In our school, we celebrated eTwinning 5th Birthday! Escola Ramon Macip – Dolors Granés,...


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In our school, we celebrated eTwinning 5th Birthday!

Escola Ramon Macip – Dolors Granés, Cardedeu. 5th May


Students of 5th level prepared some cakes

They look wonderful!!!!

Some of the artists

They are proud of their work

Look at their faces


It’s an important day to all of us!!!

Our small students, 1st level (6 years old), they celebrated the eTwinning 5th Birthday!with a videoconference between two primary schools located in Barcelona (CEIP Granés) – and Madrid (CEIP San Juan Bautista )

They were waiting their new friends

Our teacher, Andrea, was having fun!!!

But she was not the only one, at the other side, Mar, the other teacher, was enjoying too

Then kids time started … !!!

We sang Moltes Felicitats with Gala, a girl from Madrid who joined us !!!

Then, they surprised us with the same song in Euskera, Irati, from our school joined them!!!

We had a wonderful chat with them !!!

And finally we sang all together HAPPY BIRTHDAY ETWINNING !!!

Meanwhile, our 5th level students …

They started preparing a chat with our friends from Poland!!!We were all very excited!!!Cardedeu TV was in our school recording it!!!!!

We prepared some TWINNINS to decorate our class!!!

And of course blue and yellow balloons!!!

It was a nice preparation, with lot of volunteers!!!

After singing in Catalan and Polish, we started our chat!!!! Our polish friends “sent” us through the chat a piece of a big postcard to each of us. At the end of the chat, we had a fantastic and very big Birthday card made by our Polish friends and us together!!!It was great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Thank you very much dear friendsWe love you all !!!!

Chatting, and having fun!!!!

Waiting their turn

Pleased to meet you!!!!

It’s the fantastic card our Polish friends sent to us!!!!!!!!!!

New technologies are really great!!!!!!!!!!

As you can see, most of us were dressing blue and yellow clothes!!!!

We had special musicians playing to us!!!!

We all were singing HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

Of course they were some cakes, and also 5 blue and yellow candles!!!!

After the song and candles,… we started next part, cutting and …

Sharing it with all our friends, and eating together.It’s a pity we couldn’t send a piece to our Polish friends !!!!


m It’s delicious!!!


Yes, it’s really good. Well done cooks

Do you want to taste it ???????????

Thank you dear friends from Zespół Szkół nr 2 w Czerwionce –Leszczynach. We enjoyed a lot our chat together, and of course we want to thanks you for all you do for us!!!!!!Thank you too to our friends from Madrid, it was a wonderful chat. We are wondering if we can repeat it very soon .Special thanks to our eTwinning Service in Madrid, who’s always near us

A big hug to all of you!!!!
