IN THE CENTER RING March, 2017 -...


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“In Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith.”

Galatians 3:26

In sports, we call them rivals. In the business world, we call them competitors. In politics, we call them opponents. Some rivalries promote friendly competition and mutual respect; other rivalries, however, aren’t so friendly. They are full of animosity and resentment. Competition in the business world is healthy and can be good for the consumer, but not when it is underhanded, dishonest, and ruthless. Political debate can be open-minded, productive, and full of compromise; but bickering, mudslinging, and personal attacks distort and frustrate anything productive.

Rivals, competitors, opponents: If only we were still talking sports and business and politics. But we’re not. And the word that we need to consider is even more forceful than those. The word is enemy. “The mind governed by the flesh is hostile to God; it does not submit to God’s law, nor can it do so” (Romans 8:7). There was nothing friendly about this rivalry, no mutual respect in the sales pitch, and nothing healthy or productive in the debate.

Simply put, we hated God. We resented him. We opposed him at every turn. We saw him as too demanding, unfair, and angry. Hostile toward him, that is what we were. Digging our heels into the ground, we demanded answers: “Who are you, God, to tell me what to do? What gives you the right to tell me how to live?” Once we understood his justice and realized our death sentence, however, we quickly retreated in fear. There was no use debating the issue. There was no way we could justify our position. We simply could not live up to the just requirements of his holy law.

It’s hard to call such a relationship a rivalry because the animosity was so one-sided. We viewed God as an enemy, but he saw us as friends. Our minds were hostile toward him, but his heart was full of love for us. We opposed him, but he came to our rescue. He came to our rescue in a few drops of water and his powerful Word. With each drop that landed on our defiant heads, he was putting his name on us—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. There at the font God the Father adopted us as his dearly loved children. There in those drops of water God the Son welcomed us as his brothers and sisters. There in Baptism God the Holy Spirit claimed us as his own. We now belong to God! We are members of his family. And we did nothing. He did it all. He adopted us into his family simply by grace and by grace alone.

- Pastor Maglietto


Soup and Bread Suppers

The 2017 Soup and Bread Suppers occur between the two Lenten worship services. We begin serving about 4:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall. We are asking for donations of soup, bread, and service {help setting up and cleaning up} based upon alphabetical last names. See the schedule below and the date that corresponds with your family’s LAST name. Each week 15 kettles of soup and 10 loaves of bread are needed.

Also, note the corresponding “Captain” for each week. Please contact your corresponding Captain by the Monday prior to your week to let the Captain know what you are able to bring and /or assist with. Use the contact information below.

Please note: Milk, crackers, and butter are NOT needed as donations.

March 8 Last names A-D Captain: Lorraine Casson, 608/356/9118

March 15 Last names E-I Captain: Brandie Grob, 608/434/1073 or email: March 22 Last names J-M Captain: Tana Klemm, 608/434/3904 March 29 Last names N-Si Captain: Jane Parchem, 608/434/2689 April 5 Last names Sm-Z Captain: Bobbie Volkey, 608/393/0548

Everyone is Welcome!

2017 Lenten Schedule The solemn and penitential season of Lent begins with Ash Wednesday, March 1st. The theme for this year’s Lenten series is “Repent. Turn to Jesus.” Wednesday Services at 3:30 and 6:30 p.m. (NO Thursday evening services during Lent.) Wednesday 3/1 Pastor Nick Maglietto

St. Johns, Baraboo “Turn to Jesus; He Longs to Forgive You” Wednesday 3/8 Pastor Andrew Meyer

St. Paul, North Freedom “Turn to Jesus; He Changes Your Life” Wednesday 3/15 Pastor Dan Lewig

St. Johns, Hillpoint “Turn to Jesus When You Face Temptations” Wednesday 3/22 Pastor Steve Neyhart

Faith, Reedsburg “Turn to Jesus and Not to Yourself” Wednesday 3/29 Pastor Brad Pearson

St. James, Prairie du Sac “Turn to Jesus; Do Not Turn Away” Wednesday 4/5 Pastor Dave Karow

St. Johns, Rock Springs “Turn to Jesus; He Holds the Key to Heaven” OTHER AREA SERVICE TIMES Prairie du Sac 6:30 pm Rock Springs 7:00 pm Reedsburg 7:00 pm Hill Point / Lime Ridge 7:00 pm


In the Center Ring

is a monthly publication of St. John’s Lutheran Church

Baraboo, Wisconsin

Church Office 355-3870

School Office 355-3860

Rev. Nicholas C. Maglietto Principal Craig Breitkreutz

Church office 355-3870 School office 355-3860

Official Acts

Funeral Lois A. Strobel

Born February 25, 1932 Died February 7, 2017

Burial February 11, 2017


Zaide Christopher Ellis Son of Jesse Michael Ellis and

Erica Lynn Hoff Born February 3, 2016

Baptized February 5, 2017

Statistics as of February 24, 2017

Confirmed members 944 Baptized members U 229 Total members 1,173

St. John’s Media Ministry

Balance 24-Jan-2017 $7,005.67 Contributions $ 260.00 Disbursements WRPQ $1,050.00 Radio Phone Line $ 15.00 Balance 20-Feb-2017 $6,200.67

March Special Envelopes

Lenten Folder

Financial Giving

Your 2016 financial statements may be picked up; they will not be mailed. They are alphabetized in a box in the narthex. Please pick up your 2017 envelope boxes from the porch if you haven’t already done so.

Save the Dates

Easter for Kids - Saturday, April 8th from 9 – 11 am. VBS - June 26th – 30th. Camp Phillip volunteers will be here to help again.

Don’t forget to direct Thrivent Choice Dollars

Grant funding from Thrivent Financial through its Thrivent Choice program can help support St. John’s Lutheran Church and School as well as other organizations you care about. Eligible Thrivent Financial members who have been designated Choice Dollars have until March 31, 2017, to direct any remaining 2016 Choice Dollars. Go to to learn more and find program terms and conditions. Or call 800-847-4836 and say “Thrivent Choice” after the prompt.



January 23, 2017

Present: President-Dave Grant, Secretary-Marty Brey, Outreach-Tim Kiefer, Worship-Tom Tiedt, Fellowship-Gayland Leatherberry, Board of Education-Martin Strobel, Stewardship-Brent Bailey, Spiritual-Will Underwood, Pastor- Maglietto, Education-Eric Durkee, and Principal-Craig Breitkreutz, Property-Bill Giese, Treasurer-Ron Voss and Youth-Michael Tennier.

Opening Prayer and Devotion – Pastor.

Public Comment Period – Vern Kingery presented the council with copies of Pastor Mark Jeske Time of Grace Blog on Transformational leadership.

Financial Items – Review & Approval of December Financials – Grant/All. -34,114 behind budget. Motion/Carried.

Old Business – Giving & Tuition vs Budget & Expenses 2016/2017 – Update & Forecast – Thieding. Majority of tuition has been given (85%). Remaining budget expenses come from church giving.

Discussion & Action on School Board Recommendations on Staffing 2017/2018 – Strobel/Breitkreutz. January 30, 2017 @7 pm there will be an open meeting with parents to discuss school.

Property – School condensate tank: Two bids were received from Johnson Controls and Precision Controls. Johnson Control bid was accepted at a cost of $6,105.76 to replace condensate tank, pump and controls during spring break. Motion to request funds from Endowment and if any member from the congregation would like to contribute towards the cost. This was not a budgeted item. Motion/Carried.

New Business – Membership Changes– Pastor. Transfers: Scott & Jeanne Manis from Zion, Springfield MO. Motion/Carried.

Elder Assignments / Elder expectations – Worship – Tom Tiedt; Fellowship – Gayland Leatherberry; Youth – Michael Tennier;

Elders are encouraged to be involved with as many things as possible. Bible study, Church and Meetings. Motion to approve Elder positions. Motion/Carried.

Election of Vice President- Motion to make Eric Durkee Vice President. Motion/Carried.

Quarterly Congregation Meeting Dates (March 12th, June 25th, September 10th, December 10th?). Motion/Carried.

Fund raising requests (2 requests). PTO request #1 Catalog sales Feb 15- March 1. Delivery by March 15. Funds will be used for improvements at the school. PTO request #2 Fellowship brunch after three church services with a free will offering. Feb 26, April 23. Funds will be used for school projects and classroom needs. Motion/Carried.

Church Council Goals – Please identify 3 areas (Goals / Issues) that we need to focus on in 2017.

Elder Report Action Items – Sewer smell in church kitchen. Property addressing. Church parking lot security light and Church East street security light issues addressed. Church East street entrance concrete trip hazard. Giese will address issue.

Respectfully submitted. Marty Brey, Secretary.


February 14, 2017

Present: President-Dave Grant, Secretary-Marty Brey, Outreach-Tim Kiefer, Worship-Tom Tiedt, Fellowship-Gayland Leatherberry, Board of Education-Martin Strobel, Stewardship-Brent Bailey, Spiritual-Will Underwood, Pastor- Maglietto, Education-Eric Durkee, and Principal-Craig Breitkreutz, Property-Bill Giese, Treasurer-Ron Voss and Youth-Michael Tennier.

Opening Prayer and Devotion – Pastor.

Financial Items – Voss Review & Approval January Financials – Income $69,463. Expenses $85,398. Net loss of -$15,935.


Giving & Tuition vs Budget & Expenses 2016/2017 – Update & Forecast – Budget through January $564,721 Expenses $515,798 Net to budget +$48,923. Net positive is due to a couple things. No second Pastor, utilities have been lower due to mild winter plus and outstanding job of the congregation helping us make budget. Motion to accept financial reports/carried.

Old Business – Discussion & Action on School Board Recommendations on Staffing 2017/2018 – Strobel/Breitkreutz. No decision yet we are still collecting information. Board will meet Feb 27 at 7pm to finalize recommendation for staff and classroom for 2017/2018.

New Business – Pastor’s Report / Membership Changes (transfers, releases, general membership matters, etc.) – Pastor. Transfers In: Josh Hartwig from St. John’s, New Ulm MN. Motion to accept and release these members/carried. Sunday April 23, 2017 musical group Branches Band will join our worship service. Motion not to have Thursday April 20, 2017 6:30 service and have one service with Band. Motion/carried. Bill Neumann will preach March 5 and April 2. This is Pastors 10th year in the ministry. No Wednesday morning bible study during Lent.

Building Use Requests - Approve Red Cross for 3/25 Emergency Community Shelter training in fellowship hall. Maglietto / Grant. Motion to approve/carried. Baraboo EMS Blood Drive – Alternate Site 5/24 was previously approved additional date 9/13/17. – Grant. 5/24 was approved last fall asking for 9/13 as alternate site. Motion to approve/carried.

Endowment Grants – Grant. $760 to St. John’s church for 2016 Camp Phillip VBS Program; $2,000 Ladies Aid for matching funds of the Ladies Aid student tuition fund; $4,650.51 to St. John’s church for the Sanctuary LED lighting; $500 to St. John’s church for the church/school website redesign project. Motion to approve/carried.

Fund Raising Request - St. John’s Musical Fund Raiser. Motion to approve/carried. Budget Committee Members Appointed – Ron Voss, Craig Breitkreutz, Mark Smidl, Dave Grant, Pastor

Maglietto, Dan Fuller, John Darrow or Bill Giese, Brent Bailey, Warren White, Jeff Thieding. Motion to approve and recommend to congregation at March 12, 2017 congregation meeting/carried.

March Quarterly Meeting Agenda: Endowment Fund Approvals, Budget Committee Approvals, Calling 2nd Pastor, School Board recommendations 2017/2018. Elders to have reports.

Calling a 2nd Pastor. Motion/2nd to call a Vacancy Pastor. Discussion. Amended Motion to call a 2nd Pastor and in the interim request an experienced vacancy Pastor. Motion/carried. Church Council Goals – Review 3 areas (Goals / Issues) that we need to focus on in 2017.

1. Work to complete every member visit. 2. Strengthen the Youth in our congregation. 3. Communication to Congregation.

Education: VBS June 26-30, 2017. Talk to Eric Durkee if you can help.

Respectfully submitted. Marty Brey, Secretary


Dear St. John’s, My brothers and sisters in Christ, I pray the Lord continues to guide you in his everlasting peace.

I would like to send hello’s and hugs from my folks! We were very grateful for the Christmas gifts! We had a wonderful Christmas and are doing quite well! Reba and Isaiah haven’t torn the house apart yet and no one has caught frostbite!

I’ve heard the news of Mr. S’s call and Mrs. Hartwig’s cancer. You all have been personally in my prayers. I would just like to let you know I am forever grateful for the time, effort, and gifts St. John’s has given me. I urge you all to continue the righteous battle and stand together. We are Christ’s body and need to lean on one another. I am so excited to see you again in this new year! I hope to drop in sometime before February but basketball has kept me busy.

Your sister in the Lord, Hannah Schroeder


St John’s Ev. Lutheran Church School Board Report

Reports Principal Enrollment currently at 107.

One of the results of our parent’s meeting on Jan. 30th is a survey that our school families can fill out online. They can weigh in on the issues of tuition and multi-grade classrooms. Would they be willing to pay a little more, and how much more, to keep from eliminating one teaching position? We will share the results of the survey at a later date. Approximately one third of our families have filled out the survey. Another result from the parent’s meeting was the request for school board presence at PTO meetings. The board will accommodate as best it can and get to some meetings. The church attendance report for the first two quarters of the school year was presented. 17 families involving 26 children were in church less than 50% during the 2nd quarter. The board will work on guidelines to follow when church attendance is lacking. Communication, written and personal will be the backbone of these guidelines. What would Jesus have us do? Talk to them, encourage them, consistently, faithfully. Craig will begin working on a school email list so that group emails can be sent out to parents for more effective communication. Childcare Summer Camp – We will be open for Summer Camp. 11 kids committed for full time, quite a few part-times. Commitments for a month will get 10% discount.

Chairman Last meeting we forgot to elect a board member as property committee rep. Bob Hovey agreed to serve for us. Discussion Two special meeting dates set up for Board. We will meet Monday night Feb. 27 at 7pm to finalize

recommendation for staff and classrooms next year. Faculty is encouraged to attend. We will also meet Sunday Mar. 5th after church to write vision statements, goals and objectives based off our mission statement. Next regular board meeting will be Monday, March 6th, 7 pm at school. Martin Strobel board elder

St. John’s Childcare

Childcare has been cleaning out our storage annex for more space to learn and play. The annex came with a few items to pass on since they are not young child friendly. If anyone has any interest to see or take the items for free, please use the contact information below. The items are: fold-up ping-pong table, foosball table, and two standup video games (duck hunting & Dot eliminator). Childcare is seeking a couple of part-time people to help implement programs and care for children ages 3 to 10. We are open Monday through Friday year round. Our hours are from 6:30 am to 5:30 pm. Individuals must be willing to open and close occasionally and love children. Any questions, contact Cindy Allen at 608-963-5919 am or 920-344-0455 pm.

THANK YOU I want to thank everyone for your prayers, cards, visits and gifts. As for my health problems, my future is very unknown. So I really enjoy all the visits from everyone here at St. Clare Meadows. Thank you all and may God Bless. Karen Cook


St. John’s Lutheran School News NO SCHOOL: We did not have school on Friday, Feb.

10 as the basketball teams were at a tournament at

Peace Lutheran in Hartford. They played hard and

everyone had a great time! Also, no school on Friday,

Feb. 17, as the teachers were gone to conference.

GEOGRAPHY BEE: Congratulations to Andrew Brooks

for winning the school Geography Bee this year!

Great job to all of the participants!


WANT YOUR FEEDBACK! 36 families out of 77

have responded! We are asking parents to please fill

out a short survey concerning tuition and multi-grade

classrooms. As the School Board makes decisions for

the future, we need to make sure we take into

consideration our families' thoughts and feelings on

certain subjects. The survey should take between 2-5

minutes for most families. This is an online survey and

can be found at (capital O, small q,

capital D, number 0, capital K, capital B). Thank you

for your time and consideration!


Teacher Conferences were held on Wednesday,

February 22nd.


remember to return the Registration Form we sent

home a few weeks ago asking if your child would be at

St. John's for the 2017-2018 school year. If you do

not have the form, you can get one in the school

office. thank you!

SCHOOL FUND RAISER: Information on our Spring

Fundraiser was sent home Valentine's week. It is the

same as we did last year and very easy to do. If you

have any questions, please call the school. Thank you

for helping to support our children and school!! ALL

orders need to be turned in by March 1! Thank you!

DONUTS FOR DADS: We had a great turn out for

Donuts with Dads on Feb. 21. We had Dads, Grandpas

and Uncles enjoying coffee, juice and donuts with the

kids! Thank you for spending this special time with

your children!


The available items are:

Headbops (white or red) $2 each

Spirit Hair (red, white, or black) $5 each

Red Pom Pom $1.50 each

Eagle Beaded Necklace $2 each

Eyeblacks - one set $1.50 each

ON THE SCHOOL WEBSITE: We try to get paper

copies of the Monday Memo and the lunch calendar to

everyone. In the event that you do not receive them

from school, please remember you can always find

them on the school website,


school calendar under 4th Qtr. ~ Kindergarten graduation time should be 6:00 p.m. and Closing Service/8th Grade Graduation time should be 6:30 p.m. The times are correct on the singing calendar.

TUITION ASSISTANCE: Please consider donating

to the Tuition Assistance Fund. This is a supple-

mental fund available to St. John’s member families

who seek assistance paying their children’s school

tuition. If you would like to donate to Tuition

Assistance, please stop at church or include a

donation with your offering. Thanks for your


Social Studies Fair: Thursday, March 23 from 1:00 –

2:30 pm, the 5th and 6th grades will have a Social

Studies Fair on Europe and Asia at school.

Everyone is Welcome!


Houses for the 4 year old kindergarten and

Kindergarten programs will be held soon. Watch the

bulletins for specific information. Come explore the

4K and Kindergarten rooms, meet the staff and pick

up an application.



St. John’s Ladies Aid met on Thursday, February 2, 2017 at 1:30. Margaret Heitmann opened the meeting with the Ladies Aid prayer. The secretary’s report was read and accepted. The treasurer’s report showed a balance of $1,025.68 and was accepted. The sunshine fund showed a balance of $20.64. The following cards were sent: 3 anniversary, 5 get well, and 9 birthday. The Spring LWMS Rally will be held in Wonewoc. We will have a door offering on Wed. March 22 and Sunday, March 26 to support this rally. A motion was made and seconded to give $20.00 towards postage for the items sent to Africa. Another motion was made to give $100.00 to our Sunday School for some needed supplies. 2 Birthday cards were sent to our missionaries. We welcomed Bev Caflisch as a new member. Happy Birthday was sung to Ione Deich. The next meeting will be March 2. The meeting closed with the Lord’s Prayer. Lunch was served by Ione Deich and Donna Brooks.

Donna Brooks, Secretary


Lenten Theme Baskets

Morning Doves will once again be doing our annual Theme baskets raffle during Lent. If you wish to donate a theme basket for this event, please make sure the baskets are enclosed in a cellophane bag or wrapped with saran wrap and labeled what is in it. They can be dropped off in the fellowship hall of church starting March 3rd at 8 am. We will start selling the raffle tickets with the first soup supper on Wednesday, March 8th and will continue to sell on each Sunday and Wednesday during Lent. The drawings will be held on April 5th. Tickets will sell for $1/1 or $5/6 or $20/40 with proceeds going towards non-budgeted school items.

If you would like to give an Easter plant to beautify our church on Easter Sunday, please fill out the form below and return it to the church office by Thursday, April 6. (If we receive your form after that date, it’s okay—we just won’t be able to acknowledge your gift in the bulletin insert.) Simply purchase your own plant and have it delivered here, or bring it to the church yourself, on Thursday, April 13, 7:30 – 4:30. In place of an Easter plant, many people prefer to donate to the St. John’s Media Fund. That’s good, too. This non-budgeted fund pays for weekly TV and radio broadcasts of our worship services. If you would like to make a donation to this fund, just fill out the form below and bring your donation in to the church office.

(Please detach and return to the church office by Thursday, April 6.)

In memory of: __________________________________________________ In honor of (anniversary, birthday, etc.): __________________________________________________ Given by: __________________________________________________ ____ Flower ____ Media Fund Donation of: __________


From the Church Library

Bible Listening

St. John’s Library now has a tape player (thanks for the donation!) and Bible cassettes available for checkout. Enjoy listening and save your eyes.

Library Book, DVD and Toy Sale

The library is sponsoring a Book and DVD Sale during Lent, beginning March 5, 2017. Please review your book, magazine, and DVD collections at home to see what you might be finished with, yet would be current for another user. In addition, this year we are adding a used toy sale. The toys donated should be

clean, complete, and ready to be shared by another user. You might consider donating such toys as board games, puzzles, building toys, farm animals, action figures, a little-used colored pencil set, paints, school-readiness games and family games. Stuffed toys may not be the best choice for this event. We will be happy to take what you wish to share. Any items donated can be marked as a donation and brought to the library area. Thanks for your help on this.

- Library Board Team

Jesus Cares

Jesus Cares Ministries shares and shows God’s unfailing love to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. JCM equips congreg-ations and individuals to share that love of God. Donations given to JCM before March 31, 2017 will be matched $.50 for each dollar raised, up to $32,000! Please help if you can. You can make a special donation in the offering plate by simply marking the amount and “Jesus Cares” on the envelope or stop at the office, Monday-Thursday. Deadline for this special gift is Sunday, Mar. 26.



March 2017

March 1 Genesis 6 March 2 Genesis 7:1-8:19 March 3 Genesis 8:20-9:29 March 4 Genesis 10:1-11:9 March 5 Genesis 11:10-13:4 March 6 Genesis 13:5-14:24 March 7 Genesis 15 March 8 Genesis 16, 17 March 9 Genesis 18 March 10 Genesis 19 March 11 Genesis 20:1-21:21 March 12 Genesis 21:22-22:24 March 13 Genesis 23 March 14 Genesis 24:1-60 March 15 Genesis 24:61-25:34 March 16 Genesis 26 March 17 Luke 9:57-10:12 March 18 Luke 20:13-24 March 19 Luke 19:25-42 March 20 Luke 11:1-13 March 21 Luke 11:14-36 March 22 Luke 11:37-52 March 23 Luke 11:53-12:12 March 24 Luke 12:13-34 March 25 Luke 12:35-39 March 26 Luke 13: 1-17 March 27 Luke 13:18-35 March 28 Luke 14:1-24 March 29 Luke 14:25-35 March 30 Luke 15 March 31 Luke 16:1-31

Baraboo Food Pantry


Spaghetti Sauce and Pasta


Canned Vegetables


The decorated serviceman who is still serving

or the uniformed servicewomen marches in the

4th of July parades are obvious to us. What is

not so noticeable to Americans in general and to

our Lutheran church members, is the support

team behind the Service-connected, referring to

the spouse and the children of the person doing

military service. Their support of the military

person is critical to that person’s performance

while on duty or while trying to reintegrate back

into civilian life.

The support provided by the spouse and

children maintains the combat person’s sense of

purpose when facing life and death situations. A

Christian military family’s support maintains the

hope and forgiveness that the former military

person needs who might be struggling with

depression and PTSD.

The role of the military family is indeed

critical. The military family is in the background

and not on the parade grounds. Thus, they are

largely, invisible in society and even in our

congregations. The have become…the unsung


In addition, being “unsung” in their support

role for the Service-connected spouse/parent,

their needs can easily be overlooked. If the

literature points out that caring for a dying

person can burn out a caregiver, it would be safe

to say that caring for Service-connected spouse

who is or has been “in harms way”, can burn out

the staunchest of military spouses and children.

To help our Evangelical Lutheran Synod and

Wisconsin Ev. Lutheran Synod congregations to

understand who the unsung heroes are, what

they are going through, and how each congregant

can lovingly and spiritually reach out to the

military families within their own congregations.

The Lutheran Military Support Group is taking

steps to make this help available.

Check out their website for more information

and resources,

They offer services for those currently serving

as well as veterans and military families.

Thank You

We sincerely thank Darleen

Johnson for 25 years of

dedicated service as the

church’s Flower and Plant Lady.

She has watered the many

living plants throughout the

church, arranged altar flowers, put up

seasonal decorations especially Fall Harvest,

Christmas and Easter, checked Christmas tree

lights, etc. With the coming Easter season,

Darleen will be concluding her weekly services.

Thank you so much for all you did!

St. John’s Ev. Lutheran Church Statistical Report for 2016

Children Confirmed 13 Received by profession of faith 13 Transferred from sister congregations 19 Total communicants gained 45 Death of communicant members 14 Transferred to sister congregations 19 Released to other Christian churches 9 Removed 50 Total communicants lost 92 Average weekly church attendance 375 Average weekly Bible study attendance 54 Baptisms-children 26 Baptisms – adults 3 Weddings 3 Burials 12

Month of January 2017 Fiscal Year-to-Date (1/31/2017)

Total Budgeted Expenses 88,938 Total Budgeted Expenses 565,311

Total Actual Expenses 85,398 Total Actual Expenses 515,798

Budgeted Giving (4 week month) 52,620 Budgeted Giving 400,783

Actual Giving* 49,056 Actual Giving* 401,437

Difference between actual and budgeted giving -3,564 Difference between actual and budgeted giving 654

School & Childcare Revenues 20,406 School & Childcare Revenues 158,003

Net operating gain or loss in expenses -15,936 Net operating gain or loss in expenses 43,642

(Actual giving + Sch & Child revenues - Actual expenses) (Actual giving + Sch & Child revenues - Actual expenses)

* Actual Giving does not include School & Childcare revenues

Simplified Financial Report for January 2017
