InCommon Assurance Discussion on NSTIC Acitivities Jack Suess April 10, 2014 4-02-2014IDESG TFTM...


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IDESG TFTM Committee 1

InCommon Assurance Discussion on NSTIC Acitivities

Jack SuessApril 10, 2014


IDESG TFTM Committee 24-02-2014

IDESG TFTM Committee 3

How IDESG relates to InCommon


IDESG – has 12 stakeholder groups – ours is research, education and innovation.• Stakeholder groups are broad and we must expect that a

stakeholder community will have multiple Trust Fed (TF).• IDESG is a TDO that rationalizes trustmark definitions to be

used across all TrustFeds.• TrustFeds join the IDESG and are responsible for


IDESG TFTM Committee 4

Trust Federations


• Trust federations (TF) will generally work within a community that has similar business and operational requirements.

• Trust federations may define community specific trustmarks used solely in that TF.

• TF’s will likely need to support a broad range of TM’s so that IDP’s can access services from many Relying Parties.

IDESG TFTM Committee 5

How Are Stakeholder Community Trustmarks Created in IDESG


IDESG TFTM Committee 64-02-2014

Full range of trustmarks and user privacy controls
