In Th is Issue - · On the Cover...


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In Th is IssueSpringfest

Mother’s Day is Coming

Special Olympics

26th Annual Golf Tournament

What’s Happening at VALLEYLIFE

Legacy Circle

How You Can Help

Mark Your Calendars

Social Media

Spring 2017

On the Cover Kirstine is a Member from DTA 10 and has been a Member of VALLEYLIFE since August of 2010.

Celebrating Spring at VALLEYLIFE

Members and staff at VALLEYLIFE spent most of March preparing for Spring. VALLEYLIFE’s Vocational Services hosts Springfest and decided to hold it on March 17th this year, so Springfest had a St. Patrick’s Day theme. Th ere were plenty of shamrocks and leprechauns around VALLEYLIFE and there was a sea of green since everyone was asked to wear green to the celebration.

Th e celebration was held at the main campus and was fi lled with fun and excitement for everyone who attended. Every-one enjoyed the beautiful day with games, music, dancing, raffl es and yearly awards for the Members and staff . A sandwich lunch was also served.

Leading up to Springfest many of the group homes and DTAs also started their spring preparations. Members enjoyed decorating, making spring arts and crafts, and spending time out in the beautiful weather. VALLEYLIFE hopes you also

enjoyed this wonderful spring season!

Mother’s Day and Father’s Day are Approaching Soon

Mother’s Day and Father’s Day are the two days a year set aside to honor our parents. As a way of honoring your parent or the person who fi lled that role, make a donation to VALLEYLIFE in their memory or name. Your gift, while appre-ciated on that day, will do amazing things for our Members for the days, weeks and months to come.

We will send a special Member designed card to your recipient if your gift is received on or before May 5, 2017 for Moth-er’s Day or on or before June 12, 2017 for Father’s Day. To make your gift today, visit our website at or contact Margaret Stephens-Reed at 602-331-2414 or via email at

Maria’s Story

Honor your parents with a custom made card from VALLEYLIFE Members

My name is Maria J. Gamero, I am a 31 year old living with Cerebral Palsy. Ever since I can remember I have had to fi nd ways to overcome the challenges that come along with my disability. Th e world see’s my “needs” as a limitation, I simply see them as just a “bigger” bump in the road. Over the years, I have come to accept that I am a special individual who will always need for someone to be there to lend a helping hand. Th ose that have ever had the need to have someone take care of their most basic needs would tell you that it takes a very special person to take on this role. Luckily, I have been fortunate enough to have my very own “special person”, my Refugio Gamero.

My Mother is one of a kind, there has never been a time that I have felt alone in this world, if you see me then you will very likely see my mother within close proximity. When I am happy, I turn to her, when I am in need I turn to her, she is always ready to do for me what I am unable to do for myself. Th ere is nothing that she does for me that I take for granted, actually I know that many times she puts my needs before her own.

My story would not be complete if I left out the times that my frustrations get the best of me and I selfi shly take them out on her, but even then she is wonderful and continues to show me unconditional love and understanding. She knows my frustrations because she lives them with me every day, and every day with her love and devotion she helps me get through them, reminding me that life is too precious to waste.

I believe my mother is an angel, one who was put on this earth to be my representative, my voice and my defender against all odds. Words are simply not enough to express how blessed I feel for having someone who sees the potential in me and that reminds me that the only limits are the ones that we set for ourselves. Her love is unconditional, and her dedication a representation of the bond that can only occur between a mother and child. -Maria J. Gamero

Desert Sunrise by VALLEYLIFE artist Lai Cactus in the Sun by VALLEYLIFE artist Donnie Spring Flowers by VALLEYLIFE Artist Karen

Special Olympics

It has been a busy start of the year for VALLEYLIFE athletes and fans. February held both Cheerleading and Basketball Special Olympics, Track and Field was held in March and Super Special Olympics were held in April.

Basketball was held on February 17th and two VALLEY-LIFE teams were entered in the competition. VALLEY-LIFE Team One played at Shadow Ridge High School in Surprise and Team Two played at American Sport Center in Avondale. Both teams had a great time. Team One brought home bronze medals for winning third place and Team Two brought home silver medals for winning second place

Cheerleading was held on February 22nd at Raymond S. Kellis High School. VALLEYLIFE’s fi rst team to compete brought home bronze medals for third place in the Begin-ner section. VALLEYLIFE’s second team brought home gold medals for fi rst place in the Advanced Unifi ed section of the competition.

Track and Field was held on March 30th at Raymond S.

Kellis High School. Members all throughout VALLEY-LIFE compete in the Track and Field events. VALLEY-LIFE Vipers competed in shot put, standing long jump, running long jump, softball throw, tennis ball throw, 25 meter walk, 50 meter race, 100 meter race and 400 meter walk. Gold, silver and bronze medals and many ribbons were earned by VALLEYLIFE Members. Th e Track and Field Olympians are now looking forward to the state com-petition which is coming up May 4th, 5th and 6th.

Super Special Olympics was held on April 14th at Trevor G. Browne High School in Phoenix. VALLEYLIFE Vipers participated in many activities and had a great time. Some of the featured activities were parachute games, fi shing for prizes, dancing, face painting, frisbee throws and ball tosses.

VALLEYLIFE Members and Staff enjoy practicing for and competing in the Special Olympics. Th e Members played great and showed how hard they worked in practice leading up to the Special Olympics. Come out to one of the events and show your support for the VALLEYLIFE Vipers.

VALLEYLIFE Special Olympics Awards Ceremony

A Special Olympics awards ceremony was held at our 29th Avenue location on April 7th. All the VALLEYLIFE DTAs were invited and the Members were treated to pizza. Cletus Th iebeau, VALLEYLIFE’s President & CEO, handed out the awards during the ceremony.

Player of the Year awards were given out for bocce ball, bowling and basketball. Spirit awards were given for cheer and Athlete of the Year for track and fi eld. Additional awards were also given for Best Sportsmanship, Most Improved Ath-lete of the Year and Athlete of the Year. Th ese fi nal award winners were chosen from the entire group of VALLEYLIFE athletes from all events.

26th Annual VALLEYLIFE Golf TournamentFriday March 3rd, VALLEYLIFE held their 26th Annual Golf Tournament at the Ocotillo Golf Resort in Chandler. Th is was the 2nd year VALLEYLIFE named the tourna-ment for Aidan Warrington, who was a longtime supporter of VALLEYLIFE prior to his sudden passing in 2015.

Th ere was a great turnout again this year with 27 golf foursomes. Th e golfers also enjoyed dinner, raffl es and an award ceremony after the tournament. Some prizes from the raffl es included: golf supplies, a photography session, dinner and a movie packages, jewelry, sporting event tick-ets, and a condo for a week in La Jolla. Awards were given

for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners. Awards were also given for Closest to the Pin, Longest Putt, Longest Drive and Most Honest. Everyone had a great time playing for a great cause!

Th e VALLEYLIFE Annual Golf Tournament is held on the fi rst Friday of March each year. Th e next tourna-ment will be held on March 2, 2018. If you missed this year’s tournament and would like to play in next year’s tournament or sponsor a hole, please contact Margaret Stephens-Reed, VALLEYLIFE Director of Fund Devel-opment, at 602-331-2414 or

Platinum Sponsor Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors Emerald Sponsor Bronze Sponsors

Cash, Sullivan & CrossLeavitt Group

Meyerhoff & Associates

Prospect Airport ServicesSSP America

Southwest Properties

Rush East Valley WomenFruth Group


New West OilStephen Noll, MD

ProStar Realty

Hole in One Sponsor Drink Ticket Sponsor

Th ank you to our 2017 golf sponsors!

Jet Stream Ground Services

Hole Sponsors

Clipped WingsDebbie Gaby Charities

East Valley WomenFennemore Craig

MatcoProspect Airport ServicesAnne & Cletus Th iebeau

Williams Express

River Parish Disposal

Raffl e and Gift Bag Donors

Alliance Refuse TrucksAZ Pops

Kevin CummingsBetsy Durkin

B. Charlene FisherFrontier

Th e Game StoreHonor Health

Jimmy & Joe’s PizzeriaNissle Fine Photography

Ann PolunskyPhoenix Suns

Prospect Airport ServicesDr. & Mrs. Paul SchnurScottsdale PhilharmonicMargaret Stephens-Reed

Southwest GasTito’s Homemade Vodka

Top BananaJoAnn Holland

Williams ExpressTh e Sparkle Bar

Golf Tournament Photos

What’s Happening Around VALLEYLIFE

Th ere have been some big changes around VALLEYLIFE at many of our locations. VALLEYLIFE has 2 new murals, construction is happening at our 29th Avenue location, the Estrid group home had updates to its landscaping and the

main campus solar project is under way.

Main Campus Mural

Th e mural near the main campus lawn has had some big updates and is currently being completed by VALLEYLIFE Members with the help of VALLEYLIFE’s art program teacher, Christie Puetz. Jim Gardner was hired to paint over the old mural with a new desert landscape mural. VALLEYLIFE’s art program is fi nishing the mural by adding landscaping details like bushes and fl owers. Th e Members are using many diff erent techniques that they have learned in the art program. Each Tuesday for the month of April, VALLEYLIFE DTAs are scheduled a turn adding artwork to the mural. Th is fun and interactive project for the Members was partially funded by a grant from the Arizona Commission on the Arts.

Evergreen Mural

Evergreen group home also has a new mural painted by Jim Gardner. Sadly VALLEYLIFE and the ladies at Evergreen lost a close friend and fellow Member. Th is mural was painted in memory of and to honor Jennifer. Th e mural consists of a desert landscape on the block wall and a beautiful garden mural on the home. Th e garden contains many of Jennifer’s favorite things including musical notes and the word “hug”, which was her favorite.

29th AvenueOur 29th Avenue location, where fi ve of our DTAs are located, is getting an addition. A mul-tipurpose room is being added to the building. Th e multipurpose room will include a kitchen, bathrooms, and sliding glass doors leading out to the yard.

Many activities that are off ered at VALLEY-LIFE may be moved to the new multipurpose room including: art, Glee Club, speech therapy, nutrition and dance. Th e multipurpose room will also be a great location to host after hours activ-ities, donor events and meetings. Th e Members and staff are very excited for the new addition to be completed. Th is project was partially funded by the City of Phoenix CDBG and the Don

Nierling Memorial Foundation.

Estrid Group HomeVALLEYLIFE’s Estrid group home recently had renovations to its landscaping. HandsOn Greater Phoenix helped with donating some materials, trenching for a watering system, installing bricks around the trees and spreading rock around the yard. Th e yard looks great and the Estrid Members and all of VALLEYLIFE appreciate the hard work done by the volunteers.

Main Campus Solar ProjectPhase 1 of the main campus solar project is now under way. Once completed the solar project is estimated to save VALLEYLIFE $21,000 per year on electricity. Phase 1 of the Solar Project was funded by the City of Phoenix CDBG, the Kieckhefer Foundation and from donations to the VALLEYLIFE Foundation. VALLEYLIFE is excited to start this

project to save on our electricity charges and do what we can to shrink our carbon footprint.

VALLEYLIFE has a wish list of items that are needed to support our Members in their group homes and day treatment areas (DTAs). Donations of any of the following items are welcomed and always appreciated. Below is a list of specifi c items that are needed at this time.

Linda MillerCFO

Cliff ord MatticeVice Chair

Steve McKameySecretary

Cindy QuennevilleTreasurer

Heather Winters BullDirector

Daniel KramerDirector

Stephen NollDirector

Katy WhiteDirector

Cletus Th iebeauPresident & CEO

92 cents ofevery dollar donated to VALLEYLIFEgoes back into our programs and services.

FurnitureReclinerPatio FurnitureOffi ce ChairHospital tray table2 drawer fi le cabinetPlastic medicine containersPlastic bins

KitchenStainless steel pots and pansKitchen garbage canDish towelsMops and Swiff ersMicrowaveDishesSilverware

OtherPaintings, pictures, prints - preferably large or medium sizedBath towelsPortable fansArtifi cial plantsVacuum cleaner2 pick-up trucksPanel van

W i s h L ti s

Board of DirectorsPeter Connolly


Legacy Circle

Th e VALLEYLIFE Legacy Circle was established to create additional fi nancial resources for the long-term needs of VALLEYLIFE and its Members. Our Legacy Circle honors donors who have generously included VALLEYLIFE in their estate plans through some form of planned or deferred gift. Planned gifts might include a bequest, charitable lead trust, charitable gift annuity, life insurance policy, retirement plan assets or a gift of property with a retained life estate.

Members of the Legacy Circle have expressed a commitment to support VALLEYLIFE and its mission by naming it as a benefi ciary of their assets. Th eir gifts, whether big or small, help sustain services to our community for years to come.

Th e Legacy Circle periodically off ers free community education workshops for care providers and families with loved ones with disabilities. Th ese workshops provide information on how to protect and provide for your loved ones with special needs when you are no longer able to do so yourself. Guest presenters at these workshops include fi nancial advisors and estate planning attorneys. Please let us know if you would like to attend one of our Legacy Circle workshops.

One Gift at a Time

How You Can Help

• Special Olympics State Track and Field: May 4th, 5th and 6th

• Annual A Legacy of Love Gala: Saturday, October 7th

Mark Your Calendars!

Upcoming VALLEYLIFE Events

Th ere are many ways to support VALLEYLIFE! You can volunteer your time, attend one of our events, make a donation of goods or services, or make a fi nancial contribution.

For volunteer opportunities, please contact Ann Polunsky at 602-216-6385 or

For information about upcoming fundraising events please visit our website at

To sponsor or host an event please contact Margaret Stephens-Reed at 602-331-2414 or

To donate goods or services, please call the Main Campus at 602-216-6385.

To make a fi nancial donation, you can go to our website at and click the donate button in the upper-right corner, or call us at 602-371-0806. Your donations to VALLEYLIFE and the VALLEYLIFE Foundation are tax-deductible.We are always grateful for your generosity in helping us with our mission “to enhance the quality of life of people with disabilities.”

Want to know more about how you can get involved with VALLEYLIFE? Visit our website,

STEP 1: Creating an Online Fry’s Account**NOTE: If you already have an online Fry’s account, skip to Step 2.•Go to•Select “click here” to create a Fry’s V.I.P. online account.•Put in your zip code to fi nd your preferred store.•Under Sign-In information, enter your email and create a password.(Write down your email & password -will need it in step 2)•Select “create account.”•Enter your Fry’s V.I.P Card Number and last name.•You will then be prompted to check your email for a confi rmation email.•Click the hyperlink in your email to fi nish creating your Online Fry’s Account.•Continue to step #2 to register for the Fry’s Community Rewards Program of your choice.

STEP 2: Register for the Fry’s Community Rewards Program•Go to•Select “Enroll Now.”•Enter your email and password then select “sign in.” (Th is will be the email and password you created in step 1)•Select “Account Settings” then select “Account Summary.” •Click ‘edit’ under Community Rewards.• Under Find Your Organization: Enter the NPO number 80090 or VALLEYLIFE then select “search.”•Under Select Your Organization: Select the box next to VALLEYLIFE.•Th en select “Enroll.”•If you have registered correctly, you should now see VALLEYLIFE listed under “Community Rewards” on your Account Summary page.

Shop at Fry’s and Support VALLEYLIFE

1142 W. Hatcher Rd.Phoenix, AZ 85021

Scan this QR code with your smartphone or text “VALLEYLIFE” to 22828 to be added to the VALLEYLIFE email list and always be up-to-date on the latest news!

We know you are a big fan of VALLEYLIFE, and now you can show it by

wearing VALLEYLIFE merchandise!

To purchase yours, simply visit the VALLEYLIFE online store. To get there, go to our website and click Th e VALLEYLIFE

Store link on the home page.

Visit today to pick up your very own shirt, hat or sweatshirt! All proceeds support


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