INDUSTRIAL CLASSROOM - TVET Platform for SEA...11/13/2019 5 Industrial Classroom: Purpose •To...


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INDUSTRIAL CLASSROOMShaping quality culture from classroom -

Engaging teachers and learners in quality development

10th Regional Policy Dialogue, Breakout session 2A

Dr. Ade Setiawan, Vice Principal of SMKN1 Batam Vocational School, Indonesia

Yangon, 14 - 15 November 2019

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Industrial Classroom


The industrial classroom program is a special classprocurement program in the school environment.This class is managed jointly between school and industrialpartner.

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The Porpose of TVET :

• Technical and vocational education and training’ (TVET) is understood as comprising education, training and skills development relating to a wide range of occupational fields, production, services and livelihoods (UNESCO, 2015).

• Based on Indonesian Government Regulation Number 29/1990, Vocational secondary education prioritizes preparation of students to enter the workforce and develop professional attitude.

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Background: Indonesian TVET Facts

• High number unemployement of vocational school graduate.• There are gaps between school and industry in term of curriculum,

learning facility, human resources, industrial need and school capability

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Industrial Classroom: Purpose

• To minimize the gap between industrial need and school capability in providing qualified TVET’s Graduate

• Produce and prepare TVET’s graduate in accordance with Industry need

• Strengthening linkages and equivalence between TVET

and the labor market

• Improve effectiveness and efficiency of the educational process in TVET

• Giving recognition and appreciation for internship program as part of the educational process

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Industrial Classroom @ SMKN 1 Batam Vocational School

• Industrial Automation - Schneider Industrial Class

• Mechatronics - Epcoss (TDK) Industrial Class

• Computer and Networking - Axioo Industrial Class

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Industrial Classroom: Scope of Cooperations

• New students’ admission test

• Classroom and Laboratory setting assistance

• Equipment procurement assistance

• Curriculum syncronization between school and industry

• Intensive Internship through dual system program

• Guest teacher from industry/company

• Internship program for teacher and school staff

• Students’ certification

• Graduates’ recruitment

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Industrial Classroom: Benefit for school and student

• Improve graduates’ attitude, knowledge and skill quality

• Enhances effectiveness of learning process

• Curriculum syncronization and learning facility assitance

• Increase school’s image and reputation

• Shorten waiting period for graduate to get a job

• Allowance for intern student during internship

• Earlier introduction about world of work

• Fostering healty competition among students

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Industrial Classroom: Benefit for Industry

• Shorten recruitment process

• Employee’s quality fulfillment in line with the company need

• Cost saving and time for new employee’s training

• Long-term investment for current and future human resources development

• Incentive and tax-deduction from the goverment

• Strenghten Corporate Social Responsiblity (CSR) Program

• Increase company’s image and reputation

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Industrial Classroom: Quality Development

• Early introduction of work and industrial culture in schoolthrough dual system program

• Create working culture and quaity-oriented learning

• Improve graduates’ skill and competency

• Increase graduates’ readiness before entering world of work

• Create healthy competition among students through “promotion and degradation” system.
