Industry Newsletter Sugar & Starch 20 - Mettler Toledo · 2020-01-18 · 2 METTLER TOLEDO Sugar...


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Plastic from Sugar Cane!21 % More Uptime with Product MonitorProduction of biodegradable plastics from sugar cane is an exciting development

for the sugar industry. For a Brazilian manufacturer, filtration issues were hampering

productivity. Installation of METTLER TOLEDO product monitors has significantly

increased process yield.

Uses for sugar products are increasingEthanol, bagasse, molasses, etc.: the prod-ucts and by-products of the cane sugar industry are being increasingly utilized in the manufacture of a diverse range of products from paper to pesticides, and from biofuels to waxes. In recent years, the South American sugar industry has added a new product to this list – biodegradable plastic.

Since 1994, a large sugar and alcohol plant in southern Brazil has been studying and investing in new fermentation pro-duction processes, with the objective of producing a biodegradable polymer de-rived from sugar cane on an industrial scale.

Environmentally friendly polymerThe sugar cane product is combined with bacteria in stirred reactors. During an aerobic fermentation process, biosynthesis takes place which, after a number of filtra-tion and extraction steps, results in the production of polyhydroxybutyrate, or PHB. This is a natural polyester which degrades very rapidly (it is absorbed by the environment without leaving any waste) and is used as a raw material in various production processes. Interest in PHB is growing as it differs from most other bio-degradable plastics in that it is water in-soluble; therefore, it does not degrade if it becomes wet, making it very suitable as a packaging material for products such as shampoo. PHB is also suitable for medical applications.


Sugar Starch & YeastPerspectives in Liquid Process Analytics

INGOLDLeading Process Analytics

2  METTLER TOLEDO Sugar News 20

Lost productivityThe plant was encountering major prob-lems with a particular filtration process. On several occasions, the filters in use broke, resulting in product contamina-tion, lost production, and reduced reli-ability of the process. Plant managers estimated that they were losing approxi-mately 20 % of production time due to this filter problem alone.

Product monitor is the answerMETTLER TOLEDO was asked if we could provide a robust and reliable solution, at an attractive investment cost, for in-line control of filter breakage in this produc-tion stage.

After close examination of the filtration process, we installed one of our InPro 8300 RAMS TCS systems. This Reflection Ab-sorption Multi-Switch unit is a combined turbidity and color optical product moni-tor. Using one or more parameters (e.g. transmission of blue and green light, or turbidity and infra-red light absorption) the InPro 8300 RAMS records a “finger-print” of one to eight separate liquids. Should the characteristics of the currently measured fluid deviate from the stored data, the unit can be set up to close a valve or issue an alarm.

The InPro 8300 RAMS units are robust and easy to use, with a low maintenance requirement and easy configuration. In-

stallation on Tuchenhagen VARINLINE housings is fast and simple. Each InPro 8300 RAMS comes with multi-point cali-bration carried out in the factory. No further calibration is necessary.

Improvements in productionAfter a two-month test period, plant tech-nicians concluded that the InPro 8300 RAMS TCS was rapidly identifying filter breakthrough, allowing them to take cor-rective action and preventing product contamination. Three further systems have since been installed. Lost productiv-ity due to breakthrough on the filters concerned has reduced from 20 % to 3 %, equating to a 21 % increase in production uptime.

A further significant bonus for our cus-tomer has been reduced costs, as installa-tion of in-line control allows waste in the filtration process to be measured and eliminated.

Discover more about the InPro 8300 at:c

InPro 8300 RAMS product monitor

Publisher / Production Mettler-Toledo AG

Process Analytics

Im Hackacker 15

CH-8902 Urdorf


IllustrationsMettler-Toledo AG 

AZP Worldwide, Picsfive, Goran Bogicevic | 

Imdan, Sapsiwai, Rufous, Basphoto, 

Maksudkr, Disorderly | 

Subject to technical changes. 

© Mettler-Toledo AG 01/13.

Printed in Switzerland. 

METTLER TOLEDO Sugar News 20  3

Cableless Solution

tion. It is also the perfect answer for remote monitoring tasks.

The W100 supports ISM sensors for pH, DO as well as 4-E conductivity, which are compatible with the advanced transmitter line M400 or the value transmitter line M300.

Additional benefits of the cableless solu-tion include the long battery lifetime of up to 6 months, and the communication range of up to 150 meters.

Discover more at:

Tricky Sensor Installation Point?Go Cableless!Proper wiring between sensor and transmitter can be very costly, especially

in locations with limited access or where moving parts can be a hazard.

The cableless solution W100 gives you the option to solve expensive and

challenging installation conditions at a very reasonable cost.

No more cablesWith the W100, METTLER TOLEDO offers an innovative solution for cost-intensive measurement point installations. Based on reliable and industry-proven wireless technology (according to IEEE802.15.4), the W100 replaces the cable between METTLER TOLEDO Intelligent Sensor Management (ISM) sensors and the transmitter, and provides bi-directional digital data transfer with full calibration and diagnostics functionality.

Real-time monitoring of the measure-ment value as well as auto-recognition of the sensor is ensured. Additionally, the W100 convinces with its very simple one button operation, which is also the basis for the easy pairing between transmitter and sensor. Thanks to the LED display, the state of the W100 can be recognized at a glance. Installation at existing ISM mea-suring points is simple as there is no need to change any transmitter settings.

For many applicationsSince there is no cable to be laid, the sys-tem offers great advantages in applications where high installation costs due to physical barriers or contamination risks, exist. Also, in applications where the measuring point is needed only temporar-ily, where the installation of the sensor has to be changed several times, or where the sensor is mounted on a moving part, the W100 is a highly cost-efficient solu-

Stay one step ahead of maintenance with ISM

A METTLER TOLEDO ISM mea-suring system with the W100 will not just save on installation costs; ISM also reduces the maintenance and calibration effort to a mimimum. This  considerably improves process reliability, productivity and sys-tem availability.

Find out how ISM can help you, at:

Best Practice

4  METTLER TOLEDO Sugar News 20

InPro 4800 i pH Electrode

Better Product Qualitywith pH Control in CarbonationCarbonation of sugar liquor needs very tight pH control. For a refinery in India, regular pH

electrode maintenance was a drain on resources until a METTLER TOLEDO solution with

automated sensor cleaning was installed. Now, reliable low-maintenance pH measurement

systems have led to improved final product quality.

Refining processSugar refining at the plants begins with affination, where raw sugar is mixed with hot sugar syrup to remove the molasses coating the sugar crystals. The crystals are then separated from the syrup in a centri-fuge. After separation, the crystals are dissolved in hot water to form a sugar li-quor which passes through a carbonation process to remove unwanted particles.

During carbonation, it is crucial for refin-ery technicians to maintain the pH be-tween 6.8 and 7.00. This ensures maxi-mum precipitation of the undesired colloidal components. As the sugar liquor is very sticky and rapidly coats pH sensors, measurement accuracy quickly falls.

Precise pH measurement requiredAt one of their plants, our customer was using a competitor’s pH system which was installed in a bypass line. Since the pH range was very narrow, the reliability for the pH reading required was high. To retain measurement system perfor-mance, maintenance personnel had to

isolate the bypass and remove the elec-trode every 30 minutes to clean it.

New solution ticks all the boxesFrustrated with the high maintenance demand, the plant manager asked METTLER TOLEDO to provide a solution that would be highly reliable and that would provide automatic cleaning of the sensor. In addition, he wanted automatic control of the pumps for dosing of auxil-iary liquids based on pH measurements from the system. We confidently put for-ward a solution comprising the following:

InPro 4800 i pH electrodejStrong resistance to oxidizing mediajPTFE junction repels coatingjPlug and Measure featurejPredictive diagnostics tools

M400 transmitterjMulti-parameter unitjAccepts digital ISM and conventional

analog sensorsjQuick set up mode for fast installation

Large Indian sugar producerOur customer operates four sugar plants in northern India. Combined, the plants have a sugarcane crushing capacity of around 23,750 TCD. Three of the four re-fineries produce 100 % sulfurless sugar using a process the company developed itself. The refineries also produce 30 MW of clean, zero-carbon footprint power from co-generation, using bagasse.

METTLER TOLEDO Sugar News 20  5

EasyClean 150 automated sensor rinsing systemjCompletely unattended sensor rinsingjModular design allows installation

flexibilityjUniversal components for easy


InTrac 777 retractable housingjAutomatic sensor removaljIntegrated flushing chamberjTri-Lock safety system prevents escape

of liquid medium

Intelligent Sensor ManagementThis system includes METTLER TOLEDO’s Intelligent Sensor Management (ISM) technology. ISM reduces the maintenance

costs of analytical measurement points, while increasing the safety of the produc-tion process.

Some ISM benefitsjPre-calibration – ISM technology al-

lows sensors to be calibrated in a con-venient location away from the process and stored for future use

jPlug and Measure feature – Once a pre-calibrated sensor is connected to an ISM-equipped transmitter, calibra-tion data is instantly uploaded, mak-ing measurement point start-up fast and reliable

jDigital signal – Measurements are calculated within the head of the sen-sor and sent digitally to the transmit-

ter. The digital signal is unaffected by moisture or electrical interference, therefore measurements are reliable and robust

jDynamic Lifetime Indicator – Sophis-ticated algorithms use current and historical process conditions to calcu-late a sensor’s remaining lifetime. The chance of sensor failure during the process is almost eliminated, so pro-cess stability is greatly enhanced.

Reliable pH measurement leads to better product qualityAfter a successful test period, three such systems were installed. Six months later, the customer reports that they continue to get very reliable pH measurements. No manual intervention is required for elec-trode cleaning, and automatic pump control is leading to better and more consistent product quality.

If you need reliable pH measurements at your plant, go to:c

M400 transmitter

InPro 4800 ipH electrode

6  METTLER TOLEDO Sugar News 20

InPro 3250 i pH Electrode

personnel when electrode cleaning, cali-bration or replacement was required, plant technicians wanted to improve safety and reliability of the measurement by install-ing electrodes directly into a recirculation line. They were also hoping to reduce time spent on measurement system mainte-nance. METTLER TOLEDO proposed a solution comprising the InPro 3250 i pH electrode, InTrac 777 e housing, and M400 transmitter.

Durable dependable solutionInPro 3250 i is a rugged, low maintenance, combination pH / temperature sensor. The electrode was chosen as it has an internal over pressure that ensures a positive elec-trolyte outflow, keeping the diaphragm clean and preventing the influx of process media into the electrode’s reference sys-tem. This extends maintenance intervals and increases electrode lifetime.

The InTrac 777 e housing is retractable, allowing access to the electrode without

process interruption. The advanced Tri-Lock system prevents escape of sugar juice when the electrode is extracted from the line.

For flexibility in the plant, the M400 multi-parameter transmitter was recom-mended. As it can measure a range of analytical parameters, it can be used at numerous processes without personnel having to learn how to operate a different unit.

The InPro 3250 i and M400 transmitter are part of METTLER TOLEDO’s Intelli-gent Sensor Management (ISM) portfolio of products. ISM offers a number of fea-tures that make sensor handling and maintenance significantly easier.

Fast measurement point start upOne of these features is the ability to cali-brate pH electrodes away from the process in a more convenient environment. Using a computer running our iSense Asset Suite

Decalcification of sugar beetOne of the most important steps in pro-cessing sugar beet is decalcification. The presence of residual calcium in the juice after carbonation can lead to severe scale formation in evaporators, a main cause of costly plant shutdowns. In addition, ex-traction of the calcium improves evapora-tor capacity and lowers steam consump-tion due to the lower viscosity of the decalcified juice.

pH measurement reliability needed improvingOur customer is a leading UK producer of sugar from beet. Their decalcification process involves a recycling step to help achieve maximum sugar extraction. For process efficiency, pH must be maintained between 9.1 and 9.3.

pH was being measured in an open weir using pH electrodes installed in static housings. Although this arrangement provided easy access for maintenance

“Intelligent” Measurement System Reduces Time Spent on MaintenanceControlling pH during beet sugar decalcification is important for process

efficiency. Intelligent Sensor Management (ISM) has simplified sensor

maintenance for a UK sugar company, allowing technicians to concentrate

on more skill-intensive tasks.

METTLER TOLEDO Sugar News 20  7

Proactive maintenanceiSense Asset Suite and the M400 feature another useful function of ISM: predictive diagnostics. ISM sensors monitor their own performance and wear based on past and current process conditions, and con-vert the information into diagnostic tools. These data, displayed on the M400 and iSense as the Dynamic Lifetime Indicator, Adaptive Calibration Timer, and Time to Maintenance tools, allow personnel to schedule sensor maintenance for when it will be required. This alters maintenance from being largely reactive to being a proactive procedure.

software, and a USB connection to an InPro 3250 i, the electrode can be safely and accurately calibrated. As the calibra-tion data is held on a microprocessor in the sensor head, the calibrated electrode can be stored until it is required. The Plug and Measure feature means that a pre-calibrated electrode can be quickly in-stalled in the field. Upon connection to the M400 transmitter, the calibration data is automatically uploaded and the system is ready to measure in a few moments.

More appropriate use of personnel’s skillsOur customer is extremely satisfied with the performance of the METTLER TOLEDO solution. They have found the InPro 3250 i to be more tolerant of the process conditions and far more reliable than their previously used electrode. Ad-ditionally, ISM has significantly simpli-fied their maintenance procedures. Time saved thanks to sensor pre-calibration, Plug and Measure, and predictive diag-nostics is allowing maintenance person-nel to concentrate on more skill-critical tasks.

If you need to reduce measurement point maintenance at your facility, visit:c

M400 transmitter

InPro 3250 ipH electrode

8  METTLER TOLEDO Sugar News 20

Loss on Drying

any time and can even be printed auto-matically as part of the process. Data is stored safely in the LabX database for fu-ture use, such as for auditing.

LabX – assists complianceInternational guidelines state that the moisture content of white sugar should not exceed 0.06 % (e.g. the EU sugar policy Commission Regulation (EC) No 1262 / 2001). LabX offers an easy, secure and error-free way of performing moisture analyses using the oven drying reference method and plays a key role in ensuring that companies comply with regulatory demands.

Testing Moisture in SugarEasy and Error-freeMoisture content is critical to the quality of sugar. The standard reference method for determining

moisture in sugar is loss on drying. However, this time-consuming process must be carried

out with the utmost care in order to avoid the many potential sources of error. One Click™ Loss

on Drying, powered by LabX software, simplifies the procedure by offering intelligent sample

handling, eliminating transcription errors and performing all calculations automatically.

The International Commission for Uniform Methods of Sugar Analysis (ICUMSA) defines method GS 2 / 1/ 3 / 9–15 (2005) for determining mois-ture content in sugar by loss on drying. The tradi-tional way for car-rying out this method can involve several typical sources of error, including manual data entry, transcription of results, crucible identification and calculation errors. These difficulties are compounded when several sample series are being analysed simultaneously.

LabX – user guidanceLabX software supports users throughout the entire loss on drying process and ad-dresses all the above critical error points. LabX is installed on a network PC or server and is connected to an Excellence XP or XS Balance. The in-built application, One Click™ Loss on Drying, can be customized to match individual process requirements and is started directly from the balance with the One Click™ shortcut on the touch-screen display. LabX provides step-by-step instructions on the display so users can be sure that their method is being followed precisely.

LabX – automatic calculations and documentationThe user enters the number of samples and LabX automatically prints the barcode labels used to uniquely identify each crucible throughout the process. When the barcodes are scanned, LabX automatically records the sample weight against the correct crucible ID. Even after pausing the application for drying and cooling, error-free crucible identification, via barcoding, makes back-weighing the samples easy. LabX automatically records all weights and calculates weight loss. The moisture content percentage is displayed on the balance where a green or red screen clearly indicates if the sample has passed or failed according to defined process tolerances. The intelligent task management func-tionalities of LabX also make it easy to run several sample series simultaneously. A customized report can be printed out at

METTLER TOLEDO Sugar News 20  9

Comprehensive Website The Information You Want

is at METTLER TOLEDO Process Analytics website contains

a vast amount of up-to-date information on all our products

and services.

Content is localized for your country and tailored to suit your selections. Simple lay-out allows you to quickly find the informa-tion and features you are looking for.

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jObtain a quote quickly and easilyjRead case studies relevant to your industry

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jRead the latest product news jAccess our newsletter archivejFind out when our next trade show or exhibition is in your area

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10  METTLER TOLEDO Sugar News 20

InPro 8400 Turbidity Sensor Early Filter Breakthrough Detection

Eliminates Costly Refiltration

If not detected quickly, filter breakthrough during clarification leads to

time-consuming expensive refiltration, and possible downstream

problems. In-line turbidity monitoring with an InPro 8400 provides

instant warning of filtration problems, allowing fast corrective action.

METTLER TOLEDO’s InPro 8400 sen-sor  utilizes  forward  scattered  light measurement  technology  to  accu-rately  determine  changes  in  liquid turbidity. 

Find out more at:c

Checking sugar juice grab samples to  detect  filter  breakthrough  is  reli-able, but may often come too late. In-line turbidity monitoring provides real-time  continuous  data  on  filter performance. At the first sign of un-wanted particles in the clarified juice, corrective action can ensure product quality is not compromised.

Your benefits

Durable opticsSapphire glass is highly resistant to abrasive particles.

Easy start upFactory calibration and application spe-cific process connections mean commis-sioning is uncomplicated.  

Lower operating costsIn-line measurement reduces need for grab samples  

METTLER TOLEDO Sugar News 20  11

InPro 8400 turbidity sensor

Visit for more

Get in-line with METTLER TOLEDO

Easy Sensor Calibrationwith Free Maintenance SoftwareIntelligent Sensor Management (ISM) is helping to improve productivity in process industry companies the world over.

iSense Asset Suite,  the partnering software  for  ISM sensors, allows easy sensor calibration in a convenient location away from  the  process,  sensor  diagnostics  for  increased  process uptime, traceability over a sensor's lifetime, and much more.

A free version of iSense, iSenseLight, has all the main features of the full software. No license is required and there is no need for registration. 

With  iSenseLight,  ISM sensors and  transmitter, and an  iLink USB cable you immediately get all these benefits:

j Fast and easy sensor calibration in a convenient location j Predictive maintenance diagnosticsj Configuration of optical oxygen sensors j Printable calibration reports


Mettler-Toledo AGProcess AnalyticsIm Hackacker 15CH-8902 UrdorfSwitzerland
