Influences of Adverisements


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  • 7/28/2019 Influences of Adverisements


    Consumer Behavior


    Parker: Chemical Weapon

    The objective of this advertisement is to announce Parkers

    contribution to Ramnath Goenka excellence in journalism awards. In

    an era where journalism has been accused of being commercialized,Parker seized the opportunity to bring back its glory by bringing for

    its purist purpose. It has a stark headline supported by the simple

    bottle of ink that says it all. It is an attention grabbing reminder of

    the power of the pen influence the world. It is perfect synergy for the

    subject-journalism awards and the always memorable image of a

    gold Parker fountain pen. The reason for selecting this advertisement

    is that very powerful words are used which are very eye catchy and

    it has an equally powerful impact on the mind of the viewers.

    MotivationThe advertisement is arousing an innate need of pen but at the same time it is focusing on

    acquired need that he is using a particular brands pen only. Further it focuses on the prestige and

    luxury that a person will enjoy while using Parker pens. It focuses on the extrinsic need, as it is a

    very good brand and meant as luxury. Here the advertisement directing towards a positive goal

    of power full writing by this particular brand. Hence, power writing is an approach object for this

    advertisement. It is also appealing a negative goal by showing worlds most powerful chemical

    weapon. The advertisement has completely focuses on the product specific goal. In this

    advertisement the writing and inkpot is used for a rational motive to communicate an emotional

    message, but no emotions are involved. The advertisement is arousing a cognitive arousal.

    According to the Maslows theory the advertisement fulfilling self-actualization of the customer.

    According to the need trio this advertisement appeals the achievement need. The culture ofwriting is focused on this advertisement.

    PersonalityThe brand is focuses consumer having ambitious, successful, high achiever, perfectionist, high

    expectations, and take charge. According to the trait theory the advertisement comes under

    consumer materialism. As we discussed earlier cultural writing is focused in this advertisement

    hence a low dogmatism is focused. In this advertisement consumers social need is fulfilled. It is

    appealing the visualizers as it makes the viewer to imagine as a use of luxury brand pen.

    Brand PersonalityThe brand is personified as sophisticated which has an upper class and charming. The

    personality of the brand is shown as luxury as it focuses on power (that is, Worlds most

    powerful weapon). The black color used is firstly associated with the pen and it is also associated

    with sophistication, power, and authority, which is rightly conveyed through the advertisement.

    Self and Self ImageConsidering self-image in this advertisement, ideal self-image is fulfilling by showing a luxury

    brand pen this advertisement. An actual self-image will be created in the mind of the customers

    as they have a specific brand image in their minds. In this advertisement a simple object is

    portrait that is a self-image of having a very powerful pen. It is also motivating others to be that

    powerful like another. This advertisement helps us to know what is and our actual self and helpsus to visualize the ideal image of the self which we want to create for our self.

  • 7/28/2019 Influences of Adverisements


    Consumer Behavior


    PerceptionThe first site of the advertisement makes us perceive that it is something about the luxury of a

    pen. The message of the advertisement is very clear by showing a pen and inkpot. The

    advertisement is exactly showing the image that has been developed on consumers mind to use a

    powerful pen by a luxury brand. It also makes us conclude that Parker pens are not only selling a

    pen but it is also sells a luxury powerful pen, which has a status in society.The sensory input is the advertisement, sensory receptor is the eye, and sensory function is to

    see. The tap of the advertisement is that worlds powerful chemical and the inkpot i s used as a

    motive, which completes entire story of the advertisement for viewers as the point of motivation

    perception. By seeing the advertisement only who gets motivated only they will read all the

    details it shows selective attention of consumer. This is creating connect between the product

    and the customers who wants luxury pen specially.

    The pen that is the motive is the figure and the image of inkpot is the ground. There is a

    particular grouping done in the advertisement by luxury. The closure principle is realized in this

    advertisement that pen can be the most powerful in the world. The stereotype of the

    advertisement that is any pen works same as another.

    Customer ImageryThe product has been positioned as a very effective one. It is creating a contemporary image in

    the mind of the customers. The message is very clear by the advertisement that the product is

    luxury and powerful. When the viewers look at such advertisements they develop a fantasy and

    start imagining as how would they feel if they were using such a product.

    LearningFirstly the consumers will be motivated to a very high extent only by reading the words used in

    the advertisement. This motivation is developed due to the cue (inkpot) and the words used. With

    the help of the motivation and the cues, customer will respond to the brand but, there be manysuch cues which a customer may go through so the chances of responding towards the

    advertisement becomes less. The product is differentiated from others it is portrayed as a weapon

    though being a pen. All this information will be learn by the viewer and he will do the screening

    and in this manner the message will be decoded. As it is reminder advertisement reinforcement

    will also take place. There are a lot of words used in this advertisement so the left side of the

    brain will analyze this reading and hence, there is a very high involvement and high retention


    Life StyleThe advertisement is portraying luxury and power. Hence, in this manner it is also connecting

    with the life style of the people. It inspires people to become more powerful like Ramnath

    Goenka and have a personality and life style like him.

  • 7/28/2019 Influences of Adverisements


    Consumer Behavior


    Vaseline: Bat

    This advertisement is considered as one of the most creative

    advertisement for Vaseline. It is stating all the uses of Vaseline and

    its application but in a very different manner. There had been acricket controversy where in Mr. Vaughan of England said that

    Indian batsman VVS Laxman had applied Vaseline on his bat to

    create confusions with the camera. When the advertisement was

    launched this controversy was in every bodies minds and the

    designer of this advertisement took the opportunity and created an

    advertisement which connected a cricket and Vaseline very well and

    at the same time it also said that the Indian cricketer was innocent

    and Vaseline had many other uses so other than application on the

    cricket bat. The reason why I created this advertisement was that I

    found it really very innovative; no one could have imagined such a

    print advertisement for Vaseline. It also connected with me ascricket is my favorite sport.

    MotivationThis advertisement is motivating ht e viewers by arousing acquired need to look good and have a

    rash free skin. It is also appealing the extrinsic need of the consumers as everyone wants to look

    good in front of other people in the society. The negative goal communicated by this

    advertisement is to reduce all the skin rashes and dryness of the skin by application of Vaseline.

    There are 2 positive goals firstly, to make the consumer look and feel good and secondly to

    communicate the message that the cricketers were innocent. Hence the rashes and other skin

    problems becomes the avoidance object and the feeling of looking good becomes the approachobject for this advertisement. The advertisement is completely product specific and it is

    motivating the viewer to but the product by communicating all its uses. The advertisement has a

    rational motive. According to Maslows theory the social needs of the consumer will be fulfilled

    by this product. The culture of cricket is taken into consideration. The advertisement is

    connecting and getting attention of even those people who are not interested in looking at such

    product. But, they would just have a look at it as a motive of a bat is used as cricket is liked by a

    large number of people in India.

    PersonalityThe consumers with a rational personality are appealed. A person who are perfectionist and

    wants to look perfect will also take a note of Vaseline. The sport loving personalities are alsofocused by this advertisement. A new target segment is created for the product only by involving

    the cricket element into the advertisement. The personalities of optimum stimulation level are

    also focused as such people prefer to be simple. Vaseline is a materialistic product hence

    consumer materialism is also focused on.

    Brand PersonalityA competent personality of the brand is created by this advertisement as it is saying that Vaseline

    is reliable and successful enough. Products like Vaseline are generally for women but with the

    cricket connection it has changed its personality for the male in the society also. The white color

    used in the background indicates goodness and purity of the product

  • 7/28/2019 Influences of Adverisements


    Consumer Behavior


    Self and Self ImageThis advertisement is selling the product through the self concept. The consumer will feel that it

    has created an ideal self image by using the product. They always think about what others are

    feeling about them. The advertisement has related skin problems with its solution.

    PerceptionThe first site of this advertisement would indicate that it something related to cricket as a bat is

    used as the figure. People may have perceived that it may be a cricket bat advertisement. But as

    we look further there is a small bottle of Vaseline in the bottom left which indicate that it cannot

    be anything about cricket but still the idea is not clear until we read all the details given adjacent

    to the figure.

    The sensory input is Vaseline and the advertisement, sensory receptor is the eye and the skin,

    and sensory function is to see and to touch. Main motive used in this advertisement is the bat

    with rashes which communicating a message that it needs a solution for its rashes. The cricket

    bat is used as a contrast. There is an indirect connection created between the rashes of the batand the rashes on the skin. The contrasting figures used in the advertisement produces a stimulus

    to inquire more about the product.

    The bat with rashes is used as the motive and the other details becomes the background of the

    advertisement. The principle of closure is applied as the incomplete information about the cricket

    controversy and Vaseline is clear in our minds now. Grouping is also used as all the information

    and uses of Vaseline is given in the advertisement.

    PositioningThe product Vaseline is positioned as an effective product. With this advertisement it has also

    changed its image as it clarifies that it is not used for the application on the bat. By looking at

    this advertisement people will create an imagination that if they will not use Vaseline, rashes will

    be there on their skin also like the cricket bat. Hence the advertisement is giving an opportunity

    visualize the usage of the product.

    LearningThe advertisement is motivating the consumers. It is has stated all the uses of Vaseline

    which becomes a learning for the viewers of the advertisement. The cricket bat and the

    details is the cue for the consumer to identify the product and consider it for purchasing.

    The consumer may or may not respond to the advertisement as they go through many such

    cues. But a person finding a solution for the rashes and the dry skin will surely take a note

    of this advertisement. All this information will be processed in the minds of the consumerand they will make a learning accordingly. The advertisement will have a high involvement

    of its customers as it is a print advertisement. It will have an active impact on the brain as

    the left side of the brain is used for analyzing the advertisement. The retention will also be


    Life StyleThe product does not affect the life style of the people as it is a very small product but still it is

    used by people in their routine to keep away with dry skin, rashes and other skin problems. With

    the cricket connect Vaseline have entered in a different manner in the life of the consumers.

  • 7/28/2019 Influences of Adverisements


    Consumer Behavior


    Kurkure: Houseful India ka Houseful Kurkure

    This advertisement for kurkure is very eye catchy as loud colors areused. The advertisement describes its target audience as the entire

    Indian population. It says that kurkure can be eaten by anybody in

    India. The bus depicts the over populated buses on the Indian road

    and also connects with the houseful word used in the advertisement.

    The word houseful also signifies that the quantity given in a packet

    is more and it also gives 20% extra. By saying teda hai par mera

    hai the advertisement wants to say that even though the shape of

    kurkure is crocked but still has the same Indian taste with which the

    consumer can feel one with India and its culture. The reason for

    selecting this advertisement is that it is showing the Indian culture.

    The overloaded bus and all the colors used in the advertisement are

    making it look very attractive.

    MotivationThe advertisement is arousing an innate need to eat food but at the same time it is focusing on

    intrinsic need of hunger. The advertisement is focusing on the acquired need of having a shack of

    a particular brand. It is directed towards a positive goal of eating very tangy and tasty food by

    showing 20% extra and in this advertisement no negative goal is described. The advertisement

    has a product specific goal and it has rational motive that is appealed to the viewers. This

    advertisement is arousing to create physiological need to the point of viewers. According to

    Maslows theory the advertisement appealing physiological and social need. The Indian cultureis shown by the over crowded bus in this advertisement and the Hindi language is also used to

    make the advertisement completely Indian.

    PersonalityAdvertisements are generally designs keeping in mind the personality traits of its target

    customers and in this advertisement rational, fun loving, lively, and easy going personality traits

    are focused from the point of viewers. The advertisement appealing a materialistic approach as

    we can eat any food if we are hungry but this is specially focusing on taking kurkure. It is

    making the consumers actually visualize by the teda (crossed) concept by portraying a

    crooked bus. The advertisement is focuses on the personality type with low dogmatism as such

    people are open minded and like to experiment with products.

    Brand PersonalityThe brand personalizes itself as an excitement. By looking at the advertisement we feel excited

    and also find details for the product and even tend to buy the product. The orange color firstly is

    the brand color and it is also symbolizes affordability to buy the product.

    Self and Self ImageThe consumer will compare its actual self with the ideal one if they want to be fun loving. They

    will start imaging themselves as they are having fun by eating Kurkure. It is encouraging the

    viewers to become crazier and enjoy their food to the fullest. The self image of the companyrightly goes with its tag line Teda hai par mera hai.

  • 7/28/2019 Influences of Adverisements


    Consumer Behavior


    PerceptionThe first site of the advertisement makes us perceive that it is something about food and it fulfills

    hanger. The massage of the advertisement is very clear by showing a packet of snack and the tag

    line is Teda hai par mea hai (with 20% Extra). The advertisement is exactly showing that it hassomething that fulfills hunger of viewers. The advertisement is showing an over crowed bus and

    the craziness of India so by seeing the advertisement we will starting imaging ourselves as we

    are having fun by eating Kurkure.

    The sensory inputs are advertisement and product and the other side sensory receptor is the eye

    and tongue and sensory function is to see and taste. The Kurkure packet is a motive used to

    identify the brand. The bus is also used to create a contrast and associate the product with India

    and Indians. Hence, the viewers who are hungry and finding options for eating will pay a lot of

    attention to such advertisements.

    The bus is the figure and the remaining objects in the advertisement are background of the

    advertisement. The principle of closure is used where the incomplete information is completed

    by the advertisement that is also giving 20% extra which the viewer may not know. While

    interpreting, there may be a stereotype behavior that such packed foods are not good for health.

    Customer ImageryKurkure is positioning itself as a fun loving brand, which exactly goes with the advertisement. It

    is influencing the mind of customers by buying a feeling of oneness with the product. When the

    viewers look at such advertisements they develop a fantasy and start imagining as how would

    they have fun by eating such type of food.


    The advertisement has motive for buying the Kurkure. The cue for this advertisement is theKurkure pack in the advertisement and the crooked shapes and images of the actual snack that

    stimulates the viewers to buy the Kurkure product. They are creating product discrimination by

    making a different look to the product. They even reinforce the product by giving 20% extra.

    The message is very clear from the advertisement and it can be easily encoded. There is passive

    learning as pictures are used more so that the involvement will be comparatively low.

    Life StyleThe advertisement is showing the changing trend and preferences of the people. The trend of

    eating packed snacks is increasing so the lifestyle is changing in the same manner. It is also

    encouraging to eat packed food and snacks.

  • 7/28/2019 Influences of Adverisements


    Consumer Behavior



    Schiffman L.G, Kanuk L. L. & Kumar S. R., 2010. Consumer Behavior. 10th. Pearson Education: Delhi,

    India. Pp. 89- 231, 312- 336.Dainik Bhaskar, n.d.Dainik Bhaskar Group launches Mosaic-2011. [online]

    Available at: [24th January2012].
