Indeks Kumulatif: Jurnal Atom Indonesia


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  • 8/18/2019 Indeks Kumulatif: Jurnal Atom Indonesia



     —  4A —  






    Chairida Saufatunnisa

    Indriyani Tri Wahyuni

    Bella Yuliani Maulidiah

    Purcahyo Amri Arnanto

    Iin Dwi Astuti

    Bachrul Fauzi 

  • 8/18/2019 Indeks Kumulatif: Jurnal Atom Indonesia




    Puji dan syukur kami ucapkan kehadirat Allah Swt. karena atas rahmat dan

    karunia-Nya, kami dapat menyelesaikan buku sederhana ini dengan judul “Indeks

    Kumulatif: Jurnal Atom Indonesia”.  Shalawat serta salam semoga dilimpahkan

    kepada Nabi Muhammad Saw. beserta keluarga, sahabat-sahabat, dan pengikut-

     pengikutnya hingga akhir hayat.

    Terwujudnya buku sederhana ini, tidak terlepas dari bantuan dan bimbingan

    dari berbagai pihak. Oleh karena itu, kami menyampaikan terima kasih yang tidak

    terhingga kepada:

    1.  Ibu Siti Maryam, M.Hum., dosen Indeks dan Abstrak, yang telah ikhlas dan

     penuh pengabdian memberikan ilmu dan bimbingan selama kami mengikuti


    2.  Teramat istimewa kepada kedua orang tua tercinta yang memberikan bantuan

     baik moral maupun material.

    3.  Rekan-rekan seperjuangan yang telah banyak membantu selama perkuliahan

    serta semua pihak yang telah membantu penyelesaian buku sederhana ini.

    Buku sederhana ini terdiri dari indeks umum, indeks nama pengarang, dan

    indeks kata kunci, yang mana berguna untuk mempermudah pencarian artikel-

    artikel yang ada di Jurnal Atom Indonesia.

    Kami menyadari bahwa buku sederhana ini masih memiliki banyak

    keterbatasan dan kekurangan. Oleh sebab itu, saya mengharapkan saran dan kritik

    untuk kesempurnaan buku sederhana ini. Semoga buku sederhana ini dapat

     bermanfaat bagi kamu khususnya dan bagi pembaca umumnya.

    Jakarta, April 2016


  • 8/18/2019 Indeks Kumulatif: Jurnal Atom Indonesia




    Adapun langkah-langkah dalam menggunakan buku indeks ini antara lain

    sebagai berikut:

    1.  Tentukan nama pengarang atau kata kunci yang akan dicari.

    2.  Kemudian bukalah daftar indeks nama pengarang atau indeks kata kunci.


    Carilah nama pengarang atau kata kunci yang sudah ditentukan sebelumnya.

    4.  Setelah ketemu, lihatlah nomor entri yang ada disamping kanan nama

     pengarang atau kata kunci. Nomor entri tersebut menunjukan letak dimana

    nama pengarang atau kata kunci tersebut berada.

    5.  Carilah nomor entri tersebut di indeks umum. Di situ akan ditemukan nama

     pengarang atau kata kunci yang dicari.

  • 8/18/2019 Indeks Kumulatif: Jurnal Atom Indonesia




    PENGANTAR ....................................................................................................... ii

    PETUNJUK PENGGUNAAN ............................................................................ iii

    DAFTAR ISI ......................................................................................................... iv

    INDEKS UMUM ................................................................................................... 1

    INDEKS NAMA PENGARANG ....................................................................... 19

    INDEKS KATA KUNCI .................................................................................... 25 

  • 8/18/2019 Indeks Kumulatif: Jurnal Atom Indonesia





    Accelerator-Driven System Analysis By Using Different Nuclear Data

    Libraries (T. Sugawara, et. al.). National Nuclear Energy

    Agency. Vol. 38, No. 2, hal. 71-77

    Kata kunci: Transmutation, Nuclear data library, Neutronic design,

    Burn-up calculation, Accelerator-driven system (ADS)


    Analysis Of Mo Production Capacity In Uranyl Nitrate Aqueous

    Homogeneus Reactor Using ORIGEN And MCNP (A. Isnaeni,

    et. al.). National Nuclear Energy Agency. Vol. 40, No. 1, hal.


    Kata kunci: MO, Uranyl nitrate, Homogeneus reactor, MCNP,



    Analytical Methods INAA And PIXE Applied To Characterization Of

    Airborne Particulate Matter In Bandung, Indonesia (D. D.Lestiani, and M. Santoso). National Nuclear Energy Agency.

    Vol. 27, No. 1, hal 52-56

    Kata kunci: Elemental characterization, INAA, PIXE, Particulate

    matter, Air pollution


    Application Of Deuterium And Oxygen-18 To Trace Leachate

    Movement In Bantar Gebang Sanitary Landfill (E. R.

    Pujiindiyati). National Nuclear Energy Agency. Vol. 37, No. 1,

    hal 76-82

    Kata kunci: Bantar gebang, Isotopes, Landfill, Leachate

    005Arsenic Irradiation Induced Atomic Interdiffusion Of InxGa1-xAs/InP

    Quantum Well Structures (P. L. Gareso, H. H. Tan, and C.

  • 8/18/2019 Indeks Kumulatif: Jurnal Atom Indonesia



    Jagadish). National Nuclear Energy Agency. Vol. 38, No. 3, hal.


    Kata kunci: Arsenic irradiation, Atomic interdiffusion, Energy shift,

    Irradition dose


    Assessment Of Nugget Size Of Spot Weld Using Neutron

    Radiography (Triyono, et. al.). National Nuclear Energy

    Agency. Vol. 27, No. 1, hal 71-75

    Kata kunci: Corona bond, Gadolinium oxide, Neutron radiography,

     Nugget size, Spot weld


    Assessment Of Trace Element Daily Intake Based On Consumption

    Rate Of Foodstuffs In Bandung City (E. Damastuti, et. al.).

     National Nuclear Energy Agency. Vol. 38, No. 1, hal. 29-34

    Kata kunci: Foodstuffs, Trace element, NAA, Daily intake


    Bacterial Protein Characterization Of Streptococcus agalactiae  By

    SDS-Page Method For Subclinical Mastitis Irradiated Vaccine

    Materials In Dairy Cattle (B. J. Tuasikal, et. al.). National

     Nuclear Energy Agency. Vol. 38, No. 2, hal. 66-70

    Kata kunci: Protein characterization, Streptococcus agalactiae,

    Mastitis irradiated vaccine


    Biodistribution and Imaging of The


    Tc-GlutationeRadiopharmaceutical in White Rats Induced with Cancer (H.

    Wongso, N. Zainudin, and Iswahyudi). National Nuclear Energy

    Agency. Vol. 39, No. 3, hal. 106-111

    Kata kunci: 99mTc-glutatione, Biodistribution, Imaging, Cancer, White


  • 8/18/2019 Indeks Kumulatif: Jurnal Atom Indonesia




    Chromatogram Profiles And Cytotoxic Acivity Of Irradiated Mahkota

     Dewa (E. Katrin, Selvie, and H. Winarno). National Nuclear

    Energy Agency. Vol. 37, No. 1, hal 1-4

    Kata kunci: Mahkota dewa leaves, Phaleria macrocarpa, Gamma

    irradiation, Cytotoxic, Leukimia, HPLC


    Clinical Application Of Renograph IR-03 For The Hospital (R. Isaris,

    et. al.). National Nuclear Energy Agency. Vol. 38, No. 2, hal.


    Kata kunci: Cost analysis, Renography diagnostic, Utilization of



    Comparison Of Gamma Irradiated And Raw Lignite In Bioliquefaction

    Process By Fungus T5 (I. Sugoro, D. I. Astuti, et. al.). National

     Nuclear Energy Agency. Vol. 38, No. 2, hal. 51-56

    Kata kunci: Bioliquefaction of coal, Raw lignite, Gamma irradiated,

    Fungus T5


    Conceptual Design Study Of 13 MeV Proton Cyclotron (Silakhuddin,

    and S. Santosa). National Nuclear Energy Agency. Vol. 38, No.

    1, hal. 7-14

    Kata kunci: Cyclotron, PET, Negative ions, Ion source, RF dee,

    Magnetic system, Beam extractor


    Coupled-Channels Analysis For Heavy-Ion Fusion Reactions Of

    16O+92ZR, 144,148 Sm Systems. (M. Zamrun, and K. Hagino).

     National Nuclear Energy Agency. Vol. 36, No. 1, hal. 23-29

    Kata kunci: Coupled-channels framework, Heavy-ion fusion reaction,

    Fusion cross section, Fusion barrier distribution, Phonon


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    Degradation Of Standard Dyes And Textile Wastewater As A

    Pollutant Model Using Gamma Radiation (A. Sumartono).

     National Nuclear Energy Agency. Vol. 34, No. 1, hal. 1-20

    Kata kunci: Dispers dyes, Basic dyes, Reactive dyes, Textile

    wasterwater, Ionizing radiation


    Design And Development Of Hand And Foot Contamination Monitor

    (F. Akter, et. al.). National Nuclear Energy Agency. Vol. 40, No.

    2, hal. 97-104

    Kata kunci: Contamination, G-M detector, Microcontroller,



    Determination Of Informal Sector As Urban Pollution Source: Fume

    Characterization Of Small-Scale Manual Metal Arc Welding

    Using Factor Analysis In Bandung City (A. Nastiti, et. al.).

     National Nuclear Energy Agency. Vol. 38, No. 1, hal. 35-42

    Kata kunci: Informal welding, Welding fume, Characterization, Factor



    Determination Of Magnet Specification Of 13 MeV Proton Cyclotron

    Based On Opera 3D (Taufik, et. al.). National Nuclear Energy

    Agency. Vol. 40, No. 2, hal. 69-75

    Kata kunci: Supply some 4-6 keywords, Cyclotron magnet design,

    Positron emission tomography, Proton 13 MeV, Opera 3D,



    Development of Data Acquisition and Control Software for Neutron

    Radiography Facility at Serpong, Indonesia (Bharoto). National

     Nuclear Energy Agency. Vol. 39, No. 2, hal. 95-99

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    Kata kunci: Neutron, Radiography, Tomography, Data acquisition,

    Control, Software


    Development Of Pyrochemical Reprocessing Of The Spent Nuclear

    Fuel And Prospects Of Closed Fuel Cycle (R. Tulackova, et. al.).

     National Nuclear Energy Agency. Vol. 33, No. 1, hal. 47-59

    Kata kunci: Pyrpchemical reprocessing, Spent nuclear fuel, Closed

    fuel cycle, Molten salt reactor


    Development Of Sorghum Tolerant To Acid Soil Using Induced

    Mutation With Gamma Irradiation. (S. Human, et. al.). National

     Nuclear Energy Agency. Vol. 36, No. 1, hal. 11-15

    Kata kunci: Sorghum breeding, Induced mutations, Dryland, Acid soil

    tolerance, Bioethanol


    Distributing Of 137Cs In The Surface Soil Of Serpong Nuclear Site (E.

    Lubis). National Nuclear Energy Agency. Vol. 27, No. 1, hal 57-61

    Kata kunci: Atmospheric release, 137Cs, Serpong nuclear site, Surface



    Dose-Response Curve of Chromosome Aberrations in Human

    Lymphocytes Induced by Gamma-Rays (Y. Lusiyanti, et. al.).

     National Nuclear Energy Agency. Vol. 39, No. 3, hal. 124-128

    Kata kunci: Chromosome aberrations, Dicentric assay, Standard

    calibration curve, Biodosimetry.


    Electronic And Optimal Properties Of Aluminum Oxide Before And

    After Surface Reduction By Ar+ Bombardment (D. Tahir, et.

    al.). National Nuclear Energy Agency. Vol. 40, No. 2, hal. 63-


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    Kata kunci: Sapphire, REELS, Electronic Properties, Optical



    Evaluating Genetic Variability Of Sorghum Mutant Lines Tolerant To

    Acid Soil (W. Puspitasari, et. al.). National Nuclear Energy

    Agency. Vol. 38, No. 2, hal. 83-88

    Kata kunci: Sorghum mutant lines, Sorghum bicolor (L.) moench,

    Acid soil, Genetic variability


    Experimental Study In The Effect Of Initial Temperature On CHF In

    A Vertical Annulus Narrow Channel With Bilateral Heated (M.

    Juarsa, et. al.). National Nuclear Energy Agency. Vol. 27, No. 1,

    hal 45-51

    Kata kunci: Bilateral, Boiling curve, CHF, Temperature


    Flow Characterization Of Vapor Phase Of Geothermal Fluid In Pipe

    Using Isotope Kr And Recidence Time Distribution Modeling(S. Sugiharto, et. al.). National Nuclear Energy Agency. Vol. 40,

     No. 2, hal. 89-95

    Kata kunci: Geothermal, Recidence time distribution (RTD), Axial

    dispersion model, Peclet number


    Formulation of Oil-in-Water Cream from Mangosteen (Garcinia

    Mangostana L.) Pericarp Extract Preserved by Gamma

    Irradiation (E. Isabella, and T. Pohan). National Nuclear Energy

    Agency. Vol. 39, No. 3, hal. 136-144

    Kata kunci: Anti-aging cream, Mangosteen pericarp extract, Garcinia

    mangostana L., Decontamination, Gamma irradiation

    029Fragmentation Of Nimotuzumab For Preparation Of I-F (ab’)-

     Nimotuzumab As A Precursor For Preparing I-F (ab’)-

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     Nimotuzumab-NLS Radiopharmaceutical For Cancer Therapy

    (R. D. Haryuni, et. al.) National Nuclear Energy Agency. Vol.

    40, No. 1, hal. 13-21

    Kata kunci: Fragmentation, Radiolabeling, I-F(ab’)-nimotuzumab, I-



    Fuel Cycle Services The Heart Of Nuclear Energy (Soedyartomo

    Soentono). National Nuclear Energy Agency. Vol. 33, No. 1,

    hal. 1-11

    Kata kunci: Fuel cycle, Nuclear energy, Green house gas emission,



    Fuzzy Logic Application In Boron And Cadmium Analysis In U3O8 

    Use Of Emission Spectograph Method (S. Simbolon, et. al.).

     National Nuclear Energy Agency. Vol. 37, No. 1, hal 36-43

    Kata kunci: Fuzzy logic Emission spectograph, Mamdani-type,

    Membership, Tringular, Trapezoidal, Generalized-bell,



    Geothermal Resevoir Characterization For Steam Field Management

    In Kamojang Geothermal Field-West Java. (Z. Abidin, R.

    Prasetio, and Prayoto). National Nuclear Energy Agency. Vol.

    35, No. 1, hal. 37-48

    Kata kunci: Reservoir, TRINVI, TRCOOL, Isotope and vapor

    dominated, Kamojang, Natural isotopes


    Graft Copolymerization Of Methly Methacrylate Monomer Onto

    Starch and Natural Rubber Latex Initiated By Gamma

    Irradiation (S. Iskandar). National Nuclear Energy Agency. Vol.

    37, No. 1, hal 24-28

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    Kata kunci: Copolymerization, Starch, Methly methacrylate, Natural

    rubber latex


    Hybrib Weakness Found In the Backcroos Progeny Of An Inter-

    Specific Cross Of Oryza Sativa / O. Glumaepatula. ( Sobrizal,

    A., and Yoshimura). National Nuclear Energy Agency. Vol. 35,

     No. 1, hal. 49- 56

    Kata kunci: Hybrid weakness, Inter-specific cross, Genetic map, Rice


    IAEA Safety Standards On Management Systems And Safety Culture

    (Kerstin Dahlgren Persson). National Nuclear Energy Agency.

    Vol. 33, No. 1, hal. 13-21

    Kata kunci: Safety standards, Safety culture, Management system


     In-vitro  Degradation Behaviour Of Irradiated Bacterial Cellulose

    Membrane (D. Darwis, et. al.). National Nuclear Energy

    Agency. Vol. 38, No. 2, hal. 78-82

    Kata kunci: Bacterial cellulose, Acetobacter xylinum, Guided bone

    regeneration, In-vitro degradation


    Irradiation Effect of Argon Ion on Interfacial Structure Fe (2nm)/Si

    (tsi=0.5-2 nm) Multilayer Thin Film (S. Purwanto). National

     Nuclear Energy Agency. Vol. 36, No. 1, hal. 37.41

    Kata kunci: Fe/Si multilayer, Antiferromagnetic coupling (AFC),Argon ion irradiation


    Labeling Of The Recombinant Streptokinase Using lodine-131 As A

     New Thrombolytic Agent (I. Daruwati, et. al.). National Nuclear

    Energy Agency. Vol. 38, No. 3, hal. 106-111

    Kata kunci: Streptokinase, labeling, 131I, Thrombolytic agent

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    Linacs For Medical Isotope Production (A. Pramudita). National

     Nuclear Energy Agency. Vol. 27, No. 1, hal 1-4

    Kata kunci: Electron linacs, Proton linacs, Photonuclear, Photofission,

    Medical radiosotope


    Magnetic Properties And Magnetocaloric Effect In Layered

     NdMn1.9Ti0.1Si2 (M. F. Md Din, et. al.). National Nuclear

    Energy Agency. Vol. 40, No. 1, hal. 1-6

    Kata kunci: Neutron diffraction, X-ray diffraction, Magnetocaloric

    effect, First order magnetic transition, Small hysteresis issue


    Measurements Of Residual Streeses In Cold-Roded 304 Stainless Steel

    Plates Using X-ray Diffraction With Rietveld Refinement

    Menthol. (Parikin, P. Killen, and A. Rafterry). National Nuclear

    Energy Agency. Vol. 35, No. 1, hal. 19-36

    Kata kunci: 304 stainlees steel, Cold rolling, X-ray diffraction,

    Rietveld refinement method, Residual stress


    Measuring The BNF Of Soybean Using 15 N-Labelled Urea With

    Different Atom Excess (A.E.) Content (A. Citraresmini, H.

    Halim, and E. L. Sisworo). National Nuclear Energy Agency.

    Vol. 38, No. 3, hal. 131-137

    Kata kunci: BNF, Soybean, 15 N, Atom excess, Urea


    Micronutrient Daily Intake Of Elementary School Children In

    Bandung As Determined By Using NAA And AAS Methods (E.

    Damastuti, et. al.). National Nuclear Energy Agency. Vol. 37,

     No. 1, hal 62-70

    Kata kunci: Daily intake, Deficiency, Elementary school children,


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    Model Validation Of Radiocaesium Transfer From Soil To Leafy

    Vegetables (P. Sukmabuana, and P. I. Tjahaja). National

     Nuclear Energy Agency. Vol. 38, No. 1, hal. 43-49

    Kata kunci: Radiocaesium, 134Cs, Soil, Seinach, Morning glory, Soil-

     plant transfers model


    Modification of Biodegradable Polyesters Using Electron Beam (M.

    Suhartini). National Nuclear Energy Agency. Vol. 39, No. 3, hal.


    Kata kunci: Poly (4-Hydroxybutirat), Poly ( -caprolactone), Poly

    (butylene succinate-co-adipate), Electron beam, Polyfunctional



    Modified Starch Of Sorghum Mutant Line 2h-30 For High Fiber

    Muffin Products (D. D. S. Santosa). National Nuclear Energy

    Agency. Vol. 35, No. 1, hal. 1-18

    Kata kunci: Sorghum mutant line, Starch, High fiber muffin, Baked



    Monte-Carlo Simulation Of γ-ray and Fast Neutron Radiolysis Of

    Liquid Water nd 0.4 M  H2SO4 Solutions At Temperatures Up To

    3250C (G. R. Sunaryo, M. Jintana, and J. P. J. Gerin). National

     Nuclear Energy Agency. Vol. 37, No. 1, hal 29-35

    Kata kunci: Monte-carlo, γ-Radiolysis, Fast neutrons


     Natural Radioactivity In Some Food Crops from Bangka-Belitung

    Islands, Indonesia (Syarbaini, A. Warsona, and D. Iskandar).

     National Nuclear Energy Agency. Vol. 40, No. 1, hal. 29-34

    Kata kunci: Natural Radioactivity, Food crops, Annual intake,

    Ingestion dose, Annual dose

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     Neutron Diffraction Study On The Magnetic Structure Of Pr 6Fe13Sn.

    (Suharyana, J. M. Cadogan, and Agitta Rianaris). National

     Nuclear Energy Agency. Vol. 36, No. 1, hal. 31-35

    Kata kunci: Rare-earth intermetallics, Neutron diffraction,

    Antiferomanetic, Pr 6Fe13Sn


     Non-destructive Residual Stress Analysis Around The Weld-Joint of

    Fuel Cladding Materials of ZrNbMoGe Alloys (Parikin, et. al.).

     National Nuclear Energy Agency. Vol. 39, No. 2, hal. 65-74

    Kata kunci: ZrNbMoGe Alloys, Welding, Residual stresses, X-ray



    On the Temperature Dependence of the Rate Constant of two Hydrate

    Electrons (S. L. Butarbutar, et. al.). National Nuclear Energy

    Agency. Vol. 39, No. 2, hal. 51-56

    Kata kunci: Water radiolysis, High temperature, Self-reaction of the

    hydrated electron, Rate constant, Yield of H2, Linear energy

    transfer (LET), Monte carlo track chemistry calculations


    On-line Diagnosing On Trayed Column Of Etylene Plant Using

    Gamma Ray Scanning (S. Sugiharto). National Nuclear Energy

    Agency. Vol. 38, No. 3, hal. 138-146

    Kata kunci: Gamma-ray scanning, Trayed column, Liquid flooding,

    60Co, Ethylene plant


    Physicochemical and Biological Analysis of 99mTc-Gluthation

    Radiopharmaceuticals (M. E. Sriyani, and N. Zainudin).

     National Nuclear Energy Agency. Vol. 39, No. 2, hal. 82-87

    Kata kunci: Analysis, Lyophilized-kit, Glutathione, 99mTc

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    Piping Flexibility Analysis If The Primary Cooling System Of TRIGA

    2000 Bandung Rector Due To Earthquake (H. P. Rahardjo).

     National Nuclear Energy Agency. Vol. 37, No. 1, hal 83-89

    Kata kunci: Cooling system, Earthquake, Fault, Piping, Reactors


    Preparation Of Sulfonated Poly (Ethylene-co-tetrafluoroethylene-

    graft-styrene) Based Polymer Electrolyte Membranes For Fuel

    Cell By Using Gamma Irradiation Technique (A. Suliwarno).

     National Nuclear Energy Agency. Vol. 38, No. 1, hal. 1-6

    Kata kunci: ETFE, Graftirra diation, Styrene, Electrolyte, Membrane,

    Fuel cell


    Prospect On Desalination And Other Non-Electric Applications Of

     Nuclear Energy In Indonesia (Geni Rina Sunaryo). National

     Nuclear Energy Agency. Vol. 33, No. 1, hal. 33-45

    Kata kunci: Desalination, Nuclear power plant (NPP), HTGR


    Radiation-Induced DNA Double Strand Breaks And Their

    Modulations By Treatments With  Moringa oleifera Lam. Leaf

    Extracts: A Cancer Cell Culture Model (K. Boonsirichal, and S.

    Jetawattana). National Nuclear Energy Agency. Vol. 40, No. 1,

    hal. 7-12

    Kata kunci: Gamma radiation, MCF-7, DNA double strand breaks,

    H2AX, Antioxidant, Moringa oleifera 


    Radio Proctective Effects Of Ginseng Extract In Gamma-Rays

    Induced Chromosomal Damages Of Human Lymphocyte (M.

    Syaifudin, et. al.). National Nuclear Energy Agency. Vol. 34,

     No. 1, hal. 45-58

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    Kata kunci: Radio protective effect, Ginseng extract, Gamma-rays,

    Human lymphocyte


    Radiological Protection of the Environment and its Implementation

    into IAEA Safety Standards (D. Telleria, and G. Proehl).

     National Nuclear Energy Agency. Vol. 39, No. 3, hal. 101-105

    Kata kunci: Radiological protection, Environment, Reference animals

    and plants, Flora and fauna protection, Ecosystems protection


    Radiometric Mapping For Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials

    (NORM) Assessment In Mamuju, West Sulawesi (H. Syaeful, I.

    G. Sukadana, and A. Sumaryanto). National Nuclear Energy

    Agency. Vol. 40, No. 1, hal. 35-41

    Kata kunci: NORM, Mamuju, Thorium, Uranium, Radiometric


    Recent Development of SANS BATAN Spectrometer (SMARTer) in

    Serpong for Simultaneous and Automatic Measurements (E. G.R. Putra, et. al.). National Nuclear Energy Agency. Vol. 39, No.

    3, hal. 145-150

    Kata kunci: SANS spectrometer, Programmable motor controller, Data

    acquisition, In situ experiment


    Reduction Of Radioactive Waste Through The Reuse And Recycle

    Policy Of The Sealed Radioactive Sources Management (T.

    Marpaung). National Nuclear Energy Agency. Vol. 38, No. 2,

    hal. 57-65

    Kata kunci: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Scaled source, Spent sealed

    source, DSRS, Radioactive waste

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    Reliability Study Of The AP1000 Passive Safety System By Fuzzy

    Approach (J. H. Purba, and D. T. Tjahyani). National Nuclear

    Energy Agency. Vol. 40, No. 2, hal. 49-56

    Kata kunci: Fuzzy reliability approach, Failure possibility, Triangular

    fuzzy numbers, Passive safety system, AP1000


    Reliability Study Of The Liquid Target Chamber For 18F Production

    At The BATAN’s Cyclotron Facilities (I. Kambali, et. al.).

     National Nuclear Energy Agency. Vol. 37, No. 1, hal 5-10

    Kata kunci: Reliability study, Liquid target chamber, 18F production,

    Proton irradiation, Cyclotron, 18O-enriched water target, Heat

    transfer coefficient


    Separation Of Radiocopper 64/67Cu From The Matrix Of Neutron-

    Irradiated Natural Zinc Applicable For 64Cu Production (S.

    Soenarjo, et. al.). National Nuclear Energy Agency. Vol. 38, No.

    1, hal. 15-21

    Kata kunci: Radioisotope 64Cu, Nuclear reaction of 642n (n,p) 64Cu,

    Radionuclidic separation of 64Cu, Neutron irradiation of natural

    Zn, Molecular-targeted-radiopharmaceutical


    Solution of Dirac Equation for q-Deformed Eckart Potential with

    Yukawa-type Tensor Interaction for Spin and Pseudospin

    Symmetry Using Romanovski Polynomial (A. Suparmi, and C.

    Cari). National Nuclear Energy Agency. Vol. 39, No. 3, hal.


    Kata kunci: Dirac equation Solution, Q-deformed eckart potential,

    Yukawa-type tensor, Spin symmetry, Pseudospin symmetry,

    Romanovski polynomials

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    Sonolytic Oxidation Of Tc (IV) O2nH2O Nanoparticles To Tc (VII) O  

    In Aqueos Solution. (M. Zakir, and T. Sekine). National Nuclear

    Energy Agency. Vol. 36, No. 1, hal. 17-22

    Kata kunci: Tc-nanoparticle, Sonolytic, Tc (IV), Tc (VII)


    Spectroscopic Studies Of Soft X-Ray Emission From Gadolinium

    Plasmas (I. Kambali, and G. O’Sullivan). National Nuclear

    Energy Agency. Vol. 40, No. 2, hal. 57-61

    Kata kunci: Spectroscopy, Laser-produced plasmas, Soft x-ray

    emission, Unresolved-transition arrays (UTA), Atomic spectra


    Stopping Powers And Inelastic Mean Free Patch Of 100 eV To 30 keV

    Electrons In Zirconium Silicates (D. Tahir, et. al.). National

     Nuclear Energy Agency. Vol. 38, No. 3, hal. 100-105

    Kata kunci: REELS, ELF, SP, IMFP, Ziconium-silicates


    Study Of 99mTc Pertechnetate Radiopharmaceuticals In Relation To

    Thyroid Hormone For Toxic And Non-Toxic Diffuse Goiter (N.

    P. Viantri, et. al.). National Nuclear Energy Agency. Vol. 38,

     No. 1, hal. 22-28

    Kata kunci: Diffuse goiter, Thyroid gland, Salivary glands, Thyroid

    scan, Thyroid hormones


    Surface Roughness And Grain Size Characterization Of Annealing

    Temperature Effect For Growth Gallium and Tantalum Doped

    Ba0,5 Sr 0.5 TiO3 Thin Film. (H. Darmasetiawan, et. al.). National

     Nuclear Energy Agency. Vol. 35, No. 1, hal. 57-67

    Kata kunci: BGST, BTST, Thin film, SCD method, AFM, Roughness,

    Grain size

  • 8/18/2019 Indeks Kumulatif: Jurnal Atom Indonesia




    Synthesis and Characterization of Graft Copolymer Rice Straw

    Cellulose-Acrylamide Hydrogels Using Gamma Irradiation (D.

    Swantomo, et. al.). National Nuclear Energy Agency. Vol. 39,

     No. 2, hal. 57-64

    Kata kunci: Rice straw cellulose, Acrylamide, Graft copolymerization,

    Gamma irradiation, Kinetics.


    Synthesis And Characterization Of Poly (Amidoamine) Dendrimers

    Encapsulated198Au Nanoparticles (R. Ritawidya, et. al.).

     National Nuclear Energy Agency. Vol. 38, No. 3, hal. 118-126

    Kata kunci: 198Au nanoparticles, PAMAM G3.0 dendrimers, Size

    exclusion chromatography, Transmission electron microscopy



    Synthesis Of 125l Labeled Estradiol-17β-Hemisuccinate And Its

    Binding Study to Estrogen Receptors Using Scintillation

    Proximity Assay Method (Y. Susilo, et. al.). National Nuclear

    Energy Agency. Vol. 38, No. 3, hal. 112-117

    Kata kunci: Indirect labeling, Estrogen receptor, Estradiol,

    Scintillation proximity assay, Binding affinity, MCF7


    Synthesis of Sulochrin- I and Its Binding Affinity As a-Glucosidase

    Inhibitor Using Radioligand Binding Assay (RBA) Method (W.

    Lestari, et. al.). National Nuclear Energy Agency. Vol. 40, No.

    1, hal. 23-27

    Kata kunci: a-glucosidase inhibitor, Radioligand binding assay,

    Sulochrin, Sulochirin-I

    076The Contribution Of Azolla And Urea In Lowland Rice Growth

    Production For Three Consecutive Seasons (E. L. Sisworo, et.

  • 8/18/2019 Indeks Kumulatif: Jurnal Atom Indonesia



    al.). National Nuclear Energy Agency. Vol. 34, No. 1, hal. 21-


    Kata kunci: Azolla, Urea, Lowland rice


    The Effect Of Urea Molasses Multi-Nutrient And Medicated Block

    For Beef Cattle, Beef And Dairy Cow (Suharyono, et. al.).

     National Nuclear Energy Agency. Vol. 40, No. 2, hal. 77-87

    Kata kunci: UMMB, Protein, Tracer, Medicated, Herbal, Anthelmintic


    The Measurements Of Calcification Rates In Reef Corals Using

    Radiosotope 43Ca At Pongok Sea, South Bangka (G. Diansyah,

    et. al.). National Nuclear Energy Agency. Vol. 27, No. 1, hal 11-


    Kata kunci: Calcification rates, Reef coral, 15Ca, Pongok sea


    The Performance Of Fine Resolution Neutron Powder Diffractometer

    At PTBIN-BATAN. (A. Fajar, and H. Mugiraharjo). National

     Nuclear Energy Agency. Vol. 36, No. 1, hal. 1-9

    Kata kunci: Neutron powder diffraction, Resolution, Crystal structure,

    Rietveld profile fitting


    The Preliminary Prototype of Medium Dose Rate Brachytherapy

    Equipment (A. Satmoko, et. al.). National Nuclear Energy

    Agency. Vol. 39, No. 2, hal. 75-81

    Kata kunci: Brachytherapy, Prototype, Design, Construction, Medium

    dose rate


    The Reevaluation Of MIBI As The Ligand Of 99mTc-MIBI

    Radiopharmaceutical For Myocardial Imaging (Nurlaila Z., and

    I. Daruwati). National Nuclear Energy Agency. Vol. 34, No. 1,

    hal. 35-44

  • 8/18/2019 Indeks Kumulatif: Jurnal Atom Indonesia



    Kata kunci: Radiopharmaceutical, MIBI, 99mTc, Myocardial imaging


    The Role Of Nuclear Diplomacy (Samodra Sriwidjaja). National

     Nuclear Energy Agency. Vol. 33, No. 1, hal. 23-32

    Kata kunci: Nuclear diplomacy, Non-proliferation treaty, CTBT, NPP


    The use of 32P Method to Evaluate Growth of Lowland Rice Cultivated

    in a System of Rice Intensification (SRI) (A. Citraresmini, I.

    Anas, and Nurmayulis). National Nuclear Energy Agency. Vol.

    39, No. 2, hal. 88-94

    Kata kunci: System of rice intensification, Phosphorus, 32P, Planting

    system, Plant growth


    Tunneling Magnetoresistance (TMR) On Fe-Al2O3  Nano Granular

    Film Growth By Helicon Plasma Sputtering (S. Purwanto).

     National Nuclear Energy Agency. Vol. 34, No. 1, hal. 59-68

    Kata kunci: Nanogranular thin film, Helicon plasma sputtering,

    Tunneling magnetoresistance, Conversion electron mossbauer

    spectroscopy, Rutherford back scattering (RBS)

  • 8/18/2019 Indeks Kumulatif: Jurnal Atom Indonesia





    A. Agus, 077

    A. Ariyanto, 074, 075

    A. Bahtiar, 029

    A. Citraresmini, 042, 083

    A. Djawanas, 078

    A. Fajar, 079

    A. H. Ismoyo, 050

    A. Hanafiah, 038

    A. Hermanto, 018

    A. Isnaeni, 002

    A. Mutalib, 029, 073

    A. Nastiti, 017

    A. Pramudita, 039

    A. Pujiyanto, 073

    A. Rafterry, 041

    A. Satmoko, 080

    A. Suliwarno, 055

    A. Sumartono, 015

    A. Sumaryanto, 060

    A. Suparmi,066

    A. Warsona, 048

    A. Yani, 027

    A. Yanuar, 073, 074, 075

    A. Yoshimura, 034

    Achdiyat, 027

    Agitta Rianaris, 049

    Aryadi, 031


    B. Azmi, 027

    B. J. Tuasikal, 008

    Bandriyana, 050

    Bharoto, 019, 061 


    C. Anam, 070

    C. Cari, 066 

    C. Jagadish, 005

    C. N. Ardiyanto, 029, 074

    C. Varuna, 070

    Chang-Mo Kang, 058


    D. D. Lestiani, 003, 007

    D. D. S. Santosa, 046

    D. Darwis, 036

    D. Haffid, 029

    D. I. Astuti, 012

  • 8/18/2019 Indeks Kumulatif: Jurnal Atom Indonesia


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    H. Wongso, 009

    Hambali, 065

    Haryanto, 076


    I. Anas, 083

    I. Daruwati, 038, 081

    I. G. Sukadana, 060

    I. Kambali, 064, 068

    I. M. Putra, 080

    I. Sugoro, 012

    I. W. T. Wibawan, 008

    I. Wahyono, 050

    Idawati, 076

    Indarto, 028

    Iswahyudi, 009 


    J. H. Purba, 063

    J. L. Wang, 040

    J. M. Cadogan, 059

    J. Meesungnoen, 051

    J. P. J. Gerin, 047

    J. P. Jay-Gerin, 051

    J. Sumanto, 011

    Jamasri, 006

    Jan Uhlir, 020

    Jie-Young Song, 058


    K. Boonsirichal, 057

    K. Chuchvalcova-Bimova, 020

    K. Hagino, 014

    K. Nishihara, 001

    K. Oginawati, 017

    K. T. Basuki, 072

    K. Tsujimoto, 001

    Kerstin Dahlgren Persson, 035

    Kristiyani, 080

    Kushartono, 027


    L. B. Kardono, 073

    L. B. S. Kardono, 074, 075

    L. Hardiningsih, 036

    L. Mirsaleh Kohan, 051


    M. A. Idris, 071

    M. A. S. Haque, 016

    M. E. Sriyani, 053

    M. F. Md Din, 040

    M. Hasan, 016

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    M. Hikam, 071

    M. Hoq, 016

    M. Jintana, 047

    M. Juarsa, 026

    M. Lubis, 023

    M. Marecek, 020

    M. N. Ilman, 006

    M. Precek, 020

    M. Ramli, 029, 073

    M. Rasyid, 076

    M. S. Aljohani, 002

    M. Santoso, 003, 007, 017, 043

    M. Suhartini, 045 

    M. Syaifudin, 056

    M. Zakir, 067

    M. Zamrun, 014

    Martanti, 077

    Mujinah, 073


     N. H. Sari, 069

     N. P. Viantri, 070

     N. Putra, 026

     N. Suparno, 061

     N. Zainudin, 009, 053

     Nurlaila Z., 081

     Nurmayulis, 083 


    P. Aditiawati, 012

    P. Anggraita, 018

    P. Arifin, 071

    P. Bagaswoto, 011

    P. I. Tjahaja, 044

    P. Killen, 041

    P. L. Gareso,005

    P. Sukmabuana, 044

    P. Widayati, 074, 075

    Parikin, 041, 050

    Prayoto, 032


    R. A. Koestoer, 026

    R. D. Haryuni, 029

    R. Isaris, 011

    R. Prasetio, 032

    R. Ritawidya, 073

    R. Soekrisno, 006

    R. Sudiyo, 072

    R. Tulackova, 020

    R. Utomo, 077

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    Rajiman, 064

    Rochmadi, 072


    S. Darwati, 074

    S. Estuningsih, 008

    S. Habsari, 026

    S. Hermanto, 029

    S. Human, 021, 025

    S. I. Bhuiyan, 002

    S. Ichwan, 064

    S. Iskandar, 033

    S. J. Campbell, 040

    S. Jetawattana, 057

    S. Kurniawati, 043

    S. L. Butarbutar, 051

    S. N. Nujoh, 071

    S. Purnami, 023 

    S. Purwanto, 037, 084

    S. Sanguanmith, 051

    S. Santosa, 013, 018

    S. Setiyowati, 074, 075

    S. Simbolon, 031

    S. Soenarjo, 029, 065

    S. Sugiharto, 027, 052

    S. Taking, 071

    S. Tougaard, 024

    S. X. Dou, 040

    Sainun, 061

    Samodra Sriwidjaja, 062

    Santoso, 061

    Selvie, 010

    Sihono, 021

    Silakhuddin, 013

    Sobrizal, 034

    Soedyartomo Soentono, 030

    Sriyono, 065

    Suarga, 069

    Suharni, 011

    Suharyana, 059

    Suharyono, 077

    Sungkono, 021

    Supriyono, 031

    Sutari, 074

    Sutiarso, 006

    Syarbaini, 048


    T. G. Aboalfaraj, 002

    T. Harjanto, 080

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    T. Heryanto, 064

    T. Khusniya, 036

    T. Marpaung, 062

    T. Pohan, 028 

    T. Rahardjo, 031

    T. Sekine, 067

    T. Sugawara, 001

    T. Suryantoro, 027

    T. Z. Ulqordy, 078

    Taufik, 018

    Tri Koesoemaningtyas, 021

    Trikoesoemaningtyas, 025

    Triningsih, 074

    Triningsing, 075

    Triyanto, 065

    Triyono, 006

    Ts. Zolbadral, 001


    V. A. Suvifan, 023

    V. Y. Susilo, 029, 075


    W. D. Ariyani, 043

    W. Lestari, 074, 075

    W. Puspitasari, 025

    W. Setiabudi, 070

    W. Y. N. Syahfitri, 007, 043

    W. Y. Rahman, 065

    Wibisono, 027

    Witarti, 073


    Y. Harahap, 029 

    Y. Lusiyanti, 023

    Y. Muraya, 051

    Y. Purwanti, 077

    Y. Susilo, 074

    Yulianti, 069

    Yun-Sil Lee, 058


    Z. Abidin, 027, 032

    Z. Alatas, 023

    Z. Jamal, 071


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    198Au nanoparticles, 073

    Accelerator-driven system (ADS),


    Acetobacter xylinum, 036

    Acid soil, 025

    Acid soil tolerance, 021

    Acrylamide, 072

    AFM, 071

    A-glucosidase inhibitor, 075

    Air pollution, 003

    Analysis, 053

    Annual dose, 048

    Annual intake, 048

    Anthelmintic, 077

    Anti-aging cream, 028

    Antiferomanetic, 059

    Antiferromagnetic coupling (AFC),037

    Antioxidant, 057

    AP1000, 063

    Argon ion irradiation, 037

    Arsenic irradiation, 005

    Atmospheric release, 022

    Atom excess, 042

    Atomic interdiffusion, 005

    Atomic spectra, 068

    Axial dispersion model, 027

    Azolla, 076


    Bacterial cellulose, 036

    Baked good, 048

    Bantar gebang, 004

    Basic dyes, 015

    Beam extractor, 013

    BGST, 071

    Bilateral, 026

    Binding affinity, 074

    Biodistribution, 009

    Biodosimetry, 023

    Bioethanol, 021

    Bioliquefaction of coal, 012

    BNF, 042

    Boiling curve, 026

    Brachytherapy, 080

    BTST, 071

    Burn-up calculation, 001

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    15Ca, 078

    60Co, 052

    134Cs, 044

    137Cs, 022

    Calcification rates, 078

    Cancer, 009

    Characterization, 017

    CHF, 026

    Chromosome aberrations, 023

    Closed fuel cycle, 020

    Cold rolling, 041

    Construction, 080

    Contamination, 016

    Control, 019

    Conversion electron mossbauer

    spectroscopy, 084

    Cooling system, 054

    Copolymerization, 033

    Corona bond, 006

    Cost analysis, 011

    Coupled-channels framework, 014

    Crystal structure, 079

    CTBT, 082

    Cyclotron, 013, 064

    Cyclotron magnet design, 018

    Cytotoxic, 010


    Daily intake, 007, 043

    Data acquisition, 019, 061

    Decontamination, 028

    Deficiency, 043

    Desalination, 056

    Design, 080

    Dicentric assay, 023

    Diffuse goiter, 070

    Dirac equation solution, 066

    Dispers dyes, 015

    DNA double strand breaks, 057

    Dryland, 021

    DSRS, 062


    Earthquake, 054

    Ecosystems protection, 059

    Electrolyte, 055

    Electron beam, 045

    Electron linacs, 039

    Electronic properties, 024

    Elemental characterization, 003

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    Elementary school children, 043

    ELF, 062

    Energy shift, 005

    Environment, 059

    Estradiol, 074

    Estrogen receptor, 074

    ETFE, 055

    Ethylene plant, 052


    18F production, 064

    Factor analysis, 017

    Failure possibility, 063

    Fast neutrons, 047

    Fault, 054

    Fe/Si multilayer, 037

    First order magnetic transition, 040

    Flora and fauna protection, 059

    Food crops, 048

    Foodstuffs, 007

    Fragmentation, 029

    Fuel cell, 055

    Fuel cycle, 030

    Fungus T5, 012

    Fusion barrier distribution, 014

    Fusion cross section, 014

    Fuzzy logic Emission spectograph,


    Fuzzy reliability approach, 063


    Gadolinium oxide, 006

    Gamma irradiated, 012

    Gamma irradiation, 010, 028, 072

    Gamma radiation, 057

    Gamma-ray scanning, 052

    Gamma-rays, 058

    Garcinia mangostana L., 028

    Gaussian, 031 

    Generalized-bell, 031

    Genetic map, 034

    Genetic variability, 025

    Geothermal, 027

    Ginseng extract, 058

    Glutathione, 053

    G-M detector, 016

    Graft copolymerization, 072

    Graftirra diation, 055

    Grain size, 071

    Green house gas emission, 030

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    Guided bone regeneration, 036


    H2AX, 057

    Heat transfer coefficient, 064

    Heavy-ion fusion reaction, 014

    Helicon plasma sputtering, 084

    Herbal, 077

    High fiber muffin, 046

    High temperature, 051

    Homogeneus reactor, 002

    HPLC, 010 

    HTGR, 056

    Human lymphocyte, 058

    Hybrid weakness, 034


    131I, 038 

    I-F(ab’)-nimotuzumab, 029

    Imaging, 009

    IMFP, 069

    In situ experiment, 061

    In-vitro degradation, 036

    INAA, 003

    Indirect labeling, 074

    Induced mutations, 021

    Informal welding, 017

    Ingestion dose, 048

    I-nimotuzumab, 029 

    Inter-specific cross, 034

    Ion source, 013

    Ionizing radiation, 015

    Irradition dose, 005

    Isotope and vapor dominated, 032

    Isotopes, 004

    Kamojang, 032

    Kinetics, 072


    Labeling, 038

    Landfill, 004

    Laser-produced plasmas, 068

    Leachate, 004

    Leukimia, 010

    Linear energy transfer (LET), 051

    Liquid flooding, 052

    Liquid target chamber, 064

    Lowland rice, 076

    Lyophilized-kit, 053


    Magnetic system, 013

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    Magnetocaloric effect, 040

    Mahkota dewa leaves, 010

    Mamdani-type, 031

    Mamuju, 060

    Management system, 035

    Mangosteen pericarp extract, 028

    Mastitis irradiated vaccine, 008

    MCF7, 074

    MCF-7, 057

    MCNP, 002

    Medical radiosotope, 039 

    Medicated, 077

    Medium dose rate, 080

    Membership, 031

    Membrane, 055

    Methly methacrylate, 033

    MIBI, 081

    Microcontroller, 016

    Micronutrient, 043 

    MO, 002


    radiopharmaceutical, 065

    Molten salt reactor, 020

    Monte carlo track chemistry

    calculations, 051

    Monte-carlo, 047

     Moringa oleifera, 057

    Morning glory, 044

    Myocardial imaging, 081


    15 N, 042

     NAA, 007

     Nanogranular thin film, 084

     Natural isotopes, 032

     Natural Radioactivity, 048

     Natural rubber latex, 033 

     Negative ions, 013

     Neutron, 019

     Neutron diffraction, 040, 059

     Neutron irradiation of natural Zn, 065

     Neutron powder diffraction, 078

     Neutron radiography, 006

     Neutronic design, 001

     Non-proliferation treaty, 082

     NORM, 060

     NPP, 030, 082

     Nuclear data library, 001

     Nuclear diplomacy, 082

     Nuclear energy, 030

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     Nuclear power plant (NPP), 056

     Nuclear reaction of64

    2n (n,p)64



     Nugget size, 006


    18O-enriched water target, 064

    Opera 3D, 018

    Optical properties, 024

    ORIGEN, 002


    32P, 083

    PAMAM G3.0 dendrimers, 073

    Particulate matter, 003

    Passive safety system, 063

    Peclet number, 027

    PET, 013

    Phaleria macrocarpa, 010

    Phonon excitation, 014

    Phosphorus, 083

    Photofission, 039

    Photonuclear, 039

    PIC12F675, 016

    Piping, 054

    PIXE, 003

    Plant growth, 083

    Planting system, 083

    Poly (4-Hydroxybutirat), 045

    Poly (butylene succinate-co-adipate),


    Poly (-caprolactone), 045

    Polyfunctional monomer, 045

    Pongok sea, 078

    Positron emission tomography, 018

    Pr 6Fe13Sn, 059

    Programmable motor controller, 061

    Protein, 077

    Protein characterization, 008

    Proton 13 MeV, 018

    Proton irradiation, 064

    Proton linacs, 039

    Prototype, 080

    Pseudospin symmetry, 066

    Pyrpchemical reprocessing, 020


    Q-deformed eckart potential, 066


    γ-Radiolysis, 047

    Radio protective effect, 058

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    Radioactive waste, 062

    Radiocaesium, 044

    Radiography, 019

    Radioisotope 64Cu, 065

    Radiolabeling, 029

    Radioligand binding assay, 075

    Radiological protection, 059

    Radiometric, 060

    Radionuclidic separation of 64Cu, 065

    Radiopharmaceutical, 081

    Rare-earth intermetallics, 059

    Rate constant, 051

    Raw lignite, 012

    Reactive dyes, 015

    Reactors, 054

    Recidence time distribution (RTD),


    Recycle, 062

    Reduce, 062

    Reef coral, 078

    REELS, 024, 069


    Reference animals and plants, 059

    Reliability study, 064

    Renography diagnostic, 011

    Reservoir, 032

    Residual stress, 041

    Residual stresses, 050

    Resolution, 079

    Reuse, 062

    RF dee, 013

    Rice, 034

    Rice straw cellulose,072

    Rietveld profile fitting, 079

    Rietveld refinement method, 041

    Romanovski polynomials, 066

    Roughness, 071

    Rutherford back scattering (RBS),



    304 stainlees steel, 041

    Safety culture, 035

    Safety standards, 035

    Salivary glands, 070

    SANS spectrometer, 061

    Sapphire, 024

    SCD method, 071

    Scintillation proximity assay, 074

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    Scaled source, 062

    Seinach, 044

    Self-reaction of the hydrated electron,


    Serpong nuclear site, 022

    Size exclusion chromatography, 073

    Small hysteresis issue, 040

    Soft x-ray emission, 068

    Software, 019

    Soil, 044

    Soil-plant transfers model, 044

    Sonolytic, 067

    Sorghum bicolor (L.) moench, 025

    Sorghum breeding, 021

    Sorghum mutant line, 025

    Sorghum mutant lines, 046

    Soybean, 042

    SP, 069

    Spectroscopy, 068

    Spent nuclear fuel, 020

    Spent sealed source, 062

    Spin symmetry, 066

    Spot weld, 006 

    Standard calibration curve, 023

    Starch, 033, 046

    Streptococcus agalactiae, 008

    Streptokinase, 038

    Styrene, 055

    Sulochirin-I, 075

    Sulochrin, 075

    Supply some 4-6 keywords, 018

    Surface soil, 022

    System of rice intensification, 083


    99mTc, 053, 081

    99mTc-glutatione, 009 

    Tc (IV), 067

    Tc (VII), 067

    Tc-nanoparticle, 067

    Temperature, 026 

    Textile wasterwater, 015

    Thin film, 071

    Thorium, 060

    Thrombolytic agen, 038

    Thyroid gland, 070

    Thyroid hormones, 070

    Thyroid scan, 070

    Tomography, 019

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    Tosca, 018

    Trace element, 007

    Tracer, 077

    Transmission electron microscopy

    (TEM), 073

    Transmutation, 001

    Trapezoidal, 031

    Trayed column, 052

    TRCOOL, 032

    Triangular fuzzy numbers, 063

    Tringular, 031

    TRINVI, 032

    Tunneling magnetoresistance, 084


    UMMB, 077

    Unresolved-transition arrays (UTA),


    Uranium, 060

    Uranyl nitrate, 002

    Urea, 042, 076

    Utilization of radioisotope, 011


    Water radiolysis, 051

    Welding, 050

    Welding fume, 017

    White rats, 009


    X-ray diffraction, 040, 041, 050

    Yield of H2, 051

    Yukawa-type tensor, 066


    Ziconium-silicates, 069

    ZrNbMoGe alloys, 050

