Indian Institutes of Technology Alumni Victoria Inc. 2014...


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Indian Institutes of Technology Alumni Victoria Inc.

2014 AGM

President’s Report

Raj Rajakumar

4 May 2014

3. President’s Annual Report 2013-2014 - page 1(IITAV’s purpose developed in Planning Workshop 2011)

1. Establish and enhance IIT brand equity in Australia

2. Promote professional networking with business, academia and government

3. Promote and assist with professional development of members (mentoring)

4. Strengthen business, academic and political relationships between Australia and India

5. Develop and promote the welfare of members

6. Promote social interaction between members

President’s Annual report – page 2Focus Areas (2013-2014)

• Grow Membership and member benefits

• Grow profile of IITs and IITAV

• Facilitate Networking and Professional Development through Social & Professional events

• Strengthen Marketing & Communication

• Strengthen co-operation and linkages with other organisations to leverage influence and increase impact of IITAV

• Develop website – including as a source of information of members’ capabilities and interests

President’s Annual Report – Page 32013-14 Highlights: 10 events held: 8 professional and 2 social

1. June 2013: Networking Event: “iDEA to iNVESTMENT” – held jointly with Melbourne Business School (Innovation Club) – Keynote speakers Professor Kwang (MBS), Sameer Babbar – CEO, SVB group and IITian

2. August 2013: Joint IITAV-Engineers Australia (EA) Gala Dinner, “Role of Engineers in Australia in the Asian Century” by Dr Marlene Kanga, National President EA (IITian). Panel members: Prof. Amitabh Mattoo, Director Australia India Institute; Rohini Kappadath, Director, Cross Border Business-Pitcher Partners; Jai Kaudinya – MD Eco-Pacific (IITian); Presided by Mr Rajkumar, Acting Consul General for India in Melbourne.

3. September 2013: Networking Feature Event in collaboration with Swinburne University of Technology; “Innovation in the Digital Age” by Will Irving, Group Managing Director, Telstra Business.

4. November 2013: Diwali dinner event, Cafe Mod Oz.

President’s Report – Page 42013-14 Highlights – Events (continued)

5. November 2013: Informal networking event, attended by Professor Achal Mehra, Dean IIT-Gandhinagar and IITian, Sherlock Holmes Inn.

6. December 2013: Networking event: Site visit to Eco Pacific, South Dandenong – hosted by Jai and Rachana Kaudinya (IITians)

7. February 2014: Informal networking event at Red Humming Bird

8. March 2014: Holi Hungama lunch event at Spirit of India in Preston

9. April 2014: Feature Panel Discussion event jointly with Engineers Australia at EA’s office, Bedford Street: “Opportunity to Success”. Panel Members: Jordan Green, Commercialisation Australia and IITians: DD Saxena, MD Riverina Oils & Bio Energy Pty Ltd; Rakesh Aggarwal – MD Saurin Group; Steve Bungay, MD Envision Australia. With John McIntosh, immediate past President EA-Victoria Division and Ms Manika Jain, Consul General for India.

10. May 2014: Annual General Meeting at Swinburne University, Hawthorn.

President’s Annual Report – Page 52013-14 Growth of profile and linkages

1. Engineers Australia

- two joint events, one attended by National President and one by

President, Victorian Division.

- December 2013: IITAV Management Committee meeting with

Engineers Australia, President and Director, Victoria Division

participated. Opportunities for co-operation explored.

2. Swinburne University of Technology:

- Corporate member

- hosted two of our events

3. Australia India Institute (AII)

- Professor Mattoo, Director, was a Panel member at August dinner

- AII invited 20 IITAV members to the Nandan Nilekani Oration.

President’s Report – Page 62013-14 Growth of profile (continued)

4. Deakin University- IITAV facilitated visit and discussion on collaboration with IIT - Gandhinagar

(Prof. Achal Mehra)- sponsored August dinner

5. Companies- IITAV members invited to Pitcher Partner event, sponsor of August dinner- Eco-Pacific site visit, sponsor of August dinner- Both companies represented in Discussion Panel at August event

6. Consulate General of India in Melbourne – CGI attended two of our events, Consulate advertised our events.

7. Press Coverage and Communications:- Full page article about IITians and IITs by Peter Cai in the Age and Sydney Morning Herald on 10 August 2013

- Articles about IITAV in Indian Newspapers – Bharat Times, Indian Sun, Indian Executive

- 3 Newsletters issued

Indian ExecutiveIIT Alumni host event on ‘innovation enabled by NBN’By Shveata Chandel Singh

Will Irving, Group Managing Director, Telstra Business, explores innovative opportunities to increase connectivity.On 25 September, Indian Institute of Technology Alumni Victoria (IITAV) hosted an informative presentation and discussion on theexciting opportunities provided by the advent of the National Broadband Network (NBN) in Australia.The event, held in collaboration with Swinburne University of Technology, featured an address by Will Irving, Group Managing Director, Telstra Business.In an engrossing style, supported with beautiful slides, Will covered two broad aspects of information and communication technology. His talk on transformational technologies explored the world of broadband devices and interfaces, M2M (the internet of things), Cloud and Big Data. His address on innovative opportunities to increase connectivity encompassing home, work, business, hospitals, patients and education highlighted how information technology has been transforming our lives at an ever increasing speed. “The internet data transfer speed has grown from 0.25 mbps to 100 mbps in recent years and it will hit 200 mbps in the not too distant future. Now broadband will beat the heart of all our activities. Connecting more sophisticated devices and interfaces and machines with each other using rollable, bendable, foldable devices, virtual displays and wallpaper displays will become morecommon. These connections will be capable of handling huge amounts of data at impressive speeds,” Will said.He added that innovations will enable people to work and interact with colleagues from just about anywhere they like, anytime they like. “Innovations will interconnect all aspects of your business from within and without. Innovations will utilise data for the service of disaster management. Innovations will connect the local GP and the local pharmacy with the main hospitals in the state. You will be able to monitor and look after your own medical needs with guidance from your computer using tele-diagnostics and a central database. There will be innovations to develop enhanced learning aids and virtual laboratories,” he explained.“In short,” said Will, “be prepared for a smart world in which everything will connect and communicate. A smart life where our computer, fridge, car, banking, air flight bookings, doctor’s appointments, security cameras and myriad other aspects of our life will be at our finger tips through remote controls, smart phones and tablets.”Of course, there will be challenges along the way. Standardisation and efficiency will be required, said Will. There will be issues of trustworthiness of the data and legalities about ownership of data as well as questions about the systemic risks and how to mitigate them, he added.The event was attended by more than 40 IIT alumni, people from the IT industry, and Swinburne University staff. Nikhil Kumar, IITAV’s co-ordinator networking events, introduced Will Irving, while Dr Raj Rajakumar, IITAV President, thanked Will for his truly interesting, future-oriented talk and presented him a certificate of appreciation on behalf of IITAV.

President’s report – page 7Current registration of IITAV as Incorporated Association

Purchase ExtractOrganisation



NumberDate Registered Status

Last Annual

Statement Lodged

Year Ending




VICTORIA INC.A0055190H 20/10/2010 Registered 30/06/2013 -

Number of Result(s): 1

Search Type: Registration number

Word(s) Searched: A0055190H

Time and Date: 12:56 PM 15/04/2014 Affairs VictoriaIncorporated associations transactions

Incorporated association registerAn Extract for an Incorporated Association includes contact details and secretary details.

President’s report – page 8IITAV Membership History: April 2011 – April 2014

President’s Report 2013-2014 – Page 92013-14 Management Committee

• 11 Committee meetings held


L to R: Ravi Singh, Surinder Lamba, Rahul Tyagi, Nikhil Kumar, (Pandu Maruti – till October 2013), Rajiv Lal, Dilip Desai, Raj Rajakumar, Neeraj Kesarwani, Rachana Kaudinya (from October 2013)

Sincere thank you to the Committee and all members for your support and participation.

IITAV – MBS Networking event – June 2014

Networking event with Will Irving, Group MD, Telstra Business, September 2013

IITAV-EA Gala dinner, August 2013

IITAV members with Dr Biren Nanda, Indian High Commissioner and Nandan Nilekani at Australia India Institute Oration by Nandan Nilekani, October 2013

Diwali Dinner event – November 2013

Networking event – November 2013with Prof. Acha Mehra, IIT-Gandhinagar

Networking event – December 2013: Site visit to Eco Pacific

Holi Hungama, March 2014

IITAV- Engineers Australia Feature event, April 2014: Opportunity to Success

Thank you!
