index Existing types of drones currently


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01 - Introduction to a drone project powered by compressed air with electric motor Existing types of drones currently My project , a different initiative Comparisons of existing drones with the project presented

02 - Modeled on existing equipment for 3D drawing Motor, centrifugal pump , air cylinder , battery , CPU . Project description and its functionalities.

03 - Arrangement of components in housing drone Description of components and their locations . Viewing details of each component and an overview of them in housing drone .

4 - System operation of drone Working principle of the drone Detailed description of how the drone Devices orientation drone as 3D video cameras , speakers , headsets , gps .

5 - Functions of the nozzles and compressed air nozzles Characteristics of turbines , or nozzles , compressed air giving thrust to the drone .

Functions of compressed air nozzles , the various maneuvers of the drone , while flying or hovering in the air condition.

6 - Access to the interior of the drone Cover that gives access into the air intake on top of the housing drone The trunk ports , the CPU and battery

7 - Major sets of systems drone Set formed by Cpu Electrical system , formed by the central power , batteries and battery charger Compressed air system , formed by the centrifugal pump , electric motors , batteries Pipes and wires

8 - Handling the drone Innovative detail in the wings rotary tiller

9 - Final Thoughts References in implementing the designs in 3D Two drone options : winged and wingless Comparisons of the drone project with existing What makes this more drone over existing


Introduction-There are currently several types of drones for many different purposes, particularly in the military field.

They are basically miniature helicopter type, with propellers turning on the device. There are also those of quadricóptero type, with four propellers vertically, these being the most common, and even those who have a larger number of helices. There are also models of the miniature airplane type, used primarily in the military in border surveillance, etc.. These miniature aircraft are very useful and practical, resulting in significant savings and greater efficiency in certain areas, such as news footage, surveillance, holdings in inaccessible places, agriculture, scientific missions, policing.

The biggest problem is the misuse of them as they can cause a lot of damage in the hands of terrorists , drug dealers, criminals .

This is why we in many countries the use of these devices is controlled by legislation. Its use is restricted in most cases the use by government and military agencies .

My project - Still I decided to develop a project from a drone , but a different drone .

Instead of propellers causing thrust to fly the drone in my conceptual design I used compressed air .

After all , until now there is compressed air powered car , why not a drone , which is much smaller , would not work ?

I have not seen , searching the internet , a drone powered by compressed air. Does that was once thought and that the conclusion that was reached is not feasible ?

Even so , I took along my conceptual design of a drone powered by compressed air, produced by an electric motor in conjunction with a centrifugal pump , battery and a cylinder of compressed air.

Unlike current conventional way of propellers acting directly in the air , as seen in the drones circulating out there , both in quadricópteros hows minituarizados helicopters , this project compressed air is "tamed " , and thus , the system can use however you like , for the most varied applications , decreasing or increasing its intensity .

I believe that the compressed air is more efficient and give you more thrust than propellers acting directly in the air . With the compressed air pressure at an appropriate level inside the cylinder , the ship lift up the flight.

So, instead of four or more electric motors used in today's drones , this project is used only one principal and another assistant.


For the engine, I suggested one of an electric bike. The centrifugal pump, model are those common ones. The battery, plus a fixed, also incorporated another removable. The compressed air cylinder, there is a great variety of them available on the market.

I made reference to these equipment to make my conceptual design. Also on the issue of design, I did what my seemed easier. The redesign would be left to professionals in design, if my project will one day be built.

In my project does not see propellers and rotating blades. Only the shape of what looks like a flying saucer. This is due to the shape of the centrifugal pump, which is round.

Featured are what appear to be turbines, four vertically located at the bottom of the ship, and two horizontally located on the back of this, are actually nozzles output of compressed air.

In front of two headlights, and among them, a video camera, plus two speakers and two hearing aids.

At the top, a set of wings, front and back, giving stability to the appliance and also perform to make change direction, left, right, up or down operations, being in speed.

Provided that hover in the air, the four air nozzles fulfill the function of forward, backward, turn left or right, and even move laterally in both directions.

Landing of the ship, two landing gear located on the bottom of the ship.


A centrifugal pump (03) is located in the housing (01) drone center, above the electric motor (04, and has a mouth that captures air upward, straight to the cover (02) from the housing.

The electric motor (04), in this case represented a model of an electric bike, and is powered by two batteries.

Fixed battery (05) is below the auxiliary motor bracket (08), connected to the power plant (07). It can be fueled by electricity atravéz battery charger (09).

Also a removable battery ( 06 ) is found , connected directly to the power plant ( 07 ) .

The central electric ( 07 ) Energy and disbribui receives electricity from the batteries to the whole system of the drone , and operates from the central computer as well as all other components .

The auxiliary electric motor (08) has the function of repressing the air into the compressed air cylinder , increasing the pressure inside.

The compressed air cylinder (10) is designed to actually follow the contour of the centrifugal pump and has the shape of a sausage or a kidney. He receives the pressurized air from the centrifugal pump. Distributes compressed air for vertical and horizontal nozzles . From it , the compressed air is distributed to all devices

The horizontal nozzles ( 11 ) and vertical ( 12 ) receive the compressed air cylinder atravéz pipes ( 13 )

The compressed air nozzles, responsible for changing the direction of nature, in situations of hovering in the air, two on each side of the ship, also get compressed air cylinder, atravéz pipes (14).


To control the whole system of drone, a computerized central handle it. It consists of a CPU (16) and a monitor (17), but so may be a tablet.






11 12









14 14




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Initially it makes programming script the drone by the person who controls , directly by the computerized system in nature , or via remote control . The electric motor , which receives power from the batteries atravéz , binds and activates the centrifugal pump , sucking air that passes through the perforated cover the carcass of the ship , as shown in the statement of arrows .

The pumped air goes directly into the cylinder . Before that, at the outlet of the centrifugal pump and the inlet of the cylinder, an auxiliary pump delivers more air which is already under pressure, and this increased pressure is entering the cylinder. The auxiliary pump would function pistons from the compressed air system, but certainly not with the same power , but enough to give a good pressure inside the cylinder and cause the ship to rise and fly .

The compressed air cylinder disbribui for all components , starting with the four vertical bocaiss that make the ship rise. Then the computer system triggers the horizontal nozzles , causing the ship begins to fly forward , while it gradually reduces the air vertical pistons , yet the ship get support on the wings , and only operate the turbines horizontal .The front and rear wings , with the rudder , besides the stability of the flight , also direct the ship as one wants , sometimes to the right , left or up and down .

When it reaches the destination, guided by GPS, drone takes the position of landing, while it decreases the intensity in the horizontal pistons, vertical pistons are actuated, and then nature starts to descend vertically, all controlled by the computer and by the controller, which sees all the 3D camera, high resolution like he was piloting the ship. Besides the 3D camera, which rotates at an angle of 90 ° forward and down, the ship has:

The two powerful headlights (20) which also rotate simultaneously with the 3D camera.

Two powerful speakers (21) should be able to make sounds audible at a good distance warnings, such as warnings of impending catrástofes, or guidelines.

The two headsets (22) should have high sensitivity to capture sounds a good distance from the ground as cries for help from someone lost in a forest.

Two landing gear-driven sonar, enable a safe landing.

2020 21


entry air

fixed battery

battery removable

pump centrifugal CPU

Central electric power electric motor

cylinder compressed air

turbinal horizontal

nozzle vertical

engine auxiliary


The outlet nozzles of the compressed air, which appear turbines have this format with the purpose of the air is further compressed by this oval receptacle, thus giving more strength in nature to increase the thrust, both for the four vertical turbines, as well as paira

as duas turbinas horizontais (11).- Compressed-air nozzles In certain

situations where the ship has to hover in the air, and there is need to move it slowly forward or backward, or sideways, or turn to the left or right side, that's where kick in the compressed air nozzles that can rotate in all directions. – Also on the drone without wings option, these

compressed air nozzles fulfill the function of assisting in the stability of the ship, as well as to direct it, as described below: – The compressed air nozzles (14), two are located on each side

of the ship, turning as command issued by the CPU. – The nozzles are seated on a support attached to the carcass of

the ship, and this, in turn, connects with a spherical hollow receptacle where the compressed air comes.

In the example above, with the nozzles on one side of the ship facing backwards on the other side facing forward, the ship will rotate in the opposite direction of the thrust nozzle.

other maneuvers - If all nozzles are facing forward, the ship will retreat. - If all nozzles are turned back, the ship will move. - If the same occurs with nozzles directed laterally, the ship will also shift in the opposite direction.

This maneuver drones or any nature is unprecedented.

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The drone Account with four hits to your interior, which allow to perform operations such as inspection, supply, and transportation planning.

Cover (02) of the inlet mouth of the centrifugal pump, which in turn has its beginning at the upper end of the housing. Has several holes to allow passage of air sucked into the centrifugal pump.

Port (17) of the trunk of drone, located at the rear. A very usable space in the trunk for carrying small items such as samples, documents, small electronics and even first aid kits and emergency food.

– Side door (18) to access the ship's computer.

- Side door (19) access-ace batteries Besides enabling quickly remove the removable battery also can charge the battery pack secured on a common socket as there is a built-in battery charger.





The drone works with electricity and compressed air. But also important is the computerized system. Therefore, all components must be connected to work.

– Assim, são três os principais conjuntos para o funcionamento do drone.

* 1 - Panel Digital-Composed by CPU and monitor, it can also be a tablet, is responsible for controlling all components of the drone, since the control flow in turbines and compressed air nozzles of air until the operation of lights, video camera, speaker and all devices.

* 2 - Electric Part-Formed by the set of fixed and removable batteries, power station and battery charger. - From the power station, fueled by batteries, power

is distributed to all the components such as the engine, the CPU and all devices.* 3 - Compressed Air-The electric motor drives a centrifugal pump, which draws air through the mouth upwards, leading him into the cylinder, where it will be compressed and thus ready to be used.

- To enhance the pressure in the compressed air cylinder, an auxiliary motor finds itself at a point at the outlet of the centrifugal pump compressed air. This triggers helical vanes, which contributes to further increase the pressure of the air entering the cylinder.

Pipes and wires. All three sets find themselves connected by pipes and wires, with their connections, not present in the drawing, since these links are representative only, since they were not scaled.







The drone set of wings, front and rear, as well as provide stability in flight, has a suggestion for its maneuverability.

Out instead of traditional flaps of airplanes, they do change direction, either up or down, turn left or right, this project is the proposal:

At the ends of the front and rear wings, there is a moving part that spins up or down, responsible for getting into or out maneuver.

Upper tail rudder is movable, which makes the ship turn right or left will.

In this image, the spacecraft have the ends of the front and rear wings pointing upwards, which makes the drone down, rotary tiller and turned to the left, which makes the turn to the right. In these maneuvers, the drone is down while turning to the right.


Certainly there will be challenges , that the whole weight of this set , plus the very structure and housing drone , more equipment , or get this off the ground.Really , if you just make the assembly based on existing equipment , the unit even get off the ground .

The references I made an electric motor of a bicycle pump, centrifugal pump , etc. , were to make 3D designs .

This is why we have all the equipment to be designed specifically for this project, from the engine , centrifugal pump, air cylinder , the power plant , using lighter and stronger materials possible , for example , carbon fibers .

It is certainly much more complex than it appears, as represented in the drawing not many pieces that are part of the project , such as the system that makes the compressed air nozzles rotate the control device compressed air , particularly on entry and exit the cylinder to maintain constant

pressure inside. And a lot still need to be added .In terms of a conceptual project designed by someone who has no college degree , 3D

drawings are representations of an idea , and therefore have not been calculated or scaled , and also exclude specific connections for each function .

For example , at the door of the digital input panel or the battery compartment , did not go into details as to opening their system. So it is with all components . Just find themselves represented , without going into technical details .

This work would be left to the engineers if there are companies who find feasible this project and want to carry on .Originally conceived the design of the drone without wings , because the disk-shaped constitutes itself into a single wing, with compressed air nozzles to assist in the stability of the ship and maneuvering .

Then I added the wings , which will certainly give more stability to the product and to provide greater economy because a certain speed , would only share in the horizontal turbines . The wings replace the compressed air nozzles in the maneuvers during the flight . However , these are essential when maneuvering the ship hovering in the air .

An interesting option is to add a system of electric energy production , atravéz of photovoltaic cells using flexible panels , taking advantage of the nature of the format , that provide a good working area for your installation, which increases the autonomy of flight .In comparison with existing drones , and do everything this does, take off vertically and be controlled remotely via GPS and that makes all maneuvers , and other things , the purpose of this project goes beyond this drone .

Rises like a helicopter but flies like an airplane . That is how it has greater speed than any of the drone quadricóptero type .

Greater flight range , due to its design and incorporation of production of own energy by photovoltaic panels and its propulsion system.

Maneuvering swift and efficient , due to the compressed air nozzles in the side of the device , provided to hover . Has the unprecedented maneuver forward and backward laterallyA cleaner and stripped look without those scary propellers spinning when a drone approaching someone .

I hope experts analyze this conceptual design , and reach the end of their viability .

The text of this story was translated from Portuguese into English. It may be that some words out of the context.

Project Author : Issamu AonoSite: : 08/04/2014
