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Influencing Grandchildren From Bob and Patci Haller

Today we live in a world where the idea of “Family” is changing. Roles of spouses, parents, and grandparents are in a constant state of alteration. Yet, God, who created the holy state of family, has given us His ideal in Holy Scripture. This is God’s absolute truth and standard for the family. Following His plan will equip us for developing healthy, happy, and God-centered children. Even in a world where God’s plan for family is under attack, we must look to God for wisdom in rearing and nurturing our children and grandchildren. Sometimes grandparents must assume parental responsibilities because of circumstances beyond their control. But, even if our children are happily married and good parents, grandparents still have a very important role of planting the seed of God’s righteousness and love into the hearts of their grandchildren. Do not make the mistake of thinking that your parental responsibilities are over when your children marry and establish Christian homes of their own. You are not through yet. You have responsibility to God and your family for the next generation. As adult family members face the challenge of child-rearing in all kinds of families, there are some foundational principles that are absolutely essential to follow in rearing Godly, well-adjusted and positive children. YOUR PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP WITH JESUS: You can only lead your family where you have been and are going. You have a tremendous influence on the direction of their life by who you are and what you do. They are watching. Make Jesus Lord of your life. Make prayer the communication link of your walk with God. Make the Word of God your authority and direction. It is a matter of surrender and obedience, not effort and ability. BEGIN EARLY: Begin before your grandchildren are born. Pray for them daily and for God’s wisdom for your children as the parents. Talk with your children about the importance of being Godly examples to their future children. Help them see the urgency of faith in Christ. Share your parenting successes and failures related to spiritually nurturing your children and help set a common-sense approach that is “doable” in the real world. HAVE A PLAN THAT WORKS: At birth, begin to talk with your new grandchild; telling them how special God created them, how much you love them, and God’s love. Sing to them truth about how God loves them. As they grow, use every situation of life to teach them about God’s character: while looking at flowers and trees, eating food, looking at fingers and toes, looking at grass and ants, at puppies and cats, etc. “Look how God made all these things for us to enjoy.” “How great God is!” “How God loves you!” “God has a plan for your life.” “It’s important to obey God.” “We want to love God and others because God loves us.” “We want to obey and please Him.” (Are you thinking how weird you’d feel? You ought to see yourself in camo!). Build a Christian library of books and music that are age appropriate for your grandchildren as they grow. Plan regular visits with them individually and spend time with each one, making them feel special and building into their hearts a pure faith for God. Develop a God-centered view of life and they will follow it as they mature. Read Bible stories to them often. Ask questions often like, “What does God say about that?” “How do you think God feels about that?” “What do you think God wants you to do?” “Why do you think God did that?” “What should you do to please God?” “How do you think that makes other people feel?” Do you think that helps people feel loved by Jesus?” Teach them about sin, failure, pride, humility, forgiveness, honesty, love, generosity, respect, work, repentance, faith, and love from God’s perspective and through all the circumstances they encounter in everyday life. Teach them to stand alone for truth and righteousness sake because of God’s love. DON’T HOLD BACK: It is not in God’s plan that you ever retire and focus your life on yourself. If you breathe, you have Godly purpose. Life is a classroom and class is always in session. The Holy Spirit is the teacher but you are His assistant. The pupils are your flesh and blood. You may not have great worldly wealth to pass on. But, you do have The True Riches of Godly faith and life, and the hope of eternal life in Jesus Christ to plant in the hearts of your grandchildren. It will cost you your life, but it will establish a Godly heritage that will go on for generations! What shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his family for eternity? Live rightly! Invest wisely!

Recommended Books (available from the HomePointe Center, the Bookstore at Lake Pointe, or church library check out): Extreme Grandparenting (by Tim Kimmel and Darcy Kimmel). Are you ready to take grandparenting

© 2008 Inkling Innovations Revised: 29-Dec-2009

GOING FURTHER - Resources Recommended Books: Extreme Grandparenting (by Tim Kimmel and Darcy Kimmel). Are you ready to take grandparenting to the next level? This book offers timeless and tested principles for grandparenting in the twenty-first century. It Starts At Home (by Kurt Bruner and Steve Stroope) gives grandparents practical suggestions for influencing the faith of their grandchildren.

Print Date: 29-Nov-11