Infinity Gems



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Infinity Gems

Common Characteristics |

Time Gem |

Soul Gem |

Mind Gem |

Infinity Gauntlet |

Reality Gem |

Space Gem |

Power Gem

According to various sources namely Thanos of Titan (quoting from the infinity well) and the

soul gem itself the six infinity gems originally were one a singular being that was alone in all

creation The one being was all powerful since all that was was it This being grew tired of

its lonely existence and ended it From the ashes of this ending the multiverse came into

being and soon after so did the infinity gems The core of this beings might reincarnated the

infinity gems could hold sway over reality itself if used properly

Each of the gems in other words holds power over one aspect of existence Used

individually an infinity gem can make its wielder vastly powerful but used in tandem the

gems can make their wielder all powerful if he understands how to do so

Common Characteristics of the Infinity Gems

1 Intelligence

Though the infinity gems can do great thingstheir wielders most often cannot primarily

because the gems themselves are possessed of a frightening intelligence The gems pick and

choose who will wield them and can prevent those of weak prospects from doing so

If someone wants to wield an infinity gem (or all of them) and the gem resists the would-be

controller must pass a Psyche FEAT of intensity equal to the Psyche rank of the gem Once

this FEAT is made the gem may be used by the gems owner at will

Since the gems are formerly of one omnipotent mind I recommend the gems each have

Monstrous ranked Reason Intuition and Psyche scores it makes them dangerously smart but

still controllable by powerful characters even if the gem wishes otherwise

Additionally each of the gems has a unique personality one that oughtto be fleshed out by

the game Judge for example the soul gem is shown to have quite a malignant mindset

However the other gems arent neccesarily as dark Theyre probably quite manipulative


2 Use

Once hes gained the use of an infinity gem (whether by the gems choice what can the

would-be wielder do with it Again this depends on the gem The gem may reveal all of its

abilities to its wielder or only some of them (or maybe even none)

If the wielder knows that the gem is capable of certain things he may try to force these

powers into the open (using the psychic arm-wrestle detailed above) or convince it to do so

by helping it achieve its own ends (whatever they may be)

The power of each infinity gem is by definition infinite However I recommend that the

character using the gem be limited to his Psyche rank in use of the power(s) he has access to

This represents the safe level of power the character can access through the infinity gem

Should a character need to utilize more he can do so by passing a red Psyche FEAT roll

boosting the level of power he can use by +1 CS The character must make this roll each time

he intends to enhance the power he is using Failing this roll however may be disastrous

3 Loss of Control

A character can lose control of an infinity gem under two circumstances

he may try to use too much power at one time failing a red Psyche FEAT to use the gem at

+1 CS or he may try to use even more power than this Or the gem may rebel against him if

it is being uses against its will

In the case of attempting to using too much power the gem may simply fail to operate This is

usually the case when the character and the gem have a harmonious relationship If this isnt

the case the power being used may explode out of control in the worst possible way

If the infinity gem rebels it may do so because it has been forced to do the characters

bidding waiting for just the right time to strike

If the gem is working with a character willingly but he begins to act counter to the gems

wishes it may simply malfunction for a bit

In either event the character cannot use the gem until he gains control of its abilities again If

the gem is working with the character of its own will it will usually just let the character back

in charge Otherwise the character will have to regain control via another Psyche FEAT

Infinity Gem Descriptions

The Space Gem

The space gem was unknown as such until it came into the possession of the Runner another

Elder of the Universe He received the gems after Galactus battle with the In-Betweener and

kept it until Thanos took it away from him thanks to the time gem

After the infinity gauntlet affair the gem went to Pip the Troll who alternately stored it

between his toes and down his underwear He kept it for quite some time after that

This gem wields power over the fabric of space itself The space gem has had two known

wielders the Runner and Pip the Troll One used it mainly for teleportation andthe other

mainly to run real real fast Known powers of the space gem include


One of the most obvious aspects of the space gem is the ability it has to teleport It can

do so with power rank range unless the gem is working willingly with its owner in

this case the range is limited only by the imagination of its wielder

Teleport Others

Similarly the wielder of the space gem may teleport others in addition to himselfThe

range constraints of this power are the same as the power above and the holder of the

space gem may teleport a number of others equal to this power rank divided by ten

Space Warping

By manipulating the very fabric of space wielders of the space gem may simulate the

gravity manipulation power since gravity is by definition merely bends in space

caused by the presence of matter Power stunts must be developed normally

Distortion Field

On a similar note by wrapping him her itself in a constantly shifting space warp

the wielder of the space gem can generate a defense against attacks Incoming attacks

redirected by these bends in space suffer a -2 CS to hit

Dimensional Travel

Another use of the space gem is to traverse the myriad planes of existence Travel to a

familiar plane requires a green FEAT a plane the traveller has been to once or twice

can be reached on a yellow FEAT and unknown planes can be reached with a red

power FEAT

Hyper Speed

Rather than teleporting the wielder of the space gem may if he so desires simply

boost the speed of an existing form of travel He can boost the speed of said form of

travel up to this power rank or increase the original rank by +1 CS whichever is


The Time Gem

The Gardener was the first known being to wield the time gem He had it for several thousand

years until a chance encounter with the Stranger prompted him to discard the gem Using it in

battle made him feel all dirty inside

The gem wandered into mysterious hands for a little while until all six were recovered by the

Elders of the Universe to kill Galactus (see the soul gem story for more) After the In-

Betweener lost to Galactus the time gem returned to the Gardeners hands

And Thanos arrived to take it back from him Thanos used the gem on the Gardener killing

him with the microscopic plantlife within his body After the infinity gauntlet incident the

time gem passed to gamora who has slowly learned how to use its many talents

This gem wields power over the dimensions of time The gem has had two known wielders in

the past Gamora and the Gardener Both have had only minimal access to the true power of

this gem some of which are described below

Time Travel

The gem can traverse time easily moving forwards in time a number of years equal to

the power rank times ten and backwards in time a number of years equal to the power

rank times one thousand If the gem is working willingly with its owner there is no

range limits

Temporal Window

The gem can be used to peer into other times or timelines No temporal period is

immune to this viewing nor are any divergent or variant timelines The trick is finding

something specific to look for (success determined with a successful power FEAT)


The gem can be used to alter the age of either the wielder or another being altering

their age by a number of years equal to this power rank However beings cannot have

their age altered to a number less than zero

Suspended Animation

The gem can halt biological functions completelyby placing a target in a null-time

bubble a bubble that will last until the target is released If unwilling the target may

resist by pasing an Endurance FEAT against the current power rank of this power

Parallel Travel

The gem can be used to travel sideways through timecrossing the infinite stream of

variant timelines Characters can find truly parallel worlds with a green FEAT slightly

different timelines with a yellow FEAT and vastly different worlds with a red FEAT


By focusing the gem upon himself the wielder of the time gem can acquire power

rank longevity As presented in Dragon Magazine this power will enhance the

characters lifespan to a degree determined by the following formula Eventual

Lifespan = (normal lifespan- current age) x power rank cubed

Mind Gem

The first known user of the mind gem was the Kree Supreme Intelligence He claimed a Kree

patrol found the trinket and used it to absorb the soul of the Silver Surfer

When he absorbed the Surfers soul the Silver Surfer ended up having to battle the Supreme

Intelligence within its own mind Furthermore he was using it to control the various factions

of Kree brains within itself The evidence is great He had the mind gem not the soul gem

The Surfer took it from the Intelligence driving it mad as the minds of blue and pink Kree

battled each other for dominance The Surfer then turned the gem over to the Elders as they

held Shalla Bal and Mantis hostage for it

The mind gem went through the same black hole with the other gems (see above) and when

the Elders fled Galactus the Grand Master held the mind gem He lost a gamble with the

Champion for it wagering against Galactus in the cosmic beings battle but still holds it


He kept it until Thanos came to take it from him terminally I guess his death is not

permanent but the Grand Master did die After the infinity gauntlet affair Moondragon used

the mind gem to great effect enhancing her already signifigant psionic powers

This gem wields power over the minds of other beings It has known the following wielders in

the past Moondragon and the GrandMaster It has many mental abilities not all of which are

limited to the minds of others


The mind gem allows the wielder to converse with anyone via a direct mental link

within the power ranks range Should the gem be working willingly with its wielder

this limitation is ignored and the wielder can mentally contact anyone anywhere


Similarly the holder of the mind gem can use his awareness of others to track their

psionic signature Green FEATs are required for folks familiar to the gem holder

yellow FEATs are needed for those less familiar and red FEATs are needed for

unfamiliar folks

Mind Probe

The gem holder can probe the mind of other sentient to search for any information

desired Unless the target of such a probe is willing (and who ever is) he

automatically gets a Psyche FEAT roll to resist the probe even if he is unaware of the

probe attempt

Sensory Link

Rrather than bluntly probe the mind of another the wielder of the mind gem may

simply eavesdrop on the sensory input of other beings This is usually a trouble-free

process as the target of this power wont realize it is happening without passing a red

Reason FEAT

Mind Control

With this ability the wielder of the mind gem can override the will of others causing

them to do things they normally would not do The target is allowed a Psyche FEAT

roll against the intensity of this power to resist mind control

Mind Blast

With this ability the wielder of the mind gem can blast the mind of others with raw

psionic power causing power rank damage to the victims neural system As with a

mind probe the would-be victim is allowed a Psyche FEAT roll to shrug off the

effects of this power


The mind gem can be used to psionically affect any object without actual contact The

gem can affect an amount of weight equal to this powers current rank although

unwilling victims may make a Strength FEAT roll against the intensity of this power

rank to resist

The Soul Gem

To start with this gem was known to be held by the High Evolutionary who gave it to Adam

Warlock in order to help him rid his counter-earth of all evil Adam did and kept the gem for

his troubles Since the gem is generally known to be rather evil one could see why the High

Evolutionary wouldnt take too much issue with this

Anyway Adam wielded the gem until Thanos killed him and took it for himself The Titan

used the six gems to build a universe-smashing gem of immense size (as big as a bean bag)

but got dead The gems then dispersed across the cosmos except for the soul gem

Captain Mar-Vell put it on his grave as a final respect until the Gardener came along and

stole it to replace his discarded time gem Hmmm The elder held onto it until he got eaten by

Galactus and the gem fell through a black hole with several Elders of the Universe

When the Silver Surfer came looking for the gems for Galactus (with Sue and Reed

Richards) the In-Betweener seized the soul gem and used it in his battle with Galactus The

In-Betweener lost and got imprisoned by Lord Chaos and Master Order for his troubles

Ressurected by Lady Death to destroy half the universes teeming life Thanos looked for an

expedient way to do so Peering into the Infinity Well he found out the true secret of the

infinity gems and came to take the gems from those who held them

Thanos started with the In-Betweener since Death didnt like him after the being forced him

her it to kill several of the Elders recently Making short work of the braggart Thanos

seized the soul gem and left the In-Betweener to his fate

After the infinity gauntlet debacle Adam Warlock was alive again (as all good Marvel heroes

never say die) and got his Soul Gem back He kept it until the Magus temporarily stole it

from Warlock (with all but the reality gem)

Adam of course got it back again and kept it until the infinity crusade Thanos used it for a

brief time during the infinity crusade but Adam has had the gem ever since

This gem wields power over the souls of sentient beings The following list of abilities are the

documented applications of the soul gem Though this item no doubt has many more abilities

these are those that have been seen in the past

Karmic Blast

This power can be used to disrupt ones anima center inflicting either power rank

damage to ones mind (per a mind blast) or act as a stunning attack A would-be

victim is allowed a Psyche FEAT roll of an intensity equal to this power rank to


Spirit Sense

The soul gem can be used to sense other sentient beings in order to a) track someone

known to the wielder or b) determine the presence of other people via the presence of

the soul within them (including astral bodies)

Internal Limbo

The soul gem itself either contains or is the doorway to a pocket dimension of the

largest size (not infinite but really really big) This reality can be used to store as

many souls as the wielder likes for an indefinite period of time

Soul Absorption

The soul gem can be used to literally absorb the soul of another storing it in the

pocket dimension inside itself While so holding a soul the wielder can make use of

any talent said soul may have had knowledge of


One of the stranger powers of the soul gem this ability allows the wielder to reverse

artificially induced evolution This doesnt seem to fit in the general class of powers

this gem seems to hold but there you go


Using the soul gem the wielder can understand the spoken languages of others and

communicate with others in their own tongues as well

The Reality Gem

The reality gem was not known to be such until the conflict between Galactus and the In-

Betweener was over When the Elders fled the Collector held the reality gem but could never

figure out what it was He did so when Thanos traded it for the infant form of the Runner

Thanos kept the reality gem until it was taken from him in the infinity gauntlet affair and then

got it back shortly thereafter Adam Warlock gave it to him for safe keeping So he was

technically a member of the Infinity Watch

This gem holds sway over reality itself Perhaps the most difficult gem to explain and or

codify this powerful artifact allows one to alter or even ignore laws of physics as we know

them The probable scope of the reality gems abilities are listed here

Reality Manipulation

This far reaching power allows the wielder of the reality gem to muck with the laws of

reality themselves The gem may modify or repeal aspects of a causality as he see fits

within this powers range (table C in the UPB) Any changes made will last for a

maximum number of turns equal to the power rank unless the gem wielder is

specifically concentrating on maintaining the alteration When the change is no longer

maintained normal reality will bounce back into place at once However if the reality

gem is working harmoniously with its wielder it may be convinced to make some

small changes permanent This will only be a change affecting a single person object

or (small) location and will only occur if the change is allowed by the game Judge

As once can guess this power includes aspects of the following powers

o Molecular Creation Conversion

o Matter Animation

o Probability Manipulation

o most of the power control and rule bending powers

o and most other powers not covered by the other infinity gems

Casual changes are not necessarily lethal as folks within the distorted area of reality are

changed alongside their reality However the gem wielder may specifically exclude them

from the reality change and they will thus take power rank damage each round within the

altered area

In fact one clever use of this gem is to target a specific person with a reality altering aura for

a mere second the resultant reality hiccup carrying a powerful stunning effect as the brain of

the victim rebels against the altered reality before it

The Power Gem

The power gem was not known to be such until the conflict between Galactus and the In-

Betweener was over When the Elders fled Champion held the power gem but didnt realize

it until Thanos tricked it away from him

Thanos held the power gem until after the infinity gauntlet affair as it passed to Drax the

Destroyer He has kept it since

This gem is a source of Power truly infinite in scope The gem has the ability to draw power

from the totality of existence itself and is the exception to the rules of how the other infinity

gems work Probable abilities of the power gem include

Energy Generation

A source of infinite power the power gem can be used to emit energy of an intensity

equal to the current power rank This may energy may come in any form the gem

wielder desires but will be in a raw unfocused state

Energy Manipulation

The gem can also be used to control energy The power gem can manipulate any form

of energy at the current power rank and can be used to control energies it generates at

+1 CS Any power stunts must developed normally

Energy Sponge

With his control over energy the holder of the power gem is rarely affected by

harmful energies The gem can be used to simply absorb any offending energy attack

up to a rank equal to the current power rank per use of the power This energy is

normally redistributed across the cosmos so the character need not worry about

absorbing too much energy However the gem wielder can retain the sponged energy

for immediate use within himself but is then subject to the limitations of this power


The power gem can be used to change one form of energy into another The intensity

of the FEAT roll is equal to the rank of the energy to be changed with an obvious

maximum of the current power rank +1 CS Energy so changed will be -1 CS less

powerful than before


By channeling the power of this gem into ones body the gem can be used to augment

ones natural physiology promoting healing The gem essentially allows a character to

regenerate healing at a rate determined by the current power rank

Power Enhancement

By tapping the power of this gem the wielder may increase any power rank (or his

Strength) to the gems current power rank or the power rank +1 CS (whichever is

higher) This enhancement lasts as long as the gem wielder wills it

The Infinity Gauntlet

When brought together the infinity gems can be used in concert allowing their wielder power

over all However the wielder of the gems must know he is able to do so otherwise the gems

will work independently of one another

For instance the first time Thanos collected all the infinity gems he simply used them as a

source of raw power The same occurred when he who is known as the In-betweener nabbed

all six gems as he too was unaware of the gems true nature

However after Thanos figured out the gems dark secret he became truly dangerous as he

had the fate of the universe in his hands Of course since the Infinity Gauntlet War

Crusade debacle many folks know of the gems true power and can now attempt to use them

in concert

That is of course unless you consider the edict of the Living Tribunal who declared the

infinity gems may never again be used as one A tricky fellow may find a means of avoiding

this ruling however so the infinity gauntlet is prevented below

Known Powers

When combined all six infinity gems hold sway over all as they can be used to do anything

If the holder of the Infinity Gauntlet does not understand its true nature he can operate the

gems as if they were using them by themselves as is described above

If the character knows the truth about the gems he may use them as one The first round a

character does so his use of the gauntlet should be limited to his Reason Intuition or Psyche

rank (whichever is higher) representing the characters limited understanding of infinity

As he practices using the gauntlet this rank will increase steadily until the wielder can do

anything and everything he desires By making a red Reason FEAT the character can gain a

greater understanding of the gauntlet and raise his effective power rank by +1 CS

This process will continue until the character reaches Beyond rank in the use of the infinity

gauntlet At this point he is omniscient and omnipotent and is (in effect) undefeatable Only

blatant stupidity on the part of the gauntlet wielder can make him lose it

Incomplete Infinity Gauntlet

If someone doesnt have all six infinity gems he can still use them in concert if he knows that

he can of course For each additional gem a body holds the effective rank of usage with each

gems effects is increased by +1 CS for that person

Furthermore the effects of each gem can overlap A body can use this to his advantage

combining the influence of the gems to control more of existence than before The

possibilities are near endless but not as great as those available to one who has all six gems

If the wielder knows that the gem is capable of certain things he may try to force these

powers into the open (using the psychic arm-wrestle detailed above) or convince it to do so

by helping it achieve its own ends (whatever they may be)

The power of each infinity gem is by definition infinite However I recommend that the

character using the gem be limited to his Psyche rank in use of the power(s) he has access to

This represents the safe level of power the character can access through the infinity gem

Should a character need to utilize more he can do so by passing a red Psyche FEAT roll

boosting the level of power he can use by +1 CS The character must make this roll each time

he intends to enhance the power he is using Failing this roll however may be disastrous

3 Loss of Control

A character can lose control of an infinity gem under two circumstances

he may try to use too much power at one time failing a red Psyche FEAT to use the gem at

+1 CS or he may try to use even more power than this Or the gem may rebel against him if

it is being uses against its will

In the case of attempting to using too much power the gem may simply fail to operate This is

usually the case when the character and the gem have a harmonious relationship If this isnt

the case the power being used may explode out of control in the worst possible way

If the infinity gem rebels it may do so because it has been forced to do the characters

bidding waiting for just the right time to strike

If the gem is working with a character willingly but he begins to act counter to the gems

wishes it may simply malfunction for a bit

In either event the character cannot use the gem until he gains control of its abilities again If

the gem is working with the character of its own will it will usually just let the character back

in charge Otherwise the character will have to regain control via another Psyche FEAT

Infinity Gem Descriptions

The Space Gem

The space gem was unknown as such until it came into the possession of the Runner another

Elder of the Universe He received the gems after Galactus battle with the In-Betweener and

kept it until Thanos took it away from him thanks to the time gem

After the infinity gauntlet affair the gem went to Pip the Troll who alternately stored it

between his toes and down his underwear He kept it for quite some time after that

This gem wields power over the fabric of space itself The space gem has had two known

wielders the Runner and Pip the Troll One used it mainly for teleportation andthe other

mainly to run real real fast Known powers of the space gem include


One of the most obvious aspects of the space gem is the ability it has to teleport It can

do so with power rank range unless the gem is working willingly with its owner in

this case the range is limited only by the imagination of its wielder

Teleport Others

Similarly the wielder of the space gem may teleport others in addition to himselfThe

range constraints of this power are the same as the power above and the holder of the

space gem may teleport a number of others equal to this power rank divided by ten

Space Warping

By manipulating the very fabric of space wielders of the space gem may simulate the

gravity manipulation power since gravity is by definition merely bends in space

caused by the presence of matter Power stunts must be developed normally

Distortion Field

On a similar note by wrapping him her itself in a constantly shifting space warp

the wielder of the space gem can generate a defense against attacks Incoming attacks

redirected by these bends in space suffer a -2 CS to hit

Dimensional Travel

Another use of the space gem is to traverse the myriad planes of existence Travel to a

familiar plane requires a green FEAT a plane the traveller has been to once or twice

can be reached on a yellow FEAT and unknown planes can be reached with a red

power FEAT

Hyper Speed

Rather than teleporting the wielder of the space gem may if he so desires simply

boost the speed of an existing form of travel He can boost the speed of said form of

travel up to this power rank or increase the original rank by +1 CS whichever is


The Time Gem

The Gardener was the first known being to wield the time gem He had it for several thousand

years until a chance encounter with the Stranger prompted him to discard the gem Using it in

battle made him feel all dirty inside

The gem wandered into mysterious hands for a little while until all six were recovered by the

Elders of the Universe to kill Galactus (see the soul gem story for more) After the In-

Betweener lost to Galactus the time gem returned to the Gardeners hands

And Thanos arrived to take it back from him Thanos used the gem on the Gardener killing

him with the microscopic plantlife within his body After the infinity gauntlet incident the

time gem passed to gamora who has slowly learned how to use its many talents

This gem wields power over the dimensions of time The gem has had two known wielders in

the past Gamora and the Gardener Both have had only minimal access to the true power of

this gem some of which are described below

Time Travel

The gem can traverse time easily moving forwards in time a number of years equal to

the power rank times ten and backwards in time a number of years equal to the power

rank times one thousand If the gem is working willingly with its owner there is no

range limits

Temporal Window

The gem can be used to peer into other times or timelines No temporal period is

immune to this viewing nor are any divergent or variant timelines The trick is finding

something specific to look for (success determined with a successful power FEAT)


The gem can be used to alter the age of either the wielder or another being altering

their age by a number of years equal to this power rank However beings cannot have

their age altered to a number less than zero

Suspended Animation

The gem can halt biological functions completelyby placing a target in a null-time

bubble a bubble that will last until the target is released If unwilling the target may

resist by pasing an Endurance FEAT against the current power rank of this power

Parallel Travel

The gem can be used to travel sideways through timecrossing the infinite stream of

variant timelines Characters can find truly parallel worlds with a green FEAT slightly

different timelines with a yellow FEAT and vastly different worlds with a red FEAT


By focusing the gem upon himself the wielder of the time gem can acquire power

rank longevity As presented in Dragon Magazine this power will enhance the

characters lifespan to a degree determined by the following formula Eventual

Lifespan = (normal lifespan- current age) x power rank cubed

Mind Gem

The first known user of the mind gem was the Kree Supreme Intelligence He claimed a Kree

patrol found the trinket and used it to absorb the soul of the Silver Surfer

When he absorbed the Surfers soul the Silver Surfer ended up having to battle the Supreme

Intelligence within its own mind Furthermore he was using it to control the various factions

of Kree brains within itself The evidence is great He had the mind gem not the soul gem

The Surfer took it from the Intelligence driving it mad as the minds of blue and pink Kree

battled each other for dominance The Surfer then turned the gem over to the Elders as they

held Shalla Bal and Mantis hostage for it

The mind gem went through the same black hole with the other gems (see above) and when

the Elders fled Galactus the Grand Master held the mind gem He lost a gamble with the

Champion for it wagering against Galactus in the cosmic beings battle but still holds it


He kept it until Thanos came to take it from him terminally I guess his death is not

permanent but the Grand Master did die After the infinity gauntlet affair Moondragon used

the mind gem to great effect enhancing her already signifigant psionic powers

This gem wields power over the minds of other beings It has known the following wielders in

the past Moondragon and the GrandMaster It has many mental abilities not all of which are

limited to the minds of others


The mind gem allows the wielder to converse with anyone via a direct mental link

within the power ranks range Should the gem be working willingly with its wielder

this limitation is ignored and the wielder can mentally contact anyone anywhere


Similarly the holder of the mind gem can use his awareness of others to track their

psionic signature Green FEATs are required for folks familiar to the gem holder

yellow FEATs are needed for those less familiar and red FEATs are needed for

unfamiliar folks

Mind Probe

The gem holder can probe the mind of other sentient to search for any information

desired Unless the target of such a probe is willing (and who ever is) he

automatically gets a Psyche FEAT roll to resist the probe even if he is unaware of the

probe attempt

Sensory Link

Rrather than bluntly probe the mind of another the wielder of the mind gem may

simply eavesdrop on the sensory input of other beings This is usually a trouble-free

process as the target of this power wont realize it is happening without passing a red

Reason FEAT

Mind Control

With this ability the wielder of the mind gem can override the will of others causing

them to do things they normally would not do The target is allowed a Psyche FEAT

roll against the intensity of this power to resist mind control

Mind Blast

With this ability the wielder of the mind gem can blast the mind of others with raw

psionic power causing power rank damage to the victims neural system As with a

mind probe the would-be victim is allowed a Psyche FEAT roll to shrug off the

effects of this power


The mind gem can be used to psionically affect any object without actual contact The

gem can affect an amount of weight equal to this powers current rank although

unwilling victims may make a Strength FEAT roll against the intensity of this power

rank to resist

The Soul Gem

To start with this gem was known to be held by the High Evolutionary who gave it to Adam

Warlock in order to help him rid his counter-earth of all evil Adam did and kept the gem for

his troubles Since the gem is generally known to be rather evil one could see why the High

Evolutionary wouldnt take too much issue with this

Anyway Adam wielded the gem until Thanos killed him and took it for himself The Titan

used the six gems to build a universe-smashing gem of immense size (as big as a bean bag)

but got dead The gems then dispersed across the cosmos except for the soul gem

Captain Mar-Vell put it on his grave as a final respect until the Gardener came along and

stole it to replace his discarded time gem Hmmm The elder held onto it until he got eaten by

Galactus and the gem fell through a black hole with several Elders of the Universe

When the Silver Surfer came looking for the gems for Galactus (with Sue and Reed

Richards) the In-Betweener seized the soul gem and used it in his battle with Galactus The

In-Betweener lost and got imprisoned by Lord Chaos and Master Order for his troubles

Ressurected by Lady Death to destroy half the universes teeming life Thanos looked for an

expedient way to do so Peering into the Infinity Well he found out the true secret of the

infinity gems and came to take the gems from those who held them

Thanos started with the In-Betweener since Death didnt like him after the being forced him

her it to kill several of the Elders recently Making short work of the braggart Thanos

seized the soul gem and left the In-Betweener to his fate

After the infinity gauntlet debacle Adam Warlock was alive again (as all good Marvel heroes

never say die) and got his Soul Gem back He kept it until the Magus temporarily stole it

from Warlock (with all but the reality gem)

Adam of course got it back again and kept it until the infinity crusade Thanos used it for a

brief time during the infinity crusade but Adam has had the gem ever since

This gem wields power over the souls of sentient beings The following list of abilities are the

documented applications of the soul gem Though this item no doubt has many more abilities

these are those that have been seen in the past

Karmic Blast

This power can be used to disrupt ones anima center inflicting either power rank

damage to ones mind (per a mind blast) or act as a stunning attack A would-be

victim is allowed a Psyche FEAT roll of an intensity equal to this power rank to


Spirit Sense

The soul gem can be used to sense other sentient beings in order to a) track someone

known to the wielder or b) determine the presence of other people via the presence of

the soul within them (including astral bodies)

Internal Limbo

The soul gem itself either contains or is the doorway to a pocket dimension of the

largest size (not infinite but really really big) This reality can be used to store as

many souls as the wielder likes for an indefinite period of time

Soul Absorption

The soul gem can be used to literally absorb the soul of another storing it in the

pocket dimension inside itself While so holding a soul the wielder can make use of

any talent said soul may have had knowledge of


One of the stranger powers of the soul gem this ability allows the wielder to reverse

artificially induced evolution This doesnt seem to fit in the general class of powers

this gem seems to hold but there you go


Using the soul gem the wielder can understand the spoken languages of others and

communicate with others in their own tongues as well

The Reality Gem

The reality gem was not known to be such until the conflict between Galactus and the In-

Betweener was over When the Elders fled the Collector held the reality gem but could never

figure out what it was He did so when Thanos traded it for the infant form of the Runner

Thanos kept the reality gem until it was taken from him in the infinity gauntlet affair and then

got it back shortly thereafter Adam Warlock gave it to him for safe keeping So he was

technically a member of the Infinity Watch

This gem holds sway over reality itself Perhaps the most difficult gem to explain and or

codify this powerful artifact allows one to alter or even ignore laws of physics as we know

them The probable scope of the reality gems abilities are listed here

Reality Manipulation

This far reaching power allows the wielder of the reality gem to muck with the laws of

reality themselves The gem may modify or repeal aspects of a causality as he see fits

within this powers range (table C in the UPB) Any changes made will last for a

maximum number of turns equal to the power rank unless the gem wielder is

specifically concentrating on maintaining the alteration When the change is no longer

maintained normal reality will bounce back into place at once However if the reality

gem is working harmoniously with its wielder it may be convinced to make some

small changes permanent This will only be a change affecting a single person object

or (small) location and will only occur if the change is allowed by the game Judge

As once can guess this power includes aspects of the following powers

o Molecular Creation Conversion

o Matter Animation

o Probability Manipulation

o most of the power control and rule bending powers

o and most other powers not covered by the other infinity gems

Casual changes are not necessarily lethal as folks within the distorted area of reality are

changed alongside their reality However the gem wielder may specifically exclude them

from the reality change and they will thus take power rank damage each round within the

altered area

In fact one clever use of this gem is to target a specific person with a reality altering aura for

a mere second the resultant reality hiccup carrying a powerful stunning effect as the brain of

the victim rebels against the altered reality before it

The Power Gem

The power gem was not known to be such until the conflict between Galactus and the In-

Betweener was over When the Elders fled Champion held the power gem but didnt realize

it until Thanos tricked it away from him

Thanos held the power gem until after the infinity gauntlet affair as it passed to Drax the

Destroyer He has kept it since

This gem is a source of Power truly infinite in scope The gem has the ability to draw power

from the totality of existence itself and is the exception to the rules of how the other infinity

gems work Probable abilities of the power gem include

Energy Generation

A source of infinite power the power gem can be used to emit energy of an intensity

equal to the current power rank This may energy may come in any form the gem

wielder desires but will be in a raw unfocused state

Energy Manipulation

The gem can also be used to control energy The power gem can manipulate any form

of energy at the current power rank and can be used to control energies it generates at

+1 CS Any power stunts must developed normally

Energy Sponge

With his control over energy the holder of the power gem is rarely affected by

harmful energies The gem can be used to simply absorb any offending energy attack

up to a rank equal to the current power rank per use of the power This energy is

normally redistributed across the cosmos so the character need not worry about

absorbing too much energy However the gem wielder can retain the sponged energy

for immediate use within himself but is then subject to the limitations of this power


The power gem can be used to change one form of energy into another The intensity

of the FEAT roll is equal to the rank of the energy to be changed with an obvious

maximum of the current power rank +1 CS Energy so changed will be -1 CS less

powerful than before


By channeling the power of this gem into ones body the gem can be used to augment

ones natural physiology promoting healing The gem essentially allows a character to

regenerate healing at a rate determined by the current power rank

Power Enhancement

By tapping the power of this gem the wielder may increase any power rank (or his

Strength) to the gems current power rank or the power rank +1 CS (whichever is

higher) This enhancement lasts as long as the gem wielder wills it

The Infinity Gauntlet

When brought together the infinity gems can be used in concert allowing their wielder power

over all However the wielder of the gems must know he is able to do so otherwise the gems

will work independently of one another

For instance the first time Thanos collected all the infinity gems he simply used them as a

source of raw power The same occurred when he who is known as the In-betweener nabbed

all six gems as he too was unaware of the gems true nature

However after Thanos figured out the gems dark secret he became truly dangerous as he

had the fate of the universe in his hands Of course since the Infinity Gauntlet War

Crusade debacle many folks know of the gems true power and can now attempt to use them

in concert

That is of course unless you consider the edict of the Living Tribunal who declared the

infinity gems may never again be used as one A tricky fellow may find a means of avoiding

this ruling however so the infinity gauntlet is prevented below

Known Powers

When combined all six infinity gems hold sway over all as they can be used to do anything

If the holder of the Infinity Gauntlet does not understand its true nature he can operate the

gems as if they were using them by themselves as is described above

If the character knows the truth about the gems he may use them as one The first round a

character does so his use of the gauntlet should be limited to his Reason Intuition or Psyche

rank (whichever is higher) representing the characters limited understanding of infinity

As he practices using the gauntlet this rank will increase steadily until the wielder can do

anything and everything he desires By making a red Reason FEAT the character can gain a

greater understanding of the gauntlet and raise his effective power rank by +1 CS

This process will continue until the character reaches Beyond rank in the use of the infinity

gauntlet At this point he is omniscient and omnipotent and is (in effect) undefeatable Only

blatant stupidity on the part of the gauntlet wielder can make him lose it

Incomplete Infinity Gauntlet

If someone doesnt have all six infinity gems he can still use them in concert if he knows that

he can of course For each additional gem a body holds the effective rank of usage with each

gems effects is increased by +1 CS for that person

Furthermore the effects of each gem can overlap A body can use this to his advantage

combining the influence of the gems to control more of existence than before The

possibilities are near endless but not as great as those available to one who has all six gems

One of the most obvious aspects of the space gem is the ability it has to teleport It can

do so with power rank range unless the gem is working willingly with its owner in

this case the range is limited only by the imagination of its wielder

Teleport Others

Similarly the wielder of the space gem may teleport others in addition to himselfThe

range constraints of this power are the same as the power above and the holder of the

space gem may teleport a number of others equal to this power rank divided by ten

Space Warping

By manipulating the very fabric of space wielders of the space gem may simulate the

gravity manipulation power since gravity is by definition merely bends in space

caused by the presence of matter Power stunts must be developed normally

Distortion Field

On a similar note by wrapping him her itself in a constantly shifting space warp

the wielder of the space gem can generate a defense against attacks Incoming attacks

redirected by these bends in space suffer a -2 CS to hit

Dimensional Travel

Another use of the space gem is to traverse the myriad planes of existence Travel to a

familiar plane requires a green FEAT a plane the traveller has been to once or twice

can be reached on a yellow FEAT and unknown planes can be reached with a red

power FEAT

Hyper Speed

Rather than teleporting the wielder of the space gem may if he so desires simply

boost the speed of an existing form of travel He can boost the speed of said form of

travel up to this power rank or increase the original rank by +1 CS whichever is


The Time Gem

The Gardener was the first known being to wield the time gem He had it for several thousand

years until a chance encounter with the Stranger prompted him to discard the gem Using it in

battle made him feel all dirty inside

The gem wandered into mysterious hands for a little while until all six were recovered by the

Elders of the Universe to kill Galactus (see the soul gem story for more) After the In-

Betweener lost to Galactus the time gem returned to the Gardeners hands

And Thanos arrived to take it back from him Thanos used the gem on the Gardener killing

him with the microscopic plantlife within his body After the infinity gauntlet incident the

time gem passed to gamora who has slowly learned how to use its many talents

This gem wields power over the dimensions of time The gem has had two known wielders in

the past Gamora and the Gardener Both have had only minimal access to the true power of

this gem some of which are described below

Time Travel

The gem can traverse time easily moving forwards in time a number of years equal to

the power rank times ten and backwards in time a number of years equal to the power

rank times one thousand If the gem is working willingly with its owner there is no

range limits

Temporal Window

The gem can be used to peer into other times or timelines No temporal period is

immune to this viewing nor are any divergent or variant timelines The trick is finding

something specific to look for (success determined with a successful power FEAT)


The gem can be used to alter the age of either the wielder or another being altering

their age by a number of years equal to this power rank However beings cannot have

their age altered to a number less than zero

Suspended Animation

The gem can halt biological functions completelyby placing a target in a null-time

bubble a bubble that will last until the target is released If unwilling the target may

resist by pasing an Endurance FEAT against the current power rank of this power

Parallel Travel

The gem can be used to travel sideways through timecrossing the infinite stream of

variant timelines Characters can find truly parallel worlds with a green FEAT slightly

different timelines with a yellow FEAT and vastly different worlds with a red FEAT


By focusing the gem upon himself the wielder of the time gem can acquire power

rank longevity As presented in Dragon Magazine this power will enhance the

characters lifespan to a degree determined by the following formula Eventual

Lifespan = (normal lifespan- current age) x power rank cubed

Mind Gem

The first known user of the mind gem was the Kree Supreme Intelligence He claimed a Kree

patrol found the trinket and used it to absorb the soul of the Silver Surfer

When he absorbed the Surfers soul the Silver Surfer ended up having to battle the Supreme

Intelligence within its own mind Furthermore he was using it to control the various factions

of Kree brains within itself The evidence is great He had the mind gem not the soul gem

The Surfer took it from the Intelligence driving it mad as the minds of blue and pink Kree

battled each other for dominance The Surfer then turned the gem over to the Elders as they

held Shalla Bal and Mantis hostage for it

The mind gem went through the same black hole with the other gems (see above) and when

the Elders fled Galactus the Grand Master held the mind gem He lost a gamble with the

Champion for it wagering against Galactus in the cosmic beings battle but still holds it


He kept it until Thanos came to take it from him terminally I guess his death is not

permanent but the Grand Master did die After the infinity gauntlet affair Moondragon used

the mind gem to great effect enhancing her already signifigant psionic powers

This gem wields power over the minds of other beings It has known the following wielders in

the past Moondragon and the GrandMaster It has many mental abilities not all of which are

limited to the minds of others


The mind gem allows the wielder to converse with anyone via a direct mental link

within the power ranks range Should the gem be working willingly with its wielder

this limitation is ignored and the wielder can mentally contact anyone anywhere


Similarly the holder of the mind gem can use his awareness of others to track their

psionic signature Green FEATs are required for folks familiar to the gem holder

yellow FEATs are needed for those less familiar and red FEATs are needed for

unfamiliar folks

Mind Probe

The gem holder can probe the mind of other sentient to search for any information

desired Unless the target of such a probe is willing (and who ever is) he

automatically gets a Psyche FEAT roll to resist the probe even if he is unaware of the

probe attempt

Sensory Link

Rrather than bluntly probe the mind of another the wielder of the mind gem may

simply eavesdrop on the sensory input of other beings This is usually a trouble-free

process as the target of this power wont realize it is happening without passing a red

Reason FEAT

Mind Control

With this ability the wielder of the mind gem can override the will of others causing

them to do things they normally would not do The target is allowed a Psyche FEAT

roll against the intensity of this power to resist mind control

Mind Blast

With this ability the wielder of the mind gem can blast the mind of others with raw

psionic power causing power rank damage to the victims neural system As with a

mind probe the would-be victim is allowed a Psyche FEAT roll to shrug off the

effects of this power


The mind gem can be used to psionically affect any object without actual contact The

gem can affect an amount of weight equal to this powers current rank although

unwilling victims may make a Strength FEAT roll against the intensity of this power

rank to resist

The Soul Gem

To start with this gem was known to be held by the High Evolutionary who gave it to Adam

Warlock in order to help him rid his counter-earth of all evil Adam did and kept the gem for

his troubles Since the gem is generally known to be rather evil one could see why the High

Evolutionary wouldnt take too much issue with this

Anyway Adam wielded the gem until Thanos killed him and took it for himself The Titan

used the six gems to build a universe-smashing gem of immense size (as big as a bean bag)

but got dead The gems then dispersed across the cosmos except for the soul gem

Captain Mar-Vell put it on his grave as a final respect until the Gardener came along and

stole it to replace his discarded time gem Hmmm The elder held onto it until he got eaten by

Galactus and the gem fell through a black hole with several Elders of the Universe

When the Silver Surfer came looking for the gems for Galactus (with Sue and Reed

Richards) the In-Betweener seized the soul gem and used it in his battle with Galactus The

In-Betweener lost and got imprisoned by Lord Chaos and Master Order for his troubles

Ressurected by Lady Death to destroy half the universes teeming life Thanos looked for an

expedient way to do so Peering into the Infinity Well he found out the true secret of the

infinity gems and came to take the gems from those who held them

Thanos started with the In-Betweener since Death didnt like him after the being forced him

her it to kill several of the Elders recently Making short work of the braggart Thanos

seized the soul gem and left the In-Betweener to his fate

After the infinity gauntlet debacle Adam Warlock was alive again (as all good Marvel heroes

never say die) and got his Soul Gem back He kept it until the Magus temporarily stole it

from Warlock (with all but the reality gem)

Adam of course got it back again and kept it until the infinity crusade Thanos used it for a

brief time during the infinity crusade but Adam has had the gem ever since

This gem wields power over the souls of sentient beings The following list of abilities are the

documented applications of the soul gem Though this item no doubt has many more abilities

these are those that have been seen in the past

Karmic Blast

This power can be used to disrupt ones anima center inflicting either power rank

damage to ones mind (per a mind blast) or act as a stunning attack A would-be

victim is allowed a Psyche FEAT roll of an intensity equal to this power rank to


Spirit Sense

The soul gem can be used to sense other sentient beings in order to a) track someone

known to the wielder or b) determine the presence of other people via the presence of

the soul within them (including astral bodies)

Internal Limbo

The soul gem itself either contains or is the doorway to a pocket dimension of the

largest size (not infinite but really really big) This reality can be used to store as

many souls as the wielder likes for an indefinite period of time

Soul Absorption

The soul gem can be used to literally absorb the soul of another storing it in the

pocket dimension inside itself While so holding a soul the wielder can make use of

any talent said soul may have had knowledge of


One of the stranger powers of the soul gem this ability allows the wielder to reverse

artificially induced evolution This doesnt seem to fit in the general class of powers

this gem seems to hold but there you go


Using the soul gem the wielder can understand the spoken languages of others and

communicate with others in their own tongues as well

The Reality Gem

The reality gem was not known to be such until the conflict between Galactus and the In-

Betweener was over When the Elders fled the Collector held the reality gem but could never

figure out what it was He did so when Thanos traded it for the infant form of the Runner

Thanos kept the reality gem until it was taken from him in the infinity gauntlet affair and then

got it back shortly thereafter Adam Warlock gave it to him for safe keeping So he was

technically a member of the Infinity Watch

This gem holds sway over reality itself Perhaps the most difficult gem to explain and or

codify this powerful artifact allows one to alter or even ignore laws of physics as we know

them The probable scope of the reality gems abilities are listed here

Reality Manipulation

This far reaching power allows the wielder of the reality gem to muck with the laws of

reality themselves The gem may modify or repeal aspects of a causality as he see fits

within this powers range (table C in the UPB) Any changes made will last for a

maximum number of turns equal to the power rank unless the gem wielder is

specifically concentrating on maintaining the alteration When the change is no longer

maintained normal reality will bounce back into place at once However if the reality

gem is working harmoniously with its wielder it may be convinced to make some

small changes permanent This will only be a change affecting a single person object

or (small) location and will only occur if the change is allowed by the game Judge

As once can guess this power includes aspects of the following powers

o Molecular Creation Conversion

o Matter Animation

o Probability Manipulation

o most of the power control and rule bending powers

o and most other powers not covered by the other infinity gems

Casual changes are not necessarily lethal as folks within the distorted area of reality are

changed alongside their reality However the gem wielder may specifically exclude them

from the reality change and they will thus take power rank damage each round within the

altered area

In fact one clever use of this gem is to target a specific person with a reality altering aura for

a mere second the resultant reality hiccup carrying a powerful stunning effect as the brain of

the victim rebels against the altered reality before it

The Power Gem

The power gem was not known to be such until the conflict between Galactus and the In-

Betweener was over When the Elders fled Champion held the power gem but didnt realize

it until Thanos tricked it away from him

Thanos held the power gem until after the infinity gauntlet affair as it passed to Drax the

Destroyer He has kept it since

This gem is a source of Power truly infinite in scope The gem has the ability to draw power

from the totality of existence itself and is the exception to the rules of how the other infinity

gems work Probable abilities of the power gem include

Energy Generation

A source of infinite power the power gem can be used to emit energy of an intensity

equal to the current power rank This may energy may come in any form the gem

wielder desires but will be in a raw unfocused state

Energy Manipulation

The gem can also be used to control energy The power gem can manipulate any form

of energy at the current power rank and can be used to control energies it generates at

+1 CS Any power stunts must developed normally

Energy Sponge

With his control over energy the holder of the power gem is rarely affected by

harmful energies The gem can be used to simply absorb any offending energy attack

up to a rank equal to the current power rank per use of the power This energy is

normally redistributed across the cosmos so the character need not worry about

absorbing too much energy However the gem wielder can retain the sponged energy

for immediate use within himself but is then subject to the limitations of this power


The power gem can be used to change one form of energy into another The intensity

of the FEAT roll is equal to the rank of the energy to be changed with an obvious

maximum of the current power rank +1 CS Energy so changed will be -1 CS less

powerful than before


By channeling the power of this gem into ones body the gem can be used to augment

ones natural physiology promoting healing The gem essentially allows a character to

regenerate healing at a rate determined by the current power rank

Power Enhancement

By tapping the power of this gem the wielder may increase any power rank (or his

Strength) to the gems current power rank or the power rank +1 CS (whichever is

higher) This enhancement lasts as long as the gem wielder wills it

The Infinity Gauntlet

When brought together the infinity gems can be used in concert allowing their wielder power

over all However the wielder of the gems must know he is able to do so otherwise the gems

will work independently of one another

For instance the first time Thanos collected all the infinity gems he simply used them as a

source of raw power The same occurred when he who is known as the In-betweener nabbed

all six gems as he too was unaware of the gems true nature

However after Thanos figured out the gems dark secret he became truly dangerous as he

had the fate of the universe in his hands Of course since the Infinity Gauntlet War

Crusade debacle many folks know of the gems true power and can now attempt to use them

in concert

That is of course unless you consider the edict of the Living Tribunal who declared the

infinity gems may never again be used as one A tricky fellow may find a means of avoiding

this ruling however so the infinity gauntlet is prevented below

Known Powers

When combined all six infinity gems hold sway over all as they can be used to do anything

If the holder of the Infinity Gauntlet does not understand its true nature he can operate the

gems as if they were using them by themselves as is described above

If the character knows the truth about the gems he may use them as one The first round a

character does so his use of the gauntlet should be limited to his Reason Intuition or Psyche

rank (whichever is higher) representing the characters limited understanding of infinity

As he practices using the gauntlet this rank will increase steadily until the wielder can do

anything and everything he desires By making a red Reason FEAT the character can gain a

greater understanding of the gauntlet and raise his effective power rank by +1 CS

This process will continue until the character reaches Beyond rank in the use of the infinity

gauntlet At this point he is omniscient and omnipotent and is (in effect) undefeatable Only

blatant stupidity on the part of the gauntlet wielder can make him lose it

Incomplete Infinity Gauntlet

If someone doesnt have all six infinity gems he can still use them in concert if he knows that

he can of course For each additional gem a body holds the effective rank of usage with each

gems effects is increased by +1 CS for that person

Furthermore the effects of each gem can overlap A body can use this to his advantage

combining the influence of the gems to control more of existence than before The

possibilities are near endless but not as great as those available to one who has all six gems

The gem can be used to peer into other times or timelines No temporal period is

immune to this viewing nor are any divergent or variant timelines The trick is finding

something specific to look for (success determined with a successful power FEAT)


The gem can be used to alter the age of either the wielder or another being altering

their age by a number of years equal to this power rank However beings cannot have

their age altered to a number less than zero

Suspended Animation

The gem can halt biological functions completelyby placing a target in a null-time

bubble a bubble that will last until the target is released If unwilling the target may

resist by pasing an Endurance FEAT against the current power rank of this power

Parallel Travel

The gem can be used to travel sideways through timecrossing the infinite stream of

variant timelines Characters can find truly parallel worlds with a green FEAT slightly

different timelines with a yellow FEAT and vastly different worlds with a red FEAT


By focusing the gem upon himself the wielder of the time gem can acquire power

rank longevity As presented in Dragon Magazine this power will enhance the

characters lifespan to a degree determined by the following formula Eventual

Lifespan = (normal lifespan- current age) x power rank cubed

Mind Gem

The first known user of the mind gem was the Kree Supreme Intelligence He claimed a Kree

patrol found the trinket and used it to absorb the soul of the Silver Surfer

When he absorbed the Surfers soul the Silver Surfer ended up having to battle the Supreme

Intelligence within its own mind Furthermore he was using it to control the various factions

of Kree brains within itself The evidence is great He had the mind gem not the soul gem

The Surfer took it from the Intelligence driving it mad as the minds of blue and pink Kree

battled each other for dominance The Surfer then turned the gem over to the Elders as they

held Shalla Bal and Mantis hostage for it

The mind gem went through the same black hole with the other gems (see above) and when

the Elders fled Galactus the Grand Master held the mind gem He lost a gamble with the

Champion for it wagering against Galactus in the cosmic beings battle but still holds it


He kept it until Thanos came to take it from him terminally I guess his death is not

permanent but the Grand Master did die After the infinity gauntlet affair Moondragon used

the mind gem to great effect enhancing her already signifigant psionic powers

This gem wields power over the minds of other beings It has known the following wielders in

the past Moondragon and the GrandMaster It has many mental abilities not all of which are

limited to the minds of others


The mind gem allows the wielder to converse with anyone via a direct mental link

within the power ranks range Should the gem be working willingly with its wielder

this limitation is ignored and the wielder can mentally contact anyone anywhere


Similarly the holder of the mind gem can use his awareness of others to track their

psionic signature Green FEATs are required for folks familiar to the gem holder

yellow FEATs are needed for those less familiar and red FEATs are needed for

unfamiliar folks

Mind Probe

The gem holder can probe the mind of other sentient to search for any information

desired Unless the target of such a probe is willing (and who ever is) he

automatically gets a Psyche FEAT roll to resist the probe even if he is unaware of the

probe attempt

Sensory Link

Rrather than bluntly probe the mind of another the wielder of the mind gem may

simply eavesdrop on the sensory input of other beings This is usually a trouble-free

process as the target of this power wont realize it is happening without passing a red

Reason FEAT

Mind Control

With this ability the wielder of the mind gem can override the will of others causing

them to do things they normally would not do The target is allowed a Psyche FEAT

roll against the intensity of this power to resist mind control

Mind Blast

With this ability the wielder of the mind gem can blast the mind of others with raw

psionic power causing power rank damage to the victims neural system As with a

mind probe the would-be victim is allowed a Psyche FEAT roll to shrug off the

effects of this power


The mind gem can be used to psionically affect any object without actual contact The

gem can affect an amount of weight equal to this powers current rank although

unwilling victims may make a Strength FEAT roll against the intensity of this power

rank to resist

The Soul Gem

To start with this gem was known to be held by the High Evolutionary who gave it to Adam

Warlock in order to help him rid his counter-earth of all evil Adam did and kept the gem for

his troubles Since the gem is generally known to be rather evil one could see why the High

Evolutionary wouldnt take too much issue with this

Anyway Adam wielded the gem until Thanos killed him and took it for himself The Titan

used the six gems to build a universe-smashing gem of immense size (as big as a bean bag)

but got dead The gems then dispersed across the cosmos except for the soul gem

Captain Mar-Vell put it on his grave as a final respect until the Gardener came along and

stole it to replace his discarded time gem Hmmm The elder held onto it until he got eaten by

Galactus and the gem fell through a black hole with several Elders of the Universe

When the Silver Surfer came looking for the gems for Galactus (with Sue and Reed

Richards) the In-Betweener seized the soul gem and used it in his battle with Galactus The

In-Betweener lost and got imprisoned by Lord Chaos and Master Order for his troubles

Ressurected by Lady Death to destroy half the universes teeming life Thanos looked for an

expedient way to do so Peering into the Infinity Well he found out the true secret of the

infinity gems and came to take the gems from those who held them

Thanos started with the In-Betweener since Death didnt like him after the being forced him

her it to kill several of the Elders recently Making short work of the braggart Thanos

seized the soul gem and left the In-Betweener to his fate

After the infinity gauntlet debacle Adam Warlock was alive again (as all good Marvel heroes

never say die) and got his Soul Gem back He kept it until the Magus temporarily stole it

from Warlock (with all but the reality gem)

Adam of course got it back again and kept it until the infinity crusade Thanos used it for a

brief time during the infinity crusade but Adam has had the gem ever since

This gem wields power over the souls of sentient beings The following list of abilities are the

documented applications of the soul gem Though this item no doubt has many more abilities

these are those that have been seen in the past

Karmic Blast

This power can be used to disrupt ones anima center inflicting either power rank

damage to ones mind (per a mind blast) or act as a stunning attack A would-be

victim is allowed a Psyche FEAT roll of an intensity equal to this power rank to


Spirit Sense

The soul gem can be used to sense other sentient beings in order to a) track someone

known to the wielder or b) determine the presence of other people via the presence of

the soul within them (including astral bodies)

Internal Limbo

The soul gem itself either contains or is the doorway to a pocket dimension of the

largest size (not infinite but really really big) This reality can be used to store as

many souls as the wielder likes for an indefinite period of time

Soul Absorption

The soul gem can be used to literally absorb the soul of another storing it in the

pocket dimension inside itself While so holding a soul the wielder can make use of

any talent said soul may have had knowledge of


One of the stranger powers of the soul gem this ability allows the wielder to reverse

artificially induced evolution This doesnt seem to fit in the general class of powers

this gem seems to hold but there you go


Using the soul gem the wielder can understand the spoken languages of others and

communicate with others in their own tongues as well

The Reality Gem

The reality gem was not known to be such until the conflict between Galactus and the In-

Betweener was over When the Elders fled the Collector held the reality gem but could never

figure out what it was He did so when Thanos traded it for the infant form of the Runner

Thanos kept the reality gem until it was taken from him in the infinity gauntlet affair and then

got it back shortly thereafter Adam Warlock gave it to him for safe keeping So he was

technically a member of the Infinity Watch

This gem holds sway over reality itself Perhaps the most difficult gem to explain and or

codify this powerful artifact allows one to alter or even ignore laws of physics as we know

them The probable scope of the reality gems abilities are listed here

Reality Manipulation

This far reaching power allows the wielder of the reality gem to muck with the laws of

reality themselves The gem may modify or repeal aspects of a causality as he see fits

within this powers range (table C in the UPB) Any changes made will last for a

maximum number of turns equal to the power rank unless the gem wielder is

specifically concentrating on maintaining the alteration When the change is no longer

maintained normal reality will bounce back into place at once However if the reality

gem is working harmoniously with its wielder it may be convinced to make some

small changes permanent This will only be a change affecting a single person object

or (small) location and will only occur if the change is allowed by the game Judge

As once can guess this power includes aspects of the following powers

o Molecular Creation Conversion

o Matter Animation

o Probability Manipulation

o most of the power control and rule bending powers

o and most other powers not covered by the other infinity gems

Casual changes are not necessarily lethal as folks within the distorted area of reality are

changed alongside their reality However the gem wielder may specifically exclude them

from the reality change and they will thus take power rank damage each round within the

altered area

In fact one clever use of this gem is to target a specific person with a reality altering aura for

a mere second the resultant reality hiccup carrying a powerful stunning effect as the brain of

the victim rebels against the altered reality before it

The Power Gem

The power gem was not known to be such until the conflict between Galactus and the In-

Betweener was over When the Elders fled Champion held the power gem but didnt realize

it until Thanos tricked it away from him

Thanos held the power gem until after the infinity gauntlet affair as it passed to Drax the

Destroyer He has kept it since

This gem is a source of Power truly infinite in scope The gem has the ability to draw power

from the totality of existence itself and is the exception to the rules of how the other infinity

gems work Probable abilities of the power gem include

Energy Generation

A source of infinite power the power gem can be used to emit energy of an intensity

equal to the current power rank This may energy may come in any form the gem

wielder desires but will be in a raw unfocused state

Energy Manipulation

The gem can also be used to control energy The power gem can manipulate any form

of energy at the current power rank and can be used to control energies it generates at

+1 CS Any power stunts must developed normally

Energy Sponge

With his control over energy the holder of the power gem is rarely affected by

harmful energies The gem can be used to simply absorb any offending energy attack

up to a rank equal to the current power rank per use of the power This energy is

normally redistributed across the cosmos so the character need not worry about

absorbing too much energy However the gem wielder can retain the sponged energy

for immediate use within himself but is then subject to the limitations of this power


The power gem can be used to change one form of energy into another The intensity

of the FEAT roll is equal to the rank of the energy to be changed with an obvious

maximum of the current power rank +1 CS Energy so changed will be -1 CS less

powerful than before


By channeling the power of this gem into ones body the gem can be used to augment

ones natural physiology promoting healing The gem essentially allows a character to

regenerate healing at a rate determined by the current power rank

Power Enhancement

By tapping the power of this gem the wielder may increase any power rank (or his

Strength) to the gems current power rank or the power rank +1 CS (whichever is

higher) This enhancement lasts as long as the gem wielder wills it

The Infinity Gauntlet

When brought together the infinity gems can be used in concert allowing their wielder power

over all However the wielder of the gems must know he is able to do so otherwise the gems

will work independently of one another

For instance the first time Thanos collected all the infinity gems he simply used them as a

source of raw power The same occurred when he who is known as the In-betweener nabbed

all six gems as he too was unaware of the gems true nature

However after Thanos figured out the gems dark secret he became truly dangerous as he

had the fate of the universe in his hands Of course since the Infinity Gauntlet War

Crusade debacle many folks know of the gems true power and can now attempt to use them

in concert

That is of course unless you consider the edict of the Living Tribunal who declared the

infinity gems may never again be used as one A tricky fellow may find a means of avoiding

this ruling however so the infinity gauntlet is prevented below

Known Powers

When combined all six infinity gems hold sway over all as they can be used to do anything

If the holder of the Infinity Gauntlet does not understand its true nature he can operate the

gems as if they were using them by themselves as is described above

If the character knows the truth about the gems he may use them as one The first round a

character does so his use of the gauntlet should be limited to his Reason Intuition or Psyche

rank (whichever is higher) representing the characters limited understanding of infinity

As he practices using the gauntlet this rank will increase steadily until the wielder can do

anything and everything he desires By making a red Reason FEAT the character can gain a

greater understanding of the gauntlet and raise his effective power rank by +1 CS

This process will continue until the character reaches Beyond rank in the use of the infinity

gauntlet At this point he is omniscient and omnipotent and is (in effect) undefeatable Only

blatant stupidity on the part of the gauntlet wielder can make him lose it

Incomplete Infinity Gauntlet

If someone doesnt have all six infinity gems he can still use them in concert if he knows that

he can of course For each additional gem a body holds the effective rank of usage with each

gems effects is increased by +1 CS for that person

Furthermore the effects of each gem can overlap A body can use this to his advantage

combining the influence of the gems to control more of existence than before The

possibilities are near endless but not as great as those available to one who has all six gems

The mind gem allows the wielder to converse with anyone via a direct mental link

within the power ranks range Should the gem be working willingly with its wielder

this limitation is ignored and the wielder can mentally contact anyone anywhere


Similarly the holder of the mind gem can use his awareness of others to track their

psionic signature Green FEATs are required for folks familiar to the gem holder

yellow FEATs are needed for those less familiar and red FEATs are needed for

unfamiliar folks

Mind Probe

The gem holder can probe the mind of other sentient to search for any information

desired Unless the target of such a probe is willing (and who ever is) he

automatically gets a Psyche FEAT roll to resist the probe even if he is unaware of the

probe attempt

Sensory Link

Rrather than bluntly probe the mind of another the wielder of the mind gem may

simply eavesdrop on the sensory input of other beings This is usually a trouble-free

process as the target of this power wont realize it is happening without passing a red

Reason FEAT

Mind Control

With this ability the wielder of the mind gem can override the will of others causing

them to do things they normally would not do The target is allowed a Psyche FEAT

roll against the intensity of this power to resist mind control

Mind Blast

With this ability the wielder of the mind gem can blast the mind of others with raw

psionic power causing power rank damage to the victims neural system As with a

mind probe the would-be victim is allowed a Psyche FEAT roll to shrug off the

effects of this power


The mind gem can be used to psionically affect any object without actual contact The

gem can affect an amount of weight equal to this powers current rank although

unwilling victims may make a Strength FEAT roll against the intensity of this power

rank to resist

The Soul Gem

To start with this gem was known to be held by the High Evolutionary who gave it to Adam

Warlock in order to help him rid his counter-earth of all evil Adam did and kept the gem for

his troubles Since the gem is generally known to be rather evil one could see why the High

Evolutionary wouldnt take too much issue with this

Anyway Adam wielded the gem until Thanos killed him and took it for himself The Titan

used the six gems to build a universe-smashing gem of immense size (as big as a bean bag)

but got dead The gems then dispersed across the cosmos except for the soul gem

Captain Mar-Vell put it on his grave as a final respect until the Gardener came along and

stole it to replace his discarded time gem Hmmm The elder held onto it until he got eaten by

Galactus and the gem fell through a black hole with several Elders of the Universe

When the Silver Surfer came looking for the gems for Galactus (with Sue and Reed

Richards) the In-Betweener seized the soul gem and used it in his battle with Galactus The

In-Betweener lost and got imprisoned by Lord Chaos and Master Order for his troubles

Ressurected by Lady Death to destroy half the universes teeming life Thanos looked for an

expedient way to do so Peering into the Infinity Well he found out the true secret of the

infinity gems and came to take the gems from those who held them

Thanos started with the In-Betweener since Death didnt like him after the being forced him

her it to kill several of the Elders recently Making short work of the braggart Thanos

seized the soul gem and left the In-Betweener to his fate

After the infinity gauntlet debacle Adam Warlock was alive again (as all good Marvel heroes

never say die) and got his Soul Gem back He kept it until the Magus temporarily stole it

from Warlock (with all but the reality gem)

Adam of course got it back again and kept it until the infinity crusade Thanos used it for a

brief time during the infinity crusade but Adam has had the gem ever since

This gem wields power over the souls of sentient beings The following list of abilities are the

documented applications of the soul gem Though this item no doubt has many more abilities

these are those that have been seen in the past

Karmic Blast

This power can be used to disrupt ones anima center inflicting either power rank

damage to ones mind (per a mind blast) or act as a stunning attack A would-be

victim is allowed a Psyche FEAT roll of an intensity equal to this power rank to


Spirit Sense

The soul gem can be used to sense other sentient beings in order to a) track someone

known to the wielder or b) determine the presence of other people via the presence of

the soul within them (including astral bodies)

Internal Limbo

The soul gem itself either contains or is the doorway to a pocket dimension of the

largest size (not infinite but really really big) This reality can be used to store as

many souls as the wielder likes for an indefinite period of time

Soul Absorption

The soul gem can be used to literally absorb the soul of another storing it in the

pocket dimension inside itself While so holding a soul the wielder can make use of

any talent said soul may have had knowledge of


One of the stranger powers of the soul gem this ability allows the wielder to reverse

artificially induced evolution This doesnt seem to fit in the general class of powers

this gem seems to hold but there you go


Using the soul gem the wielder can understand the spoken languages of others and

communicate with others in their own tongues as well

The Reality Gem

The reality gem was not known to be such until the conflict between Galactus and the In-

Betweener was over When the Elders fled the Collector held the reality gem but could never

figure out what it was He did so when Thanos traded it for the infant form of the Runner

Thanos kept the reality gem until it was taken from him in the infinity gauntlet affair and then

got it back shortly thereafter Adam Warlock gave it to him for safe keeping So he was

technically a member of the Infinity Watch

This gem holds sway over reality itself Perhaps the most difficult gem to explain and or

codify this powerful artifact allows one to alter or even ignore laws of physics as we know

them The probable scope of the reality gems abilities are listed here

Reality Manipulation

This far reaching power allows the wielder of the reality gem to muck with the laws of

reality themselves The gem may modify or repeal aspects of a causality as he see fits

within this powers range (table C in the UPB) Any changes made will last for a

maximum number of turns equal to the power rank unless the gem wielder is

specifically concentrating on maintaining the alteration When the change is no longer

maintained normal reality will bounce back into place at once However if the reality

gem is working harmoniously with its wielder it may be convinced to make some

small changes permanent This will only be a change affecting a single person object

or (small) location and will only occur if the change is allowed by the game Judge

As once can guess this power includes aspects of the following powers

o Molecular Creation Conversion

o Matter Animation

o Probability Manipulation

o most of the power control and rule bending powers

o and most other powers not covered by the other infinity gems

Casual changes are not necessarily lethal as folks within the distorted area of reality are

changed alongside their reality However the gem wielder may specifically exclude them

from the reality change and they will thus take power rank damage each round within the

altered area

In fact one clever use of this gem is to target a specific person with a reality altering aura for

a mere second the resultant reality hiccup carrying a powerful stunning effect as the brain of

the victim rebels against the altered reality before it

The Power Gem

The power gem was not known to be such until the conflict between Galactus and the In-

Betweener was over When the Elders fled Champion held the power gem but didnt realize

it until Thanos tricked it away from him

Thanos held the power gem until after the infinity gauntlet affair as it passed to Drax the

Destroyer He has kept it since

This gem is a source of Power truly infinite in scope The gem has the ability to draw power

from the totality of existence itself and is the exception to the rules of how the other infinity

gems work Probable abilities of the power gem include

Energy Generation

A source of infinite power the power gem can be used to emit energy of an intensity

equal to the current power rank This may energy may come in any form the gem

wielder desires but will be in a raw unfocused state

Energy Manipulation

The gem can also be used to control energy The power gem can manipulate any form

of energy at the current power rank and can be used to control energies it generates at

+1 CS Any power stunts must developed normally

Energy Sponge

With his control over energy the holder of the power gem is rarely affected by

harmful energies The gem can be used to simply absorb any offending energy attack

up to a rank equal to the current power rank per use of the power This energy is

normally redistributed across the cosmos so the character need not worry about

absorbing too much energy However the gem wielder can retain the sponged energy

for immediate use within himself but is then subject to the limitations of this power


The power gem can be used to change one form of energy into another The intensity

of the FEAT roll is equal to the rank of the energy to be changed with an obvious

maximum of the current power rank +1 CS Energy so changed will be -1 CS less

powerful than before


By channeling the power of this gem into ones body the gem can be used to augment

ones natural physiology promoting healing The gem essentially allows a character to

regenerate healing at a rate determined by the current power rank

Power Enhancement

By tapping the power of this gem the wielder may increase any power rank (or his

Strength) to the gems current power rank or the power rank +1 CS (whichever is

higher) This enhancement lasts as long as the gem wielder wills it

The Infinity Gauntlet

When brought together the infinity gems can be used in concert allowing their wielder power

over all However the wielder of the gems must know he is able to do so otherwise the gems

will work independently of one another

For instance the first time Thanos collected all the infinity gems he simply used them as a

source of raw power The same occurred when he who is known as the In-betweener nabbed

all six gems as he too was unaware of the gems true nature

However after Thanos figured out the gems dark secret he became truly dangerous as he

had the fate of the universe in his hands Of course since the Infinity Gauntlet War

Crusade debacle many folks know of the gems true power and can now attempt to use them

in concert

That is of course unless you consider the edict of the Living Tribunal who declared the

infinity gems may never again be used as one A tricky fellow may find a means of avoiding

this ruling however so the infinity gauntlet is prevented below

Known Powers

When combined all six infinity gems hold sway over all as they can be used to do anything

If the holder of the Infinity Gauntlet does not understand its true nature he can operate the

gems as if they were using them by themselves as is described above

If the character knows the truth about the gems he may use them as one The first round a

character does so his use of the gauntlet should be limited to his Reason Intuition or Psyche

rank (whichever is higher) representing the characters limited understanding of infinity

As he practices using the gauntlet this rank will increase steadily until the wielder can do

anything and everything he desires By making a red Reason FEAT the character can gain a

greater understanding of the gauntlet and raise his effective power rank by +1 CS

This process will continue until the character reaches Beyond rank in the use of the infinity

gauntlet At this point he is omniscient and omnipotent and is (in effect) undefeatable Only

blatant stupidity on the part of the gauntlet wielder can make him lose it

Incomplete Infinity Gauntlet

If someone doesnt have all six infinity gems he can still use them in concert if he knows that

he can of course For each additional gem a body holds the effective rank of usage with each

gems effects is increased by +1 CS for that person

Furthermore the effects of each gem can overlap A body can use this to his advantage

combining the influence of the gems to control more of existence than before The

possibilities are near endless but not as great as those available to one who has all six gems

When the Silver Surfer came looking for the gems for Galactus (with Sue and Reed

Richards) the In-Betweener seized the soul gem and used it in his battle with Galactus The

In-Betweener lost and got imprisoned by Lord Chaos and Master Order for his troubles

Ressurected by Lady Death to destroy half the universes teeming life Thanos looked for an

expedient way to do so Peering into the Infinity Well he found out the true secret of the

infinity gems and came to take the gems from those who held them

Thanos started with the In-Betweener since Death didnt like him after the being forced him

her it to kill several of the Elders recently Making short work of the braggart Thanos

seized the soul gem and left the In-Betweener to his fate

After the infinity gauntlet debacle Adam Warlock was alive again (as all good Marvel heroes

never say die) and got his Soul Gem back He kept it until the Magus temporarily stole it

from Warlock (with all but the reality gem)

Adam of course got it back again and kept it until the infinity crusade Thanos used it for a

brief time during the infinity crusade but Adam has had the gem ever since

This gem wields power over the souls of sentient beings The following list of abilities are the

documented applications of the soul gem Though this item no doubt has many more abilities

these are those that have been seen in the past

Karmic Blast

This power can be used to disrupt ones anima center inflicting either power rank

damage to ones mind (per a mind blast) or act as a stunning attack A would-be

victim is allowed a Psyche FEAT roll of an intensity equal to this power rank to


Spirit Sense

The soul gem can be used to sense other sentient beings in order to a) track someone

known to the wielder or b) determine the presence of other people via the presence of

the soul within them (including astral bodies)

Internal Limbo

The soul gem itself either contains or is the doorway to a pocket dimension of the

largest size (not infinite but really really big) This reality can be used to store as

many souls as the wielder likes for an indefinite period of time

Soul Absorption

The soul gem can be used to literally absorb the soul of another storing it in the

pocket dimension inside itself While so holding a soul the wielder can make use of

any talent said soul may have had knowledge of


One of the stranger powers of the soul gem this ability allows the wielder to reverse

artificially induced evolution This doesnt seem to fit in the general class of powers

this gem seems to hold but there you go


Using the soul gem the wielder can understand the spoken languages of others and

communicate with others in their own tongues as well

The Reality Gem

The reality gem was not known to be such until the conflict between Galactus and the In-

Betweener was over When the Elders fled the Collector held the reality gem but could never

figure out what it was He did so when Thanos traded it for the infant form of the Runner

Thanos kept the reality gem until it was taken from him in the infinity gauntlet affair and then

got it back shortly thereafter Adam Warlock gave it to him for safe keeping So he was

technically a member of the Infinity Watch

This gem holds sway over reality itself Perhaps the most difficult gem to explain and or

codify this powerful artifact allows one to alter or even ignore laws of physics as we know

them The probable scope of the reality gems abilities are listed here

Reality Manipulation

This far reaching power allows the wielder of the reality gem to muck with the laws of

reality themselves The gem may modify or repeal aspects of a causality as he see fits

within this powers range (table C in the UPB) Any changes made will last for a

maximum number of turns equal to the power rank unless the gem wielder is

specifically concentrating on maintaining the alteration When the change is no longer

maintained normal reality will bounce back into place at once However if the reality

gem is working harmoniously with its wielder it may be convinced to make some

small changes permanent This will only be a change affecting a single person object

or (small) location and will only occur if the change is allowed by the game Judge

As once can guess this power includes aspects of the following powers

o Molecular Creation Conversion

o Matter Animation

o Probability Manipulation

o most of the power control and rule bending powers

o and most other powers not covered by the other infinity gems

Casual changes are not necessarily lethal as folks within the distorted area of reality are

changed alongside their reality However the gem wielder may specifically exclude them

from the reality change and they will thus take power rank damage each round within the

altered area

In fact one clever use of this gem is to target a specific person with a reality altering aura for

a mere second the resultant reality hiccup carrying a powerful stunning effect as the brain of

the victim rebels against the altered reality before it

The Power Gem

The power gem was not known to be such until the conflict between Galactus and the In-

Betweener was over When the Elders fled Champion held the power gem but didnt realize

it until Thanos tricked it away from him

Thanos held the power gem until after the infinity gauntlet affair as it passed to Drax the

Destroyer He has kept it since

This gem is a source of Power truly infinite in scope The gem has the ability to draw power

from the totality of existence itself and is the exception to the rules of how the other infinity

gems work Probable abilities of the power gem include

Energy Generation

A source of infinite power the power gem can be used to emit energy of an intensity

equal to the current power rank This may energy may come in any form the gem

wielder desires but will be in a raw unfocused state

Energy Manipulation

The gem can also be used to control energy The power gem can manipulate any form

of energy at the current power rank and can be used to control energies it generates at

+1 CS Any power stunts must developed normally

Energy Sponge

With his control over energy the holder of the power gem is rarely affected by

harmful energies The gem can be used to simply absorb any offending energy attack

up to a rank equal to the current power rank per use of the power This energy is

normally redistributed across the cosmos so the character need not worry about

absorbing too much energy However the gem wielder can retain the sponged energy

for immediate use within himself but is then subject to the limitations of this power


The power gem can be used to change one form of energy into another The intensity

of the FEAT roll is equal to the rank of the energy to be changed with an obvious

maximum of the current power rank +1 CS Energy so changed will be -1 CS less

powerful than before


By channeling the power of this gem into ones body the gem can be used to augment

ones natural physiology promoting healing The gem essentially allows a character to

regenerate healing at a rate determined by the current power rank

Power Enhancement

By tapping the power of this gem the wielder may increase any power rank (or his

Strength) to the gems current power rank or the power rank +1 CS (whichever is

higher) This enhancement lasts as long as the gem wielder wills it

The Infinity Gauntlet

When brought together the infinity gems can be used in concert allowing their wielder power

over all However the wielder of the gems must know he is able to do so otherwise the gems

will work independently of one another

For instance the first time Thanos collected all the infinity gems he simply used them as a

source of raw power The same occurred when he who is known as the In-betweener nabbed

all six gems as he too was unaware of the gems true nature

However after Thanos figured out the gems dark secret he became truly dangerous as he

had the fate of the universe in his hands Of course since the Infinity Gauntlet War

Crusade debacle many folks know of the gems true power and can now attempt to use them

in concert

That is of course unless you consider the edict of the Living Tribunal who declared the

infinity gems may never again be used as one A tricky fellow may find a means of avoiding

this ruling however so the infinity gauntlet is prevented below

Known Powers

When combined all six infinity gems hold sway over all as they can be used to do anything

If the holder of the Infinity Gauntlet does not understand its true nature he can operate the

gems as if they were using them by themselves as is described above

If the character knows the truth about the gems he may use them as one The first round a

character does so his use of the gauntlet should be limited to his Reason Intuition or Psyche

rank (whichever is higher) representing the characters limited understanding of infinity

As he practices using the gauntlet this rank will increase steadily until the wielder can do

anything and everything he desires By making a red Reason FEAT the character can gain a

greater understanding of the gauntlet and raise his effective power rank by +1 CS

This process will continue until the character reaches Beyond rank in the use of the infinity

gauntlet At this point he is omniscient and omnipotent and is (in effect) undefeatable Only

blatant stupidity on the part of the gauntlet wielder can make him lose it

Incomplete Infinity Gauntlet

If someone doesnt have all six infinity gems he can still use them in concert if he knows that

he can of course For each additional gem a body holds the effective rank of usage with each

gems effects is increased by +1 CS for that person

Furthermore the effects of each gem can overlap A body can use this to his advantage

combining the influence of the gems to control more of existence than before The

possibilities are near endless but not as great as those available to one who has all six gems

The reality gem was not known to be such until the conflict between Galactus and the In-

Betweener was over When the Elders fled the Collector held the reality gem but could never

figure out what it was He did so when Thanos traded it for the infant form of the Runner

Thanos kept the reality gem until it was taken from him in the infinity gauntlet affair and then

got it back shortly thereafter Adam Warlock gave it to him for safe keeping So he was

technically a member of the Infinity Watch

This gem holds sway over reality itself Perhaps the most difficult gem to explain and or

codify this powerful artifact allows one to alter or even ignore laws of physics as we know

them The probable scope of the reality gems abilities are listed here

Reality Manipulation

This far reaching power allows the wielder of the reality gem to muck with the laws of

reality themselves The gem may modify or repeal aspects of a causality as he see fits

within this powers range (table C in the UPB) Any changes made will last for a

maximum number of turns equal to the power rank unless the gem wielder is

specifically concentrating on maintaining the alteration When the change is no longer

maintained normal reality will bounce back into place at once However if the reality

gem is working harmoniously with its wielder it may be convinced to make some

small changes permanent This will only be a change affecting a single person object

or (small) location and will only occur if the change is allowed by the game Judge

As once can guess this power includes aspects of the following powers

o Molecular Creation Conversion

o Matter Animation

o Probability Manipulation

o most of the power control and rule bending powers

o and most other powers not covered by the other infinity gems

Casual changes are not necessarily lethal as folks within the distorted area of reality are

changed alongside their reality However the gem wielder may specifically exclude them

from the reality change and they will thus take power rank damage each round within the

altered area

In fact one clever use of this gem is to target a specific person with a reality altering aura for

a mere second the resultant reality hiccup carrying a powerful stunning effect as the brain of

the victim rebels against the altered reality before it

The Power Gem

The power gem was not known to be such until the conflict between Galactus and the In-

Betweener was over When the Elders fled Champion held the power gem but didnt realize

it until Thanos tricked it away from him

Thanos held the power gem until after the infinity gauntlet affair as it passed to Drax the

Destroyer He has kept it since

This gem is a source of Power truly infinite in scope The gem has the ability to draw power

from the totality of existence itself and is the exception to the rules of how the other infinity

gems work Probable abilities of the power gem include

Energy Generation

A source of infinite power the power gem can be used to emit energy of an intensity

equal to the current power rank This may energy may come in any form the gem

wielder desires but will be in a raw unfocused state

Energy Manipulation

The gem can also be used to control energy The power gem can manipulate any form

of energy at the current power rank and can be used to control energies it generates at

+1 CS Any power stunts must developed normally

Energy Sponge

With his control over energy the holder of the power gem is rarely affected by

harmful energies The gem can be used to simply absorb any offending energy attack

up to a rank equal to the current power rank per use of the power This energy is

normally redistributed across the cosmos so the character need not worry about

absorbing too much energy However the gem wielder can retain the sponged energy

for immediate use within himself but is then subject to the limitations of this power


The power gem can be used to change one form of energy into another The intensity

of the FEAT roll is equal to the rank of the energy to be changed with an obvious

maximum of the current power rank +1 CS Energy so changed will be -1 CS less

powerful than before


By channeling the power of this gem into ones body the gem can be used to augment

ones natural physiology promoting healing The gem essentially allows a character to

regenerate healing at a rate determined by the current power rank

Power Enhancement

By tapping the power of this gem the wielder may increase any power rank (or his

Strength) to the gems current power rank or the power rank +1 CS (whichever is

higher) This enhancement lasts as long as the gem wielder wills it

The Infinity Gauntlet

When brought together the infinity gems can be used in concert allowing their wielder power

over all However the wielder of the gems must know he is able to do so otherwise the gems

will work independently of one another

For instance the first time Thanos collected all the infinity gems he simply used them as a

source of raw power The same occurred when he who is known as the In-betweener nabbed

all six gems as he too was unaware of the gems true nature

However after Thanos figured out the gems dark secret he became truly dangerous as he

had the fate of the universe in his hands Of course since the Infinity Gauntlet War

Crusade debacle many folks know of the gems true power and can now attempt to use them

in concert

That is of course unless you consider the edict of the Living Tribunal who declared the

infinity gems may never again be used as one A tricky fellow may find a means of avoiding

this ruling however so the infinity gauntlet is prevented below

Known Powers

When combined all six infinity gems hold sway over all as they can be used to do anything

If the holder of the Infinity Gauntlet does not understand its true nature he can operate the

gems as if they were using them by themselves as is described above

If the character knows the truth about the gems he may use them as one The first round a

character does so his use of the gauntlet should be limited to his Reason Intuition or Psyche

rank (whichever is higher) representing the characters limited understanding of infinity

As he practices using the gauntlet this rank will increase steadily until the wielder can do

anything and everything he desires By making a red Reason FEAT the character can gain a

greater understanding of the gauntlet and raise his effective power rank by +1 CS

This process will continue until the character reaches Beyond rank in the use of the infinity

gauntlet At this point he is omniscient and omnipotent and is (in effect) undefeatable Only

blatant stupidity on the part of the gauntlet wielder can make him lose it

Incomplete Infinity Gauntlet

If someone doesnt have all six infinity gems he can still use them in concert if he knows that

he can of course For each additional gem a body holds the effective rank of usage with each

gems effects is increased by +1 CS for that person

Furthermore the effects of each gem can overlap A body can use this to his advantage

combining the influence of the gems to control more of existence than before The

possibilities are near endless but not as great as those available to one who has all six gems

This gem is a source of Power truly infinite in scope The gem has the ability to draw power

from the totality of existence itself and is the exception to the rules of how the other infinity

gems work Probable abilities of the power gem include

Energy Generation

A source of infinite power the power gem can be used to emit energy of an intensity

equal to the current power rank This may energy may come in any form the gem

wielder desires but will be in a raw unfocused state

Energy Manipulation

The gem can also be used to control energy The power gem can manipulate any form

of energy at the current power rank and can be used to control energies it generates at

+1 CS Any power stunts must developed normally

Energy Sponge

With his control over energy the holder of the power gem is rarely affected by

harmful energies The gem can be used to simply absorb any offending energy attack

up to a rank equal to the current power rank per use of the power This energy is

normally redistributed across the cosmos so the character need not worry about

absorbing too much energy However the gem wielder can retain the sponged energy

for immediate use within himself but is then subject to the limitations of this power


The power gem can be used to change one form of energy into another The intensity

of the FEAT roll is equal to the rank of the energy to be changed with an obvious

maximum of the current power rank +1 CS Energy so changed will be -1 CS less

powerful than before


By channeling the power of this gem into ones body the gem can be used to augment

ones natural physiology promoting healing The gem essentially allows a character to

regenerate healing at a rate determined by the current power rank

Power Enhancement

By tapping the power of this gem the wielder may increase any power rank (or his

Strength) to the gems current power rank or the power rank +1 CS (whichever is

higher) This enhancement lasts as long as the gem wielder wills it

The Infinity Gauntlet

When brought together the infinity gems can be used in concert allowing their wielder power

over all However the wielder of the gems must know he is able to do so otherwise the gems

will work independently of one another

For instance the first time Thanos collected all the infinity gems he simply used them as a

source of raw power The same occurred when he who is known as the In-betweener nabbed

all six gems as he too was unaware of the gems true nature

However after Thanos figured out the gems dark secret he became truly dangerous as he

had the fate of the universe in his hands Of course since the Infinity Gauntlet War

Crusade debacle many folks know of the gems true power and can now attempt to use them

in concert

That is of course unless you consider the edict of the Living Tribunal who declared the

infinity gems may never again be used as one A tricky fellow may find a means of avoiding

this ruling however so the infinity gauntlet is prevented below

Known Powers

When combined all six infinity gems hold sway over all as they can be used to do anything

If the holder of the Infinity Gauntlet does not understand its true nature he can operate the

gems as if they were using them by themselves as is described above

If the character knows the truth about the gems he may use them as one The first round a

character does so his use of the gauntlet should be limited to his Reason Intuition or Psyche

rank (whichever is higher) representing the characters limited understanding of infinity

As he practices using the gauntlet this rank will increase steadily until the wielder can do

anything and everything he desires By making a red Reason FEAT the character can gain a

greater understanding of the gauntlet and raise his effective power rank by +1 CS

This process will continue until the character reaches Beyond rank in the use of the infinity

gauntlet At this point he is omniscient and omnipotent and is (in effect) undefeatable Only

blatant stupidity on the part of the gauntlet wielder can make him lose it

Incomplete Infinity Gauntlet

If someone doesnt have all six infinity gems he can still use them in concert if he knows that

he can of course For each additional gem a body holds the effective rank of usage with each

gems effects is increased by +1 CS for that person

Furthermore the effects of each gem can overlap A body can use this to his advantage

combining the influence of the gems to control more of existence than before The

possibilities are near endless but not as great as those available to one who has all six gems

That is of course unless you consider the edict of the Living Tribunal who declared the

infinity gems may never again be used as one A tricky fellow may find a means of avoiding

this ruling however so the infinity gauntlet is prevented below

Known Powers

When combined all six infinity gems hold sway over all as they can be used to do anything

If the holder of the Infinity Gauntlet does not understand its true nature he can operate the

gems as if they were using them by themselves as is described above

If the character knows the truth about the gems he may use them as one The first round a

character does so his use of the gauntlet should be limited to his Reason Intuition or Psyche

rank (whichever is higher) representing the characters limited understanding of infinity

As he practices using the gauntlet this rank will increase steadily until the wielder can do

anything and everything he desires By making a red Reason FEAT the character can gain a

greater understanding of the gauntlet and raise his effective power rank by +1 CS

This process will continue until the character reaches Beyond rank in the use of the infinity

gauntlet At this point he is omniscient and omnipotent and is (in effect) undefeatable Only

blatant stupidity on the part of the gauntlet wielder can make him lose it

Incomplete Infinity Gauntlet

If someone doesnt have all six infinity gems he can still use them in concert if he knows that

he can of course For each additional gem a body holds the effective rank of usage with each

gems effects is increased by +1 CS for that person

Furthermore the effects of each gem can overlap A body can use this to his advantage

combining the influence of the gems to control more of existence than before The

possibilities are near endless but not as great as those available to one who has all six gems
