Indices, Registries, And Databases


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• The MPI is an index that lists all the patient’s seen at a facility.

• Specific patients

• Previous visits

• Find health record number/avoid duplicates

Access to MPI:

• Facility specific

• Monitor

• Hardcopy

Master Patient Index (MPI)

• Patient-identifiable data

• Name• DOB• Address• Hospitalizations• Attending

physician• Number of

health record





• Procedures

• Number of health record

• Gender

• Physician name

• Service

• Result

• Encounter dates

Used for:

• Finding patient records

• Specific disease’s

• Quality improvement,

• Research studies

• Monitoring quality of care


• Entering in criteria

• Compiling/aggregating data into a report,

• View on screen or

• On hardcopy/print out

types of procedure done and coded by the facility

Used to find patients who had a certain procedure, for quality improvement research studies and monitoring quality of care

Access the procedure indices by assembling the data into a report then you can either view it on a monitor or on a printout

Types: Physician Indices are equivalent to Disease and Procedure indices.

About: List of physicians

Uses: Find physicians

Access: Facility specific View on screen Printout (hardcopy)

Admission Registries: About; or census register, lists chronologically all admissions by date.

Includes; Admission date Resident name Medical record number Where admitted from

Use; Compiling statistical information/reports for a facility

Access; Facility Specific View on screen Hardcopy

About: List of all patients discharged from a facility

Includes: Discharge Date Patient Name Medical Record NumberWhere Discharged/Disposition Optional Information

Transfer/return date Length of Stay Attending Physician

Access: Facility Specific View on screen Hardcopy

About: A birth registry is a listing of all births for a given time frame.

It is used for research, epidemiology studies and other public health programs. There is also a birth defects registry.

Includes: Information on child Information on parents Mother’s pregnancy

Access: Facility specific Quality of care Performance Improvement The national vital statistics system

About: A list of all deaths that happen within a certain time frame. This registry is kept by the national vital statistics.

Includes: Decedent information Place of death Medical certification Disposition information

Access: Facility specific The national vital statistics system

About: The cancer registry is a group of facts about the manifestation of cancer, the types of cancer, the location inside the body, the disease stage of the cancer the kinds of treatments. Accession number Monitor Cancer trends Determine cancer patterns Guide Planning and Evaluation Set Priorities allocating health resources Research National database of cancer incidence

Includes: Aggregated data Type of cancer Gender Age Ethnic group

Access: CDC and the National Cancer Institute (NCI) have combined their data sources to publish annual federal cancer statistics in the United States Cancer Statistics: Incidence and Mortality report.

About: Is the database on patients with severe traumatic injuries.

Includes: Demographic information Injury information Patient care Patient status Patient’s course Diagnosis and procedure code Abbreviated injury scale Injury severity score

Access: Trauma codes Death Neurosurgery Orthopedics Plastic surgery

About: organization in care of preserving a record of skilled persons who have met the state and federal requirements to deliver nurse aide services in long-term care and skilled nursing facilities all over the state of Washington

Includes: identifying data, the nurse aide work records, eligibility for employment in a long term care facility, and any instances of abuse, neglect, or misappropriation of client property

Access: on-line, accessed by nurse aides or nurse aide employers, to confirm the standing of

an individual

About: This organization uses data composed at the state level from either claims data or discharge-abstracted data.

Includes: Nationwide inpatient sample State inpatient ambulatory surgery database State emergency department database Abstracts for visits that do not result in hospitalization Kids inpatient database


About: to measure performance on important dimensions of care and service

Includes: identifying the clinical area to evaluate; conducting an extensive literature review; developing the measure with the appropriate MAP and other panels; vetting it with various stakeholders; and performing a field-test that looks at feasibility, reliability and validity.

Access: this report can be accessed through NCQA who has an on-line reporting tool called Quality Compass that for a fee of several thousand dollars.

One of the main public health surveys in the national health care survey.

Office-based physician practice

Data on the patient and the


State discharge databases. Office-based physician


The data is abstracted

meet the need for objective, reliable information about the provision and use of ambulatory medical care services in the United States.

Data are obtained on patients' symptoms, physicians' diagnoses, and medications ordered or provided. This survey also offers statistics on the demographic characteristics of patients and services provided, as well as information on diagnostic procedures, patient management, and planned future treatment

About: Offers data on current residents, and discharged residents.

Includes: Ownership Size Certification Admissions Services Full-time staff charges


About: Data gathered on the home health or hospice agency as well

as on their current and discharged patients.

Includes: Referral Length of services Diagnoses Number of visits Patient charges Health status Reason for discharge Types of services


About: Internet-based arrangement for public health shadowing data transfer that uses precise PHIN (Public Health Information Network) and NEDSS Data Standards

Includes: System of interoperable subsystems, components and systems modules.



About: registry and results database of federally and privately maintained clinical trials lead in the United States and around the world.

Includes: purpose, who may participate, locations, phone numbers for more details


About: collects information regarding sanctions taken by State licensing authorities against all health care practitioners and entities. (Taken directly from the website listed below)

Includes: unprofessional behavior; to report medical malpractice payments; and to restrict the ability of incompetent physicians, dentists, and other he

alth care practitioners to move from State to State Adverse actions can involve licensure, clinical privileges, professional socie

ty membership, exclusions from Medicare and Medicaid.

Access: All Information included in the NPDB NOT available to the general public. Access to information in the NPDB is limited to those entities specified by Law (Taken from the website below)

About: A federal data bank that has been formed to serve as repositories of information about health care providers in the United States.

Includes: unprofessional behavior; to report medical malpractice payments; and to restrict the ability of incompetent physicians, dentists, and other health care practi

tioners to move from State to State Adverse actions can involve licensure, clinical privileges, professional society membership

, exclusions from Medicare and Medicaid.

Access: All Information included in the NPDB and HIPDB is NOT available to the general public. Access to information in the NPDB and HIPDB is limited to those entities specified by law (Taken from the website below)

About: Data from claims for services provided to beneficiaries admitted toMedicare certified inpatient hospitals and skilled nursing facilities (SNF). (Taken from the website below)

Includes: Demographic data on patient Data on provider Information on Medicare coverage Total charges Charges broken down by service ICD and CPT codes MS-DRGs



Indices: Master Patient Index,

Disease indexes,

Procedure indexes,

Physician indexes

Registries: Admission,






Databases: Healthcare Cost and utilization project, health effectiveness data and information, national ambulatory care survey, national hospital ambulatory medical care survey, national nursing home survey, national home and hospice care survey, national electronic disease surveillance system clinical trials database, national practitioners databank, clinical trials database, national practitioners databank, healthcare integrity and protection databank, Medicare provider and analysis review
