Inaugural function of the 5th International Symposium on ... · achieved the first breakthrough in...


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Inaugural function of the 5th International Symposium onCage Aquaculture in Asia held at Kochi

see page 3

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Dr. A. GopalakrishnanDirectorICAR-Central Marine Fisheries Research InstitutePost Box No. 1603, Ernakulam North P.O.Kochi - 682 018, Kerala, IndiaTelephone: 0484-2394867Fax: 91-484-2394909E-mail:

A. GopalakrishnanDirector





Warm greetings to all.

The potential to increase marine fish production in

India through sea farming isconsiderable although cageaquaculture in the country is stillonly in its early developmentstage. ICAR-CMFRI pioneeredresearch in the open sea cageculture in India as well as

achieved the first breakthrough in breeding and seed production of severalcommercially important marine food fishes such as Cobia and SilverPompano. R & D efforts are underway to achieve similar success in othergroups such as groupers and Red snapper in the coming years. In thiscontext, the 5th International Symposium on Cage Aquaculture in Asiahosted by the Institute witnessed many scientific deliberations which willbe helpful in developing the necessary technologies. It has also come outwith several recommendations that will surely aid the process of a BlueRevolution in India. The efforts of all those who strived to make the eventa striking success deserve compliments. During the period, the planningfor National Marine Fisheries Census 2016 with support from theDepartment of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries (DAHD & F)was completed and the database compiled in specially designed forms onthe socio-economic, infrastructure and other associated data from thecoastal fishing villages and fishermen will be digitized. This will be invaluableduring planning fisheries development schemes or policies for the country.We could also successfully collate stakeholders' opinion from various regionsto aid the formulation of the new National Marine Fisheries Policy by theUnion Government . As we enter the new year 2016, it is gladdening tonote that the Puri Field Centre of ICAR-CMFRI has been opened, whichwill certainly make all efforts to fulfill the needs of marine fishermen of theregion through their research out-reach and training programs. As the newyear unfolds, it is time to approach our work with renewed vigour anddedication and I wish everyone a very successful New Year 2016.


The Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Kochi, is a premier research Instituteunder the Indian Council of Agricultural Research, devoted to research and training inmarine fisheries and mariculture.

CMFRI has three Regional Centres viz., Mandapam Camp, Visakhapatnam and Veravaland seven Research Centres located along the Indian coastline, catering to the marinefishery policy needs of all maritime states of the country.


Dr. U. Ganga

Editorial Board

Dr. Rekha J. Nair

Dr. R. Jeyabaskaran

Dr. Kajal Chakraborty

Shri. D. Linga Prabu

Smt. P. Geetha

Shri. Arun Surendran

Shri. P. R. Abhilash

Director speaks

CMFRI Hosts the 5th InternationalSymposium on Cage Aquaculturein Asia (CAA5) 3

Research Highlights 14

Training/Extension 17

Delegates/Visitors 19

Awards 19

Swachh Bharat 21

Official Language Implementation 21

KVK (Ernakulam) News 22

Programme Participations 23

Human Resources Development 24

Personnel 26

ICAR-CMFRI hosts the 5th InternationalSymposium on Cage Aquaculture in Asia (CAA5)

ICAR-Central Marine Fisheries ResearchInstitute and the Indian Branch of the

Asian Fisheries Society (AFS) hosted the5th International Symposium on CageAquaculture in Asia (CAA5) in Kochi, Indiaduring 25-28th November 2015. Theinaugural function held on 25th

November 2015 began with a welcomeaddress by Dr. A. Gopalakrishnan,Convener, CAA5 and Director, ICAR-CMFRI. Invitees and delegates from India,

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Release of CAA5 Souvenir (from L-R) Dr. A. Gopalakrishnan, Dr. Alice Joan Ferrer, Dr. J. K. Jena, Dr. S. Ayyappan, Dr. Derek Staples,Prof. (Dr.) Mohan Joseph Modayil and Dr. Mridula Rajesh

Norway, Indonesia, United Kingdom,Korea and Philippines were present onthe occasion. He acknowledged theAsian Fisheries Society for providing theopportunity to host this prestigious eventat Kochi which included a symposiumtheme talk, keynote address for eachsession and lead talks by eminentresearchers and experts cageaquaculture. 252 participants from 10countries (Norway, UK, Australia, South

Korea, Indonesia, Vietnam, Philippines,Thailand, Iran, China) were presentbesides Indian delegates. Onesymposium theme lecture, 6 keynoteaddress, 17 lead talks, 141 abstracts, 42oral and 75 poster presentations weremade. An exhibition of cage culturetechnology, products and services with21 exhibitors, had stalls displaying theirproducts / services. Presentations in 6different sessions pertaining to recentadvances and research activities in thefield of cage aquaculture were made.From over 200 submissions received, thebest were summarized in the Book ofAbstracts which was also released duringthe function. Convener CAA5 expressedhis hope that the Symposium wouldmeet the objectives and initiatives ofICAR, MPEDA, SAUs and NGOs incontributing to aquaculture growth inIndia and that it would provide a platformfor the country to take up cage culture ina sustainable manner.

Felicitatory messages received fromthe Hon’ble President of India, Shri.Pranab Mukherjee, Vice President, ShriMohammed Hameed Ansari, UnionWelcome Address by the Dr. A. Gopalakrishnan, Convener CAA5, Director, ICAR-CMFRI

Agriculture Minister, Shri. Radha MohanSingh, Hon. Chief Minister of Kerala, Shri.Oommen Chandy and the President,Asian Fisheries Society, Prof. ShuolinHuang who flagged the importance of thesymposium were also read out.

After the Welcome address, Dr. AliceJoan Ferrer, Vice President, Asian FisheriesSociety, Malaysia spoke briefly on theactivities of AFS past. A two minutessilence was observed as a mark of respectto the departed souls of Dr. S. Z. Qasim,Honorary Life Member AFS, Prof. H. P.C. Shetty, Founder Chairman, AFSIB andpast AFS Councillor and Mr. J. V. H.Dixitulu, former Managing Editor ofFishing Chimes.

In his Presidential address, Dr. J. K.Jena, Chairman, AFSIB emphasized theneed for governmental policies tosupport cage farming in open waters. Hesaid that the slogan at present was notonly fish for all for today and tomorrowbut also forever. He said that India could

take cues from countries such as Norway,Chile and China.

Prof. (Dr.) Mohan Joseph Modayil,Former Member, ASRB and MemberCouncil Advisory Group (CAG), AFS,was the Guest of Honour for thefunction. He expressed happiness at theresponse shown by the participants toCAA5 and congratulated efforts to makethis conference successful when cageaquaculture is still in its infancy in India.Highlighting the prospects of cage cultureto a developing country like India wherefish is not only an item of food but also ofemployment opportunities he pointedout that Asia is now emerging as asuperpower in aquaculture. He flaggedthe issues of environmental safety,entrepreneurship, consumer health andalso highlighted prospects of Asiancountries to gain from cage aquaculture.He emphasized that there is no need forany competition between countries andwhat is rather needed is sharing of skills,knowledge and expertise with concerted

efforts of Asian countries to takeecofriendly cage culture forward.

Dr. Derek Staples, Immediate PastPresident, AFS, in his address stressedthat the fisheries society in Asia needs toundergo a major reform with respect toconnectivity among Asian countries.

The Book of Abstracts and Souvenirof the Symposium were released by theChief Guest Dr. S. Ayyappan. In hisInaugural address he opined that it wasapt that CAA5 was held in Kochi whichmay be rightly called the fisheries capitalof India. He recounted his firstexperiments in freshwater cage culturealong with Dr. Kumaraiah, way back in1982. He mentioned that the food basketis getting diversified from cereals to meatto fish and the biggest challenge now isClimate Change which ICAR- CMFRI isalso addressing. Highlighting theachievements made by ICAR-CMFRI incage culture at Veraval, Karwar,Mandapam and Kochi he mentioned thatpresent day emphasis is on environment

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Address by Guest of HonourProf. (Dr.) Mohan Joseph Modayil,

CAG, AFS, Malaysia

Presidential address by Dr. J. K. Jena,Chairman, AFSIB and DDG (Fisheries), ICAR

Address by the Chief GuestDr. S. Ayyappan, Secretary, DARE & DG, ICAR

Address by Dr. Alice Joan Ferrer Address by Dr. Derek Staples, Immediate Past President, AFS

friendly and sustainable practices incapture fisheries as well as aquaculture.He expressed hope that the symposiumwould provide an opportunity forexchange of ideas between India andNorway who are the leaders in cageculture. Today, the Indian youth is lookingforward to challenging ideas andopportunities and cage culture will besuch an opportunity he added. He furtheremphasized that multiple use of watershould be resorted to and complimentedthe efforts of the youngsters fromJharkhand on their success in cage farmingin the reservoirs. He also said that astrong combination of seed availability,feed, skill and will were the need of thehour for further development of cageaquaculture in India. Stressing that cageculture can provide opportunity for aparadigm shift for production of foodfrom land to water bodies, Dr. Ayyappanconcluded his address by wishing thedelegates fruitful deliberations.

The AFSIB R & D Innovation Awardswere presented to experts who hadsignificantly contributed for thedevelopment of cage culture in India. Thisincluded Mr. Sanjay V. Raut, President(Technical & New Businesses), Garware-Wall Ropes Limited, Pune, Dr. ThampiSamraj, Director, Rajiv Gandhi Centre forAquaculture, MPEDA, Kochi, Prof. (Dr.)Mohan Joseph Modayil, FormerMember, ASRB and Former Director,ICAR-CMFRI, Dr. G. Syda Rao, FormerDirector, ICAR-CMFRI, Dr. G.Gopakumar, Emeritus Scientist, ICAR-CMFRI and Dr. P. Kumaraiah, formerPrincipal Scientist, ICAR-CIFA. Dr.Mridula Rajesh, Treasurer, AFSIBproposed the vote of thanks.

Distinguished guests at thesymposium included Dr. V. V. Sugunanand Dr. Madan Mohan (Former ADGs(Fisheries), ICAR), Dr. P. S. B. R. James,Dr. V. N. Pillai (Former Directors,CMFRI), Dr. S. D. Tripathi (Former

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Keynote address by Mr. Trond Severinsen(Norway) in Session I on Marine Production Systems

Lead lecture by Dr. Asmund Bjordal (Director,Institute of Marine Research, Norway)

in Session III

Lead lecture by Dr. Ketut Sugama (Indonesia)in Session III on Breeding and Seed Production

Keynote address by Prof. Trevor Platt in Session Ion Marine Production Systems

Director, ICAR-CIFE). Dr. S. W. A Naqvi,Director, CSIR-NIO, Goa; Dr. P.Ravishankar, Director, ICAR-CIFT, Dr. K.K. Vijayan, Director, ICAR-CIBA,Chennai and Dr. P. Jayasankar, Director,ICAR-CIFA, Bhubaneswar besides manyother eminent personalities in the fieldof fisheries and aquaculture.

The Symposium Theme lecture“Greening the Asian Cage AquacultureConstruct” was delivered by Prof. (Dr.)Mohan Joseph Modayil. The keynotespeakers were Mr. Trond Severinsen(Norway) (Marine Production Systems),Dr. V. V. Sugunan (Inland ProductionSystems), Dr. G. Gopakumar (Breedingand Seed Production), Dr. P E VijayAnand, USSC (Nutrition and Feed), Dr.Brit Hjeltnes, (Norway) (Health andEnvironment Management), and Dr.Marius Dalen, (Norway) (Economics,Livelihood and Policies). All sessions hadlead talks by eminent speakers andscientists from different organisations inIndia and abroad. They were Dr. NielsSvennevig (Vietnam), Dr. Clive Jones(Australia), Dr. K. G. Padmakumar (India),Dr. A. K. Das (India), Mr. Uttam KumarSubuddhi, IFS (India), Dr. AsmundBjordal, Director, IMR (Norway), Dr.Ketut Sugama (Indonesia), Dr. KristofferLunde, EWOS (Norway), Prof. TrevorPlatt (Plymouth, presently JawaharlalNehru Science Fellow, India), Dr. K. K.Vijayan, Director, ICAR-CIBA (India), Dr.Indrani Karunasagar (India), Dr.Murwantoko (Department of Fisheries,Faculty of Agriculture (Indonesia), Dr. PRavichandran, Member Secretary,Coastal Aquaculture Authority, (India),Mr. Suresh Kumar, DGM, NABARD,(India) and Mr. Jacob Joseph, Asst.Professor, NUALS, (India). There wereoral and poster presentation in eachsession by scientists and students fromdifferent organisations in India andabroad.The Exhibition and Trade showinaugurated by Dr. Derek Staples, AFS(Malaysia) had 22 stalls which included

Delgates at the Symposium

State and Central Government Agencies,ICAR institutes, Fisheries Universities,Entrepreneurs, Banks and NGOs.

The Plenary and valedictory sessionof CAA5 was held on 27th November,2015. After the welcome address by Dr.B. Shamasunder, Secretary AFSIB, Dr. S.D. Tripathi, Dr. K. K. Philipose,Coordinator, All India Network Project

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Lead lecture by Dr. Kristoffer Lunde (Norway)in Session IV on Nutrition and Feed

Keynote address by Dr. Brit Hjeltnes (Norway)in Session V on Health and Environment Management

Keynote address by Dr. Marius Dalen (Norway)in session VI on Economics, Livelihood and Policies

Presentation of AFSIB R&D Innovation Award to M/s. Garware Wall Ropes Ltd.

Presentation of AFSIB R&D Innovation Award to Prof. Dr. Mohan Joseph Modayil

Presentation of AFSIB R&D Innovation Award to Dr. G. Gopakumar

Presentation of AFSIB R&D Innovation Award to Dr. P. Kumaraiah

Presentation of Award toMr. V. Dinakaran, Chairman,


(Mariculture), Dr. Imelda Joseph, Head inCharge, Mariculture Division, ICAR-CMFRI and Dr. Derek Staples, expressedtheir views about the Symposium andappreciated the success of thesymposium. Dr. J. K. Jena, President,AFSIB presented the concluding remarksand the recommendations of thesymposium. Prof. (Dr.) Mohan JosephModayil announced the awards for thebest three papers and posters.MATSYAFED Kerala was presented withan award in recognition of their supportto the cage culture programmes in thecountry by supplying the nets at nominalrates to the fishers. Mr. V. Dinakaran,Chairman, MATSYAFED and Ex-MLA, onreceiving the award, stated that theorganization will continue supportingICAR-CMFRI in their cage cultureendeavours. The program concludedwith the vote of thanks by Dr. A.Gopalakrishnan, Director, ICAR-CMFRIand Convener, CAA5.

Recommendations of CAA5Considering the emerging importance of cage aquaculture on the economy

and life of the Asian region, the CAA5 recommends

1. A precautionary development agenda for environment and resourcefriendly, sustainable and inclusive way forward for Asian countries by sharinginformation and experiences for the benefit of all.

2. Collective efforts between Asian countries to foster a green approach byfollowing best management practices for providing safe fish.

3. Development of breeding and grow-out technologies of indigenouscandidate species, specific to each country, with emphasis on diversificationin both inland and marine cage aquaculture.

4. Greater focused research attention on feed development, with emphasison reduced use of fish meal and fish oil, and feed management approachfor prospective candidate species for cage aquaculture in the Asian region.

5. Development and implementation of countryspecific disease surveillanceand management plans for addressing existing diseases and preventingfuture outbreaks.

6. A greater thrust on R & D on multispecies farming; involving fish, molluscs,seaweeds and scavengers for utilization of multi-trophic food niches forpreventing environmental deterioration.

7. Development and adoption of National policies for each country, takinginto consideration harmonized approaches delineating maximum biomassproduction for sites in inland and marine water bodies, so as to preventadverse impacts on the aquatic environment of neighbouring countries.

8. Mapping of sites for cage aquaculture, taking into consideration local areadevelopment plans, environmental safeguards and user rights; further,notifying and demarcating culture sites must receive attention in eachcountry so as to promote harmonious development.

9. Facilitation of private-public participation in commercial cage farming toattract increased investment and entrepreneurial development.

10. Sharing of knowledge and skill for development of cage aquaculturethrough collaborative programmes in research, training and humanresource development.

Award for best paper presentation toDr. G. Grinson and Team

Award for best paper presentation toDr. M. K. Anil and Team

Award for best poster presentation toDr. P. A. Vikas and Team

Award for best poster presentation toDr. K. Madhu and Team

Inauguration of Trade Show by Dr. Derek Staples Visit to CMFRI stall by Dr. S. Ayyappan, DG, ICAR

CAA5 Core Committee from ICAR-CMFRI withDr. A. Gopalakrishnan, Convenor, CAA5.

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Delegates at the National Marine Biodviersity Museum, ICAR-CMFRI

Delegates at the Dinner hosted at CMFRI as part of CAA5

Dr. A. Gopalakrishnan, Director withthe invited speakers and the AFS and


Host Institute of ICAR-CMFRI 9Cadalmin : CMFRI Newsletter No. 147

Session in progress

Dr. B. Shamasundar, Secretary AFSIB speaks at Valedictory function

View of the Audience

Logo and Website Team : Shri. P. R. Abhilash, Shri. K. M. David and Shri. Manu V. K.

Glimpses of the Cultural Evening

‘Cage Aquaculture Aiming Sky High’ - Symposium Theme Painting by Shri. K. M. David

Dr. Asmund Bjordal presents memento to Dr. A. Gopalakrishnan duringthe Valedictory Function

Dr. A. Gopalakrishnan, CAA5 Convener & the Organizing Team from ICAR-CMFRIwith Dr. J. K. Jena, Chairman, AFSIB and Prof. (Dr.) Mohan Joseph Modayil

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