Informe VM Nicaragua 2013


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Our causeProtected childrenpromoting a morejust and safesociety



Our causeProtected childrenpromoting a morejust and safesociety

In favor of a protected childhood

This year we have worked with lots of emphasis in the topic of child protection, we have worked on strengthening community social volunteers, justice promoters, advisory homes and have promoted the campaign “I use my voice against child abuse,” which has leading the way, adolescents and youth from the networks that are present in the municipalities, universities and churches.

This emphasis comes as a result from an assessment that was carried out in 876 homes in 19 municipalities, half the parents surveyed acknowledge that the home is where more violence exists against children and adolescents and in all the families the concept of physical punishment prevails as “something that is always necessary” for the education of their children.

The home, which in theory should be a protective environment, has become the most dangerous one instead. This is what the monitoring of the media from the Network of Women against Violence against children and adolescents shows. This same monitoring reflects the murder of 47 women in Nicaragua just in the first quarter of this year, 2% higher than the prior period.

God has been good and is allowing us to be part of a transformation project in the life of children and their families. In 2014 we will continue to contribute to the strengthening of the local and national system of protection, health and education, accompanying the Nicaraguan families with spiritual nurture of children. We will be praying and acting in favor of the wellbeing and well doing of children with an emphasis on their protection and participation.

Maria Haydeé PereiraWorld Vision Nicaragua

HealthFirst childhood: 1,800 children improved their nutritional status thanks to the implementation of 1,960 family gardens and 286 common pots as part of the Nutritional Recovery Model “Hearth.” 50,800 people, 22% being children under the age of 5 participated in 72 community hygiene initiative to prevent respiratory and diarrheal disease as well as dengue and leptospirosis.

Childhood:32,150 children in school age complemented their school snack with vegetables coming from 2,565 school gardens.

32,000 children were trained on hygiene actions and received iron and deworming medicine.

581 families made up by 40% of children were benefited with access to drinkable water which contributes to the improvement in their health conditions.

Adolescence and youth:4,830 people participated in 12 informational fairs on the topic of HIV and 140 free HIV tests were carried out.1,500 people participated in 3 municipal marches to show their solidarity with people living with HIV.

430 people participated in fairs on sexual reproductive health promoted by 50 adolescent community communicators from 5 municipalities.

Education and skills for lifeFirst Childhood:690 children present progress according to their age range due to the implementation of 27 early stimulations in 8 municipalities.

Childhood:6,500 children from 98 schools in 17 municipalities from the country have been supported with animated reading which includes the provision of 200,000 books, training to teachers and setting up reading corners.

1,500 children have become part of the Reading clubs due to the implementation of the methodology “I read, I comment, I imagine, I believe” in 98 schools from 18 municipalities. The methodology promotes reading habits in children from 4th to 6th grade. Training on this methodology was provided to 305 teachers and 325 children. This group of 325 children was created to coordinate and lead alongside with teachers the reading clubs and the movement in favor of reading and writing.

As a result from the creation of the Reading and Writing children movement there is 4,000 literary pieces in the form of poems, narratives and stories. 860 children have received school reinforcement.

6,000 children from 10 departments that had issues with access to schools were registered in coordination with the Ministry of Education, their families and communities thanks to an inscription campaign.

144 children in 6 municipalities from the country have stopped working and are active in schools, from a total of 300 children that were supported, this represents 48%.

20,000 children from 213 schools have improved their educational conditions thanks to school furniture and supplies that World Vision Nicaragua has provided.

Adolescence and Youth:850 adolescents and youth from 14 municipalities have broadened their development opportunities by studying vocational disciplines and techniques such as: bakery, carpentry, mechanics, computers, electronics, beauty and jewelry crafting.

270 adolescents and youth have been gathered to promote values in their communities.

120 adolescents and youth strengthen their spiritual competencies thanks to their participation in workshops with the methodology “Celebrating in family.”


1,420 people from 8 municipalities were trained on the Law

779, child abuse, approaching protection

incidents, human trafficking and risk and

protection factors.

2390 children in 7 municipalities were

trained on topics related to values and violence


411 children from 5 municipalities were inscribed in the Civil


163 Justice Promoters were trained on topics such as

gender, violence, facilitation techniques, accompaniment

in cases of abuse, exploitation, negligence and other forms of child violence, mechanisms to

register children and family laws. Thanks to this, they were able to provide a better advisory and accompaniment to cases of children and adolescents’ rights being violated in their


Campaign “I use my voice against child abuse”

In order to sensitize the population on the need to prevent child abuse and put in to practice patterns for an adequate upbringing, World Vision Nicaragua launched the campaign “I use my voice against child abuse”, which has been promoted by adolescents and youth from 9 departments out of 17 in the country as well as organized networks from universities and churches.

The purpose of the campaign is to sensitize the population in such a way that in three years 75% of the population in the communities intervenes in defense of the rights of children and adolescents when they fall victims to physical and psychological violence from their parents or adult family members.

In 2013, 700 adolescents and youth actively participated in the campaign through sensitization and incidence

actions such as festivals, information and education fairs, and educational material distribution in visits to classrooms, student forums, and talks with mothers and children from neighborhoods nearby universities such as Universidad Politécnica de Nicaragua (UPOLI), Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua (UNAN) and Universidad Centroamericana (UCA).

On behalf of the churches 7 denominations participated: Iglesia de Cristo (San Rafael del Sur), Misión Cristiana, Convención Bautista de Nicaragua (Diriamba and Managua), Iglesia Nacional del Nazareno, Iglesia Cuadrangular (Granada), Asambleas de Dios, Iglesia del Nazareno (Granada). In that same manner training was provided to La Red de Pastores de Occidente, CARITAS Nacional and Juventud CLAI-Nicaragua.

Our causeProtected childrenpromoting a morejust and safesociety

Our partners

This year an agreement was signed with the National Police for the prevention of physical, psychic and emotional violence against children and adolescents. A collaboration agreement with the Ministry of the Family, Adolescence and children was also signed to restitute the right to a name and a nationality of children between the ages of 0 to 12 in 20 prioritized municipalities.

We are concluding the second year of implementation of the Project “Entrelazos,” financed by the Interamerican Development Bank (IDB) in 5 countries of Central America where World Vision has presence. In the case of Nicaragua, 1400 integrated people in 106 self-help groups have strengthened their entrepreneurial capacities in business such as: orchard production, agroindustry and apiculture.This is also the second year of implementation of the Project “Mujeres Con Futuro” which is being developed with the support of Walmart Mexico and Central America. This year 54 women were trained on administration and organization and currently have a common fund.


Christian Commitment1%





Health and Nutrition24%

Out of the total of US$ 13,827,260.00 invested in cash during FY2013, 18% belongs to Education, 24% to Health and Nutrition, 24% to Sponsorship, 10% to Protection, 3% to Humanitarian and Emergency Affairs and Christian Commitment and the remaining 21% belongs to Administration as a support to the programs and projects.

Our investment in children









Visión Mundial Nicaragua

Our causeProtected childrenpromoting a morejust and safesociety

Participation by children

At the level of 20 municipalities where World Vision implements the Area Development Programs, 2000 adolescents and youth are integrated into 20 local networks. This year the National network “Using voices, leading change” was created, to the day it has defined its strategic framework, structure, mission, vision, and members’ profile among other aspects. This network counts with 92 children, adolescents and youth all registered as members.

Currently 2 members from the National Network are part of their reference group for consultations for the evaluation of the objectives of the millennium development “Post-2015,” supported

by “El Movimiento Mundial por la Infancia- Capitulo Nicaragua” and were named as national spokespeople to promote the proposals by children and adolescents in Nicaragua to the decision makers.

As part of the actions by the network a Declaration was created on the situation of violence against children which was delivered to a member from the National Assembly Carlos Emilio López, Citizen participation Procurator Sixto Ulloa and the Children Procurator Martha Toruño with the objective of them knowing the position of children and adolescents on the topic and to request their support on the initiatives that the network wanted to launch.
