Indresano Landscaping



Indresano Landscaping 628 WASHINGTON ST. WELLESLEY MA 02482 (781) 235-4003 INDRESANO LANDSCAPING “THE ORIGINAL”, was started in 1959. Celebrating over 50 YEARS of the highest quality work and service We are a family business run by Virgil & Joe Indresano providing homeowners with beautiful yards for there families. We have a wealth of knowledge and experience in maintaining your yard and bringing out the best in plants foliage planning and installing, so you can count on INDRESANO to design amazing grounds for you at a reasonable price.

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Essentials Of Brick And Stone Work Landscaping Unveiled

Landscaping your home is an amazing way to beautify the exteriors of your home. There

are numerous ways to do this but one of the most common and preferred ways of

incorporating the natural elements is to use stone. Bricks have been in use for landscaping

for a long time now. There are many types of bricks used to do this. While many people

have moved on to ceramic tiles, the most popular with Indresano Landscaping still remains

the terracotta bricks that give an earthy tone to the design most people like in their vicinity.

Most Common Materials

The usage of bricks dates back to the beginning of civilization where ancient civilizations

baked clay in kilns in blocks for their homes. Usually the lawns were decorated with the

leftovers from the house building when some industrious person noted that they make

excellent paving. Stone has also been a favorite since long. They are natural and found

anywhere and used by Indresano Landscaping,as they are inexpensive. Using Brick and

stone work landscaping means there is minimum impact on the environment and the

materials are available easily all-round the year.

Laying Out The Design

Every design needs a plan to begin work. Look at your home and the area you call a lawn or

a patio. Paving stones, also known as interlocking bricks look elegant when they are laid out

in a pattern to match the rest of the aesthetic elements of Indresano Landscaping. In

addition to being beautiful, they do a great job of letting the rain water seep down into the

ground without blocking it as concrete does. Most Brick and stone work landscaping experts

will tell you that bricks and stones are the most versatile materials to work with. Laying out

bricks with space between them and filling the spaces between them with pebbles looks

both elegant and functional.

How To Realize The Design

The plans of Indresano Landscaping are always great, but it is the execution that will make

all the difference. Bricks need very little regarding maintenance. They need to be kept clean

and laying them on a nice level surface ensures there are no moisture spots remaining for

moss to gather and damage the bricks. Making the right cuts are also essential and the

tools used for the Brick And Stone Work Landscaping can be crude hammers and chisels or

concrete saws with a diamond blade for more precise cuts. It all depends on your design.

Process Of Laying Bricks

The method commonly used for Brick and stone landscaping begins with excavating the

ground. Level it out and check the width. The width should pan that of a vehicle when used

as a driveway and smaller, if you intend to use it as a walkway. Add the paving base to the

excavated land and add gravel, little at a time. Add the sand base to just a couple of inches

below what you desire and then lay out the tiles on screed sand. It leaves the sand exactly

in the way Indresano Landscaping will need to lay out the stones and bricks. Now your

design is ready. To learn more visit Indresano Landscaping.

Why Is Bush Trimming And Pruning Trees Needed?

Any lawn is incomplete without at least one tree. It could be a Zen garden where the whole

focus is one element alone, but we are not talking about that. You are here to know how to

prune trees and trim bushes. There are many people who are either scared or lazy to take

care of their plants as is required. They like to let the plant grow wild for a long time and

then take a pair of shears to cut off without caring for what the plant needs. Experts like

Indresano Landscaping say letting the plant grow as it will leaves a lot of the nutrients to be

distributed along the whole plant and the growth looks uneven.

What Not To Do

Hacking away at it doesn’t improve the situation with improper Bush Trimming And Pruning.

Careful selection of branches and leaves that can possibly stunt the growth of the plant –

that is what you are looking for. Cutting off the primary branch just because it is “growing

too tall” is not a viable reason. As per In

Dresano Landscaping prune only the aged and decaying parts, the hiding spots of disease

and infection and extensions that grow from the base of the tree. It is essential to prune the

tree back to the tree and not leave it as a stub that looks odd.

Shaping The Tree

The trimming process of a tree involves the use of sharp shears. Whenever you are planning

to indulge in some Bush trimming and pruning never use a blunt instrument. It bruises the

trees and can leave the plant damaged more than healthy. Shaping a tree involves the

gradual change of the tree into developing dense foliage. It needs to adapt to the new style

before it grows into it. It is all somewhat like a haircut; shaping and styling needs some

time to get used to. Ensure to cut off the limbs that threaten to compete with the central

branch like Indresano Landscaping do.

When To Prune And Trim

Poor trimming and ill-timed pruning can damage the tree more than it can benefit. Early

winter pruning weakens the tree against the coming months’ extreme weather and it may

not last the season. Indresano Landscaping say there are three different seasons to prune a

tree. Sticking to the schedule is the best to have healthy flowering bushes. Late winter and

early spring make great time for Bush trimming and pruning. Late spring and early summer

as well as midsummer months are the best for any kind of nips and tucks for the plants.

They get enough time to heal during these months and have a growth spurt too.

Pruning Flowering Shrubs

The idea of pruning flowering shrubs is a bit dicey. Indresano Landscaping found many

people have no idea how to go about it and end up with an unkempt and non-flowering

plant. When young the plant should be pruned very lightly allowing it to grow, but with

gentle direction. Bush trimming and pruning is essential when the plant grows older and

needs to get more sunlight in its interior regions. That keeps them flowering throughout all

seasons. Pruning is meant to stimulate growth and keep the plants healthy not redesigning

their looks. Visit us at Indresano Landscaping.

Essential Checklist For Spring And Fall Clean-Ups

As spring and fall arrive, you begin to have ideas about de-cluttering your home and think

of expert landscapers like Indresano Landscaping. This is the time when the linen cupboard

is inspected and cleaning activities commence. A remnant from the days of old, spring and

fall were the preparatory months for the major two months of the year – summer and

winter. Rains in the beginning of summer could derail most of the clean-ups and winter

came with its uncertain sun months. So Spring And Fall Clean Ups became times when

people cleaned out their homes and their outdoors with much enthusiasm.

Spring Cleanup Essentials

You know spring is here when the winter months are getting over and the days get longer.

However, the winter months are mostly spent cooped up in the homes with hardly any work

happening on the lawns and the trees. Use the services of experts like Indresano

Landscaping to know more about what you should do.Most of the trees have the last

straggling leaves shed away after winter and new leaves peep out. Dethatching the lawns is

important because the grass will now get a growth spurt and any blockages can destroy the

look immediately.

Spring Cleaning Requisites

Whether you hire cleaners like Indresano landscaping company or choose to do it all alone,

the process of spring and Fall Clean Ups is no child’s play. You will need to get all the winter

covers of the trees out and leave them to breathe in the fresh spring air. Plus, this is the

time to start up on the irrigation system. However, before either pruning or irrigation, it is

always better to check the soil moisture and the status of the trees after the winters. Most

trees and plants can weather the cold but some do perish.

Importance Of Fall Cleaning

One of the most important parts of the spring and Fall Clean Ups is that there are several

ways of achieving it. You can hire services of professionals like Indresano Landscaping or do

it yourself. The most important thing to do in any fall is to rake the leaves. No matter which

place you are at you will find a multitude of leaves on the ground, especially if you have

grounds nearby. So grab that rake and clear it up well ease with the snow they will become

treacherous slipping grounds. Even when there is just a slight fog or mist, you could slip

and fall with the damp.

Getting Professional Help

Understanding the nature of work and finishing it perfectly is not a very easy thing with the

spring and Fall Clean Ups. Professional landscaping experts like Indresano Landscaping have

the ability to finish any job in lesser time than you. As well as that, it is important to know

who to choose also. Look for references and get estimates to hire their services. Additionally

if you already use a landscaping service, it is also possible to hire their services if they offer

them. Nevertheless, no matter who does it, it is important to get it done. You can contact us

on Indresano Landscaping.

Emerging Importance Of Garden Irrigation Systems In Modern Society

Living in a concrete jungle most people don’t even have gardens to speak of. However, in

the suburbs where Indresano Landscaping operates mostly, it is easy to find home with

gardens and lawns. In order to take care of these gardens amidst the growing urbanization,

it is essential to give them great care. One of the major requirements of all these gardens is

adequate amounts of water. Irrigation systems play an important role in making that

possible. In order to have the right irrigation system, know what makes one good.

Advantages Of Irrigation Systems

The emerging importance of Garden Irrigation and proper soil pH level has increased

importance of experts in the field too. Indresano Landscaping is one of those experts and

has been installing irrigation kits for a long time. It helps to reduce the strain of watering

the garden. For professionals today, it is essential to have time to take care of stuff like that

but they cannot manage them with the major demands. In addition to that, these systems

are exceptionally efficient. They can water and moisturize the all the corners of the garden

and in the right quantities.

Common Products Used

Installing an irrigation system involves the help of professionals like Indresano Landscaping.

It offers irrigation kits like sprinklers, water timers, fittings and adaptors, supply pipes,

soaker hose, drip line accessories, drippers, micro jets and also mini sprinklers. All of these

are connected to the central systems that determine which are should get the maximum

water and which need very little, as programmed. In other words, a simple Garden

Irrigation system can be set up with very little cost but an elaborate set up with more

complicated settings will cost even more.

Gardening Watering Systems

If you are looking for a simple garden hose to water your plants, Indresano Landscaping is

not necessary for you. However, if you want to install sprinklers that water your plants on

time and in the right quantity, they are the right Garden Irrigation experts. These systems

are a series of connected pipes that originate from a water source, a water tap outdoors will

do. Run the line of pipes along all the plants you seek to water and connect them to the

pipe mesh that adjusts and regulates the water flow. In essence the water will go to all the

places it is needed and in quantities it is required.

Drip And Jet Irrigation Systems

While there are several types of irrigation systems offered by Indresano Landscaping, the

most popular amongst them all are drip and jet systems. Garden Irrigation systems like the

former use drip emitters and position them close to the roots of the plants. Slow water

release makes it a much more efficient way of irrigation. Micro jets or sprinklers as they are

also known are more commonly seen. They use a spraying mechanism to evenly distribute

water in the form of rain droplets and let the water trickle down to the plants easily. There

are also other more complicated systems that help keep your gardens fresh. For latest

updates visit Indresano Landscaping.
