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HARBOR-UCLA Medical Center

Department of Emergency Medicine

Elective Information Form

Administrative Electives

Administration Elective

Location: Harbor-UCLA Medical Center, Department of Emergency Medicine

Contact: Drs. Bradley Chappell (brad@emedharbor.edu), Patricia Padlipsky (padlipsky@emedharbor.edu), Mike Peterson (peterson@emedharbor.edu) and Andrea Wu (awu@emedharbor.edu) and Christiane/Cheyenne (christiane@emedharbor.edu; csanderlin@emedharbor.edu)

Schedule: M-F; 8am-6pm daily; Variable depending on experience; Schedule at least 6 weeks prior.

Goals and Objectives: Variable depending on the interest of the learner and in discussion with the leaders above but should include attending departmental and hospital administrative meetings and working on a directed administrative project.

Patient Safety Elective

Location: Harbor-UCLA Medical Center, Department of Emergency Medicine

Contact: Dr. Clint Coil (ccoil@dhs.lacounty.gov) and Christiane/Cheyenne (christiane@emedharbor.edu; csanderlin@emedharbor.edu)

Schedule: M-F; 8am-6pm daily; Variable depending on experience; Schedule at least 6 weeks prior.

Goals and Objectives: Variable depending on the interest of the learner and in discussion with Dr. Coil but should include attending departmental and hospital administrative, quality, process and improvement and safety meetings, directed readings and DVDs and working on a directed safety project. At the end, the resident should have a better understanding of challenges in protecting patients from accidental injury during the process of care, the principles of patient safety and be able to identify high yield interventions that can improve patient outcomes.

Quality and Process Improvement Elective

Location: Harbor-UCLA Medical Center, Department of Emergency Medicine

Contact: Drs. Bradley Chappell (brad@emedharbor.edu), Patricia Padlipsky (padlipsky@emedharbor.edu), Mike Peterson (peterson@emedharbor.edu) and Andrea Wu (awu@emedharbor.edu) and Christiane/Cheyenne (christiane@emedharbor.edu; csanderlin@emedharbor.edu)

Schedule: M-F; 8am-6pm daily; Variable depending on experience; Schedule at least 6 weeks prior.

Goals and Objectives: Variable depending on the interest of the learner and in discussion with the leaders above but should include attending departmental and hospital administrative, quality, process and improvement meetings and working on a directed process and improvement project.

Clinical Electives

Anesthesia, Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles Elective

Currently limited, please contact Christiane or Dr. Burbulys if interested.

Location: 4650 Sunset Blvd MS#3 Los Angeles, CA 90027

Contact: Ericka Austin (EAustin@chla.usc.edu) and Christiane/Cheyenne (christiane@emedharbor.edu; csanderlin@emedharbor.edu)

Schedule: Daily schedule is TBD, 2-4 week elective, schedule at least 3 months prior

Goals and Objectives:

Gain procedural skills in pediatric airway management, endotracheal intubation and laryngeal mask airway placement, sedation, analgesia and anesthesia administration and perioperative care.

Additional opportunities may include: obtaining expertise in the management of the pediatric airways including head positioning, use of airway adjuncts, bag-mask ventilation, endotracheal intubation, and laryngeal mask airway placement. Identifying critical anatomic landmarks of the pediatric airway, outlining differences in the pediatric and adult airway that effect airway management, recognizing advantages, disadvantages, and potential complications of various airway management techniques, discussing strategies to management of the difficult airway and interpreting arterial and venous blood gas data, pulse oximetry, and end-tidal carbon dioxide measurement in conjunction with physical exam findings to assess efficacy of airway support. Gaining familiarity with indications, contraindications and side effects of the common anesthetic agents for analgesia, sedation, neuromuscular blockade and general anesthesia and their differences in the pediatric population. Working effectively with a wide range of health professionals who care for the pediatric patients with respiratory conditions, including: respiratory therapy, anesthesia, head and neck surgery, general surgery, pediatric intensive care, and prehospital professionals and to understand when and how to contact consultants with additional expertise in managing a difficult airway.

Anesthesia, Martin Luther King Jr. Community Hospital Elective

In development currently. Please contact Dr. Fernandez if interested.

Location: 1680 East 120th Street, Los Angeles, CA 90059

Contact: Drs. Hamid Nourmand (hnourmand@mednet.ucla.edu) and Christiane/Cheyenne (christiane@emedharbor.edu; csanderlin@emedharbor.edu)

Schedule: Daily schedule is TBD; 2-4 week elective, schedule at least 3 months prior

Goals and Objectives:

Gain procedural skills in direct and video laryngoscopy with endotracheal tube intubation, supragotic airway placement, effective valve mask ventilation and procedural sedation.

The major goal for the rotation will be focused on airway management including the induction of anesthesia, muscle relaxation, bag-valve mask ventilation, endotracheal intubation and assessing the patient throughout the operative and recovery course. During the rotation the resident should experience cases from a variety of subspecialty areas. The resident will be assigned to an anesthesia Attending or Certified Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) to learn and assist with the following: patient assessment and preparation, induction of anesthesia with or without muscle relaxation, various techniques of airway management, procedural sedation, extubation and transfer to the PACU.

Burn Center/Burn Intensive Care Unit, USC Medical Center Elective

Location: 1200 N. State Street, Los Angeles, CA 90033

Contact: Lydia Rivas (lrivas@dhs.lacounty.gov) and Christiane/Cheyenne (christiane@emedharbor.edu; csanderlin@emedharbor.edu)

Schedule: Daily schedule from 8a-4pm. 2-4 week rotation. Resident may be on call for overnight coverage, but no more than every fourth night. Schedule at least 3 months prior.

Goals and Objectives:

To gain additional critical care experience in ventilator management, fluid replacement, antibiotic and medication stewardship, preventative care (DVT, GI, decubiti, etc.) and understand the importance of temperature control in burn patients.

To improve the understanding of burn management, wound care, burn center criteria and the short and long-term complications and prevention of inhalation injury and concomitant intoxication (CN, CO etc).

There will be procedural experience when available in intubation and central and arterial line insertion and management.

Cardiac Care Unit Elective

Location: Harbor-UCLA Medical Center

Contact: Cardiology Chiefs/Ida Sanchez (huclamedchiefres@dha.lacounty.gov / isanchez@labiomed.org) and Christiane/Cheyenne (christiane@emedharbor.edu; csanderlin@emedharbor.edu)

Schedule: Daily schedule to be determined. 2-4 week rotation. Schedule at least 6 weeks prior.


Develop the ability to rapidly evaluate, diagnose and stabilize and treat critically ill patients with primary cardiac complaints. To gain additional critical care experience in ventilator management, fluid replacement, antibiotic and medication stewardship and preventative care (DVT, GI, decubiti, etc.). There will be procedural experience when available in intubation and central and arterial line insertion and management.

Cardiology (CORE) Elective

Location: Harbor-UCLA Medical Center

Contact: Charles McKay, MD cmckay@labiomed.org and Christiane/Cheyenne (christiane@emedharbor.edu; csanderlin@emedharbor.edu)

Schedule: Daily schedule to be determined. 2-4 week rotation. Schedule at least 6 weeks prior.

Goals/Objectives: To participate in the care of patients in the CORE unit, including but not limited to, optimizing medical management of CAD and CHF patients, cardioversion, rate control, etc. To develop an efficient, thorough approach to EKG interpretation. To learn the basics of echocardiogram and risk stratification utilization and to complete a project based on resident’s area of interest.

Dermatology Elective

Location: Harbor-UCLA Medical Center, PCDC Basement, Clinic C

Contact: Olivia Garcia Dermatology Coordinator (olivia.garcia@labiomed.org) and Christiane/Cheyenne (christiane@emedharbor.edu

Schedule: Tu am didactics, Tu pm clinic, Wed am clinic (Harbor or Long Beach Comp.), Th pm didactics, Fri pm Harbor clinic. Must be combined with another elective to fill the time. 1-4 week rotation. Schedule at least 6 weeks prior.

Goals/Objectives: To familiarize rotating residents with general dermatology language and principles and to maximize exposure to general clinical dermatology, while allowing time and providing motivation for independent study of this complex specialty.

Emergency Medicine, St. Francis Medical Center Elective

Location: 3630 E Imperial Hwy, Lynwood, CA 90262

Contact: Alyssa Scott, MD (alyssa.z.scott@gmail.com) and Christiane/Cheyenne (christiane@emedharbor.edu; csanderlin@emedharbor.edu)

Schedule: Daily schedule to be determined. 3-4 week rotation. Schedule at least 3 months prior.

Goals and Objectives:

St. Francis is a high acuity community hospital and trauma center located in Lynwood, California that is currently run by a Harbor residency alumnus! Harbor ER residents are the only residents in the ER and would have first dibs on the procedures and sick patients. When overnight they will also get the opportunity to assist the ER physicians with running code blues throughout the hospital. This elective is a great opportunity to network with a community site that could put in a good word for you at other LA or Vituity sites throughout California and the rest of the country when you are starting your job search. We are open to 3rd and 4th year residents for rotations of at least 3 weeks.

EMS/Aeromedical and EMS/Disaster Electives

Location: Harbor-UCLA Medical Center, Barton Heliport/LA County Fire Department Air Squad, Los Angeles County EMS agency and/or Los Angeles County Paramedic Training Institute

Contact: Drs. Shira Schlesinger (sschlesinger2@dhs.lacounty.gov), Nichole Bosson (nbosson@dhs.lacounty.gov) and Marianne Gausche-Hill (mgausche-hill@dhs.lacounty.gov) and Christiane/Cheyenne (christiane@emedharbor.edu; csanderlin@emedharbor.edu)

Schedule: 8am-6pm daily; Variable depending on experience; schedule elective at least 6 weeks prior.

The experience and scheduled for this rotation will depend on the resident’s areas of interest and may focus on any of the below areas.


1) Learn the basics of aeromedicine2) Outline range, patient characteristics, and capability of providers of helicopter transport3) Describe patient situations which may be adversely affected by air transport4) To provide the emergency medicine resident with a broad overview of disaster

medicine, including the management of mass-casualty events, involving biological, radiological, chemical, and explosive injuries. Also covered will be Avian influenza, decontamination, donning and doffing of personal protective equipment. If possible, tours will be arranged of the Disaster Staging Facility in Santa Fe Springs to better understand how the Los Angeles County Emergency Medical Services Agency has integrated our region towards better disaster preparedness.

5) To go through all the Basic Disaster Life Support power point lectures and complete the test. Also, to complete the Mass Casualty Decontamination for Hospital Providers Course DVD and test. Both tests will need to be submitted at the end of the elective.

6) Participate with EMS Agency system development, protocol revision, disaster preparedness activities and mass gathering planning.

Event Medicine Elective

In development.

Forensic Pathology Elective

There is no current letter of agreement and this would need to be redeveloped if there is interest. This would require 6 months lead time. Please contact Dr. Burbulys (burbulys@emedharbor.edu) if interested.

Location: LA County Coroner’s Office

Contact: Dr. Louis Pena (lpena@coroner.lacounty.gov ) and Christiane/Cheyenne (christiane@emedharbor.edu; csanderlin@emedharbor.edu)

Schedule: Tuesday through Friday Days. Saturday am. 2 week elective; Schedule elective at least 3 Months prior.

Goals/Objectives: Observe post-mortem examinations, visit crime scenes and go to court to observe the coroner testify in cases. Review and improve understanding of anatomy and their relationship to physical exam and radiology in healthy and pathologic conditions. Familiarize participants with gross pathologic findings in the cardiovascular, pulmonary, gastrointestinal, genitourinary, and central and peripheral nervous systems. Educate participants on principles of forensic pathology, ballistics, wounds, and determination of both the cause and manner of death

Additional Educational Goals and Opportunities Which May be Offered

Definition of a Coroner’s caseIdentify types of cases which will be Coroner’s casesDistinguish between Coroner’s cases and cases with civil litigationUnderstand definitions: Sudden infant death syndrome, homicide (medical vs. legal definition)Know California procedures for pronouncing death

Determining cause of deathUnderstand definitions: Proximate cause, intermediate cause, underlying cause, modeBe able to write an acceptable cause of deathKnow California legal requirements for certification of death

Description of injuriesBe able to describe and correctly document stab wounds and gunshot wounds: Entry, exit, projectileUnderstand determination of range based on examination of gunshot wounds. Know how to handle recovered bullets.Know how to distinguish stab wounds, incisions, and lacerationsKnow common patterns of injury for traffic accidents: Driver, passenger, and pedestrianKnow common patterns of injury for electrical injury, thermal injury and drowningRecognize patterns of injury in child abuse: shaken infant syndrome, bite marks, fracturesBe able to conduct and document a sexual assault examination

Common medicolegal problemsKnow how to maintain chain of evidenceKnow definitions of common medicolegal terms: Res ipsa loquitur, Stare decisis, captain of the ship doctrine, Good Samaritan law, negligence, civil vs. criminal litigationObserve testimony in at least one court case or deposition Observe at least one scene investigation Recognize items which may have evidentiary value (such as clothing and road debris) and learn how to preserve them.

Clinical and Forensic Pathology Elective

In development with the goal to replace the above elective at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center. Will likely not involve visiting crime scenes or going to court.

GYN Urgent Care Elective

Location: Harbor-UCLA Medical Center

Contact: Cynthia Garrison (cgarrison2@dhs.lacounty.gov) and Christiane/Cheyenne (christiane@emedharbor.edu; csanderlin@emedharbor.edu)

Schedule: Daily schedule to be determined. 2-4 week rotation. Schedule at least 6 weeks prior.

Goals/Objectives: Develop the ability to rapidly and appropriately care for patients presenting with gynecological or early obstetrical complaints in an urgent care setting. This should include common medical or gynecological complaints such as abnormal bleeding, infertility, contraception, abdominal or pelvic pain, breast concerns and domestic violence.

Medical Intensive Care Unit, Cedars Sinai Medical Center Elective

Location: Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, 8700 Beverly Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90048

Contact: Dr. Jeffrey Ko (jeffrey.ko@cshs.org) and Christiane/Cheyenne (christiane@emedharbor.edu; csanderlin@emedharbor.edu)

Schedule: Daily schedule to be determined. 2-4 week rotation. Schedule at least 6 months to 1 academic year prior.

Goals/Objectives: Develop the ability to rapidly evaluate, diagnose and stabilize and treat critically ill patients with primary medical complaints. To gain additional critical care experience in ventilator management, fluid replacement, antibiotic and medication stewardship and preventative care (DVT, GI, decubiti, etc.). There will be procedural experience when available in intubation and central and arterial line insertion and management.

Medical Intensive Care Unit Elective

Location: Harbor-UCAL Medical Center

Contact: Dr. Dong Chang (dchang@labiomed.org) and Christiane/Cheyenne (christiane@emedharbor.edu; csanderlin@emedharbor.edu)

Schedule: Daily schedule to be determined. 2-4 week rotation. Schedule at least 6 weeks prior.

Goals/Objectives: Develop the ability to rapidly evaluate, diagnose and stabilize and treat critically ill patients with primary cardiac complaints. To gain additional critical care experience in ventilator management, fluid replacement, antibiotic and medication stewardship and preventative care (DVT, GI, decubiti, etc.). There will be procedural experience when available in intubation and central and arterial line insertion and management.

Observation Medicine Elective

Location: Harbor-UCLA Medical Center

Contact: Jackie Spiegel,MD / Manny Singh,MD (jspiegel@dhs.lacounty.gov /masingh@dhs.lacounty.gov and Christiane/Cheyenne (christiane@emedharbor.edu; csanderlin@emedharbor.edu)

Schedule: Daily schedule to be determined. 2-4 week rotation. Schedule at least 6 weeks prior.

Goals/Objectives: Care for patients in an Observation Unit setting using goal-based protocols and temporal landmarks with common conditions such as asthma, COPD, cellulitis, chest pain, congestive heart failure, dehydration, electrolyte disturbances, pneumonia, pyelonephritis and syncope.

Ophthalmology Elective

Location: Ophthalmology clinic, Harbor-UCLA, 2nd floor

Contact: Priscilla Guerrero (pguerrero2@dhs.lacounty.gov) 310-222-2731

Schedule: Shadow residents in clinic Mon-Fri 8a-5p


Gain advanced knowledge of common ophthalmic diseases, improve skills in ophthalmic history and examination, understand the relation of the eye to systemic diseases and master the slit lamp exam.

Oral Surgery Elective

Location: Harbor-UCLA Medical Center Main Hospital First Floor RM#1-A-6

Contact: Dr. Colonya Calhoun (ccalhoun@dhs.lacounty.gov) and Gloria Cruse (gcruse@dhs.lacounty.gov) and Christiane/Cheyenne (christiane@emedharbor.edu; csanderlin@emedharbor.edu)

Schedule: M/Tu/Th/F, 1p-5p (Wed OR day), 2-4 week rotation. Schedule at least 6 weeks prior.


Practical exposure to clinical oral surgery with the development of diagnostic skills and management of dental problems and gain experience with dental blocks. Participate with OMFS residents in consultations.

Orthopedic Surgery Cast Room Elective

Location: Harbor-UCLA Medical Center

In development, contact Dr. Burbulys if you are interested.

Orthopedic Surgery Cast Room Elective

Location: USC Medical Center

In development, contact Dr. Burbulys if you are interested.

Otolaryngology/ENT Elective

Location: Harbor-UCLA ENT clinic, 2nd floor

Contact: Maryellen Alvarez x2737 and Christiane/Cheyenne (christiane@emedharbor.edu; csanderlin@emedharbor.edu)

Schedule: Shadow ENT residents in clinic Mon/Tues/Thurs/Fri from 8a-4p, 2-4 week rotation. Schedule at least 6 weeks prior.


Practical exposure to clinical otolaryngology with the development of diagnostic skills and management of routine otolaryngologic problems and improved understanding of the roles of audiology and speech pathology in the management of head and neck related problems.

Palliative Care Elective

Location: Cedars Sinai Medical Center

Contact: Arrange rotation through Christiane/Cheyenne (christiane@emedharbor.edu; csanderlin@emedharbor.edu), Dr. Azadeh Dashti, Cristina Bussell (christina.bussell@cshs.org, Anna Lotakov (anna.lotokov@cshs.org)

Schedule: M-F 8am-5pm (consults M, W, Th and F with didactics on Tu), 2-4 week rotation. Schedule at least 3 months prior.


Gain exposure/experience in the practice of Palliative Care in adults and pediatrics (the pediatric component not being available at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center). Improve knowledge of palliative care and symptom management, appreciation for the spiritual needs of patients with terminal cancer, cultural sensitivity and appreciate the role of culture in influencing a patient’s experience of dying. Enhance appreciation for a team approach to patient care, especially for the terminal patient. Appreciate the contribution of all health care professionals to the care of the terminal patient.

Palliative Care Elective

Location: USC Medical Center

Contact: Arrange rotation through Christiane/Cheyenne (christiane@emedharbor.edu; csanderlin@emedharbor.edu), Dr. Carin van Zyl (carin.vanzyl@med.usc.edu), Victoria Amthor (victoria.amthor@med.usc.edu)

Schedule: Daily schedule to be determined. 2-4 week rotation. Schedule at least 3 months prior.


Gain exposure/experience in the practice of Palliative Care in adults and pediatrics (the pediatric component not being available at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center). Improve knowledge of palliative care and symptom management, appreciation for the spiritual needs of patients with terminal cancer, cultural sensitivity and appreciate the role of culture in influencing a patient’s experience of dying. Enhance appreciation for a team approach to patient care, especially for the terminal patient. Appreciate the contribution of all health care professionals to the care of the terminal patient.

Pediatric Clinics Elective

Location: Harbor-UCLA Medical Center

Contact: Arrange rotation through Dr. Burbulys, Sylvia Yeh (syeh@labiomed.org) and Christiane/Cheyenne (christiane@emedharbor.edu; csanderlin@emedharbor.edu)

Schedule: Daily schedule to be determined. 2-4 week rotation. Schedule at least 6 weeks prior.

Goals/Objectives: To gain clinical pediatric subspecialty expertise by rotating through any of the following clinics: Adolescent, Allergy and Immunology, Cardiology, Child Abuse, Development and Behavioral, Endocrinology, Gastroenterology, Hematology/Oncology, Infectious Disease, Nephrology, Neurology and/or Rheumatology.

Pediatric Delivery Team Elective

Location: Harbor-UCLA Medical Center

Contact: Arrange rotation through Dr. Burbulys, Sylvia Yeh (syeh@labiomed.org) and Christiane/Cheyenne (christiane@emedharbor.edu; csanderlin@emedharbor.edu)

Schedule: Daily schedule to be determined. 2-4 week rotation. Schedule at least 3 months prior.

Goals/Objectives: As a member of the delivery team attend all in-hospital deliveries and attend to the resuscitative needs of the infant. Care for patients in the nursery following delivery and gain expertise in the newborn examination, high risk screen and perinatal care.

Pediatric Emergency Medicine Elective

Location: Children’s Hospital Orange County, 1201 W. La Veta, Orange, CA 92868

Contact: Adriana Hernandez (ahernandez@choc.org) and Christiane/Cheyenne (christiane@emedharbor.edu; csanderlin@emedharbor.edu)

Schedule: 9pm-6am shifts, 7 shifts in 2 weeks or 11 shifts in 3 weeks, no Wednesday night shifts allowed. Schedule at least 3 months prior.

Goals/Objectives: Refine the previously developed fundamental skills of the practice of pediatric emergency medicine, under direct supervision but with more independence, including but not limited to:

Perform an age appropriate and complaint-focused history and physical examDemonstrate an age appropriate differential diagnosis for each complaintRecognize critically ill medical or trauma patients Develop and carry out basic treatment plans and procedures through admission or dischargeDevelop and institute more advanced treatment plans and proceduresDevelop and hone resuscitation and stabilization skillsDevelop proficiency in multi-tasking, documentation, time efficiency and cost efficiencyAcquire necessary administrative skills

Pediatric Emergency Medicine Elective

Location: Harbor-UCLA Medical Center

Contact: Dr. Kelly Young (kyoung@emedharbor.edu) and Christiane/Cheyenne (christiane@emedharbor.edu; csanderlin@emedharbor.edu)

Schedule: Daily schedule to be determined. 2-4 week rotation. Schedule at least 3 months prior.

Goals/Objectives: Refine the previously developed fundamental skills of the practice of pediatric emergency medicine, under direct supervision but with more independence, including but not limited to:

Perform an age appropriate and complaint-focused history and physical examDemonstrate an age appropriate differential diagnosis for each complaintRecognize critically ill medical or trauma patients Develop and carry out basic treatment plans and procedures through admission or dischargeDevelop and institute more advanced treatment plans and proceduresDevelop and hone resuscitation and stabilization skillsDevelop proficiency in multi-tasking, documentation, time efficiency and cost efficiencyAcquire necessary administrative skills

Pediatric NICU Elective

Location: Harbor-UCLA Medical Center

Contact: Arrange rotation through Dr. Burbulys, Sylvia Yeh (syeh@labiomed.org) and Christiane/Cheyenne (christiane@emedharbor.edu; csanderlin@emedharbor.edu)

Schedule: Daily schedule to be determined. 2-4 week rotation. Schedule at least 3 months prior.

Goals/Objectives: Develop the ability to rapidly evaluate, diagnose and stabilize and treat critically ill neonatal patients. To gain additional critical care experience in ventilator management, fluid replacement, antibiotic and medication stewardship and preventative care (DVT, GI, decubiti, etc.). There will be procedural experience when available in intubation, chest tube and central and arterial line insertion and management.

Pediatric NICU Elective

Location: White Memorial Medical Center

Contact: Sylvia Munoz (munozS4@ah.org) and Christiane/Cheyenne (christiane@emedharbor.edu; csanderlin@emedharbor.edu)

Schedule: Daily schedule to be determined. 2-4 week rotation. Schedule at least 3 months prior.

Goals/Objectives: Develop the ability to rapidly evaluate, diagnose and stabilize and treat critically ill neonatal patients. To gain additional critical care experience in ventilator management, fluid replacement, antibiotic and medication stewardship and preventative care (DVT, GI, decubiti,

etc.). There will be procedural experience when available in intubation, chest tube and central and arterial line insertion and management.

Pediatric Intensive Care Unit Elective

Location: Harbor-UCLA Medical Center

Contact: Arrange rotation through Dr. Burbulys, Sylvia Yeh (syeh@labiomed.org) and Christiane/Cheyenne (christiane@emedharbor.edu; csanderlin@emedharbor.edu)

Schedule: Daily schedule to be determined. 2-4 week rotation. Schedule at least 6 months prior.

Goals/Objectives: Develop the ability to rapidly evaluate, diagnose and stabilize and treat critically ill pediatric patients. To gain additional critical care experience in ventilator management, fluid replacement, antibiotic and medication stewardship and preventative care (DVT, GI, decubiti, etc.). There will be procedural experience when available in intubation, chest tube and central and arterial line insertion and management.

Pharmacy Elective

In development.

Location: Harbor-UCLA Medical Center

Contact: Discuss with Dr. Burbulys if interested

Schedule: Daily schedule to be determined, 2-4 week rotation, Schedule at least 6 weeks prior.

Goals/Objectives: Round with the pharmacy team and antibiotic stewardship team in the ICUs daily to gain expertise in medication reconciliation, antibiotic choice, adverse events and medication reactions and interactions.

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Elective

In development.

Psychiatry Adult Elective

Location: Harbor-UCLA Medical Center

Contact: Drs. David Stone (dcstone@ucla.edu) and David Rad (drad@ucla.edu) and Christiane/Cheyenne (christiane@emedharbor.edu; csanderlin@emedharbor.edu)

Schedule: Daily schedule to be determined. 2-4 week rotation. Schedule at least 6 weeks prior.


Gain experience with acute psychiatric illness along with a better understanding of the medical and legal aspects of involuntary holds (5150 and 5585) and the the pharmacology of common psychiatric medications.

Psychiatry Adolescent Elective

Location: Harbor-UCLA Medical Center

Contact: Drs. David Stone (dcstone@ucla.edu) and David Rad (drad@ucla.edu) and Christiane/Cheyenne (christiane@emedharbor.edu; csanderlin@emedharbor.edu)

Schedule: Daily schedule to be determined. 2-4 week rotation. Schedule at least 6 weeks prior.


Gain experience with acute psychiatric illness along with a better understanding of the medical and legal aspects of involuntary holds (5150 and 5585) and the the pharmacology of common psychiatric medications.

Radiology Elective

Location: Harbor-UCLA Medical Center

Contact: Dr. John Shim (jshim@dhs.lacounty.gov), 310-222-2842 and Bridget Rodriguez (brodriguez@dhsllacounty.gov) and Christiane/Cheyenne (christiane@emedharbor.edu; csanderlin@emedharbor.edu)

Schedule: Daily schedule to be determined depending on area of interest. Optional lectures M-Th 7:30am and Fri at 8am and noon. 2-4 week rotation. Schedule at least 6 weeks prior.

Goals/Objectives: To develop an efficient, thorough approach to plain film interpretation and o improve interpretation of head CTs. One may also gain experience in areas of interest, including pediatric radiology, plain films, head CT, and body CT.

Sports Medicine Elective

Location: Harbor-UCLA Medical Center, Dept. of Family Medicine, West Coast Sports Med Foundation. 1200 Rosecrans Avenue, #206, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266, 310-725-0750 x315

Contact: Dr. Bernadette Pendergraph (bpendergraph@labiomed.org )and Christiane/Cheyenne (christiane@emedharbor.edu; csanderlin@emedharbor.edu)

Schedule: Selected weekday evenings during sports events. Selected weekends, Saturday sports clinics when available. Or as arranged with PD, 2-4 week rotation. Schedule at least 6 weeks prior.

Goals/Objectives: During this rotation, the resident should learn how to manage musculoskeletal/sports-related issues with up-to-date treatments in a community practice setting within the pediatric/adolescent age group. They should be familiar with various musculoskeletal and sports medicine disorders in the pediatric population, including return to sports play criteria, athletic physical exams, and sports injuries. They should gain comfort with triaging various types of sports injuries and demonstrate knowledge in anatomy and physiology related to pediatric musculoskeletal and sports medicine issues. With guidance they should observe (and demonstrate if appropriate) safe and proper techniques in pediatric musculoskeletal examination and pain management procedures and learn about psychosocial aspects of pediatric sports/musculoskeletal medicine issues and be familiar with current literature related to pediatric sports medicine and management of common conditions.

Surgical Intensive Care Unit Elective

Location: Harbor-UCLA Medical Center

Contact: George Singer, MD (gsinger@dhs.lacounty.gov) and Christiane/Cheyenne (christiane@emedharbor.edu; csanderlin@emedharbor.edu)

Schedule: Daily schedule to be determined. 2-4 week rotation. Schedule at least 6 weeks prior.

Goals/Objectives: Develop the ability to rapidly evaluate, diagnose and stabilize and treat critically ill patients with primary surgical complaints. To gain additional critical care experience in ventilator management, fluid replacement, antibiotic and medication stewardship and preventative care (DVT, GI, decubiti, etc.). There will be procedural experience when available in intubation, chest tube insertion and management and central and arterial line insertion and management.

Toxicology Elective

Location: USC Medical Center, 1200 N. State Street, Los Angeles, CA 90033

Contact: Discuss with Dr. Tanen (dtanen@emedharbor.edu) and plan with Christiane/Cheyenne (christiane@emedharbor.edu; csanderlin@emedharbor.edu)

Schedule: USC: M-F, 8am-4pm and overnight call every fourth day. (schedule at least 3 months prior) New/Outside County Facility: TBD (after affiliation agreements have been put in place which requires approximately 6 months’ notice), 2-4 week rotation.


Gain experience in the initial management for the most common poisoning and envenomation’s and understand the use of the most commonly employed antidotes in the management of poisoning.

Ultrasound Elective

Location: Harbor-UCLA Medical Center

Contact: Dr Teresa Liu (teresa@emedharbor.edu) and Jeanne Austin (jaustin@emedharbor.edu) and Christiane/Cheyenne (christiane@emedharbor.edu; csanderlin@emedharbor.edu)

Schedule: Daily schedule to be determined. 2-4 week rotation. Meet with Dr. Liu for one hour on first day to discuss objectives, reading list, goal number of studies (125 for a two week elective), and the basics of ultrasound machine use. Schedule is constructed by resident with the goal of maximizing practice sessions concurrent with Dr. Liu and ultrasound fellow’s shifts. Schedule at least 6 weeks prior.

Goals/Objectives: To learn the basics of ultrasound theory, technique, and machine maintenance/troubleshooting. One should prepare a teaching file case of an interesting case to help teach future residents about the utility of ultrasound in emergency medicine. Everyone should achieve level II certification in as many applications as possible in the following order: FAST (pericardial effusion & abdominal free fluid), IUPs, AAA, gallbladder, hydro nephrosis, ultrasound-guided procedures (femoral vein catheterization, internal jugular vein, catheterization, paracentesis, abscess drainage).

Urology Elective

Location: Harbor-UCLA Medical Center, 2nd floor Main Building 2B7

Contact: Dr. Jeremy Blumberg (jblumberg@mednet.ucla.edu) and Zoraida Fischer (zfischer@dhs.lacounty.gov) and Christiane/Cheyenne (christiane@emedharbor.edu; csanderlin@emedharbor.edu)

Main Number: 424-306-8340

Schedule: Clinic M-F. They are also in the OR M/W/F for interested residents. 2-4 week rotation. Schedule at least 6 weeks prior.

Goals/Objectives: Practical exposure to clinical Urology with the development of diagnostic skills and management of urologic problems and gain experience with urologic procedures. Participate with Urology residents in consultations and in the OR if interested.

Wilderness Medicine Elective

In development.


Advocacy/Social Medicine Elective

In development.

emDocs Elective

Location: Harbor-UCLA Medical Center

Contact: Dr. Manny Singh (masingh@dhs.lacounty.gov) and Christiane/Cheyenne (christiane@emedharbor.edu; csanderlin@emedharbor.edu)

Schedule: Variable depending on experience; schedule elective at least 6 weeks prior


Expand knowledge in one or more topic areas of emDocs and publish online.

EMS Education and Teaching Elective

Location: Harbor-UCLA Medical Center, Barton Heliport/LA County Fire Department Air Squad, Los Angeles County EMS agency and/or Los Angeles County Paramedic Training Institute

Contact: Drs. Shira Schlesinger (sschlesinger2@dhs.lacounty.gov), Nichole Bosson (nbosson@dhs.lacounty.gov) and Marianne Gausche-Hill (mgausche-hill@dhs.lacounty.gov);

Schedule: 8am-6pm daily; Variable depending on experience; schedule elective at least 6 weeks prior;


The experience and scheduled for this rotation will depend on the resident’s areas of interest and focus and may include teaching and curriculum development for paramedic trainees at the Paramedic Training Institute and Harbor-UCLA Department of Emergency Medicine or the Aeromedical Squad. It may also include contributions to the EMS system continuing education update, presentation at Harbor-UCLA grand rounds and development and preparation of EMS tape review or teaching for the Base Physicians Course.

Medical Spanish Elective

Location: Harbor-UCLA Medical Center

Contact: Christiane/Cheyenne (christiane@emedharbor.edu; csanderlin@emedharbor.edu)

Schedule: Variable depending on experience.


Gain better understanding of medical terms and phrases in Spanish through completion of modules on the Google Chromebook which may be checked-out and returned to Cheyenne.

Narrative Medicine Elective

Location: Harbor-UCLA Medical Center

Contact: Dr. Zahir Basrai, (zahirbasraih@gmail.com) and Christiane/Cheyenne (christiane@emedharbor.edu; csanderlin@emedharbor.edu)

Schedule: Variable depending on experience.


To give residents the opportunity to express the challenges they have faced during medical school and residency and developing a creative outlet for the stresses that we face as emergency physicians. This is an important skill that can improve career satisfaction and diminish burnout. The elective requires one to complete a total of 4 narrative medicine written pieces or audio podcast episodes which will be published on the Physician Grind, https://www.blog.numose.com/pghome. The written pieces will be submitted for publication to Emergency Medicine News (https://journals.lww.com/em-news/pages/default.aspx) and Tincture (https://tincture.io/). Podcast episodes will be published on the Physician Grind Podcast and will be submitted for publication to Emergency Medicine News.

Public Health Elective

Location: Department of Public Health

Contact: Ellen Alkon, MD, MPH (ellenalkon@cox.net) and Christiane/Cheyenne (christiane@emedharbor.edu; csanderlin@emedharbor.edu)

Schedule: Variable depending on experience. Schedule at least 6 weeks prior.


Residents rotating with the Department of Public Health should:

Get actively involved in at least one ongoing project within the department of public health, attend public health talks going on during the rotation period and complete the reading and reference guide for public health rotators

By the end of the rotation residents should be able to:

Explain the relationship and interaction between clinical and public health practice. Describe what a public health department does. Understand what happens when a disease is reported to the Health Department. Know who to call for disease control. Describe various community activities in Los Angeles aimed at health promotion. Understand the role of the Public Health nurse and how s/he can help the clinician. Explain how the Environmental Health unit protects health.

Simulation Elective

In development.

Teaching Elective

Location: Harbor-UCLA Medical Center

Contact: Dr. Ryan Pedigo (pedigo@ucla.edu) and Christiane/Cheyenne (christiane@emedharbor.edu; csanderlin@emedharbor.edu)

Schedule: Variable depending on experience. Schedule at least 6 weeks prior.


To identify primary sources to learn about bedside teaching methods (specific to constraints unique to working in the emergency department), to develop and practice learned bedside teaching skills, to learn the principles of effective feedback and to practice the skill of delivering effective feedback and to address the individual resident/medical student educational needs and interests. One should spend at least 3-4 “teaching ED shifts” per elective week (adult and pediatrics) and should focus time on individual resident/medical student teaching needs (journal club, didactics, simulation, etc) and participate in sub-intern activities when scheduling permits.

WikEM Elective

Location: Harbor-UCLA Medical Center

Contact: Ross Donaldson (ross@rossdonaldson.com) and Christiane/Cheyenne (christiane@emedharbor.edu; csanderlin@emedharbor.edu)

Schedule: Variable depending on experience.


Expand the knowledge in one or more topic areas of Emergency Medicine by publishing an update to the online medical reference WikEM.

ResearchEMS Research Elective

Location: Harbor-UCLA Medical Center, Los Angeles County EMS agency and/or Los Angeles County Paramedic Training Institute

Contact: Drs. Shira Schlesinger (sschlesinger2@dhs.lacounty.gov), Nichole Bosson (nbosson@dhs.lacounty.gov) and Marianne Gausche-Hill (mgausche-hill@dhs.lacounty.gov);

Schedule: 8am-6pm daily; Variable depending on experience; schedule elective at least 6 weeks prior.

The experience and schedule for this rotation will depend on the resident’s areas of interest and should focus on taking part in a novel or ongoing EMS research project.

Clinical Research Elective

Location: Harbor-UCLA Medical Center

Contact: Drs. David Tanen (dtanen@emedharbor.edu), and/or other research faculty and Christiane/Cheyenne (christiane@emedharbor.edu; csanderlin@emedharbor.edu)

Schedule: Variable depending on experience; schedule elective at least 6 weeks prior.

The experience and schedule for this rotation will depend on the resident’s areas of interest and should focus on taking part in a novel or ongoing research project.