IND: Climate Adaptation in Vennar Subbasin in Cauvery ... · IND: Climate Adaptation in Vennar...


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Environmental Monitoring Report

#2 Semi-Annual Report For the period covered December 2016 to May 2017 Project Number: 44429-013 June 2017

IND: Climate Adaptation in Vennar Subbasin in Cauvery Delta Project

Prepared by the Water Resources Department, Public Works Department, Government of Tamil Nadu for the Government of India and the Asian Development Bank.

This environmental monitoring report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area.

Environmental Monitoring Report

Loan Number: 3394-IND

Semi Annual Report

June 2017

Reporting Period: December 2016- May2017



Submitted by:-











1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 6

About the project ............................................................................................................... 6

Project Description ............................................................................................................ 7

Project’s Physical Progress .............................................................................................. 12

2. Project’s Environmental Safeguards .................................................................................... 12

Purpose and Scope of Monitoring ................................................................................... 13

Approach and Methodology ........................................................................................... 14

EMP implementation and Monitoring Arrangements… .............................................. 15

3. Status of Compliance ............................................................................................................... 17

Compliance with Statutory Environmental Requirements ........................................... 17

Compliance Status with the Environmental Covenants stipulated in the ADB Loan

Agreement .......................................................................................................................... 23

Compliance with ADB’s Environmental Safeguards ..................................................... 26

Compliance with Project Environmental Management Plan ......................................... 32

Environmental Monitoring of the project ....................................................................... 41

4. Any other Environmental Aspects, Impacts observed during the period

which were not covered earlier ............................................................................................. 70

5. Details of Grievance Redress Committee and complaints received from

public and actions taken thereof to resolve ............................................................................ 71

6. Follow-up Action and Conclusion ............................................................................................. 71


List of Tables & Figures

Table 1.1: The Summary of the Project Rivers .............................................................................. 10

Table 1.2: New Structures and Structures to be Reconstructed and Repaired ............................... 11

Table 1.3 Project Physical Progress (package-wise) ....................................................................... 12

Table 2.1 Responsibility of Environmental Safeguards Staff and Specialist of PMU .................... 15

Table 3.1 Compliance with Statutory Environmental Requirements ............................................... 18

Table 3.2 Compliance Status with the Environmental Covenants stipulated in the

ADB Loan Agreement ..................................................................................................... 23

Table 3.3 Compliance with ADB’s Environmental Safeguards ........................................................26

Table 3.4 Compliance with Project Environmental Management Plan ............................................. 32

Table 3.5.1 Sampling River Details................................................................................................... 42

Table 3.5.2 Ambient Air Quality – Methodology ........................................................................... 43

Table 3.5.3 Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Location… ............................................................... 44

Table 3.5.4 Air Quality Monitoring Results- Vellaiyar River Season 1… ..................................... 45

Table 3.5.5 Air Quality Monitoring Results- Vellaiyar River Season 2… ..................................... 46

Table 3.5.6 Air Quality Monitoring Results- Adappar River Season 1… ........................................ 47

Table 3.5.7 Air Quality Monitoring Results- Harichandranathi River Season 1… ......................... 48

Table 3.5.8 Air Quality Monitoring Results- Pandavaiyar River Season 1 ..................................... 49

Table 3.5.9 Air Quality Monitoring Results- Pandavaiyar River Season 2 ...................................... 50

Table 3.5.10 Ambient Noise Level Monitoring Location… ............................................................ 53

Table 3.5.11 Ambient Noise Level Monitoring Results – Vellaiyar River Season 1 ....................... 54

Table 3.5.12 Ambient Noise Level Monitoring Results – Vellaiyar River Season 2… ................... 55

Table 3.5.13 Ambient Noise Level Monitoring Results – Adappar River Season 1… ..................... 56

Table 3.5.14 Ambient Noise Level Monitoring Results – Harichandranathi River Season 1… ....... 57

Table 3.5.15 Ambient Noise Level Monitoring Results – Pandavaiyar River Season 1… .............. 58

Table 3.5.16 Ambient Noise Level Monitoring Results – Pandavaiyar River Season 2… .............. 59

Table 3.5.17 Water Quality Monitoring Location ............................................................................ 62

Table 3.5.18 Water Quality Analysis Results Vellaiyar River - Season 1 ...................................... 63

Table 3.5.19 Water Quality Analysis Results Vellaiyar River - Season 2 ...................................... 63

Table 3.5.20 Water Quality Analysis Results Adapppar River - Season 1 ...................................... 64

Table 3.5.21 Water Quality Analysis Results Harichandranathi River - Season 1 .......................... 65

Table 3.5.22 Water Quality Analysis Results Pandavaiyar River - Season 1 .................................. 66


Table 3.5.23 Water Quality Analysis Results Pandavaiyar River - Season 2 .................................. 66

Table 3.5.24 Environmental Monitoring Compliance Status ........................................................... 68

Fig.1 Vennar sub-basin of the Cauvery delta ................................................................................... 09

List of Appendices

Annex-1. Ministry of Environment and Forest’s letter .................................................................. 72

Annex-2. Proceeding of the Member Secretary TNSCZMA &

Director of Environment, Chennai ............................................................................ 73

Annex-3. PMU letter of Proceeding of the Member Secretary TNSCZMA & Director of

Environment, Chennai ............................................................................................. 78

Annex-4 Status of removal of forest trees and enumeration process ............................................. 80

Annex-5 Status of removal of WRD trees ...................................................................................... 81

Annex-6 Status of shifting of EB poles and transformers ............................................................... 82

Annex 7 : Sample emission test certificates .................................................................................... 83

Annex 8 : Registration under workers act ....................................................................................... 85

Annex 9: Compliance status with earth and sand mining ................................................................ 86

Annex 10. Site visit report to check the sand mining issues raised in the aide memoire of the ADB

loan review mission ........................................................................................................ 104

Annex 10a: . Drawing of the wall structure ..................................................................................... 107

Annex 10b: Contractor’s rented houses details used as permanent labour camp

accommodation ............................................................................................................. 108

Annex 11: Photo-Plates…………………………………………………………………………,,,109



ADB – Asian Development Bank

BOD – Bio Chemical Oxygen Demand

CO – Carbon Monoxide

CTE – Consent to Establishment

CTO – Consent to Operate

DO – Dissolved oxygen

dB – Decibel

IEE – Initial Environmental Examination

EA – executing agency

EIA – Environmental Impact Assessment

EC – Environmental Clearance

GoI – Government of India

MoEF – Ministry of Environment & Forests

MLD – Million Litter Per day

PMU – Project Management Unit

PWD – Public works Division

PIU – Project Implementation Units

RCC – Reinforced Cement Concrete

RoW – Right of Way

RSPM – Respirable suspended particulate matter

RP – Rehabilitation Plan

SEIAA – State Environment Impact Assessment Authority

SPCB – State Pollution Control Board

SS – Suspended Solids

SBR – Sequential Batch Reactor

SPM – Suspended Particulate Matter

SO2 – Sulphur dioxides


1. Introduction

1.1 About the Project

1. ADB approved the Climate Adaptation in Vennar Subbasin in Cauvery Delta Project

(CAVSDP) on 7 June 2016 for $100 million. ADB and the government signed the loan on

14 July 2016 at the Department of Economic Affairs (DEA), New Delhi. The Water

Resources Department (WRD) of the Public Works Department, Government of Tamil

Nadu, is the executing agency for the project. The project aims to modernize irrigation and

flood management infrastructure and establish improved management systems to help

local communities in the Vennar Sub-basin of the Cauvery Delta of the State of Tamil

Nadu adapt to climate change. The impacts will be (i) coastal districts are protected from

cyclones and flooding exacerbated by climate change and (ii) innovative and inclusive

economic growth, including agricultural growth, in Tamil Nadu is accelerated. The

outcome will be that climate-resilient water management in the Vennar system is


2. The outputs of the project are: (i) flood risk management and irrigation infrastructure

upgraded, and (ii) improved water and flood risk management systems established.

Output 1: Flood risk management and irrigation infrastructure upgraded. Structures will

be improved according to new design guidelines that consider climate change impacts.

More-resilient flood management structures will reduce the frequency and impact of

flooding. The civil works involve (i) resectioning, and strengthening the embankments of,

six main channels totaling 235 kilometers to improve their resilience and flood conveyance

capacity; (ii) improving conveyance of three straight cuts between the Vedharanyam canal

and the sea (iii) constructing 4 new regulators, reconstructing 10 dysfunctional regulators,

and repairing 13 damaged regulators; (iv) doing work (new, upgrades, and repairs) on 133

irrigation head sluices off-taking from the main channels; (v) upgrading 20 bed dams and

grade walls within the main channels; (vi) upgrading 136 other minor irrigation and

drainage structures; and (vii) upgrading 13 pump stations through new pumps and

electrical systems and repairs to pump houses.

Output 2: Improved water and flood risk management systems established. This output

will deliver nonstructural interventions designed to (i) improve decision-making on water

resources, and (ii) manage flood risks and flood events. Initiatives to be developed under

item (i) are: (a) greater participation by stakeholders in the planning and delivery of water

services through the formation of channel stakeholder groups; (b) better assessment of


water resources through the installation of additional equipment to monitor and measure

rainfall, surface water, groundwater, tide levels and flows; (c) development of a decision

support system that would provide system status information and enable more accurate

water allocation planning and more effective asset management; and (d) training for WRD

officers on more effective management of water resources. Flood risks and flood events

will be managed by (i) installing flood forecasting and warning systems, and (ii) mapping

flood risks. The output also includes a feasibility study, and the detailed design of similar

improvements in the remainder of the Vennar and Cauvery systems that may be financed

under a subsequent project.

Project Description

3. Background- The Cauvery Basin is the largest of 17 river basins in Tamil Nadu and is

located in Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu. The sub-areas of the Cauvery Basin lie

within each of the three riparian states and the enclave of Karraikal in the Union Territory

of Puducherry. The project includes structural and non-structural measures to support

improved flood and irrigation management to help communities in the Vennar sub-basin of

the Cauvery delta adapt to climate change. WRD of the Public Works Department (PWD),

Government of Tamil Nadu, is the executing agency. The project includes re-sectioning of

river/canals, de-silting of river bed, construction of new or rehabilitation old or

reconstruction of head regulators, cross regulators, drainage outfall, irrigation outfalls and

infalls on rivers. In addition, the program will support improvements to water resources

management in the Cauvery delta by implementing improved monitoring and decision

support system (DSS).

4. Vennar System - The Vennar system comprises ten main river channels that are used to

convey irrigation and drainage waters. In addition, ten other channels are used purely as

drainage channels to convey flood and drainage water, although some have been adapted

to enable drainage water to be used by pumped irrigation schemes in lower reaches. The

system has 7 head regulators at major river bifurcation points, 188 intermediate regulators

that facilitate the distribution of irrigation flows and 11 tail-end regulators (TERs). TERs

serve the dual purpose of raising water levels to provide irrigation to low lying command

areas near the coast and preventing tidal backwater flows into the system. When heavy

rainfall occurs and drainage congestion takes place, TERs are opened to allow outflows,

although high tides and storm surges restrict discharges to the sea.


5. The Vennar system has two distinct coastal zones: (i) The eastern coast along the Bay of

Bengal from Point Calimere to Nagapattinam immediately inland of which small remnants

of lagoons and marsh are joined together by the Vendharanyam Canal. The canal was

constructed between 1863 and 1867 to aid navigation between the salt producers south of

Thopputharai and the port at Nagapattinam to the north. Between the Vendharanyam Canal

and the sea there is a 3–4 km strip of sand dunes. Five straight cuts were constructed across

the sand dunes to directly link the Vendharanyam Canal and some of the Vennar system

rivers to the sea to supplement the flow through two ‘natural’ outlets at Vendharanyam and

Velanganni. Sections of the Vendharanyam Canal and some of the straight cuts are heavily

silted. The canal is no longer used for navigation and is now solely a drainage carrier for

the east bound rivers of the Vennar system. However, there is a government proposal to re-

establish navigation on the Vedharanyam Canal. (ii) The southern coast along the Palk

Strait from Point Calimere to Adirampattinam where the south flowing rivers and drains of

the Vennar system cross 4–6 km of tidal sand flats into two large lagoons that are

connected to the sea through 1–2 km wide openings.

6. The project will improve irrigation water management in six channels namely Pandavayar,

Vellaiyar, Harichandranadhi, Adappar, Valavanar, and Vedaranyam Canal, covering a total

command area of 78,000 hectare (ha) in the Vennar sub-basin of the Cauvery delta sprawl

in Thiruvarur and Nagapattinam districts (Figure 1), of the state of Tamil Nadu, through

investments in infrastructure, water resources management, and flood risk reduction.The

drainage system of the Vennar basin is unable to cope with the floods resulting from

present climatic conditions. Man-made interventions and natural processes combine to

impede drainage and aggravate flooding particularly on low-lying agricultural land.

Climate change is expected to make flooding worse due to more intense and unpredictable

rainfall. The delivery of irrigation flows to farmers is becoming more erratic and unreliable

as the aging structures impede the efficient management of irrigation flows. Many

irrigation management structures have deteriorated to an extent that they are no longer

effective and are well passed their useful life. The present management of floods and

irrigation distribution is outdated and does not utilise modern technologies to ensure

efficiency and transparency.


7. The management needs to become more systematic, efficient and based on scientific

information to inform decision making, with specific targets that are explicit in terms of

cost, water and other resources to meet environmental requirements. Therefore the scope

of the project is to improve the performance of six river channels in anticipation that

further investment will be subsequently made to modernize the drainage and irrigation

channels within the command and catchment areas of the system. The six river channels

have been taken as the critical entry points because they are the backbone from which all

other improvements to the drainage and irrigation systems will extend.

Fig.1 Vennar Sub-Basin of the Cauvery Delta Sprawl in Thiruvarur and Nagapattinam


8. The proposed project includes re-sectioning, regrading, standardisation, repair,

reconstruction and new construction of structures in the rivers. De-silting of rivers is

required in throughout its length starting from its head regulator to the end. The Vellaiyar,

Lawford and Adappar and Uppanar straight cut of Vellaiyar River, Harichandranadi River,

Adappar River and Vedaranyam Canal where dredging is proposed to excavate below

water to remove silt and sand. The summary of the rivers are given in Table -1.1.

9. The proposed works of Project are (i) Re-sectioning of the river channel which includes

cleaning the channel of vegetation, desilting/dredging and widening. (ii) Re-grading of the

river channel which includes excavation of the channel bed to remove sand bars and other


impediments to restore the channel to its design section. Also known as de-silting. (iii)

Standardization of banks which includes raising and strengthening of the embankments,

decreasing bank side slopes, increasing top width, construction of road etc. to bring the

embankment back to Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) to withstand 25 year return floods

taking climate change considerations into account. Repairs of structures–head regulator,

cross or intermediate regulators, TERs, irrigation sluices, drainage sluices, drainage infalls,

irrigation syphons, drainage syphons, bed dams and grade walls. Repairs are the

restoration of the components of the structures to function as designed. (v) Reconstruction

of existing and construction of new head regulators, cross or intermediate regulators,

TERs, irrigation sluices, drainage sluices, drainage infalls, irrigation syphons and drainage

syphons, bed dams, and grade walls. Reconstruction is the demolition and removal of all

components of the existing structure and construction of new structure including

foundations on the same site. (vi) Fluming and River Training. Bank revetment/pitching

and masonry walls depending upon severity of the problem of bank failure and availability

of land. The total length of the river channels to be re-sectioned or re-graded is 234.50 km.

The number of new structures and the existing structures to be reconstructed and

repaired/rehabilitated is given in Table -1.2.

Table 1.1: The Summary of the Project Rivers are given below table.

Name of River Adappar Harichandra Vellaiyar Pandavayar Valavanar Vedharanyam


Purpose of


Irrigation and


Irrigation and


Irrigation and


Irrigation and


Drainage Drainage

Location of



100 36’ 47’’N

790 33’ 9’’E

100 39’ 45’’ N

790 30’ 28’’


100 28’ 51’’ N

790 44’ 50’’


100 45’ 46’’ N

790 29’ 34’’


100 31’ 42’’


790 38’ 41’’


100 44’ 38’’ N

790 30’ 15’’ E

Length of

River (km)

44.5 43.6 47.9 38.2 19.3 39.6

Drainage area


11548 13822 12622 428 15,977



irrigated (ha)

760 17535 10920 8504 1084 0



Rice/gram Rice/gram Rice/gram Rice/gram Rice/gram Rice/gram





1 17 26 15 not


not applicable

Peak flood


(Q25) (m3/s)

70 129 127 65 38

Number of



13 56 36 51 0 0

Number of



35 16 18 13 44 23

District Thiruvarur,











Table 1.2: New Structures and Structures to be Reconstructed and Repaired

Type of Structure New Reconstruction Repair

Regulators (Head, Cross and Tail) 4 8 13

Irrigation Head Sluice 2 84 47

Drainage Sluice 2 28 4

Drainage Infall 27 22 14

Drainage Syphon 0 9 3

Irrigation Syphon 0 2 0

Bed Dam/Grade wall 4 1 15

Total 39 154 96


Project’s Progress

10. All civil works packages have commenced. The overall financial progress of the contracts

up to May 2017 was reported as 11.35%. Contracts for infrastructure improvements and

reconstruction commenced in Vellaiyar (CW3) in June 2016 and in Pandavaiyar (CW4) in

March 2016. The remaining packages commenced construction February 2017;

Harichandranathi (CW1), Adappar (CW2), Valavanar (CW 5), V. Canal & Uppanar

(CW6) and the pumps (CW7) contract. Most packages are progressing (see table below).

The Physical Progress (package-wise) (May 2017) is detailed in Table. 1.3.

Table 1.3 Physical Progress (package-wise) (May 2017)

Sl.No Package Name of works Commenced



Progress %

1 CW1: Infrastructure Improvements and Reconstruction Works on Harichandranathi from LS 121.142 Km to 160.200

Feb. 2017 7

Km &Lawford Straight Cut from LS 0 to 3.900 Km.

2 CW 2: Infrastructure Improvements and Reconstruction Works on Adappar River from LS 130.236 Km to 169.025 Km

Feb. 2017 10

&Adappar Straight Cut from LS 0 to 2.40 Km.

3 CW 3: Infrastructure Improvements and Reconstruction Works on Vellaiyar River from LS 111.650 Km to 153.650 Km.

June 2016 12

4 CW 4: Infrastructure Improvements and Reconstruction Works on Pandavaiyar River from LS 109.270 Km to 148.020

March 2016 40


5 CW 5: Infrastructure Improvements and Reconstruction Works on Valavanar Drain from LS 0 Km to 19.300 Km.

Feb. 2017 15

6 CW 6: Infrastructure Improvements and Reconstruction Works on V. Canal and Uppanar

Feb. 2017 20

7 Pumps 1: Design, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Various pumping machinery including associated

Feb. 2017 40

electrical, Mechanical and civil works

2. Project’s Environmental Safeguards

11. The project is categorized B as per ADB’s SPS 2009. An initial environment examination

(IEE) was prepared for the project and includes an environmental management plan (EMP)

which describes mitigation measures to be adopted during design, construction and


operation. Environmental issues identified through initial environmental examination

(IEE) are manageable and a range of proven mitigation strategies exist to address them.

The IEE has assessed all potential environmental impacts associated with the project due

to location, design, construction and operation. There are no environmental impacts which

are significant or complex or which need an in-depth study to assess the impact or to

develop mitigation measures. The environmental impacts identified are manageable, and

the Water Resources Department (WRD) is in process of implementing the project

according the mitigation measures stated in the IEE

12. Mitigation measures have been developed to reduce all negative impacts to acceptable

levels. The mitigation measures are described in the environmental management plan

(EMP).An environmental monitoring plan (EMoP) has also been developed to assess the

environmental performance of each sub-project implementation. The mitigation measures

have been incorporated in project designs and implemented as part of each sub-project.

Most of the mitigation costs are included in the construction costs. Costs for monitoring

and tree planting are not included in the construction cost and are included under the

project management unit (PMU) expenses.

Purpose and Scope of Report

13. The report has been prepared in line with the implementing the IEE and its EMP.The

report documents the implementation of EMP and the results of the Environmental Quality

Monitoring for all the ongoing Civil works package of the Climate Adaptation in Vennar

Subbasin in Cauvery Delta Project (CAVSDP). This report presents the results of the

environmental management and monitoring activities from December 2016 to May 2017.

The report covers the:

a. environmental capacity building activities conducted during the period;

b. Status of compliance with ADB environmental loan covenants and with the

environmental requirements of the Government of Tamilnadu during the report


c. Status of implementation of the environmental mitigation measures during the

report period based on the IEE EMP and corresponding corrective

actions/resolutions; and


d. Results of the environmental quality monitoring covering the two season data of

four subprojects

14. As agreed with ADB Loan Mission 12 to 19 June 2017, the reports also covers and

annexed the detailed field visit report prepared specifically for compliance with Aid

Memoire concerning sand and earth mining issues.

Approach and Methodology

15. The report has reviewed and monitored the necessary Environmental compliances with

respect to (i) Environmental safeguards (ii) loan covenants and (iii) implementation of

Environmental Management and Monitoring Plan of the ADB approved IEE report for all

packages of the project. The report also referred the Environmental covenants, Initial

Environmental Examination report approved by the ADB and Aid –Memoires prepared by

ADB. The approach and methodology includes the collection of relevant data/

documents/reports including EMP implementation reports received from PMU/PIUs, field

visits reports, Environmental Quality Monitoring Reports and Aid –Memoires prepared by

ADB etc. On the basis of review conducted to strengthened and streamlined the agreed

Environmental compliances. The major tasks undertaken to address the shortfalls

identified and bridging the gaps are as follows.

• During the period all the agreed scheduled tasks carried out including regular

meetings with project staff, regular orientation/training workshops for the

project/field staff and field visits of project implementation sites with site staff for

explaining the safeguard approaches for improving their overall environmental


• Detailed discussions on the environmental aspects based on Project Agreement for

the contents in the Article-I, Article IV, Schedule 4 and 5 with PMU for framing

the Action Plans also carried out during the period.

• PMU/PIU staff including supervision engineers and contractors’ staffs trainings on

environmental safeguards and monitoring requirements and the tasks to be carried

out by the project authorities in compliance of the agreed project safeguard



• The action plan to be followed in agreement with the project authorities has also

been prepared during the period. Most of the actions have already been initiated by

the project authorities during the reporting period.

EMP Implementation and Monitoring Arrangements

16. The PMU is located in the WRD Regional Office in Trichy under a full time Project

Director (PD), of chief engineer rank, with overall responsibility for execution of the

project. The PMU and the three PIUs have been established in Thiruvarur, Nagapattinam,

and Thiruthuraipoondi. Two additional PIUs have also been formed to support the

supervision of the construction works i.e. (i) Thanjavur-Cauvery and (ii) Thanjavur-

Vennar. While the PMU is headed by a Project Director the PIUs is overseen by the

respective executive engineers (EE). The core functions of the PMU is to (i) design and

planning, (ii) procurement of goods, works and services, (iii) contract supervision and

quality assurance control, (iv) project finance management, (v) implementation of

environmental and social safeguards, and (vi) program monitoring and evaluation.

17. During the implementation stage the contractor and project management unit (PMU) and

PIUs is responsible for the implementation of environmental management plan and

environmental commitments made to regulatory agency, lending agency and stakeholders.

As per project approved IEE the roles and responsibility of SDO/WRD Staff attached to

the PMU, AEEs/AEs assigned for environmental monitoring in the PMU/PIUs and

environmental specialist of project implementation consultants supporting the PMU and

PIU are given in Table 2.1. Execution of the EMP, is the combined responsibility of WRD,

consultant and contractor. The day to day environmental monitoring and supervision is

required to be done by the Site Engineers (Assistant Engineers/ Junior Engineers of WRD)

in consultation with the SDO of PMU and Environmental specialist.

Table 2.1: Responsibility of Environmental Safeguards Staff and Specialist of PMU

Agency Responsibility

Water Resource Department/

Project Management Unit


• Ensure implementation of Environmental Management Plan

• Ensure quarterly progress reports of the contractors to be submitted to the PIU/PMU will also describe implementation of environmental management plan

• Prepare monitoring reports to Asian Development Bank


Project Implementation Consultants

• Assisting PMU and PIU staff assigned for environmental management in overall implementation of EMP

• Review of periodic reports on EMP implementation and advising Project Manager in taking corrective measure.

• Conducting periodic field inspection of EMP implementation

• Assisting environmental officer of PMU reporting various stakeholders (Asian Development Bank, Regulatory bodies) on status of EMP implementation

• Preparing environmental training program and conducting the same for field officers and engineers of WRD and contractor

Contractors CW-1,CW-2, CW-3,CW-4,CW-5 & CW-6

• Monitor and measure the progress of implementation of environmental management plan and monitoring plan suggested in the IEE during the project execution

• Ensure quarterly progress reports submitted to the PIU/PMU describing implementation of environmental management plan

• Responsible for the implementation of environmental management plan and environmental commitments made to regulatory agency, lending agency and stakeholder.







• Day to day environmental monitoring and supervision will be done by the Site Engineers (Assistant Engineers/ Junior

Engineers of WRD) in consultation with the

Environmental specialist.SDO of PMU monitor and measure the progress of implementation of environmental management plan and monitoring plan suggested in the IEE

Ensure quarterly progress reports of the contractors to be submitted to the PIU/PMU will also describe implementation of environmental management plan

• Site visits to verify the implementation of environmental management plan and monitoring plan suggested in the IEE & compliance of quarterly report

• Responsible for ensuring the implementation of environmental management plan and environmental commitments made to regulatory agency, lending agency and stakeholder.

and regulatory authority

• Responsible for ensuring the implementation of environmental management plan and environmental commitments made to regulatory agency, lending agency and stakeholder.


18. As far as the EMP implementation monitoring is concerned the PMU with support from

the PIU engineers is required to monitor and measure the progress of implementation of

environmental management plan and monitoring plan suggested in the IEE. The quarterly

progress reports of the contractors to be submitted to the PMU will also describe

implementation of environmental management plan. The officer of WRD designated for

safeguards officer in the PMU and environmental specialist will make site visit to verify

the compliance of quarterly report. Semi environmental monitoring reports will be

prepared by the PMU and submitted to ADB . The contractor will report on

implementation of the EMP in their monthly progress reports to be submitted to the PMU.

Status of Compliance

19. The project loan agreement requires the EA to ensure, that the preparation, design,

construction, implementation, operation and decommissioning of the Project facilities

comply with (i) all applicable laws and regulations of the Borrower and the State relating

to environment, health, and safety; (ii) the Environmental Safeguards; and (iii) all

measures and requirements set forth in the IEE and the EMP, and any corrective or

preventative actions set forth in a Safeguards Monitoring Report.

Compliance with Statutory Environmental Requirements

20. The IEE prepared for the project had identified the Environmental regulatory requirements

of the project under taken by WRD. In compliance to statutory and regulatory

environmental requirements for the Government of India and the Government of Tamil

Nadu , the following procedures specified in the Table 3.1 of different stages are complied

or bring complied.


Table 3.1 Compliance with Statutory Environmental Requirements



Relevant Govt.

Notifications /


Compliance requirement

under the Rule

Assessment of Compliance status with Statutory Environmental Requirements

CW-1 CW-2 CW-3 CW-4 CW-5 CW-6

1. EIA


2006 and


According to the notification

of 2006 under sub-rule (3) of

rule 5 of the EPA, 1986,

powers conferred by sub-

section (1) and clause (v) of

sub-section (2) of section 3 of

the Environment (Protection)

Act, 1986, read with clause

(d) of sub-rule (3) of rule 5 of

the Environment (Protection)

Rules, 1986 construction of

new projects or activities or

the expansion or

modernization of existing

projects or activities listed in

the Schedule to the

notification entailing capacity

addition with change in

Complied. The CAVSCDP project received the Ministry of Environment and Forest’s

letter on environmental clearance dated 3rd June 2016.(Annex-1) The project was

considered by Expert Appraisal Committee (EAC) for River Velley & Hydroelectric

Power projects in its 94th meeting held during 2-3rd June,2016.The EAC noted that the

proposed activities includes repair and rehabilitation of the existing damaged structures

like regulators, Irrigation head sluices, Drainage sluices, Drainage infalls, Drainage

Syphons, Bed Dams, Grade walls etc and No additional command area is envisaged

through the proposed works. The EAC after detailed deliberations mentioned that the

proposed activities in the project are being undertaken only for improvement and

modernization and therefore does not fall under the purview of EIA Notification, 2006

and its subsequent amendments. Hence ,the project does not require Environmental

Clearance. However, Project proponent has to obtain CRZ Clearance (if required) as

some of the existing structures to be repaired and rehabilitated fall in CRZ area.


process and or technology will

only be undertaken after the

prior environmental clearance

from the Central Government

or as the case may be, by the

State Level Environment

Impact Assessment Authority

as the case might be.

2. CRZ



The Coastal Regulatory Zone

Notification 2011 under

Environment (Protection) Act,

1986 gives power to central

government/state government

to conserve and

protect/prevent coastal

stretches, its unique

environment and its marine

area and to promote

development through

sustainable manner based on

scientific principles taking

Complied. Under the Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ) Act, the district CRZ committee

granted its clearance on 25 February 2016 and state-level clearance has been received for

the CAVSCDP project vide letter dated 08/08/16 subject to the specific conditions.

Reference-Proceeding of the Member Secretary TNSCZMA & Director of Environment,

Chennai-15 Proc.No.P1/445/2016/dt: 08.08.2016. (Annex-2)

The copy of the same with necessary instructions has also been provided through PMU to

all project concerned. (Annex-3)


into account the dangers of

natural hazards in the coastal

areas, sea level rise due to

global warming. This

notification also declares the

costal stretches of the country

and the water area up to its

territorial water limits.

3. Forest


Act, 1980 and


and rules there

in- Forest

Clearance for

felling of forest


This act provides guidelines

for conservation of forests and

diversion of forest land for

non-forest use. The law also

states guidelines on de-

reservation of various

categories of forests for

diversion of forest land. This

law describes the penalty for

contravention of the

provisions of the act and the

restrictions on the de-

reservation of forests or use of

forest land for non-forest

Complied. The Current proposal with Forest department is for Pandavaiyar river (17447)

and Vellaiyar River (11993) and for Total 29440 tress and enumeration of teak trees in

Harichandranadi and Adappar.

The Chief Conservator of Forest Received the order on 28th Nov. 2016 to remove the

tress in Vellaiyar and Pandavaiyar. Significant progress has been made by Forest

Department (FD) to remove FD trees in Pandavaiyar and Vellaiyar, (as on date total

25,715 trees removed by forest deparment )For others rivers the enumeration process by

the forest dept. is underway.(Annex 4 Status of Forest Tree Cutting and Enumeration )

For the revenue trees the tree removal is required to be carried out by WRD after

inspection verification and permission of RDO. For Pandavaiyar and Vellaiyar WRD

receiving the RDO permissions and is in process of auctioning and disposal. For

remaining the process starts after completion of the WRD valuation of trees by other

departments (If the tree is of horticulture value, the Horticulture Department needs to



Teak trees planted by the

forest department on the

embankment of the

rivers/canal/channels are

under the Forest

(Conservation) Act, 1980;

hence the forest department’s

permission will be required

before felling of teak trees.

Trees not planted by the forest

department and required to

fell will need prior permission

from the revenue department

of the Government of Tamil


give its value. If the tree is big, the FD needs to give WRD in valuing it.) (Annex.5

Status of WRD Trees )

4. Air (Prevention

and Control of

Pollution) Act,




Requires No Objection from

pollution Control Board –

Consent to Establish hot mix

plant, wet mix plant, Diesel

Being Complied. The Contractor of CW-1 received the Consent to Operate for

Aalathampadi Village 50 cubic meter/day capacity ready mix concrete plant under Air

(Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981,and amendments Water (Prevention and

Control of Pollution)Act, 1974 and amendments vide Tamilnadu Pollution Control Board


(Prevention and

Control of


1974 and

amendments -

Generator set etc. Consent order no. 170519285274 dated 30/05/17 and Consent order no. 170529285274

dated 30/05/17. No batching plant, mix plants are operated in other civil packages.

5. The Motor

Vehicle Act,

1988 and


and rules


Requires Pollution under

Control Certificate (PUC) of

all construction vehicles

Complied. The contractors of ongoing packages maintaining the records of the Vehicle

Emissions Test certificates received from the testing centers in the Form (Computerized

Emission Test Certificate ) Rule 116 (B) (10) C Authorized by the Tamilnadu Transport

Department. (Annex.7 Emission Test Certificates.)

7. Noise Pollution

(Regulation &



Compliance with Ambient

Noise Standards in accordance

to land use of the area

Detailed Seasonal Noise quality measurements/monitoring is in place for all contracts

using a weighted sound pressure level meter. The noise quality monitoring is being

carried out in calm surroundings. Sound Pressure Level (SPL) measurement in the

outside environment is being made using sound pressure level meter. The noise levels are

being monitored seasonally continuously for a day time for 6 AM to 9 PM at each

location and hourly equivalent noise levels are being measured. The ambient noise level

monitoring results, which were observed during the quality monitoring at various

sampling locations presented under quality monitoring. The monitoring was carried out in

day time, at sampling locations, where ambient air quality monitoring was carried out.

Construction techniques and machinery creating minimal sound disturbance that remains

always within the permissible limits.


Compliance Status with the Environmental safeguards Covenants stipulated in the

Loan Agreement

21. According to the loan agreement, EA has to ensure the compliance of the

Environmental Safeguards related covenants stipulated in the Loan agreement. The

project has been planned, designed, and being implemented in complying with the other

conditions of the loan agreement. The Environmental safeguards related Covenants

compliance requirements as per the Loan Agreement and its compliance status is

summarized and presented in Table 3.2.

Table 3.2 Environmental Compliance Requirements as per Agreement and Present Status

S.No. Loan Agreement


Environmental Compliance




1 Schedule 5, item 4 of

Loan Agreement

Safeguards and Social


The Borrower shall ensure, or cause the EA to

ensure, that the preparation, design, construction,

implementation, operation and decommissioning of

the Project facilities comply with (i) all applicable

laws and regulations of the Borrower and the State

relating to environment, health, and safety; (ii) the

Environmental Safeguards; and (iii) all measures and

requirements set forth in the IEE and the EMP, and

any corrective or preventative actions set forth in a

Safeguards Monitoring Report.


with all



2 Schedule 5, item 7 of

Loan Agreement

Human and Financial

Resources to

Implement Safeguards


The Borrower shall make available, or cause the EA

to make available, all necessary budgetary and

human resources to fully implement the EMP, the RP

and the IPP if and as required.

The EA shall designate at least one expert each to

supervise implementation of the EMP, and the RP.


3 Schedule 5, item 8 of

Loan Agreement

Safeguards – Related

Provisions in Bidding

Documents and Works


The Borrower shall, or cause the EA to ensure, that

all bidding documents and contracts for Works

contain provisions that require contractors to:

(a) comply with the measures and requirements

relevant to the contractor set forth in the IEE, the

EMP, and the RP and the IPP as applicable (to the



extent they concern impacts on affected people

during construction), and any corrective or

preventative actions set out in a Safeguards

Monitoring Report;

(b) make available a budget for all such environmental

and social measures;

(c) provide the WRD with a written notice of any

unanticipated environmental, resettlement or

indigenous peoples risks if any, or impacts that

arise during construction, implementation or

operation of the Project that were not considered in

the IEE, the EMP, and the RP or the IPP if any;

(d) adequately record the condition of roads,

agricultural land and other infrastructure prior to

starting to transport materials and construction; and

(e) fully reinstate pathways, other local infrastructure,

and agricultural land to at least their pre-Project

condition upon the completion of construction.

Before starting

the works, the

road conditions

and agriculture

land were

recorded and

they will be

reinstated after

completion of all


4 Schedule 5, item 9 of

Loan Agreement

Safeguards Monitoring

and Reporting

The Borrower shall do, or cause the EA to do, the


(a)submit semi-annually Safeguards Monitoring

Reports (one each for the resettlement and

environment matters) to ADB and disclose relevant

information from such reports to affected persons

promptly upon submission;

(b) if any unanticipated environmental and/or

social risks and impacts arise during construction,

implementation or operation of the Project that

were not considered in the IEE, the EMP, and

9d)the RP or the IPP as applicable, promptly

inform ADB of the occurrence of such risks or

impacts, with detailed description of the event and

proposed corrective action plan;

(c) no later than award of


This is



covering the



2016 to May

2017. In case of RP detailed report is given in QPR for RP.


Workscontract/commencement of land acquisition

and resettlement activities under the Project engage

a qualified and experienced external expert or

NGO under a selection process and terms of

reference acceptable to ADB, to verify information

produced through Project monitoring process, and

facilitate the carrying out of any verification

activities by such external expert/NGO for the

Project; and

(d)report any breach of compliance with the

measures and requirements set forth in the EMP,

and the RP or the IPP if any, promptly after

becoming aware of the breach.

5 Schedule 5, item 10 of

Loan Agreement

Prohibited List of


The Borrower shall ensure, or cause the EA to

ensure, that no proceeds of the loan under the Project

are used to finance any activity included in the list of

prohibited investment activities provided in

Appendix 5 of the SPS.



6 Schedule 5, item 11 of

Loan Agreement

Labor Standards

The Borrower, State, and WRD shall ensure that

Works contracts under the Project follow all

applicable labor laws of the Borrower and the State

and that these further include provisions to the effect

that contractors; (i) carry out HIV/AIDS awareness

programs for labor and disseminate information at

worksites on risks of sexually transmitted diseases

and HIV/AIDS as part of health and safety measures

for those employed during construction; and (ii)

follow and implement all statutory provisions on

labor (including not employing or using children as

labor, equal pay for equal work), health, safety,

welfare, sanitation, and working conditions. Such

contracts shall also include clauses for termination in

case of any breach of the stated provisions by the


Complied. i) Six

HIV/AIDS programme were conducted in this quarter for Adappar, Vellaiyar, Pandavaiyar & Harichandra nathi

ii) Very meager number of women labour from local are engaged for curing purpose. No women labour halt at labour camp. Drinking water, sanitarium facilities, first Aid Box, medicines and safety equipments such as helmets, gloves, shoes are provided for labors.


Compliance with ADB’s Environmental Safeguards

22. As per SPS 2009, ADB’s Environmental Safeguard Requirements are one of the

safeguard requirement that borrower/client has required to meet. These requirements

include assessing impacts, planning and managing impact mitigations, preparing

Environmental assessment reports, disclosing information and undertaking consultation,

establishing a grievance mechanism, and monitoring and reporting.

23. These also include particular Environmental safeguard requirements pertaining to

biodiversity conservation and sustainable management of natural resources, pollution

prevention and abatement, occupational and community health and safety, and

conservation of physical cultural resources. The applicability of particular requirements

is established through the Environmental assessment process and compliance with the

requirements is achieved through implementation of Environmental management plans

agreed to by ADB and the borrower/client. The compliance status of ADB’s

Environmental Safeguards is summarized and presented in Table 3.3.

Table 3.3. Compliance Status of ADB’s Environmental Safeguards

S.No. ADBs Safeguard


Compliance Requirement Status

1. Environmental


Identify potential

Environmental impacts on

various resources and

determine its significance in

consultation with all


The project is categorized B as per

ADB’s SPS 2009 .Environmental assessment of the proposed investments

was carried out following ADB’s Environmental Policy, 2002;

Environmental Assessment Guidelines,

2003. An initial environment

examination (IEE) was prepared for the

project. The Summary IEE (SIEE)

outlines key aspects of the project

components, Environmental benefits

and negative impacts, proposed

mitigation measures, and an

Environmental Management Plan

(EMP). Public consultation was also

carried out during the project and IEE


2. Environmental

Planning and


The borrower/client will

prepare an Environmental

Management Plan (EMP) that

The client has prepared an EMP

addressing the potential impact and

risks, suggesting mitigation measures


addresses the potential impacts

and risks identified by the

Environmental assessment.

Mitigation measures have been

developed to reduce all negative

impacts to acceptable levels. The

mitigation measures are described in

the environmental management plan

(EMP) of IEE.

3. Information


The borrower/client will submit

to ADB the following

documents for disclosure on



(i) a draft full EIA (including

the draft EMP) at least 120

days prior to ADB Board

consideration, and/or

environmental assessment and

review frameworks before

project appraisal, where


(i) the final EIA/IEE;

(i) a new or updated EIA/IEE

and corrective action plan

prepared during project

implementation, if any; and

(iv) the environmental

monitoring reports.

Complied. All relevant project

documents are under public disclosure

including the environmental monitoring


4. Consultation and


The borrower will carryout

consultation with AP and other

stakeholders. The consultation

process and its Results are to be

documented and reflected in the

Environmental Assessment


Public Consultations were carried out

during assessment and are documented

and reflected in the assessment report

i.e. in the IEE.

During the reporting period also public

consultations are regularly being

conducted by the PIU and Contractors

staff, the Social Report also covers the

specific details.

5. Grievance



The borrower/client will

establish a mechanism to

receive and facilitate resolution

of affected peoples’ concerns,

complaints, and grievances

Grievance Redress Mechanism has

been established to receive and

facilitate resolution of affected peoples’

concerns, complaints, and grievances

about the project’s Environmental


about the project’s

Environmental Performance.

Performance. The format for the

Environmental Safeguards- Complaint

Register to be maintained at PIU/PMU

level along with the Sample grievance

form has been prepared and provided

and necessary instruction regarding the

same were shared with PMU and with

PIUs through PMU. vide PMU Ltr No

.DB/F-11/2016/ dated: 31-08-2016 for the GRM including the relevant

forms. So far, no environmental

safeguard complaint received in GRC.

No Environmental safeguards

related grievance received so far.

6. Monitoring and


The borrower/client will

monitor and measure the

progress of implementation of

the EMP.

This Second environmental monitoring

report covering the period December

2016 to May 2017 is being submitted.

7. Unanticipated



Where unanticipated

Environmental impacts become

apparent during project

implementation, the

borrower/client will update the

Environmental assessment and


No unanticipated Environmental

impacts encountered.


8. Biodiversity

Conservation and


Natural Resource


The borrower/client will assess

the significance of project

impacts and risks on

Biodiversity and natural

resources as an integral part of

the Environmental assessment


Environmental issues identified

through initial environmental

examination (IEE) are manageable and

a range of proven mitigation strategies

exist to address them. The IEE has

assessed all potential environmental

impacts associated with the project due

to location, design, construction and

operation. There are no environmental

impacts which are significant or

complex or which need an in-depth


study to assess the impact or to develop

mitigation measures.

9. Pollution

Prevention and


The borrower/client will apply

pollution prevention and

control technologies and

practices consistent with

international good practice, as

reflected in internationally

recognized standards.

Air emission during construction stage,

may possibly be arises from operation

of construction vehicles, equipment,

haulage of material and earth, dust

generation from earth work. The

resection of river and construction of

embankment are throughout all 6 rivers

namely, Pandavayar, Velleiyar,

Harichandranadi, Adappar,

Vedhanarayam and Valvanar. The

cumulative lengths of all six rivers are

235 km. The construction of

embankment will generate dust but it

will be localized to the construction site

and may have little impact due to

generation of dust in residential,

commercial and sensitive location like

schools. These locations are already

identified and regular sprinkling of

water on exposed earth has already

been suggested and also under practice

by the contractors. These residential

areas are adjacent to the boundary of

the rivers. The impacts are not

significant or equivalent to the dust

generated in agricultural land during


The mitigation measures for

suppression of dust near the residential,

commercial and area of socially

important places like temples and

churches are required through


sprinkling of water on exposed working

areas. (The transportation of silt is

required to be done in covered trucks.

Annex.11) Regular checking of

pollution emission from the

construction vehicles exhaust is being

done from the authorized agency and

relevant Pollution under Control (PUC)

certificates obtained. (Annex.7)

Noise generation during construction

stage arises from operation of

construction vehicles, equipment,

haulage of material and earth. The

impacts are not significant and is

limited to construction hours in day

time only.

The mitigation measures includes

proper maintenance of construction

vehicles so that it do not generate noise

while operation. The use of pressure

horn in the habitation area must be

avoided. No horn signage are provided

near the schools.

10. Health and Safety The borrower/client will apply

preventive and protective

measures consistent with

international good practice, as

reflected in internationally

recognized standards

Preventive and protective measures are

being applied with good practices.

Safety Manual and celebration of

Safety and Quality day is required to be

in practice by the contractors.

All contractors of CW-1,CW-2,CW-

3,CW-4,CW-5 & CW-6 are engaging

local lobour wherever the local labours

are available and they already


encouraged to recruit local people as

labourer at least for unskilled and semi-

skilled jobs. This practice of engaging

local labourer automatically reduced

the magnitude of impact expected due

to outside labour. In all the contract

packages there are very limited

numbers of outside laboures and for

their accommodation the contractors

already rented houses/buildings with all

necessary facilities like water,

electricity, toilet etc in the nearby

villages of the construction site. The

package wise details of the Contractors

rented houses as permanent lobour

camp is attatched as Annex 10b.

Apart from that the contractors

provided temporary shades near work

areas treated as resting places near the

construction sites which are generally

used by the labours as a resting shadow

place during lunch hours.

All labours are provided with

safety equipments such as helmets,

gloves, working shoes/boots etc and

they are enforced to wear the required

safety equipments.


11 Physical Cultural


The borrower/client is

responsible for siting and

designing the project to avoid

significant damage to physical

cultural resources.

There is no archaeological site within

or near the proposed project sites. Any

chance finding will be taken care

according to Archaeological Survey of

India. These chance finds can be ruined

structures under the ground. This is not

expected because there no deep

excavation involved.


Compliance with Project Environmental Management Plan

24. The Project activities includes upgrading of the irrigation system which comprise re-

sectioning of river/canals, rehabilitation of embankments, de-silting of river bed,

construction of new, or rehabilitation of old, or reconstruction of head regulators, cross

regulators, drainage outfalls, irrigation outfalls and infalls on the Harichandranadi,

Adappar, Pandavaiyar,Vedhanarayam ,Vellaiyar rivers and Valavanar River/Drain in

the Vennar system. Environmental issues identified through initial environmental

examination (IEE) are manageable and a range of proven mitigation strategies exist to

address them.

25. The IEE has assessed all potential environmental impacts associated with the project

due to location, design, construction and operation. There are no environmental impacts

which are significant or complex or which need an in-depth study to assess the impact

or to develop mitigation measures. Mitigation measures have been developed to reduce

all negative impacts to acceptable levels. The mitigation measures are described in the

environmental management plan (EMP).An environmental monitoring plan (EMoP) has

also been developed to assess the environmental performance of each sub-project

implementation. The mitigation measures have been incorporated in project designs

and implemented as part of each sub-project (package). Most of the mitigation costs are

included in the construction costs. Costs for monitoring and tree planting are not

included in the construction cost and are included under the project management unit

(PMU) expenses. The contractors entrusted to strictly implement the EMP along with

the implementation of the project. The mitigation measures suggested in the EMP and

its implementation status are presented in Table 3.4.

Table 3.4. Compliance Status with Environmental Management Plan (EMP)

S.No Project


Mitigation Measure Status of Implementation

1 Approvals

and No



Obtain CRZ Clearance

Obtain Approval from Forest Department

and Revenue Department for Felling of

Trees. If required update the IEE and EMP

following approvals.

Under the Coastal Regulation

Zone (CRZ) Act, the district CRZ

committee granted its clearance on

25 February 2016 and state-level

clearance has been received for the


CAVSCDP project vide letter

dated 08/08/16 subject to the

specific conditions.

The Chief Conservator of Forest

Received the order on 28th Nov.

2016 to remove the tress in

Vellaiyar and Pandavaiyar.

2 Selection of


Camp for site

office and

storage of


parking of

vehicles and


Camp for

labour to stay

during non-



Since establishment of construction, camp

and labour camp are the decision of

contractor. Selection of Construction camp

and workers’ camp away from the

habitation area, Contractor to provide safe

drinking water as per IS 10500 standards for

drinking water.

Provide sanitation for male and female


Collection and disposal of solid waste of the

worker’s camp

Being Complied. All contractors

of CW- 1,CW-2,CW-3,CW-4,CW-

5 & CW-6 are engaging local

lobour wherever the local labours

are available and they already

encouraged to recruit local people

as labourer at least for unskilled

and semi-skilled jobs. This

practice of engaging local labourer

automatically reduced the

magnitude of impact expected due

to outside labour. In all the

contract packages there are very

limited numbers of outside

laboures and for their

accommodation the contractors

already rented houses/buildings

with all necessary facilities like

water, electricity, toilet etc in the

nearby villages of the construction

site. The package wise details of

the Contractors rented houses as

permanent lobour camp is

attatched as Annex 10b.

Apart from that the contractors

provided temporary shades treated


as resting places near the

construction sites which are

generally used by the labours as a

resting shadow place during lunch


3 Identification

of borrow

pits and

quarry area

Selection of Borrow pits for earth should be

away from residential area, sensitive

location, and local roads. Before selection

of borrow area, the contractor will take

written consent from the environmental

officer of PMU.

Selection of sand, stone and other quarry

material will be only government-approved

sites only.

Being Complied. The specific

details covered under detailed

sand, stone, gravel other quarry

materials and earth mining

compliance chapter. (Annex.9)

4 Intervention

with Utility

The contractor will identify water supply

pipes, electrical poles, cables, access roads,

and bridges and prepare plans for shifting or


EB poles are also within the

construction right of way and

impeding works’ progress. The

status of EB pole removal is in

(Annex. 6)

Construction Stage

Ambient Air Quality and Noise

10 De-silting

and resection

of river

Dust suppression by sprinkling of water

Provide dust curtain or geotextile membrane

to cover soil.

Being Complied. Dust depretion is

done by separe equipment of water

sprinkler lorries. All earth & sand

transport tracks are provided with

geotextiles membrane including

for rental tracks. All contractors

have followed the system according

to the environmental requirements.

11 Transportatio

n of



borrow earth

and river silts

Provide covered transportation of material

and earth,

Avoid haulage rout in residential area and

sensitive locations

12 Operation of


Maintenance of vehicles and equipment as

per manufacturers guidelines and monitor

Being Complied. Separate areas are allotted for parking equipments.



and vehicles

emissions of the vehicles and equipment

13 Quarrying


borrowing of

earth for




and road

Quarrying of sand, stone and aggregates

will only be from the government approved

and WRD identified location in bill of


Operation and Rehabilitation of borrow

area as per the Madras Detailed Standard

Specification and Environmental Code of

Practices. Arrangement for locating the

source of supply of material for

embankment and sub-grade as well as

compliance to environmental requirements,

as applicable , shall be the sole

responsibility of the contractor.

The environmental personnel attached to

WRD shall be required to inspect every

borrow area location prior to approval.

The borrow areas shall be atleast 500m

from schools and village access roads

The Contractor shall not borrow earth from

the selected borrow area until a formal

agreement is signed between land owner

and Contractor and a copy of this agreement

is submitted to the concerned officer of

WRD/Supervision Consultant.

Planning of haul roads for accessing borrow

materials shall be undertaken during this

stage. The haul roads shall be routed to

avoid agricultural areas. In case agricultural

land is disturbed, the Contractor shall

rehabilitate as approved by the WRD/

Supervision Consultant and pay

compensation for loss of cultivation to the

Being Complied. The specific

details covered under detailed sand

and earth mining compliance



users as per terms and conditions of the

resettlement plan

Haul roads shall be maintained throughout

the operation period of the borrow areas by

undertaking the required maintenance and

repair works, which may include

strengthening, pothole repairing and

diversions. Improvements shall be done to

reduce inconvenience to users of these

roads, residents living along the haul roads

and minimize air and water pollution.

Such measures shall include, but not limited

to, frequent sprinkling of water, repairing of

the road, road safety provisions (warning

and informatory signage, flagmen etc.), and

ensuring covering of loaded vehicles by

waterproof tarpaulin; consultation with

public and special precautions are required

when measures are implemented near

schools, health centers and settlement areas.

All borrow areas whether in private,

community or govt. land shall be restored

either to the original condition or as per the

approved by WRD/ Supervision Consultant.

Soil Environment

14 Standardisati

on of


and desilting

of river and


of road on

one side


After cutting and filling embankment will

be immediately stabilized

Avoid de-silting within the flow of water.

Encourage utilisation of river silt in

gardening and other agricultural purpose

identified in consultation with farmers.

Disposal of silt and sand from the Vellaiyar,

Lawford, Adappar and Uppanar straight cut

Being Complied. The progress of desalting works are as below.

Vellaiyar – 12.000 KM

Pandavaiyar-20.000 KM

Valavanar – 15.400 KM


Harichandranathi – NIL

V.Canal – 3.500 KM



Operation of

borrow pits



n of material

which will be quite saline will be disposed

or stored near the embankment of the

straight cut (in area of similar saline


15 Disposal of



Prohibition of throwing of construction

debris in any sites other than the designated

disposal sites identified at the detailed

design stage The metallic waste will be

recycled through vendors.

Being Complied. The construction

debris and wastages are disposed by

dumping them into low lying area

which are located atleast 1 KM

away from the village hamlets.

Water Resource and Quality

16 Resection

and de-silting

of river


of tail-end




head sluices,



syphons, Bed

dam, Grade



spillage of

oil, grease

from heavy



vehicles and


Since the most of the construction work will

take place in the lean season so mitigation

measure of avoidance of de-silting within

the flow of water will minimise soil erosion

and increase in turbidity in the downstream.

Provide impermeable platform for storage

and handling of oil and grease.

Being Complied. All resectioning

of rivers and construction works are

taking place only in the lean season

to avoid soil erection. By providing

impermeable platforms, the spilling

of oil wastages from heavy

machineries is managed to avoid

the increase in turbidity.

Biological Environment

17 Clearance

and grubbing

of site for

The removal of the cut trees by the forest

department will be taken away by the forest

department and it will be stored and later

Being Complied. Forest department

is taking action to plant

compensation trees.





sold by the forest department according to

their rules. The trees which are not planted

by the forest department will be cut and

removed by the contractor on permission of

district revenue officer.

Compensatory Plantation of 10:1 ratio

meaning plantation of 10 trees in lieu of

felling of 1 tree.

Forest Department will cut those trees

which are planted by the forest department

and its compensatory plantation will be done by

the forest department.

Other trees which are not planted by the

forest department, WRD will do the

compensatory plantation..

WRD will plant such compensatory

plantation along the embankment of the

rivers/ canal/ drains

Identification of land and cost for forest

department will be done as per The Forest (

Conservation) Act, 1980.

WRD is taking action to plant the

compensatory WRD trees through the

environmental wing of WRD to whom

necessary funds have been allotted.

Occupation Health and Safety

18 Occupational

Health and

Safety of

labours at


site and



Provide personal protective equipment to

the labours.

Ensure the labours are trained to work on

the specific project.

For untrained labour – training should be

provided before permission to work on the


The contractor shall provide, if required,

erect and maintain necessary (temporary)

living accommodation and ancillary

facilities during the progress of work for

labour to standards and scales approved by

Being complied. All contractors

are using Provide personal protective

equipment to the labours during the

work. Some of the visited

temporary sheds near by the

construction sites generally treated

as resting places, used by the

labours as a resting shadow place

during lunch hours and most of

the labours are locally hired and

very few are outside labours and

accommodated in the permanent


the Engineer- In charge.

Contractor shall follow all relevant

provisions of the Factories Act, 1948 and

the Building & other Construction Workers

(Regulation of Employment and Conditions

of Service) Act, 1996 for construction &

maintenance of labor camp.

Construction camps shall not be proposed

within 1000m or sufficiently away from

nearest habitation to avoid conflicts and

stress over the infrastructure facilities, with

the local community. The location, layout

and basic facility provision of each labour

camp shall be submitted to Engineer prior to

their construction.

Safety and sanitation facility should be

provided in the labour camp.

Uncontaminated water shall be supplied to

the construction workers at labour camps.

The contractor shall arrange for - a readily

available first aid unit including an adequate

supply of sterilized dressing materials and

appliances as per the Factories Rules in

every work zone, Availability of suitable

transport at all times to take injured or sick

person(s) to the nearest hospital

Always maintain a fully equipped first aid

box in the construction camp. Proper waste

management system must be enforced in

the camp. So that waste is not haphazardly

disposed of.

building rented by the contractors

in nearby villages. The team also

visited the rented houses in

Manakudi Village for CW-1 and

Pamani Village rented house for

CW-2. The contractor’s rented

houses details used as permanent

accommodation is part of the visit


Community Health and Safety

19 Construction

activity of

Provide information about the construction

schedule and construction activity

Being Complied. All contractors have placed sign boards, certain boards wherever necessary.





e of road

Barricading construction site

Display signage of diversion at construction

road on embankment in consultation with

local authority like traffic polish, WRD and

local community.

The demolition of existing food bridges

required for this project will be done after

construction of new foot bridges.

Socio-economic Impacts

20 Re-




on of


The community property resources like

cremation ground and Dhobi Ghats will be

re-established in consultation with

community as per the Resettlement Plan.

Being Complied. One of the

contractor already re-established

one of the crematoria near

eriyangudi (144 LB CW-3

package) during implementation of

the work.

Chance Findings

21 Any



While excavating or dismantling any

structure if any fossils, coins, articles of

value / antiquity and remains of

archaeological interest discovered on the

site the contractor shall immediately stop

work and inform the engineer from WRD.

The Contractor shall take reasonable

precautions to prevent his workmen or any

other persons from damaging or removing

any such articles. All work shall be stopped

and WRD shall seek the direction of

Archaeological Survey of India (ASI)

before contractor recommences the work

Being Complied. All concerned

contractors of CW-3 and CW-4

packages have been informed that

while excavating or dismantling

any structure if any fossils, coins,

articles of value / antiquity and

remains of archaeological interest

discovered on the site the

contractor shall immediately stop

work and inform the engineer from


The Contractor shall take

reasonable precautions to prevent

his workmen or any other persons

from damaging or removing any

such articles. All work shall be

stopped and WRD shall seek the

direction of Archaeological Survey

of India (ASI) before contractor

recommences the work


Environmental Monitoring of the project

26. The IEE has identified the Environmental issues likely to be occurred during the

implementation of the project. Environmental issues identified through initial

environmental examination (IEE) are manageable and a range of proven mitigation

strategies exist to address them. The IEE has assessed all potential environmental

impacts associated with the project due to location, design, construction and operation.

There are no environmental impacts which are significant or complex or which need an

in-depth study to assess the impact or to develop mitigation measures. Mitigation

measures have been developed to reduce all negative impacts to acceptable levels. The

mitigation measures are described in the environmental management plan (EMP).An

environmental monitoring plan (EMoP) has also been developed to assess the

environmental performance of each sub-project implementation.

27. The mitigation measures proposed have been incorporated in project and implemented

as part of each sub-project. Most of the mitigation costs are included in the construction

costs. Costs for monitoring and tree planting are not included in the construction cost

and are included under the project management unit (PMU) expenses.. Similarly, the

impacts during the construction activities are now being regularly monitored and the

shortcomings observed during the field visits have been communicated to all concerned

with the for remedial measures.

28. During the implementation stage the contractor and project management unit (PMU)

and PIUs are responsible for the implementation of environmental management plan

and environmental commitments made to regulatory agency, lending agency and

stakeholder. Execution of the EMP, is the combined responsibility of WRD, consultant

and contractor. The day to day environmental monitoring and supervision is required to

be done by the Site Engineers (Assistant Engineers/ Junior Engineers of WRD) in

consultation with the SDO of PMU Environmental specialist.

29. PMU with support from the PIU engineers monitored and measured the progress of

implementation of environmental management plan and monitoring plan suggested in

the IEE. The regular quarterly progress reports of the contractors to be submitted to the

PMU will also describe implementation of environmental management plan. The officer


of WRD designated for safeguards officer in the PMU and environmental specialist will

make site visit to verify the compliance of quarterly report. Semi environmental

monitoring reports will be prepared by the PMU and submitted to ADB. The contractor

will report on implementation of the EMP in their monthly progress reports to be

submitted to the PMU.

30. At present the civil construction works under the six packages are ongoing. During the

reporting period seasonal Air quality monitoring, Noise quality, Surface Water Quality

& Ground Water Quality monitored under four contract packages and i.e. for, 4(Four)

River alignment under the project. Environmental Quality monitoring Contract

packages and River details given below Table 3.5.1.

Table: 3.5.1 River Details



Project River Section Contract


River Distance

1 Vellaiyar River CW-3 LS from 111.650 km to 153.650 km

2 Adappar River CW-2 LS from 130.236 km to 169.025 km

3 Harichandranathi River CW-1 LS from 121.260 km to 160.200 km

4 Pandavayar River CW-4 LS from 109.27 km to 148.020 km

31. For ambient air, noise, Surface water & Ground water quality assessments, samples

were collected at important locations within the project influence area in terms of

environment quality to prepare a baseline data. Representative samples were collected,

analyzed and interpreted by a NABL Accredited Laboratory, in accordance with the

approved standard methods and procedures. Consultations, another source of

information to explain local conditions like submergence, recent floods etc were also



Ambient Air Quality

32. Ambient air quality refers to the background air quality levels in a region, characterised

by concentrations of various pollutants in the atmosphere. The presence of air pollutants

and their concentrations depends on the type of polluting sources, and other factors that

influence their flow and dispersion. In most cases vehicular emissions are the

predominant source of air pollution. The ambient air quality data on various sections of

the project corridors was collected at the time of execution of the work. The aim was to

identify areas that already have high pollution levels or are expected to experience so,

on account of the project work, and to design adequate mitigation measures, as


33. The principal sources of air pollution due to river projects are machineries used during

construction phase and the vehicles that ply over it during the operation phase. The

major pollutants of significance to roadside air quality, on account of vehicular

emissions, are particulate matter (PM10), particulate matter (PM2.5), sulphur dioxide

(SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), carbon-monoxide (CO).Dispersal of pollutants depends

upon factors like prevailing wind direction and other weather conditions, height of the

source, and characteristics of corridor plantation and presence of other sinks along the

project corridor. Ambient air quality standards : National Ambient Air Quality (NAAQ)

standards were laid by CPCB to be followed in the country.The relevant parameters for

which standards have been formulated are PM10, PM2.5, SO2, NOx, and CO.

Standards for Hydrocarbons have not been formulated as yet.


Table: 3.5.2- Ambient Air Quality - Methodology

S.No. Parameter Technique Method of Test

1 Particulate Matter

(Size Less than 10ug) (PM10)

2 Particulate Matter (Size Less

than 2.5 ug) (PM2.5)

Fine Dust Sampler

(Gravimetric method)

Resirable Dust Sampler

(Gravimetric method)

IS 5182 (Part 23) – 2006



3 Sulphur Dioxide Modified


West and IS 5182 (Part 2) - 2001


4 Nitrogen Oxide Modified Jacob & IS 5182 (Part 6) – 2006


5 Carbon Monoxide Non Dispersive Infra

Red Spectroscopy



IS -5182 (Part -10)


Monitoring location:

34. To assess the ambient air quality along the project corridors, ambient air quality

monitoring was carried out at 4 locations. The monitoring locations were selected based

on the sensitivity of the receptors due to project construction work and to obtain

baseline concentrations of the various representative land uses along the corridors.

Locations of the monitoring stations are presented in Table. 3.5.3.

Table 3.5.3 Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Location



River Name Location

AAQ1 Vellaiyar River Ayikudi Village

AAQ2 Near to Attur bridge

AAQ3 Valivalam village

AAQ4 Earuvakkadu village

AAQ1 Adappar River Near Thiruvalanjuli Regulator

AAQ2 Near Pamani Regulator

AAQ3 Near Umbalacheri Regulator

AAQ4 Near Adappar new tail end


AAQ1 Harichandranathi River Near Harichandra Head Regulator

AAQ2 Near Althambady Regulator

AAQ3 Near Brinjimoolai Regulator

AAQ4 Near Harichandra new tail end


AAQ1 Pandavaiyar River Koradacherry village

AAQ2 Near to Mangudi regulator

AAQ3 Pudhupathur village

AAQ4 Eraiyankudi village


Table 3.5.4 Air Quality Monitoring Results- Vellaiyar River Season 1

Season 1 – Vellaiyar River Month of January 2017

Location Name Locatio

n ID

Ambient Air Quality Parameters

PM10 in


PM2.5 in


SO2 in


NO2 in


CO in mg/m3

Ayikudi Village AAQ-01 63.2 24.9 9.8 18 BDL(DL:1.14 )

Near to Attur


AAQ-02 58.2 17.9 10.7 19.6 BDL(DL:1.14 )

Valivalam Village AAQ-03 54.8 16.7 10 17.4 BDL(DL:1.14 )

Earuvakkadu AAQ-04 55.6 15.1 8.9 16.2 BDL(DL:1.14 )

NAAQ Standards 100 60 80 80 2*

*Level referred is maximum satisfactory level and for CO in mg/m3


Table 3.5.5 Air Quality Monitoring Results- Vellaiyar River Season 2

Season 2 – Vellaiyar River Month of June 2017

Location Name Locatio n ID

Ambient Air Quality Parameters




PM2.5 SO2 in NO2 in CO in mg/m3

in µg/m3 µg/m3


Ayikudi Village AAQ-01 59 21 8.4 21.5 BDL(DL:1.14 )

Near to Attur AAQ-02 54 15 9.3 20.4 BDL(DL:1.14 )


Valivalam Village AAQ-03 52 13 8.6 18.7 BDL(DL:1.14 )

Earuvakkadu AAQ-04 61 17 BDL(DL:8.0) 19.4 BDL(DL:1.14 )

*Level referred is maximum satisfactory level and for CO in mg/m3

NAAQ Standards 100 60 80 80 2*


Table 3.5.6 Air Quality Monitoring Results- Adappar River Season 1

Season 1 – Adappar River Month of May 2017

Location Name Locatio n ID

Ambient Air Quality Parameters













CO in mg/m3

Near Thiruvalanjuli


AAQ-01 55 20 8.6 14.3 BDL(DL:1.14 )

Near Pamani Regulator AAQ-02 64 25 12.1 21.8 BDL(DL:1.14 )

Near Umbalacheri


AAQ-03 54 17 9.6 17.2 BDL(DL:1.14 )

Near Adappar new tail

end Regulator

AAQ-04 56 19 8.9 16.5 BDL(DL:1.14 )

NAAQ Standards 100 60 80 80 2*

*Level referred is maximum satisfactory level and for CO in mg/m3


Table 3.5.7 Air Quality Monitoring Results- Harichandranathi River Season 1

Season 1 – Harichandranathi River Month of May 2017

Location Name Locatio n ID

Ambient Air Quality Parameters













CO in mg/m3

Near Harichandra Head


AAQ-01 53 15 9.8 15.4 BDL(DL:1.14 )

Near Althambady


AAQ-02 62 23 11.8 17.9 BDL(DL:1.14 )

Near Brinjimoolai


AAQ-03 57 22 9.2 18.3 BDL(DL:1.14 )

Near Harichandra new

tail end Regulator

AAQ-04 67 26 8.7 19.1 BDL(DL:1.14 )

NAAQ Standards 100 60 80 80 2*

*Level referred is maximum satisfactory level and for CO in mg/m3


Table 3.5.8 Air Quality Monitoring Results- Pandavaiyar River Season 1

Season 1 – Pandavaiyar River Month of January 2017

Location Name Locatio n ID

Ambient Air Quality Parameters

PM10 in


PM2.5 in


SO2 in


NO2 in


CO in mg/m3



AAQ-01 62.6 23.3 8.5 15.4 BDL(DL:1.14 )

Near to Mangudi


AAQ-02 63.5 22.1 10.3 18.9 BDL(DL:1.14 )



AAQ-03 50.8 17.9 9.8 16.2 BDL(DL:1.14 )



AAQ-04 52.4 16.3 10.5 19.1 BDL(DL:1.14 )

NAAQ Standards 100 60 80 80 2*

*Level referred is maximum satisfactory level and for CO in mg/m3


Table 3.5.9 Air Quality Monitoring Results- Pandavaiyar River Season 2

Season 2 – Pandavaiyar River Month of June 2017

Location Name Locatio

n ID

Ambient Air Quality Parameters







SO2 in


NO2 in


CO in mg/m3



AAQ-01 64 21 9.2 19.7 BDL(DL:1.14 )

Near to Mangudi


AAQ-02 58 19 BDL(DL:8.0 ) 17.2 BDL(DL:1.14 )



AAQ-03 61 17 8.6 20.2 BDL(DL:1.14 )



AAQ-04 53 15 8.2 18.3 BDL(DL:1.14 )


100 60 80 80 2*

*Level referred is maximum satisfactory level and for CO in mg/m3


Ambient Noise Level Monitoring

35. The monitoring of the ambient noise quality for the various land uses along the project

corridor was carried out with the help of hand held noise level meters.

Methodology of Noise Measurement:

36. Spot noise measurement was used for this purpose. The sound pressure meter consists

basically of a microphone and an electronic circuit including an attenuator, amplifier,

weighting networks or filters and an indicating display unit. It measures the root mean

square sound pressure with the aid of a microphone, which converts the sound signal to

an equal electrical signal. The signal is passed through a weighting network, which

provides a conversion and gives the sound pressure level in dB. The A-weighting

network is the most useful one on the sound level meter for measuring human response.

It indicates the A-weighted sound level, abbreviated dB (A). Sound level meter has a

provision to take reading in slow, fast and impulse modes. Traffic change with time, and

slow mode was used to average out the readings over 24 hourly longer periods.

Readings were taken in auto mode, which continuously update automatically to show

the maximum Sound Pressure Level of each (previously) second.

37. Keeping in view of various land use patterns and residential areas in villages 60 noise

level measurement locations were identified for assessment of existing noise level

status. At each monitoring station, the noise levels recorded continuously for 24 hours.

Hourly data has collected from each sampling point for 24 hours and day and night

values were given separately in Tables.


38. Hourly noise levels are recorded at each site and the measured noise levels are

computed for finding out Lday, Lnight and Ldn values.

Lday, Lnight and Ldn values

The Leq is the equivalent continuous sound level, which is equivalent to the

same sound energy as the actual fluctuating sound measured in the same period.

This is necessary because sound from noise source often fluctuates widely during

a given period of time.

This is calculated from the following equation:

Leq=L50+ (L10-L90)2/60

Lday is defined as the equivalent noise level measured over a period of time

during day ( 6 am to 10 pm). Lnight is defined as the equivalent noise level

measured over a period of time during night (10 pm. to 6 am).

A noise rating developed by Environment Protection Agency, USEPA for

specification of community noise from all the sources is Day-Night Sound Level,


Day-Night Sound levels (Ldn)

39. The noise rating developed for community noise from all sources is the Day-Night

Sound Level, (Ldn). It is similar to a 24hr equivalent sound level except that during

nighttime period (10pm to 6am). A 10Db (A) weighting penalty is added to the

instaneous sound level before computing the 24hr average. This time penalty is added to

account for the fact that noise during night when people usually sleep is judged as more

annoying than the same noise during the daytime.

40. The EPA has adopted Ldn as the rating method used to describe community noise

exposure. To arrive at a recommended outdoor Ldn criterion, the EPA recommends that

an Leq of 45 Db(A) should not be exceeded indoors in residential buildings: this allows

freedom from speech interference. If the outdoor and indoor attenuation is taken, on

average, as 12db (A) with the windows partially open, this implies an outdoor criterion

of Leq = 60db (A). The EPA applies correction to this account for other annoyance

factors, including the 10db (A) nighttime penalty and a 5db (A) margin of safety, to

arrive at a recommended criterion of Ldn = db (A) as a desirable maximum outdoor

noise level for residential areas. It should be noted; however that majority of urban and

suburban areas are currently subjected to noise levels greater than this value.

The Ldn for a given location in a community may be calculated from the hourly Leq ,S,

using the following equation.

Ldn = 10 log {1/24[16(10 Ld/10) + 8 (10 Ln + 10) / 10)]}.


Where Ld is the equivalent sound level during the daytime (6am to 10pm) and Ln is the

equivalent sound level during the night time (10pm to 6am).

Results of Noise Monitoring

Table 3.5.10 Ambient Noise Level Monitoring Location



River Name Location

AN1 Vellaiyar River Ayikudi Village

AN2 Near to Attur bridge

AN3 Valivalam village

AN4 Earuvakkadu village

AN1 Adappar River Near Thiruvalanjuli Regulator

AN2 Near Pamani Regulator

AN3 Near Umbalacheri Regulator

AN4 Near Adappar new tail end Regulator

AN1 Harichandran

at hi River

Near Harichandra Head Regulator

AN2 Near Althambady Regulator

AN3 Near Brinjimoolai Regulator

AN4 Near Harichandra new tail end Regulator

AN1 Pandavaiyar


Koradacherry village

AN2 Near to Mangudi regulator

AN3 Pudhupathur village

AN4 Eraiyankudi village


Table 3.5.11 Ambient Noise Level Monitoring Results – Vellaiyar River Season 1

Season 1- Vellaiyar River Month of January 2017

Location Name Locatio

n ID

Ambient Noise in dB(A) Leq

Day Equivalent Night Equivalent

Ayikudi Village NQ-01 55.4 35.6

Near to Attur


NQ-02 48.7 33

Valivalam Village NQ-03 49.5 40.9

Earuvakkadu NQ-04 50.7 38.3

CPCB Standards 55 45


Table 3.5.12 Ambient Noise Level Monitoring Results – Vellaiyar River Season 2

Season 2-Vellaiyar River Month of June 2017

Location Name Locatio n ID

Ambient Noise in dB(A) Leq

Day Equivalent Night Equivalent

Ayikudi Village NQ-01 57.4 48.3

Near to Attur


NQ-02 52.7 42.8

Valivalam Village NQ-03 54.7 43.3

Earuvakkadu NQ-04 56.0 45.4

CPCB Standards 55.0 45.0


Table 3.5.13 Ambient Noise Level Monitoring Results – Adappar River Season 1

Season 1 – Adappar River Month of May 2017

Location Name Locatio n ID

Ambient Noise in dB(A) Leq

Day Equivalent Night Equivalent

Near Thiruvalanjuli


NQ-01 57.1 46.5

Near Pamani Regulator NQ-02 60.5 50.2

Near Umbalacheri Regulator NQ-03 53.1 41.6

Near Adappar new tail end


NQ-04 56 41.8

CPCB Standards 55.0 45.0


Table 3.5.14 Ambient Noise Level Monitoring Results – Harichandranathi River Season 1

Season 1 – Harichandranathi River Month of May 2017

Location Name Locatio n ID

Ambient Noise in dB(A) Leq

Day Equivalent Night Equivalent

Near Harichandra Head


NQ-01 56.0 45.5

Near Althambady


NQ-02 58.5 47.3

Near Brinjimoolai


NQ-03 57.3 47.7

Near Harichandra new tail

end Regulator

NQ-04 56.8 46.6

CPCB Standards 55.0 45.0


Table 3.5.15 Ambient Noise Level Monitoring Results – Pandavaiyar River Season 1

Season 1- Pandavaiyar River Month of January 2017

Location Name Locatio n ID

Ambient Noise in dB(A) Leq

Day Equivalent Night Equivalent

Koradacherry Village NQ-01 54.8 38.2

Near to Mangudi


NQ-02 56.2 42.7

Pudhupathur Village NQ-03 38.8 32.5

Eraiyankudi Village NQ-04 50.7 34.5

CPCB Standards 55.0 45.0


Table 3.5.16 Ambient Noise Level Monitoring Results – Pandavaiyar River Season 2

Season 2- Pandavaiyar River Month of June 2017

Location Name Locatio n ID

Ambient Noise in dB(A) Leq

Day Equivalent Night Equivalent

Koradacherry Village NQ-01 59.0 49.2

Near to Mangudi


NQ-02 59.4 51.0

Maruvathur Village NQ-03 56.0 45.4

Chinnamanalur Village NQ-04 55.4 45.2

CPCB Standards 55.0 45.0


Surface Water & Ground Water Quality

41. For physico-Chemical analysis the fill the sample completely in container and stopper

them in such a way that there is no air above the sample.( Avoid the modification of

carbon dioxide content, pH value, bicarbonates precipitation, iron oxidation, Colour

change). Sample containers, whose contents are frozen as part of their preservation,

should not be completely filled.

Sampling Protocol and Locations:

a) Rivers, streams and canals.

42. Sample should be collected from mid stream at mid depths. Use reference maps and fix

the sampling location. For river and lake sample collection, use boats and safety jackets.

Sample collection from stream Select the upper and Middle of the areas and record the

sample collection and time.

b.). Ground water.

43. Water Samples should be collected after pumping the well or bore well for a period of at

least one (or) two hrs. Sampling depth should note from the ground level.


Temperature 0C IS 3025 Part 5 - 1983 (Reaff: 2002)

Sample preservation

44. After sample collection temperature and preservation are main factors affect the water

quality. Suitable technique are obtained for sample preservation

Transportation of samples:

• Sample should be collected in leak proof glass (or) plastic container.

• Sample should be transported ice box keeping the temperature around 4oC.

• Avoid undue jerking of samples.

• For bacteriological tests, samples should be handled under aseptic condition.

• Immediately after reaching the destination Sample should be refrigerator.

• Wax pencil may be used for writing details on the labels.

• Sample bottled should be carefully loaded with the following instructions

• Place of sampling

• Time and Date of sampling

• Type of sample and depth of sample

• Name of sampling staff Purpose of sampling

Water Quality - Methodology

Parameters Standard Test Method

Turbidity in NTU IS 3025 : Part 10 - 1884 (Reaff.2002)

(Nephelometric Method)

pH@ 250 C IS 3025 : Part 11 - 1983 (Reaff.2013)

(Electrometric Method)

Electrical Conductivity @ 250C in


IS 3025 : Part 14-1983 (Reaff.2013)

Total Dissolved Solids in mg/l IS 3025 : Part 16 - 1984 (Reaff.2009)

(Gravimetric Method)

Total Suspended Solids in mg/l APHA 22nd Edn 2540-D

Dissolved Oxygen in mg/l APHA (22nd Edition) 4500 O-C

Chemical Oxygen Demand in mg/l APHA 22nd Edn 5220-B

Biochemical Oxygen Demand @ 270C for 3 IS 3025 : Part 44 (Reaff.2009)


Fecal Coliform IS 1622 : 1981 (Reaff 2014) (MPN Method)


Surface Water

Surface Water

Bore well water

Bore well water

Bore well water

Bore well water

Surface Water

Table 3.5.17 Water Quality Monitoring Location

Location Description River Name Location

Surface Water Vellaiyar River Ayikudi village

Surface Water Near to Attur bridge Surface Water Valivalam village

Surface Water Earuvakkadu village

Bore well water Ayikudi village

Bore well water Near to Attur bridge

Bore well water Valivalam village

Bore well water Earuvakkadu village

Surface Water Adappar River Near Thiruvalanjuli Regulator

Surface Water Near Pamani Regulator

Surface Water Near Umbalacheri Regulator

Surface Water Near Adappar new tail end Regulator

Bore well water Near Thiruvalanjuli Regulator

Bore well water Near Pamani Regulator

Bore well water Near Umbalacheri Regulator

Bore well water Near Adappar new tail end Regulator

Surface Water Harichandranath Near Harichandra Head Regulator

Surface Water i River Near Althambady Regulator

Surface Water Near Brinjimoolai Regulator

Surface Water Near Harichandra new tail end


Bore well water Near Harichandra Head Regulator

Bore well water Near Althambady Regulator

Bore well water Near Brinjimoolai Regulator

Bore well water Near Harichandra new tail end


Surface Water Pandavaiyar River Koradacherry village

Near to Mangudi regulator Maruvathur village

Eraiyankudi village Koradacherry village

Near to Mangudi regulator Maruvathur village

Eraiyankudi village


Table 3.5.18 – 3.5.22 Water Quality Analysis Results

Table 3.5.18 Water Quality Analysis Results Vellaiyar River - Season 1 Month of January 2017

Location Sample pH Temp Ec µmohs/Cm Turbidity in TDS in TSS DO in mg/l COD in BOD in mg/l F. coliform

Description °C NTU mg/l in mg/l MPN/100ml

Ayikudi Village Borewell water 7.74 26.2 1475 BDL


875 BDL


6.5 BDL





Near to Attur Bridge Borewell water 7.06 26.2 3394 BDL 2033 BDL 6.3 BDL BDL 110

(DL:1.0) (DL:2.0) (DL:4.0) (DL:2.0) Valivalam Village Borewell water 7.24 26.4 3128 BDL 1864 BDL 6.7 BDL BDL 70

(DL:1.0) (DL:2.0) (DL:4.0) (DL:2.0) Earuvakkadu Village Borewell water 6.95 26.2 1166 BDL 706 BDL 6.2 BDL BDL 50

(DL:1.0) (DL:2.0) (DL:4.0) (DL:2.0) Ayikudi Village Surface water 7.86 26.2 596.4 21.4 354 28 6.8 20.2 4 <

Near to Attur Bridge Surface water 7.37 25.5 268 42.4 162 36 6.5 36.5 13.2 <

Valivalam Village Surface water 7.83 26.2 325.5 81.4 192 103 6.1 28.2 7.2 <

Earuvakkadu Village Surface water 7.33 25.8 1662 10.8 9870 19.7 6.8 20.2 4.8 <

Table 3.5.19 Water Quality Analysis Results Vellaiyar River - Season 2 Month of June 2017

Locatio Sample pH Temp Ec Turbidity in TDS in TSS DO in COD in BOD in F. coliform

Description °C in µmohs/Cm NTU mg/l in mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l MPN/100ml

Ayikudi Village Borewell water 7.64 26.2 1518 BDL 904 BDL 6.5 BDL BDL 14

(DL:1.0) (DL:2.0) (DL:4.0) (DL:2.0) Near to Attur Bridge Borewell water 7.26 26.4 3218 BDL 2167 BDL 6.5 BDL BDL 17

(DL:1.0) (DL:2.0) (DL:4.0) (DL:2.0) Valivalam Village Borewell water 7.46 26.1 2986 BDL 1760 BDL 6.6 BDL BDL 33

(DL:1.0) (DL:2.0) (DL:4.0) (DL:2.0) Earuvakkadu Village Borewell water 6.89 26.2 2466 BDL 1443 BDL 6.5 BDL BDL 11

(DL:1.0) (DL:2.0) (DL:4.0) (DL:2.0) Ayikudi Village Surface water 8.04 26.2 541.6 24.8 298 33 6.8 24.9 3.8 <

Near to Attur Bridge Surface water 7.24 25.8 294 46.6 186 37.2 6.4 33.7 12.1 <

Valivalam Village Surface water 7.68 26.6 341.1 80.1 184 100.6 6.3 24.2 6 < 2

Earuvakkadu Village Surface water 6.96 26.2 1170 154 687 98 6.2 240 54.2 <

IS 10500 : 2012 Drinking Acceptable Limit 6.5 - - 1 500 - - - - <

water standards - 8.5 Permissible No


- - 5 2000 - - - - <


Table 3.5.20 Water Quality Analysis Results Adapppar River - Season 1 Month of May 2017

Location Sample pH Temp Ec Turbidity in TDS in TSS DO in mg/l COD in mg/l BOD in mg/l Feacal

Description °C in µmohs/Cm NTU mg/l in mg/l coliform



Near Thiruvalanjuli Borewell 7.1 26.4 4566 BDL 2672 BDL 6.4 BDL BDL 34

Regulator water (DL:1.0) (DL:2.0) (DL:4.0) (DL:2.0) Near Pamani Regulator Borewell


7.16 26.2 1367 BDL


795 BDL


6.2 BDL





Near Umbalacheri Regulator Borewell


7.05 26.6 3168 BDL


1952 BDL


6.3 BDL





Near Adappar new tail end Regulator Borewell


8.04 26.1 2609 BDL


1524 BDL


6.7 BDL





Near Thiruvalanjuli Regulator Surface water 7.85 26.2 3331 20 1952 12 6.8 11.5 3.6 22

Near Pamani Regulator Surface water 7.52 26.6 2160 4.2 1261 8.5 6.6 8.1 3.5 26

Near Umbalacheri Regulator Surface water 7.18 25.7 6928 34.6 4044 42.3 5.2 38.6 16.5 30

Near Adappar new tail end Regulator Surface water 7.02 26.2 98000 140 57141 368 4.5 521 153 27


Table 3.5.21 Water Quality Analysis Results Harichandranathi River - Season 1 Month of May 2017

Location Sample


pH Temp









in mg/l

DO in


COD in mg/l BOD in mg/l Feacal


µmohs/Cm NTU mg/l in MPN/100ml

Near Harichandra Head Regulator Borewell water 7.08 26.2 1611 BDL 942 BDL 6.5 BDL BDL 60

(DL:1.0) (DL:2.0) (DL:4.0) (DL:2.0) Near Althambady Regulator Borewell water 7.65 26.4 2802 BDL 1643 BDL 6.2 BDL BDL 45

(DL:1.0) (DL:2.0) (DL:4.0) (DL:2.0) Near Brinjimoolai Regulator Borewell water 7.3 26.1 1695 BDL 980 BDL 6.7 BDL BDL 50

(DL:1.0) (DL:2.0) (DL:4.0) (DL:2.0) Near Harichandra new tail end Borewell water 7.32 26.2 1512 BDL 890 BDL 6.3 BDL BDL 40

Regulator (DL:1.0) (DL:2.0) (DL:4.0) (DL:2.0) Near Harichandra Head Regulator Surface water 7.49 26.2 6706 68.5 3920 86.2 6.8 142 47 34

Near Althambady Regulator Surface water 8.03 26.6 1148 3.5 669.8 6.2 6.6 10.3 3.2 30

Near Brinjimoolai Regulator Surface water 6.85 25.8 9651 382 5641 414 6.7 293 62 40 Near Harichandra new tail end Surface water 7.54 26.2 4214 34.5 2457 47.2 6.8 162 31 33

Regulator IS 10500 : 2012 Drinking Acceptable Limit 6.5 - - 1 500 - - - - <2

water standards - 8.5 Permissible limit No - - 5 2000 - - - - <2



Table 3.5.22 Water Quality Analysis Results Pandavaiyar River - Season 1 Month of January 2017

Koradacherry Village Borewell water 7.43 26.4 896.4 BDL


524 BDL


6.6 BDL





Near to Mangudi


Borewell water 7.14 26.6 1073 1.2 642 BDL


6.4 BDL





Pudhupathur Village Borewell water 7.75 26.2 1904 2.3 1127 BDL


6.3 4.8 2.4 50

Eraiyankudi Village Borewell water 7.28 26.2 1901 BDL


1134 BDL


6.4 BDL





Koradacherry Village Surface water 7.57 25.2 3402 11.9 1931 47.4 6.7 40.3 10.8 <2

Near to Mangudi


Surface water 7.8 26.3 694.5 49.5 409 62.8 6.8 222 51 <2

Pudhupathur Village Surface water 8.06 25.7 1326 28 805 34 6.7 40.3 12 <2

Old Edayur Surface water 8.05 25.5 4285 32.7 2537 38 6.8 20.2 6 <2

Table 3.5.23 Water Quality An alysis Resu lts Panda vaiyar River - Season 2 Mo nth of J une 2017

Location Sample


pH Temp



in µmohs/Cm



TDS in



in mg/l

DO in








NTU mg/l mg/l in MPN/100ml

Koradacherry Village Borewell water 7.61 26.5 918.1 BDL (DL:1.0) 568 BDL (DL:2.0) 6.3 BDL (DL:4.0) BDL (DL:2.0) 17

Near to Mangudi


Borewell water 7.26 26.2 1124 1.5 676 BDL (DL:2.0) 6.5 BDL (DL:4.0) BDL (DL:2.0) 14

Maruvathur Village Borewell water 7.64 26.6 2380 BDL (DL:1.0) 1395 BDL (DL:2.0) 6.5 BDL (DL:4.0) BDL (DL:2.0) 33

Eraiyankudi Village Borewell water 7.19 26.2 1890 BDL (DL:1.0) 1192 BDL (DL:2.0) 6.6 BDL (DL:4.0) BDL (DL:2.0) 22

Koradacherry Village Surface water 7.81 25.8 3511 13.4 2046 53.6 6.6 46.8 11.3 <2 Near to Mangudi


Surface water 8.04 26.1 654.1 56.1 426 64.9 6.7 251 58 <2

Pudhupathur Village Surface water 7.64 26.4 6777 22.3 3974 15.3 6.6 60 11.4 <2

Old Edayur Surface water 7.69 26.2 4356 35.4 2467 44.2 6.7 22.4 5.7 <2

Drinking - 8.5 water standards Permissible limit No


- - 5 2000 - - - - <2

Location Sample


pH Temp



in µmohs/Cm



TDS in



in mg/l

DO in mg/l COD






in MPN/100ml NTU mg/l mg/l


Quality Monitoring Conclusion:

45. Ambient air sampling was carried out at 24 stations, as detailed in Table 3.5.4 – Table

3.5.9, during the month January/May/June 2017 following standard protocols and methods

of CPCB for determinants like PM10, PM2.5, SO2, NOx, CO and analyzed by NABL-QCI

approved laboratory. These results were compared with NAAQM standards. From the

results it may be observed that PM 10 varied between 50.8 and 67.0 µg/m3. PM2.5 varied

between 13.0 and 26.0 µg/m3. It may be noted that PM10 & PM2.5 are in the ratio of 2:1.

SO2 values varied between BDL(DL:8.0 µg/m3) and 12.1 µg/m3. NOx values varied

between 14.3 & 21.8 µg/m3. . CO values are BDL(DL:1.1 mg/m3). It is evident

from the results that all parameters are within the National Standards showing acceptable

quality of ambient air

46. The maximum Noise levels during day time (L day) is 60.5 dB (A). The Maximum night

time value (Lnight) is 51.0 dB (A). Noise levels for all the locations were found to be

below the limits as compared with prescribed limits for Residential area. The noise levels

are more in the location near pamani regulator of Adappar river and mangudi regulator of

Panavaiyar river due to the heavy vehicular movement at the highway and it is the centre

for both the State High ways. But all the values are found to be within the limits.

47. The analysis results for the ground water (GW) and surface water (SW) samples from the

rivers and adjacent corridor areas are given in the Table 3.5.18 – Table 3.5.22. As seen

from the above tables, the pH value of the groundwater samples ranges between 6.89 and

8.04. The total dissolved solids of the GW sample in all the locations ranges between 298

and 2676 mg/l. The values of Turbidity of GW sample in all the locations were in the range

of 2.3 and BDL (DL:1.0 NTU).

48. During execution, the Environmental Monitoring Plan followed by the contractors are

being monitored by the PMU, PIUs and the Environmental Specialist.. The Environmental

Monitoring compliance of is presented in Table.3.5.22.


Table 3.5.24 Environmental Monitoring Compliance Status

S.No. Parameters to be


Measurement Status of Compliance

1 Incorporation of

mitigation measures

into design and site


Design check Being Complied

2 Minimization of tree

cutting by best fitting

of cross section for re-


Site visit and


with design


Being Complied

3 Incorporation of

construction stage

mitigation measures in

contract documents

Inspection of



Being Complied. For ongoing packages the same

has already been inspected.

4 Preparation of


management plan

Inspection of


Being Complied.

5 Implementation of

mitigation measures

Site visits


with local



Inspection of



Being Complied.

6 Borrow pits -

Ensure sites are

managed as described

in EMP

Site visits Being Complied. The detailed discussion under

compliance of earth and sand mining.

7 Ambient air quality PM10,

PM2.5, NOX,

SO2, Benzene

Complied. During the reporting period seasonal Air

quality monitoring conducted under four contract

packages and i.e. for, 4(Four) River alignment

under the project. Detailed results presented under

Environmental Monitoring.


8 Noise Sound level,


Complied. During the reporting period seasonal

Noise quality monitored under four contract

packages and i.e. for, 4(Four) River alignment

under the project. Detailed results presented under

Environmental Monitoring.

The samples of noise level collected are

representative of residential, commercial in urban,

rural, industrial and institutional. These samples also

covered the area of location where interventions of

construction, construction camp, labour camp.

The list of areas where noise level is higher than

the National standards is given as under.

Vellaiyar:- Ayakudi, Ervaikkadu

Adappar:- Thiruvalanjuli, Pamini, Tail End


Harichandranathi:- Head regulator, Alathanbadi,

Prinjimulai, New Tail End


Pandavaiyar:- Mangudi, Koradacheri, Maravathur.

The higher noise levels are due to the main

roads nearby the worksites. No schools (or) clinic is

located nearby the above area.

9 Surface Water and

Ground Water


pH, BOD,






Complied. During the reporting period Surface

Water Quality & Ground Water Quality monitored

under four contract packages and i.e. for, 4(Four)

River alignment under the project. Detailed results

presented under Environmental Monitoring.


10 Dredged material

Ensure they are being

transported and

disposed of as

discussed in the EMP


disposal sites

and ensure



material are


Being Complied.

11 Construction and


Compensatory tree




Being complied


4. Any other Environmental Aspects, Impacts observed during Implementation which were

not covered earlier

49. As discussed earlier, environmental issues identified through initial environmental

examination (IEE) are manageable and a range of proven mitigation strategies exist to

address them. The IEE has assessed all potential environmental impacts associated with the

project due to location, design, construction and operation. There are no environmental

impacts which are significant or complex or which need an in-depth study to assess the

impact or to develop mitigation measures. No specific problem was noticed during the

period under report.

50. Though the mitigation measures suggested in the EMP are being implemented through the

contract provisions, proper documentation is lagging. The documentation of EMP

implementation at contractor’s level will be streamlined with the introduction of checklist

system and providing regular trainings. The streamlined functioning will improve the

monitoring system and ensure effective implementation of EMP.

5. Details of Grievance Redress Committee and complaints received from public and actions

taken thereof to resolve

51. The Project Grievance Redress Mechanism has been initiated and made responsible, for

handling public complaints regarding Environmental related matters. The format for the

Environmental Safeguards- Complaint Register to be maintained at PIU/PMU level along

with the Sample grievance form is in place and necessary instructions regarding the same

were shared with PMU and with PIUs through PMU. vide PMU Ltr No .DB/F-11/2016/

dated: 31-08-2016 for the GRM including the relevant forms. No complaint received so

far. All public complaints will be subjected to enter into the Complaints Register. The

contractor will promptly investigate and review Environmental complaints related with the

construction works and adopt appropriate corrective actions to arrest or mitigate the cause

of the complaints. The complaint register will be placed at a convenient place, easily

accessible by the public.


52. Continuous consultation and information dissemination is recommended to avoid any

misinformation about the project and in particular about the construction activities. The

nominated environment officer of PMU/PIU will act as single contact point under first tier

GRM. A complaint register will be maintained at PMU/PIU level with details of

complaints lodged, date of personal hearing, action taken and date of communication sent

to complainant. The WRD and contractor will resolve minor complaints such as

disturbances due to construction activity immediately.

53. WRD will maintain a log of complaints made. When a stakeholder raises an issue with the

PMU or PIU every attempt will be made to respond speedily, if the PMU or PIU are unable

to find a resolution within three days of receiving the complaint it will be raised to the

second tier. The engineers deputed to oversee environmental monitoring will report to the

Project Director of the PMU. It is proposed that the aggrieved persons first register the

grievances with the AEE/SDO. After receipt of a grievance, the SDO/AEE will take it to

the project level committee he/she will be responsible for taking up the matter during the

next immediate meeting within 10 days of receipt of grievance and initiate measures for

redress. No grievance can be kept pending for more than a month which means the

committee has to meet every month. Implementation of the redress rests with the PMU. At

any stage of the GRM, if the aggrieved party is not satisfied with the decision of the GRC,

they are free to approach a court of law. The GRM will not impede their access to the

country’s legal system. No Environmental safeguards related grievance received so far.

6. Follow-up Actions and Conclusions

54. The monitoring report confirms that the implementation of the ongoing packages of the

project Loan -3394 IND of WRD,PWD Tamilnadu are in process of compliance and have

so far caused no serious negative Environmental impacts. The Corrective Actions for the

shortcomings observed during the field visits have been communicated to all concerned.

Corrective measures for the same have already been initiated by the concerned i.e. by the

Contractors and PMU/PIU authorities. However, Institutional arrangements as prescribed

in the IEE and Loan Covenants are strictly being followed for better monitoring of

Environmental Management Plan.














From To

Er.M.Mohamed Salim Babu, B.E., Executive Engineer, PWD., WRD., Project Management Unit, Trichy-20.

1. The Executive Engineer, WRD., Vennar Basin Division, (PIU-I) Thiruvarur .

2. The Executive Engineer, WRD., Special Project Division, (PIU-II) Thanjavur.

Ltr No .DB/F-11/2016/ dated: 24 -08-2016.


Sub: CRZ – Construction/reconstruction/ repairing in Harichandranathi, Vellaiyar,

Pandavaiyar, Valavanar and Vedharanyam Canal in Keevalur, Nagapattinam,

Vedharanyam and Thirukkuvalai Taluks of Nagapattinam District proposed by

the PWD – Clearance under CRZ Notification 2011 – order issued.


Proceeding of the Member Secretary TNSCZMA & Director of Environment,

Chennai-15 Proc.No.P1/445/2016/dt: 08.08.2016.


The kind attention of the Executive Engineer’s invited to the reference cited, where in necessary CRZ Clearance is issued for the above project subject to the following specific conditions.

a) The proposed activity shall not cause hindrance to the fishing and allied activities. b) Only those structures mentioned in the proposal shall be repaired / constructed. c) The concrete mix proposed for downstream cut off wall may be changed as M30 as per IS 456-

2000 as the structures are come under severe environmental exposure conditions. d) Stainless steel structures should be used in the grade of 310 L. e) The structures should be properly protected by suitable metalizing process. f) Painting should be done immediately after erection of shutters as per IS 14177:1994 (guidelines

for painting systems for hydraulic gates and hoist) indicated by the IIT, Madras. g) All the suggestions indicated by the IIT Madras in their technical opinion should be adhered.

Hence the Executive Engineer’s are requested to adhere to the directions given by

TNSCZMA, and incorporate the conditions during execution.

Encl: Copy of reference cited Executive Engineer, WRD., Project Management Unit,

ADB-CAVSCD Project, Trichy – 20.


Copy submitted to the Chief Engineer, WRD, Project Director – CAVSCDP, Trichy Region, Trichy for kind information. Copy submitted to the Superintending Engineer, WRD, Lower Cauvery Basin Circle, Thanjavur for kind information and necessary action please.

Executive Engineer, WRD., Project Management Unit,

ADB-CAVSCD Project, Trichy – 20.

Copy with a copy of enclosure communicated to the following for information and request follow up action. 1. Thiru.Sethurathinam Subbiah,

Project Management Specialist PMU, Trichy-20.

2. Gyanesh Shukla, Environment Specialist PMU, Trichy.

Executive Engineer, WRD., Project Management Unit, ADB-CAVSCD Project,

Trichy – 20.



River Name District


Removal process Enumeration process Action

taken for

officer Total no. No. of Balance Length of Enumeration Balance No. of cutting

incharge of trees trees to be river where done so far length to be Trees process identifie

d removed

so far

removed enumeration

to be done


(kms) enumerated counte d

Pandavaiyar Thiruvarur 17756 13572 4184 --- --- --- --- Removal

of balance

trees is


due to want




Vellaiyar Thiruvarur 12143 12143 --- --- --- --- ---



Thiruvarur --- --- --- 42.840 42.840 --- 10900 Proposal is


Adappar Thiruvarur --- --- --- 6.786 6.786 --- 3513 process for


funds from

the Govt.



is under

Sl. River Name Revenue Status as Revenue (RDO) process WRD Process Remarks

No Division on incharge Total no. Permission Balance Auction No. of Balance

of trees obtained process trees no. of identified from RDO done disposed trees for so far off disposal

1. Pandavaiyar Thiruvarur & 20.04.2017


2295 1406 889 385 385 1021

Present 2295 1406 889 385 385 1021 stage

2. Vellaiyar Thiruvarur, 20.04.2017


3390 3390 -- 382 382 3008

& Present 3390 3390 -- 731 731 2659

Nagapattinam stage

3. Harichandra Thiruvarur, 20.04.2017

nathi Mannargudi

4088 626 3462 -- -- 626 Verification

by Revenue

& Present

Nagapattinam stage

4088 2293 1795 -- -- 2293 department

4. Adappar Mannargudi 20.04.2017 3339 -- -- -- -- -- progress

Nagapattinam Present 3389 781 2558 -- -- 781

stage 5. Valavanar Mannargudi 20.04.2017


336 -- 336 -- -- --

Present 336 -- 336 -- -- -- stage

TOTAL 13498 7870 5578 1116 1116 6754





River Name Divisional





Status as on EB structures Action to be taken by TANGEDCO





No. of



Total Estimate


d for



on Amount

remitted to


No. of

poles &




Balance to be


1. Pandavaiyar Thiruvarur


20.04.2017 339 10 349 -- -- -- 349

Present stage 339 10 349 7 7 7 342

2. Vellaiyar Manargudi



20.04.2017 454 6 460 196 196 02 458

Present stage 454 6 460 359 196 04 456

3. Harichandranathi Manargudi



20.04.2017 453 6 459 226 14 -- 459

Present stage 726 11 737 226 38 -- 737

4. Adappar Thiruvarur


20.04.2017 330 6 336 -- -- -- 336

Present stage 330 6 336 -- -- -- 336

5. Valavanar Thiruvarur


20.04.2017 62 2 64 -- -- -- 64

Present stage 62 2 64 -- -- -- 64

6. Vedharanayam


Nagapattinam 20.04.2017 96 7 103 -- -- 01 102

Present stage 96 7 103 -- -- 01 102

TOTAL 2007 42 2049 592 241 12 2037








Detailed Compliance status with earth and sand mining

Borrow Earth - Under the project the arrangement for locating the source of supply of material for embankment as well as compliance to environmental requirements, as applicable, shall be the sole responsibility of the contractor. The environmental Officer of WRD is required to inspect borrow area location prior to approval and the operation and rehabilitation of borrow area shall be according to Madras Detailed Standard Specification (MDSS) and Environmental Code of Practices given in Annexure. WRD has already identified several borrow sites. The details of compliance status with earth mining is given under.










Sand Mining- As per Tamilnadu Govt. new sand policy, online purchase of sand for construction purposes has been made compulsory by the Tamil Nadu government from July 1,2017 in a move aimed at ensuring a hassle free experience for consumers. Henceforth, both truck owners involved in distribution of sand as well as the general public have to register online for purchasing sand.“From July 1, 2017, the general public and truck owners (who procure and supply sand from quarries) can meet their sand requirements only by booking online. The same is to help the government meet consumers’ demand and ensure adequate supply of sand at lower rates as they can make advance bookings. Further, trucks involved in supplying sand can now receive the same from quarries and other designated spots at specifically alloted time slots, rather than waiting for long hours outside the quarries. The details of project compliance status with sand mining is given under.










ANNEX-9- Additional Information

The additional information of volume needed for the quarrying materials is given below as part of Annexture-9.

Name of Works

Name of


Quarry materials requirements (m3)




Earth for



CW-1 Harichandranathi

JSR /Avantika 1,23,262




CW-2 Adappar

JSR /KC 49,957




CW-3 Vellaiyar

JSR /MKS/VIL 66,557




CW-4 Pandavaiyar

Shipatti 39,667




CW-5 Valavanar

Thir C. Vadivelu 14,672 27,728 3,27,100 43,340

CW-6 V.Canal








There will be possibility for no closure of approved stone quarry since required quantity is much

available. Similarly, new quarries for sand & gravel will be opened with environmental clearance

soon after the closure of the functioning quarries. For earth mining only, the district

administration is being approached for getting clearance to extract earth from borrow area

identified and approved by PMU. In a few reaches, the earth was taken from private quarry duly

approved by mines Department. In general, adequate quantities of all materials available

surrounding the project area.










Name of works Name of the Contractor

Permanent labour camp accommodation

Conditions and facilities given

CW1: Harichandranathi

JSR Avanthika 1. Village Mannakudi 10-15 rooms rented building

2. Village Alamthambadi 2 nos. houses rented

The labour camps are

the rental buildings

located sufficiently away

from the village hamlets

so that no conflict will

arise. The camps are

provided with sufficient

water and sanitation

facilities including

disposal system of

wastage from the camp.

No women labour are

living in the camps.

CW-2 Adappar River

JSR KC 1. Village Pamini – 2 Nos. of rented houses

2. Village Umblacheri - 3 nos. rented house.

CW-3 Vellaiyar River

JSR MKS VIL 1. Village Eravaikudi – 3 nos. rented house

2. Village Valivalam 1 No. rented house

3. Village Mavoor 2 Nos. house rented

4. Chithiraiour village 2 Nos. rented house

5. Village Lakshmumangudi 2 Nos. rented houses

6. Boothamangalam village 2 rented house

7. Ogaiyuperaiur village 1 rented house

CW-4 Pandavaiyar River

Sripathy 1. Mangudy village 1 No. rented house

2. Kalyanamahadevi 1 No. house rented

3. Sithanakudi 1 No. house rented 4. Koradachery 1 No. house

rented 5. Sigar 2 Nos. houses rented 6. Nagalur village 1 No. house


CW-5 Valavanar Drain

Thiru.C.Vadivelu 1. 10 rooms accommodated in Thanikottagam village

CW-6 V.Canal

Annai Infrastructure development

1. Village Vellapallam 2 Nos. houses rented



Ambient Air qulity and noise quality monitoring

Covering Transportation of Earth @LS 5400 m (Valavanar)

Existing crematoria and re-established crematoria near Village Eriyangudi (144 LB CW-3 package)


Water quality Monitoring sample Suppression of dust through

Covered Construction Camp Site CW-4 Contractors records of sand sale


