scientific investigation with the

perspective that it is one of the few frontiers available for exploration today. Dr.

Marasco also provided technical help, teaching me about electrophysiology and the

importance of maintaining an organized and focused approach to research.

The professors of the Biomedical Engineering department have played a part

in teaching and developing me as a researcher. Dr. Robert Kirsch, through

developing the training grant curriculum and personal encouragement, has helped me

to understand the larger picture that biomedical engineering fits within. Dr. P. Hunter

Peckham provided an example of what can be accomplished when you dedicate

yourself to a cause. Dr. J. Thomas Mortimer demonstrates the importance of


pursuing new knowledge with new each day. Both Dr. Peckham and Dr. Mortimer

show genuine care for students, and are a part of what makes this department great.

Friends that have shown support and understanding over these years have

helped to make the hard times bearable. Thank you, Kevin M., Will C., Brian & Lisa

M., Nathan M., John T., Bill C., Manfred F., Jaime M., Harrison K., Swarna S., Chris

P., and Sreenath N. FNI lab members have also shown their support through giving

me feedback on presentations, each providing a part of setting up the lab, and sharing

knowledge and expertise. Thank you, Matt, Jimmy, Katie, Dan, Aaron, Natalie, and

Nemath. Smruta was there for all of the late-night surgeries and endless experiments,

lending an ear, a story, or a podcast to help pass the hours and keep us awake.

Funding Acknowledgements:

Funding for this project was provided by Microsystems Technology Office of

the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Centers in Integrated

Photonics Engineering Research (CIPHER) and the Lockheed Martin Aculight

Corporation. The project described was supported in part by Grant Number T32-

EB004314 from the NIBIB and the National Institutes of Health. The content is

solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official

views of the National Institutes of Health



EMG – Electromyogram

ENG – Electroneurogram

FINE – Flat Interface Nerve Electrode

FH – Frankenhaeuser and Huxley

HEK – Human Embryonic Kidney

HH – Hodgkin and Huxley

INS – Infrared Neural Stimulation

IR – Infrared

LG – Lateral Gastrocnemius

LIFE – Longitudinal Intrafascicular Electrode

Max. – Maximum

MG – Medial Gastrocnemius

MRG – McIntyre, Richardson, and Grill

Sol – Soleus

TA – Tibialis Anterior

TIME – Transverse Intrafascicular Multi-Electrode


Infrared Neural Stimulation and Functional Recruitment of the

Peripheral Nerve




Peripheral nerve interfaces have been used to restore motor function to paralyzed

limbs. To restore the most natural function to paralyzed muscles requires a very selective

interface. Arguably, ideal selectivity would entail independent control over each neuron.

Neural interfaces based on electrical stimulation of neurons have made the most progress

in restoring movement in paralyzed limbs, but increasing selectivity without increasing

invasiveness remains a primary goal in developing stable and chronic nerve interfaces.

Interfaces that use infrared light to stimulate may provide selective activation without

penetrating the nerve. The work presented in this dissertation explores this concept,

measuring sensitivity and motor response in peripheral nerves, and using computational

models to investigate mechanisms of activation.

The in vivo experimental work presented quantifies motor response to extraneural

infrared stimulation in the rabbit sciatic nerve. It was hypothesized that infrared light

would selectively stimulate motor response in at least three different regions of the nerve,

and do so to a functionally significant level. Combined infrared and electrical stimulation

was hypothesized to significantly change full-muscle recruitment over electrical

recruitment alone. In this study, only 81% of nerves responded to infrared stimulus, with

1.7±0.5 sensitive regions detected per nerve. Single-muscle selectivity was measured in

79±12% of sensitive regions. Infrared stimulus activated significantly less than 10% of


the muscle capability, though. Combined electrical and optical stimulation only yielded

significant differences from electrical recruitment in 7% of cases. These results highlight

challenges to address before translating infrared stimulation larger nerves.

Mechanisms of infrared stimulation were studied using computational models.

Intracellular currents generated by changes in membrane capacitance or intracellular

calcium release were hypothesized capable of triggering action potentials under

conditions determined physiologically possible. Results show that activation with

membrane capacitance changes depend on the spatial gradient of evoked currents, and

that relatively small changes in intracellular calcium concentrations can trigger action

potentials. The results of this study provide insight into how infrared light may activate

axons, and how infrared stimulation may be improved over current methods.



Disease or injury can impair an individual’s nervous system, limiting ability and

quality of life. Interfaces designed to modulate behavior of the injured nervous system

can help address these neurological deficits. Behavior is modulated to increase or

decrease neural activity through controlled energy release. Examples of energy types

used include chemical, mechanical, electrical, magnetic, and optical energy. The more

targeted a particular interface is, the less likely it is to affect tissue that does not need

modulation. Focusing an interface’s effects can increase functional utility and reduce side

effects. The work presented in this dissertation is an investigation of targeted motor

neuron activation in the peripheral nerve using focused infrared light. A brief review of

neural anatomy, neural interface examples, and discussion on neural interfacing with

different energy modalities is provided as context for the presented research.

Anatomical Overview

The Neuron

Neural cells, or neurons, are comprised of five major components: dendrites,

soma, axon hillock, axon, and synaptic bouton (Lu et al., 2008; McIntyre and Grill, 2000;

Rall, 1977). Depending on the function and location of the neuron, these components

may be sized and arranged differently to better serve their purpose. Dendrites are where

information arrives from upstream neurons, and are arborous to facilitate interfacing with

many neurons (Rall, 1977). The soma, or cell body, houses the cell nucleus, synthesizes

proteins, and integrates incoming signals to control behavior (Hall and Guyton, 2011).

The axon hillock and axon are used to transmit information to downstream neurons and


other cells, ending in the bouton which releases chemicals or neurotransmitters that excite

or inhibit cell activity, depending on the interface type.

Neurons communicate through release of neurotransmitters, often triggered by

depolarization of the cellular membrane. At rest, the transmembrane potential of a neuron

is negative with respect to the extracellular space. Transmembrane potential is

determined by ion concentrations in the intra- and extra-cellular spaces and the relative

permeability of the membrane to each ionic species (Frankenhaeuser and Huxley, 1964;

Hodgkin and Huxley, 1952a, 1952b; McIntyre and Grill, 1999). Transmembrane potential

is modulated by changing permeability of the membrane to different ions through

conformational changes of ion channels (Frankenhaeuser and Huxley, 1964;

Frankenhaeuser and Moore, 1963; Hodgkin and Huxley, 1952b; McIntyre et al., 2002).

Ion channel states can be affected by the presence of other ions (Robitaille et al., 1993),

local transmembrane voltage (Frankenhaeuser and Huxley, 1964; Hodgkin and Huxley,

1952b; McIntyre et al., 2002), temperature (Facer et al., 2007), and ionic gradients

(Zhang et al., 2010). Ions move in or out of the cell as channels open and close, changing

the intracellular electrical potential. Ion movement can cause the transmembrane

potential to increase or decrease, depolarizing or hyperpolarizing the membrane,


The amount that a cell is depolarized or hyperpolarized from neurotransmitter

release from an upstream neuron is dependent cell body geometry. The cell body acts as

an integrator, summing depolarizing and hyperpolarizing inputs until the activation

threshold is reached and a cascade of depolarization is triggered (Lu et al., 2008; Rall,

1977). A larger cell body has a larger intracellular volume, meaning more ions must be


transferred to change intracellular potential. This effect results in higher stimulus

thresholds for larger cells than smaller cells, when activated by synaptic transmission or

intracellular current injection (Henneman et al., 1965a; Kandel et al., 2000). The normal

functions of the cell work to return the cell body to the resting potential, so the effect of a

single input decreases with time (Hall and Guyton, 2011; Rall, 1977). This integrating

behavior allows each neuron to perform as a simple processing unit within the system.

As the cell body depolarizes, it eventually reaches a threshold where a cascade of

depolarization occurs. This cascade begins when the cell membrane begins to depolarize,

triggering the opening of voltage gated sodium channels that are located in a region of the

cell body near the axon called the axon hillock (Lu et al., 2008; McIntyre and Grill,

1999). As more sodium channels open, the permeability of the membrane to sodium

increases and the cell depolarizes further, causing additional sodium channels to open.

The sodium channels of the axon begin to depolarize once the axon hillock depolarizes.

The depolarization process is governed by factors that limit depolarization, or the cell

would remain depolarized. Voltage-gated sodium channel permeability is controlled by

two gating factors. The first is the activation gate, which is closed when the cell is at rest

and increases permeability to sodium ions in response to depolarization. The second, the

inactivation gate, is normally open when the cell is at rest and decreases permeability to

sodium ions in response to depolarization. The inactivation gate is slower than the

activation gate, leaving time for inward sodium currents to depolarize the cell for a brief

time (Grill and Mortimer, 1995; Hodgkin and Huxley, 1952b). The inactivation gate

remains closed for a short time once closed, causing a refractory period during which

sodium currents are halted (Hodgkin and Huxley, 1952b; Mahnam et al., 2008). Voltage-


gated potassium channels also limit the duration of depolarization, by increasing

potassium permeability in response to increased transmembrane potential

(Frankenhaeuser and Huxley, 1964; Hodgkin and Huxley, 1952a). The outward

potassium current drives the transmembrane potential back towards the polarized state as

the inward sodium current is inactivated. The dynamics of these channels were measured

and described mathematically by Hodgkin and Huxley (Hodgkin and Huxley, 1952a,

1952b), resulting in an electrical description of the cell membrane and enabling

investigation of cell behavior with computational models (Rattay, 1987).

As a region of the axon is depolarized, the surrounding membrane area also

begins to depolarize, triggering more ion channels to open. A wave of depolarization

propagates along the axon to the synaptic bouton. This wave is referred to as the action

potential. Depolarization at the synapse or junction causes release of neurotransmitters

that are used to communicate with downstream cells. While a given neuron will release a

certain type of neurotransmitter, its effect will depend on the type of receptor on the

downstream cell (Hall and Guyton, 2011; Kandel et al., 2000). In the special case of a

motor neuron, the chemical released by the neuron is acetylcholine, which triggers an

action potential in the downstream muscle fiber, causing contraction of that muscle fiber.

Because the action potential is the basis for much of neural communication, neural

modulation largely relies on affecting neural communication by either triggering or

inhibiting propagation of action potentials.

Neural Circuits

As neurons connect to other neurons and cells of the body, they form circuits.

Within these circuits, neurons can act as sensors, processors, or effectors. Sensory input

is provided by specialized cell structures that transduce external stimuli into action


potential patterns that are conveyed to processing and effector neurons (Goodwin et al.,

1995; Kandel et al., 2000; Munger and Ide, 1988). Direct connections between sensors

and effectors are responsible for many reflex actions, requiring the fastest response

possible to avoid danger or injury. The stretch reflex is an example of a simple neural

reflex circuit, where rapid stretch of a muscle triggers an action potential in a sensory

neuron which stimulates the motor neurons that innervate that muscle (Henneman et al.,

1965b; Kandel et al., 2000). Processing circuits may consist of a single or many neurons,

and operate as the control system of the nervous system. Processors integrate their

inhibitory and excitatory inputs, and generate action potentials to communicate with other

processor cells or effectors. Effector cells mediate external action, stimulating smooth or

skeletal muscle contraction, hormone release, and metabolic changes (Hall and Guyton,

2011; Kandel et al., 2000). These basic elements combine to form the nervous system of

all creatures, whether simple or complex, sensing the environment, processing an

appropriate response, and activating that response. Interruption of these circuits by

disease or injury leads to functional deficits.

Peripheral Nerves

Peripheral nerves are special structures in the body that act as a conduit for

sensory and motor signals, connecting the central nervous system to most of the body.

Peripheral nerves exit the spinal column through the intravertebral foramen and route

through the body to connect to the muscles and sensory receptors of the body. The

peripheral nerve protects and nourishes the axons of sensory and motor neurons. The

axon population within a peripheral nerve can be composed of sensory axons, motor

axons, or a mix of sensory and motor axons. Axons within the peripheral nerve are

contained in a protective tissue layer called the perineurium (Navarro et al., 2005;


Stewart, 2003). These axon groupings are called fascicles, and a peripheral nerve contain

several fascicles within it. Each fascicle may contain the axons of thousands of individual

neurons. Mean fascicle diameter is around 500 um, and fascicle count generally increases

with nerve size and number of axons (Gustafson et al., 2005; Stewart, 2003). Fascicles

are held together in the peripheral nerve by connective tissue called epineurium. This

connective tissue also holds the blood vessels that supply blood to the nerve along its

length. Historically, there has been debate about how functionally organized axons are

within fascicles (Stewart, 2003). When functionally-similar axons are grouped together, it

is easier to selectively stimulate using interfaces that rely on proximity to stimulation

sources. Low functional organization would mean that proximity-based stimulation

would activate axons that contribute to several different functions. There is evidence that

suggests functional organization within the peripheral nerve (Badia et al., 2010; Brushart,


Neural Interfaces Used to Treat Injury and Disease

Interfaces with the nervous system have been successfully implemented as a

means to treat disease and restore function after injury in clinical applications (Butson

and McIntyre, 2006; Dommel et al., 2009; Fisher et al., 2009; Oakley et al., 2007;

Pfingst, 2011; Polasek et al., 2009a). The need for effective neural interfaces is high. For

example, according to the National Spinal Cord Injury Statistical Center, in 2010 the

number of people living with spinal cord injury is estimated to be around 262,000 and the

average loss in wages, benefits, and productivity was estimated at $65,384 per person per

year (Chen, 2010). With roughly $17 billion lost each year to reduced ability following

spinal cord injury, not to mention the increased cost of additional care, the potential


benefit of restoring even partial function to reduce these costs is sizable. Neural interface

options are as diverse as the regions of the nervous system to which they are applied,

including interfaces used to treat Parkinson’s disease and other movement disorders,

hearing loss, and a growing list of other applications. The effects of an interface depend

on the region of the nervous system with which it interfaces, and whether the interface

records or modulates activity.

Central Nervous System Interfaces

Interfaces with the central nervous system span a wide variety of applications.

Recordings from the cortex have been used as command signals to control computer

cursors and robotic arms (Felton et al., 2007; Foldes and Taylor, 2011; Marathe and

Taylor, 2011; McFarland and Wolpaw, 2008). Interface options include implanted and

non-implanted recording arrays. Stimulation of the basal ganglia within the brain has

been used to treat movement disorders, including Parkinson’s disease and dystonia

(Benabid, 2003; Hwynn et al., 2012). Stimulating interfaces have been used to deliver

sensory feedback (Dhillon and Horch, 2005; Rossini et al., 2010). Cochlear stimulation is

routinely used to restore hearing by stimulating cells within the cochlea that correspond

to the frequency content of detected sounds (Pfingst, 2011). Retinal implants are under

active development to help restore visual information to individuals with blindness

(Dommel et al., 2009). Spinal cord stimulation has been used to treat chronic pain by

interrupting pain signals as they are transmitted from the body to the brain (Oakley et al.,


Peripheral Nerve Interfaces

The peripheral nerve is an attractive interface point when a bridge between the

central nervous system and either sensors or effectors is needed. Direct electrical


stimulation of muscles can be accomplished, but each stimulated muscle requires at least

one electrode, more if the muscle is large and has a distributed motor point (Crago et al.,

1980; Fisher et al., 2009). Sensory endpoints are also distributed throughout the volume

of the body, and in the case of amputation may no longer be present. The spinal cord and

brain provide an alternative with access to more densely concentrated cell bodies that are

spatially organized. Spatial organization helps with activating functionally-similar

neurons at a time, but high cellular density increases the likelihood of activating non-

targeted cells. Immune responses can reduce the chronic effectiveness of central nervous

system interfaces (Fraser and Schwartz, 2012; Potter et al., 2012). The peripheral nerve

offers a balance between distributed endpoints and dense central arrangement. Peripheral

nerve interfaces provide access to multiple muscles from the same implant site, and the

ability to improve selectivity by choosing appropriate branch points to isolate the muscles

accessed (Fisher et al., 2009; Rodriguez et al., 2000; Schiefer et al., 2010; Sweeney et al.,

1990; Tarler and Mortimer, 2004).

Peripheral nerve interfaces are typically used to restore sensory input or motor

activation. Peripheral nerve recordings are under development for use as natural

command sources for controlling prosthetic limbs (Lawrence et al., 2004; Micera et al.,

2008; Wodlinger and Durand, 2009). High frequency stimulation of peripheral nerves can

block action potentials and either block pain signals or prevent muscle contractions

(Ackermann et al., 2009; Kilgore and Bhadra, 2004; Peng et al., 2004; Vučković and

Rijkhoff, 2004). Stimulation applied to peripheral nerves remaining after limb amputation

is being developed as a means to provide sensory information from prosthetic limbs to

improve control and integration of prosthetic limbs (Rossini et al., 2010). Peripheral


nerve stimulation can also be used to activate muscles and restore function to paralyzed

limbs (Branner et al., 2001; Dowden et al., 2009; Fisher et al., 2009; Micera et al., 2008;

Polasek et al., 2009a; Rodriguez et al., 2000; Rutten et al., 1991; Sweeney et al., 1990).

Restoring motor function after neurologic injury is an important goal in treating deficits

left by spinal cord injury and stroke.

While the peripheral nerve offers a balance between distributed and high density

interfacing, controlling exactly which axons are activated remains an important interface

design challenge (Choi et al., 2001; Fisher et al., 2009; Lertmanorat et al., 2006;

Leventhal and Durand, 2003; Schiefer et al., 2010). The close grouping of functionally

different axons with a given fascicle increases the possibility of unwanted activation or

effects caused by the interface. The ability to activate targeted cells while leaving other

cells unaffected is referred to as the selectivity of the interface (Choi et al., 2001;

Dowden et al., 2009; McIntyre and Grill, 2000; Polasek et al., 2009b; Schiefer et al.,

2008). Often times, increasing selectivity comes at the expense of increasing invasiveness

to the nerve (Navarro et al., 2005; Sergi et al., 2006). Invasiveness can range from non-

nerve stimulation through the skin to requiring axon regeneration after transection.

Surface Stimulation

Nerve interfaces that stimulate using electrodes applied to the skin are the least

invasive, as they require no surgical procedure. Surface stimulation has been used to treat

conditions like foot-drop following stroke (Van Swigchem et al., 2011), and have been

used clinically and commercially . Stimulation of nerves from surface electrodes can

activate cutaneous sensory receptors, though, and cause undesirable sensation during use.

Surface stimulation also requires that the target nerve to be close to the surface, limiting


nerves that can be targeted. Additionally, non-target nerves near the targeted nerve are

also likely to be activated.

Implanted Interfaces

Implanted neural interfaces can avoid cutaneous nerve activation by minimizing

the amount of tissue between stimulation source and target, provide access to nerves deep

within the body, and allow selective stimulation of nerves that are close to each other, but

require surgical procedures to do so. Implanted peripheral nerve interfaces are often

designed to direct stimulation towards the target nerve, minimizing activation of adjacent

tissue (Branner et al., 2000; Fisher et al., 2009; Lawrence et al., 2004; Polasek et al.,

2009b; Schiefer et al., 2010). Interfaces may have a single channel of stimulation, or

many. The number of sources will depend on the number of independent functions an

interface must perform. As the number of targeted muscles or functions increase, often

times the number of stimulus channels needed also increases (Schiefer et al., 2008;

Wodlinger and Durand, 2009). Because stimulus channels can be activated together to

generate different activation patterns (Tarler and Mortimer, 2004), there is not a defined

relationship between the number of functions and the number of channels needed.

Extraneural Interfaces

Extraneural peripheral nerve interfaces with multiple stimulating channels

typically employ an insulating cuff that encircles the nerve, stabilizes the stimulating

contacts, and directs the stimulation toward the neural tissue. Stimulation can be applied

through a single channel at a time, or through multiple channels simultaneously to change

the axon population affected (Choi et al., 2001; Gorman and Mortimer, 1983; Rodriguez

et al., 2000; Tarler and Mortimer, 2004; Vuckovic et al., 2008). Stimulation parameters

can be adjusted to affect selectivity of the stimulation achieved. Short pulse durations


have been shown to activate axons located closer to electrical contacts, and

hyperpolarizing pre-pulses have been used to inhibit some axons while the depolarizing

pulses that follow are used to activate other axons (Grill and Mortimer, 1996, 1995).

Single-channel stimulators are often used to stimulate the entire nerve to which

they are applied (Castoro et al., 2011; Kilgore and Bhadra, 2004; Scheiner et al., 1994;

Tosato et al., 2007). Full-nerve interfacing is limited to cases where either the axon

population of the nerve is functionally homogenous, or where activation of non-targeted

cells causes acceptable side effects. Vagal and recurrent laryngeal nerve stimulators use

helical electrodes designed to maximize activation of the entire nerve (Broniatowski et

al., 2001; Scheiner et al., 1994). Placement of these interfaces along the nerve and on

appropriate nerve branches helps in targeting the desired axons and minimizing side

effects. High frequency nerve block typically requires stimulation amplitudes that affect

the entire nerve at the stimulation site (Ackermann et al., 2009). For applications using

high frequency block to prevent pain in residual nerves after limb amputation, activation

of residual motor axons has no negative effect. Single-contact interfaces are limited,

though, in applications requiring multiple functions.

Multi-contact interfaces are typically chosen when multiple functions must be

accomplished by the same interface. The four-contact spiral cuff electrode has been

evaluated in chronic clinical studies, and shown to provide stable stimulation parameters

and utility in restoring standing function and arm movement to subjects with paralysis

(Fisher et al., 2009; Polasek et al., 2009a). The spiral nerve cuff is designed to

accommodate a range of nerve sizes by coiling around the nerve circumference (Gorman

and Mortimer, 1983; Polasek et al., 2009b). The major drawback to this design is that


axons that are located in the center of the nerve are difficult to activate without first

activating axons close to the perimeter (Veltink et al., 1988; Veraart et al., 1993). The flat

interface nerve electrode (FINE) is a multi-contact interface designed to complement the

oblong shape that many nerves exhibit, and reshape the nerve somewhat to further spread

out the fascicles contained within the nerve (Schiefer et al., 2010, 2008; Tyler and

Durand, 2003, 2002). This results in safely reducing the distance between axons and the

nearest stimulation channel, as long as pressures chronically applied to the nerve do not

exceed 60 mmHg (Tyler and Durand, 2003). FINE electrodes have been applied in

intraoperative clinical experiments (Schiefer et al., 2010), and preclinical experiments

(Choi and Lee, 2006; Hess et al., 2007; Leventhal and Durand, 2003). Implementations of

the FINE indicate good fascicle-level selectivity, but there is less evidence supporting its

use in selectively activating only portions of a fascicle at a time.

Interfascicular Interfaces

An approach used to reduce spill-over of stimulation from one fascicle to another,

improving fascicle-level selectivity, is to mechanically and electrically separate fascicles.

Designs that mechanically separate the fascicles of the nerve include the multigroove

electrode, the book electrode, and the slowly penetrating interface nerve electrode

(Brindley et al., 1986; Koole et al., 1997; Tyler and Durand, 1997). The multigroove and

book electrodes require dissection of the epineurium to provide access to the fascicles,

and the slowly penetrating interface nerve electrode relies on application of low level but

steady pressure to insert electrodes and insulating barriers between the fascicles of the

nerve (Tyler and Durand, 1997). Design of these interfaces requires some a priori

knowledge of the fascicle structure at the interface point, and may not be viable in

regions with high anatomical variability.


Intrafascicular Interfaces

Sub-fascicular selectivity from an extraneural electrical interface is impeded by

the resistive barrier that the perineurium surrounding axons poses. Because the

endoneurial space within the perineurium is much less resistive than the perineurium,

stimulation strong enough to penetrate the perineurium spreads easily throughout the

perineurial space (Veltink et al., 1988). Spreading stimulation reduces the ability to

selectively activate subpopulations of axons within a fascicle; referred to as sub-

fascicular selectivity. Electrical interfaces that penetrate the perineurium to more directly

interface with axons have been developed with the aim of achieving sub-fascicular

selectivity. The longitudinal intrafascicular electrode (LIFE) and the transverse

intrafascicular multichannel electrode (TIME) each involve threading fine wires or flat

polyimide electrode arrays into individual fascicles (Badia et al., 2011; Lawrence et al.,

2004; Malagodi et al., 1989; Micera et al., 2008). Utah Slanted Electrode Array (USEA)

introduces small electrodes into the endoneurial space by penetrating the perineurium

with an array of pointed silicone probes. The USEA consists of a 10 by 10 two-

dimensional array of electrodes, fabricated to varying lengths to interface with axons 0.5-

1.5 mm from the nerve surface (Branner et al., 2000; Dowden et al., 2009). These

interfaces have been shown capable of increasing selectivity for acute preclinical

applications to achieve sub-fascicular selectivity (Badia et al., 2011; Dowden et al., 2009;

Yoshida and Horch, 1993), but chronic implantation of these interfaces can lead to

changes in axon morphology, resulting in losses of large-diameter axons and endoneurial

area (Agnew et al., 1989; Yoshida and Horch, 1993). The foreign body response that

occurs in response to all electrode implantations results in an encapsulation of the

electrode in a resistive barrier of collagen, which may reduce the selectivity achieved by


the increased invasiveness of these approaches when applied chronically (Branner et al.,

2000). The utility of these interfaces will remain limited until chronic performance can be


Regenerative Neural Interfaces

In an effort to further increase intimacy between electrode and axon, regenerative

interfaces have been developed to encourage small groups of axons to grow around

electrodes. Taking advantage of the peripheral nerve’s ability to repair itself, regenerative

neural interfaces are placed between the two cut ends of a transected peripheral nerve.

Severed axons are then encouraged to re-grow through an array of small holes lined with

electrodes (Edell, 1986; Fitzgerald et al., 2012; Kovacs et al., 1992). The physical size of

the holes limits how many axons can regenerate through each, providing isolated

interfacing to 100-300 axons (Dario et al., 1998; Fitzgerald et al., 2012). The drawback to

this approach is the lack of control over which axons will regrow through each channel.

This means that even though a small number of axons are activated, the activity may or

may not be selective. There is also evidence that not all axons re-grow (Fitzgerald et al.,

2012), which could limit muscle activation in motor stimulation interfaces.

In the ideal interface, selective control would be established over each axon.

Intermediate approaches attempt to provide selective activation of the most functionally

similar populations of axons. For many of the electrical interfaces employed, efforts

selectively activate small populations of axons comes at the expense of increased

invasiveness to the nerve (Navarro et al., 2005; Sergi et al., 2006). Since maximizing

selectivity and minimizing invasiveness of an interface are both important design goals, it


is worthwhile to explore other methods of interfacing with the peripheral nerve that may

provide selective activation without increased invasiveness.

Neural Interfacing Modalities

Electrical current is only one modality that can be used to modify neural activity.

Magnetic, optical, and chemical energies can also be used to influence neural behavior,

each with its own effects and differences from electrical activation.

Electrical and Magnetic Neural Interfaces

Electric fields generated in conductive media follow Poisson’s equation relating

potential, ϕ, to charge density within the medium, ρ (Eq. 1-1):

The electric field generated by a current source will depend on the quantity and

geometry of charged particles and geometry of the volume conductors within the space

around the charged particles. A very simplified case is a point source located in an

infinite homogeneous medium. The electric potential, V, generated is related to the

current from the point source, I, the conductivity of the medium, σ, and the distance at

any point from the point source, r, by (Eq. 1-2):

In tissue, conductivity can be high, reducing the distance over which significant electric

fields can be generated and increasing the need to minimize distance between target

axons and electrode.

An alternative to electrical stimulation that can still be used to activate neurons is

magnetic stimulation. The electric field generated by a magnetic field changing in time


can stimulate neurons. Magnetic fields can stimulate deeply into tissue because they do

not attenuate in tissue as electric fields do (Esselle and Stuchly, 1992). The drawbacks to

this type of stimulation include difficulty in spatially localizing delivery, and generating

time-varying magnetic fields require large currents passed quickly through large wire

coils. This results in large and high-powered stimulating hardware that is typically not

considered for chronic and long-term stimulation.

Chemical Neural Interfaces

Chemical energy can be used to influence neural activity once delivered to the

neural environment. The effect and timescale of chemical interfaces varies depending on

the time it takes for the chemical to be broken down or depleted, and the method of

activation on the cell. Chemicals that act on the neuron via second-messenger cascades or

influence genetic expression within the neuron can have very long lasting effects (Alberts

et al., 2002; Zai et al., 2009). Neurotransmitters delivered to the synapse between two

cells can cause depolarization or hyperpolarization of cell bodies. Chemicals such as

ouabain and tetrodotoxin can be used to prevent action potential propagation by blocking

the function of ion channels along the axons of neurons. Chemical interfaces can be

selective to cell type (Kandel et al., 2000), affecting only those with appropriate

receptors, but focused spatial delivery is a challenge (Matar et al., 2009). Additionally,

the time course over which the effect takes place will depend on the ability of the body to

clear the chemical. An approach demonstrated to improve spatial resolution of delivery of

neurotransmitters is to chemically bind the neurotransmitters in an inactive state, then

selectively unbind them with externally supplied energy that is localized to the target

cells (Matar et al., 2009). This approach requires that the supply of bound

neurotransmitter be maintained in the neural environment in order to provide an effect.


As a chronic motor stimulation interface, bound neurotransmitter and unbinding energy

would have to be applied either to the spinal cord or at the neuromuscular junction.

Neurotransmitter release in the spinal cord may affect neurons other than the targeted

motor neurons, and release at the neuromuscular junction would require very broad

delivery of the uncaging energy and many of the same disadvantages of intramuscular


Optogenetic Neural Interfaces

Interfacing with neurons using optical wavelengths is an emerging method to

potentially achieve very selective activation. Optical energy can be generated at precise

wavelengths, intensity, and timing. Ignoring scattering effects, light penetration into a

medium follows the Beer-Lambert law:

Intensity, I(x), is strongest at the surface, and then decreases exponentially depending on

the wavelength-dependent absorption coefficient of the material, µa. The penetration

depth is defined as the point where the intensity is decreased to e-1

of the intensity at the

surface. Optical energy delivery can be controlled using lenses, mirrors, shutters,

splitters, holograms, and diffraction gratings to provide very precise spatial control over

delivery (Abaya et al., 2012; Dummer et al., 2011; Llewellyn et al., 2010; Matar et al.,

2009). Cells that are not inherently light-sensitive can be made so by changing genetic

expression of the target cells, triggering production of light-sensitive ion channels. This

process, called optogenetics, offers a unique vector for tuning selectivity because cells

can be targeted based on their genetic expression (Aravanis et al., 2007; Deisseroth,

2011; Diester et al., 2011; Hegemann and Moglich, 2011; Zhang et al., 2008). Using this


method, cells that are adjacent to each other, but genetically different, can be selectively

activated or inhibited. Ion channels that are sensitive to different wavelengths and

selective to different ions have been developed and can provide inhibitory and excitatory

control over neurons (Diester et al., 2011; Zhang et al., 2008). Expression of these ion

channels occurs along the entire membrane, meaning that light sources can be applied at

various points along the neuron, including the axon within the peripheral nerve

(Llewellyn et al., 2010). It is conceivable, then, that optogenetics could be used to target

expression of light sensitive channels selectively in motor or sensory neurons, and

applied visible light would only activate these modified cells, or different wavelengths

could be used to activate either group independently (Zhang et al., 2008). A challenge in

using optogenetics for motor activation is controlling selectivity among genetically

similar, but functionally different motor neurons within the same peripheral nerve. If cells

cannot be targeted based on functionality, then selective activation will depend on the

interaction between tissue and the light applied. Wavelengths that pass through the tissue

easily will activate larger areas than wavelengths that are absorbed by the tissue.

Infrared Neural Stimulation

An alternative to building light sensitivity into targeted cells is to use wavelengths

to which the neural tissue is inherently sensitive to. Wells et al. demonstrated that

infrared light could be used to elicit motor response in rat sciatic nerve (Wells et al.,

2005a). Wells et al. measured the stimulation and ablation energy thresholds as a function

of wavelength and found that wavelengths most absorbed by water to provide the greatest

safety margin between these two thresholds (Wells et al., 2005b). Wells et al. investigated

the mechanism by which light triggered neural activity, and concluded that electric field

generation, photochemical, and mechanical effects are unlikely driving mechanisms


(Wells et al., 2007a). Based on observations that changes in the baseline nerve

temperature did not change the stimulation thresholds for infrared neural activation,

Wells et al. concluded that the thermal gradient generated by rapid heating of a localized

region of the nerve was necessary to driving activation with INS (Wells et al., 2007a).

Because the penetration depths of the wavelengths used for infrared neural

stimulation are 300-600 um in water, and water content of tissue is high, infrared delivery

is expected to be very spatially localized within the tissue, and thermally confined

(Richter et al., 2011a; Wells et al., 2007a, 2007b). These properties may help infrared

neural stimulation (INS) serve as a selective neural interface. Wells et al. demonstrated

that motor response to INS could be changed as beam position on the nerve surface was

changed in the rat sciatic nerve (Wells et al., 2007b), and established damage thresholds

and stimulation repetition rate limits (Wells et al., 2007a, 2007c). These results, paired

with penetration depth data, indicated that INS may provide selective peripheral

activation on the sub-fascicular level without penetrating the epineurium or perineurium

of the nerve, if the high energy requirements and low safety margins could be addressed.

Soon after INS was demonstrated in the mammalian peripheral nerve, Izzo et al.

applied infrared light to the gerbil cochlea and reported success in reliably activating

spiral ganglion cells using an optical fiber inserted into the round window of the cochlea

(Izzo et al., 2007; Moreno et al., 2011; Richter, Claus-Peter and Matic, 2012). Stimulation

was shown to occur along the path of the applied beam using activity-dependent staining

of spiral ganglion cells (Moreno et al., 2011), and neural activity was recorded in

response to stimulus applied at 200 Hz continuously for 10 hours (Rajguru et al., 2010).

Selectivity of INS in the cochlea is currently being evaluated and compared to acoustic


activation (Richter et al., 2011b). Cochlear stimulation was observed at radiant exposures

two orders of magnitude lower than that required for peripheral nerve INS (Richter,

Claus-Peter and Matic, 2012). The drastic difference in energy thresholds still remains


To date, infrared light has been used to stimulate many types of tissue. INS has

been applied to cortical neurons (Cayce et al., 2011), sensory neurons in dorsal root

ganglia (Katz et al., 2010), and cardiac myocytes (Dittami et al., 2011; Jenkins et al.,

2010). Recordings in stimulated cortex indicate a reduction in spiking frequency in

response to INS (Cayce et al., 2010), but it is unclear whether this was due to activation

of inhibitory neurons, or inhibition of firing. Katz et al. observed activation when

stimulating cell bodies in the dorsal root ganglia, with threshold radiant exposures similar

to peripheral nerve INS (Katz et al., 2010). This would indicate that the low stimulation

thresholds in cochlear stimulation are not simply due to targeting the cell body instead of

the axon. Katz et al. also reported a reversal potential for the observed effect that was

40 mV more negative than that expected for a thermally-sensitive transient receptor

potential (TRP) channels (Katz et al., 2010). Infrared light has also been used to activate

cardiac myocytes and pace embryonic hearts (Dittami et al., 2011; Jenkins et al., 2010),

indicating that the driving mechanism may not be neuron-specific. Dittami et al. found

that application of infrared light to cardiac myocytes triggered an intracellular release of

calcium that could be prevented by blocking calcium release from mitochondria (Dittami

et al., 2011). Shapiro et al. applied infrared light to non-excitable Xenopus oocytes,

human embryonic kidney cells, and an artificial lipid bilayer, and observed a

temperature-driven change in membrane capacitance (Shapiro et al., 2012). Capacitance


changed in response to weakening of hydration bonds of the ions nearest to the

membrane interface, and was shown to cause depolarization of the cell by 6-10 mV

(Genet et al., 2000; Shapiro et al., 2012). These investigations give clues into the

mechanism behind INS, but additional work is necessary to demonstrate that these are

driving mechanisms and not just secondary effects of rapid heating or infrared light

absorption by the cellular structures.

In an effort to reduce the energy requirements of INS, Duke et al. combined INS

with electrical stimulation. Duke et al. were able to use electrical stimulation to lower the

optical activation threshold, or vice versa, activating neurons when both stimulation

modalities were applied below their individual respective thresholds (Duke et al., 2009).

Duke et al. further refined parameters for combining electrical and infrared fields to

reduce variability in response, and found that the response was localized to particular

regions of the nerve (Duke et al., 2012a). Recent work involving Xenopus peripheral

nerves and computational models has demonstrated that infrared light can also increase

electrical stimulation thresholds, and even block action potential conduction (Mou et al.,

2012). This indicates that INS may be useful in causing excitation or inhibition in

peripheral nerve interfaces. These results expand the options for using INS to modulate

behavior, as combination with electrical stimulation may enable more selective activation

by activating only the overlap between the two applied fields.

The results from these studies provide compelling evidence that INS may be

useful in achieving sub-fascicular selectivity, without penetrating the protective tissue

layers of the nerve. In order to investigate whether INS truly provides a selective and

functionally relevant interface for peripheral nerve interfaces, stimulation parameters


relevant to interface design must be investigated. Wells et al. began this process by

investigating tissue effects and damage thresholds associated with INS. Wells et al.

determined that applying infrared to tissue at stimulation thresholds for peripheral nerves

caused a linear increase in temperature during energy deposition to a peak increase of 8-

15 ºC, with an exponentially decaying temperature after the beam is turned off (Wells et

al., 2007a, 2007c). Similar temporal dynamics were observed by Shapiro et al. for

transient changes in temperature and membrane capacitance (Shapiro et al., 2012). The

time constant of the exponential decay was measured between 90-100 ms, and limited the

rate at which stimulation could be applied without significantly raising the baseline tissue

temperature (Shapiro et al., 2012; Wells et al., 2007a). Stimulation at rates above 4 Hz

did not allow sufficient time between pulses for energy to dissipate, causing a sustained

increase in tissue temperature (Wells et al., 2007a). By performing a dose titration and

investigating the resulting histology, Wells et al. also determined that radiant exposures

only twice as high as the stimulation threshold resulted in neural damage in acute

experiments (Wells et al., 2007c). These limitations must be considered when designing

peripheral nerve interfaces using INS.

Research Motivation

While previous INS investigations have established that INS can trigger motor

response, important knowledge gaps must be addressed before INS can progress towards

functional implementation. A neuroprosthesis intended to restore motor function will

require stimulation rates at or above 12 Hz. With threshold stimulation at a single site

limited to 4 Hz (Wells et al., 2007a), higher stimulation rates may be achieved by

interleaving stimulation across multiple, thermally-independent sites. Previous data


previously reported only reports response along a single 400-600 um band of the nerve

(Wells et al., 2007b). With previous investigations primarily focused on stimulation

response at threshold, motor recruitment capabilities of INS are unknown. With a narrow

range between stimulation and damage thresholds, the output response may or may not

provide enough gradation to be useful. Previous studies have investigated motor

activation in nerves of rat and sea slug (Duke et al., 2012a; Wells et al., 2005a). The high

spatial localization of INS that makes it attractive as a selective interface may also be a

limiting factor when the size of the target nerve is increased. Previous studies also

generally involve application of infrared light to the nerve surface through bare fiber tips.

This approach may not provide the most efficient delivery of INS. Computational models

can be helpful in optimizing stimulus parameters (Schiefer et al., 2008), and may provide

means of improving stimulation using infrared light.

This thesis describes the studies performed to quantify parameters important to

designing extraneural peripheral nerve INS interfaces. Experimental in vivo work was

performed on a nerve model larger than that used in previous literature to quantify

parameters relevant to INS interface design. This provides a first step towards

understanding challenges of translating INS towards clinical applications. We also

designed and performed computational modeling studies to evaluate the feasibility of

proposed mechanisms of INS. The results of this study highlight the challenges to

implementing a peripheral nerve INS interface. The modeling results provide parameters

under which proposed mechanisms may cause activation, and provide initial direction for

alternative beam profiles that may more effectively activate axons.


Chapter 2: Dissertation Objectives and Organization


The primary objective of this dissertation is to quantify peripheral nerve

sensitivity and response to infrared stimulus applied extraneurally. The eventual goal of

implementing multichannel infrared-based peripheral nerve interfaces is driven by the

need to develop peripheral nerve interfaces that are highly selective but minimally

invasive. Prior studies indicate that motor response rat peripheral nerves can be elicited

using focused infrared light. Spread within tissue of the infrared wavelengths used is

limited by absorption of water, and infrared pulse deposition is thermally confined. Based

on these facts, infrared light has potential to provide highly localized activation of neural

tissue. Infrared stimulus comes with challenges to implementation, though, as high power

limits the maximum repetition rate at which infrared light can be applied, the entire nerve

does not exhibit sensitivity to infrared stimulus, and the evoked response is small.

Previous work indicates that electrical stimulus can be used to lower infrared activation

thresholds, which may provide a means of improving response to infrared stimulus.

Further optimization of infrared-based interfaces hinges on understanding the mechanism

by which infrared light triggers action potentials. Mechanistic work performed to date

indicates transient temperature changes, membrane capacitance changes, and intracellular

calcium release as possible, but not conclusive, mechanisms.

The presented work evaluates the use of infrared stimulus in the rabbit sciatic

nerve to quantify nerve sensitivity and motor response evoked by infrared stimulus.

Electrical and infrared stimuli are combined to determine the synergistic effect on full

muscle recruitment. Finally, computational models of the proposed infrared stimulus


mechanisms are developed to determine the feasibility of each mechanism as a means of


Aim 1

The first aim is to investigate parameters relevant to design of a multi-channel,

infrared-based peripheral nerve interface. This includes quantifying sensitivity of a multi-

fascicular mammalian peripheral nerve model to extraneural infrared stimulus, and

characterizing the response evoked by a single channel of stimulus. The specific

hypotheses developed for this aim are:

Hypothesis 1.1:

Rabbit sciatic nerve sensitivity to extraneural infrared stimulus is high

enough to yield at least 3 regions exhibiting entrained motor response to applied

infrared pulses.

Hypothesis 1.2:

Rectified and integrated motor response to increasing infrared pulse energy,

applied by increasing duration of fixed-power pulses, follows a sigmoid relationship

to increasing pulse duration/energy.

Hypothesis 1.3:

Motor recruitment within optically sensitive regions of the nerve will exhibit

a lower activation threshold than any other muscle recruited in the same region in

at least 50% of optically sensitive regions.

Hypothesis 1.4:


Short duration, high power infrared pulses are more efficient than longer

duration, lower power pulses in minimizing activation threshold and maximizing

evoked motor response.

Hypothesis 1.5:

Maximal motor response evoked by infrared stimulus applied at below the

calculated damage threshold will result in activation of at least 10% of a single


Nerve sensitivity and motor response are measured using exposed rabbit sciatic

nerves. This nerve model is larger than those previously used for studying peripheral

infrared stimulation, and is an important first step in translating infrared stimulus towards

clinical applications. Experimental methods, results, and hypothesis testing is performed

in Chapter 3 of this dissertation.

Aim 2

The relatively small muscle twitches evoked by infrared stimulus place limits on

its utility. The second aim of this study is to investigate whether extraneural infrared

stimulation affects a significant portion of the nerve, but to a sub-threshold level. This is

tested by applying entrained infrared and electrical pulses to mimic reports of synergistic

combinations of the two modalities. Because electrical stimulation is expected to lower

the activation threshold of axons, those stimulated to a subthreshold level should activate

when graded electrical stimulus is applied. Modulating electrical stimulation amplitude

from below threshold to supra-maximal activation levels will ensure that all motor axons

are activated. Differences between electrical and combined infrared and electrical stimuli

would indicate a population of axons that is influenced by the infrared stimulus.


Hypothesis 2.1

Combining extraneural, entrained electrical and optical stimuli will

significantly alter recruitment over electrical stimulation alone, by shifting

recruitment curves to lower stimulus levels, or reducing recruitment curve slope as

some axons are selectively activated.

Previous work combining electrical and infrared stimuli either deals with shifting

activation thresholds, or with application of each at frequencies showing significant inter-

pulse interactions. This study examines the effect of independent pulses to determine

whether a significant population of axons is stimulated to subthreshold levels.

Experimental methods and hypothesis testing of this aim are contained in chapter 3.

Aim 3

Infrared neural stimulation has not been mechanistically described, but previous

work has demonstrated thermally driven changes in membrane capacitance and

intracellular release of calcium by mitochondria in non-neuronal cells. Both of these

phenomena would be expected to cause depolarization of the cell, but it is unclear

whether this depolarization is significant enough to drive action potential generation. The

third aim of this study uses computational models to evaluate whether action potentials

can be generated in spatially-lumped membrane models or spatially-distributed axon

models, using these possible mechanisms.

Hypothesis 3.1

Thermally driven capacitance changes can trigger action potentials in

spatially-lumped membrane models.

Hypothesis 3.2


Thermally driven capacitance changes can trigger action potentials in

spatially-distributed axon models, depending on thermal gradients along the

membrane length.

Hypothesis 3.3

Intracellular release of calcium ions, modeled as an intracellular calcium

current, can trigger action potentials in spatially-lumped membrane models without

exceeding physiologic intracellular calcium concentration levels.

By determining whether these modeled phenomena offer feasible explanations for

infrared neural stimulation observed in mammalian axons, this study will help direct

future experimental work investigating infrared neural stimulation. The experimental

methods of this study, results, and hypothesis testing are contained in Chapter 4.

NEURON code used to perform simulations is contained in Appendix II.


Appendix I contains a reproduction of an article published in the Journal of

Neural Engineering (2011, Vol 8, Issue 4). This work investigated the use of spatial

characteristics of an electric field to predict whether it would trigger an action potential

when applied to a myelinated axon model. This approximation method achieved a

reduction in computation time by a factor of ~20,000, and is currently being employed in

research implementing genetic algorithms to optimize stimulating electric fields for

peripheral nerve interfaces.

Appendix II contains code written for the NEURON simulation environment to

model effects of infrared neural stimulation on excitable cell membranes. Both “.hoc”


simulation files and “.mod” membrane dynamic files are included. This code pertains to

simulations performed and discussed in Chapter 4.

Appendix III contains the MATLAB code used to analyze and summarize

recordings from in vivo experiments, related to the findings reported in Chapter 3. Code

used in recruitment curve generation, including EMG response detection and

measurement, is included.





Function can be restored to paralyzed limbs using selective peripheral nerve

interfaces. Previous approaches to achieve sub-fascicular selectivity have done so by

penetrating the protective perineurial barrier, increasing invasiveness to the nerve.

Infrared neural stimulation (INS) may provide a means of localized neural activation

from an extraneural interface, because of high infrared absorption by water and

thermally-constrained pulse delivery. A series of experiments were performed delivering

1875 nm infrared light from a continuous-wave source to the rabbit sciatic nerve.

Infrared-sensitive regions (ISR) of the nerve were measured to quantify available

extraneural interface sites. INS motor recruitment of medial gastrocnemius, lateral

gastrocnemius, soleus, and tibialis anterior were measured to quantify selectivity.

Maximum infrared recruitment was compared to maximal electrical recruitment to

quantify activation capabilities of a single channel of INS. Infrared and electrical stimuli

were applied simultaneously to measure differences in full-muscle recruitment over

electrical-only stimulus. 81% of nerves tested were sensitive to INS, with 1.7± 0.5 ISR

detected per nerve. INS was selective to a single muscle within 81% of identified ISR.

Activation energy threshold did not change significantly with stimulus power, but

recruitment amplitude decreased significantly when pulse power was decreased.

Maximum INS levels typically recruited 2-9% of any muscle. Combined stimulus

recruitment differed significantly from electrical recruitment in 7% of cases. A nerve

stimulated by INS exhibits selectivity to a single muscle, and may have the potential for

augmenting rehabilitation. However, significant challenges remain in delivering INS to


the nerve to increase sensitivity and response magnitude, before it will have a significant

clinical impact.


Peripheral nerve interfaces have been used to help restore function to paralyzed

limbs by stimulating axons of motor neurons (Polasek et al., 2009a; Popovic et al., 2007;

Weber et al., 2005). The ability to affect targeted axons while leaving non-targeted axons

unaffected is the measure of an interface’s selectivity (Choi et al., 2001; Dowden et al.,

2009; Polasek et al., 2009a; Schiefer et al., 2008). Improving interface selectivity is a key

design parameter, as increased selectivity improves control and functionality (Badia et

al., 2011; Butson et al., 2011; Fisher et al., 2009; Maks et al., 2009; Nielsen et al., 2011;

Richter et al., 2011b; Schiefer et al., 2010). The perineurium surrounding groups of axons

in peripheral nerves is resistive and impedes selective activation of subpopulations of

axons using electrical current. One approach to increase selectivity is to penetrate this

protective barrier (Badia et al., 2011; Dhillon and Horch, 2005; Dowden et al., 2009;

Fitzgerald et al., 2012; Rutten et al., 1991; Sergi et al., 2006). Interfaces that penetrate the

protective perineurial barrier of the nerve have been shown effective in activating very

small populations of axons in acute studies (Badia et al., 2011; Dowden et al., 2009).

However, disruption of the perineurial barrier leads to regeneration of a connective tissue

barrier in the chronic environment that may reduce selectivity gains of these approaches

(Branner et al., 2000).

Focused infrared light can evoke motor response in the peripheral nerve, without

introduction of exogenous chemicals or genetic material (Duke et al., 2009; Richter et al.,

2011a; Wells et al., 2007c, 2005b). Infrared wavelengths are highly absorbed by water in


tissue (Wells et al., 2007b), and energy is deposited before significant thermal diffusion

occurs (Wells et al., 2007a). The result is spatially localized delivery of infrared energy.

Infrared neural stimulation (INS) has been shown capable of activating localized regions

of peripheral nerves, the resulting activation pattern of which can be modulated by

repositioning infrared delivery to the nerve surface (Wells et al., 2007b). Infrared-based

neural interfaces may therefore provide means of activating small populations of axons

via extraneural delivery.

There are limitations to INS to consider in interface design. Wells et al.

demonstrated that INS applied at peripheral nerve stimulation thresholds resulted in

sustained tissue heating when applied at rates above 4 Hz (Wells et al., 2007a). Motor

activation at rates above 4 Hz for tonic contraction may be achievable by interleaving

stimulation across multiple, thermally independent sites, though. Radiant exposure

damage thresholds for acute INS have also been measured to be 2-4 times the activation

threshold (Wells et al., 2007c). This leaves a narrow range for safely modulating INS

response. Applying entrained electrical energy has been shown to lower infrared

stimulation thresholds, and suggested as a means of addressing high INS energy

thresholds (Duke et al., 2009). By lowering activation thresholds, electrical energy may

also help increase maximum INS recruitment by facilitating activation of sub-threshold


The goal of our study was to quantify parameters necessary to enable

multichannel INS interface design. Previous peripheral INS work has been applied to rat

sciatic nerve (Duke et al., 2009; Wells et al., 2007b). Because water absorption limits the

penetration depth of INS, investigating response in larger nerves will be important to


translating INS toward clinical implementation. The rabbit sciatic nerve, which is roughly

twice the diameter of the rat sciatic nerve, (Hsu et al., 2011; Tyler and Durand, 2003) was

chosen for this study. The first aim of this study was to quantify nerve sensitivity, and

characterize evoked motor response to INS. We hypothesized that at least 3 infrared-

sensitive regions (ISR) could be identified on each nerve, as this is the minimum number

of ISR required to implement interleaved 4 Hz stimulation to achieve a 12 Hz motor

response. We hypothesized that motor recruitment would follow a monotonic relationship

to pulse energy below the acute damage threshold, that at least 50% of ISR provide

selective activation of a single muscle, and that a single channel of INS stimulation

would recruit at least 10% of a muscle. Finally, entrained electro-infrared stimulation was

compared to electrical stimulation, to determine whether INS affected a functionally

significant population of axons. We hypothesized that increased activation of a

significant subpopulation of axons by INS or co-activation with the two modalities would

provide significant differences in full-muscle recruitment over electrical stimulation



Surgical preparation and EMG recording

The following procedures were approved by the Case Western Reserve University

Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC). New Zealand white rabbits

(Oryctolagus cuniculus) (Male, 2.8-4.5 kg) were initially anesthetized using Ketamine

and Xylazine. Anesthesia was maintained using continuously supplied Isoflurane at 2-4%

supplied through an endotracheal tube. Reflex checks and vital signs were used to

determine anesthesia level. Heart rate, temperature, pulse oximetry, and exhaled carbon


dioxide were measured to maintain stasis. Blunt dissection techniques were used to

separate the semitendinosis and biceps femoris and expose the sciatic nerve proximal to

the popliteal fossa. Similar procedures were also applied to three male Sprague-Dawley

rats (Rattus norvegicus). Initial anesthesia for rats was performed using 2-4% Isoflurane

administered with oxygen in a chamber. Due to anatomical differences between rat and

rabbit, the rat sciatic nerve was accessed using blunt dissection along the muscle plane

just rostral to the biceps femoris.

Motor response to INS was measured by recording electromyogram (EMG)

signals using bipolar intramuscular electrode pairs placed in the Lateral and Medial

Gastrocnemius muscles (LG and MG, respectively), Soleus (Sol), and Tibialis Anterior

(TA) (Figure 1 A). To improve coverage of the physically larger MG and LG muscles,

two EMG recording channels were implanted in each of these muscles. Intramuscular

electrodes were made by removing 3-5mm of insulation from 100 um 316LVM stainless

steel wire (Fort Wayne Metals, Fort Wayne, IN), and implanted using a hypodermic

needle tip. EMG signals were amplified with a gain of 330 and filtered 10-500 Hz with a

60 Hz notch filter (1902 Amplifier, Cambridge Electronic Design, Cambridge, England,

UK). Amplifier output was sampled at 5000 Hz to accurately capture EMG shape and

timing, digitized and recorded using data acquisition hardware (USB-6259 BNC,

National Instruments. Austin, TX). Electrical and infrared stimulus triggers and data

recording were controlled using custom LabVIEW software (LabVIEW 2010, National

Instruments. Austin, TX). Stimulator triggers were recorded along with EMG signals.

EMG recordings started approximately 40 ms before and continued approximately 50 ms

after the infrared stimulus trigger.


Electrode fabrication

To emulate stimulation geometries previously identified effective in hybrid

applications (Duke et al., 2012a, 2009), a nerve cuff with three electrodes was developed

(Figure 3-1B). Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) was mixed and cured in 3D-printed molds

to form flat-interface nerve electrodes (FINE) (Tyler and Durand, 2003). The nerve

channel cross section was 0.8 mm by 4.5 mm. A 1.3 mm by 4.5 mm opening spanning

the width of the nerve channel was cut in the top PDMS layer to allow direct IR delivery

to the nerve. Square, 0.64 mm2 platinum electrodes were located on either side of this

window on the top half of the nerve channel, longitudinal to the nerve and 1.3 mm apart

to reflect hybrid stimulation found effective in rat sciatic nerve (Duke et al., 2012a). A

third electrode was placed directly below the window on the bottom half of the nerve

channel, to test conditions similar to the hook electrode used in early hybrid

implementation (Duke et al., 2009).

Infrared delivery

A Capella 1870 continuous-wave diode laser (Lockheed-Martin Aculight. Bothell,

WA) was used to generate 1875 nm wavelength infrared energy. Infrared light was

coupled to a 400 µm diameter optical fiber (Ocean Optics. Dunedin, FL), rated for

wavelengths 400-2100 nm. Infrared energy was output to the nerve through a bare fiber

tip that was polished, inspected for defects at 200x magnification, and profiled with the

knife edge technique (Khosrofian and Garetz, 1983) and a power meter (PS19Q,

Coherent Inc. Santa Clara, CA) prior to each experiment. The bare fiber tip was secured

and positioned near the nerve using a 3-axis, 10 um resolution micromanipulator (M325,

World Precision Instruments. Sarasota, FL). Energy deposition was controlled by

adjusting pulse power and duration. Infrared pulses were applied at 1-2 Hz to allow


dissipation of thermal energy between pulses, and minimize inter-pulse interactions

(Wells et al., 2007a).

Optical stimulation

Radiant exposure to INS was limited to 2.6 J/cm2 to avoid the acute damage

thresholds measured by (Duke et al., 2012a, 2009; Wells et al., 2007a). Pulse power and

Figure 3-1 Methods for infrared and electrical stimulation of rabbit sciatic nerve

A) Infrared light was generated with a continuous wave laser, and coupled onto a

400 um diameter optical fiber. The bare, polished fiber tip was positioned above the

nerve with a micromanipulator. EMG response was recorded using intramuscular

electrodes inserted in Medial Gastrocnemius, Lateral Gastrocnemius, Soleus, and

Tibialis Anterior. B) Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) nerve cuff used to combine optical

and electrical stimulation. Optical stimulation was applied directly to the nerve

through the IR delivery window. C) Electrical and optical stimuli are aligned so

cathodic electrical stimulation ends with the IR pulse.


duration was initially set to target energy density of 1.3 J/cm2 when the fiber is positioned

~750 um from the nerve. The tip of the optical fiber was positioned between 250 and

1000 um from the nerve surface using the micromanipulator. The nerve was scanned to

identify regions where applied INS triggered a detectable EMG response. The nerve

surface was scanned side to side in 100-200 um transverse rows along the accessible

length of the nerve. When the edge of the scanning region was reached, the nerve was

scanned in the longitudinal columns, top to bottom and side to side until completely

scanned. If no ISR were observed, radiant exposure was increased and the surface was


When an optically sensitive region was detected, fiber positioning was tuned in all

three dimensions to center the infrared beam over the sensitive region based on evoked

EMG amplitude. The red pilot light of the laser was used to visualize the location of the

ISR on the nerve surface. The ISR position was recorded on a diagram of the nerve

relative to the common peroneal and sural branches (Figure 3-1A). When time permitted,

response was measured as a function of position on the nerve. The ISR was scanned in

the longitudinal and transverse directions in 50-100 um steps with 0.7-2.6 J/cm2


The largest above-threshold region across all pulse durations tested was taken as the

spatial measurement of the ISR.

Early data collection revealed periodic decreases in recruitment response that

would return a few minutes later. The points where response dropped did not correspond

to particular pulse energies/durations, but instead may have been due to application of

saline to rehydrate the nerve. Recruitment response was measured over time with fixed

stimulus and periodic application of 0.25-0.5 ml lactated Ringer’s solution to the nerve


surface. At least 30 seconds were allowed to pass between applications of 8 infrared

pulses, delivered at 2 Hz. The response rate to stimulus was defined as the ratio of

detected EMG responses to applied infrared pulses, and the threshold for response rate set

to 30% to exclude random twitches and noise events. When the recruitment response rate

dropped below the threshold during data collection, data points were excluded until the

response rate recovered. Because the response rate was defined as the ratio of detected

EMG signals to applied pulses, changes in recruitment amplitude would still be captured

for detectable EMG responses.

Motor recruitment curves at ISR were recorded in response to infrared pulse

durations from 0.2-3.4 ms in 0.1 ms steps. Maximum pulse duration was limited based on

infrared power to remain below the calculated damage threshold. Order in which pulse

duration was applied was randomized, and at least 8 pulses were applied at each pulse

duration level, at a rate of 2 Hz. The activation threshold of a recruitment curve was

defined as the lowest pulse duration or energy at which the 30% response rate threshold

was exceeded.

Electro-Infrared Stimulation

Electrical stimulation was delivered through electrodes stabilized in a PDMS

FINE nerve cuff. Electrodes were positioned as close as possible to identified ISR. After

device implantation, optical fiber position and radiant exposure was adjusted to re-

establish infrared-evoked response if possible. Electrical stimulation was supplied using a

custom current-controlled stimulator (FSPG, Crishtronics LLC. Cleveland, OH).

Stimulus pulses were biphasic with a rectangular stimulus phase and passive, current-

limited charge-balancing phase (Figure 3-1C). Muscle recruitment was measured as a

function of electrical pulse amplitude in response to pure electrical or combined electrical


and infrared stimulus. A total of 9 electrode configurations were tested. Each

configuration employed one of the three electrodes to deliver cathodic stimulation, with

anodic return through either one of the other two contacts or a distant percutaneous

electrode. Infrared stimulus was set to ~150% of the previously observed infrared

threshold. This ensured some safety margin below damage thresholds, while maximizing

the number of axons affected by INS. Electrical and optical stimulation was entrained so

the stimulation phases of each ended at the same time (Figure 3-1D), to reflect the

stimulus parameters reported by Duke et al. (Duke et al., 2009). Application of electrical

and optical stimuli was controlled using custom LabVIEW software (LabVIEW 2010,

National Instruments. Austin, TX). Electrical amplitude was randomized with at least 6

repeat measures spread throughout the trial. At each measurement, an electrical-only and

a combined stimulus pulse were each applied at the same electrical amplitude in

randomized order. All stimuli were applied at 1-2 Hz to reduce inter-pulse interaction and


Data Analysis

EMG response was the primary outcome measure used in analyzing response to

applied stimuli. Stimulus triggers were used as reference time points for identifying

evoked responses. Early EMG responses were analyzed manually to determine that EMG

response typically began within 5 ms and was complete within 10-13 ms of the trigger.

An automated process was developed to measure evoked EMG response. The DC offset

of all EMG signals was removed, and the RMS value of the signal during the 40 ms prior

to the trigger was computed to estimate baseline noise. Threshold was set at 6 times this

RMS, and the algorithm detected threshold crossings in the 15 ms after each stimulus

trigger. Contiguous signal deflections that maintained the same polarity for longer than


0.5 ms but less than 4 ms were classified as part of the EMG signal and used to determine

EMG start and stop times. Muscle recruitment was measured as the rectified EMG signal

integrated from start to stop time.

Delay between stimulus and EMG initiation was compared for infrared and

electrical stimuli applied to the same nerve region. Infrared light was delivered through

the opening in the nerve cuff, and electrical stimulation applied through each of the

contacts 0.6 mm proximal and distal to the opening. Recruitment curves were generated

with each energy modality, varying pulse amplitude for electrical stimulation and pulse

duration for infrared stimulation. Delay between stimulus and the start of evoked EMG

was measured manually by plotting EMG signals relative to the stimulus triggers. The

electrical stimulation start time was set as the end of the 50-100 us cathodic stimulus

phase. The end of a minimum-duration infrared pulse eliciting an EMG response was

used as the start time for measuring infrared-evoked EMG delay. The initial signal

deflection of the EMG signal was used as the stop time for delay measurements of both


All statistical testing was performed with a significance level of α = 0.05.

Wilcoxon signed rank tests were used when comparing measured results against a

hypothesized mean. Wilcoxon rank sum tests were used to compare pairs of distributions.

Significance and confidence intervals for selectivity were computed using a proportions

test, with each sensitive region classified as selective or not. Differences in recruitment

curves between electrical and hybrid stimulation were tested using a two-sample

Kolmogorov-Smirnov test sensitive to differences in shape and location of the cumulative

distribution of two samples (Chen et al., 2009). Recruitment pairs identified as


statistically significant were examined visually to determine whether consistent changes

in activation were present in response to combined stimulus. Changes in recruitment

threshold or slope were considered functionally relevant, but statistically significant

changes in recruitment at a few stimulation amplitudes was not considered functionally

significant. Plotting, data analysis, and statistical computations were performed using

MATLAB 2012a (Mathworks. Natick, MA), and Minitab 16 (Minitab Inc. State College,



Nerve Sensitivity to INS

30-50 mm sections of 2.5-4.5 mm wide sciatic nerves (N=32, 25 rabbits) were

scanned to identify infrared-sensitive regions (ISR). An ISR was classified as unstable if

motor response was observed, but could not be maintained long enough to record any

recruitment data. Adding a stabilizing stage below the nerve helped decrease movement

of the nerve and increase response stability. 26/32 (81%) scanned nerves were responsive

to infrared pulses. 1.7 ± 0.5 (mean ± 95% confidence interval) ISR per nerve were

observed across all 32 nerves. 2.0 ± 0.5 (mean ± 95% confidence interval) ISR per nerve

were observed among the 26 infrared-sensitive nerves. A typical result is illustrated in

(Figure 3-2A), and a composite result across all nerves is illustrated in (Figure 3-2B). The

maximum number of ISR detected on a single nerve was 6. Scans of the sural sensory

branch did not yield any motor response, as expected. Lower reported ISR frequency

proximal to the common peroneal branch or distal to sural branch (Figure 3-2B) was due

to nerve-to-nerve variation in branch point locations and physical limitations of scanning

above and below these points, rather than intrinsic lower sensitivity. Evoked EMG


responses in 11 ISR were measured as a function of position and pulse energy. Average

transverse and longitudinal measurements were 360 ± 90 um and 470 ±140 um (mean ±

95% confidence interval), respectively.

Using a similar scanning technique to that used for sensitivity measurement in the

rabbit sciatic, three rat sciatic nerves were also scanned to identify ISR. Only MG, LG

and TA were monitored for EMG response, and no distinction was made between stable

and unstable regions (Figure 3-3). Scanned nerves were 0.9-1.8 mm wide, and the

exposed and scanned region was 18-25 mm in length. 6.0 ± 1.53 ISR (mean ± standard

error of the mean, N=3) were detected across the three trials performed.

Figure 3-2 Locations of detected optically sensitive regions

Infrared-sensitive regions (ISR) detected on the rabbit sciatic nerve. Identified regions

were classified as stable if response was observed for many minutes without adjusting

stimulation. Unstable regions exhibited sensitivity, but responses disappeared after only

a few minutes or less. Infrared sensitivity was observed in 26/32 scanned nerves. A)

Typical result from one trial exhibiting infrared sensitivity. B) Composite of all

identified sensitive regions observed, n = 32 nerves/25 rabbits.


Motor Recruitment with Infrared Stimulus

Recruitment from fixed stimulus was measured over time to investigate effects of

hydration on motor response. 12 trials were performed across 6 animals. LRS was added

prior to each trial, and at least 3 minutes were allowed to elapse before iteration 1 began.

For 8/12 trials, LRS was applied twice mid-trial (Figure 3-4 A, B), whereas in 4/12 trials

no LRS was added once the trial began. 4/8 of the mid-trial hydration cases showed a

significant decrease in response immediately following LRS application (Figure 3-4A).

The other 4/8 cases showed no significant change in recruitment after saline application

(Figure 3-4B). Of the 4 trials where the nerve was not hydrated mid-trial, only 1/4 trials

showed any significant change in recruitment with a brief reduction of response that

returned within a few minutes.

Optical recruitment as a function of pulse duration/energy was recorded in 42

sensitive regions (21 nerves, 18 rabbits). Stimulation was applied with pulse durations

between 0.2 and 3.4 ms, in 0.1 ms increments. Recruitment curves were analyzed across

Figure 3-3 Sensitive regions detected in rat sciatic nerve

Infrared-sensitive regions (ISR) detected on the rat sciatic nerve in three experiments.

Nerves were 0.9-1.8 mm wide. Scanned length was 18-25 mm. Motor output was

measured in MG, LG, and TA.


recorded EMG channels to measure selectivity. Each ISR was classified as sensitive if a

single muscle could be recruited before another reached threshold (Figure 3-4C), and

classified as non-selective if multiple muscles reached the 30% threshold response rate at

the same pulse duration (Figure 3-4D). Single-muscle selectivity was observed in 34/42

sensitive regions (95% confidence interval: 67-91%, single-parameter proportions test)

When the definition of selectivity was relaxed to allow co-activation of the functionally-

similar MG and LG, 39/42 cases exhibited selectivity (95% confidence interval: 81-

99%). Most sensitive regions allowed stimulation of multiple muscles below the

calculated damage threshold. 12/42 (29%, 95% confidence interval: 16-45%) sensitive

regions only a single muscle was activated below the damage threshold.

Mean recruitment was observed to follow a generally monotonic relationship with

increase pulse duration. Spearman’s rank-order correlation was chosen to evaluate this

relationship, as Pearson’s correlation tests indicated the relationship was not linear.

Across 209 recruitment curves (21 nerves, 17 rabbits) ρ = 0.68 ± 0.04 (mean ± 95%

confidence interval), and was significantly greater than zero for 83% of the recruitment



To examine whether short, high power infrared delivery was more effective than

longer, lower power delivery, recruitment curves were generated using 100%, 80%, and

55% laser power levels. Data was collected at 12 sensitive regions across 7 nerves/rabbits

at 100% and 80% levels, but time only permitted collection at 55% in 4 trials. Threshold

Figure 3-4 Motor recruitment over time and versus pulse duration

A, B) Infrared recruitment was dependent on nerve hydration. Recruitment

measured with fixed stimulus over time. A) Example recruitment reduction after

application of 0.25-0.5 ml of lactated Ringer’s solution (LRS). B) Example with

steady recruitment after LRS application. C, D) Recruitment curves generated as

a function of pulse duration showing C) selective recruitment and D) non-

selective recruitment.


pulse duration increased significantly with decreased laser power (Figure 3-5A), but

energy required to activate did not change significantly with laser power (Figure 3-5B).

Maximum recruitment decreases significantly with decreased laser power when

compared to activation at 100% power for all cases tested (Figure 3-5C). Soleus (Sol) and

tibialis anterior (TA) lacked sufficient sample numbers at 55% power to compute

confidence intervals or significance. ANOVA showed laser power (p=0.04), but not

muscle (p=0.93), to be a significant factor in maximum recruitment compared to 100%

power stimulation.

Maximum optical and electrical recruitment was compared across 57 recruitment

curves (12 nerves, 10 rabbits). INS recruitment was lower magnitude than electrical

recruitment (Figure 3-6A). Mean maximum INS recruitment across muscles was 2-9% of

the muscle capability. Cases wherein muscles were not activated to any detectable level

were excluded. Wilcoxon signed rank test results indicated that mean infrared activation

for all muscles fell significantly below 10% of maximum activation (Figure 3-6B).


Figure 3-5 Comparing response versus infrared pulse power

A) Pulse duration required for activation decreases with increasing pulse power. B)

Pulse energy required for activation does not change significantly with pulse power. C)

Maximum recruitment at 80% and 55% power compared to maximum recruitment

with 100% power.

*p < 0.05, **p < 0.01 A,B) Wilcoxon rank sum test. C) Wilcoxon signed rank test.


Figure 3-6 Maximum electrical and infrared recruitment compared

A) Example electrical and infrared recruitment curves for a single muscle B) Percentage

of maximum electrical recruitment achieved with infrared stimulation across 12 nerves

in 10 rabbits. Computed mean with 95% confidence intervals, and p-values for

Wilcoxon signed rank test results against mean = 10%.


Delay from infrared or electrical stimulation to EMG response start time was

recorded with electrical stimulus applied 0.6 mm proximal or distal to a region stimulated

by infrared (3 nerves, 3 rabbits) (Figure 3-7). The minimum pulse duration activation

threshold was determined for each muscle activated by infrared. Activation with infrared

light resulted in significantly longer latencies to EMG activation than electrical

stimulation. Mean infrared response latencies ranged 0.96-2.5 ms longer than mean

electrical response latency. Activation thresholds for infrared stimulation ranged 0.8-

2.0 ms.

Electro-Infrared Stimulation

Combined extraneural electrical and infrared stimulation was tested in 12 nerves

in 7 rabbits using the windowed nerve cuff (Figure 3-1B). In 7/12 nerves EMG response

to infrared stimulus was observed before beginning the trial. Analysis of paired electrical

Figure 3-7 Latency between threshold stimulus and EMG recruitment

EMG delay measurements between threshold stimulus delivery and start of EMG

response for electrical and infrared stimuli for a single experiment. Electrical

stimulation was applied 6 mm proximal and 6 mm distal to infrared stimulus. EMG

start time was significantly longer for muscles activated by infrared pulses, than

activated by electrical stimulus.


and combined stimulus recruitment curves with a 2-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test

identified 873/930 (93%) recruitment pairs as not statistically different. Of the 67 (7.2%)

significant pairs, 31 (46%) were generated on the same nerve during a single experiment

and exhibited strong inhibition of soleus (Figure 3-8A), mixed inhibition of MG and LG,

and decreased activation threshold for TA. All EMG responses were very small when this

trial was performed, indicating that the entire muscle was not activated by electrical or

combined stimulation. This may be due to fatigue, or other confounding factor affecting

the nerve state. 13/36 of the remaining statistically significant pairs showed electro-

infrared activation at pulse amplitudes below the electrical-only activation threshold

(Figure 3-8B), but recruitment differences between the two modalities disappeared above

the electrical threshold. Of the remaining 23 statistically significant pairs, combined

stimulus shifted recruitment to slightly higher thresholds or decreased slope in 11 pairs;

showed an increase in recruitment slope in 3 pairs; exhibited high variability in either or

both recruitment curves in 9 pairs; and showed no identified trend in 2 pairs. Results are

summarized in Table 3-1. Of the 9 different electrode configurations, 21/36 (58%) of the

significant recruitment pairs were generated when the contact directly below the infrared

delivery window was involved as cathode or anode. Of the other electrode arrangements,

only the distal anode with proximal cathode appeared more often than chance, with 7/36

(19%) cases involving this arrangement.


Figure 3-8 Electrical and combined stimulus recruitment curves

Examples of full muscle recruitment using electrical and combined electrical and

infrared stimulation. A) Inhibition of soleus, example observed in 31/67 statistically

significant recruitment curves. B) Example case, significant due to optical activation

below the electrical activation threshold. Inset: Example of optical activation below the

electrical activation threshold. Electrical amplitude = 0.05 mA.


Table 3-1 Significant recruitment differences comparing combined stimulation over

electrical-only stimulation

No. Significant Cases (%)

Increased Recruitment Slope 8 (0.8%)

Decreased Recruitment Slope 19 (2.0%)

Threshold Increased 19 (2.0%)

Threshold Decreased 5 (0.5%)

High Response Variability 31 (3.3%)

Decreased Recruitment Amplitude 31 (3.3%)


Nerve Sensitivity to INS

Nerve sensitivity to extraneural INS will drive design of extraneural interfaces.

Nerve sensitivity to INS was low, with typically only 1-2 sensitive regions measured per

nerve (Figure 2A), and was observed in only 81% of nerves. This result contrasts with the

more uniform sensitivity reported by Wells et al. (2007b) in rat sciatic nerve, but are in

accordance with reports from Duke et al. (2012a) that sensitivity is localized to small

regions and only occurred in 76% of rat sciatic nerves (Duke et al., 2012a; Wells et al.,

2007b). Stimulation of the rat sciatic nerve resulted in an average of 6 ISR detected per

nerve (Figure 3-3). Approximating the areas scanned as roughly rectangular, the rabbit

sciatic nerve yielded 0.009-0.027 ISR/mm2 and the rat sciatic nerve yielded 0.13-0.37

ISR/mm2. Observed differences in sensitivity may be due to differences in nerve size

between rat and rabbit, as the rabbit sciatic nerve is roughly twice the diameter of the rat

sciatic nerve (Hsu et al., 2011; Tyler and Durand, 2003). Since penetration depths of the

wavelengths used are expected to be 300-600 um, a smaller portion of the rabbit nerve is

exposed to infrared than in the rat. This may be a significant limitation to be addressed in

scaling INS to larger nerve targets. Results of this study also indicate that shorter and

higher-power pulses are more effective for stimulation (Figure 4). The pulsed laser


source used by Wells et al. (2007b) delivers shorter and higher power pulses than could

be achieved with the continuous-wave source used in this study, which may have resulted

in more regional over uniform sensitivity. Finally, Wells et al. (2007b) monitored a

different set of muscles than those observed in this study or the that by Duke et al.

(2012a) (Duke et al., 2012a). If non-recorded muscles were activated, it was not enough

to cause visible movement leg movement. Because the focus of this study was evaluating

functional output, undetected activation of small muscles should not alter conclusions

about functional utility targeting large muscles used for foot positioning and control.

Measurements of the spatial extent of response to infrared light indicate that ISR

are small, typically less than 400-500 um in the longitudinal or transverse directions,

similar to that reported in the rat sciatic nerve (Duke et al., 2012a). The primary caveat to

these measurements is that infrared energy was applied using a 400 um diameter fiber,

which sets a lower limit on reliable feature size measurement. These results do provide an

upper bound on optically sensitive region size, though, and indicate sensitive regions are

relatively small.

Infrared-Evoked Muscle Recruitment

Previous INS work indicated that rehydration of the nerve was necessary for

maintaining nerve viability (Wells et al., 2007a, 2007b), but the effect on INS response

was not reported. Trials involving fixed stimulus applied over regular intervals showed

that application of lactated Ringer’s solution (LRS) may temporarily reduce or abolish

response to INS (Figure 3-4A, B). This result could be due to absorption of infrared light

by excess water on the nerve, reducing energy delivery to nerve tissue. Once this effect

was identified, application of LRS was tracked and controlled more closely, but these


results indicate that to reduce variability in future studies nerve hydration should be

closely controlled.

With recent work indicating that applied INS can prevent action potential

generation or increase stimulation thresholds (Mou et al., 2012), it was necessary to

confirm that the working range for INS motor activation is not narrower than that already

constrained by acute damage thresholds. We hypothesized that INS recruitment would

follow a monotonic relationship with pulse duration, allowing for use of the entire range

of pulse between the activation and calculated damage threshold for INS. The

Spearman’s rank-order correlation was computed for mean recruitment as a function of

pulse duration in 209 recruitment curves, resulting in an average ρ = 0.68. When each

correlation was tested whether it was greater than zero, indicating a relationship that was

generally monotonic and increasing, 83% of correlations were significant. Based on this

result, it was concluded that response between stimulation and damage thresholds does

not decrease, and pulse durations above threshold and below the damage threshold could

be used in INS.

While infrared energy delivery at the wavelengths used for INS is expected to be

thermally constrained over the pulse durations used (Wells et al., 2007a), axon response

may be sensitive to the duration over which INS is delivered. Recruitment curves

generated at varied power levels showed that lowered power significantly increased

activation threshold pulse durations, but this significance disappeared when activation

thresholds were scaled to compare total energy delivery (Figure 3-5A, B). Comparing the

maximum recruitment achieved with lower power stimulation showed a significant

decrease when compared to full-power recruitment (Figure 3-5C). In some cases, the


muscles activated using full power stimuli were not activated at lower power levels. That

activation energy thresholds were maintained when activation was achieved, but

maximum recruitment was not, suggests that a certain population of axons was not

activated despite delivery of the same energy. Currents generated by infrared energy may

have diffused within these axons during the additional time it required to supply lower

power stimulus. This would suggest that while the energy delivery is still thermally

constrained, dynamics within axons may be an important factor in designing INS

delivery. Other INS studies report increased response and reliability when using a pulsed

Holmium: YAG laser, which stimulates with short, high-power pulses, over the

continuous-wave diode laser that delivers energy over a longer duration, despite

generating wavelengths with similar absorption characteristics (Duke et al., 2012a; Wells

et al., 2007a). These results indicate that short, high-power INS is more effective in

activating motor neurons.

In 34/42 (81%) of ISR, a single muscle could be activated before another reached

threshold. This result was significantly above 50%, indicating that the localized delivery

of INS generally results in the ability to selectively activate a single muscle, when an ISR

can be identified. This result, paired with the results indicating that a very small

proportion of the muscle can be activated with INS (Figure 3-6), indicates that selective

sub-fascicular activation is achievable using extraneural INS.

Mean maximum infrared-evoked response was low, though, activating 2-9% of

the muscle. Measuring the maximum percentage of a muscle activated by a single

channel of extraneural INS helps to provide guidelines in estimating the number of

channels necessary for full coverage of a single muscle. Consider a hypothetical


neuroprosthesis that uses infrared stimulation to provide graded recruitment up to 20% of

muscle activation, using electrical stimulation for the remaining 80% to reach full

activation. With mean maximum activation by a single channel between 2 and 5% of the

full muscle capability, 2-10 channels of infrared delivery would be necessary for 4 Hz,

20% stimulation at a single site. Interleaved stimulation to deliver at least 12 Hz, 20%

stimulation would increase the number to 6-30 channels for activation of a single muscle

at 20%. If not all stimulation sites stimulate the target muscle, this number would be

increased further. These requirements far exceed the 1-2 available ISR typically found on

the nerves investigated.

Combined Electrical and Infrared Stimulus

The population of axons stimulated to an above-threshold level with INS was

observed to offer limited motor recruitment capabilities (Figure 3-6), but it was unknown

whether a significant population was activated to a subthreshold level. Early work

exploring combination of electrical and infrared stimulus indicated that entrained

application of electrical stimulus could be used to lower the activation threshold for

infrared stimulation (Duke et al., 2009). Electrical stimulation was added to infrared

stimulation and swept from subthreshold to supramaximal activation of the nerve to

highlight any subthreshold activation due to INS. Electrode arrangement relative to

optical stimulus and identification of ISR was indicated as important for combined

stimulation by (Duke et al., 2012a). The electrode cuff used in this study was designed to

accommodate these needs, providing longitudinal contacts and the ability to tune infrared

delivery directly to the nerve to ISR through the window. Combining electrical and

infrared stimulus revealed significant differences in only 7% of paired comparisons. Of

the cases that were significantly different, the largest difference observed was recruitment


inhibition observed in a single trial. This behavior resembled the action potential

generation block observed by Mou et al. (Mou et al., 2012), rather than an increase in

excitability from INS (Figure 3-8A). If infrared-only delivery in this study was causing

inhibition in regions of the nerve in some cases, then there may be inhibitory ISR that

were not detected by our methods. Results presented by Mou et al. and Duke et al. (Duke

et al., 2012b; Mou et al., 2012) indicate that applying infrared light continuously or at

frequencies above 4 Hz, which would be expected to cause sustained tissue temperature

increases, can have excitatory and inhibitory effects. Controlling local nerve temperature

may be a useful method of modulating electrical excitability using a single channel of

infrared stimulus. While some of the results of our investigation indicate the inhibitory

effects of INS can be achieved with entrained stimulation, the overwhelming majority of

recruitment curves did not reveal an INS-mediated effect for entrained, extraneural

combined stimulus.

Infrared-Driven Neural Activation

Comparing infrared-evoked and electrically-evoked EMG responses provided support

that infrared light activates motor neurons directly, and that electrical and infrared

stimulation activate axons differently. Support that infrared activates motor neurons

directly comes from the latency difference between the two methods (Figure 3-7).

Electrical stimulation is expected to directly activate motor neurons instead of a reflex

pathway, supported by results showing electrical latencies less than 2 ms in this study.

That infrared latencies are only 0.96-2.5 ms longer than electrical latencies does not

support motor activation of INS through a monosynaptic reflex pathway. Reports of the

Hoffmann’s response (H-reflex) latency are 5 ms in the rat sciatic nerve and is reported to


be longer in the sciatic nerve of the anesthetized rabbit (Chen and Wolpaw, 1995; Zheng,

1988; Zhou et al., 1997).

With response delay differences ranging 0.96-2.5 ms, generated action potentials

either occurred well after the infrared pulse ended, or resulted in activation of smaller

diameter axons and muscle fibers. Wells et al. presented data showing 2.6 ms delay

between threshold energy delivery and ENG measured on the rat sciatic nerve 6 mm from

the stimulation site (Wells et al., 2007a). This translates to a conduction velocity of

2.4 m/s, and either a sub-0.5 um diameter myelinated or ~1.1 um unmyelinated fiber,

based on conduction velocity over the stated distance (Ritchie, 1982). It is possible that

reported ENG results were recorded from an unmyelinated axon, but because this delay is

similar to the response delay difference observed in EMG this study, a simpler

explanation for both observations is that the mechanism of activation takes longer

electrical activation of the nerve. This does not preclude the possibility of a combination

of both mechanism delay and smaller fiber activation, though.

The mechanism of INS is still unknown (Richter et al., 2011a). Previously

reported evidence indicates a photothermal effect over photochemical, photomechanical,

and photoelectric mechanisms (Wells et al., 2007a). Transient temperature-driven

changes in cell membrane capacitance have been shown capable of causing

depolarization of 8-10 mV in non-excitable cells (Shapiro et al., 2012), and intracellular

calcium release from mitochondria in response to infrared stimulus has been recorded in

cardiac myocytes (Dittami et al., 2011). The presence of temperature-sensitive channels

in peripheral nerves leaves open the possibility of a channel-driven mechanism for INS

(Facer et al., 2007; Thyagarajan et al., 2009). Possible mechanisms like membrane


capacitance changes and temperature-sensitive channels may be expected to be more

easily triggered than the sensitivity results of this study suggest. If changes due to

capacitance or temperature-sensitive channels must occur at nodes of Ranvier, then

sensitivity may be lower. Mitochondrial density is also expected to be highest around

nodes of Ranvier (Chiu, 2011). The scanning process used in this study should have

resulted in stimulation of many nodes of Ranvier, as a node of Ranvier is likely to be

found within a 64 um-diameter hemisphere, or volume of 8.5x103 um

2 (Rutten et al.,

1991). In this study of infrared light was delivered in a 400-500 um wide spot. Assuming

penetration of only 100 um into the endoneurial space with amplitude sufficient to

stimulate, 12.5x106 um

2 of the endoneurial space would be illuminated, making it

possible for over a thousand nodes to be stimulated by infrared light. The spot size limits

how many nodes on a single axon can be affected, though, and only the smallest diameter

axons will have multiple nodes of Ranvier within the beam spot. A response may only be

observed when enough small-diameter axons occur within a region sufficiently

stimulated by infrared light, resulting in a small observed response because only a few

small fibers are activated. Most INS studies deliver INS to the nerve surface with a

Gaussian beam profile from a bare polished fiber (Wells et al., 2007a). The possibility

that this is not the optimal spatial distribution of infrared light for activation also remains,

and activation may occur only at nerve regions where the infrared profile experienced by

the axons is warped enough by tissue layers to provide an activating profile. The answers

to these questions will help in determining whether stronger response or lower energy

thresholds can be achieved in INS applied to the peripheral nerve.



Extraneural INS was investigated as a means to provide selective motor activation

without penetrating the epineurium or perineurium. Rabbit sciatic nerve was used in this

study to investigate INS in a larger nerve model than had been previously investigated.

Results indicate that nerve sensitivity to extraneural INS is localized to small regions of

the nerve, but these regions occur too infrequently with current INS techniques to be

valuable in functional applications. The evoked motor response was found to be selective

to a single muscle in the majority of regions identified, but the maximum achieved

recruitment fell below functional motor activation levels. Combining entrained electrical

and infrared stimuli offered limited utility over electrical stimulation alone. Therefore,

INS is limited to a very small population of axons producing selective, but non-functional

motor output.


The authors would like to thank Prof. Hillel Chiel for discussions regarding

infrared stimulation, Smruta Koppaka for input and help with performing experimental

procedures, the Jansen lab at Vanderbilt University for discussions and demonstrations

regarding infrared delivery, and Profs. Dominique Durand and Andrew Rollins for

feedback in developing this manuscript.

Funding for this project was provided by Microsystems Technology Office of the

Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Centers in Integrated Photonics

Engineering Research (CIPHER) and the Lockheed Martin Aculight Corporation. The

project described was supported in part by Grant Number T32-EB004314 from the

NIBIB and the National Institutes of Health.





Neural interfaces rely on selective activation of neurons to treat disease and

injury. Infrared neural stimulation (INS) may provide high selectivity neural interfaces,

but high energy requirements remain a challenge. Previous works have optimized and

improved electrical stimulation with the use of computational modeling. Computational

models of INS may be useful in optimizing and improving INS efficiency. The goal of

this work was to implement two proposed mechanisms of INS in membrane and axon

models to evaluate whether the tested mechanisms could be used to explain infrared

activation. The two mechanisms examined included: 1) transient temperature-driven

changes in effective membrane capacitance and 2) intracellular calcium release.

Investigation of each mechanism also included thermal effects on ion channel rate

variables. Results show that under appropriate conditions both mechanisms could trigger

action potentials. Action potentials were generated in spatially-distributed axon models,

depending on the distribution of infrared-evoked intracellular currents along an axon.

Beam profiles with flat or positive curvature were effective in triggering action potentials

with temperature-driven capacitance changes. Small-diameter axons exhibited lower

activation thresholds in spatially-distributed models, suggesting that INS may provide

recruitment that more closely matches physiologic recruitment.


Neuromodulation has been used in restoring function to individuals whose nervous

systems have been compromised by disease or injury (Ahuja et al., 2011; Butson and

McIntyre, 2006; Dhillon and Horch, 2005; Pfingst, 2011; Rodriguez et al., 2000; Rossini


et al., 2010). Many clinical neuromodulation devices rely on applied electrical stimulus to

affect neural behavior. Examples include devices to restore hearing, reduce chronic pain,

restore motor function, interrupt seizure activity, and reduce symptoms of movement

disorders (Benabid, 2003; Fisher et al., 2009; Oakley et al., 2007; Pfingst et al., 2011).

Computational models of the interaction between the nervous system and electrical

stimulus have helped to optimize and improve electrical interface designs, by providing a

means to quickly evaluate design performance before fabrication and testing in vivo

(Butson et al., 2011; Mahnam et al., 2008; Maks et al., 2009; McNeal, 1976; Schiefer et

al., 2008; Veltink et al., 1988; Wongsarnpigoon et al., 2010).

Infrared neural stimulation (INS) has been investigated as a means of improving

neural interface selectivity, because light can be delivered to the body in unique ways.

Infrared light has been shown capable of both activating motor axons and increasing

activation thresholds in peripheral nerves (Mou et al., 2012; Wells et al., 2007b).

Currently, infrared stimulation of the peripheral nerve requires high energy levels that

limit stimulation at threshold to 4 Hz and below and result in a narrow safety margin

between stimulation and damage levels (Wells et al., 2007a, 2007c). While experimental

work has shown entrained electrical stimulus as one means to lower optical stimulation

thresholds (Duke et al., 2012a, 2009), the parameter space for designing spatial and

temporal delivery of more effective infrared stimulation is vast. Computational models of

infrared stimulation would enable investigation of this parameter space to focus

experimental efforts toward interface design.

A mechanistic understanding of INS would provide a basis for computational

models of infrared stimulation. Wells et al. concluded that photochemical, photoelectrical,


and photomechanical are unlikely causes of INS activation, and noted the need to establish

a spatial/temporal thermal gradient in the activated tissue (Wells et al., 2007a). More

recently, transient temperature changes caused by INS have been shown to change the

effective capacitance of the membrane, by weakening hydration bonds on the ions near the

membrane (Genet et al., 2000; Shapiro et al., 2012). The resulting capacitive current has

been modeled as a depolarizing intracellular current source, and shown to trigger action

potentials in a spatially-lumped membrane model at 6.3 ˚C initial temperature (Shapiro et

al., 2012). Triggered release of intracellular calcium by infrared light has also been

suggested as a possible INS mechanism. Infrared light has been shown to trigger

intracellular calcium release from mitochondria in cardiac myocytes (Dittami et al., 2011).

An intracellular release of positively charged calcium ions may trigger further calcium-

induced calcium release within the cell (Berridge et al., 2000), increasing depolarization.

Currently, calcium dynamics in response to infrared light have not been reported for

axons, but intracellular calcium release can be included in computational models to

evaluate calcium release levels necessary for activation by this mechanism.

Models of INS have been limited to spatially-lumped membrane models at

temperatures not relevant to experimental INS investigations, or investigating changes in

excitability from localized temperature changes from constant infrared pulses (Mou et al.,

2012; Shapiro et al., 2012). The goal of this study is to model membrane capacitance

changes and intracellular calcium release at a wide range of initial temperatures and in

both spatially-lumped membrane models and spatially-distributed axon models. Using

electrical models of neuronal membranes, both mechanisms were tested to measure the

effects on depolarizing the cell and triggering action potentials. Capacitive intracellular


currents were hypothesized to trigger action potentials in axon models when focused by

controlling infrared energy is distribution along the axon. Intracellular calcium release was

hypothesized to cause membrane activation without requiring intracellular calcium

concentrations to exceed 10 times the baseline intracellular concentration (Berridge et al.,

2000). By exploring common infrared delivery parameters, these models provide direction

on future investigation of INS interfaces.


Spatially-Lumped Membrane Models

Electrical models of neuronal membranes described by Hodgkin and Huxley (HH)

(Hodgkin and Huxley, 1952a), and Frankenhaeuser and Huxley (FH) (Frankenhaeuser

and Huxley, 1964) were used as the bases for spatially-lumped excitable membrane

models (Figure 5-1A). Ion channel gating rates were scaled with initial temperatures and

transient temperature changes using the Q10 factors reported for each (Table 5-1) (Moore

et al., 1978). The Q10 temperature coefficient increases exponentially with temperature,

and is the factor by which conduction rates change for each 10 °C change in temperature.

Values greater than 1.0 cause rates to increase with temperature, 1.0 causes no change

with temperature, and values less than 1.0 decrease rates with increased temperature.

Initial membrane temperatures ranging 6-38 ºC were tested. Responses of the sodium

activation (m), sodium inactivation (h), and potassium activation (n) gating variables

were measured to understand the effects of temperature on activation. All simulations

were performed using NEURON 7.2 (Hines and Carnevale, 1997).


Table 4-1 Q10 and membrane capacitance, Cm, simulated in each model

Model Parameter Value


Q10m 3

Q10h 3

Q10n 3

Cm 1 uF/cm2


Q10m (αm/βm) 1.7/1.8

Q10h (αh/βh) 2.8/3.2

Q10n (αn/βn) 2.8/2.9

Cm 1 uF/cm2


Q10Naf,m 2.2

Q10Naf,h 2.9

Q10Nap 2.2

Q10n 3

Cm 2 uF/cm2

Spatially-Distributed Axon Models

Three spatially-distributed axon models provided the basis for investigating

effects of axonal geometry and infrared energy distribution along the axon. The first

model was an unmyelinated axon constructed with HH membrane dynamics and 20 um-

long segments. The second model was a myelinated axon based on the McNeal frog axon

model with FH membrane dynamics at the nodes of Ranvier with internodal membrane

and myelin modeled as an open circuit (McNeal, 1976). The third model was based on

the double-cable McIntyre, Richardson, and Grill (MRG) mammalian axon model (Table

5-1) (McIntyre et al., 2002). The MRG model separates the internodal region into 10

segments with myelin segments modeled as perfect insulators. Transient changes in

axoplasmic resistance for all three models were modeled with a Q10 factor of 1/1.3

(Frijns et al., 1994). All simulations were performed using NEURON 7.2 (Hines and

Carnevale, 1997).

Wells et al. demonstrated that the spatial temperature profile generated by an

infrared beam was proportional to the beam profile (Wells et al., 2007a). Three infrared


beam profiles were used to investigate activation. The first beam profile tested was a

Gaussian beam profile with a 1/e2 spot size of 400 um designed to resemble delivery

from a bare fiber optic tip (Wells et al., 2007a), and centered on the axon. The second

profile consisted of two superimposed Gaussian peaks with center-to-center spacing 400-

2000 um. The third beam profile resembled collimated delivery, with a flat top and

Gaussian roll-off on each side. Width of the flat region was varied between 400-2000 um.

All infrared distribution beam profiles were centered to the centermost node of Ranvier

or axon segment.

Temperature-Driven Capacitive Changes

Temperature-driven capacitive changes were modeled in spatially-lumped and

spatially-distributed models. The primary output measure maximum the depolarization of

the membrane. Rapid heating of tissue water by absorption of infrared light increases the

local temperature of the membrane, Tm, and weakens hydration bonds between ions and

water molecules (Genet et al., 2000; Wells et al., 2007a). This causes changes in the ionic

double layer capacitance on either side of the membrane, and causes an effective change

in the membrane capacitance, Cm (Shapiro et al., 2012). The capacitive current of the

membrane, icap, depends on the time derivatives of both membrane potential, Vm, and Cm

(Eq.1, 2).

Eq. 1

Eq. 2

The reversal potential for the capacitive current, Vr, depends on surface charges and ionic

concentrations on the intracellular and extracellular membrane surfaces (Genet et al.,

2000; Shapiro et al., 2012). Vr was set to 140 mV to reflect conditions reported by


Shapiro et al. (2012). The first term of Eq. 2 is included in membrane models that assume

constant Cm. The second term is the temperature-dependent component of the capacitive

current, icap(T, t), and was modeled as an intracellular current source added in parallel to

existing membrane dynamics (Figure4-1 A, B).

Experimental measurements showed that changes in Cm were proportional to Tm,

with Tm increases of 15 ºC causing Cm to increase by 8% (Shapiro et al., 2012). Infrared-

pulses have been shown to cause linear temperature increases during energy deposition

with rectangular pulses, followed by exponential decay after the pulse (Shapiro et al.,

2012; Wells et al., 2007a). Based on these reports, transient changes in Tm and Cm were

modeled as linear increasing ramps followed by exponential decay, described by Eq. 3, 4.

Eq. 3


Infrared pulse duration, PD, was varied from 0.1-1.0 ms, but peak temperature and

capacitance increases were kept constant, simulating constant-energy but varied-power

pulses. Shapiro et al. (2012) simulated 8% increase in Cm and 15 ºC increase in Tm over a

1.0 ms pulse, roughly approximating response to a 5.6 mJ pulse (Shapiro et al., 2012).

This is within the range of other reports of INS in peripheral nerve involve pulse

durations ranging approximately 0.25-2.0 ms to deliver 2.3-7.1 mJ pulses (Duke et al.,

2009; Wells et al., 2007a). The decay time constant, τ, was set to 90 ms (Shapiro et al.,

2012; Wells et al., 2007a). Scale factors, k1 and k2, were either scaled together or


independently. In spatially-lumped models the intensity factor, I(x), was set to unity. For

spatially-distributed models I(x) was scaled between 0 and 1 to model beam profiles that

change along the length of the axon.

Intracellular Calcium Release

Figure 4-1: Modeled membrane and axon circuit diagrams

A) Typical excitable membrane model with membrane capacitance, Cm, nonlinear

conductance, Gm, and equivalent reversal potential, Veq. B) Variable capacitor and

capacitive current used to simulate transient membrane temperature and capacitance

changes. Gm and Veq depend on model formulation: Hodgkin & Huxley (HH),

Frankenhaeuser & Huxley (FH), McIntyre, Richardson, and Grill (MRG). C) Axon

model used for HH unmyelinated and FH myelinated axons. D) MRG mammalian

myelinated axon.


Intracellular calcium release was modeled as an intracellular current source in a

spatially-lumped membrane model with HH dynamics. The primary outcome measure was

the peak intracellular calcium concentration that occurred in response to minimum-

amplitude calcium currents that evoked action potentials. Activation resulting in peak

intracellular calcium concentration less than 10 times the baseline concentration were

considered physiologically achievable (Berridge et al., 2000).Measurements by Dittami et

al. showed that intracellular calcium released from mitochondria increases steadily over

280 ms in cardiac myocytes (Dittami et al., 2011). If intracellular calcium is to cause

activation within neural cells, sufficient release and activation needs to occur within 2-

5 ms of infrared application (Wells et al., 2007a). Calcium dynamics are expected to vary

considerably among cell types, and among structures of the same cell (Berridge et al.,

2000; Shen and Shuai, 2011). Because infrared-evoked calcium has not been reported for

axons, calcium release profiles are speculative. For this study, assumptions about calcium

release profiles were made to determine plausibility of activating neural models with

calcium release and understand conditions under which activation is likely to occur.

Investigation was limited to measuring depolarization caused by an increase in divalent

cations in the intracellular space. Additional signaling and second order effects that

calcium can trigger were not included.

Two temporal profiles of intracellular calcium current were tested: a single-phase,

square pulse and a two-phase, linear ramp to peak and exponential decay (Eq. 5, 6).

Eq. 5


Eq. 6

The square pulse was chosen to represent a generic current release (Eq. 5). The linear

ramp and exponential decay was chosen to reflect the time course of temperature and

capacitance changes observed in cells exposed to IR pulses (Eq. 6) (Shapiro et al., 2012;

Wells et al., 2007a). Pulse duration, PD, ranged 0.1-10 ms. Transient Tm and Cm changes

were included in calcium release models, as they 5:would be expected in all rapidly

heating membranes (Shapiro et al., 2012). Calcium release was delayed relative to

transient Tm and Cm changes by a delay factor, tCa, which was varied from 0-2.0 ms.

Calcium current amplitude, k3, was tuned in a binary search algorithm to determine

threshold amplitudes for each combination of PD and tCa. To determine whether

activation of calcium gated potassium currents significantly interfered with depolarization;

models were run both with and without calcium gated potassium channels included.


Membrane Capacitance Change - Membrane Models

The resting potential for the HH membrane model was -65 mV. Maximum

depolarization of the HH membrane model exhibited strong dependence on initial

membrane temperature (Figure 4-2A). Results obtained at an initial temperature of 6.3 ºC

closely matched those reported by (Shapiro et al., 2012), but as initial temperature

increased, maximum depolarization decreased. The results showed two phases in the

relationship to temperature. The first phase is quickly decreasing, where active spiking is

still observed, even when Vm does not increase above 0 mV (Figure 4-2C). In the second

phase, the slope flattens out and cell depolarization resembles passive charging and


discharging of the capacitive membrane (Figure 4-2D). Decreasing PD to 0.1 ms,

simulating a tenfold increase in infrared stimulus power, only shifted the inflection point

between active and passive depolarization from 16 ºC to 20 ºC (Figure 4-2A).

The amount of time that the depolarizing m gate was open compared to closing of

the inhibiting h gate or opening of the hyperpolarizing n gate decreases rapidly as

temperature increases from 6-14 ºC with a 1.0 ms pulse (Figure 4-3A), or 6-18 ºC with a

0.1 ms pulse (Figure 4-3B). Above these temperatures, the m gates were open longer

before the h and n gates began to offset activation, but reached a very low peak value

(Figure 4-3C, D).


Figure 4-2: Maximum membrane depolarization versus initial temperature and

membrane potential for HH membrane model

A) Maximum membrane depolarization of a Hodgkin & Huxley membrane model

versus initial membrane temperature. The membrane is only a positive potential for

initial temperatures below 12 -14 oC. B) Membrane is fully depolarized by an action

potential, replicating model results reported by Shapiro et al. (2012). C, D)

Depolarization diminishes with increasing initial temperature.


Sodium channel density was increased by increments of 10% from 100%-150%

of the Hodgkin and Huxley reported values. Increases above 150% resulted in an unstable

membrane that fired spontaneously. Similarly, decreases in potassium channel density

quickly led to unstable transmembrane voltages. Increasing sodium channel density

increased the maximum depolarization observed at all temperatures, but active currents

were not observed above 22 ºC (Figure 4-4). Decoupling the transient Tm and Cm changes

(k1 k2 = 1 ) helped to increase the temperature range over which active currents were

Figure 4-3: Peak time differences and peak values of m, h, and n gating variables in

response to transient temperature and capacitance changes

A,B) Plots of peak time differences between h and m, and n and m illustrate the amount

of time the depolarizing m gate is active before h or n interfere with depolarization

typically decreases with temperature. Pulse duration: 1.0 ms (A) and 0.1 ms (B) C,D)

Maximum (m, n) and minimum (h) values achieved for each gating variable at peak. As

temperature increases, the maximum value of the depolarizing m gate drops sharply.


generated by reducing the Δ Tm. Complete elimination of the transient temperature

increase (k1 = 0) only extended active current generation to 24 ºC. Exchanging the HH

membrane dynamics for FH membrane dynamics shifted the resting potential to -70 mV.

Transient temperature and capacitive changes applied to this model resulted in less than

1 mV depolarization across temperatures 6-38 ºC (results not shown).

Membrane Capacitance Change - Myelinated and Unmyelinated Axon Models

Implementing transient temperature changes in spatially-distributed axon models

revealed a strong dependence on axon geometry and beam profile (Figure 4-5). The FH

Figure 4-4: Maximum membrane depolarization versus initial temperature with

increased Na+ conductance or decreased transient temperature change

Increasing sodium channel density 50% over baseline increases maximum

depolarization achieved at all temperatures, but active currents are only observed up to

25 ºC. Decreasing the peak temperature associated with an 8% increase in membrane

capacitance extends the temperature range for active currents, but only up to 24 ºC

when the transient temperature increase is reduced to zero.


model exhibited no significant depolarization across all simulated conditions, and for

simplicity is excluded. Similar to the membrane models, increasing stimulation power

increased the maximum depolarization achieved (Results not shown). Maximum evoked

depolarization was measured as a function of initial axon temperature and diameter.

Stimulation with the single Gaussian beam profile did not result in depolarization above

10 mV for the HH model (Figure 4-5A). The distribution composed of two Gaussian

profiles, with center-to-center separation of 2000 um, resulted in activation across a

limited temperature range for the HH axon (Figure 4-5B), similar to that observed in the

spatially-lumped model (Figure 4-2A). The beam profile with the flat region provided the

most robust response, however, extending range of initial temperatures over which the

HH axons are activated to approximately 25 ºC (Figure 4-5C).

The MRG model exhibited very little variation in depolarization across all initial

temperatures tested, but instead showed greater dependence on fiber diameter. With the

single Gaussian profile, the MRG model did not depolarize by more than 8 mV across all

diameters and temperatures. The other two beam profiles were tested with initial

temperature set to 36 ºC. Increasing spacing between the two Gaussian peaks increased

the spatial extent of the intracellular currents generated, but also decreased the

intracellular current generated at the center node of Ranvier. All spacing values resulted

in activation of 5 um fibers, and increasing spacing to 1000 um yielded activation of

6 um fibers (Figure 4-6A), but increasing spacing to 2000 um failed to activate diameters

greater than 5 um. Increasing the width of the flat top beam increased the maximum fiber

diameter that could be activated (Figure 4-6B).


Figure 4-5: Maximum membrane depolarization in HH axon model with various IR

intensity profiles

Maximum depolarization in the Hodgkin and Huxley (HH) unmyelinated axon in

response to transient temperature and membrane capacitance increases. A) Single

Gaussian profile, <10 mV depolarization. B) Two-Gaussian profile, 2000 um between

peaks. All diameters are activated equally. C) Flat-top profile, 2000 um top. Small

diameters activated across a wider temperature range.


Figure 4-6 Membrane depolarization across fiber diameters with flat and double-peaked

spatial profiles

Maximum depolarization of the center node of an MRG axon measured for fiber

diameters ranging 5-20 um. Simulated at 36 ºC with a 1.0 ms laser pulse. A) Two

overlapping Gaussian distributions trigger action potentials in only the smallest fiber

diameters. Peak activity occurs at L = 1000 um. At 2000 um beams do not interact

enough to cause activation. B) Distribution with flat intensity and Gaussian roll-off

causes activation of larger diameter fibers as the flat region is widened.


To investigate activation thresholds across fiber diameters using a Gaussian beam

profile k1 and k2 were adjusted by a scale factor to determine activation thresholds of

transient Tm and Cm changes. Scale factor testing began at 0.1 and was increased until

activation was observed or the model destabilized. Of the three axon models, the scale

factors necessary to activate the unmyelinated HH axon were the lowest (Figure 4-7A);

with the next lowest occurring with the myelinated MRG model (Figure 4-7C). The

highest scale factors were necessary for the FH axon, where model destabilization

occurred before activation was observed in most cases (Figure 4-7B). The MRG axon

model results show that the temperature-drive capacitive changes needed to trigger an

action potential are 5-10 times that measured experimentally by Shapiro et al.


Intracellular Calcium Release

Transient Tm and Cm changes in response to a 1.0 ms pulse were modeled with

intracellular calcium release were added to a HH membrane model. Results show that

short-duration calcium releases are more effective in activating the membrane for both

the square and ramp with decay release profiles (Figure 4-8 A, B). Relative timing of Tm

and Cm changes and the intracellular calcium release has an effect on the how much

calcium must be released to trigger activation. As the delay between initiation of each

Figure 4-7 Amplitude scale factor required to trigger action potentials using a Gaussian

beam profile

Scale factor applied to a Gaussian beam profile necessary to trigger action potential

generation as a function of fiber diameter. A) unmyelinated Hodgkin and Huxley (HH)

axon, B) myelinated Frankenhaeuser and Huxley (FH) axon, and C) myelinated

McIntyre, Richardson, and Grill (MRG) based axon models. Note scale differences

among A-C. Baseline temperatures for each model: MRG, 37 ºC; FH, 20 ºC; HH, 6.3 ºC.


effect increases, the amount of calcium needed to activate also increases (Figure 4-8 C,

D). This increase continues up to 1.0 ms, and then levels out. Results presented include a

calcium gated potassium channel, but removal of this channel did not qualitatively

change presented results. Inclusion of the calcium gated potassium channel generally

increased calcium requirements, but did not qualitatively change the results compared to

the model without calcium gated potassium channels.

Figure 4-8 Peak intracellular calcium concentrations caused by threshold calcium


Maximum intracellular calcium concentrations generated by threshold intracellular

calcium currents required to fully depolarize the cell membrane. Current injection was

either A,C) a square current pulse or B,D) a linear ramp followed by exponential decay.

A) and B) show that longer duration pulses generally require higher intracellular

concentrations than short pulses. C) and D) show that as the delay between transient

temperature and capacitance changes and intracellular calcium currents is increased,

the calcium required to activate also increases. Results are for 1.0 ms calcium pulse




Membrane Capacitance Changes

Spatially-lumped membrane models provided insight into activation triggered by

transient changes in Tm and Cm. Previous modeling of infrared-driven capacitance

changes indicated action potential generation of a spatially-lumped HH model (Shapiro et

al., 2012). While the initial membrane temperature modeled by Shapiro et al. (2012) was

not stated, it is assumed that the model used was the original description of the membrane

dynamics by Hodgkin and Huxley measured at 6.3 ˚C. Results of modeling

depolarization at a range of initial membrane temperatures demonstrated a strong

dependence on initial membrane temperature (Figure 4-2). The low-temperature results

closely matched the modeling results reported by Shapiro et al. (2012), and higher-

temperature depolarization ranging 6-10 mV in the model above 25 ˚C reflected the

experimental results observed by Shapiro et al. (2012) at 25 ºC (Shapiro et al., 2012).

These results provided verification for the implementation of the intracellular capacitive

current model used.

The relationship between ion channel activity and membrane temperature was a

result of the Q10 factors used to scale activity with temperature. Increased initial

temperature resulted in an increase of the rate constants governing sodium activation and

inactivation, and potassium activation. The amount of time that the sodium activation

gates were open prior to closing of the inactivation gates or initiation of potassium

currents reduced as temperature increased (Figure 4-3), until active currents were no

longer triggered (Figure 4-2 B-D). Depolarization less than 1 mV observed in the FH

model across all temperatures may be linked to differences in Q10 factors, because the

sodium inactivation and potassium activation rates increased with temperature almost


twice as much as the sodium activation rate. The relative speed-up of the inactivation

gate over the activation gate would be expected to enhance the effect of the depolarizing

pre-pulses at increased temperatures.

To better understand the effect of initial temperature on maximum depolarization,

sodium channel density and transient temperature caused by infrared stimulus were

varied in the HH membrane model. These models were not designed to replicate realistic

conditions, but to instead highlight effects of each parameter. Increasing sodium channel

density up to 50% above the model defaults increased the depolarizing effects of the

capacitive current, but not enough to extend active spiking above 25 ºC (Figure 4-4).

This indicates that activation is not limited solely by potassium currents, but also the

inactivation gate. To investigate the effect of the transient temperature increase on

excitability, the transient temperature and capacitance changes were decoupled so

temperature changes were reduced while capacitive current magnitudes did not change

from the original model. Results of decreasing the temperature from 15 to 8 and 0 ºC (0≤

k1≤ 1, k2=1) increased the temperature range for activation, but not beyond 24 ºC (Figure

4-4). This suggests that the transient temperature increase has an inhibitory effect on

activation, but that initial membrane temperature still limits activation at high


Beam Profile Affects Excitability

Shapiro et al. (2012) applied infrared pulses to a Xenopus laevis oocyte

transfected with voltage-gated ion channels, and reported activation could not be

achieved without first bringing the cell subthreshold with electrical stimulation first

(Shapiro et al., 2012). This suggests that either a cellular structure necessary to INS was


not present or the cellular and/or beam geometry was not representative of previously

observed INS. This study modeled geometries meant to more closely reflect the

stimulation of peripheral nerves. The intracellular currents generated in response to

transient temperature changes were varied in magnitude along the axon length to

investigate the effect of the beam profile in triggering activation. The simple Gaussian

beam profile caused less than 10 mV maximum depolarization in both the unmyelinated

(Figure 4-5A) and myelinated axon models (results not shown). The center axon segment

of the unmyelinated HH axon model and the spatially-lumped HH membrane model each

underwent the same changes Tm and Cm, but exhibited different depolarization levels

across temperatures (Figure 4-2A vs 4-5A). The only electrical difference between these

was the presence of adjacent membrane segments and an axial conduction path, meaning

that intracellular currents generated at the peak of the Gaussian profile could diffuse to

adjacent segments with lower capacitive currents. The bimodal and flat beam shapes

were tested to determine whether spatial gradients designed to prevent outward diffusion

of generated intracellular currents could trigger activation. Both beam profiles were

effective in triggering activation in unmyelinated and myelinated axon (Figure 4-5, 4-6).

The flat-top beam profile was more effective in triggering action potentials than the

bimodal profile. This may be due in part to the fact that this profile results in larger

intracellular currents generated over a larger portion of the membrane. The flat-top

profile did not result in progressively smaller currents generated at the center of the axon

when length was increased, as was observed with the bimodal profile as spacing was

increased. The result of improved activation with altered beam profiles is supported by a

report that infrared stimulation thresholds were reduced using a flat-top beam over a


Gaussian beam profile (Tozburun et al., 2010), and provides an explanation for this

observed behavior.

The currents generated by rapid temperature changes caused by infrared pulses

provide a new method of generating intracellular currents to stimulate activity,

fundamentally different from extracellular electrical stimulation. Warman et al.

demonstrated that intracellular currents generated by electrical stimulation are

proportional to the gradient of the extracellular voltage field along the axon (Warman et

al., 1992). Infrared-evoked intracellular currents are instead proportional to the change in

local temperature in time. These two methods can serve to complement each other.

Infrared-evoked currents must be of the same polarity, while electrically-evoked currents

can be generated with mixed polarities along the axon. Alternatively, where generating a

wide region of constant intracellular currents along the axon is difficult with electrical

stimulation; infrared stimulus can be easily designed to do so.

The observed differences in activation with different beam profiles may explain

some of the difference in activity reported in rat sciatic nerve and buccal nerve of Aplysia

californica (Duke et al., 2012a). Duke et al. report higher success rates stimulating the

buccal nerve over the rat sciatic nerve, but also positioned the fiber optic tip adjacent to

the buccal nerve sheath and 500 um away from the rat sciatic nerve. Closer to the fiber

tip, the beam profile is expected to more closely resemble the flat profile. Whereas with

increased distance from the tip, the beam profile is expected to more closely resemble the

Gaussian profile. The confounding factors here, though, are that the axon type changes

between these two models from unmyelinated in Aplysia californica to myelinated in the

rat, as do the axon diameters, and the tissue layers between stimulus source and axon.


Recruitment Order

Smaller diameter axons were predicted to activate at lower thresholds than large

diameter axons in spatially-distributed models (Figure 4-5B, C, 4-6A, B, 4-7). Electrical

activation from extracellular sources typically activates larger diameter fibers before

smaller (Gorman and Mortimer, 1983; Grill and Mortimer, 1995; McNeal, 1976), but

intracellular current sources typically lead to activation of small diameter axons at lower

thresholds (Henneman et al., 1965a, 1965b; Rall, 1977). If INS does activate small fibers

first, it may explain the relatively small motor activation levels reported in the rat sciatic

nerve (Duke et al., 2012a, 2012b; Wells et al., 2005b), and in Chapter 3. This would

suggest that INS may be more effective in stimulation of smaller sensory neurons, which

can be difficult to achieve with electrical stimulation (Castoro et al., 2011).

Intracellular Calcium Release

The infrared-driven calcium release dynamics used in this study make

assumptions that need to be experimentally validated for axons. The results of modeling

intracellular calcium release as an activating mechanism, while speculative, provide

insight into parameters of calcium release potentially important to driving activation.

Results indicate that shorter-duration pulses require less calcium release than longer

pulses (Figure 4-8A, B). The results of adjusting the relative timing between calcium

release and transient temperature and capacitance changes also indicate that there is some

cooperation between these two effects, as thresholds are lowest when the two changes

occur concurrently. Because timing appears to be important, if calcium release is found to

occur in response to infrared stimulus in axons, it will be important to verify that the

release dynamics are responsible for axon depolarization and not merely a parallel effect

of INS.


INS Interface Design Implications

Results from both of the mechanisms investigated in this study indicate that

higher-power, shorter-duration infrared pulses are likely to drive activation (Figures 4-2,

4-3, 4-7, 4-8). Additionally, results of varying beam profile in the distributed axon model

indicate that stimulus that encompasses more of the membrane is more effective (Figure

4-6B). Both of these results indicate that response to INS is increased by increased

energy application. With high energy requirements already limiting INS interface design

(Wells et al., 2007a, 2007c), increasing energy applied will not be a viable solution to

improving INS. Beam shaping may help to reduce energy thresholds (Tozburun et al.,

2010). Additional optimization across other stimulation parameters may reveal other

methods of increasing response while decreasing required energy.

If additional mechanistic work reveals that calcium release is a more significant

factor in driving INS activation, then motor activation in peripheral nerves may be

inherently limited by mitochondrial distribution. Mitochondrial distributions in peripheral

nerves have been shown to differ from central axons, with mitochondria typically

clustered around nodes of Ranvier in peripheral nerves, versus the internodal region in

central axons (Chiu, 2011). This may indicate that INS is better applied to neural

structures with high mitochondrial densities. Significant mitochondrial interaction with

infrared light may have important implications for chronic INS interfaces, for neural

tissue as well as other cells illuminated by infrared light. Infrared light has been used to

trigger release of cytochrome c, change gene expression, and trigger early steps towards

apoptosis (Berridge et al., 1998; Frank et al., 2004).

Additional INS Mechanisms


It is possible that INS activation observed in vivo is primarily driven by

mechanisms other than those investigated in this study. Sensory neurons are known to

express temperature-sensitive transient receptor potential (TRP) ion channels. TRPV1

and TRPV2 have been shown to cause depolarization in response to temperatures above

42 ºC (Fernandes et al., 2012). Presence of these channels in sufficient density would

further strengthen the argument that INS may be better suited for sensory stimulation

applications. TRPV1 has been observed in motor neurons at the neuromuscular junction

(Thyagarajan et al., 2009), and other temperature-sensitive TRP channels have been

observed in the cell bodies and axons of small and medium sized motor neurons (Anand

et al., 2008; Facer et al., 2007). These observations mean that it motor neuron activation

by means of these channels should not be excluded when evaluating possible mechanisms


Results of this study support both transient changes in membrane temperature and

capacitance and intracellular calcium release as possible mechanisms contributing to

neural activation with INS. Membrane activation using infrared-driven, capacitive

intracellular currents was temperature dependent, and did not explain INS previously

reported at temperatures 25-37 ˚C. This work indicates that infrared stimulation is more

effective with flat or biomodal beam profiles that extend along the axon than Gaussian

profiles. Results of modeling both mechanisms indicate that infrared stimulation is best

achieved with pulses that are shorter duration and higher power. Results indicate for the

first time that infrared neural stimulation may result in axon recruitment in physiologic

recruitment order. This study provides a basis for designing and optimizing infrared

delivery for axon stimulation.



The authors would like to thank Prof. Hillel Chiel for discussions regarding

infrared stimulation and Profs. Dominique Durand and Andrew Rollins for feedback in

developing this manuscript.

Funding for this project was provided by Microsystems Technology Office of the

Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Centers in Integrated Photonics

Engineering Research (CIPHER) and the Lockheed Martin Aculight Corporation. The

project described was supported in part by Grant Number T32-EB004314 from the

NIBIB and the National Institutes of Health.



Three studies were conducted to understand design requirements for a multi-

channel, extraneural infrared neural stimulation (INS) interface for motor neuron

activation in the peripheral nerve. Previous studies indicate that focused infrared energy

applied extraneurally may provide a highly selective neural interface that does not also

require increasing invasiveness to achieve. The presented results indicate that nerve

sensitivity to extraneural INS is low, and, while stimulation can be selective, maximally

evoked motor response to INS is below functional limits. Adding entrained electrical

stimulus to above-threshold INS also did not reveal functional gains over electrical

stimulation alone. Finally, computational modeling of proposed mechanisms of INS

indicated that the single-mode Gaussian beam profile typically used in INS studies may

not be the optimal beam profile.

Aim 1

The first aim was established to investigate parameters relevant to design of a

multi-channel, infrared-based peripheral nerve interface. The primary goals were to

quantify sensitivity of a multi-fascicular mammalian peripheral nerve to extraneural INS,

and characterize the response evoked by a single channel of stimulus. The specific

hypotheses used in evaluating this aim include:

Hypothesis 1.1

Sensitivity of the rabbit sciatic nerve to extraneural infrared stimulus will

yield at least 3 independent regions exhibiting entrained motor response to applied

infrared pulses.


Surgically exposed rabbit sciatic nerves (32 nerves, 25 rabbits) were scanned with

focused infrared light delivered from a 400 um optical fiber maintained 250-750 um from

the nerve and scanned in the longitudinal and transverse directions. Motor response from

the medial and lateral gastrocnemii, soleus, and tibialis anterior was monitored for

entrained response to applied pulses. With only 81% of nerves exhibited any sensitivity

to INS, and of the sensitive cases only 2.0±0.5 sensitive regions were identified per

nerve, this hypothesis was rejected. Measurement of 11 infrared sensitive regions

revealed sensitivity to span 470 um in the longitudinal and 360 um in the transverse

directions on the nerve.

Hypothesis 1.2

Rectified and integrated motor response to increasing infrared pulse energy

is typically flat or increases above the activation threshold.

Previous INS studies have established stimulation and acute damage thresholds

for extraneural stimulation, but the response between these limits had not been described.

With emerging evidence that INS may be used to inhibit activation as well as activate, it

was necessary to establish the working range for INS. Motor response was measured in

response to pulse energy increased by increasing pulse duration, and the correlation

between response above threshold and pulse duration was measured. Pearson’s

correlation was computed to determine linearity of the correlation, and Spearman’s

correlation was computed to determine whether the response was monotonic. Across 209

recruitment curves, Spearman’s coefficient was calculated to be ρ = 0.68 ± 0.04 (mean ±

95% confidence interval), and was significantly greater than zero for 83% of recruitment

curves. Based on these results, the hypothesis was accepted and it was concluded that the

working range for INS spans the range between stimulation and acute damage thresholds.


Hypothesis 1.3

Motor recruitment within nerve infrared-sensitive regions will exhibit

selectivity to a single muscle, with a lower activation threshold than any other

muscle, in at least 50% of optically sensitive regions.

Motor recruitment as a function of infrared pulse duration was collected for

medial and lateral gastrocnemii, soleus, and tibialis anterior. The activation threshold for

any muscle was defined as the minimum pulse duration evoking EMG response in at least

30% of the applied pulses. Our results indicate that within an infrared-sensitive region a

single muscle can typically be activated before any another reaches threshold. This result

was significant with a 95% confidence interval of 67-91%, and the hypothesis was

accepted. When the definition of selectivity was relaxed to allow co-activation of medial

and lateral gastrocnemii, the confidence interval shifted up to 81-99%. These results

indicate that while in many cases multiple muscles can be activated from a given

optically sensitive region, a single muscle can be typically be activated selectively.

Hypothesis 1.4

Short duration, high power infrared pulses are more efficient than longer

duration, lower power pulses; either reducing activation thresholds or increasing

motor response.

Motor recruitment curves were measured with infrared at full, 80% of full, and

55% of full power. Activation thresholds and maximum recruitment for each muscle was

compared within the same infrared-sensitive region. Results indicate that lowering power

significantly increased the activation threshold measured as pulse duration. Reducing the

power reduced the rate of energy deposition to the nerve. The amount of energy required

to reach the activation threshold did not significantly change with decreased power.


Comparing maximum achieved recruitment at 80% and 55% power levels to full power

stimulation indicated a significant decrease in maximum recruitment with decreased

power. Because lower power stimulation resulted in a smaller magnitude response, the

hypothesis that higher power infrared stimulus is more efficient was accepted. This result

indicates that sources developed for infrared generation should target short, high power

delivery for maximal response.

Hypothesis 1.5

Maximum motor response evoked by infrared stimulus applied at below the

calculated acute damage threshold will result in activation of at least 10% of a single


Motor recruitment was measured in response to either increasing infrared pulse

duration or increased electrical pulse amplitude. Electrical recruitment was swept from

sub-threshold to supra-maximal activation of the distal muscles. Maximum optically

evoked recruitment was compared to maximal electrical recruitment achieved for each

optically stimulated muscle. The lower limit for functional activation was set at 10% of

maximal recruitment of a muscle, based on reports that this threshold results in a just

palpable muscle twitch (Polasek et al., 2009a, 2009b). Across the medial and lateral

gastrocnemii, soleus, and tibialis anterior, optical stimulation recruited significantly less

than 10% of the muscle, and for this reason the hypothesis was rejected. This result is

important in estimating the number of extraneural infrared channels needed for activating

muscles innervated by the stimulated nerve to a desired level.

Aim 1 Summary

Motor recruitment triggered by extraneural application of infrared light indicates

that the response can be selective and is likely to be sub-fascicular. Recruitment appears


to follow a flat or increasing relationship between the activation and damage limits, but is

most efficient with high-power pulses. Implementation is limited by the occurrence of

infrared-sensitive regions of the nerve, and the relatively small portion of the muscle that

is maximally activated within a sensitive region. The infrequent occurrence of infrared-

sensitive regions, paired with the small size of each region, make identification of 3

thermally-independent sensitive regions unlikely. The results of this study indicate that an

interface designed to activate 100% of a muscle at 12 Hz would require 30-50 channels

of infrared light applied to sensitive regions. This number only increases if selective

activation is necessary, or if the overlap of duplicate axon populations to interleave

stimulus and coverage of the axons innervating the muscle is not balanced. With only

typically 1-2 sensitive regions observed per nerve, even doubling this number to account

for nerve area not accessible in this study, there does not appear to be enough sensitivity

of the nerve to extraneural INS to accomplish this.

The results of this study indicate that development of a peripheral nerve interface

based on infrared-only motor recruitment is unlikely to be successful unless delivery can

be improved to increase response or decrease energy thresholds.

Aim 2

The first aim determined that the relatively small muscle twitches evoked by

infrared stimulus and low sensitivity of the nerve limit its utility. The second aim of this

study investigated whether the effects of INS may be increased by combining it with

electrical stimulation to recruit muscles. Entrained infrared and electrical stimulus was

applied, which was indicated in previous reports as most effective for reducing

stimulation thresholds. By using electrical stimulation to lower the activation threshold of

axons, it is expected that axons stimulated by infrared to a subthreshold level should


activate when electrical stimulus is applied. If significant portions of the nerve are

affected by INS, then significant changes in full muscle recruitment over electrical

stimulation should be evident.

Hypothesis 2.1

Combining extraneural, entrained electrical and optical stimuli will

significantly alter recruitment over electrical stimulation alone, by shifting

recruitment curves to lower stimulus levels, or reducing recruitment curve slope as

some axons are selectively activated.

Motor recruitment curves were generated with constant infrared stimulus and

graded electrical stimulus. Recruitment curves were generated using only electrical or

entrained electrical and infrared pulses. Stimulus was applied using a nerve cuff that

stabilized electrical contacts in an arrangement previously reported to improve results,

while allowing direct application of infrared light to the nerve surface. Statistical analysis

revealed significance in only 7% of all recruitment curves generated. Of this 7%, the

largest portion was generated in a single trial where significant inhibition of a muscle was

observed. Rather than infrared-facilitated activation, this is more likely an observation of

action potential generation block reported by (Mou et al., 2012). The remaining cases did

not exhibit particular trends or functionally relevant changes in recruitment over

electrical stimulation. Based on these results, Hypothesis 2.1 was rejected, as the

observed evidence did not support a functionally significant change over electrical

stimulation in the general case.

Aim 2 Summary

The results of this study indicate that entrained infrared and electrical stimulation

does not provide significant changes in activation of the entire muscle. Results of adding


electrical energy to lower the optical stimulation threshold indicate that there is not a

significant axon population stimulated to a sub-threshold level optically, meaning that the

spatial extent a single channel of INS is possibly too limited to achieve significant

entrained activation. Recent reports indicate that higher frequency or continuous infrared

energy may be more effective in modulating recruitment than entrained pulses (Duke et

al., 2012b; Mou et al., 2012). A better understanding of the mechanisms that drive INS

would help to understand how it may cause excitation as well as inhibition, and may

enable design of more effective INS delivery that increases the effect of entrained


Aim 3

The cascade of events between infrared light delivery and action potential

generation in motor neurons has not been fully described. Previous work has established

infrared driven membrane capacitance changes and intracellular release of calcium by

mitochondria in non-neuronal cells. While both of these mechanisms would cause

depolarization of the cell membrane, it was unclear whether either would be likely to

cause activation in axons. Computational models were developed to investigate these

phenomena and determine whether they could trigger action potentials in spatially-

lumped or spatially-distributed neural membrane models.

Hypothesis 3.1

Thermally driven capacitance changes can trigger action potentials in

spatially-lumped membrane models.

The Hodgkin and Huxley based membrane model exhibited action potential

generation in response to transient temperature and capacitance changes, but only at

temperatures too low to explain INS activation at room and body temperature. The low


temperature activation did match the modeling results described by (Shapiro et al., 2012),

and the ~10 mV depolarization observed at 25 ºC matched the experimental results they

observed in cell membranes. While the hypothesis was accepted because action potential

generation was observed, the temperature range was too limited to explain observed

activation at room and body temperature. The results of this investigation, paired with the

experimental results showing limited depolarization in a large cell in vitro by (Shapiro et

al., 2012), indicated that spatial distribution of applied energy and axon geometry may be

important factors in capacitance-driven activation.

Hypothesis 3.2

Thermally driven capacitance changes can trigger action potentials in

spatially-distributed axon models, depending on thermal gradients along the

membrane length.

Spatially-distributed unmyelinated and myelinated axon models were simulated

with different beam profiles meant to represent three possible delivery methods. A

Gaussian beam profile was used to match infrared delivery through a bare fiber optic tip,

a bimodal beam profile was used to simulate application through two separate bare fibers,

and a flat-top profile was used to simulate collimated delivery. Results indicate that

action potential generation was dependent on beam profile, initial axon temperature, and

axon geometry. Action potentials were generated when the spatial gradient of the beam

profile was flat or positive, and were wide enough to affect multiple nodes of Ranvier in

the myelinated axon model. Hypothesis 3.2 was accepted based on these results. These

results indicate that a Gaussian distribution is suboptimal for axonal excitation, and may

provide insight into why axonal stimulation in peripheral nerves can be difficult.

Experimental validation with alternative beam profiles is necessary.


Hypothesis 3.3

Intracellular release of calcium ions can trigger action potentials in spatially-

lumped membrane models without exceeding physiologic intracellular calcium

concentration levels.

Two speculative intracellular calcium release patterns were tested to determine

the peak intracellular calcium concentration achieved by a calcium current at threshold to

trigger an action potential. The two calcium release patterns used included a simple

square pulse, and a linear ramp followed by an exponential decay. The profiles used were

chosen because calcium dynamics in the neuron in response to infrared light have not

been measured. Calcium release from mitochondria in cardiac myocytes was measured

by Dittami et al. and shown to increase over hundreds of milliseconds. This release

profile was too slow to explain neural activation by calcium release, as activation must

happen within a few milliseconds to reflect experimental observations. The square pulse

was used to model a general calcium release, and the ramp with decay was designed to

reflect the transient thermal changes observed in tissue in response to INS. Resulting

intracellular calcium concentrations were compared to a tenfold increase in baseline

concentration, based on reports that intracellular calcium concentrations can change by an

order of magnitude in certain cells. Results showed that stimulation thresholds could be

reached with currents that did not increase the intracellular calcium more than tenfold, so

the hypothesis was accepted. The conditions under which this occurred indicate that

release that occurs over a short time is more effective, and that depolarization caused by

transient temperature and capacitance changes helps to facilitate activation by calcium



Aim 3 Summary

The primary goal of developing mechanistic models for infrared activation of

neural membranes is to provide a means of exploring and optimizing infrared delivery

parameters. INS still requires additional mechanistic investigations to demonstrate that

either of the phenomena modeled in this study truly cause INS. The results of this study

do indicate that activation by either phenomenon is plausible at physiologic levels.

Investigation of transient temperature and capacitance changes in spatially-distributed

models provide direction for testing whether INS delivery can be improved with

adjustment to beam profile. If the mechanism driving INS is more complex than that

modeled in this study, but still generally results in an intracellular current that is

proportional to the incident energy, the findings regarding beam profile and axon

geometry would be expected to remain valid. The results of varying axon diameter

indicate that small diameter fibers may be better suited for activation with INS, and

motor activation may just be the wrong target for INS. The results of this study help to

identify the need for characterizing calcium release triggered by infrared light applied to

neural tissue. Results suggest that the mechanism is feasible, and so warrants further

investigation. Experimental investigation of calcium release should also include more

complex signaling pathways caused by calcium release, beyond the simple charge release

modeled in this study.


Dissertation Conclusion

The contributions of this work include assessment of the capabilities of

extraneural INS as a means for activating motor neurons in peripheral nerve interfaces,

and evaluation of proposed mechanisms of INS through computational modeling. While

selective and capable of activating very small portions of the muscle, the effect of INS

was too limited to achieve functionally relevant activation INS. This study indicates that

extraneural application of INS for entrained motor activation only offers limited

effectiveness in motor stimulation. Further, increases in nerve size as INS is translated

towards clinical application may further decrease activation triggered by INS. Modeling

results indicate that the difficulty observed in using INS to trigger motor response may be

due to the use of a bare fiber to deliver infrared energy, and indicate that there is likely

room to improve INS delivery by changing beam profile. Experimental validation of the

modeling results is necessary to determine whether beam profile changes are sufficient to

increase the effects of INS to functional levels. Another conclusion that can be drawn

from the results of both studies is that motor activation may not be the optimal

application for INS. With only small percentages of any muscle activated with INS, and

modeling results indicating activation of small fibers before large, INS may be better

suited for stimulation of small sensory fibers.





The following is a reproduction of:

Peterson, E.J., Izad, O. & Tyler, D.J., 2011. Predicting myelinated axon activation using

spatial characteristics of the extracellular field. Journal of Neural Engineering, Volume

8, Issue 4

Reproduced with permission.


Computation time required for modeling the nonlinear response of an axon to an

applied electric field is a significant limitation to optimizing a large number of neural

interface design parameters through use of advanced computer algorithms. This paper

introduces two methods of predicting axon activation that incorporate a threshold that

includes the magnitude of the extracellular potential to achieve increased accuracy over

previous computationally efficient methods. Each method employs the use of a modified

driving function that includes the second spatial difference of the applied extracellular

voltage to predict the electrical excitation of a nerve. The first method uses the second

spatial difference taken at a single node of Ranvier, while the second uses a weighted

sum of the second spatial differences taken at all nodes of Ranvier. This study quantifies

prediction accuracy for cases with single and multiple point source stimulating

electrodes. While both new methods address the major criticism of linearized prediction

models, the weighted sum method provides the most robust response across single and

multiple point sources. These methods improve prediction of axon activation based on

properties of the applied field in a computationally efficient manner.


1. Introduction

Animal models are common developmental tools for testing design factors in

peripheral nerve interfaces, but anatomical differences between animal models and

humans limit the direct translation to clinical application (Brill et al., 2009; Grinberg et

al., 2008). Computer models of neural interfaces are a vital tool to help fill the gap

between preclinical and clinical testing when used to evaluate electrical interface designs.

Number and placement of electrodes, the stimulus amplitude, and the pulse

duration at each electrode all influence the activation pattern within a nerve by affecting

the resultant electric field. Calculation of the resultant field can be performed in several

ways, and is outside the scope of this work. Determining axon activation within an

electric field begins with sampling the electric potential in space along the length of an

axon, creating a vector of voltages. This vector is applied to a model of the axon as a

function of time, and the response of the nonlinear ion channels is solved numerically(Lu

et al., 2008; McIntyre et al., 2002; McNeal, 1976; Schiefer et al., 2008). This is a process

that works well when predicting behavior of individual axons, but becomes a limitation

when expanded to simulations of the whole nerve where hundreds to thousands of axons

are solved numerically (Schiefer et al., 2008; Veltink et al., 1988). The work presented by

Schiefer et al. involved simulating the activation patterns in a histology-based model of

the human femoral nerve and required almost 24 million axon simulations taking

approximately 90 days of computation time to complete (Schiefer et al., 2008). Schiefer

et al. only investigated cases with one of 22 electrodes was active at a time. Expanding

the investigation from a single active contact to include two or three simultaneously

active contacts would increase the number of electrode configurations to investigate from


22 to 231 or 1540, respectively. The increase in the number of combinations virtually

eliminates the possibility of investigating field shaping with multiple active contacts or

using evolutionary optimization methods for interface design.

The computational complexity of modeling axon response can be reduced by

replacing the nonlinear ion channel dynamics with linearized approximations, but early

attempts did not scale well to nerve-level modeling. McNeal’s method of replacing

nonlinear node dynamics with linearized versions required a priori knowledge of the

electric field before the model could be simplified (McNeal, 1976). Rattay’s work

focused on analyzing electric field shape to predict activation. Rattay’s method could

only provide relative axon recruitment order, though, requiring simulation using the

nonlinear equations to determine activation (Rattay, 1989). Warman et al. (Warman et

al., 1992) developed an activation function dependent only on the second spatial

difference of the voltage field (2Ve), an activation threshold, and the duration of the

applied pulse. Determining the activation threshold required a one-time simulation of the

nonlinear axon, but once completed, prediction of axon response was a purely algebraic

function. This method has been used to enable evolutionary optimization algorithms for

electrode design (Choi and Lee, 2006). The accuracy of this method, however, has an

undesirable dependence on electrode-to-axon separation (Moffitt et al., 2004).The

dependency of the error in the Warman method as a function of separation is well

behaved. Consequently, we hypothesize that a more accurate prediction is possible by

accounting for the dependence of the activation threshold on magnitude of the

extracellular voltage to predict activation.

2. Methods


This work presents two methods of predicting axon activation, one based on the

second spatial difference of the extracellular potential at a single node, whereas the

second implements a weighted sum of the second spatial difference at all nodes. The

performance of each was examined under conditions relevant to whole nerve simulation,

and compared to results of nonlinear active axon simulations. Simulation results

generated using the method presented by (Warman et al., 1992) were included for

comparison. Performance was examined for cases of single and multiple point source

stimulation. Single point source simulations were designed to explore sensitivity of a

given method to the position, alignment, and fiber diameter variables that are often

randomized in nerve-level simulation (Lertmanorat et al., 2006; Schiefer et al., 2008;

Veltink et al., 1988). Multiple point sources aligned longitudinally with the axon are

simulated to demonstrate the prediction accuracy for complex fields spanning multiple

nodes of Ranvier. Performance was also examined under conditions similar to those used

in previous literature to model neural response observed in live experiments(Grill and

Mortimer, 1996; Lertmanorat and Durand, 2004).

2.1 Axon models

All axon simulation waveforms were square, monophasic pulses. Applied pulse

durations ranged from 20 s to 10,000 s. Active axon simulations incorporated the

McIntyre, Richardson, and Grill (MRG) double-cable axon model. This model was

chosen because the model of the internodal space and active ion channels was developed

using numerous experimental data from mammalian myelinated axons(McIntyre et al.,

2002). Subsequent studies using this model to simulate behavior have been

experimentally confirmed, thereby showing the utility of the MRG model in predicting


actual axon response(Kilgore and Bhadra, 2004; Kuhn et al., 2008; Schiefer et al., 2010;

Takahashi et al., 2007; Wongsarnpigoon et al., 2010). Passive axon models were created

by replacing the non-linear ion channels of active axon models with a fixed conductance,

Gm = 0.007 [mS/cm2](Moffitt et al., 2004; Warman et al., 1992). All simulated axons

were myelinated and consisted of 21 nodes of Ranvier and 20 internodal spaces. Axon

dimensions and parameters were determined based on fiber diameter, as previously

described (McIntyre et al., 2002; Schiefer et al., 2008). Fiber diameters used in this

analysis ranged from 4 to 20 m to span the physiologic range for myelinated,

mammalian axons of the peripheral nervous system. The NEURON simulation

environment (Version 7.0)(Hines and Carnevale, 1997)was used to simulate the response

of active and passive axon models to an applied extracellular potential field. In active

axon simulations, activation was defined as an action potential that propagated along at

least five nodes of Ranvier (Schiefer et al., 2008).

2.2 Activation prediction methods

Both new activation prediction methods incorporated a modified driving function

(MDF) and an activation threshold in order to predict activation. Axons were predicted

active if the output of the MDF, applied to the extracellular potential, exceeded the

activation threshold. Activation thresholds varied with fiber diameter, pulse duration, and

extracellular potential. In all verification tests the MDF was computed at each node of

Ranvier and compared to the activation threshold to determine activation, because it was

not known a priori where activation was likely to occur. Extracellular potentials and axon

length were chosen to minimize potential edge effects of a finite length axon.

2.2.1 Modified Driving Functions (MDF)


The modified driving function for the first method, MDF1, used only the

extracellular potential at a node of Ranvier, n, and the two adjacent nodes (eq. 1) (Izad,

2009). MDF1is the second spatial difference, instead of the second spatial derivative,

which includes the term x2, as used by Rattay (Rattay, 1986).This method was termed

the single node method.


Warman et al. showed that current induced in the membrane at a node of Ranvier

was proportional to the second spatial difference of the extracellular potential(Warman et

al., 1992).Warman et al. used a weighted sum of the currents at each node to account for

redistribution of current when the extracellular potential induced current at more than one

node. The second proposed method used similar concepts to account for extracellular

potentials that influence more than single node of Ranvier, and was termed the weighted

sum method. The modified driving function for this method, MDF2, was a weighted sum

of second spatial differences along the axon.


Weights, W|n-j|, were generated using the process outlined by (Warman et al.,

1992). Briefly, using a passive axon model, the amount of depolarization caused by

current injected at a node, j, was measured at the center node, n. A step function of

current was applied to one node at a time, and the resulting depolarization was measured

at the pulse durations of interest, making W|n-j| a function of pulse duration. The value for

each W|n-j| was the ratio of depolarization caused by current injected at node j to the

depolarization caused by current injected when j=n. This decoupled W|n-j| from the

magnitude of current injected. Thus, the weight of the center node was 1.0 and decreased


for each more distant node. Weight generation for the weighted sum method had two

primary differences from the original Warman method: First, all weights were calculated

using the MRG model, which was not yet developed at the time (Warman et al., 1992)

was published, instead of the Sweeney axon model. Second, weights were calculated

separately for each fiber diameter. Weights generated for this work are included in

supplementary table (Table S1). Simulation results obtained by replicating the full

Warman method, as described in (Warman et al., 1992), were included separately for

comparison and to highlight the improvement of each new method in addressing the

limitations demonstrated by Moffitt et al. (Moffitt et al., 2004).

2.2.2 Activation thresholds

The activation threshold for each method was generated using two steps. The first

step involved performing active axon simulations using a set of extracellular voltage

vectors and recording whether activation occurred. The second step was performed by

plotting the activation results as a function of the spatial and temporal characteristics of

the applied voltage vector. The activation threshold was defined as the boundary between

the regions of activated and inactivated points.

The first step began with creating a set of extracellular voltage vectors to apply to

the axon model. Each constructed vector had a unique combination of peak extracellular

potential (Ve), and second nodal difference (2Ve) computed at the center node of

Ranvier. The vector set was generated varying Ve from 0 to -500 mV, and 2Ve from 0 to

190 mV, each in 10mV steps, to yield 1020 unique vectors. With the three central nodal

voltages set by the requirements to satisfy Ve and 2Ve, the remaining nodal voltages were


set to transition to a flat potential at the outermost nodes. This minimized edge effects

that could influence the observed activation. The remaining internodal voltages were

interpolated using a spline interpolation. Each vector was applied to fiber diameters

ranging from 4 m to 20 m as a square, monophasic pulse for durations between 20 s

to 10,000 s. At the end of each simulation, the axon was classified as active if an action

potential propagated along at least five nodes of Ranvier. For the second step, results

were plotted as a function of axon diameter, pulse duration, Ve, and the output of

applying each method’s respective MDF to the extracellular potential vector. The

activation threshold was defined as the border between the regions of activation and

inactivation. The activation threshold was implemented as a look up table in order to

predict activation when analyzing extracellular potential in subsequent simulations. The

resulting activation thresholds are offered for both methods in the supplemental materials

(Tables S2 and S3).

2.3 Verification

2.3.1 Extracellular potential generation

Extracellular potential fields were generated for single and multiple point source

electrodes. The conducting medium was assumed to be infinite, homogeneous, and

anisotropic, with transverse conductivity t=0.083 S/m and longitudinal conductivity

l=0.33 S/m, as described by (Moffitt et al., 2004). The system is assumed radially

symmetric. The extracellular voltage along the axon due to a single point source can be

calculated from the distance between the axon and electrode, r, and the distance along the

axon, z (eq.3).



Multiple point sources were simulated by computing the contribution of each

source individually and summing them to create the total voltage field. Therefore, the

spatial model was assumed to be linear in nature and did not contain capacitive

components. This is a reasonable and common assumption when modeling nerve cuff

electrodes (Moffitt et al., 2004; Rattay, 1989; Schiefer et al., 2008; Warman et al., 1992).

2.3.2 Verification cases

Verification for single point source stimulation involved varying either electrode-

to-axon spacing (EAS) or alignment of the electrode to a node of Ranvier. In simulations

where EAS was varied, the electrode was aligned with the center of a node of Ranvier

(Figure 6-1.a). EAS was increased from 100 m to 3000 m with constant pulse width

and fiber diameter, to determine performance under conditions similar to those outlined

by (Moffitt et al., 2004).The sensitivity of alignment of the electrode to nodes of Ranvier

was tested with an EAS of 200 m while the electrode alignment was changed up to

±50% internodal lengths from a node (Figure 6-1.b). Relative recruitment threshold

across diameters was tested with EAS set to 200 m, with the electrode aligned with a

node of Ranvier (Figure 1.a). To investigate pulse duration-dependent spatial selectivity,

as observed by (Grill and Mortimer, 1996), EAS was varied from 100 m to 2000 m for

pulse durations 20, 50, 100, and 500 s, with the electrode aligned to a node (Figure 6-


Multiple point source stimulation tested prediction accuracy in cases where

stimulation pulses were not localized around a single node of Ranvier. The first case


involved two point sources, each with 200 m EAS (Figure 6-1.c). The first point source

was aligned with a node of Ranvier, while the second point source was shifted in

increments of 25% of the internodal length for up to eight nodes away from the first

electrode. The amplitude of the second source was varied as a fraction of the first.

Several fractions were tested, but the presented data is for the worst case where the

amplitude of the second source is the same as the first. To extend the investigation to

more complex electrode geometries, an alternating pattern of six anodic and five cathodic

point sources was used to generate the extracellular potential (Figure 6-1.d). This design

was based on a model and experimental study that showed that it was possible to change

the recruitment order as a function of axon diameter through manipulation of the driving

function (Lertmanorat and Durand, 2004). The adjacent electrode spacing was increased

from 400 m to 1500 m in 100 m increments; while EAS was held at 200 m. Anodic

amplitudes were set to 70% of the cathodic amplitudes on all electrodes except the

outermost, where amplitude was set to 40% of the cathodic amplitude. To investigate

whether the presented prediction methods could capture the diameter recruitment

reordering observed by (Lertmanorat and Durand, 2004), adjacent electrode spacing was

set to 650 m, while EAS was changed from 50 m to 300 m.

Performance of these methods was compared against the Warman method

(Warman et al., 1992)applied to the MRG model, as outlined in(Moffitt et al., 2004). The

Warman method could be tuned to minimize error at a given EAS. In all results, the

Warman method was tuned for EAS equal to either 200 m or 1000 m. In cases where

only one set of data is presented from the Warman method, it is data optimized to the

tested EAS of 200 m. This, therefore, represents the best possible result of the method.


2.3.3 Performance measures

Three output measures were used in verification: stimulation threshold error,

relative stimulation threshold, and computational run time. Stimulation threshold

compares the current, Iext, required for activation of the active MRG model to those

obtained using the prediction methods. Iext of (eq.3) was tuned using a binary search

Figure 7-1 Electrode-axon geometries used for investigating prediction method


a) Electrode is aligned with a node of Ranvier, while electrode-to-axon spacing (EAS) is

changed. b) EAS is held constant while alignment of the electrode is changed. c) Two-

electrode configuration where one is always aligned with a node of Ranvier, while inter-

electrode spacing is increased. EAS of each electrode is held constant. d) Eleven-

electrode pattern of alternating anodic and cathodic stimulation, where either adjacent

electrode spacing or EAS is changed.


algorithm until the stimulation threshold was determined within 0.01% of the stimulation

threshold magnitude. In cases of multiple point sources, all sources were scaled by the

same factor. The recorded output for each simulation or prediction was the amplitude of

Iext required for activation. Stimulation threshold error was calculated in the same manner

as (Moffitt et al., 2004)using (eq.4).


This error is positive when a prediction method over-predicts the stimulation threshold of

the MRG active axon model and is negative when the stimulation threshold is under-

predicted. In the ideal case, threshold error would be zero or at least constant across all

simulations, since constant error can be corrected for with a scale value applied to the

prediction method results.

Relative stimulation thresholds were computed by normalizing the stimulation

thresholds either across axon diameter or pulse duration. This was used to determine

recruitment order across fiber diameter and was compared to the relative activation

values for the active axon model in the same simulation conditions.

Computational run time was measured for the active axon simulation and both the

single node and weighted sum prediction methods. Simulations were performed with an



2 Duo P8400 (Intel, Santa Clara, CA) processor and 4GB RAM.

Computational load in addition to the simulation or prediction method run was controlled

to be similar across all three cases. No thread optimization was used to run active axon

simulations on more than one processing core at a time. Single node and weighted sum

methods were performed using MATLAB (2009b, The MathWorks, Natick, MA) with no

thread or multi-core optimization beyond the default settings. Four simulations of 4010


axons for pulse durations 20, 50, 100, and 200 s were performed, for a total of 16,040


3. Results

3.1 Threshold value generation

The single node prediction method was chosen for its simplicity as well as the use

of 2Ve in current literature as a computationally fast approximation (Maks et al., 2009;

Wongsarnpigoon and Grill, 2008). Plotting active axon results, where each point

represents the result of a separate active axon simulation, against Ve and 2Veof the

applied extracellular field revealed two distinct regions of activation and inactivation

with a smooth border between the two (Figure 6-2). This transition is highlighted with

the dashed lines. The border between active and inactive regions was defined as the

activation threshold for the single node prediction method. The threshold value was

found to be a function of Ve, pulse duration, and fiber diameter (not shown). The

dependence on fiber diameter is relatively small compared to the other factors, and for

clarity the data is not presented.


Figure 7-2 Activation as a function of pulse duration and peak extracellular voltage

Activation results plotted as a function of the extracellular voltage (Ve)and the second

nodal difference (2Ve) of the applied waveform taken at the center node of Ranvier.

Each point represents the result of a simulation. Clear activation and inactivation

regions are present. The activation threshold is the transition between these regions. The

activation threshold decreased as extracellular voltage and pulse duration increased.


The activation threshold for the weighted sum method was generated using the

same input voltage vectors and active axon simulation results as the single node method.

The difference from the single node method was that the ordinate value was the result of

the MDF2 applied to each voltage vector. The activation threshold for this method was

found to be a function of Ve, pulse duration, and diameter (Figure 6-3). Diameter

dependence was shown to have a greater influence at short pulse widths, and in general,

threshold was lower for larger diameter axons.


3.2 Prediction performance with single point source

Figure 7-3

Activation thresholds generated by applying the weighted sum equation (eq.2) to the

extracellular voltage vectors used in Figure 2 and plotting the transition between

activation and inactivation regions for diameters of 6, 10, 16, and 20 um at pulse

durations a) 20 us and b) 200 us.


The two proposed prediction methods and the method from (Warman et al., 1992)

were tested under single point source conditions and compared to active axon simulation

results. Simulations similar to those performed by (Moffitt et al., 2004) demonstrate the

improvement achieved by including Ve in the activation threshold (Figure 6-4.a). It was

found that the Warman method could be optimized to minimize error at a certain EAS,

but optimization did not change the fact that threshold error varied by almost 40% across

all EAS. Both the single node and weighted sum methods showed error across all EAS

that was more consistent and lower than the Warman method. The single node method

varied by 7.1% across all EAS. The weighted sum method showed the least variation,

with threshold error varying by 5.7%.

Stimulation threshold error was influenced by electrode alignment to the node.

(Figure 6-4.b) The Warman method results varied between 3.1% and -8.1% and

oscillated between over-estimation and under-estimation. The other two methods were

much flatter across most of the range, but both showed an increase in over-prediction of

the stimulation threshold when the electrode was directly between two nodes of Ranvier.

The single node method exhibited the largest swing in error, peaking at 20.8%. The

weighted sum method was flattest across the widest range and threshold error peaks at

7.6%. These values shifted as axon diameter and pulse duration were changed. When

axon diameter was increased to 20 m, the single node method error peaked at 20.4% and

the weighted sum method error peaked at 6.1%; both retained the same general shape as

Figure 6-4.b. The Warman method error oscillated between -69.4% and -82.2% with

diameter set to 20 m. With diameter set at 4 m, the single node error peak was 15.0%


and the weighted sum peak was 4.4%, while the Warman error shifted to oscillate

between 146.5% and 165.7%.

Relative recruitment order as a function of axon diameter with a single point

source electrode showed that the two proposed methods match the predictions of the

active axon simulations better than did the Warman method(Figure 6-4.c). Stimulation

thresholds were largest for the smallest fiber diameter across all prediction methods and

the active axon simulations, as expected. The single node and weighted sum methods

both matched the relative recruitment order and magnitude of the active axon model,

where the Warman method showed a much greater variation in threshold change from the

smallest to the largest fibers.


Figure 7-4 Activation prediction method results with a single point source electrode and

100 us pulse duration.

a) Electrode is aligned with a node of Ranvier, but electrode-to-axon spacing (EAS) is

increased. b) EAS is 200 um, but alignment of the electrode to the center node of

Ranvier is varied. c) Relative recruitment order across axon diameter with the electrode

aligned to a node of Ranvier and EAS set to 200um. Thresholds are normalized to the

maximum threshold value found across diameters within a given prediction method.


The final single point source electrode investigation focused on stimulation

thresholds as a function of pulse duration and EAS. Pulse durations used were 20, 50,

100, and 500 s and EAS ranged from 100 to 2000m. This was similar to the work

presented by Grill and Mortimer(Grill and Mortimer, 1996)where they used the active

model developed by (Sweeney et al., 1987). All thresholds were normalized to the peak

threshold value found across all pulse durations and EAS values for a given method. All

three methods demonstrate the increased spatial selectivity for short pulse durations

observed by Grill and Mortimer (Grill and Mortimer, 1996) (Figure 6-5).


3.2 Prediction performance with multiple point sources

Multiple point sources were arranged along the axon axis to investigate

performance under more complex fields. Threshold error for two point sources arranged

along the axon axis demonstrated performance differences between the single node and

weighted sum methods (Figure 6-6). Threshold error from the Warman method varied by

as much as 32.2% across EAS. The single node method displayed larger absolute swing

Figure 7-5 Activation prediction results across pulse duration and electrode-to-axon


Relative stimulation thresholds plotted across pulse duration values and EAS values for

a) active axon simulations, b) the Warman method, c) the single node method, and d) the

weighted sum method. All methods demonstrate the increased spatial selectivity for

short pulse durations originally presented by (Grill and Mortimer, 1996) Results

presented are for a 10 um diameter axon.


of 42%, with the largest error occurring when the two electrodes are aligned with

adjacent nodes of Ranvier. The behavior of the weighted sum method is the smoothest of

the three methods, with a maximum threshold error of 14.1%.

The investigation using multiple point sources was extended to the pattern of

alternating anodic and cathodic point sources outlined in the methods. All three methods

exhibited large variation in predicting the activation threshold (Figure 6-7.a). The single

node method changed the most, with error between 42.4% over-prediction to 24.9%

under-prediction of the threshold. The weighted sum method changed less with a peak

Figure 7-6 Stimulation threshold error across prediction methods

Stimulation threshold error when the spacing between two electrodes arranged

longitudinally to the axon is increased. Pulse duration is 100 us, fiber diameter is 10 um,

and EAS is 200 um.


over-prediction of 45.8% and under-prediction of 0.7%.The Warman method changed

with a peak 35.3% over-prediction to 11.4% under-prediction when the EAS optimization

and actual EAS match at 200 m, a slightly larger range than the weighted sum method.

The results with the Warman method tuned to EAS of 1000 m are not shown for clarity,

but showed an over-prediction between 13% and 71.6%.The other two methods do not

require optimization for different EAS values.

The eleven-electrode pattern was used to investigate whether these methods could

demonstrate the same relationship between threshold and axon diameter observed by

(Lertmanorat and Durand, 2004). The relative thresholds across all diameters tested were

plotted for the three approximations and the active axon simulation, with adjacent

electrode spacing set to 650 m and EAS set to 50 m and 300 m (Figure 6-8). With

Figure 7-7 Threshold error for an arrangement of six anodic and five cathodic

electrodes arranged in an alternating pattern longitudinally to a 10 um diameter axon.

a) Threshold error as a function of space between two adjacent electrodes. Example

extracellular waveforms from this analysis are shown for adjacent electrode spacing of

b) 500 um and c) 1000 um.


EAS equal to50 m, the single node and weighted sum methods tracked the active axon

simulation results well, with an increase in the activation threshold peaking around 14-

16um diameter fibers (Figure 6-8.a). The Warman method, however, did not track the

active axon results. When EAS was 300um, the weighted sum method tracked the active

axon simulations best (Figure 6-8.b). The single node method did not track the active

simulation results well, with peaks at 12um and 18um and relatively low thresholds for

small diameter fibers. The Warman method did not track the behavior of the active axon.

3.3 Computational runtime

Computational runtimes were measured to quantify the computational efficiency

provided by the single node and weighted sum methods. Simulation run time results

Figure 7-8 Stimulation threshold across prediction methods for an eleven-electrode


Normalized stimulation threshold as a function of axon diameter for an alternating six-

anode, five-cathode electrode pattern aligned longitudinally to the simulated axon.

Adjacent electrode spacing was set to 650 um with pulse duration equal to 20 us. Results

are plotted for active axon simulations and the three activation prediction methods.

Results are shown for electrode-to-axon spacing values of a) 50 um and b) 300 um.


showed a marked increase in computational speed over the active axon simulations for

both the single node and weighted sum methods (Table 1).

Table 7-1 Computation time consumed by numeric simulation and each proposed

prediction method

Computation Runtime - 16,040 Axons

Method Time (s)

Active Axon 2701.96

Single Node Method 0.126

Weighted Sum Method 0.137

4. Discussion

4.1 Activation thresholds are a function of extracellular potential

Results from the active axon simulations revealed an important dependence on Ve

for the activation threshold. The single node method exhibited increasing threshold with

decreasing Ve values, whereas the weighted sum method showed a decreasing threshold

with decreasing Ve values (Figure 6-2 versus 6-3). The single node method only

accounts for 2Ve at a single node of Ranvier. For cathodic stimulation, 2

Vewill be

positive and large at the node most likely to activate.2Ve at the two nodes adjacent to

this node, however, will also be large but negative. Because the weighted sum method

includes these nodes with negative 2Ve, the result of the MDF2 will be lower. This effect

is increased in cases of low Ve and high 2Ve, leading to a general shift of the ordinate

values down for the weighted sum as 2Ve increases.

The most important aspect of these new methods is recognizing the impact that

the magnitude of the extracellular potential has on the activation threshold. This

relationship has not been reported previously. Including the activation threshold

dependence on Ve improved the prediction accuracy over the Warman method (Figure 6-


4.a), addressing errors in the linearized models and activation prediction presented by

Moffitt (Moffitt et al., 2004). Axon diameter dependence was the other unique factor

included in the activation threshold of the single node and weighted sum methods, which

contributed to the improved accuracy in relative activation across fiber diameter, but

otherwise the observed impact to accuracy was small in comparison. These findings are

applicable in modeling studies that rely on 2Ve to predict activation volumes (Butson

and McIntyre, 2008; Choi and Lee, 2006; Maks et al., 2009). The implication of

increased threshold at low extracellular potential is that actual activation will be less than

that predicted using a constant threshold value. This could significantly affect

interpretation of modeling studies working to predict the mechanisms and active brain

regions resulting from treatments and therapies, such as deep brain stimulation for

movement disorders.

4.2 Single point source performance

The analysis of the presented prediction methods was

designed to investigate aspects important to nerve-level modeling. Placement within a

nerve, alignment of the nodes of Ranvier, and axon diameter are the important

randomized variables included in a nerve-level simulation (Grinberg et al., 2008; Schiefer

et al., 2008; Veltink et al., 1988).Both the weighted sum and single node methods were

robust to changes in EAS. Accuracy of these methods should not be affected by

randomized placement within the simulated nerve, whereas the Warman method would

require tuning for each EAS to minimize error (Figure 6-4.a). To verify that the MRG

model was appropriate for investigating electrode-node alignment, MRG axon simulation

results were compared to experimental data presented by (Roberts and Smith, 1973).The


MRG axon simulations reflected this data well as alignment was changed (Results not

shown).Changing electrode-node alignment showed the weighted sum method most

closely matched the behavior of the MRG axon model (Figure 6-4.b).The flat response

observed for most electrode-node alignments using these methods is important because

nodal alignment is usually randomized with a uniform probability distribution. The

weighted sum method stimulation threshold error was below 2% across 90% of the

uniform distribution range and below 5% across 95.8% of the uniform distribution range.

The single node method was much more sensitive to misalignment than the weighted sum

method, with stimulation error maintained below 2% over only about 60% of the

distribution and below 5% for less than 80% of the uniform distribution. Predictions

based on both new methods should be robust as axon diameter is randomized; as both

new methods also showed relative activation thresholds that closely matched the active

MRG axon results (Figure 6-4.c). Recruitment order is important, but so is the relative

magnitude between diameters. The Warman method results illustrate how poor relative

magnitude tracking may hide other effects. The Warman method results showed the

correct recruitment order, but the relative change from diameter to diameter was too

great. It appears that there may have been an increase in threshold for fiber diameters 14-

16um in Figure 6-8.a, but the change is dwarfed by the change in threshold as a function

of diameter.

4.3 Performance differences between methods

With the exception of the electrode alignment to the node of Ranvier, the two

proposed methods are effectively equivalent for single point source stimulation. When

the pulse was localized to the space around a single node of Ranvier, as was generally the


case with the single point source, both the single node and weighted sum methods could

account for the important aspects of the stimulation waveform. The weighted sum

method starts to out-perform the single node method when the spatial extent of the non-

zero field extends beyond the area around a single node and significant current

redistributes to the investigated node. Single and multiple point source data supports this

as accuracy decreased compared to the weighted sum method (Figures 6-4.a, b; 6-6; 6-


4.4 Replicating key findings from literature

Two of the simulations performed were chosen specifically to test activation

prediction performance under conditions used in literature presenting key findings. This

is not to suggest that these methods can or should be used in future studies about specific

axon activation behavior, but is offered instead to show that these methods do capture

important behavior useful to nerve electrode design and gaining insight into behavior in

electrically stimulated systems. The first set of simulations regarding replicating key

findings looked at the relationship between pulse duration and spatial selectivity observed

and experimentally confirmed by Grill and Mortimer (Grill and Mortimer, 1996).The

results of all three prediction methods demonstrated behavior similar to the active axon

simulations and reflected the results published by Grill and Mortimer.

The second case was chosen to explore stimulation designed to influence

recruitment order. Lertmanorat et al. found that recruitment order could be influenced by

manipulating 2Ve sampled at the nodes to increase stimulation threshold for larger axons

above that for smaller axons (Lertmanorat and Durand, 2004), and later confirmed this

experimentally (Lertmanorat et al., 2006). The two key findings by Lertmanorat et al.


were that first, that recruitment order can be influenced by the electrode arrangement, and

second, that this effect is reduced as EAS increased. We found that both the single node

and weighted sum methods could be used to draw the first conclusion, with both showing

increased stimulation threshold for axons 14-16 m in diameter (Figure 6-8.a). Only the

weighted sum method illustrated that with increased EAS, the re-ordered recruitment

order effects were largely lost, as was the case with the active axon simulations (Figure

6-8.b). The Warman method results failed to support either of the two conclusions.

4.5 Computational run time comparison

The results of the measured computational run times show that both the single

node and weighted sum methods provided several orders of magnitude of increased

computational efficiency, as expected. For this simulation set, the single node method

was 8% faster than the weighted sum method. This helps to quantify the relative

computation cost of the more complex weighted sum method over the single node

method. The additional cost of 8% of computational speed is small when considering the

benefit of increased prediction accuracy for the weighted sum method over the single

node method. With either of the new methods, one million axons can be simulated in less

than 10 seconds with minimal error or loss of insight, compared to nearly 2 days for the

active model.

4.6 Applicability to other models

In this paper, we have shown that this method can predict activation of the

double-cable MRG axon model. The method is also extensible to other non-linear neural

models. This method has been applied to single-cable models with infinite myelin

resistance using channel dynamics described by(Frankenhaeuser and Huxley, 1964)or by


Sweeney et al. (Sweeney et al., 1987). In both cases, a distinct boundary between

inactivation and activation was observed that had a similar dependence on Ve as that seen

with the MRG model (results not shown). This indicates that the behavior observed here

is not merely an artifact of the double-cable formulation nor the MRG model channel

dynamics. Threshold boundaries observed with these additional models were different

from the MRG-based threshold. Consequently, activation thresholds and weights need to

be generated for the nonlinear axon model used. Fiber diameter also affected the

threshold level, so threshold and weight values should be generated for the range of fiber

diameters of interest.

The approximation does not require that the axon path be constrained to a straight

line. Activation prediction has been performed accurately for axons following non-

straight paths through an external electric field (results not shown). Because the proposed

methods are based only on the extracellular potential at nodes of Ranvier, and do not

depend on how the extracellular potential was generated, a tortuous axon path would only

result in different potential values at the nodes. This assumes that bends in the axon are

not such that they cause model variations of intracellular conductivity or channel

dynamics. The final caveat is that these methods have only been applied to axons that are

long enough to avoid termination effects from cell bodies or synapses. Therefore, this

method is not appropriate for prediction in cases of termination, dendrites, cell bodies,

split axons, or other configurations where intracellular conductivities or models that

differ between adjacent compartments.

Recent work has included a more detailed accounting of the effects of the axon on

the resulting electric field (Butson et al., 2011). In many cases the influence of axons on


the stimulating electric field is neglected in nerve level simulations (Choi and Lee, 2006;

Lertmanorat et al., 2006; Schiefer et al., 2008).The presented methods only consider the

extracellular potential at the nodes of Ranvier and are not dependent on how the field is

generated. If more detail to the extracellular potential field generation is to be considered,

e.g. the influence of surrounding active axons, the present methods of analysis should still

predict activation within this more complicated field.

5. Conclusion

We have presented two activation prediction methods that perform better than

previous prediction methods and are computationally efficient. Performance of both new

methods shows a decreased dependence on electrode-axon geometry over previous

methods, bringing activation prediction closer to an analysis of the spatial and temporal

properties of the applied electric field. The weighted sum method exhibits the best

prediction accuracy among the three investigated methods, and should be selected for

applications when electric field extends beyond the area around a single node of Ranvier.

This method is computationally faster than numerically solving the nonlinear axon

dynamics by orders of magnitude, but maintains important behavior of the axon. This

allows nearly instantaneous determination of activation patterns in whole nerve

simulations, and opens the door to applications of stimulation design using evolutionary

optimization methods or quickly evaluating and understanding design tradeoffs.


The authors would like to thank Prof. Hillel Chiel, Dr. Matthew Schiefer, and Natalie

Brill for their assistance and feedback in reviewing this manuscript.


The project described was supported by Grant Number T32-EB004314 from the NIBIB

and the National Institutes of Health. The content is solely the responsibility of the

authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of


Appendix I.A – Threshold Generation and Activation Prediction

Generating the activation threshold data is the most computationally intensive part

of the proposed methods. It requires active axon simulations for a set of extracellular

voltage vectors repeated across the range of fiber diameters and pulse durations of

interest. Once the activation threshold is generated, it can be used repeatedly in analyzing

extracellular potentials to predict activation without simulating active axon models. The

purpose of this section is to provide additional details on how to generate activation

thresholds and perform activation prediction. Activation thresholds are generated as


1) Create array of test vectors, each satisfying a pair of unique parameters Ve and

2Ve at the center node. Set the remaining nodal voltages to transition to flat

potential at the ends of the axon, and interpolate the internodal voltages.

2) Simulate each voltage vector, fiber diameter, and pulse duration combination

with the following characteristics:

a) Allow a short time for the model to stabilize before stimulus is applied

b) Apply the extracellular voltage vector to the active axon model in time

as a square pulse of cathodic excitation for the given pulse duration

c) Allow time after the end of the pulse for action potentials to propagate


3) Determine which nodes fully depolarized in order to detect whether action

potentials were triggered and propagated

4) For each simulation result, plot whether the fiber was activated or not. These

results are plotted as a function of fiber diameter, pulse duration, Ve at the

center node, and the result of applying the MDF to the extracellular potential

vector used for that particular simulation.

5) Record the threshold as the boundary between regions of activation and


Once the threshold is recorded, activation predictions can be made with simple

computations and the use of a look up table. To predict whether activation would occur

given an extracellular potential, apply the MDF to the extracellular potential vector.

Using the look up table, and interpolation if necessary, determine the threshold for

activation, taking into account fiber diameter, pulse duration, and Ve. If the result of the

MDF is greater than the activation threshold, then the axon is predicted active. Activation

thresholds and weight values should be recalculated for any major changes in the

underlying axon model, as we have observed that threshold values change as different

channel dynamics are implemented.

Because of the overhead required for generating the activation thresholds, these

methods are most applicable for determining the response of many axons under many

different applied electric fields. It does not make sense as a replacement for running tens

of thousands of axons if the threshold and weighted sum values have not been generated,

since the threshold generation would require active axon simulations on that order. While

in this work the set of extracellular voltage vectors were created using a regular spacing


of Ve and 2Ve, a binary search algorithm could instead be employed to find the

threshold transition and reduce the number of simulations required for generating the

activation threshold. To reduce overhead when using the MRG axon model, the authors

have included the weights and threshold values generated for this work in the

supplemental materials.



Descriptions of Membrane Dynamics

Memcap.mod : Current associated with temperature-drive membrane capacitance



SUFFIX memcap


RANGE i, cd, dur, del

RANGE therm_relax, vr



del = 50 (ms) < 0, 1e9> : IR pulse delay cannot be

less than zero

dur = 0.25 (ms) < 1e-9, 1e9 > : prevent zero or negative


cd = 0 (microfarad/cm2) : capacitance delta due to laser


therm_relax = 90 (ms) < 1e-9, 1e9 > : exponential thermal

relaxation time

vr = 100 (millivolts) : reversal potential for capacitive




i (milliamps/cm2)

v (millivolts)



i = 0


: wanted to implement something like: i = v*(basecap+deltacap)'

: but NEURON does not like derivatives on the right hand side

: for this implementation, compute dC/dt and implement that as a

current source


if (t < del) {

i = 0


if (t >= del && t <= del+dur) { : energy deposition phase

i = (0.001) * ((v-vr) * cd / dur) : 0.001 converts the

result into mA from A



if ( t > del+dur ) { : thermal relaxation phase

i = (0.001) * ((v-vr) * cd * exp(-(t-

(del+dur))/therm_relax) * -1/therm_relax)




This is a modified version of the HH.mod file distributed with the NEURON simulation

environment, modified to enable setting local temperature values in distributed axon


TITLE hh_t.mod squid sodium, potassium, and leak channels


This is the original Hodgkin-Huxley treatment for the set of

sodium, potassium, and leakage channels found in the squid giant

axon membrane.

("A quantitative description of membrane current and its

application conduction and excitation in nerve" J.Physiol.

(Lond.) 117:500-544 (1952).)

Membrane voltage is in absolute mV and has been reversed in

polarity from the original HH convention and shifted to reflect a

resting potential of -65 mV.

Remember to set celsius=6.3 (or whatever) in your HOC file.

See squid.hoc for an example of a simulation using this model.

SW Jaslove 6 March, 1992


: this mod file has been modified to accept a “localtemp”

variable in place of the global variable “Celsius” to allow for

temperature gradients in spatially-distributed axon models


(mA) = (milliamp)

(mV) = (millivolt)

(S) = (siemens)


? interface






RANGE gnabar, gkbar, gl, el, gna, gk

RANGE localtemp

RANGE minf, hinf, ninf, mtau, htau, ntau

THREADSAFE : assigned GLOBALs will be per thread




gnabar = .12 (S/cm2) <0,1e9>

gkbar = .036 (S/cm2) <0,1e9>

gl = .0003 (S/cm2) <0,1e9>

el = -54.3 (mV)



m h n



v (mV)

:celsius (degC)

localtemp (degC)

ena (mV)

ek (mV)

gna (S/cm2)

gk (S/cm2)

ina (mA/cm2)

ik (mA/cm2)

il (mA/cm2)

minf hinf ninf

mtau (ms)

htau (ms)

ntau (ms)


? currents


SOLVE states METHOD cnexp

gna = gnabar*m*m*m*h

ina = gna*(v - ena)

gk = gkbar*n*n*n*n

ik = gk*(v - ek)

il = gl*(v - el)




m = minf

h = hinf

n = ninf


? states




m' = (minf-m)/mtau

h' = (hinf-h)/htau

n' = (ninf-n)/ntau


? rates

PROCEDURE rates(v(mV)) { :Computes rate and other constants at

current v.

:Call once from HOC to initialize inf at

resting v.

LOCAL alpha, beta, sum, q10

:TABLE minf, mtau, hinf, htau, ninf, ntau DEPEND celsius

FROM -100 TO 100 WITH 200

TABLE minf, mtau, hinf, htau, ninf, ntau DEPEND localtemp

FROM -100 TO 100 WITH 200


:q10 = 3^((celsius - 6.3)/10)

q10 = 3^((localtemp - 6.3)/10)

:"m" sodium activation system

alpha = .1 * vtrap(-(v+40),10)

beta = 4 * exp(-(v+65)/18)

sum = alpha + beta

mtau = 1/(q10*sum)

minf = alpha/sum

:"h" sodium inactivation system

alpha = .07 * exp(-(v+65)/20)

beta = 1 / (exp(-(v+35)/10) + 1)

sum = alpha + beta

htau = 1/(q10*sum)

hinf = alpha/sum

:"n" potassium activation system

alpha = .01*vtrap(-(v+55),10)

beta = .125*exp(-(v+65)/80)

sum = alpha + beta

ntau = 1/(q10*sum)

ninf = alpha/sum


FUNCTION vtrap(x,y) { :Traps for 0 in denominator of rate eqns.

if (fabs(x/y) < 1e-6) {

vtrap = y*(1 - x/y/2)


vtrap = x/(exp(x/y) - 1)






This is a modified version of the FH.mod file distributed with the NEURON

simulation environment, modified to enable setting local temperature values in

distributed axon models.

TITLE FH_t channel

: Frankenhaeuser - Huxley channels for Xenopus



USEION na READ nai, nao WRITE ina



RANGE pnabar, pkbar, ppbar, gl, el, il, ip

RANGE localtemp

GLOBAL inf,tau



(molar) = (1/liter)

(mM) = (millimolar)

(mV) = (millivolt)

(mA) = (milliamp)

FARADAY = (faraday) (coulomb)

R = (k-mole) (joule/degC)



v (mV)

celsius (degC) : 20

pnabar=8e-3 (cm/s)

ppbar=.54e-3 (cm/s)

pkbar=1.2e-3 (cm/s)

nai (mM) : 13.74

nao (mM) : 114.5

ki (mM) : 120

ko (mM) : 2.5

gl=30.3e-3 (mho/cm2)

el = -69.74 (mV)



m h n p



ina (mA/cm2)

ik (mA/cm2)

ip (mA/cm2)

il (mA/cm2)


tau[4] (ms)

localtemp (degC)





m = inf[0]

h = inf[1]

n = inf[2]

p = inf[3]



LOCAL ghkna

SOLVE states METHOD cnexp

ghkna = ghk(v, nai, nao)

ina = pnabar*m*m*h*ghkna

ip = ppbar*p*p*ghkna

ik = pkbar*n*n*ghk(v, ki, ko)

il = gl*(v - el)


FUNCTION ghk(v(mV), ci(mM), co(mM)) (.001 coul/cm3) {

:assume a single charge

LOCAL z, eci, eco

:z = (1e-3)*FARADAY*v/(R*(celsius+273.15))

z = (1e-3)*FARADAY*v/(R*(localtemp+273.15))

eco = co*efun(z)

eci = ci*efun(-z)

ghk = (.001)*FARADAY*(eci - eco)


FUNCTION efun(z) {

if (fabs(z) < 1e-4) {

efun = 1 - z/2


efun = z/(exp(z) - 1)



DERIVATIVE states { : exact when v held constant


m' = (inf[0] - m)/tau[0]

h' = (inf[1] - h)/tau[1]

n' = (inf[2] - n)/tau[2]

p' = (inf[3] - p)/tau[3]



FUNCTION alp(v(mV),i) { LOCAL a,b,c,q10 :rest = -70 order


v = v+70

:q10 = 3^((celsius - 20)/10)

q10 = 3^((localtemp - 20)/10)


if (i==0) {

a=.36 b=22. c=3.

alp = q10*a*expM1(b - v, c)

}else if (i==1){

a=.1 b=-10. c=6.

alp = q10*a*expM1(v - b, c)

}else if (i==2){

a=.02 b= 35. c=10.

alp = q10*a*expM1(b - v, c)


a=.006 b= 40. c=10.

alp = q10*a*expM1(b - v , c)



FUNCTION bet(v,i) { LOCAL a,b,c,q10 :rest = -70 order m,h,n,p

v = v+70

:q10 = 3^((celsius - 20)/10)

q10 = 3^((localtemp - 20)/10)

if (i==0) {

a=.4 b= 13. c=20.

bet = q10*a*expM1(v - b, c)

}else if (i==1){

a=4.5 b= 45. c=10.

bet = q10*a/(exp((b - v)/c) + 1)

}else if (i==2){

a=.05 b= 10. c=10.

bet = q10*a*expM1(v - b, c)


a=.09 b= -25. c=20.

bet = q10*a*expM1(v - b, c)



FUNCTION expM1(x,y) {

if (fabs(x/y) < 1e-6) {

expM1 = y*(1 - x/y/2)


expM1 = x/(exp(x/y) - 1)



PROCEDURE mhnp(v) {LOCAL a, b :rest = -70

:TABLE inf, tau DEPEND celsius FROM -100 TO 100 WITH 200

TABLE inf, tau DEPEND localtemp FROM -100 TO 100 WITH 200

FROM i=0 TO 3 {

a = alp(v,i) b=bet(v,i)

tau[i] = 1/(a + b)

inf[i] = a/(a + b)






This is a modified version of AXNODE.mod. AXNODE.mod is available in the

model database maintained by the creators of the NEURON simulation environment.

TITLE Motor Axon Node channels

: 3/12

: Erik Peterson


: Adapted from original code by

: Cameron C. McIntyre


: Fast Na+, Persistent Na+, Slow K+, and Leakage currents

: responsible for nodal action potential

: Iterative equations H-H notation rest = -80 mV


: This model is described in detail in:


: McIntyre CC, Richardson AG, and Grill WM. Modeling the

excitability of

: mammalian nerve fibers: influence of afterpotentials on the


: cycle. Journal of Neurophysiology 87:995-1006, 2002.


: *Adapted to use localtemp as a range variable instead of using

the global celsius variable*



SUFFIX axnode_t





RANGE gnapbar, gnabar, gkbar, gl, ena, ek, el

RANGE mp_inf, m_inf, h_inf, s_inf

RANGE tau_mp, tau_m, tau_h, tau_s

RANGE localtemp



(mA) = (milliamp)

(mV) = (millivolt)




gnapbar = 0.01 (mho/cm2)

gnabar = 3.0 (mho/cm2)

gkbar = 0.08 (mho/cm2)

gl = 0.007 (mho/cm2)

ena = 50.0 (mV)

ek = -90.0 (mV)

el = -90.0 (mV)

:celsius (degC)

localtemp (degC)

dt (ms)

v (mV)


ampA = 0.01

ampB = 27

ampC = 10.2

bmpA = 0.00025

bmpB = 34

bmpC = 10

amA = 1.86

amB = 21.4

amC = 10.3

bmA = 0.086

bmB = 25.7

bmC = 9.16

ahA = 0.062

ahB = 114.0

ahC = 11.0

bhA = 2.3

bhB = 31.8

bhC = 13.4

asA = 0.3

asB = -27

asC = -5

bsA = 0.03

bsB = 10

bsC = -1



mp m h s



inap (mA/cm2)

ina (mA/cm2)

ik (mA/cm2)

il (mA/cm2)















SOLVE states METHOD cnexp

inap = gnapbar * mp*mp*mp * (v - ena)

ina = gnabar * m*m*m*h * (v - ena)

ik = gkbar * s * (v - ek)

il = gl * (v - el)


DERIVATIVE states { : exact Hodgkin-Huxley equations


mp'= (mp_inf - mp) / tau_mp

m' = (m_inf - m) / tau_m

h' = (h_inf - h) / tau_h

s' = (s_inf - s) / tau_s





: Q10 adjustment


: q10_1 = 2.2 ^ ((celsius-20)/ 10 )

: q10_2 = 2.9 ^ ((celsius-20)/ 10 )

: q10_3 = 3.0 ^ ((celsius-36)/ 10 )

q10_1 = 2.2 ^ ((localtemp-20)/ 10 )

q10_2 = 2.9 ^ ((localtemp-20)/ 10 )

q10_3 = 3.0 ^ ((localtemp-36)/ 10 )


mp = mp_inf

m = m_inf

h = h_inf

s = s_inf


PROCEDURE evaluate_fct(v(mV)) { LOCAL a,b,v2

a = q10_1*vtrap1(v)

b = q10_1*vtrap2(v)

tau_mp = 1 / (a + b)

mp_inf = a / (a + b)


a = q10_1*vtrap6(v)

b = q10_1*vtrap7(v)

tau_m = 1 / (a + b)

m_inf = a / (a + b)

a = q10_2*vtrap8(v)

b = q10_2*bhA / (1 + Exp(-(v+bhB)/bhC))

tau_h = 1 / (a + b)

h_inf = a / (a + b)

v2 = v - vtraub : convert to traub convention

a = q10_3*asA / (Exp((v2+asB)/asC) + 1)

b = q10_3*bsA / (Exp((v2+bsB)/bsC) + 1)

tau_s = 1 / (a + b)

s_inf = a / (a + b)


FUNCTION vtrap(x) {

if (x < -50) {

vtrap = 0


vtrap = bsA / (Exp((x+bsB)/bsC) + 1)



FUNCTION vtrap1(x) {

if (fabs((x+ampB)/ampC) < 1e-6) {

vtrap1 = ampA*ampC


vtrap1 = (ampA*(x+ampB)) / (1 - Exp(-(x+ampB)/ampC))



FUNCTION vtrap2(x) {

if (fabs((x+bmpB)/bmpC) < 1e-6) {

vtrap2 = -bmpA*bmpC


vtrap2 = (bmpA*(-(x+bmpB))) / (1 - Exp((x+bmpB)/bmpC))



FUNCTION vtrap6(x) {

if (fabs((x+amB)/amC) < 1e-6) {

vtrap6 = amA*amC


vtrap6 = (amA*(x+amB)) / (1 - Exp(-(x+amB)/amC))



FUNCTION vtrap7(x) {


if (fabs((x+bmB)/bmC) < 1e-6) {

vtrap7 = -bmA*bmC


vtrap7 = (bmA*(-(x+bmB))) / (1 - Exp((x+bmB)/bmC))



FUNCTION vtrap8(x) {

if (fabs((x+ahB)/ahC) < 1e-6) {

vtrap8 = -ahA*ahC


vtrap8 = (ahA*(-(x+ahB))) / (1 - Exp((x+ahB)/ahC))




if (x < -100) {

Exp = 0


Exp = exp(x)




Ca_track.mod COMMENT

NEURON implementation to keep track of cai based on injected

calcium (handled in another mechanism)



SUFFIX ca_track


RANGE tau, C0



(mA) = (milliamp)

(mol) = (1)

(molar) = (mol/liter)

(mM) = (millimolar)

(uM) = (micromolar)

(um) = (micrometer)

FARADAY = (faraday) (coulombs)



tau = 303 (ms) : AB soma; 300 ms for PD soma

C0 = 0.5 (uM)




ica (mA/cm2)

diam (um)



cai (mM)



cai = (1e-3)*C0



SOLVE states METHOD cnexp



Surface area of a cyl of length len is PI*len*diam

so net ca influx is -(ica/(2*FARADAY))*PI*len*diam

Volume is PI*len*diam^2/4

so in the absence of buffering or transport

rate of change of conc is -(ica/(2*FARADAY))*4/diam



cai' = -(1e4)*2*ica/(FARADAY*diam) : remove buffering and

transport + (1e-3)*(C0 - (1e3)*cai)/tau



Cagk.mod was obtained from the model database for NEURON:


This mod file implements a rectangular intracellular calcium release given delay, duration

, and amplitude variables.




RANGE del, dur, amp



(nA) = (nanoamp)




del (ms)

dur (ms)

amp (nA) : negative is inward



ica (nA)




at_time(del + dur)

if (t > del && t < del + dur) {

ica = amp


ica = 0




This mod file implements an intracellular calcium release that follows the temperature

change profile caused by infrared light pulses.




RANGE del, dur, amp




(nA) = (nanoamp)



del (ms)

dur (ms)

amp (nA) : negative is inward

tau = 90 (ms) < 1e-9, 1e9 > : exponential thermal relaxation




ica (nA)




if (t < del) {

ica = 0 : no activity before the delay has passed


if (t >= del && t <= del+dur) { : energy deposition phase

ica = amp * (t-del)/dur : linear ramp during



if ( t > del+dur ) { : thermal relaxation phase

ica = amp * exp(-(t-(del+dur))/tau) * -1/tau



Spatially-Lumped Membrane Models




Written by: Erik J. Peterson

Updated: Dec 2012

Implements a spatially-lumped membrane with HH channels,

applies a transient temperature and membrane capacitance

change. Meant to replicate results observed by Shapiro et

al. in "Infrared light excites cells by changing their

electrical capacitance"

(data supplied in supplemental material)



second_order = 2 //0 - reverse Euler; 1 - Crank-Nicholson

(CN); 2- 2nd order CN




// Define all of the model global variables

proc model_globals() {

//print "-D- Entered Model Globals"

celsius = 6.3 // degC

basetemp = celsius

mxtmpjmp = 15 // maximum temperature jump that takes

place during pulse

v_init=-65 //mV

dt=0.005 //msec

tstop=50 //msec


del = 10 //msec

// EDIT HERE for model differences

fiberD = 10 // um (initial value)

pulsedur = 1 // ms

tmpdelta = 15 // temperature increase per ms of

applied pulse

capdelta = 0.08 // cm increase factor

k1 = 1 // capacitance change scale factor

k2 = 1 // temperature change scale factor

coupled_T_C = 1 // when 1, capacitance changes are

scaled with temperature changes 8%Cm/15degC. When 0,

temperature peak is constant, and k only affects Cm

// IR pulse paramters

therm_relax = 90 //[ms] - thermal relaxation time


//define the membrane capacitance

cmem = 1 //[uF/cm2]

//print "-D- Leaving Model Globals"



create node

// Calculate the dependent variables





proc createall() {

//create the single node for this model

create node





cm=cmem //[uF/cm2]

insert hh // insert HH based channel dynamics

ena_hh = 55 //[mV]

el_hh = -55 //10.59892-60

ek_hh =-72

insert extracellular // initialize extracellular

voltage source


e_extracellular = 0 // set extracellular voltage

source to ground

// insert the capacitive current element

insert memcap

del_memcap(0.5) = del // delay to


dur_memcap(0.5) = pulsedur // pulse


cd_memcap(0.5) = k1* capdelta * cmem // peak

capacitance delta that occurs over the pulse duration









//advance() is a NEURON function that is called at every

time step

proc advance(){

// changes in membrane capacitance appear to follow a

thermal relaxation curve, implement this here

// increases tend to be about 0.8%/mJ deposited or

0.008*power[W]*time applied[ms]

// the tmprl_scale value computed below needs to be

multiplied by the intensity of power below to give the

final capacitance increase

if (t <= del ) {

cap_scale = 0 // no increase in base


tmp_scale = 0 // no increase in temperature

} else if (t > del && t <= del + pulsedur) { //

energy deposition phase

// tmprl scale is the fraction of the deposition


cap_scale = (t - del)/pulsedur * capdelta

tmp_scale = (t - del)/pulsedur * tmpdelta

} else if (t > del+pulsedur) { //

thermal relaxation phase

// temporal scale is the exponential decay term

cap_scale = capdelta * exp(-(t-



tmp_scale = tmpdelta * exp(-(t-



// assign the temperature, membrane capacitance, and

capacitive current = cmem + k1 * cmem * cap_scale

celsius = basetemp + k2 * tmp_scale





proc main() {

// simulation time

tstop = del + pulsedur + 20

celsius = basetemp

// create axon


access node




xvalue("Capacitive Change Scale (*8%)", "k1", 1,

"main()", 1)

xvalue("Temperature Change Scale (*15degC)", "k2", 1,

"main()", 1)

xvalue("Pulse Duration", "pulsedur",1, "main()", 1)

xvalue("Baseline Temperature", "basetemp", 1,



FHMembrane.hoc /*---------------------------------------------------------------


Written by: Erik J. Peterson

Updated: Mar 2012

Implements a single node with HH channels, applies a temperature

and membrane

capacitance change. Meant to replicate results observed by

Shapiro et al. in


"Infrared light excites cells by changing their electrical


(data supplied in supplemental material)

NOTE: currently the membrane capacitance is zeroed out. this

needs to be switched back for a proper model.



second_order = 2 //0 - reverse Euler; 1 - Crank-Nicholson (CN);

2- 2nd order CN




// Define all of the model global variables

proc model_globals() {

//print "-D- Entered Model Globals"

celsius = 20 // 20

basetemp = celsius //degC

mxtmpjmp = 15 // maximum temperature jump that takes

place during pulse

v_init=-70 //mV

dt=0.0005 //msec

tstop=50 //msec

del = 10 //msec

// EDIT HERE for model differences

fiberD = 10 // um (initial value)

pulsedur = 1 // ms

tmpdelta = 15 // temperature increase per ms of applied


capdelta = 0.08 // cm increase factor

// IR pulse paramters

therm_relax = 90 //[ms] - thermal relaxation time constant

//define the membrane capacitance

cmem = 1 //[uF/cm2]

//print "-D- Leaving Model Globals"



create node

// Calculate the dependent variables





proc createall() {

//create the single node for this model


//print "-D- Entered Createall"

create node





cm=cmem //[uF/cm2]

insert fh

//insert extracellular // initialize extracellular

voltage source

//e_extracellular = 0 // set extracellular voltage

source to ground

// insert the capacitive current

insert memcap

del_memcap(0.5) = del

dur_memcap(0.5) = pulsedur

cd_memcap(0.5) = capdelta * cmem * pulsedur // this

is the total change in membrane capacitance in [uF/cm2] per ms of

pulse deposited

//cd_memcap(0.5) = capdelta * 1 * pulsedur // this is

the total change in membrane capacitance in [uF/cm2] per ms of

pulse deposited




//print "-D- Leaving Createall"






//advance() is a NEURON function that is called at every time


proc advance(){

// changes in membrane capacitance appear to follow a

thermal relaxation curve, implement this here

// increases tend to be about 0.8%/mJ deposited or

0.008*power[W]*time applied[ms]

// the tmprl_scale value computed below needs to be

multiplied by the intensity of power below to give the final

capacitance increase

if (t <= del ) {

cap_scale = 0 // no increase in base


tmp_scale = 0 // no increase in temperature

} else if (t > del && t <= del + pulsedur) { // energy

deposition phase

// tmprl scale is the fraction of the deposition time


cap_scale = (t - del) * capdelta

tmp_scale = (t - del) * tmpdelta

} else if (t > del+pulsedur) { // thermal

relaxation phase

// temporal scale is the exponential decay term

cap_scale = capdelta * pulsedur * exp(-(t-


tmp_scale = tmpdelta * pulsedur * exp(-(t-



// assign the temperature, membrane capacitance, and

capacitive current = cmem + cmem * cap_scale

// = cmem + cmem * cap_scale *0

celsius = basetemp + tmp_scale





proc main() {

// simulation time

tstop = del + pulsedur + 20

// printf("-D- tstop is: %0.3f\n", tstop)

// printf("-D- pulsedur is is: %0.3f\n", pulsedur)

// create axon


access node




xvalue("Cm increase factor (per ms of IR pulse)

[uF/cm2/ms]", "capdelta", 1, "main()", 1)

xvalue("Temperature increase (per ms of IR pulse)

[degC/ms]", "tmpdelta", 1, "main()", 1)

xvalue("Pulse Duration", "pulsedur",1, "main()", 1)

xvalue("FiberDiameter", "fiberD",1, "main()", 1)

xvalue("Base Temperature", "basetemp",1, "main()", 1)



This hoc file uses a binary search algorithm to loop through and determine minimum

calcium current necessary to activate the membrane.




Written by: Erik J. Peterson

Updated: Nov 2012

Implements a single node with HH channels, applies a temperature

and membrane

capacitance change. Meant to replicate results observed by

Shapiro et al. in

"Infrared light excites cells by changing their electrical


(data supplied in supplemental material)

NOTE: currently the membrane capacitance is zeroed out. this

needs to be switched back for a proper model.



second_order = 0 //0 - reverse Euler; 1 - Crank-Nicholson (CN);

2- 2nd order CN


objref Int_file, out1, out2

// Input file handles - Input is the intensity of stimulation

along an axon

Int_file = new File()

// Output file handles - Two output files

out1 = new File() // Maximum intracellular calcium (cai) reached

out2 = new File() // Max depolarization near the end of the axon

// create the pulsedur and temperature data vectors (simulaiton

loops on these)

objref dur_data, delay_data, temp_data

dur_data = new Vector()

temp_data = new Vector()

delay_data = new Vector()

dur_data.append(0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1,

2, 5, 10 )

//dur_data.append(1, 2, 5, 10 )

temp_data.append(6.3, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28,

30, 32, 34, 36, 38)

delay_data.append(0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2)

strdef work, cai_output





// Define all of the model global variables

proc model_globals() {

//print "-D- Entered Model Globals"

celsius = 6.3 // degC


basetemp = celsius

mxtmpjmp = 15 // maximum temperature jump that takes

place during pulse

v_init=-65 //mV

dt=0.005 //msec

tstop=50 //msec

del = 10 //msec

// Calcium release parameters

i_calcium = 0 // [nA]

calc_dur = 1 // [ms]

cai_base = 0 // [mM] baseline intracellular calcium value

cai_max = 0 // [mM] variable to store the maximum value

of cai achieved

response_delay = 0

// Capacitive change parameters

pulsedur = 1 // ms

tmpdelta = 15 // temperature increase per ms of applied


capdelta = 0.08 // cm increase factor

k = 1 // capacitance and temperature change scale


therm_relax = 90 //[ms] - thermal relaxation time constant

//define the membrane capacitance

cmem = 1 //[uF/cm2]

//print "-D- Leaving Model Globals"



objectvar calcium_release

create node

// Calculate the dependent variables





proc createall() {

//create the single node for this model

create node





cm=cmem //[uF/cm2]

insert hh // insert HH based channel dynamics

ena_hh = 55 //[mV]

el_hh = -55 //10.59892-60

ek_hh =-72


// insert the capacitive current element

insert memcap

del_memcap(0.5) = del // 10ms delay to


dur_memcap(0.5) = pulsedur // pulse duration

cd_memcap(0.5) = k* capdelta * cmem // peak

capacitance delta that occurs over the pulse duration

// insert intracellular calcium injection

insert ca_track // mechanism for tracking changes in

intracellular calcium based on injected currents

if (cagk_enable == 1) { // run with and without this

hyperpolarizing channel activated

insert cagk // calcium-gated potassium current


// insert an intracellular calcium current with either a

square or ramp and exp. decay current pulse

if (square == 0) {

calcium_release = new CaTherm(0.5) //inserted in the

center of the segment

calcium_release.del = del + response_delay

calcium_release.dur = calc_dur

calcium_release.amp = -i_calcium // [nA], negative is


calcium_release.tau = 600 // [ms], exponential decay

at the end slow this down a lot

} else {

calcium_release = new CaSquare(0.5) //inserted in the

center of the segment

calcium_release.del = del + response_delay

calcium_release.dur = calc_dur

calcium_release.amp = -i_calcium // [nA], negative is











//advance() is a NEURON function that is called at every time


proc advance(){

// changes in membrane capacitance appear to follow a

thermal relaxation curve, implement this here

// increases tend to be about 0.8%/mJ deposited or

0.008*power[W]*time applied[ms]


// the tmprl_scale value computed below needs to be

multiplied by the intensity of power below to give the final

capacitance increase

if (t <= del ) {

cap_scale = 0 // no increase in base


tmp_scale = 0 // no increase in temperature

} else if (t > del && t <= del + pulsedur) { // energy

deposition phase

// tmprl scale is the fraction of the deposition time

cap_scale = (t - del)/pulsedur * capdelta

tmp_scale = (t - del)/pulsedur * tmpdelta

} else if (t > del+pulsedur) { // thermal

relaxation phase

// temporal scale is the exponential decay term

cap_scale = capdelta * exp(-(t-


tmp_scale = tmpdelta * exp(-(t-



// assign the temperature, membrane capacitance, and

capacitive current = cmem + k * cmem * cap_scale

celsius = basetemp + k * tmp_scale

// keep track of the intracellular calcium

if (t < del) {

cai_base = node.cai(0.5)


if (node.cai(0.5) > cai_max) {

cai_max = node.cai(0.5)


if (node.v(0.5) > vmax) {

vmax = node.v(0.5)




////////////////////////////////////////////////// FILE I/O


proc print_headers() {

//print "-D- entered print header\n"

// Open the two output files and write out the headers

if (square == 1) {



work, response_delay, cagk_enable)

} else {




work, response_delay, cagk_enable)



out1.printf("%s\n", "Ca++Duration,6.3 C,8.0 C,10.0 C,12.0

C,14.0 C,16.0 C,18.0 C,20.0 C,22.0 C,24.0 C,26.0 C,28.0 C,30.0

C,32.0 C,34.0 C,36.0 C,38.0 C")



proc print_calcdur() {

// write out the calcium duration into the first column of

each output file


out1.printf("%.1f", calc_dur)



proc print_results() {

// print each line of results into the above file







proc main() {

for square = 0,1 { // test with square calcium pulse and with

ramp to expoentially decreasing

for cagk_enable = 0, 1{ // test with and without calcium

gated potassium channels engaged

for delay_no = 0, delay_data.size()-1{ // add different

delays between capacitive/thermal change and calcium change

response_delay = delay_data.x[delay_no]

print_headers() // Open the output file and write out

the header

for dur_no = 0, dur_data.size-1{ // loop through all

pulse durations

// simulation timing parameters

calc_dur = dur_data.x[dur_no] // [ms] - duration

of the calcium release

tstop = del + calc_dur + response_delay + 20

//set the simulation run time

// write out the fiber diameter into the first

column of each output file


for temp_no = 0, temp_data.size()-1 { // execute

sim at many different temperature values

// reset model parameters

// simulation variables


celsius = temp_data.x[temp_no]

basetemp = celsius

// Adjust "i_calcium" in a binary search to

find the threshold for the rest of the model parameters

last_amp = 0

current_amp = 0.1 // current value to use for


current_result = 0

loop_counter = 0

cap = 1e9 // upper limit on the

amplitude, this is replaced to prevent oscillations

while (abs(last_amp-current_amp) > (.001

*current_amp) ) {

//(re) initialize for the next iteration

vmax = -100

cai_max = 0

i_calcium = current_amp // negative

current is inward

// create membrane and simulate


access node


//printf("-D- vmax is: %f\n", vmax)

if (vmax > 0) {

//print "-D- found a case that fired!

- amplitude should go down"

last_result = current_result

current_result = 1

} else {

last_result = current_result

current_result = 0


// Binary search

if (last_result == 0 && current_result ==

0) {

// last was 0, current is 0 -> double

current amplitude

last_amp = current_amp

current_amp = current_amp * 2

if (current_amp > cap){ // don't

allow this to exceed the cap

current_amp = cap


//print "-D- Low Low Going up"

} else if (last_result == 0 &&

current_result == 1) {

//last was 0, current is 1 -> split

amplitude difference


//print "-D- amplitude is going down

by a bit"

if (current_amp < cap ){ // set a new

upper limit

cap = current_amp


difference = abs(current_amp -


last_amp = current_amp

current_amp = current_amp -


//print "-D- Low Hi Going down"

} else if (last_result == 1 &&

current_result == 0) {

// last was 1, current is 0 -> split

amplitude difference up

difference = abs(last_amp -


last_amp = current_amp

current_amp = current_amp +


//print "-D- Hi Low Going up"

} else if (last_result == 1 &&

current_result == 1) {

// last was 1, current is 1 -> divide

amplitude of lowest by 2

//print "-D- amplitude is going down

by 1/2"

if (current_amp < cap ){ // set a new

upper limit

cap = current_amp


last_amp = current_amp

current_amp = current_amp/2

//print "-D- Hi Hi going down"


difference = abs(last_amp - current_amp)

//printf ("-D- check: difference= %.9f

c_amp = %.9f\n", difference, current_amp)

loop_counter = loop_counter +1

} // close the while loop, then print the


printf("-D- final amplitude: %f %f %f\n",

current_amp, cai_max, node.cai(0.5))

// write final results to the output file


} // end temperature loop

printf ("-I- Completed Ca++ pulse duration:

%.1f\n", calc_dur)

// finish writing the output file lines for each

output file





} // end duration loop

printf ("-I- Completed Delay: %.1f\n",


} // end delays loop

printf ("-I- Completed CaGk State: %.1f\n", cagk_enable)

}// end cagk loop

printf ("-I- Completed Square State: %.1f\n", square)

}// end pulse shape loop




Spatially-Distributed Axon Models

HHAxon_DiamAndTempSweep.hoc /*---------------------------------------------------------------


Written by: Erik J. Peterson

Updated: Oct 2012

A single axon expressing Hodgkin & Huxley-described squid giant

axon dynamics.

Output is printed out to the user-selected directory. Results


1) whether each simulation resulted in an action potential

(depolarized above zero)

2) vector of transmembrane voltages for the user-specified

segments (otherwise default = center node)

This extends the model used by Shapiro et al. in

"Infrared light excites cells by changing their electrical


(data supplied in supplemental material)



// set the numerical engine used for solving

second_order = 0 //0 - reverse Euler; 1 - Crank-Nicholson (CN);

2- 2nd order CN


objref Int_file, out1, out2

// Input file handles - Input is the intensity of stimulation

along an axon

Int_file = new File()

// Output file handles - Two output files


out1 = new File() // Max depolarization at the center of the axon

out2 = new File() // Max depolarization near the end of the axon

// create the pulsedur, diameter, and temperature data vectors

(simulaiton loops on these)

objref dur_data, diam_data, temp_data

dur_data = new Vector()

diam_data = new Vector()

temp_data = new Vector()

dur_data.append(1, 0.5, 0.1)

diam_data.append(5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17,

18, 19, 20)

temp_data.append(6.3, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28,

30, 32, 34, 36, 38)

strdef work, center_max_result, end_max_result







// Define all of the model global variables

proc model_globals () {

initialT = 6.3 // [degC]

celsius = initialT // [degC], global temperature value

dt=0.001 //msec

tstop=50 //msec

delay=10 //msec

del = delay //msec

// number of 20[um] axon segments (not to be confused with

nseg of each compartment)

axon_segs = 81

deltax = 20 // [um]

cmem = 1 //[uF/cm2] - baseline membrane capacitance

rhoa=1.1e6 //[Ohm-um] specific axoplasmic resistance

(McNeal Model)

v_init=-65.3 //mV - initial resting potential


// EDIT HERE for model differences

fiberD = 10 //um (initial value)

pulsedur = 1 // [ms] - duration of laser pulse used

// depolarization max variables

base_v = v_init

center_max = v_init

end_max = v_init

// define capacitance change per ms pulse


deltaC = 8 // [%]

deltaT = 15 // [degC]

pulsedur = 1 // [ms] - duration of laser pulse used

// electrical stimulus parameters

epw = 0 // [ms] - duration of electrical stimulus used

amp = 0 //[mA] amplitude

e_del = 10.9 // [ms] electrical delay to end a 100us

electrical pulse at the same time as a 1ms IR pulse

// IR pulse paramters

therm_relax = 90 //[ms] - thermal relaxation time constant

//electrical parameters

rhoa=1.1e6 //[Ohm-um] specific axoplasmic resistance

rhoe=3e6 //[Ohm-um] specific extracellular


//print "-D- Leaving Model Globals"


model_globals ()



//calculate extracellular voltage and infrared light intensity

applied to each node based on position

objref Vext, Intensity, xvec // voltage and light intensity

vectors used for scaling stimulation

Vext=new Vector(axon_segs,0) //extracellular voltage applied

to nodes

xvec=new Vector(axon_segs,0) //x-coordinate for all the nodes

Intensity = new Vector(axon_segs,0)

//calculate xy position of every node

//center of middle node is at the origin

proc xypos(){


for i=1, axon_segs-1 {


//print "node ", i, " x=", x.x[i], " y=", y.x[i]



//point source extracellular electrode --> V=I*rhoe/(4*pi*r)

proc volt(){

for k=0, axon_segs-1 {

r = sqrt((400)^2 + (xvec.x[k])^2) //[um] distance

from electrode to node[i]. Electrode is 400um from the axon

Istim = amp

Vext.x[k]=(Istim*rhoe)/(4*pi*r) //[mV]




// Include the following to simulate a single Gaussian profile

// intensity follows gaussian distribution along x direction of

axon: y = exp(-0.5 .* x.^2./34000). Designed for 400um 1/e^2

beam size in [um]

proc intensity(){

for k=0, axon_segs-1 {

Intensity.x[k]= exp(-0.5 * xvec.x[k]^2/34000)


//print "node ", k, " x=", xvec.x[k], " intensity = ",




// Include the following to simulate two Gaussian profiles,

offset by the same value “separation”

//// intensity follows gaussian distribution along x direction of


//proc intensity(){

// for k=0, axon_segs-1 {

// //Intensity.x[k]= exp(-0.5 * xvec.x[k]^2/34000)


// Intensity.x[k]= 1/1.13 (exp(-0.5 * (xvec.x[k] +

separation/2)^2/34000) + exp(-0.5 * (xvec.x[k] -


//print "node ", k, " x=", xvec.x[k], " intensity = ",


// }


// Include the following to simulate the flat beam profile,

offset by the same value “separation”

//// intensity follows gaussian distribution along x direction of


//proc intensity(){

// for k=0, axon_segs-1 {

// if (xvec.x[k] < -separation/2) { // intensity below

the first peak

// Intensity.x[k] = exp(-0.5 * (xvec.x[k] +


// } else if (xvec.x[k] > separation/2) {

// Intensity.x[k] = exp(-0.5 * (xvec.x[k] -


// } else {

// Intensity.x[k] = 1

// }

//print "node ", k, " x=", xvec.x[k], " intensity = ",


// }





create ax_seg[axon_segs]

proc createall() {

//print "-D- Entered Createall"

xypos() // calculate positioning of all nodes

intensity() // calculate gaussian beam distribution

volt() // calculate voltages as a funciton of position

// (re)create the individual segments

create ax_seg[axon_segs]

for a=0,axon_segs-1 {





cm=cmem //[uF/cm2]

Ra=4*(rhoa/10000)/pi * L/(diam*diam) //[Ohm-cm]

specific axoplasmic resistance (From Chiel paper). (Convert Ohm-

um to Ohm-cm)

insert extracellular // enable application of

extracellular voltage later

//printf("-D- Illuminated Segment: %d\n", a)

// insert a current source that replicates the

capacitive current

insert memcap

del_memcap(0.5) = del

dur_memcap(0.5) = pulsedur

cd_memcap(0.5) = deltaC/100 * cmem *

Intensity.x[a] // this is the total change in membrane

capacitance in [uF/cm2] achieved during stim pulse, scaled to

reflect gaussian distribution

vr_memcap(0.5) = 130 //[mV] - value used in Shapiro

et al. model, reversal potential due to surface charges

therm_relax_memcap(0.5) = 90 //[ms] - thermal

relaxation time of bulk nerve tissue, meas. by Wells et al. 2007

// insert HH dynamics that accept a local temperature

increase on top of celsius

insert hh_t

ena_hh_t = 55 // [mV]

ek_hh_t = -72 // [mV]

el_hh_t = 10.59892-60 // leakage current reversal

potential used by Shapiro et al. 2012



// connect all of the segments to create an axon

for a=0, axon_segs-2 {

connect ax_seg[a+1](0), ax_seg[a](1)





//print "-D- Leaving Createall"




//advance() is a NEURON function that is called at every time


// this one modifies the membrane capacitance and temperatuer

proc advance(){

// changes in membrane capacitance appear to follow a

thermal relaxation curve, implement this here

// increases tend to be about 0.8%/mJ deposited or

0.008*power[W]*time applied[ms]

// the tmprl_scale value computed below needs to be

multiplied by the intensity of power below to give the final

capacitance increase

if (t <= del ) {

cap_scale = 0 // no increase in base


tmp_scale = 0 // no increase in


} else if (t > del && t <= del + pulsedur) { // energy

deposition phase

// tmporal scale is the fraction of the deposition


cap_scale = (t - del)/pulsedur * deltaC/100

tmp_scale = (t - del)/pulsedur * deltaT

} else if (t > del+pulsedur) { // thermal

relaxation phase

// temporal scale is the exponential decay term

cap_scale = deltaC/100 * exp(-(t-


tmp_scale = deltaT * exp(-(t-



if (t > e_del && t <= e_del + epw) { // Monophasic square

pulse is applied

volt_scale = 1

} else {

volt_scale = 0


// adjust the temperature, membrane capacitance, and

capacitive current to the illuminated axon segments

for i=0,axon_segs-1 {

newTemp = initialT + tmp_scale * Intensity.x[i]

if (max_temp < newTemp) {

max_temp = newTemp



// apply extracellular voltage

ax_seg[i].e_extracellular(0.5)=amp * volt_scale *

Vext.x[j] //[mV]

// apply membrane capacitance and temperature change

with time, scaled in space

ax_seg[i].cm(0.5)= cmem * ( 1 + cap_scale *

Intensity.x[i] )

ax_seg[i].localtemp_hh_t(0.5) = newTemp

// apply temperature-dependent change in axoplasmic


ax_seg[i].Ra = 4*(rhoa/10000)/pi * L/(diam*diam) *

(1/1.3)^((newTemp - initialT)/10) // Q10 from Frijns et al., same

as that of ionic solution


// keep track of the maximum membrane depolarization

throughout the simulation (center and distant nodes)

if (t < delay ) {

base_v = ax_seg[10].v(0.5)

} else {

//printf("-D- at time: %f voltage is: %f ", t,


if (ax_seg[(axon_segs-1)/2].v(0.5) > center_max) {

center_max = ax_seg[(axon_segs-1)/2].v(0.5)

//printf("reassigned center_max to %f", center_max)


if (ax_seg[3].v(0.5) > end_max) {

end_max = ax_seg[3].v(0.5)






////////////////////////////////////////////////// FILE I/O


proc print_headers() {

//print "-D- entered print header\n"

// Open the two output files and write out the headers


"%s/Results/CenterNode_MaxDepolarization_PD%.2f.csv", work,



out1.printf("%s\n", "Diameter,6.3 C,8.0 C,10.0 C,12.0 C,14.0

C,16.0 C,18.0 C,20.0 C,22.0 C,24.0 C,26.0 C,28.0 C,30.0 C,32.0

C,34.0 C,36.0 C,38.0 C")




"%s/Results/DistantNode_MaxDepolarization_PD%.2f.csv", work,



out2.printf("%s\n", "Diameter,6.3 C,8.0 C,10.0 C,12.0 C,14.0

C,16.0 C,18.0 C,20.0 C,22.0 C,24.0 C,26.0 C,28.0 C,30.0 C,32.0

C,34.0 C,36.0 C,38.0 C")



proc print_diameters() {

// write out the fiber diameter into the first column of each

output file


out1.printf("%.1f", fiberD)



out2.printf("%.1f", fiberD)



proc print_results() {

//print "-D- Entered print_results"

// print each line of results into the above file


out1.printf(",%.4f",center_max-v_init) // tempresults is

1 if axon did fire, 0 otherwise


// print each line of results into the above file


out2.printf(",%.4f",end_max-v_init) // tempresults is 1

if axon did fire, 0 otherwise


//print "-D- Leaving print_results"




proc main() {

for dur_no = 0, dur_data.size()-1{

// simulation timing parameters

pulsedur = dur_data.x[dur_no] // [ms] - duration of laser

pulse used

tstop = delay + pulsedur + 50 //set the simulation run time

//printf("-D- tstop is: %0.3f\n", tstop)

//printf("-D- pulsedur is is: %0.3f\n", pulsedur)

print_headers() // Open the two output files and write out

the headers


for diam_no = 0, diam_data.size()-1{ // execute once per


fiberD = diam_data.x[diam_no]

deltax = 20 //[um]

// write out the fiber diameter into the first column of

each output file


for temp_no = 0, temp_data.size()-1 { // execute sim at

many different temperature values

// reset model parameters

// depolarization max variables

base_v = v_init

center_max = v_init

end_max = v_init

// simulation variables

celsius = temp_data.x[temp_no]

initialT = temp_data.x[temp_no]

max_temp = celsius

tmpdelta = 15 // temperature increase per ms of

applied pulse

capdelta = 8 // [%] percent capacitance change

// create axon



// run the model created

access ax_seg[0]


printf("-D- max_temp was: %f initial temp was: %f

\n", max_temp, initialT)

// output the final max voltage values


} // end temperature loop

printf ("-I- Completed diameter: %.1f\n", fiberD)

// finish writing the output file lines for each output file







} // end diameter loop

printf ("-I- Completed Pulse Duration: %.1f\n", pulsedur)

} // end pulse duration loop


main() // auto-execute main

quit() // exit when done


MRGAxon_Interactive_LoadBeamShape.hoc /*---------------------------------------------------------------


Written by: Erik J. Peterson

Updated: Jan 2010

Reads voltage data for all segments of the axon simulated and

determines whether an

Action Potential would have occurred under those conditions.

The model dynamics are described in detail in:

McIntyre CC, Richardson AG, and Grill WM. Modeling the

excitability of

mammalian nerve fibers: influence of afterpotentials on the


cycle. Journal of Neurophysiology 87:995-1006, 2002.



second_order = 0 //0 - reverse Euler; 1 - Crank-Nicholson (CN);

2- 2nd order CN


objref Int_file, out1, out2

// Input file handles - Input is the intensity of stimulation

along an axon

Int_file = new File()

// Output file handles - Two output files

out1 = new File() // Max depolarization at the center of the axon

out2 = new File() // Max depolarization near the end of the axon

// Delcare objects for Matrices

objref intensity_data

intensity_data = new Matrix(1,221) // 1 is nrow, 221 is the

number for voltage points for a 21 node axon model (ncol)

// Declare string definitions

strdef intensity_to_read, work, center_max_result, end_max_result






// Define all of the model global variables

proc model_globals() {

//print "-D- Entered Model Globals"

initialT = 37 // [degC]

celsius = initialT // [degC], global temperature value

v_init=-80 //mV

dt=0.0005 //msec


tstop=50 //msec

delay=10 //msec

// depolarization max variables

base_v = v_init

center_max = v_init

end_max = v_init

// EDIT HERE for model differences

fiberD = 10 //um (initial value)

pulsedur = 1 // [ms] - duration of laser pulse used

zshift_no = 0 // control which shifted Ve value is used

amps = 1 // amplitude scaling factor

//Axon topological parameters//

nodes = 21

paranodes1 = 40

paranodes2 = 40

segs_per_internode = 10

internodes = (nodes-1)*(segs_per_internode) - paranodes1 -


num_of_total_segs = nodes + paranodes1 + paranodes2 +


// define capacitance change per ms pulse

deltaC = 8 // [%]

deltaT = 15 // [degC]

tmpdelta = 15 // temperature increase per ms of applied


capdelta = 8 // cm increase factor (8% comes from

Shapiro et al. 2012)

// IR pulse paramters

del = delay //[ms] delay to application of laser pulse

therm_relax = 90 //[ms] - thermal relaxation time constant

//define the membrane capacitance

cmem = 2 //[uF/cm2]

//morphological parameters//

paralength1=3 //um

nodelength=1.0 //um

space_p1=0.002 //um

space_p2=0.004 //um

space_i=0.004 //um

//electrical parameters//

rhoa=0.7e6 //Ohm-um

mycm=0.1 //uF/cm2/lamella membrane

mygm=0.001 //S/cm2/lamella membrane

//print "-D- Leaving Model Globals"




//defaults and initializations

create node[nodes]

create MYSA[paranodes1]

create FLUT[paranodes2]

create STIN[internodes]

// Calculate the dependent variables




Originally McIntyre had a number of if statements here such as:

if (fiberD==5.7) {g=0.605 axonD=3.4 nodeD=1.9 paraD1=1.9

paraD2=3.4 deltax=500 paralength2=35 nl=80}

In this version, these values are based equations.


g = 0.0172(FiberDiameter)+0.5076; R^2 =


AxonDiameter = 0.889(FiberDiameter)-1.9104; R^2 =


NodeDiameter = 0.3449(FiberDiameter)-0.1484; R^2 =


paraD1 = 0.3527(FiberDiameter)-0.1804; R^2 =


paraD2 = 0.889(FiberDiameter)-1.9104; R^2 =


deltax = 969.3*Ln(FiberDiameter)-1144.6; R^2 =


paralength2 = 2.5811*(FiberDiameter)+19.59; R^2 =


nl = 65.897*Ln(FiberDiameter)-32.666; R^2 =


The following equations are techniqually only good for fiber

diameters between 5.7 and 16.0 because

the equations were determined (in Excel) to fit the data over

that range only (y-intercept was not forced).

Matlab randomly chooses fiber diameters and they can range from 3

to 16. Diameters of 3, 4, or 5 may not result

in the correct values here.

LATER NOTE: Diameters of 3 produce negatvie values for deltax.

Therefore, any fiber with a 3um diameter will be

changed to a 4 um diameter fiber.


proc calc_dependents() {

//print "-D- Entering calc_dependents"

g = 0.0172*(fiberD)+0.5076 //??

axonD = 0.889*(fiberD)-1.9104 //diameter of the



nodeD = 0.3449*(fiberD)-0.1484 //diameter of the


paraD1 = 0.3527*(fiberD)-0.1804 //diameter of

paranode 1

paraD2 = 0.889*(fiberD)-1.9104 //diameter of

paranode 2

deltax = 969.3*log(fiberD)-1144.6 //total length

between nodes (including 1/2 the node on each side)

paralength2 = 2.5811*(fiberD)+19.59 //length of paranode2

nl = 65.897*log(fiberD)-32.666 //number of lamella










//print "-D- Leaving calc_dependents"




proc createall() {

//(re)build the actual axon

//print "-D- Entered Createall"

create node[nodes]

create MYSA[paranodes1]

create FLUT[paranodes2]

create STIN[internodes]

//print "-D- got past creation"

forall insert extracellular // initialize extracellular

voltage source

forall e_extracellular = 0 // set extracellular voltage

source to ground

//print "-D- got past extracellular"

for i=0,nodes-1 {







insert axnode_t

// the nodes are always assumed affected by the

laser (at least for now)

insert memcap // membrane dynamics that

account for laser induced current


del_memcap(0.5) = delay // [ms] delay before

laser pulse

dur_memcap(0.5) = pulsedur // [ms] duration of

laser pulse

cd_memcap(0.5) = 0 // irradiance [W/cm2] of

the laser (it will be overwritten later)






for i=0, paranodes1-1 {







insert pas



insert memcap // membrane dynamics that

account for laser induced current

del_memcap(0.5) = delay // [ms] delay before

laser pulse

dur_memcap(0.5) = pulsedur // [ms] duration of

laser pulse

cd_memcap(0.5) = 0 // irradiance [W/cm2] of

the laser (it will be overwritten later)






for i=0, paranodes2-1 {







insert pas



insert memcap // membrane dynamics that

account for laser induced current

del_memcap(0.5) = delay // [ms] delay before

laser pulse


dur_memcap(0.5) = pulsedur // [ms] duration of

laser pulse

cd_memcap(0.5) = 0 // irradiance [W/cm2] of

the laser (it will be overwritten later)






for i=0, internodes-1 {







insert pas



insert memcap // membrane dynamics that

account for laser induced current

del_memcap(0.5) = delay // [ms] delay before

laser pulse

dur_memcap(0.5) = pulsedur // [ms] duration of

laser pulse

cd_memcap(0.5) = 0 // irradiance [W/cm2] of

the laser (it will be overwritten later)






for i=0, nodes-2 {

connect MYSA[2*i](0), node[i](1)

connect FLUT[2*i](0), MYSA[2*i](1)

connect STIN[6*i](0), FLUT[2*i](1)

connect STIN[6*i+1](0), STIN[6*i](1)

connect STIN[6*i+2](0), STIN[6*i+1](1)

connect STIN[6*i+3](0), STIN[6*i+2](1)

connect STIN[6*i+4](0), STIN[6*i+3](1)

connect STIN[6*i+5](0), STIN[6*i+4](1)

connect FLUT[2*i+1](0), STIN[6*i+5](1)

connect MYSA[2*i+1](0), FLUT[2*i+1](1)

connect node[i+1](0), MYSA[2*i+1](1)




//print "-D- Leaving Createall"





proc set_power() {

// assign Cm changes to memcap to control capacitive


// to each axon segment (depending on the beam profile)

dummycount = 0

nc = 0

mc = 0

fc = 0

sc = 0

for data_block = 0, nodes-2 {

for dummycount = 0, segs_per_internode {

col =

(data_block*(segs_per_internode+1)+dummycount) // column counter

if (dummycount == 0) {

node[nc].cd_memcap(0.5)= capdelta/100 *

cmem * intensity_data.x[zshift_no][col]

nc = nc+1


if (dummycount == 1 || dummycount == 10) { //must

be at MYSA

MYSA[mc].cd_memcap(0.5)= capdelta/100 *

cmem * intensity_data.x[zshift_no][col]

mc = mc+1


if (dummycount == 2 || dummycount == 9) { //must

be at FLUT

FLUT[fc].cd_memcap(0.5)= capdelta/100 *

cmem * intensity_data.x[zshift_no][col]

fc = fc+1


if (dummycount > 2 && dummycount < 9) { //must be


STIN[sc].cd_memcap(0.5)= capdelta/100 *

cmem * intensity_data.x[zshift_no][col]

sc = sc+1




// assignment of the final node

node[nc].cd_memcap(0.5) = capdelta/100 * cmem





//advance() is a NEURON function that is called at every time


proc advance(){


// the memcap current source does not change the membrane

capacitance variable for each segment

// Cm and the temperature of each segment are changed in

advance() instead

// changes in membrane capacitance appear to follow a

thermal relaxation curve

// increases tend to be about 0.8%/mJ deposited or

0.008*power[W]*time applied[ms]

// the tmprl_scale value computed below needs to be

multiplied by the intensity of power below to give the final

capacitance increase

if (t <= delay ) {

cap_scale = 0

tmp_scale = 0

} else if (t > delay && t <= delay + pulsedur) { // energy

deposition phase

cap_scale = (t - delay)/pulsedur * capdelta/100

tmp_scale = (t - delay)/pulsedur * tmpdelta

} else if (t > delay+pulsedur) { // thermal

relaxation phase

// temporal scale is the exponential decay term

cap_scale = capdelta/100 * exp(-(t-


tmp_scale = tmpdelta * exp(-(t-



// assign the membrane capacitance to each segment

(depending on the type of stimulation)

// also assign the amount of capacitance delta

dummycount = 0

nc = 0

mc = 0

fc = 0

sc = 0

for data_block = 0, nodes-2 {

for dummycount = 0, segs_per_internode {

col =

(data_block*(segs_per_internode+1)+dummycount) // column counter

// proportional temperature and capacitance

increases are calculated

prop_cap_increase = cap_scale *


prop_temp_increase = tmp_scale *


if (dummycount == 0) {

// apply the cell membrane capacitance increase

node[nc].cm(0.5) = cmem * (1 +


// apply the local temperature increase


node[nc].localtemp_axnode_t(0.5) = celsius

+ prop_temp_increase

// adjust the axial resistance based on the new


node[nc].Ra = rhoa/10000 * (1/1.3)^((celsius +

prop_temp_increase - initialT)/10)

nc = nc+1


if (dummycount == 1 || dummycount == 10) { //must

be at MYSA

// apply the cell membrane capacitance


MYSA[mc].cm(0.5) = paraD1/fiberD * cmem * (1 +


// adjust the axial resistance based on the new


MYSA[mc].Ra = Ra=rhoa*(1/(paraD1/fiberD)^2)/10000

* (1/1.3)^((celsius + prop_temp_increase - initialT)/10)

mc = mc+1


if (dummycount == 2 || dummycount == 9) { //must

be at FLUT

// apply the cell membrane capacitance


FLUT[fc].cm(0.5) = paraD2/fiberD * cmem * (1 +


// adjust the axial resistance based on the new


FLUT[fc].Ra = rhoa*(1/(paraD2/fiberD)^2)/10000 *

(1/1.3)^((celsius + prop_temp_increase - initialT)/10)

fc = fc+1


if (dummycount > 2 && dummycount < 9) { //must be


// apply the cell membrane capacitance


STIN[sc].cm(0.5) = axonD/fiberD * cmem * (1 +


// adjust the axial resistance based on the new


STIN[sc].Ra = rhoa*(1/(axonD/fiberD)^2)/10000 *

(1/1.3)^((celsius + prop_temp_increase - initialT)/10)

sc = sc+1




//compute capacitance change at the final node

// apply the cell membrane capacitance increase

node[nc].cm(0.5) = cmem * (1 + cap_scale *

intensity_data.x[zshift_no][col+1] )

// apply the local temperature increase


node[nc].localtemp_axnode_t(0.5) = celsius + (tmp_scale *


// adjust the axial resistance based on the new temperature

node[nc].Ra = rhoa/10000 * (1/1.3)^((celsius + (tmp_scale *

intensity_data.x[zshift_no][col+1]) - initialT)/10)

// keep track of the maximum membrane depolarization

throughout the simulation (center and distant nodes)

if (t < delay ) {

base_v = node[10].v(0.5)

} else {

if (node[10].v(0.5) > center_max) {

center_max = node[10].v(0.5)


if (node[2].v(0.5) > end_max) {

end_max = node[2].v(0.5)





////////////////////////////////////////////////// FILE I/O


proc determine_intensity_file() {



work, fiberD)

//printf ("-D- reading %s\n", intensity_to_read)


/*proc print_results() {

//print "-D- Entered print_results"

// Filename is specified to include the diameter and

pulse width used. No need to print these constants every time


.dat",work,diam_data.x(diam_no), pws.x(pw_no))

// print each line of results into the above file



a.x[zshift_no][1],tempresults) // tempresults is 1 if axon did

fire, 0 otherwise



//print "-D- Leaving print_results"




proc main() {

celsius = initialT

tstop = delay + pulsedur + 50 //set the simulation run time


//printf("-D- tstop is: %0.3f\n", tstop)

//printf("-D- pulsedur is is: %0.3f\n", pulsedur)

// read in Gaussian intensity (HH and FH models are simpler

and so Gaussian is computed within the simulation)



intensity_data.scanf(Int_file) // EJP - loading

intensity_data (matrix) loads the entire matrix from Ve_file


// Calculate dependent variables


// create axon



set_power() // set the incident IR power


access node[0]

// output the final max voltage values




xvalue("Transient Capacitance Increase [%Baseline]",

"capdelta", 1, "main()", 1)

xvalue("Transient Temp Increase", "tmpdelta", 1, "main()", 1)

xvalue("Pulse Duration [ms]", "pulsedur",1, "main()", 1)

xvalue("FiberDiameter [um]", "fiberD",1, "main()", 1)

xvalue("Initial Temp [degC]", "initialT", 1, "main()", 1)





Recruitment Curve Plotting




% Goal: plot optical recruitment versus optical pulse

duration in a way

% that minimizes the effect of dropped response

% Output:

% 1) individual for a given position with two subfigures

% a) rectified and integrated recruitment, with

missed pulses removed

% b) percentage of pulses yielding response across

all pulse

% durations

% 2) Recruitment across all muscles and all positions in

.fig format (for

% configuring and plotting subsets of data to be saved in

other formats

% later. These graphs will be a mess without pre-work, so

other formats

% are worthless)

% 3) Gompertz sigmoidal fits will be applied to each

recruitment curve,

% wih the parameters and R^2 written out for each muscle

and recruitment

% curve. No need for upper and lower estimates on

parameters for this

% case.

% Algorithm for identifying data to plot:

% EMG detection will be enabled, with a detection window

of 15ms

% -> most all EMG response starts 4-5ms after the

trigger, and does

% not last a very long time

% Cases where less than 30% of the applied pulses yield

detectable EMG

% will be treated in one of two ways:

% For stimulation below the minimum pulse duration

with >=30%

% activation, a rectified and integrated result of

the noise will be

% used


% For cases above the minimum pulse duration with

>=30% activation,

% the response is removed from the graph if less than

30% of the

% pulses at this duration fired. This is assumed to

be a case of

% reduced INS sensitivity. If >=30% of the pulses

fired, these fired

% pulses are rectified and integrated and the

response is included in

% the final graph.

% To improve runtime performance, all graphing will be

saved until the end

% of analyzing a given work area, with results saved in

structs. Results

% include plot labels and lines, etc.



function AnalyzeAndPlotOpticalRecruitmentCurves (basework)

% base work area is provided to the script.

fontsize = 14;

% read the work directory for the side data available

side_list = dir(basework);

for sl = 1:numel(side_list) % iterate once for each side,

should be LeftSide or RightSide (within Hybrid Stimulation)

if (~strcmp(side_list(sl).name, 'RightSide') &&

~strcmp(side_list(sl).name, 'LeftSide'))

continue; % don't try to work in this directory if

it is empty

elseif side_list(sl).isdir == 0 % skip if this is not a




side = side_list(sl).name;

% iterate on each position/combination within the


% directory (skipping politely if there are none)

new_work = [basework '/' side '/OpticalStimulation/'];

if ~exist(new_work, 'file')

disp(['-I- Did not find OpticalStimulation

directory in ' side_list(sl).name])


continue; % Hybrid Stimulation was not run on this



% read the analog input map, define trigger and other

muscle labels

% (this is constant for a given side, so only do it


% trigger channel here needs to be the optical trigger

ir_stim = 1;

[inputs, trigger_chan] = ParseAnalogInputMapFile

([basework '/' side], ir_stim);

% read the Optical Stimulation directory for different

cases to analyze

position_list = dir(new_work);

analyze = 0; % flag used to skip plotting if no

recruitment data found

pl = 0;

for p_idx = 1:numel(position_list)

if (isempty(strfind(position_list(p_idx).name,

'Recruit')) || position_list(p_idx).isdir == 0)

continue % skip if this is not recruitment

data, or not a directory


analyze = 1; % found at least one directory to


pl = pl+1; % keep track of the number of positions

that actually count

% this directory is where "RawData", "Plots", and

"SummaryData" are

% stored (or configure it to have them)

line_label = position_list(p_idx).name;

work = [new_work '/' position_list(p_idx).name


summarydir = [work '/SummaryData/'];

if ~exist(summarydir, 'file') % Create necessary

folders if they do not already exist



% Make a copy of the currently executing m file to

the location specified in "work"

copyfile([mfilename('fullpath') '.m'],

sprintf('%s', summarydir));


% read the selected directory for all filenames,

returning experiment trial

% variables

% filename structure


[ irpulses, ~, ~, ~] = ParseDirectoryForPulses

([work 'RawData/']);

% temporary fix, if the sampling rate is too slow,

0.2ms pulses are not

% caught.

% cycle through each pulse duration and add the

result to the final

% vector to be plotted

for pd = 1:numel(irpulses)

% current IR pulse duration

irpulse = irpulses(pd);

% define the basic filename that will be used,



str_ir = sprintf('%.2f', irpulse);

file_template = ['PulseDuration_' str_ir

'_ms_X_' sprintf('%.2f', 0) '_um_Y_' sprintf('%.2f', 0)


blank_time = 2e-3; % time to blank after

optical trigger [ms]

window_time= 15e-3; % time after the trigger to

look for emg [ms]

filter_time= 12e-3; % filter time is not used

when emg detect is true

emg_detect = 1; % ExtractAndAnalyze should

use EMG detection algorithms

thresh_mult = 6; % Threshold detection

occurs at thresh_mult*rms of each signal

% extract data for all files matching the file


[recruitment, values] =


([work 'RawData/'], trigger_chan, inputs,

file_template, ...

window_time, filter_time, blank_time,

emg_detect, thresh_mult);

% organize results in a struct for later

graphing and

% manipulation. Saving data for all channels


idx = 0;

for ai = 1:numel({recruitment.Label}) % each


if (isempty(strfind(recruitment(ai).Label,

'LG')) && ...

isempty(strfind(recruitment(ai).Label, 'MG')) && ...

isempty(strfind(recruitment(ai).Label, 'TA')) && ...

isempty(strfind(recruitment(ai).Label, 'Sol')))

continue % skip if this is not muscle

data, or not a directory


idx = idx + 1;

alldata.Position(pl).name = line_label;


= recruitment(ai).Label;

alldata.Position(pl).Channel(idx).PulseDur(pd) = irpulse;

alldata.Position(pl).Channel(idx).MeanPosEMG(pd) =


alldata.Position(pl).Channel(idx).SDPosEMG(pd) =


alldata.Position(pl).Channel(idx).ErrPosEMG(pd) =


alldata.Position(pl).Channel(idx).MeanNoEMG(pd) =


alldata.Position(pl).Channel(idx).SDNoEMG(pd) =


alldata.Position(pl).Channel(idx).ErrNoEMG(pd) =


alldata.Position(pl).Channel(idx).Percent(pd) =


alldata.Position(pl).Channel(idx).EMG(pd).Values = ...


values(ai,:)']; % horizontal concat.



% clear out the recruitment structure before

the next loop

clearvars recruitment

end % done cycling through the pulse durations

end % done cycling through positions

if analyze == 0

continue; % no analyzable data was found on this

side. move on


% time to organize the results into the output figures.

This is where

% matlab will go a little crazy making plots and will

hijack the

% computer it is run on for a while as graphs are

opened and closed

% open a figure for results across this experiment (on

this side)

fh_master = figure;

for p = 1:numel(alldata.Position) % plot for each


fh_pos = figure;

fh_pct = figure;

position_id = alldata.Position(p).name;

work = [new_work '/' position_id '/'];

% open a figure for this position

for c = 1:numel(alldata.Position(p).Channel(:)) %

plot for each channel

fit_vec = [];

plot_vec = [];

pct_vec = []; % store percent of pulses

activated for every duration

% first look at percentages, and ID the first

index with >=30%

thresh_idx =

find(alldata.Position(p).Channel(c).Percent(:) >= 0.3, 1);

if isempty(thresh_idx)

thresh_idx =

numel(alldata.Position(p).Channel(c).Percent(:)) +1;


% now extract the recruitment curve data for

the fired cases


for d =

1:numel(alldata.Position(p).Channel(c).Percent) % cycle

through durations

pct_vec(d,1) =

alldata.Position(p).Channel(c).PulseDur(d); %#ok<AGROW>

pct_vec(d,2) =

alldata.Position(p).Channel(c).Percent(d); %#ok<AGROW>

if d < thresh_idx

% include the non-fired results

vec_idx = size(plot_vec, 1)+1;

plot_vec(vec_idx,1) =

alldata.Position(p).Channel(c).PulseDur(d); %#ok<AGROW> %

pulse duration

plot_vec(vec_idx,2) =

alldata.Position(p).Channel(c).MeanNoEMG(d); %#ok<AGROW>%


plot_vec(vec_idx,3) =

alldata.Position(p).Channel(c).SDNoEMG(d); %#ok<AGROW>%


plot_vec(vec_idx,4) =

alldata.Position(p).Channel(c).ErrNoEMG(d); %#ok<AGROW>%


fit_vec = [fit_vec;

alldata.Position(p).Channel(c).EMG(d).Values]; %#ok<AGROW>


% include the fired cases, only if

percent is high enough

current_pct =


if current_pct < 0.3 && ... % check if

the response is less than 30 -OR-

current_pct <

max(alldata.Position(p).Channel(c).Percent(d:end)) % see if

response returns, skip this

continue; % skip this case


vec_idx = size(plot_vec, 1)+1;

plot_vec(vec_idx,1) =

alldata.Position(p).Channel(c).PulseDur(d); %#ok<AGROW> %

pulse duration

plot_vec(vec_idx,2) =

alldata.Position(p).Channel(c).MeanPosEMG(d); %#ok<AGROW> %


plot_vec(vec_idx,3) =

alldata.Position(p).Channel(c).SDPosEMG(d); %#ok<AGROW> %



plot_vec(vec_idx,4) =

alldata.Position(p).Channel(c).ErrPosEMG(d); %#ok<AGROW> %


fit_vec = [fit_vec;

alldata.Position(p).Channel(c).EMG(d).Values]; %#ok<AGROW>



% Plot vec now contains the x and y data, and

error bars to

% plot.

% First: fit it to a gompertz sigmoid and write

out the results

% Establish directories to save gompertz fit


% fits_dir = [work


% if ~exist(fits_dir, 'file') % Create

necessary folders if they do not already exist

% mkdir(fits_dir);

% end

% [ params, Rsquared, error, curve_x, curve_y]

= FitSigmoid (plot_vec(:,1), plot_vec(:,2));

% if error == 0

% filename =

sprintf('%s_FitParameters_Rsq%.2f.txt', ...

% alldata.Position(p).Channel(c).Label,


% dlmwrite([fits_dir filename], params, '


% end

% % plot the sigmoid fits, too

% PlotData (fh_pos, curve_x, curve_y, c+18, ...

% [alldata.Position(p).Channel(c).Label '-


% Second: plot all muscle recruitment data for

this position in

% a single graph

PlotDataWErrBars (fh_pos, ...

plot_vec(:,1), plot_vec(:,2),

plot_vec(:,4), ...

c, alldata.Position(p).Channel(c).Label)

PlotData (fh_pct, pct_vec(:,1), pct_vec(:,2),

c, ...



% Third: add all muscle recruitment data to the

master plot for

% this directory

PlotDataWErrBars (fh_master, ...

plot_vec(:,1), plot_vec(:,2),

plot_vec(:,4), ...

c, [alldata.Position(p).Channel(c).Label '-

' position_id])

end % done cycling through channels

% Establish directories to save plots for this


plots_dir = [work


if ~exist(plots_dir, 'file') % Create necessary

folders if they do not already exist



% save and close the plot across muscles in this



title('Pulses with EMG Response [%]', 'FontSize',


xlabel('Optical Pulse Duration', 'FontSize',


SaveGCF2Filename ([plots_dir




title('Rectified and Integrated Recruitment -

Optical Stimulation', 'FontSize', fontsize);

xlabel('Optical Pulse Duration', 'FontSize',


SaveGCF2Filename ([plots_dir



end % done cycling through positions

plots_dir = [new_work


if ~exist(plots_dir, 'file') % Create necessary folders

if they do not already exist




% save and close the plot across muscles and positions

(just in .fig

% format)


title('Rectified and Integrated Recruitment - Optical

Stimulation', 'FontSize', fontsize);

xlabel('Optical Pulse Duration', 'FontSize', fontsize);

saveas(gcf, [plots_dir

'OpticalRecruitmentCurves_All.fig'], 'fig') % for reading

values directtly from graph


end % done cycling through sides



function [ irpulses, Xvec, Yvec, index_order] =

ParseDirectoryForPulses (work)

% read the directory for all lvm files

files = dir([work '/*Pulse*.lvm']); % pulses are repeat


% cycle through all files storing all of the pulse,

amplitude, and position

% data

for f = 1:length(files)

% file should follow:



% split the filename into segments

params = regexp(files(f).name, '_', 'split');

% get the stimulus duration and coordinates

irpulses(f) = str2double(params{2}); %#ok<AGROW>

Xvec(f) = str2double(params{5}); %#ok<AGROW>

Yvec(f) = str2double(params{8}); %#ok<AGROW>

% store the timetamps

timestamps(numel(unique(irpulses)),2) = irpulses(f);


timestamps(numel(unique(irpulses)),1) =

files(f).datenum; %#ok<AGROW>


% sort the timestamps order

[pulse_order, index_order] = sortrows(timestamps,1);


% reduce each vector to the unique values

irpulses = sort(unique(irpulses));

Xvec = unique(Xvec);

Yvec = unique(Yvec);


function [ params, Rsquared, error, curve_x, curve_y] =

FitSigmoid (x, y)

% data is passed as a 2-D matrix. Col 1 is pulse

amplitudes, the other

% columns are the values on the recorded channels for each

pulse amplitude

% (rectified and integrated)

error = 0;

% 4-parameter Gompertz (from Matt, modified to include a DC


f = @(p,x) p(4) + p(1) .* exp( 100*p(2) .* exp( p(3) .* x


lb = [-1e6 -1e6 -1e6];

ub = [ 1e6 1e6 1e6];

options = optimset('Display','off');


a=max(y); % set the top asymptote inital guess

d=min(y); % set the bottom asymptote initial guess

for b=0:-100:-500

for c=0:-1:-5

p0=[a b c d]';

DOF = numel(x)-numel(p0); % calculate Degrees of


if DOF == 0 % cannot compute if there are not

enough DOF

error = 1;



% performed with least squares curve fit

% [p,sse,r,~,~,~,J] = lsqcurvefit(f, p0, x,

y, lb, ub, options);

% mse = sse/(DOF); % Mean square error

% performed with non-linear fit

[p,r,J,~,mse] = nlinfit(x,y,f,p0);

% dbug_fit1 = [mse saved.mse]


if (mse<saved.mse)

saved.p = p;

saved.mse = mse;

saved.J = J;

saved.r = r;

saved.sse = sse;




% determine the saved parameter values

params = saved.p;

% compute R^2



% return a smooth fit of the curve

curve_x = linspace( max(x), min(x));

curve_y = f(saved.p, curve_x);


function PlotDataWErrBars (h, X, Y, E, idx, line_label)

[line_formats] = LineStyleLibrary;

% make full screen figures

% screen_size = 0.9.*get(0, 'ScreenSize');

% call up the figure or create it if it does not exist


hold on;

h1 = errorbar(X, Y, E, line_formats{idx});

set(h1, 'LineWidth', 1.0 );

set(h1, 'DisplayName', line_label);

legend('Location', 'Best')

hold off;


function PlotData (h, X, Y, idx, line_label)

[line_formats] = LineStyleLibrary;

% make full screen figures

% screen_size = 0.9.*get(0, 'ScreenSize');


hold on;

h1 = plot(X, Y, line_formats{idx});

set(h1, 'LineWidth', 1.0 );

set(h1, 'DisplayName', line_label);

legend('Location', 'Best')


hold off;


function [line_formats] = LineStyleLibrary

% set up figure plot styles

line_formats = {'-b', '-r', '-k', '--b', '--r', '--k', ...

'-.b', '-.r', '-.k', ':b', ':r', ':k',...

'-ob', '-or', '-ok', '-+b', '-+r', '-+k',...

'-xb', '-xr', '-xk', '-^b', '-^r', '-^k',...

'-<b', '-<r', '-<k', '-vb', '-vr', '-vk',...

'-sb', '-sr', '-sk','-db', '-dr', '-dk',...

'-pb', '-pr', '-pk','-hb', '-hr', '-hk'};



% work - The work area for for this particular data set.

Contains "RawData" "SummaryData" and "Plots" directories

for this

% trigger_chan - analog input channel with the electrical

or laser trigger

% inputs - list of names for the analog inputs

% file_template - basic name of the file that will be

analyzed. May contain

% * wildcard to include many files with the same general

name structure.

% Returned 'analysis' data will include data aggregated

across all of

% the files specified by file_template

% window_time is the time past the trigger over which data

is summarized

% fileter_time is the length of time over which the sliding

average is

% performed

% stim_type is 0 if electrically triggered or 1 if

optically triggered

% (impacts the search for a triggered event)

function [analysis, values, start_times, stop_times, peaks]

= ...

ExtractAndAnalyzeLVMData(work, trigger_chan, inputs,

file_template, window_time, filter_time, blank_time,

EMG_detect, thresh_mult)

% Make a copy of the currently executing m file to the

location specified in "work"


copyfile([mfilename('fullpath') '.m'], sprintf('%s', [work


% define the return data structure. Each label will hold a

vector based on

% the analog input channel it represents

analysis = struct('Mean', {}, 'Err', {}, 'SD', {},...

'MeanRmOutlier', {}, 'ErrRmOutlier', {}, 'SDRmOutlier',

{}, ...

'MeanPosEMG', {}, 'ErrPosEMG', {}, 'SDPosEMG', {}, ...

'MeanNoEMG', {}, 'ErrNoEMG', {}, 'SDNoEMG', {}, ...

'Label', {}, 'Maximum', {}, 'Percent', {});

%%%% Reading Input Files %%%%

% Multiple trials have the same name except for the pulse

or trial

% number. Using dir at this point will grab all of them

with the

% same pulse duration and coordinates. This gives a small


% of like files to analyze.

% search the working directory for all data files matching

the pattern

filebase = [work file_template];

file_list = dir(filebase);

% then cycle through each file that matched, aggregating

the data to

% provide a mean for the electrical and hybrid stimulation

across all trials

rectandint = [];

twitch_detect = [];

start_times = [];

stop_times = [];

peaks = [];

values = [];

if numel(file_list) == 0



% % debugging %

% dbug_filebase = filebase;

% dbug_found = numel(file_list);

for i = 1: numel(file_list)

% skip this file if it is empty

if file_list(i).bytes == 0




% extract trailing pulse or trial number from this

file, return zero if

% not found

% optical stim base:


% hybrid stim base:



if ~isempty(strfind(file_list(i).name, 'Trial_'))

idx1 = strfind(file_list(i).name, 'Trial_') + 6;

idx2 = strfind(file_list(i).name, '.lvm') - 1;

iter = str2double(file_list(i).name(idx1:idx2));

elseif ~isempty(strfind(file_list(i).name, 'Pulse_'))

idx1 = strfind(file_list(i).name, 'Pulse_') + 6;

idx2 = strfind(file_list(i).name, '.lvm') - 1;

iter = str2double(file_list(i).name(idx1:idx2));


iter = 0;


% read in all the data from the current file, remove DC


% rectify, and integrate

[data, ~, ~] = ExtractLVMData ...

(work, file_list(i).name, window_time, filter_time,

blank_time, trigger_chan, inputs, EMG_detect, thresh_mult);

% check whether the appropriate trigger was detected

and valid data was

% collected

if data(1).Triggered == 1

% record the result across all channels, appending

the result to

% the end

rectandint(:, end+1) = [data(:).Result];


twitch_detect(:,end+1) = [data(:).Fired];


% record the EMG stats for each pulse and store

them, adding a new

% column for each iteration of the trial

start_times(:,end+1) = [iter; [data(:).Start]'];



stop_times(:,end+1) = [iter; [data(:).Stop]' ];


%%% this is currently broken %%% peaks(:,end+1) =

[iter; [data(:).Peak]']; %#ok<AGROW>



% for each analog input channel, compute the mean and

confidence across

% all files and store them in the recruitment structure

% check that there is valid data (need a trigger to be


if data(1).Triggered == 1

for j = 1:numel({data.Label})

analysis(j).Label = data(j).Label;

% compute mean and error bars with all data

[analysis(j).Mean, ~, MuCI, ~] =

normfit(rectandint(j, :));

analysis(j).Err = (MuCI(2)-MuCI(1))/2; % enable

this for standard error of the mean

analysis(j).SD = sqrt(var(rectandint(j, :))); %

enable this for standard deviation from the mean

% compute results with outliers removed with

Thompson Tau method

if numel(rectandint(j, :)) > 2

% removal can only happen if there are more

than 3 data points

cleaned = removeoutliers(rectandint(j, :));


cleaned = rectandint(j, :);


[analysis(j).MeanRmOutlier, ~, MuCI, ~] =


analysis(j).ErrRmOutlier = (MuCI(2)-MuCI(1))/2; %

enable this for standard error of the mean

analysis(j).SDRmOutlier = sqrt(var(cleaned)); %

enable this for standard error of the mean

% compute the response, with fired and non-fired


% separated.

% fired

[analysis(j).MeanPosEMG, ~, MuCI, ~] =

normfit(rectandint(j, twitch_detect(j,:) > 0));


analysis(j).ErrPosEMG = (MuCI(2)-MuCI(1))/2; %

enable this for standard error of the mean

analysis(j).SDPosEMG = std(rectandint(j,

twitch_detect(j,:) > 0)); % enable this for standard

deviation from the mean

% not fired

[analysis(j).MeanNoEMG, ~, MuCI, ~] =

normfit(rectandint(j, twitch_detect(j,:) == 0));

analysis(j).ErrNoEMG = (MuCI(2)-MuCI(1))/2; %

enable this for standard error of the mean

analysis(j).SDNoEMG = std(rectandint(j,

twitch_detect(j,:) == 0)); % enable this for standard

deviation from the mean

% computethe maximum response

analysis(j).Maximum = max(rectandint(j, :));

% compute the percentage of cases fired

analysis(j).Percent = mean(twitch_detect(j,:));

% provide the individual values as well

values(j,:) = rectandint(j, :); %#ok<AGROW> %

include outliers



% debugging %

% dbug_triggered = data(1).Triggered



% this function reads through a list of files supplied to

it, and extracts

% the EMG start and stop time, relative to the trigger

% the algorithm is as follows:

% compute the standard deviation of the EMG signal, and set

the detection

% threshold as an integer number of the standard deviation.

Look for the

% first threshold crossing after the trigger, then progress

back until the

% signal crosses zero. This will be the "start" time.

Thresholding will be

% checked against the rectified signal, but the zero

crossing time will be


% detected from the raw signal.

% stop time is more complex, because ringing, multiple

pulses, and drifting

% complicate the detection of the end of a pulse. The

algorigthm looks for

% regions where constant polarity is maintained for at

least 1ms and less

% than 5ms

% The start and stop times will be reported for each input

file as vectors.

% Zeros in the start and stop matrices indicate where stim

was not detected.

% start and stop times are given with respect to the

trigger time.

% blank_time (in [ms]) provides a set blanking time after

the trigger to ignore

% window (in [ms]) sets an upper limit on the window of

time to investigate

function [start, stop] = ExtractEMGStartAndStopTime2

(rawdata, sample_time, std_dev, thresh_mult, window)

% extract sample rate and calculate the number of samples

for this window

limit = floor(window/sample_time); % number of samples to

limit the analysis to

% initalize vectors

start = zeros(size(rawdata,2));

stop = zeros(size(rawdata,2));

for col = 1:size(rawdata,2) % operate on each column

(separate channel)

% for col = 4:4 % operate on each column (separate channel)

% construct a time vector that begins at the end of the

% blanking phase and extends to the end of the signal

time = (1:numel(rawdata(:,col))) * sample_time;

% set the initial detection threshold

detect_thresh = std_dev(col) * thresh_mult;

% % debug plotting - plotting the detection threshold

% dbugmaxtime = max(time);

% dbugmintime = min(time);

% figure


% hold on

% plot(time, rawdata(:,col))

% plot(time(1:end-1), diff(rawdata(:,col)), 'r--')

% s1 = line([dbugmintime dbugmaxtime],

[detect_thresh detect_thresh]);

% set(s1, 'Color', 'g');

% perform thresholding on rectified data. returns


% that is 1 at each index where the statement is true

if numel(rawdata(1:end,col)) < (limit -1)

above_thresh = abs(rawdata(:,col)) >



above_thresh = abs(rawdata(1:limit-1,col)) >



indices = find(above_thresh == 1);

if ~isempty(indices)

% index of first threshold crossing after the


first = indices(1);

% s1 = line([time(first) time(first)], [-1 1]);

% set(s1, 'Color', 'c');

% find the next zero crossing as an intermediate


first = first + BlockSize(rawdata(first:end,col),

0) -2;

if first<0

first = 0;


% s1 = line([time(first) time(first)], [-1 1]);

% set(s1, 'Color', 'k');

% analyze the response before the threshold

crossing, looking for the start of the EMG response

max_phase = 0.004; %[s]

min_phase = 0.0005; %[s]

min_peak = 0.5*thresh_mult*std_dev(col);

leadin = FindResponseEnd

(fliplr(rawdata(1:first,col)'), sample_time, min_phase,

max_phase, min_peak);

% leadin = BlockSize(fliplr(rawdata(1:first,col)'),

2* std_dev(col));


% repeat for the signal after the threshold

crossing, looking for

% the end of the response

max_phase = 0.004; % [s]

min_phase = 0.0005; % [s]

min_peak = 0.5*thresh_mult*std_dev(col);

% disp(['-D- dbug: ' num2str(first) ' '


signal_length =

FindResponseEnd(rawdata(first+1:end,col), sample_time,

min_phase, max_phase, min_peak);

% calculate start and stop values

start(col) = time(first - leadin+2); % reported

relative to the trigger

stop(col) = start(col) + (signal_length+ first) *



% % continue debug plot - plot the adjusted

start and stop

% % times

% s1 = line([(start(col) ) start(col)], [-

1 1]);

% set(s1, 'Color', 'b');

% s1 = line([(stop(col)) stop(col)], [-1


% set(s1, 'Color', 'k');

% hold off




%%%%%%%%%% SUBROUTINES %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

% BlockSize computes the number of indices to the next

transition below

% threshold

function [index, indices] = BlockSize (signal, threshold)

if ~isempty(signal)

% take the polarity of the current signal

ref_polarity = sign(signal(1)); % set the first

reference polarity

% determine the polarity of each point, offset by the

threshold value

polar_sig = sign(signal - (threshold * ref_polarity));

% compute the number of indices to the transition to

the next polarity


indices = find(polar_sig ~= ref_polarity);

if ~isempty(indices)

index = indices(1);


index = 0;

indices = [];



index = 0;

indices = [];



% FindResponseEnd analyzes the waveform to detect EMG start

or stop

function signal_length = FindResponseEnd (signal,

sample_time, min_phase, max_phase, min_peak)

% signal_length - the returned index from the beginning of

the supplied

% waveform where the EMG supposedly ends

% signal - the waveform to be analyzed

% sample_time - time step at which data was collected

% min_phase - shortest time to consider for a single

positive or negative

% phase of the signal.

% max_phase - longest time to consider a single positive or

negative phase

% before breaking it up by slope

% % compute the zero crossings from start to the signal's

end, idx is the

% % first zero crossing, all_crossings contains all of the


% [idx all_crossings] = BlockSize (signal, 0);


% if isempty(all_crossings)

% signal_length = 0;

% return;

% end


% % perform an initial check to the next polarity change:

% if idx * sample_time < max_phase

% idx = all_crossings(2); % start at the next zero


% end


% signal_length = 1;

% done = 0;

% while done ==0 && idx ~=0

% if idx*sample_time >= max_phase

% % this signal maintains polarity too long to be

part of the EMG

% % response, break it up based on derivativea and

stop when the

% % derivative pieces get too small.

% deriv = diff(signal);

% [~, deriv_crossings] = BlockSize(deriv, 0);

% d_counter = 1;

% if deriv_crossings(d_counter) * sample_time <

0.002 % shorter than max deriv. move to the next one

% d_counter = 2;

% end

% deriv_time = (deriv_crossings(d_counter + 1) -

deriv_crossings(d_counter)) * sample_time;

% while deriv_time < 0.002 && deriv_time > 0.0004

% d_counter = d_counter + 1;

% deriv_time = (deriv_crossings(d_counter + 1)

- deriv_crossings(d_counter)) * sample_time;

% end

% signal_length = deriv_crossings(d_counter)

% done = 1;

% elseif idx*sample_time < min_phase

% % the last length before transition was very


% % look at the polarity over the next ms

% check2 = BlockSize (signal(signal_length +

idx:end), 0);

% % check that the signal returns to a state of

% % maintained polarity for at least 1ms

% if (check2*sample_time) > min_phase

% % signal returns to maintain polarity for


% % than min limit, increase the signal length

and loop

% % again

% signal_length = signal_length + idx + check2;

% idx = BlockSize (signal(signal_length:end),


% else

% % signal return is too short, complete the


% done = 1;

% end


% else

% % signal is within the max/min limits. now check

that it at least

% % reaches threshold, or do not include it

% if max(signal(signal_length:signal_length+idx-1))

> detect_thresh

% signal_length = signal_length + idx;

% idx = BlockSize (signal(signal_length:end),


% else

% signal_length = signal_length + idx;

% done = 1;

% end

% end

% end

done = 0; % this will end the loop when the analysis is


signal_length = 1; % index offset from start of the signal

% find the first change in polarity from the reference

[idx ~] = BlockSize (signal, 0);

while done == 0 && idx ~= 0

% check whether the time until the first polarity

% change is too long (8ms)

if (idx * sample_time) >= max_phase % phase is too

long, analyze further

% this signal maintains polarity too long to be

part of the EMG

% response, break it up based on derivativea and

stop when the

% derivative pieces get too small.

deriv = diff(signal);

[~, deriv_crossings] = BlockSize(deriv, 0);

d_counter = 1;

if deriv_crossings(d_counter) * sample_time < 0.002

% shorter than max deriv. move to the next one

d_counter = 2;


deriv_time = (deriv_crossings(d_counter + 1) -

deriv_crossings(d_counter)) * sample_time;

while deriv_time < 0.003 && deriv_time > 0.0004

d_counter = d_counter + 1;

deriv_time = (deriv_crossings(d_counter + 1) -

deriv_crossings(d_counter)) * sample_time;


signal_length = deriv_crossings(d_counter);

done = 1;


% dbug1 = [idx signal_length]

% % if the block is too long, start looking at the


% deriv = diff(signal);

% [~, deriv_crossings] = BlockSize(deriv, 0);

% % determine the derivative zero crossing right

before the currently

% % indexed point. zeros of the derivative are

peaks of the orignal

% % signal

% peaks = find(deriv_crossings < idx);

% dc_idx = peaks(end) % index for navigating

through the array of derivative crossing indexes

% dbug_dc = deriv_crossings(dc_idx)

% % find out how long the current slope polarity is


% % slope_pol_idx holds the number of samples at a

given polarity

% slope_pol_idx = deriv_crossings(dc_idx+1) -


% while slope_pol_idx * sample_time < 0.002 &&

slope_pol_idx * sample_time > 0.0004

% % deivative changes fast enough, keep dicing


% % until it does not

% dc_idx = dc_idx + 1;

% % repeat the derivative check on the next

segment of the signal

% slope_pol_idx = deriv_crossings(dc_idx+1) -


% end

% % stop the loop here when the derivative changes

% % get too long. complete the loop

% signal_length = deriv_crossings(dc_idx)

% done = 1

% % check whether the time until the first polarity

% % change is too short (1ms)

elseif (idx * sample_time) < min_phase % check if this

phase is too short

% the last length before transition was very short,

% look at the polarity over the next ms

check2 = BlockSize (signal(signal_length +

idx:end), 0);

% check2 = BlockSize

(signal(signal_length + idx+check1:end));

% check that the signal returns to a state of


% maintained polarity for at least 1ms

if (check2*sample_time) > min_phase

% signal returns to maintain polarity for more

% than 0.5ms, increase the signal length and


% again

signal_length = signal_length + idx + check2;

idx = BlockSize (signal(signal_length:end), 0);


% signal return is too short, complete the loop

done = 1;



% this phase falls within the max/min window, check

whether it

% exceeds the phase detection threshold as well

if signal_length+idx <= numel(signal)

% check whether the current phase exceeds the


if max(signal(signal_length:signal_length+idx))

> min_peak

signal_length = signal_length + idx;

idx = BlockSize (signal(signal_length:end),



signal_length = signal_length + idx;

done = 1;



% there are not enough samples left finish

done = 1;






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