India email database



Global B2B Contacts comprehensive business database has all varieties of business records, with complete contact details including working business email addresses. Our lists come with complete information such as First Name, Last Name, Company Name, Company URL, Title, Physical Address, Phone Number, Industry, Revenue, Employee size and especially verified Email Addresses. Job titles will come like CEOs, CFOs, CTOs, COOs, CIOs, Presidents, Chairman's, GMs, Mid level Managers, Sales and Marketing Managers, HR Managers, Finance Manager, Travel Trade Marketing Manager, Tour Group Leader, Corporate Travel Specialist

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Global B2B Contacts LLC

India Email Database Provider



India Business Executives List

India has its average annual GDP growth rate of 5.8% over the past two decades, and reaching 6.1%,

India is one of the world's fastest-growing economies. Industries are flourishing in this country with

major industries being IT, software, textiles, telecommunications, chemicals, pharmaceuticals,

biotechnology, food processing, steel, transport equipment, cement, mining, petroleum and

machinery. Global B2B Contacts has highly profitable contacts in its India Business Executives List,

which can help you strengthen your base in India.

We are among the front runners in possessing the most updated contacts of prospective customers and

business technology users.


. Global b2b Contacts unique process requires that every email address is telephone-verified at the source

and matched to an active business person at an active business location. The result is the highest quality,

most compliant list of business email addresses available anywhere.

Belgium email list features and benefits:

Targeted – Select your audience by specialty, type of business, geography, office size or other

profiling criteria.

Immediate – Send your message and see the results instantly! Voice call

Measurable – We’ll give you a free report on deliverability, open rate, click-through rate and other


Versatile – Use email for product releases, invitation, recruiting, surveys and more.

Full Service – Let SK&A handle everything, from creative to deployment.

Affordable – You won’t have to pay for printing, postage or paper.

Accurate – Updated nightly to ensure deliverability.


The fields covered by Global B2B Contacts include complete contact details like:

Contact name


Email address

Business contact number

Company name

Physical address


Company size

SIC code

Industry and more


About 50 such contact information fields are covered in our database which can be customized according to

individual needs. A dedicated team of telemarketing professionals constantly keep our databases updated and

verified at all times.

Businesses and professionals using this application in a range of industries are included in our list. This

mailing list / email list offers one of the most recently updated and largest databases in the globe.

Our mailing lists are focused at enhancing the company’s B2B

Direct marketing


Event marketing and other

Online marketing campaigns


Global B2B Contacts collates this mailing list through various sources including, public records, websites,

business cards, publications and more. We have also partnered with some of the leading magazines and trade

shows to source the contact details of leading decision makers in the industry. Individual customer consent is

taken before updating their contact details in the database.

Access our database of completely standardized records, updated phone and email data. The database at our

end is verified regularly to ensure maximum accuracy. Global B2B Contacts offers mailing lists for titles such

as that include: CEO/President, CFO, CIO/CTO, COO, Owner/Partner, Vice Presidents, Directors, IT

Executives, Sales Executives, Marketing Executives, HR Executives, Operations Executives, Finance

Executives, Business Development Exec, Controller, Corporate Secretary, Treasurer, Managers, Purchasing

/Procurement, Administration, R & D Exec, Others


Contact us for more Details

Global B2B Contacts LLC

9030 Charlotte Street

Kansas City

Missouri 64131


Email ID:

Contact Number:
