INDIGENOUS IMPACT INFORMATION PACKAGE€¦ · HEROES with Indigenous contextualization, facilitated...


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Inspiring and equipping youth to become heroes by empowering the warrior within. Inspiring and equipping youth to become heroes by empowering the

BecausInspiring and equipping youth to become heroes by empowering the warrior within. Inspiring and equipping youth to become heroes by empowering the

a b o u t u sInspiring and equipping youth to become heroes by empowering the warrior within.

OUR STORYAt the age of 16, Jack Toth found himself sitting on his bed with his brother’s hunting rifle across his lap, about to take his life. It was a difficult time, but with determination and the help of others, Jack was able to pull out of that dark place, later committing his life to helping youth live with hope and purpose, and not experience the worthlessness and despair he did. Following their marriage in 1982, Jack and his wife Collette dedicated their lives to building the lives of youth—ultimately leading to the founding of Impact Society as a charitable society in 1994. Through the many people who came on board to team with Jack and Collette, Impact Society grew in understanding that:

How young people feel about themselves, impacts their belief about self; which ultimately affects behaviour.

True change occurs when the focus is on youth’s strengths, not on negative behaviours.

Each of us has the ability to make right choices, despite our circumstances.

Resiliency increases when internal strengths of youth are built, and those surrounding youth are equipped to support them.

When youth understand their significance, they will live with purpose, impacting those around them. This is the foundation of Impact Society’s success. With over 20 years of experience implementing an evidence-based process though the delivery of our HEROES® programs, we have influenced tens of thousands of participants into building personal confidence, character, and integrity—leading them to experience positive change in themselves and their communities.

OUR BELIEF & valuesWe believe that everyone is created with gifts & abilities (internal strengths) that are unique to them. As a person understands their value, chooses to root themselves in core values and experiences the support of caring, mentoring individuals—confidence grows and decision-making skills increase. The results are the actions of a hero—a person who believes in themselves, chooses the right path and lives with purpose.

Our mandate is to lead the youth and communities we work with in a strength-focused manner—reflecting love, humility, courage, honesty, respect, wisdom and truth.

OUR PURPOSEImpact Society exists to mentor and elevate the gifts & abilities (strengths) in youth—providing tools and resources that build significance, purpose and leadership skills.

We provide strength-focused programs and services for the emotional, mental, physical and spiritual growth of youth and the communities that support them.

We are passionate about partnering together to empower strength-focused and resilient communities.

We celebrate and focus on the strengths of an individual and community, not its weaknesses or dysfunction.

We utilize a restorative, rather than punitive approach.

We assist to cultivate what you can’t see (internal strengths) so it impacts what you can see (behaviours).

a b o u t u s

the heroes process

choices are made based on who we are internally and not our

circumstances. We recognize the positive supports around us that

we can rely on.




Discovering and building our gifts & abilities

(strengths) leads to increased


our Taproot Principles (core

growing and character strong.

and integrity opens our hearts

ultimately genuine success - making an impact on the world

around us.

OUR FOCUSOriginally, Impact Society’s focus was primarily within the education community. Overtime, Indigenous educators and leaders became acquainted with HEROES, informing us that the HEROES experience is a natural fit for building up their youth; they saw their 7 Sacred Teachings of love, respect, honesty, humility, courage, truth and wisdom naturally intertwined within our programs. Since 2014, Impact Society has pursued partnerships with many First Nation’s communities. Our vision is to assist Indigenous communities across our nation to achieve their goal of a community culture which inspires and enables youth to experience genuine success in life—emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually.

Impact Society’s programs and processes meet several Truth and Reconciliation recommendations put forward by the Government of Canada, as well as the United Nations Declarations on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples—adopted by the Government of Canada.

Impact Society’s believes that every Indigenous community has all the strengths needed to achieve long-term health and economic sustainability. We assist Indigenous communities to build the unique strengths of both the individual and community, strengthening a foundation of resiliency, and enhancing a strong, unified vision and direction for the Nation. We value every member of the community as an invested and engaged contributor with a voice to be heard. Our methods utilize interactive tools to rediscover and build existing strengths in the home, workplace, and community, utilizing interpersonal communication as a foundational component for establishing trust. Our processes are restorative rather than punitive—meaning that every participant feels valued and can have hope for the future.We work to build mutually constructive relationships between Industry, Government, and the Nation. We are proud to partner with Corporations and Indigenous communities across Canada.


In 2014, Impact Society created a process to contract with Industry, to provide our services to Indigenous communities, resulting in:

Strengthened youth and adults Increased community capacity Strengthened community/Industry relationships Increased financial stability within Impact Society

Partnership with Impact Society is a step toward an improved reputation and relationship with Indigenous communities and Industry parties.

i n d i g e n o u s f o c u s

H E R O E S p r o g r a m s

Impact Society programs focus on celebrating every individual’s existing strengths, not their weaknesses or problems. With this strengths-based focus, we offer youth and their support networks the framework and vocabulary to have the important conversations and develop a key understanding that will create a safe, supportive environment.

HEROES with Indigenous contextualization, facilitated by Impact Society’s Jack Toth, Founder & CEO and Gerald Auger, V.P. Indigenous Leadership & Development. HEROES is an effective twelve-session character education experience that helps youth see and build what’s already inside them—greatness. We know (and evidence shows) that positive behaviour follows a positive self-concept. That’s why we focus on building every student’s unique gifts & abilities and develop decision-making processes for long-term success. It is a holistic approach to strength-based character development touching on the emotional, mental, physical and spiritual conscience of an individual. Through HEROES ARE WARRIORS, the 7 Sacred Teachings of Love, Humility, Courage, Honesty, Respect, Wisdom, and Truth are woven into the lessons to emphasize their importance. To live, walk and stand in emotional, mental, physical and spiritually balance, one must understand and apply the 7 Sacred Teachings in daily life—these are the attitude and actions of a true warrior hero.

1 Discover and build your gifts & abilities.

Develop and lead from your gifts & abilities.

Built as a follow up to HEROES, H2 is the next step a young person can take in developing and practicing his or her gifts & abilities. Over the course of 11 sessions, students are challenged to put HEROES into practice—focusing on how they can impact and influence the world around them.

Building a foundation of confidence, character and integrity in your home.

HEROES AT HOME is an interactive workshop guiding parents and caregivers to build a foundation of confidence, character and integrity in themselves, and children or youth in their care. Studies show that with positive foundational support, youth are better able to recognize, appreciate and use their strengths in positive ways.

Lead from your strengths!

LEGENDS is a strength-based, adult leadership program designed to grow all levels of leadership within corporations, Indigenous communities, educational organizations, agencies and more. This interactive workshop is typically delivered over 2 – 3 days and is customized to meet the needs of the organization in which they are hosted.






p r o f e s s i o n a l d e v e l o p m e n t

The foundation of confidence, character and integrity begins at home. You will journey through how to encourage these important traits in your family, and in the families that support the youth in your community.

Workshop Delivery

In this interactive training, you will experience the journey of HEROES first-hand as we together learn what it means to feel, think and act like a hero. You will gain a better understanding of what it means to be strength-focused as we share best practice guidelines for facilitating the program.

Training Tips on Delivery

In this workshop, you will go through the highlights of HEROES & HEROES2 which will set you up for success before going into a classroom setting. Illustrations will be demonstrated and experiences from the classroom shared.

Community Vision Development

Impact Society’s unique vision development process is utilized with community youth, leadership or whole communities. The outcome is—identification and building of a vision and pathway to community sustainability, based on strengths, rather than fixing dysfunction. Participants express that the process is encouraging; facilitating honest discussion, leading to positive outcomes.


Impact Society is committed to equipping educators, families and communities in strength-focused practice in order to create the nurturing environment needed to cultivate proper youth development. We offer professional development trainings and workshops for both schools and organizations, designed and tailored to a specific need.

Impact Society offers the following “train the trainer” development opportunities to help build and empower your team both personally and professionally —

*For information on other opportunities and pricing, please email

This workshop has been designed to grow all levels of leadership as we identify and build strengths, inspire vision, shape positive communication and learn to resolve challenges in a positive manner.


® Workshop Delivery

In cooperation with professionals in their field and First Nation Partners, Impact Society has developed a proprietary, community strengths-resilience assessment. The assessment provides an indication of community strengths and resilience as well as understanding of community perspectives on direction, vision and economic opportunities.

Community Resilience AssessmentHEROES®HAVE VISION



As each community and group we work with is uniquely different, we adapt each of our programs and services to best meet their needs and goals. This means that our starting point begins with a specialized consultation, leading to community leaders being involved with each step as they begin their journey towards community health and wellness.

Ultimately, it takes a community to raise a child. For family, community and our nation to build a sustainable future, youth must have the mental, emotional, spiritual and physical capacity to thrive through challenges. Our programs and processes assist this to transpire in Indigenous communities. Communities appreciate our ability to assist them to create a meaningful path to long-term success, rather than the process being dictated to them.

Building the innate strengths of Indigenous people, enabling them to strengthen the foundations that traditionally provided health and vitality, will result in broken spirits being restored, communities experiencing health and economic sustainability, and ultimately being genuine partners in the success of the Nation of Canada.

inspiring & Equipping youth to become heroesby empowering the warrior within.

Impact SocietySuite 830, 105 - 12th Ave SE

Calgary, AB T2G 1A1

Charitable Registration Number: 893595686RR0001

JACK TOTHFounder & CEO(403) 660-6264

To begin a discussion on a process that will work for your community, please email us:, or contact:
