Index []3A978-1-4302... · 2017. 8. 28. · Index 450 made of butter, 438-40...


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A abortion, Web site against, 298-99

Access Manson Web site, 14

Achterberg, Jan Rutger, 100

actors/ actresses. See celebrities

Addis Ababa Hilton hotel, 415

adoption scandal, 29-30

affairs, virtual, 397-98


AIDS "myth" theory, 269-71

Aiken, Clay, 57,58-59

Ain't It Cool News, 341

Airlie, Richard, 185

Aleph religious group, 203

Alias, 162

Allen, Paul G., 364

Allen, Richard, 29

Allen, Vickie, 29

All in the Family Web site, 34

All the Presidents' Tapes Web page, 282

Altair BASIC programming language, 364

Alter Net Web site, 284

alt newsgroups, 218-21

Alzheimer's disease, 31-33, 88, 191, 207

American HeadHunter Web site, 418

American Idol, 57-59

TheAmerican WayofDeath, 110 Web site, 317

Am I Hot or Not? Web site, 315-18

Am I President or Not? Web site, 317

Ananova Web site, 288

Angel Babies Forever Loved Web site, llO

animal-related sites, 307-12

Animal Eye Doctor Web site, 312

catproofing tool, 307-9

HamsterDance Web site, 320-22

Quack Project Web site, 3ll site, 311

typing monkey, 309-ll

anti-abortion Web site, 298-99

anti-robot Web site, 343

Apple Computer, 53

Area 51, 277-78

Arkin, William M., 274

ArkWorld Web site, 432-33

Art & Psychosis Web site, 442-43

Art and Entropy Web site, 193-95

ArtCommotion Web site, 441

Art Crimes Web site, 44 7

artificial life forms, 120-23

TheArtofDeception, 162

artwork, 427-47

by celebrities, 427-30

contents of house, 437-38

craft facts, 440

done with computers, 432-36

ASCII art, 188-89, 432-35

Web design mistakes, 435-36

by killers, 430-32

list of Web sites related to, 447




made of butter, 438-40

online galleries, 441-47

Art & Psychosis Web site, 442-43

collaborative sentence, 444-45

Don't Go There site, 445-47

Museum of Contemporary Art mock site, 441

Tate Gallery mock site, 443-44

ASCII art, 188-89, 432-35

ASH newsgroup, 113, 114, 158

Askin, Leon, 39 Web site, 63--64

assassination debates, 92-93

As the Mouse Moves series, 383

Ate My Balls Web pages, 255, 256

At Large, 80

Atomic Weapons Establishment, 238-39

Attorney General's Online Library of Quotations, 249-51

auctions. See also eBay auction site

of celebrities' possessions, 74-75

of religious items, 143

Weird Auctions Web site, 426

Auerbach, Michael, 379

Aum Shinrikyo religious group, 203

Auto Focus, 38

autopsy photos, 206-7

Ax OJ.Con Web site, 64

B Web site, 280--81

Baby Factory's Web site, 394

Baghdad, blog about, 240-41

Baio, Andrew, 356

Baldwin, Alec, 176

"Ballad ofJ.R. 'Bob' Dobbs," 369

banana labels Web site, 420

Band-Aid Museum, 418-20 Web site, 317

Barney character, 293-95

Barney the Antichrist Web site, 294

Bartlet4America Web site, 56

Barton, Mark 0., 199-200

BASIC programming language, 364

Bates, Roy, 166

Battlecruiser 3000 AD game, 292


BBC Web site, 72

BC3K game, 292

Bear Family Records, 34

Bekele, Dawit, 414-15 Web site, 129, 143

Bell, Jim, 160-61

Benjarnins, Michael, 114-15

Bernstein, Carl, 84

Bert (of Sesame Street), 295-96

Bezos, Jeff, 191

Bigfoot, 220


Bin Laden, Osama, 83

and Bert Is Evil imagery, 295-96

former Web site of, 18-19

in Utah, 344-45

birth control pills, 29

Black Circle group, 300

Black Hole of the Web, 334

black metal music, 299-301

Black People Love Us! Web site, 318-20

Black Vault Web site, 284

Bleem, 296-97

Blitzer, Wolf, 251

blogs, 223-25


of Anna Kournikova, 59, 60

Crispy Duck with Ginger blog, 224

Dullest Blog in the World blog, 225

and Google-bombing, 237-38

last words in, 107

for preventing Alzheimer's disease, 31-33

World's Most Boring Blog.Promise, 225

BlushingbuyerWeb site, 417-18

"Bob" image, 368-70

Bonnett, Neil, 207, 408-11

The Book of the SubGenius, 369

books, electronic, 425

Boy OR Girl Web site, 27

Brady Bunch Web site, 4 7-49

Brand, Bob, 259

Brash, Larry, 187

Brash's Best Spam Amagrams page, 187

Breefs, Rex, 328

Bridges, Todd, 49

Brink's robbery, 82-83

Britain, Thorn, 91

British Monarchy Web site, 33

Broccoli Man, 48

Brown, Divine, 7 4

Brown, Janice Rogers, 263-64

Brown, Nicole, 61, 63

browsers, toolbar spam on, 175-76

Brunvand, Erik, 149

Bryant, Kobe, 60--61

Bubbleman Web site, 392-93

Buddhas, 131

Bulger, James "Whitey," 82

Bull, Brian, 294

bulletin boards, electronic, 362-63

Bundy, Ted, 195

Burford, Daniel, 232-33

Burning Pixel Productions' dancing baby, 322-24

Burzum black metal band, 299-301

Bush, George W., 206, 234-38

Bush, Jeb, 237

Bushman, Shane, 386

business rumors, 346-49

Buttafuoco, Joey, 74

butter art, 438-40

Butterworth, Robert R., 190

Byte magazine, 154

c CafePress Web site, 266

Cagri, Mahir, 352-55

CamChatting message board, 217

campaigns, political, 231-38

Bob Dole, 233

George W. Bush, 235-38

presidential election of 2000, 233-35


Campbell, Joseph, 351

Cape Girardeau Web site, 11, 12

Cardoso, Silvia Helena, 442

Carmack, Howard, 17 4

Cars Web site, 420

Cartoon Bank Web site, 365-66

Cartwright, Angela, 40

Cassidy, David, 16 Web site, 225-27

Catholic Encyclopedia Web site, 268

catproofing tool, 307-9





celebrities, 35-54

Aaron Sorkin, 55-57

artwork by, 427-30

Bill Mumy, 39-41

Bob Crane, 35-39

Clay Aiken, 57, 58-59

Franchelle (Frenchie) Davis, 57-59

Gary Coleman, 49, 50

Gloria Gaynor, 52-53

involvement in politics, 49-51

list of Web sites related to, 54, 75

music celebrities, 71-74


Justin Timberlake, 71-72

Pete Townshend, 72

radio celebrities, 69-71

Jim Fox, 69-70

Rush Limbaugh, 10-12, 70-71

Rick Cleveland, 55-57

Ruben Studdard, 57, 58-59

selling possessions of, 74-75

sports celebrities, 59-64

Anna Kournikova, 59-60, 159

Kobe Bryant, 60-61

O.J. Simpson, 61-64

Star Trek actors and actresses, 41-47

Brent Spiner, 44-45

Leonard Nimoy, 43-44

Nichelle Nichols, 45-46

William Shatner, 41-43

Wu Wheaton, 46-47

Susan Olsen, 47-49

Celebrities Eating Web site, 75

Celebrity Art Web site, 429

Celebrity Dead Pool Web site, 75

Celebrity Justice, 66

Celebrity Kidz Web site, 54

CELTS (Child Exploitation linkage Thacking System), 209-10

Cerf, Vmton, 152, 252

CERT (Computer Emergency Response Team), 155

Chait, Bradley, 336--38

Chang, John, 31

chat rooms, and house rehab project, 397-98

Cher, 74

Child Exploitation linkage Thacking System (CELTS), 209-10

child molesters, 209-11

children, 27-30

Child Pornography Prevention Act, 246

lost in childbirth, 110

of Screamin' Jay Hawkins, 4-10

Chu Mei-feng, 259-60

Chung, Peter, 347-48

Church of Euthanasia, 113

Church of Scientology, 207

Church of the Sub-Genius, 48

Church of the SubGenius, 368-70

CIA secrets, 275-77

Cincinnati Enquirer, 69

Cinergy Communications, 58-59

The Clan of the Recycled Head of Marcia Brady Web site, 48

Clark, Wesley, 231

Cleanthes, Ian, 139

Cleveland, Rick, 55-57

Clinton, Bill, 232. See also Lewinsky, Monica Web site, 342

COG (Continuity of Government) plan, 279-80

Cohn, Gary, 15-16

Coleman, Gary, 49, 50

collaborative sentence, 444-45

collection plates, virtual, 134-35

Collins, Mike, 233-34

Columbine High School killings, 197-99, 427 Web site, 48

communities, online. See families and Internet Web site, 30

computer art, 432-36

ASCII art, 188-89

Web design mistakes, 435-36

Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT), 155

computer game flame war, 292-93

Confessions ofChu Mei-feng, 259

Conspiracy Planet Web site, 90

Constan, Randy, 389-90

Continuity of Government (COG) plan, 279-80

contraception, 29

Cooter's Place Web site, 51

Corbin, Kim, 391-92

Cornell University, 189-90

Cornwell, Patricia, 432

Corporate Scandal Sheet Web site, 268


Cosmic Mystery Tour Web site, 94

Couch soap opera site, 382-83

Covert Action Quarterly, 27 4

Cow Dance Web site, 334

crackers, 148

craft facts, 440

Crane, Bob, 35-39

Crane, Scotty, 37

Crazy News, 108

Creatures computer game, 122-23

crimes, 79-84. See also killers

most wanted list, 81-83

newsgroup about, 220-21

organized, 204-5

Phantom Dialer, 79-80

Zodiac Killer, 80-81

Crispy Duck with Ginger blog, 224

cross-dressers, 387-88

Cruel Site of the Day Web site, 210

cryogenics, 102-4

Cuban Missile Crisis, 282

The Cuckoo's Egg, 156

Currie, Betty, 254

Curry, Christopher, 18

Curse of the Hearse Named Morticia Web site, 118 Web site, 244

Cyber Nation's Great Quotations to Inspire and Motivate You Web site, 306

Cyber Promotions, 173

cyberpunks, 166

"Cyberterrorism," 160-61

D Daddy's little Girls Web site, 57

Dagen, Justin, 302-4

Dahmer, Jeffrey, 194, 195-96

Daigneau, Kenneth, 170

Daily Police Activity Report Web site, 222-23

Dalton, Hal, 222-23

dancing baby, 322-24

dancing hamsters, 320-22

Dan Garcia's Spam Homepage, 172, 188-89

Dark Dante. See Poulsen, Kevin





Dark Side of the Moon, 46

Darling, Alistair, 244, 245

Davis, Allen Lee "Tiny," 205-6

Davis, Douglas, 444

Davis, Franchelle (Frenchie), 57-59

Dead Guy Ale, 105

Dead or Alive? Web site, 51

death, 95-118

confronting/embracing, 110-15

death-related products and information, 110-13

suicide-related sites, 113-15

documenting the dead, 96-101

broadcast death of Timothy Leary, 96-98

decomposition of body, 98-100

ghosts, 101

list of Web sites related to, 118

overview, 95-96

preserving the dead, 102-5

proposed theme park about, 115-17

remembering the dead, 105-10

broadcastingwakes, 105, 109


domain names related to World 'fiade Center attacks, 109

e-mail from the dead, 105-7

last words online, 107-8

Death Becomes You Web site, 111-13

Death Clock Web site, 117 Web site, 301

death row inmates, 195-97

Decani Monastery, 242

decomposition of dead bodies, 98-100

Deep Throat, 84-85

defacing Web sites, 290-91

Dementia Advocacy and Support Network International, 32

Denial of Service attacks, 160, 205, 290

Design for Dying, 96, 98

Design Your Own Hell utility, 142

DetoxWeb zine, 139

Deutch, John, 276

diablo "genocide," 88

Diana, Princess, 209

diaries, online, 31-33


Diff'rent Strokes, 49, 50

Digital Equipment Corporation, 162

Dilbert comic strip, 312

"Disco Inferno," 52

Dismembered Fetus music band, 301

Disturbing Auctions Web site, 143


Divorce WIZards organization, 30-31

DNS (Domain Name System), 152

Dobbs, J.R., 368-70

Doctress Neutopia, 359-60

Doe Network, 22

Do Fish Drink Water, 362

Dole, Bob, 233

Dolernite Dot Com Web site, 304-5

domain names

pointing to unrelated sites, 259

related to World 'fiade Center attacks, 109

domain name speculation, 18

Domain Name System (DNS), 152

Donhue, Dan, 69

Don't Go There Web site, 445-47 Web site, 326-27

dot-com disasters, 403-11, 408-11, 408

pet goods, 404-6

Priceline's WebHouse club, 408's writing contest about, 407-8

DotComGuy, 375-77

Down to Earth, 46

Down with Whitey! Web site, 302-4

Dreamland Resort Web site, 278

Drexel, Katharine, 126-27

Drudge, Matt, 58, 71, 199, 254, 255

Drudge Report Web site, 58, 254, 255

drugstores, online, 29


Dubya Dance page, 234-35

duck quacks, 311

Duke, David, 301

The Dukes of Hazzard, 51

Dullest Blog in the World blog, 225

Dull Men's Club Web site, 245

Dumbland, 430

Duxbury, Jane, 28

Dvorak, John C., 404


Dylan, Bob, 7 4

Dynamic Biorhythms Web site, 50

E Earnhardt, Dale, 207

EarthCam Web site, 98-99


eavesdropping on President, 281-83

eBay auction site

celebrity items, 71-72, 74-75

items related to killers, 194-95

marriage proposal on, 386

naked sellers on, 385-86

odd things for sale, 411-13

stolen UPS uniforms on, 346

e-books, 425

e-commerce, 403-26. See also eBay auction site

dot-com disasters, 403-11, 408-11, 408

pet goods, 404-6

Priceline's WebHouse club, 408's writing contest about, 407-8

list of Web sites related to, 426

overview, 403

Smell-0-Vision, 422-24

successful businesses, 424-26

weird items for sale, 413-24

embarrassing products, 417-18

family, 412

French fry, 412-13

kidney, 412

lordships, 415-17


skeletons, 418

Smell-0-Vision, 422-24 Web site, 407-8

87-pound cat, 371-72

Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), 166

Elite Titles Web site, 415-17

Ellis, Jim, 363





Elvis Hunter Web site, 91

Elvis Is Alive Museum, 92

e-mail. See also spam

complaint messages, 287-88

from the dead, 105-7

flame messages, 291-93

multiple personalities, 190-91

sending prayers via, 137-38

smiley symbol, 366-68


embarrassing products, 417-18

emoticons, 367

end of Internet, 329-31

Entertainment Network, 63

Eraserhead, 430

EthioGift Web site, 414-15 Web site, 105, 106

Euronymous, 300

eWatch public-relations service, 349

Exley, Zack, 236

Exploding Heads Web page, 232-33

Eyebeam Web site, 435

eye doctor for animals, 312

F Faces of Death, 206

Fahlman, Scott E., 366-68

Failurenalia Web site, 408

Fairfax Cryobank, 27-28

Falwell, Jerry, 15-16

families and Internet, 3-34

Bin Laden's family, 18-19

children, 27-30

children of Screamin' Jay Hawkins, 4-10

family for sale on eBay, 412

finding family members, 19-23

followers of Charles Manson, 13-14

home of Bill Gates, 24-25

list of Web sites related to, 33-34

online divorces, 30-31

overview, 3-4

Partridge Family Temple Web site, 16-17

Rush Limbaugh meets wife online, 10-12

Saddam Hussein's family, 18

Trapp Family Lodge's Web site, 25-26

virtual marriage counseling, 31

FamilyCAM, 23

Fan Clubs and Merchandise Web site, 195 Web site, 228

fart humor, 328-29

Faughnan, Brian, 107-8

FBI Files Web site, 284

FBI's famous Ten Most Wanted Fugitives list, 81-83

Featherstone, Don, 441

Feenstra, Gary, 67,68

Feigl, Franz, 100

Fielding, Fred, 84

Final Curtain Web site, 115-17

FinalThoughts Web site, 105-7

Financial Services Authority, 337

Find the Spam Web site, 192


First Presleyterian Church of Elvis the Divine,124-25,143

Fisher, Amy, 7 4

Fitzgerald, Marta, 10-11

flame messages, 291-93

flash mobs, 332-33


forbidden images, 205-9


Former Secrets Web site, 283

Forward, David, 288-89

foundations of Internet, 361-65

Fox, Jim, 69-70

Fox Entertainment Group, 287-88

Fox Television, 69

Freck's New Feet Web site, 215-18

Freed, Alan, 9 Web site, 328

French fry for sale on eBay, 412-13

Frenchie (Franchelle) Davis, 57-59

Friends of Andy Web site, 196

Frozen Dead Guy, 102-4

Frum, David, 262

The Fugitive Game, 162

fun. See silliness/fun

funeral services, online, 105

G Gacy, John Wayne, 194, 195, 431

Gaia: The Planetary Religion, 360

Gaines, Bill, 84

Gang Land Web site, 210

Garcia, Dan, 172, 188-89

Gary Coleman Web-a-Thon, 49

Gasoline, Jack, 446-47

Gates, Bill

Child Exploitation Linkage Tracking System (CELTS), 209-10

mansion of, 24-25

software stolen of, 363-65

statement about spam, 191-92

Gay, Jacqueline, 31

Gaynor, Gloria, 52-53

Gein, Ed, 194-95

Geller, Uri, 430


Gender Swapping Web site, 399

General Public License (GPL), 150

ghosts, 101

Ghost Sites, 293-94


Ginder, Joseph, 367

Glastonbury Abbey, 134

Glickman, Matt, 363

Globe and Mail Web site, 356

GNU's Not Unix Project, 150

God, 119. See also spirituality

as creator oflnternet, 139

Elvis as, 124-25

Goldman, Ronald, 61, 63

Golightly, Garry, 392-93

Gongadze, Gyorgy, 260-62

Gonzalez, Elian, 190

Goodman, Amy, 279

Good Times virus, 183-84

Google-bombing, 237-38

Google golf, 333-34


gossip sites, 335-49. See also tabloid-like Web sites

business and workplace rumors, 346-49

and inside information, 339-43

list of Web sites related to, 349

love-related, 335-39

overview, 335

politics and terrorism, 344-46

Gottfredson, Floyd, 114

Gourd Artist's Guild Web site, 44 7, 214-15





government secrets, 269-84

Area 51, 277-78 Web site, 28Q-81

CIA, 275-77

eavesdropping on President, 281-83

health and safety issues, 269-75

AIDS, 269-71

Gulf War secrets, 274-75

poisoning of workers, 273

TWA flight 800, 271-72

list of Web sites related to, 283-84

overview, 269

shadow government, 279-80


Goydan, John, 398

GPL (General Public License), 150

Graham, Michael, 61

Grand, Steve, 120-23

Grandy, Fred, 50-51

Great Debate Series Web site, 426

GreetingsAmerica Web site, 134

Groom Lake, 277-78

Gross, Terry, 240

Group for Scientific Reappraisal of the HIV-AIDS hypothesis, 270

GSL Solutions, 246

The Guardian, 240

Guardian Web site, 84

Guilani, Rudy, 247-49

Gulf War secrets, 274-75

Gunn, David, 298

GURPS Cyberpunk, 164-66

Guzrnan,Onelde,158-59 Web site, 235-38

H Hacker House Legend, 167

hackers, 147-68

Clifford Stoll, 155-57

exploits by, 154-61

accessing military computer network, 155-57

"Cyberterrorism," 160-61

ILOVEYOU virus, 157-59

Morris worm, 154-55

script kiddies, 160

"hacker ethic," 148

Jim Bell, 160-61

Jonathan Postel, 151-52

Kevin Mitnick, 161-62

Kevin Poulsen, 162-63

MafiaBoy, 160

overview, 147

Richard Stallman, 150-51

Robert Tappan Morris, 154-55

Steve Jackson Garnes, 164-67

The Hacker's Diet Web site, 168

Hacker's Wisdom Web s\te, 168

hacking, 79-80

Hackman-Taylor, Barbara Ann, 22

hacktivism, 290-91,301-2

Hajj Information Center, 130

Halfbakery Web site, 334

Hall, Jack, 441

Hall ofWashed-Up Celebrities, 54

Hamster Blast Web site, 334

Hank, the Angry Drunken Dwarf, 357-58

Hanks, Kris, 325-26

Hanks, Tom, 232

Harris, Eric, 197, 198

Harris, Josh, 377-79

Harry Potter Series, 67-68

Hart, Gary, 232


Hatch, Orrin, 246-4 7, 263-64

Hate Directory Web site, 203

hate groups, 200-205

Aryan Nation, 201-2

Burzum black metal band/Black Circle group, 299-301

Ku Klux Klan (KKK), 301-2

Nuremberg Files Web site, 298-99

Hatewatch Web site, 301-2

Hauglie, Cordell, 372

HavenCo, 166-67

Hawkins, Irene, 10

Hawkins, Jalacy, 10

Hawkins, Jay, 4-10

Hawkins, Lee Ann, 10

health and safety secrets, 269-75

AIDS, 269-71

Gulf War secrets, 274-75

poisoning of workers, 273

TWA flight 800,271-72

HEAL Toronto Web site, 270

Heemskerk, Joan, 435

Hell, designing own, 142

Hell on Earth group, 86-87

Helms, Harry, 279

Henderson, Florence, 49

Hendrix, Jimi, 7 4

Hero with a Thousand Faces, The, 351

Highly Illogical, 43-44

Hinduism, 132-33

Hindu newspaper, 291

Hip Surgery Music Guide, 45

History and Politics Out Loud Web site, 252

History of Computing Foundation Web site, 153-54

Hitler, Adolf, 203-4

HIVretrovirus, 269-71

Hizbollah terror group, 202

Hoaxbusters Web site, 373

Hogan's Heroes, 35

Holubeck, CrystalynAnne, 375

Home brew Computer Club, 364-65

Hong, James, 315-18

Hormel, Jay C., 170

Hormel Foods Corporation, 169

Hormel Web site, 171

Horton, Mark, 363

Hour of Slack, 369

House of Blues, 6

house rehab project, 397-98

Houston, June, 101

Hovis, Larry, 39

Howard, Colette, 6-7, 10

How to Become a Hacker Web site, 168

How to Cast a Spell Web site, 134


Huffman, Bill, 292, 293

Huffman's Flame War Follies Web site, 293

Huggy Jesus doll, 127-28

Hughes, Tom, 238

Hussein, Saddam, 18

Hussein, Uday, 18

Hynds, Len, 204

I Ignacio, Dino, 295-96


ILOVEYOU virus, 157-59

images, 365-72

forbidden, 205-9

New Yorker cartoon, 365-66

Indian hacker attacks, 290-91

infidelity, 31,396-97





inside information, 339--43

Inside the Shadow Government, 279

inspirational messages, 138--42

InstaPundit blog, 223 Web site, 106-7, 312-14

International Banana Club Museum Web site, 445


end of, 329-31

foundations of, 361-65

whether invented by Al Gore, 251-52

Internet addresses, 4

Internet Archive's Wayback Machine Web site, 198

Internet cartoon offence, 263-64

Internet suicide, 85-87

Internet Tourbus Web site, 426

"Interview with God," 139--42

Into the Purple Abyss Web site, 294

"I Put a Spell on You," 8 Web site, 128-29

Isikoff, Michael, 254 Web site, 391-92

Islam, 130

"I Will Survive," 52

J Jackson, Joab, 395

Jack the Ripper, 195, 432

Janjic, Sava, 241--43


Janzen, Daniel, 225-26

Jargon File, 148 Web, 4-10

Jedi religion, 138-39

JenniCam Web site, 38Q-81

Jesus Christ, 123-24, 127-28. See also spirituality

JFK Lancer Web site, 207

Jihad to Destroy Barney Web site, 294, 295

Jim's Joke Repository Web site, 24

Jin Haike, 244

Jobs, Steve, 52


Join the Party virus, 183


e-mailed, 177-78

newsgroup for, 221

Jolie, Angelina, 74

Jones, Ben, 51

Jones, Shirley, 16

Jones, Paul and Louise, 397-98

journals, online, 31-33

Joyce, James, 118

Jumper (cat), 371-72

K Kallstrom, James, 272

Karachi American Skool CKAS) group, 290


Kaus, Mickey, 57


Kelley, David, 322-24

Kennedy, John E, 92-93, 207

Kennedy, Robert F, 92

Khrushchev, Nikita, 170

kidney for sale, 412

kidSPEAK! Web site, 67-68

KIDSReportline Web site, 199

killers, 193-200. See also hate groups; organized crime; terrorists

artwork by, 430-32

Charles Manson, 13-14, 195,431

death row inmates, 195-97

Mark 0. Barton, 199-200

mass murderers, 193-95


Kilshaw, Alan, 29-30

Kilshaw, Judith, 29-30

King, Martin Luther Jr., 92

King, Stephen, 425

kinky communities, 392-96

Kiss rock band, 72-7 4

Klebold, Dylan, 197

Klein bottles, 156-57

Klingerman virus, 184-85

Knight, Christopher, 49

Knowles, Harry, 341

Kosovo conflict, 240-41

Kournikova,AJuna,59-60, 159

Krim, Todd Michael, 105-7

Kris, Rebecca, 107, 108

Kristen, Marta, 39

Kubrick, Stanley, 341


Ku Klux Klan (KKK), 301-2

L LaCarte, Deirdre, 320-22

LambdaMOO, 394-95

Landmark Cases Web site, 267

Landover Baptist Church, 131-32

Lazarenko, Pavel, 261

Leading Authorities Speakers Bureau, 51

Leary, Timothy, 96-98,102

Lebed, Jonathan, 163-64 Web site, 30

Leitch, Will, 379

Leno, Jay, 251

Lewinsky, Monica, 253-59

handbags business after scandal, 257-59

and Linda lfipp, 256-57

Lewis, Michael, 163

Lifehouse, 72

Light, Edmund J ., 222

Limbaugh, Rush

drug scandal, 70-71

finding wife online, 10-12

simulated head explosion of, 232

Linux operating system, 152-54

Littman, Jonathan, 163

Lockhart, June, 39

Lockhart, Mary, 32-33

lordships for sale, 415-17

Lost in Space, 39-41

Lott, Trent, 251,262-63

Love Boat, The, 50

Love Bug virus, 157-59

love-related sites, 335-39

Love Spells Web site, 134-35

Lowbrow Artworld Web site, 430

Lucy (artificial life form), 2-3

Luna, Dora, 22-23

Lynch, David, 429-30

Lyndon Baines Johnson Library and Museum, 282-83

Lyon, Norma "Duffy," 438-40

Lyons Partnership, 294





M ~addox,Mlitch,375-77

~adison ~useum of Bathroom Tissue, 422

~afiaBoy, 160

~ahadev, Shri, 133

~ahir Web site, 352-55

Mainichi Daily News Web site, 137

~almesbury's Web site, 288

"A ~an like Putin," 88-89

~anson, Charles, 13-14,195,431


marriage counseling, 31

~arriage ~atters, 31

marriage proposal on eBay, 386

~arshall, Josh, 262

~artin. Jeff, 66

~atthews, Todd, 20-22


~ayan Day of the Dead, 105

~ayhem black metal band, 300

~BA Applicant page, 405, 406

~cClintock, ~atthew, 437-38

~cCullagh, Declan, 246

~cLain, Bill, 361-62

Me by Me, 405, 406

~ecca, 130 Web site, 249

~edina, Uriel, 22-23

~elo, ~ichael, 287-88

~el the "Real Programmer,'' 148-50

memos issued by companies, 312-13

~15 security agency, 238-39

~ickey ~ouse, 114

MUcro-Soft BASIC programming language, 364

~icrosoft Corporation

Child Exploitation Linkage Tracking System (CELTS), 209-10

statement about spam, 191-92

Mlicrosoft iLoo, 324-25

~icrosoft software stolen, 363-65 Web site, 56


military computer networks, 155-57

~ilkround Web site, 238

~iller, Dale, 387-88

~er, Sherry, 384

Mlilosevic, Slobodan, 242, 280

~d Control Forum Web site, 221-22

Mlisanthropy Records, 301

Mlissouri Life Web site, 92

~itford, Jessica, 110

Mlitnick, Kevin, 161-62


~odem Humorist Web site, 210, 211

~oments with God Web site, 142

~onica Lewinsky Online Fan Club, 256

~onica's Place Web site, 255

monkeys, sites about, 309-11


~orris, Errol, 379

Morris, Robert Tappan, 154-55


Morris worm, 154-55

Morstoel, Bredo, 102-4

Morty's World ofT\!, 35-36

most wanted list, 81-83

Mother Jones magazine Web site, 51

movie-related Web sites, 65-69

~rs. Field's cookie company, 348-49

Muggles (Humans) for Harry Potter Web site, 67

Mullis, Kary, 269-70

Multi-User Dungeons (MUDs), 394-95

Multiuser Object-Oriented Systems (MOOs), 394-95

Mumy, Bill, 39-41

Murder Can Be Fun desk calendar, 195

murderers. See killers

murder mystery, 341-43

Murdoch, Rupert, 62

Museum of Contemporary Art mock site, 441

Museum of Menstruation and Women's Health Web site, 445

music celebrities, 71-74

Mutter Museum of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia Web site, 445

My Dad the Rock Star, 73

mysteries, 79-94

Deep Throat, 84-85

list of Web sites related to, 94

mysterious deaths, 90-93

solving crimes, 79-84

most wanted list, 81-83

Phantom Dialer, 79-80

Zodiac Killer, 80-81

strange events, 85-89

"A Man Like Putin" song, 88-89

diablo "genocide," 88


Mystery Date Web site, 94

The Mystery Spot Web site, 94, 301-2

N nails Web site, 420

naked sellers on eBay, 385-86

names, adopting new, 375-77,375-86

Narayan, Shoba, 109

Nasiff, Henry, 357-58

Nather, Ed, 149

National Archives & Records Administration (NARA) Web site, 277

National Enquirer, 70-71

National Hi-Tech Crime Unit (NHTCU), 204-5

National Review Online, 279

National Science Foundation (NSF), 252

Nazism, 201-4

Necrocam, 98-100

necrophilia, 196

neo-Fascist activities, 299-301

neo-Nazism, 201-4

Net.chess newsgroup, 363

news groups

alt newsgroups, 218-21

Usenet, 362-63

Newsweek, 254

New Times publisher, 123

New Youth Study Group, 243-44

Next: The Future Just Happened, 163

NHTCU (National Hi-Tech Crime Unit), 204-5

Nichols, Nichelle, 45-46

niggastolemy.tvWeb site, 304

Nightlines, 431

Nigolian, Maral, 7-8, 10

Nimoy, Leonard, 41-43

Nirvana rock band, 75

Nixon, Richard, 84

Nobody Knows You're a Dog chat room, 366

Noll, A. Michael, 22





Noms, 122-23

North, Don, 242

North American Air Defense (NORAD) Command computer, 162

Norton Rose law firm site, 336, 337

Nostradamus, 345-46

Novak, Robert, 275

Noye, Kenneth, 84

NSF (National Science Foundation), 252

Nuremberg Files Web site, 298-99

0 O'Donnell, Rosie, 74

Official Web Site of the British Monarchy, 33

Ohme, Chloe, 28

Oldest Woman on the Web site, 384

Old Faithful Geyser Webcam, 399

Olsen, Patti, 36


Ol' Yellow Eyes Is Back, 44

OmniLeonardo site, 68-69

Online Journalism Review, 280

Ono, Yoko, 441

organized crime, 204-5

Orr, Rodney, 207

Out. com Daily Gossip Web site, 349


Paesmans, Dirk, 435

pagan earth worship, 137

Pakistani hacker attacks, 290-91

Paley Institute, 139

Palmer, Arnold, 369

Parker, Dorothy, 113

Partridge Family Temple Web site, 16-17

Pathfinder Web site, 61-63

PawSense, 307-9

Pax, Salam, 240-41

Peachtree Presbyterian Church, 131

pedophile priests, 210,211

Penpal Greetings virus, 183

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), 214

Peretti, Chelsea and Jonah, 318-20

Perez, Helen, 10

Peril, Lynn, 94

perverts and child molesters, 209-11

Peter Pan imitator, 389-90

Pet Express, 404 Web site, 404-8

phallus worship, 137

Phantom Dialer, 79--80

pharmacies, online, 29

Pimp builder game, 304-5


PlannedLegacy Web site, 135-36

Planned Parenthood of Georgia, 29

The Plant, 425

Plato, Dana, 49

PlayStation game emulator, 296-97

poisoning of workers, 273

Polanski, Roman, 13

police blotters, 222-23

Police Humor Web site, 313

police stories, 313

Politech mailing list, 246

Political Graveyard Web site, 51

politics, 231-52. See also government secrets; terrorism

AI Gore, 251-52

boring politicians, 244-45


Bob Dole, 232-33

George W. Bush, 235-38

presidential election of2000, 233-35

Donald Rumsfeld, 249-51

list of Web sites related to, 252

Orrin Hatch, 246-4 7

overview, 231

Rudy Guilani, 247-49

spy recruitment, 238-39

wartime observers, 239-43

Politics! Web site, 252

Pollack, Justin, 348

polygamy, 394

Pop bitch Web site, 349

Poppe, Ine, 100

Popped Clogs Web site, 75

pornography, 31, 37-38, 339-41

Portal of Evil Web site, 210

Poseidon Adventure Web site, 54

Postel, Jonathan, 151-52,365


Powergen ltalia Web site, 399

Power of Myth, The, 351

Poynter Online Web site, 349

Pozniak, Dennis, 296

"A Practical Guide to Suicide," 113

prayers, 136-38

PrayerWheel Web site, 137-38


eavesdropping on, 281-83

election for in 2000, 233-35 Web site, 259

Presley, Elvis, 75,91-92, 124-25


Priceline's WebHouse club, 408

Promo Enterprises, 173

Pruett, Alan. See Fox, Jim


publishing e-books, 425

Putin, Vladimir, 88-89

pyramid scams, 181-83

Q Quack Project Web site, 311

Quayle, Dan, 3

R race relations, 302-5

radio celebrities, 69-71


Random Insult Generators Web site, 305

Rat Fan Club Web site, 227

Raza, Ghyslain, 355-57

Real History Archives Web site, 272

Real Monica Web site, 258 Web site, 139-42

reflectoporn, 386

Rejection Line Web site, 320

relationships wrecked online, 396-98

Request for Comments (RFCs), 151

Research and Special Programs Administration Web site, 279

Reynolds, Glenn, 223-24

Rheingold, Howard, 332

Rhoades, Jonathan, 232

Riddle, WJ.lbur, 20




"Riding the Bullet," 425 handbags business after, 257-59

Ringley, Jennifer, 380-81 and Linda 1iipp, 256-57

Riskin,~artin,327 overview, 253

Robertson,Karin,214-15 'frent Lott scandal, 262-63

rock music celebrities, 71-7 4 Watergate, 267-68

Rogge, Leslie, 82 Scelson, Ronnie, 174-75

Rogue Brewery, 105 Schmich, ~ary, 373

Rollins, Henry, 235 Schwartz, Barbara and Eugene, 444-45 Web site, 207-9 Schwarzenegger, Arnold, 49, 265-66

Howling, J.K., 67 Scoop magazine, 259

rumors. See gossip sites; tabloid-like The Scotsman, 245

Web sites Screamin' Jay Hawkins, 4-10

Rumsfeld, Donald, 249-51 script kiddies, 160

Russell, Richard, 271 Seacrest, Ryan, 58

Rutherford Institute, 237 Sealand, 166-67's writing contest, 407-8 s Secret Service, 232-33

Sadoff, Fred, 54 sensational stories. See tabloid-like Web sites

Safer Dating Web site, 398 September 11,2001. See World 'frade

safety. See health and safety secrets Center attacks

saints, 126-27. See also spirituality Serbia, 241-43

Salam Pax, 240-41 Serbian Orthodox Diocese of Raska

Salinger, Pierre, 271 and Prizren, 242

San Diego Supercomputer Center shadow government, 279-80

systems, 162 Shadow Planet, 43

SatireWrre, 30 Shakespearean Insulter, 306

Saturday Night Live, 176 Shatne~Wdliarn,41-47

Savetz, Kevin, 419-20 Shaw, Leander, 205-6 Web site, 7 4 Shepherd, Shelagh, 244

scandals, 253-68 Sherry Art Web site, 384

Arnold Schwarzenegger alleged Sherwin, Henry, 441

scandals, 265-66 Shimomura, Tsutomu,161-62 Chu Mei-feng scandal, 259-60 site, 311 Gyorgy Gongadze disappearance, Sickert, Walter, 432


Internet cartoon offence, 263-64 silliness/fun, 307-34

~onica Lewinsky scandal, 253-59 Am I Hot or Not? Web site, 315-18

animal-related, 307-12


Animal Eye Doctor Web site, 312

catproofing tool, 307-9

Hamster Dance Web site, 320-22

Quack Project Web site, 311 site, 311

typing monkey, 309-11

Black People Love Us! Web site, 318-20

company memos, 312-13

dancing baby, 322-24

end of Internet, 329-31

flash mobs, 332-33

Google golf, 333-34

police stories, 313

toilet humor, 324-29 Web site, 326-27

fart humor, 328-29

flushing someone's toilet, 325-26

iLoo, 324-25

perfect dump, 327

Zero Wing game, 313-15

Silverman, Stephen, 440

Silverstone Software's FamilyCAM, 23

Simmons, Gene, 72-74

Simpson, O.J., 16,61-64

The Simpsons, 69

Sims, 123, 396, 34

Singer, Matt, 80

singers. See celebrities

Six Feet Under, 206

Sixth Floor Museum, 92, 399

Skaggs, Joey, 115-17

skeletons, 418

skipping Web site, 391-92

Skirtrnan, 387-88

Slashdot Web site, 375

Slate online journal, 210

Slepian, Barnett, 298

Smart, Derek, 292-93

SmartBot, 173

Smell-0-Vision, 422-24

smiley symbol, 366-68

Smith, K.C., 174

Smith, Normal Bob, 304

Smoking Gun Web site, 57, 58 See Urban Legends Reference Pages

Snowball (cat), 371-72

soap opera sites, 381-83

sock puppet, of Pets. com, 405-6, 407

Sokol, Dan, 364, 365

Sony PlayStation game emulator, 296-97

Sorkin, Aaron, 55-57

The Sound of Music, 25

Southern Poverty Law Center's Hatewatch Web site, 301-2

spam, 169-92

ASCII art, 188-89

best, 176-77

Bill Gates on, 191-92

jokes, 177-78

list of Web sites related to, 192

overview, 169

pyramid scams, 181-83

senders of, 172-76


Spamradio, 185-87

virus hoaxes, 183-85

worst, 180-81

SPAM Fan Club Web site, 170

Spam Haiku Web site, 192

Spamhaus Project's ROKSO database, 175

Spammimic Web site, 192





SPAM Museum, 170

SpankMe's Mass Murder site, 200

spell-casting, 134-35

Sperm Bank of California, 27

sperm banks, 27-28

Spielberg, Steven, 341


spirituality, 119-43

artificial life forms, 120-23

e-worship, 129-38

Buddhas, 131

Hinduism, 132-33

Islam, 130

Landover Baptist Church, 131-32

overview, 129

pagan earth worship, 137

Peachtree Presbyterian Church, 131

phallus worship, 137

prayer-reminder service, 136-37

sending prayers via e-mail, 137-38

Stonehenge Organisation Web site, 133-34

virtual collection plates, 134-35

God, 119

as creator of Internet, 139

Elvis as, 124-25

inspirational messages, 138-42

Jesus Christ, 123-24, 127-28

list of Web sites related to, 143

saints, 126-27

spell-casting, 134-35

spoilers, 65

sports celebrities, 59-64

Anna Kournikova, 59-60, 159

Kobe Bryant, 60-61

O.J. Simpson, 61-64 soap opera site, 381-82

Spybot, 175

spy recruitment, 238-39

spyware, 175-76


Stang, Ivan, 368, 369

Star City Mall Webcam, 399

stars. See celebrities

Startifacts Web site, 74-75

Star Trek actors and actresses, 41-47

Brent Spiner, 44-45

Leonard Nimoy, 43-44

Nichelle Nichols, 45'-46

William Shatner, 41-43

Wil Wheaton, 46-4 7

Star Wars Kid, 355-57

Star Wars series

in ASCII, 433-34

future plots for, 65-66

Jedi religion, 138-39

"stealth" Web sites, 175-76

Steiner, Heather, 142

Steiner, Jason, 142

Steiner, Peter, 365-66

Stentz, Anthony, 367

Stem, Howard, 209, 281, 357

Steve Jackson Games, 164-67

St. Helena Web site, 330

Stokman, Walter, 114

Stoll, Clifford, 155-57

Stonehenge Organisation Web site, 133-34

St. Petersburg Times, 207

strange events, 85-89

"A Man Like Putin" song, 88-89

diablo "genocide" 88

Internet suicide, 85-87

Strange Pop Culture Coincidences of 11 September 2001 Web site, 108

Strickland, Reata, 139--42

Strickland, Steve, 141


Sturgis motorcycle rally Web site, 98

Suck e-zine, 176-77

sugar packets Web site, 420 Web site, 113

Suicide Crisis Center, 113

suicide-related sites, 113-15

Suler, John, 399

Sullivan, Andrew, 262

Summers, Kathy, 71

Survivor, 47

swamis, 132-33

Swartz, Neil, 367


T tabloid-like Web sites, 55-75,61-64

movie-related, 65-69

music celebrities, 71-74

overview, 55

radio celebrities, 69-71

selling celebrities' possessions, 74-75

sports celebrities, 59-64

Anna Kournikova, 59-60

Kobe Bryant, 60-61

O.J. Simpson, 61-64

television show celebrities, 55-59

Tagata Jinja Shrine, 137

Takedown, 161

talk. bizarre newsgroup, 221 blog, 262-63 Web site, 118

Tate, Sharon, 13

Tate Gallery mock site, 443--44 Web site, 234

Tech Museum of Innovation, 53

telephone network hacking, 162-63

television shows, sites related to, 55-59

Television Without Pity Web site, 56

Temple of the Screaming Electrons Web site, 279

Tent Girl, 20-22

Terra Lycos, 82

terrorism, 344--46

terrorists, 202-3

Texas death row inmates, 196-97 Web site, 65

They Died in Florida Web site, 75

Thilem, Natalie, 386

This Is Malmesbury Web site, 289

Thomas, Clarence, 11, 264

Thurmond, Strom, 262

Timberlake, Justin, 71-72

tithes, 135

Todd Jr., Michael, 423

toilet humor, 324-29 Web site, 326-27

fart humor, 328-29

flushing someone's toilet, 325-26


perfect dump, 327

toilet paper, 420-22

toolbar spam, 175-76

Top 38 Ways to Kill Barney Web site, 294

Torvalds, Linus, 153

Tourtelot, Billy, 86-87

Townshend, Pete, 72

Toy Fanatic Web site, 228 Web site, 217





The Transformed Man, 42

Thapp Family Lodge's Web site, 25-26

treasure hunting newsgroup, 220



Thistan da Cunha, 330

Thuscott, Tom, 363

Thuth or Fiction Web site, 177, 349, 373

'Iruth Seeker Web site, 90, 252

TWA flight 800, 271-72

Tweed, Shannon, 73

Twin Towers. See World Thade Center attacks

typing monkey, 309-11

u UCE (Unsolicited Commercial E-~ail).


UCLA Online Institute for Cyberspace Law and Policy, 68-69 Web site, 45

Uhura Sings, 46

Ukrainian political corruption, 26Q-62

Underground Online (UGO) Web site, 49

Uniform Dispute Resolution Procedure, 16

uniform resource locators (URLs), 4

United Hessian Front Web site, 301

Universal Thanslator Assistant Project, 139

Unix User Network, 363

Unsolicited Commercial E-~ail. See spam

UPS stolen uniforms, 346

Urban Legends Reference Pages, 373

Bryan Wmter story, 338, 339

Chatt-Swire story, 336-37

Peter Chung story, 348

virus hoax list, 183

URLs (uniform resource locators), 4

USA Today Web site, 375

Usenet, 362-63


alt newsgroups, 218-21

flame messages, 291-93

Valdis, Sigrid, 36

Vallone, Peter, 248

VARA Web site, 100


virtual affairs, 397-98

VIrtual Band-Aid ~useum Site, 418-20

virtual collection plates, 134-35

VIrtual Cyclorama of the ~useum of UnNatural ~ystery Web site, 94

VIrtual Diego Rivera Web ~useum Web site, 447

virtual environments, 394-95

virtual marriage counseling, 31, 29

VIrtual Sequels Web site, 65-66

Virtual Toilet Paper ~useum, 421

viruses, 59

virus hoaxes, 183-85

Vuus~yth Web site, 269-71

Visoki Decani ~onastery, 242

~S operating system, 162

voice-altering, 395-96

Voigt, Tom, 80-81

Vonnegut, Kurt, 373

w Wain, Louis, 442

Wainwright, Julie, 407

wakes, broadcasting, 105, 109

Walker, Jay, 408

Walker, Mildred, 6


War Games, 162

Warner, Brian, 427

wartime observers, 239-43

Washed-Up Celebrity Dunking Booth Web site, 54

Washington, George, 7 4

Washington Post Web site, 267

The Watchman, 163

Watergate, 267-68 Web site, 356

Wayback Machine Web site, 198

Web addresses, 4

Web browsers, toolbar spam on, 175-76

Webcams, 399

DotComGuy, 375-77

house rehab project, 397-98

JenniCam Web site, 380-81

WeLivelnPublic Web site, 377-79

Web design mistakes, 435-36

WebHouse club, 408

Web logs. See blogs

Webmasters, 361-62

Website City, 207

Wecker, 'Ifanda, 29

Weird Auctions Web site, 385-86, 426

WeLivelnPublic Web site, 377-79

Wellstone, Paul, 90

We Love Arnold Web site, 265-66

Westbrook, Rosemary, 22

Westminsterwatch Web site, 244

West Wing, 55-57


VVhere is Raed? Web site, 240-41 Web site, 304 Web site, 259 Web site, 259

VVhite House Scandal Cartoons Web site, 268

VVhitney Museum's Web site, 445

VVhole World Toilet Paper Museum and Society, 420-21

The VVho rock band, 72

~Ikipedia Web site, 268

~lico (rock band), 426

~llliams, Charles Andrew, 196

~llliams, Guy, 39

~llliams, Jeff, 196

William Shatner Live, 42

William Shatner's Star Trek Memories, 43

~li VVheaton Dot Net Web site, 47

~mdows of Zeus, 53


~mter, Bryan, 338-39

Wrred News, 28

Wisebrod, Dov, 139

witches, 137

Witz, Chaim. See Simmons, Gene

WMAL Web site, 50


Woodward, Bob, 84

World Intellectual Property Organization, 176

World's Most Boring Blog.Promise blog, 225

World 'Ifade Center attacks, 108-9, 344-46

World Vision's online gift catalog, 415





worship, 129-38

Buddhas, 131

Hinduism, 132-33

Islam, 129

Landover Baptist Church, 131-32

overview, 129

pagan earth worship, 137

Peachtree Presbyterian Church, 131

phallus worship, 137

prayer-reminder service, 136-37

sending prayers via e-mail, 137-38

Stonehenge Organisation Web site, 133-34

virtual collection plates, 135-37

Wostenberg, Alan, 136-37


Wright, Will, 396

Writing Spells Web site, 134

WUBE radio station, 69-70

X Xerox Webmaster, 361-62

Xupiter toolbar, 175-76



Yang Zili, 244

Yankee Foxtrot Hotel, 426

Yomtobian, Saeid and Daniel, 175-76

Young, Jim, 315-18

Youth Radio Web site, 320

z Z100 (WHTZ-FM) radio station, 71-72 Web site, 47 Web site, 290

Zero Wmg game, 313-15

Zhang Honghai, 244

Zodiac Killer, 8()....81

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