Indian History - · Name of Guru City Founded 1.Guru NanakDevJi a.PontaSahib...


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Assignment 01

Ancient History


Ancient History Practice Assignment 01

DIRECTION for questions 1 - 40: Mark the best option: 1. Who is regarded as the greatest law-giver of

ancient India? A) Megasthenese B) Panini C) Manu D) Patanjali 2. Which of the following is a Harappan Port? A) Alexandria B) Lothal C) Mahasthangarh D) Nagapattanam 3. Match the facts of List-I with List-2 and then

answer which choice is correct ?

List-I List-2 A. Sri Chaitanya I. Malabar B. Nanak II. Maharashtra C. Tukaram III. Punjab D. Shankaracharya IV. Bengal A) A-I, B-III, C-II, D-IV B) A-III, B-IV, C-II, D-I C) A-IV, B-III, C-II, D-I D) A-II, B-IV, C-III, D-I


4. Which one of the following places is associated with the death of Buddha ?

A) Gaya B) Vaishali C) Sanchi D) Kushinagar 5. Which one of the following is not a form of Carnatic

music? A) Kriti B) Thillana C) Slokem D) Tappa 6. Who built the temple of Angkor Vat? A) Surya Varman II B) Jasya Varman VII C) Yaso Varman D) Hari Varman 7. The Uttaramerur inscription provides information

on the administration of the A) Pallavas B) Cholas C) Chaulakyas D) Satavahanas


8. The Gandhara School of art is also known as the A) Buddhist-Roman art B) Dravidian-Roman art C) Greco-Roman art D) Greco-Roman-Buddhist art 9. The chalco-lithic culture refers to a pre-historic

culture based on the use of_________and_________. A) Copper alone B) Copper, Stone C) Copper, Iron D) Stone, Iron 10. Who was a famed exponent of “advaitvada” in

Indian philosophy? A) Kapila B) Charvaka C) Adi Shankaracharya D) Ramanuja 11. Who amongst the following went to Sri Lanka for

the propagation of Buddhism? A) Gopa B) Gautama Buddha C) Sanghmitra D) Yashodhara


12. The sacrd books of Jains are called A) Pitikas B) Agams C) Smritis D) Purana 13. Which event brought about a profound change in

Ashoka’s administrative policy? A) The third Buddhist council B) The Kalinga War C) His embracing of Buddhism D) His sending of missionary to Ceylon 14. The Vedic economy was based on A) trade and commerce B) crafts and industries C) agriculture and cattle rearing D) all the above 15. The concept of Eight-fold path forms the theme of A) Dipavamsa B) Divyavadana C) Mahaparinibban Sura D) Dhrama Chakra Pravartana Sutta


16. The 'Saptanga Theory of State' (Theory of Seven Limbs of the State) was propounded by:

A) Kautilya in Arthashastra B) Manu in Manusmriti C) Kalhana in Rajatarangini D) Banabhatta in Harshacharita 17. Who were Manu, Yajnavalkya , Narada and

Brihaspati? A) Lawgivers of ancient India B) Gods of Vedic religion C) Buddhist scholars and logicians D) Celebrated mathematicians and astronomers of

ancient India 18. Which of the following dynasty was ruling in India,

when Alexander invaded India? A) Nanda Dynasty B) Shunga Dynasty C) Maurya Dynasty D) Shishunaga Dynasty


19. The, Golden age of the "Gupta Literary Renaissance" is said to be the reign of Whom among the following?

A) Chandragupta I B) Chandragupta II C) Kumaragupta D) Skandgupta 20. The Tomar Rajputs were defeated by the chauhans

of______________in the middle of twelfth century ? A) Ayodhya B) Ajmer C) Dwarka D) Gwalior 21. The Hijri Era is believed to start from A) 326 BC B) 319 AD C) 78 AD D) None of these 22. Which historian hailed Samudragupta as Indian

Napoleon? A) Ptolemy B) A.V. Smith C) Romila Thapar D) Dodwell


23. The official language of Pallavas was: A) Tamil B) Pali C) Sanskrit D) Harosti 24. Who was one of the teachers of Alexander the

Great A) Plato B) Aristotle C) Socrates D) Darwin 25. The surgery that was practiced in ancient India is

known from the works of which of the following scholars ?

A) Atreya B) Sushruta C) Charaka D) Vagbhata 26. Which of the following Vedas is concerned with the

musical rendition of hymns? A) Atharva Veda B) Yajur Veda C) Sam Veda D) Rig Veda


27. Both Buddhism and Jainism do not believe in A) Soul B) Ahimsa C) God D) Salvation 28. Which ancient Indian King has been depicted

playing the veena on his coins? A) Chandragupta B) Skandgupta C) Samudragupta D) Chandragupta II 29. Buddhism got divided into two sects, namely A) Diagambara and Shwetmbara B) Nilambar and Pitambra C) Mahayana and Hinayana D) None of these 30. The reign of Chandragupta Maurya: A) B.C. 298-273 B) B.C. 324-299 C) B.C. 261-236 D) B.C. 280-255


31. The Bhimbetka Caves near Bhopal give us a wealth of information regarding

A) Gautam Buddha B) Pre-historic times C) Vedic culture D) Post-vedic culture 32. Buddhist literature that contains stories regarding

the previous life of Guatam Buddha is A) Mahavastu B) Vinaya C) Jataka D) Suttapitaka 33. Pragyajotishpur was the old name of A) Lucknow B) Bihar C) Bihar D) Guwahati 34. Who was the grandson of Ashoka ? A) Dasraj B) Dashkumar C) Dashanan D) Dasharatha


35. The founder of the Yoga school of philosophy was

A) Adiguru Shankracharya B) Gemini C) Charvaka D) Patanjli 36. The Indus Valley people were most famous for


A) Town-planning system B) Bountiful agriculture C) Merchantile activities D) Artistic achievements

37. Pulakesin II was the greatest ruler of the A) Chalukyas of Kalyani B) Pallavas of Kanchi C) Cholas of Tamil D) Chalukyas of Badami 38. The stupa site NOT connected with any incident in

Buddha’s life is

A) Sarnath B) Sanchi C) Kushinagar D) Bodhgaya


39. At which place did Mahatma Buddha give his first Sermon ?

A) Lumbini B) Sarnath C) Pataliputra D) Vaishali 40. Where was Lord Mahavira born? A) Kundagram B) Pataliputra C) Magadh D) Vaishali


Answer Keys

Q. No. Key Q. No. Key 1. C 21. D 2. B 22. B 3. C 23. C 4. D 24. B 5. D 25. B 6. A 26. C 7. B 27. C 8. D 28. C 9. B 29. C

10. C 30. B 11. C 31. B 12. B 32. C 13. B 33. D 14. C 34. D 15. D 35. D 16. A 36. A 17. A 37. D 18. A 38. B 19. B 39. B 20. B 40. D
