Information Spaces for Creative Conversations Middlesex University City University Bob Fields...


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InformationSpaces forCreativeConversationsMiddlesex UniversityCity University

Bob FieldsTamara Al-sheikh

Andy BardillSara Jones

Meirion Williams

Learning and Teaching Practice Experts Group

13 July 2010

Observations and premises

• Design is done and learned conversationally– Through conversation ideas exchanged, design

concepts modified, alternatives explored• However, learners often disengage, playing no part

in conversation• Technology often part of the problem!– Distracting gadgets; learners and tutors in

‘Presentation mode’; difficulty of taking notes and taking part simultaneously

Conversational Spaces

• Allow learners to:– Bring digital and physical

materials to the table– Engage peers and tutors in

discussion– Critique the work of others– Connect with earlier work

and prior decisions– Reflect, review, comment


• Key technology elements– Display and projection onto

table or whiteboard– Writeable table surfaces– Video recording

conversation and design critique sessions

– Delivery using video podcasting and blogs

Case studies and trials

• Studies at City and Middlesex covered – Levels 2, 3, 4– Disciplines: computing,

design– Variations in contact

duration and pattern– Learning activities– Cohort size

• Face-to-face, in class sessions

PhotosOther mediaReflections

Technology setup

• Packaged ‘Pods’ containing computer, camera, networking, audio capture, etc

• Apple Podcast Producer• Blogging / Moodle for

delivery to students• Explored Wii-remote based

interaction, interactive tables & whiteboards

Beyond the case studies

Lessons learned• Importance of packaging• Reliability matters• Readiness to engage• Putting learners in control• Conversation happens all over

the place – not necessarily where we expect it– How can we support it?

The Future…• Technology selection and

setup– What works? What really adds

value? What else is possible?

• Preparation and readiness– Of staff and students?

• Longer-term sustainability– Wider uptake and embedding
