Inanimate Alice Episode 5: Germany Hello my name is Alice and I am 25 years old >> >>


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  • Slide 1

Slide 2 Inanimate Alice Episode 5: Germany Slide 3 Hello my name is Alice and I am 25 years old >> >> Slide 4 I live with my partner and we are getting married in July. >> >> Slide 5 We live in Hamburg, Germany in a condiment. >>>> Slide 6 I am afraid that I will have to move again like when I was young >> >> Slide 7 I got a phone call on my new Ba-xi Ba-xi OK Click here to play the game Slide 8 CLICK THE RAGDOLL Slide 9 Slide 10 I got a phone call and someone told me to meet them in the alley at 6:00pm >> >> Slide 11 My parents went on a holiday to India and were supposed to be back 2 weeks ago >> >> Slide 12 Im scared for them and I always send my dad mail on my ba-xi Dad I miss you and mum where are you guys? I'm getting really worried. Slide 13 Dad, I miss you and Mum where are you guys? I'm getting really worried. >> Slide 14 Then I hear Brads voice in my head It will be okay Alice go and see him >>>> Slide 15 It is 6:00 now and I am walking to the alley way when I hear a loud BANG! >> >> Slide 16 Every thing is black >> Slide 17 Then I see a light flicker and then I can see a shadow of a man coming towards me Slide 18 Slide 19 Then I see a light flicker and then I can see a shadow of a man coming towards me >> >> Slide 20 Were am I? I can see nothing and I feel like I'm being thrown around >> >> Slide 21 I can hear someone talking I feel around and Im in a bag >> >> Slide 22 Im trying to make out the words but the noise is to loud >> >> Slide 23 I feel around and Im in a bag >> >> Slide 24 Then I remember that I have my ba-xi with me >> >> Slide 25 I try and call my parents but it only comes up with voice mail >> >> Slide 26 Then I hear the men at the front say my dads name and I remember that on the phone they ask for my dad could this be happening again? >> >> Slide 27 What should we do with the girl they said that VERY loudly so I think they meant for me to hear it >> >> Slide 28 Then I get picked up and I get thrown out of the vehicle I was in >> >> Slide 29 The bag broke and I got out >> >> Slide 30 Then my phone rings and the man I was just with says Alice, you are in Egypt
