Improving the robustness, sustainability, …...Improving the robustness, sustainability,...


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Final Report ARCP2012-09NMY-Meinke

Improving the robustness, sustainability, productivity and eco-efficiencies of rice systems

throughout Asia


The following collaborators worked on this project:

1. Australia, TIA-UTAS, Holger Meinke,

2. Australia, TIA-UTAS, David Parsons,

3. Australia, TIA-UTAS, David Phelan,

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Table of Content

Table of Content ..................................................................................................................... 4

Project Overview ..................................................................................................................... 6

Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 24

Timeline of the Project .......................................................................................................... 27

Methods ................................................................................................................................ 34

Rice varieties ........................................................................................................................ 56

Parameterisation and Validation of APSIM-Oryza module ................................................... 57

Climate Variability and Rice Productivity .............................................................................. 57

Climate Change and Rice Productivity ................................................................................. 57

Parameterisation and Validation of APSIM-Oryza module for IR64 varieties ....................... 58

Climate variability and rice productivity ................................................................................. 59

Climate change and rice productivity .................................................................................... 61

Adaptation Action .................................................................................................................. 64

Project Conclusions .............................................................................................................. 65

Future Directions ................................................................................................................... 67

References ............................................................................................................................ 69

Appendix ............................................................................................................................... 73


Project Overview

Project Duration : 3 Years

Funding Awarded : US$ 60,000 for year 1, US$ 60,000 for year 2, US$ 60,000

for year 3.

Key organisations involved

1. Australia, TIA-UTAS, Holger Meinke,

2. Australia, TIA-UTAS, David Parsons,

3. Australia, TIA-UTAS, David Phelan,

4. Australia, TIA-UTAS, Lana Shabala,

5. Australia, CSIRO, Christian Roth,

6. Australia, CSIRO, Don Gaydon,

7. India, ICRISAT, V. Nageswara Rao,

8. India, ANGR Agril University, Raji Reddy,

9. India, ANGR Agril University, Dakshina Murthy


10. India, M.S. Swaminathan Research Foundation,

Sivaprakash Ramalingam,

11. India, M.S. Swaminathan Research Foundation,

Manjula Madhavan,

12. Indonesia, CCROM, Rizaldi Boer,

13. Indonesia, CCROM, Akhmad Faqih,

14. Indonesia, CCROM, Andria Anria,

15. Indonesia, CCROM, Gito Sugih Immanuel,

16. Pakistan, Wageningen University, Masood Iqbal


17. Sri Lanka, UOP, Buddhi Marambe,

18. Sri Lanka, UOP, Lalith Suriyagoda,

19. Sri Lanka , Department of Agriculture, Punya


20. Sri Lanka, UOP, Ruwanga Amarasingha,

Project Summary

The demand for rice is expected to double by 2050, a challenging target in the midst of

competing demands for land and water, along with a changing and variable climate. Most of

these increases have to come from Asia, a region that currently produces 95% of world rice

production. Required production increases must be achieved sustainably without negatively

impacting on people and the environment. Solutions to raise productivity in rice systems

must focus on combinations of intervention actions at all levels. In contrast to the green

revolution some 40 years ago, this time we have no ‘silver bullets’ such as a transition to

modern varieties or the introduction of mineral fertiliser. This time the solutions need to be

more holistic with an increased emphasis on knowledge generation, dissemination and

sound, scientifically informed government policies. Recent advances in the understanding of

rice systems now make it feasible to research, foresee and document in detail the economic,

environmental and to some extent even the social consequences of the transformational

changes that will be necessary to keep up with the rising demand for rice. Systems analytical

approaches based on simulation modelling are ideally suited to integrate disciplinary

knowledge and providing proactive evaluation of technologies and policies.


Rice, systems modelling, eco-efficiency, sustainability.


Project outputs and outcomes

Project outputs:

A - To collaboratively develop research priorities that can be addressed through farming

systems research and simulation modelling.

B - Develop rice systems research priorities for each country in consultation with scientists

and stakeholders and organize crop simulation and farming systems workshops in each host


C - Address priorities through simulation modelling and farming systems research, linking

with and building on existing research projects in areas such as crop physiology,

greenhouse gas emissions, resource use, and crop health.

D - Hold collaboration meetings to promote interactions between scientists from different

regions and hold workshops with stakeholders to discuss modelling results and develop

opportunities for implementation of promising strategies.

Project outcomes:

A - Increased capacity of scientists and their institutions to use simulation modelling and

implement farming systems research.

B - Better understanding of the locally specific challenges for developing robust rice

systems, agreement upon the most appropriate strategies for focusing research, and

communication of this with stakeholders.

C - Increased understanding of rice systems at plant, crop, farm, and regional level.

D - An international, multi-disciplinary network of scientists, committed to developing robust

and eco-efficient rice systems that can meet the future demand of a growing population and

a changing climate.

E - Improved models that incorporate needed additional structure and are thus better able to

realistically simulate rice crops and systems.

This project builds on the successes of an earlier APN project (Applying Climate Information

to Enhance the Resilience of Farming Systems Exposed to Climatic Risk in South and

Southeast Asia; APN 2004-01-CMY) that established a global network of systems scientists.

The project comes at a critical period for the world’s food systems. Unprecedented

confluences of pressures are resulting in the ‘2050 challenge’: the need to increase global

food production by 70% in order to feeding a growing number of people with dwindling

resources such as land and water. It also comes at a crucial period in rice systems

modelling: recent advances in systems modelling now make it feasible to detail the

economic and environmental consequences of transformational changes such as switching

from flooded rice systems to aerobic rice. The scientific community and policy makers need

to be aware of the technological possibilities for better systems design, community leaders

need to understand the impact these technologies can have at local and regional level and

key scientists need to be trained in the use of these transformational modelling platforms.

Key facts/figures

- The number of young scientists that were trained throughout the project was ten,

spread across four countries.

- The project contributed to and fostered the publication of five peer reviewed journal


- The project also produced three conference publications.

Potential for further work

Rice is an important crop in Asia, particularly South Asia. The region accounts for almost

40% of the world's harvested rice area and almost 25% of the world's population. To

maintain regional self-sufficiency in rice, the irrigated and rainfed rice systems must achieve

greater yields over the next two decades whilst simultaneously facing many constraints. The

key challenge for South Asian rice production is to ensure food security with diminishing

water resources. This project focussed on beginning to meet this challenge over the coming

years, and part of this work will contribute to meeting these future challenges. Further work

would entail the expanded use of systems crop modelling across diverse agricultural climatic

zones, to address the constraints in specific regions and differing rice systems, this work

would further contribute to meeting the projected demand for rice into the future.



Journal Publications Awan, M.I., van Oort, P.A.J., Ahmed, R., Bastiaansa, L. Meinke, H. 2015. Farmers’ views on

the future prospects of aerobic rice culture in Pakistan. Land use Policy 42, 517-526.

Amarasingha, R.P.R.K., Galagedara, L.W., Marambe, B., Silva, G.L.L.P., Punyawardena, R.,

Nidumolu, U., Howden, M.,Suriyagoda L.D.B. 2014. Aligning Sowing Dates with the Onset of

Rains to Improve Rice Yields and Water Productivity: Modelling Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Yield

of the Maha Season in the Dry Zone of Sri Lanka. Tropical Agricultural Research 25, 277-


Amarasingha, R.P.R.K., Suriyagoda L.D.B. Marambe, B., Galagedara, L.W., Silva, G.L.L.P.,

Punyawardena, R., Wijekoon, R., Nidumolu, U., Howden, M. 2015. Modelling the Impact of

Changes in Rainfall Distribution on the Irrigation Water Requirement and Yield of Short and

Medium Duration Rice Varieties Using APSIM during Maha Season in the Dry Zone of Sri

Lanka. Tropical Agricultural Research 26, 274-284.

Amarasingha, R.P.R.K., Suriyagoda L.D.B., Marambe, B., Gaydon, D.S., Galagedara, L.W.,

Punyawardena, R., Silva, G.L.L.P., Nidumolu, U., Howden, M. 2015. Simulation of crop and

water productivity for rice (Oryza sativa L.) using APSIM under diverse agro-climatic

conditions and water management techniques in Sri Lanka. Agricultural Water Management

160, 132-143.

Kadiyala, M.D.M., Jones, J.W., Mylavarapu, R.S., Li, Y.C., Reddy, M.D. 2015. Identifying

irrigation and nitrogen best management practices for aerobic rice–maize cropping system

for semi-arid tropics using CERES-rice and maize models. Agricultural Water Management

149, 23-32.


Amarasinhga, R.P.R.K., Suriyagoda, L.D.B, Galagedara,L.W., Marambe,B., Silva, G.L.L.P.,

Punyawardena, R., Nidumolu,U., Howden,M., Parsons, D. and Mainke, H. 2015. Yield

advantage and water productivity of maize-mungbean inter-cropping systems in the Dry

Zone of Sri Lanka; a modelling approach. 17th Australian Agronomy Conference 2015.

M.E.K.K. Fernando, D.A.B.N. Amerasekara, R.K. Amarasingha, L.D.B. Suriyagoda, B.

Marambe, L.W. Galagedara, G.L.L.P. Silva, R. Punyawardena, D. Parsons, H. Meinke 2015.

Validation of APSIM for long duration rice varieties in different agro-climatic zones of Sri

Lanka. 17th Australian Agronomy Conference 2015.

M.I. Awan, H. Meinke, P. van Oort, L. Bastiaans 2015. Entry points for eco-efficient aerobic

rice production system in Punjab, Pakistan. 17th Australian Agronomy Conference 2015.

Awards and honours

No awards or honours.

Pull quote

‘I was fortunate to be a member of UTAS-led rice project, funded by the Asia-Pacific

Network for Global Change Research (APN). In this project I had the opportunity to engage

with the international collaborative network of rice researchers to propose and design

optimal rice-based systems for Pakistan with improved use-efficiencies, in particular for


Masood Iqbal Awan, University of Agriculture Faisalabad, Pakistan.


We would like to acknowledge significant in-kind contributions from the following

organisations who all generously contributed staff resources that were fundamental in the

successful completion of this project: University of Tasmania, M S Swaminathan Research

Foundation, Bogor University, International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid

Tropics, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad.

We also thank Mr David Phelan, our dedicated project officer, who managed all of the

logistics, financial management and technical editing. Without David the project would not

have been possible.

Finally, we miss the valuable contribution from our valued colleague, VN Rao, who died

tragically in June 2016. He was one of our core projects partners and only days away from

submitting his PhD thesis. We miss him.


Workshop Report

Final Workshop

The final workshop was held at the Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia from November

16 to 18, 2016. The workshop provided professional development for the participating

project scientists in understanding and analysing rice-based farming systems (rain-fed and

irrigated rice). Participating project scientists demonstrated their acquired analytical skills

and sytems thinking by presenting summaries and results of their work to their peers. Many

of their analyses involved the use of an agricultural simulation modelling platform (APSIM) in

order to integrate disciplinary knowledge and to provide proactive evaluation of technologies

and policies. In addition the workshop also strengthened the participants’ capabilities in

making their research more relevant for policy developers in for their representative



• Sivaprakash Ramalingam - M S Swaminathan Research Foundation (MSSRF), India.

• Manjula Madhaven - M S Swaminathan Research Foundation (MSSRF), India.

• Masood Iqbal Awan - University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan.

• Anria - Centre for Climate Risk and Opportunity Management in Southeast Asia Pacific

(CCROM - SEAP), Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia.

• Akhmed Faqih - Centre for Climate Risk and Opportunity Management in Southeast

Asia Pacific (CCROM - SEAP), Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia.

• Lana Shabala – Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture, University of Tasmania, Australia.

• David Phelan – Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture, University of Tasmania, Australia.

• Holger Meinke – Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture, University of Tasmania, Australia.

Summary of all policy briefs The demand for rice is projected to double by 2050, a challenging target in the midst of

competing demands for resources, and a changing variable climate. Required rice

production increases must be achieved sustainably. Productivity increases must also focus

on combinations of intervention action at all levels. This will be aided by the use of credible

simulation models such as APSIM. Model validation must occur across diverse agricultural

climatic zones and account for the suitability of genotypic differences as appropriate for

different rice systems. A thorough, model-based system analysis will assist in gaining better

understanding of the specific causes of rice yield gaps and allow for the mapping of

constraints in specific regions and differing rice systems. A major focus of the UTAS-led

APN project was to increase the systems analytical capabilities of developing scientists and

organisations, while strengthening a network of researchers through building further

partnerships and collaborative work with fellow colleagues within the APN framework. The

focus of the final workshop was to develop high level capabilities of participants in writing

effective policy briefs for each country involved in the project. The workshop was held at the

Bogor Agricultural University in Indonesia in late 2016. The workshop provided valuable

professional development opportunities for project scientists, an emphasis on rice in the

farming systems (rain-fed and irrigated rice) and an understanding of the links between

scientific research priorities, effective policy development and impact. Specifically it provided

a focus on the role of science in policy development in each of the represented countries.

Each participant within the workshop developed a policy brief relevant to their respective

study area. These are set out below.

Individual policy briefs The policy briefs from each participant focused on a single topic that logically related to the

purpose of their study. Participants were challenged to identify policy-relevant aspects of

their work and present the salient points in a compelling way without losing the scientific

rigour. The main purpose of the exercise was to make the topic accessible to non-experts.

The following section contains the final briefs developed by the workshop participants:


Creating value from degraded lands - breeding salt tolerant rice is the game changer Sivaprakash Ramalingam, M S Swaminathan Research Foundation (MSSRF), India

Salinity caused by sea level rise and subsequent salt water intrusion is expected to

adversely affect the sustainable development of coastal communities across major rice-

producing countries. Although rice is moderately sensitive to salinity, salt intrusion will make

large areas of productive lands unfit for rice cultivation. Rice farmers in South-East Asia are

looking for cropping systems that are more tolerant to salinity while maintain yield under the

changing climate. Moreover, water availability for irrigation has been declining gradually due

to rapid urbanization and industrialization in this region. To meet food security needs of 9.3

billion people by 2050, there is an urgent need to explore additional mechanisms imparting

salinity tolerance.

Breeding salt-tolerant rice is one of the key priorities of agriculture. Applications of new plant

breeding approaches provide South-East Asia with opportunities that conventional plant

breeding cannot. Contemporary gene editing techniques can now be deployed to produce

GM as well as non-GM cultivars at a fraction of the time and cost of conventional breeding

techniques. We now have the scientific capabilities to develop salt-tolerant rice cultivars that

can productively grow in salt-affected areas. Recent advances in technologies and methods

that enable precise gene modification hold great promise to overcome current constraints by

accelerating traits with high salt tolerance in rice without affecting existing valuable traits.

In order to develop salt tolerant rice cultivars, we will employ a rapid, efficient and effective

genome-editing approach, CRISPR/Cas9 system. Genome editing is a variant of mutation

breeding, with the difference that the generation of particular mutations is more precisely

targeted. The major advantage is that these modifications can be obtained in the same way

as they are via traditional breeding and crossing experiments. Importantly, while the process

uses gene technology, the final product developed using this approach will not contain any

foreign genetic material. It will be indistinguishable from conventionally bred rice varieties.

Hence, it will have wide acceptance by consumers.

Ultimately, this research will ensure the future economic and environmental sustainability of

smallholding farmers in this region and beyond. Achieving such outcomes requires a

supportive legislative framework that appropriately governs the use of GM technology for the

creation of non-GM crops. Hence, we encourage government to proactively regulate the

education and research environment for GM-based breeding technologies. Such regulation

will guarantee food safety, consumer confidence and uptake of the new cultivars being

developed. Eventually this will benefit everyone involved in the rice value chain: farmers

(especially resource-poor farmers), consumers and government. A welcome by-product

would be the international reputational gain for our researchers in India.

Appendix 1. Sivaprakash Ramalingam - Developing abiotic stress tolerant rice varieties

using biotechnological tools for improved agricultural productivity targeting food security.


Social Gains versus Private Losses: Are Land Use Restrictions on Paddy Lands Justified? Manjula Madhaven, Girigan Gopi and Vipin Das. M S Swaminathan Research Foundation

(MSSRF), India

Paddy farmers in Kerala find themselves in a perennial ‘catch 22’ situation. On the one hand,

the State confers them the title of ‘providers of ecosystem services’, restricting their business

decision through environmental regulations by legislating existing land use practices. At the

same time production cost for paddy rice continue to increase without corresponding

increases in price. This creates perpetual conflict and puts paddy farmers in an untenable


Comparative Economics of Paddy and Competing Crops (per acre)

Crop Yield (in quintals) Price (per quintal) in US$ (@INR68 per


Paddy 20 to 25 19 to 26

Banana 26 to 58 38 to 82

Betelnut 25 to 30 1475 (total)

The opportunity cost of conservation of paddy lands are considerably higher than the

compensation that is available in the form of subsidies and support price from Government:

The proposal to further extend ecological incentive to paddy farmers is yet to be

incorporated in the State policies governing paddy lands.

Given this background, the M.S.Swaminathan Research Foundation launched a study to

examine the ecological rationale for compensation payments to paddy farmers, including

their effectiveness and commercial competitiveness.

The study examined the capacity of paddy lands to provide ecosystem services like carbon

sequestration and support to faunal diversity vis-à-vis its competing land use, namely

banana and betelnut.

Frog Abundance (in Numbers )

Min Max Mean CV

Paddy 0 56 32 0.43

Banana 0 18 4 0.81

Betelnut 3 44 10 0.63

Source: Field Level Ecological Measurements

Frogs were chosen as bio-indicators of faunal diversity in this region. This is predicated on

the fact that frogs are amphibian that can live in both water and on land and hence will be

found in all the three land uses.

The study regressed the ecosystem services on land use changes and a set of field level

agronomic and farm level socio-economic variables. Results of the analysis show land use

had no significant effect on the ecosystem services. However, other factors such as

agronomic practices, plot level quantity of fertilizers and pesticides applied had significant,

negative influence on faunal diversity.

A key assumption behind the current conservation policy is that converting paddy lands to

other land uses will result in ecological damages. Our study and surveys do not support this

hypothesis. Instead we found that the restriction on land use changes on privately owned

paddy lands unduly burdens paddy farmers without providing any compensation for the cost

of conservation paddy land.

Soil Organic Carbon (in per cent)

Min Max Mean CV

Paddy 0.26 1.47 0.85 0.33

Banana 0.29 1.60 0.90 0.33

Betelnut 0.41 1.63 0.81 0.42

Source: Result from Soil Analysis

Frog Diversity (in numbers)

Min Max Mean CV

Paddy 0 5 3 0.33

Banana 0 3 1 0.54

Betelnut 1 4 2 0.46


Thus the environmental and ecological arguments for the existence of the Kerala State

Paddy and Wetand Act 2008 are scientifically irrational on the basis of the ecosystem

services documented in the study.

Nevertheless, given the undisputed argument of ground water recharge and flood control

services offered by paddy lands in some areas, the State should adequately compensate

affected paddy farmers who at the risk of personal economic losses, continue to cultivate

paddy for the larger societal benefit. This should be over and above the existing production

subsidies for paddy farmers.

Appendix 2. Manjula Madhaven - In Search of Ecological Rationale for ‘The Kerala

Conservation of Paddy Land and Wetland Act’

Farmers can produce more rice and save water, non-flooded rice is now a viable alternative Masood Iqbal Awan, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan

In Pakistan water is getting scarcer than land. To best use these limited water resources

requires a major social, political and scientific discourse. Current farming practices must

transition to more water saving systems to become sustainable. Particularly the high water

requirement crops like rice are problematic: conventional flooded rice systems are now

beginning to be considered unsustainable. The two major concerns with flooded rice

systems are scarcity of water and a low income generating ability.

To grow rice confidently and profitably, farmers must be able to accommodate climate

variability in the form of extreme events (i.e. droughts and floods). Science can assist by

demonstrating the potential value of novel, enabling technologies coupled with appropriate

policy settings. This requires collaboration at different levels: scientific, institutional,

industrial, social, and governance. In the next 10 years, our rice landscapes will be drier and

more mechanized than today. An emerging alternative are non-flooded rice production

systems that increase the sustainability and profitability of rice production. The adoption of

non-flooded rice will become a major imperative.

Our farmers are skilled in growing conventional flooded rice. We need to work with them and

help them with the introduction of these new production systems. Change always brings new

opportunities and risks. Some of the associated risk factors with drier, non-flooded rice

systems are: unavailability of suitable rice varieties, more weeds, a lack of appropriate

production technology, poor soil fertility, and yield penalties.

We evaluated non-flooded rice systems from a biophysical and socio-technological

perspective studies. Results clearly indicate the viability of non-flooded rice systems for

Pakistan. Evidently, the adoption of non-flooded rice will save farmers about 25-30% water

and require less labour. This considerably increases net profitability.

The saved water can be used for:

a) Bringing more area under rice cultivation or

b) Domestic/ industrial purposes.

Our challenge is making rice more resource-use efficient and globally competitive. A

proactive approach requires a shift in our policy settings to increase the resilience of farmers


and further the competitiveness of Pakistani rice. Based on our experimental findings and

foresighting, we urge policy makers to consider the following recommendations at different


Scientific and technological

Commission targeted research into breeding of suitable basmati varieties. Standardisation of soil and crop management practices for non-flooded rice systems. Mechanical interventions for appropriate seeding, weed control, and harvesting. Reducing post-harvest losses.


Awareness campaigns about non-flooded rice systems. Capacity building of farmers, researchers and extension workers. Establish and support extension outreach programs. Document how much of the current unused land can be used for growing non-flooded rice. Identify niches for non-flooded rice in non-rice growing areas. Procurement of carry-over stocks. Establishing the gender sensitisation roles.


Ensure quality standards. Branding Of Paskistani rice. Manufacturing of agricultural machinery for weeding, precise seeding and harvesting.

Social Awareness about water conservation. Empowering status of women and children.


Ensure availability of good quality biocides and required mechanical interventions. Increase the resilience of farmers through education and training instead of increasing their dependence through direct cash supports and softening policies for agricultural loans. Increase water storage capacity to store excess water during flood periods. Ensure rice quality standards. Implement a better trade policy. Remove export barriers. Stabilisation of price, demand and supply. Integrated resource management.

Appendix 3. Masood Iqbal Awan - Resource-use efficient alternate rice production systems

for Pakistan.

Modelling rice-based systems; reveal constraint and exploring options to realise maximum yield potential Anria and Akhmad Faqih, CCROM - SEAP, Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia

A field trial requires a lot of resources and often does not allow to extrapolate results to other

areas or circumstances. A crop growth model that has been calibrated and validated can be

used to explore different scenarios, simulate them and give useful information. Often a well-

performing model can be used to explore research questions that previously had to be

addressed using expensive and time-consuming field trials. Model-based information can

support decision making of proper farming management in order to realise potential yield.

Based on our modelling study, we find that very high temperatures during the flowering

period of rice cause substantial yield losses. As the temperature increases above 32°C,

which is the optimum temperature, spikelet fertility and number of grain will decrease leading

to yield losses. Heat-tolerant rice varieties that have higher optimum temperatures are

urgently needed. Further, more information of optimum planting times are also required.

Such germplasm and knowledge will enable us to adapt rice-based cropping system to a

changing climate. Our study is designed to guide new rice breeding efforts.

Appendix 4. Anria and Akhmad Faqih - Utilization of Crop Growth Model to Support Climate

Change Adaptation Action in Rice Farming System.


New crop breeding strategies to guaranty feeding global population in the future Lana Shabala, Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture, University of Tasmania, Australia

Food and fibre production will need to increase by 70% to match population growth that is

expected to reach 9.1 billion by 2050. Achieving this goal has become increasingly

challenging due to shortages of arable land, growing urbanisation and global climate

change. At the same time, sustainable food and fibre production worldwide is severely

hampered by a range of abiotic stresses such as salinity, drought, heat, flooding resulting in

$100 billion p.a. loss that is predicted to increase. The situation is especially critical in the

region of South-East Asia that largely rely on rice as a staple food and that is more affected

by harsh environmental conditions due to climate change.

Critically, approaches used in agriculture cannot quickly resolve the issue. Conventional

breeding requires over five years in field trials, but still doesn’t guaranty the positive

outcome. On the other hand, genetically modified technology (GM), while being quick and

specifically targeting, is currently not accepted by the public. This calls for a major shift in

breeding paradigm towards scientifically justified approach that is acceptable by the


In the light of these we suggest combining two novel ways for successful breeding: using (a)

alternative gene modification technology in combination with (b) the pyramiding approach in

crop breeding. Together they will provide conventional way of crop breeding with the latest

advances in technologies.

While being new, targeted genome editing approach, CRISP, has already been successfully

applied in agriculture. The approach can be used to create germplasm that does not contain

any foreign genetic material and is therefore indistinguishable from conventional breeding

techniques. This overcomes some of the major concerns that consumers raise in relation to


On the other hand, the pyramiding approach in crop breeding for abiotic stress tolerance has

been heavily advocated in recent years. It is based on a traditional breeding and is

empowered by using marker assisted selection that enables focusing on specific traits for

better crop breeding. The pyramiding approach is based on identification and targeting

specific physiological traits that were scientifically proven to be involved in traits of interest

and thus would result in more focused breeding.

The two approaches are complimentary and their use in parallel for developing crops that

are resistant to harsh environmental conditions would ensure successful outcome of the

project. The overall gain however will be feeding growing population in the future.

Appendix 5. Lana Shabala – Functional Genomics approaches to food security.


Final report


The demand for rice is expected to double by 2050, a challenging target in the midst of

competing demands for resources, and a changing and variable climate. Required

production increases must be achieved sustainably. Productivity increases must focus on

combinations of intervention actions at all levels. This requires systems thinking supported

by simulation modelling to integrate disciplinary knowledge and provide proactive evaluation

of technologies and policies. This project used in-country RD&E combined with modelling to

design more efficient rice systems, in conjunction with increasing the systems analytical

capacities of scientists and organisations, and strengthen a network of researchers. On-

going communication with all stakeholders, particularly policy makers will be central to the

outcome of this project.

The world is running out of rice. A key global food security question is: how can rice

production be increased without using more resources such as land, water and nitrogen and

reduce its carbon footprint? Simulation modelling offers the best tool for integrating

disciplinary knowledge and providing methods for evaluation of technologies and policies. An

emerging opportunity is aerobic rice. Recent advancements in rice simulation modelling

enable simulation of rice through the transition between aerobic and anaerobic growing

conditions. We incorporated in-country R&D combined with simulation modelling to design

better farming systems practices that will drastically improve resource efficiency of


Rice is an important crop in Asia, particularly South Asia, which is comprised of Bangladesh,

Bhutan, India, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. Agriculture in the region provides

employment and livelihoods for tens of millions of rural families directly or indirectly. The

region accounts for almost 40% of the world's harvested rice area and almost 25% of the

world's population (IRRI, 2002). To maintain regional self-sufficiency in rice, the irrigated and

rainfed rice systems must achieve much higher yields over the next two decades whilst

simultaneously facing many constraints including low soil fertility, pest and disease

incidence, competition from weeds, drought in rainfed systems, flooding, soil acidity, poor

infrastructure, land fragmentation, land losses due to urbanization, reduced land availability

and high cost of inputs (Mutert and Fairhurst, 2002). The key challenge for South Asian rice

production is to ensure food security with diminishing water resources are and population

growth of two percent p.a. (Briscoe and Qamar, 2009).


1. Enhance the capacity of researchers and their institutions throughout the rice

growing regions of Asia to using modelling tools for addressing rice systems research


2. Use a farming systems modelling framework to develop climate robust and eco-

efficient rice systems that are well adapted to the particular growing environment and

socioeconomic circumstances of each study location.

3. Foster collaboration of key rice systems scientists, centred on the use of simulation

modelling for research, policy analysis, and learning.

4. Engage in an on-going science-policy dialogue between research institutions and

policy decision makers to ensure that scientific insights underpin progressive policy

decisions that lead to more productive and efficient rice systems.

Technologies which are proven to be beneficial for the rice growing farmers across South

Asia can provide economic and environmental benefits. Modelling results based on outputs

of crop models can be extrapolated to different regions across South Asia. Policy briefs

regarding the feasibility of alternative production systems and theoretical limits of resource

use efficiencies were also developed and communicated.

Summary of Outcomes Across South East Asia the project assisted in training eight people (India, Pakistan, Sri

Lanka and Indonesia) in various aspects of rice systems modelling with specific relativity to

the local farming systems (rainfed and irrigated rice) applicable to the participating scientists

countries. This training in modelling rice-based cropping systems used cropping systems

models based on the 'learning by doing' principle, i.e. by using existing or past trial sites as

core parameterisation or validation cases, allowing trainees to use the models to explore and

extrapolate their own trial data. Training in the parameterisation of models was conducted in

a way that the models better reflect farming reality rather than being based on researcher

assumptions, making the models more credible and locally relevant. Additionally training was

also carried out in the acquisition of high quality data. In the past this has been neglected,


and we proposed to use existing trials to demonstrate key climate and soil characterisation

techniques, as well as cost-effective crop, nutrient and soil water monitoring techniques.

A particular emphasis was on simulation modelling of rice production systems under multiple

projected climate scenarios and irrigation scheduling. Systems thinking supported by

simulation modelling and integrated disciplinary knowledge provided proactive evaluation of

local technologies and policies. APSIM (Agricultural Production Systems Simulator) is a

modelling framework designed to simulate the production and resource consequences of

agricultural systems. Today, APSIM is one of the leading simulation platforms in the world

for modelling agricultural production systems and, in the aspects of breadth of science

coverage, software engineering and IP management, it is arguably the world’s most

advanced agricultural systems model. APSIM has been widely used in Australia as well in a

number of African (Kenya, Malawi, Zimbabwe, South Africa) and Asian cases studies (India,

Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Indonesia). A core strength of APSIM is its ability to simulate long

time sequences of multiple cropping sequences. Another differentiating feature is its

versatility in programming farmer decision making through the use of a unique programming

language in its management module. However, to date exposure to APSIM within South

Asia has been limited, mainly because until comparatively recently, APSIM did not have the

capability to model rice systems. In the past six years, significant effort has been put into

enabling APSIM to also reliably model rice systems. This was achieved in partnership with

IRRI, by coupling APSIM to IRRI’s rice model ORYZA.

The development of policy briefs concerning redesigning current approaches in resource

allocation, agronomy and knowledge dissemination for rice production throughout South

East Asia. The project also fostered both paper and report writing as well as policy brief

writing. As a result a number of papers have been published from the report.

Timeline of the Project Three annual meetings were held over the duration of the project, along with an APSIM

workshop and individual participants travel (Table 1).

Table 1. Timeline of Activity for the project. Activity Location Occurrence Inception workshop Kandy, Sri Lanka January 29 to 31, 2013 APSIM training workshop Bogor, Indonesia August 26 to 30, 2013 Mid-Project workshop Bogor, Indonesia September 2 to 4, 2014 Final workshop Bogor, Indonesia November 14 to 16, 2016 Individual travel for the project Participant Myanmar rice systems Myanmar V.N. Rao February to March, 2015 APSIM training and collaboration Hobart, Australia R. Amarasingha Sept. to November, 2015 APSIM training and collaboration Hobart, Australia Ahkmad Faqih April to May, 2016 APSIM training and collaboration Hobart, Australia Anria May to June, 2016

Inception Workshop (January 29 to 31, 2013. Kandy, Sri Lanka)

The inaugural workshop held at the University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, January 29th to the

31st, 2013, bought together mostly young to mid-career scientists from Australia, Pakistan,

India, Indonesia and Sri Lanka. The workshop involved a field tour of Sri Lankan rice

production systems, presentation of past and present rice systems research by each

participant, discussion of the issues relating to sustainable and eco-efficient rice production,

identification of important regional themes and research needs, and design of discrete cross-

country activities that will contribute to the overall collaborative research program. A range of

topics were also presented during the workshop. The presentations were an important

activity to enable project members to be aware of research interests and activities, to

promote discussion, and to sow the seeds for collaboration.

A feature of the workshop was also the formation of excellent cross-country collaboration.

The sub-projects that were designed were deliberately not country focused; each project

included at least two countries. The group intuitively realized the importance of mentoring of

the early career participants by the more experienced scientists.



Masood Iqbal Awan - University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan.

Dakshina Murthy Kadiyala - Agro Climate Research Center, ANGR Agril University, India.

Raji Reddy - ANGR Agril University, India.

P Vijaya Kumar – ICAR, India.

V Nageswara Rao ICRISAT, India.

Akhmed Faqih - Centre for Climate Risk and Opportunity Management (CCROM),


Andria Anria – CCROM, Indonesia.

Gito Sugih Immanuel - CCROM, Indonesia.

Buddhi Marambe – University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka.

Ruwanga Amarasingha – University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka.

Lalith Suriyagoda – University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka.

Punya Delpitiya - Department of Agriculture, Sri Lanka.

Liz Clarke – Australian National University, Australia.

David Parsons – Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture, University of Tasmania, Australia.

Holger Meinke – Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture, University of Tasmania, Australia.


A website was launched ( shortly after the inception workshop. The

website included a description of the project, short biographies of project participants,

downloadable presentations, video presentations, and progress from project activities. It will

be a key platform for sharing project outputs and promoting the project.

APSIM Training Workshop (August 26 to 30, 2013. Bogor, Indonesia)

A one week workshop was held at Bogor Agricultural University in Indonesia, from August

26th to 30th, 2013. The workshop provided training for three members participating in the

APN project as well as five undergraduate students who also undertook some initial training

in the use of APSIM. A particular emphasis was placed on understanding the APSIM-

ORYZA rice crop model and parameterising it for the specific farming systems applicable in

Indonesia. A detailed understanding of the APSIM-ORYZA rice crop phenology along with

climate impacts and climate variability were also pursued with specific reference to the

regional rice farming systems applicable to the participating scientists.

The workshop consisted of working through the APSIM training manual and subsequent use

of APSIM across diverse agricultural climatic zones in Indonesia via characterising both the

agricultural climatic zones and the suitability of different rice systems. A particular emphasis

of the workshop was focussed on understanding specific causes of simulated rice yield gaps

and mapping regional constraints under differing rice production systems.

The workshop was very successful, all participants exhibited enthusiasm and capability in

understanding and further developing their skills in the use of APSIM. From the beginning of

the week the participants were able to work through the basics of the model, culminating by

week’s end of being capable of initiating simulations replicating local rice systems under

various scenarios, both agronomic and climate, a key focus of the workshop.

Key subject matter for the training included:

• Working through the APSIM training manual;

• Familiarization with the capabilities of the APSIM model;

• Training in preparing climate files for use in APSIM, particularly those for selected

project study sites, and interpolating missing data;

• Introduction to APSOIL, and creating a toolboxes for collections of local/regional soils

• Calibrating APSIM with local/regional rice field data (agronomic and soil);

• Working through rice system simulations, with various climatic and agronomic

scenarios in accordance with improving rice production systems throughout central

Java. Sensitivity analysis of sowing times, irrigation and fertiliser regimes and

multiple rice crops in one calendar year;

• Focusing on limitations to production (e.g. nitrogen and temperature stress) and

learning to identify the causes of yield gaps.

• Altering rice parameters in APSIM via model coding.

• Registering with the APSIM users group and how to post APSIM issues/questions;


Akhmed Faqih - Centre for Climate Risk and Opportunity Management (CCROM),


Andria Anria – CCROM, Indonesia.

Gito Sugih Immanuel - CCROM, Indonesia.

David Phelan - Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture, University of Tasmania, Australia.

Along with five undergraduate students enrolled within the Bogor Agricultural University.


Mid-Project Workshop (September 2 to 4, 2014. Bogor, Indonesia)

The mid-project workshop was held at the Centre for Climate Risk and Opportunity

Management (CCROM), Bogor, Indonesia from the 2nd to the 4th of September, 2014. Again

bringing together mostly young to mid-career scientists from Australia, Pakistan, India,

Indonesia, Sri Lanka and Vietnam. The workshop involved updates, presentations, planning,

and a field tour of Indonesian rice production systems, as well as field training in soil type

and texture determination, along with further APSIM training (both beginner and advanced).

For the beginner APSIM training, this included a 1-day workshop at Bogor Agricultural

University for 12 undergraduate students. Discussions were also held concerning sub-

projects, reviewing aims, methods and activities to collaboratively develop future research

priorities that can be addressed through farming systems research and simulation modelling.

The team at CCROM also gave the group a detailed update on the work they have been

undertaking and this was presented by Akhmed Faqih.

Modelling the effect of rising temperature on rice production in Indonesia

Climate change has become a reality, and is threatening the income and livelihoods of poor

farmers in Indonesia. Rice is an important crop supporting the economy of Indonesia and

any adverse effect due to climate change will threaten the food security of its increasing

population. There is a need to understand the impact of climate change in terms of changing

temperatures and rainfall on the production of rice. Farmers cultivating rice could benefit

from weather-based crop insurance as an adaptive strategy for climate change. The team at

CCROM are developing weather indices for rice-paddy insurance in different regions of the

country. Weather indices in rice are innovative in Indonesia, and internationally. This work

will help researchers to breed temperature and drought sensitive crop varieties. These will

also help planners to make policies and strategies in rice-growing areas for adapting to

climate change. Farmers also will be advised to adapt changes in crop and cropping system

to suit the future climate conditions.


Masood Iqbal Awan - University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan.

Raji Reddy - ANGR Agril University, India.

Sreenivas Gade - ANGR Agril University, India.

V Nageswara Rao ICRISAT, India.

Akhmed Faqih – (CCROM), Indonesia.

Andria Anria – CCROM, Indonesia.

Gito Sugih Immanuel - CCROM, Indonesia.

Ruwanga Amarasingha – University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka.

Tran Thi Phuong - Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry, Vietnam.

John Hargreaves – CSIRO, Australia.

David Phelan - Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture, University of Tasmania, Australia.

David Parsons – Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture, University of Tasmania, Australia.

Final Workshop (November 16 to 18, 2016. Bogor, Indonesia)

The final workshop was held at the Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia from November

16th to 18th, 2016. As detailed earlier, the workshop provided professional development to

the participating project scientists with specific relativity to the farming systems (rain-fed and

irrigated rice) applicable to the participating scientists. Summaries and results were

presented by the participating project scientists where systems thinking supported by

simulation modelling (APSIM) to integrate disciplinary knowledge and provide proactive

evaluation of technologies and policies were analysed and discussed. In addition the

workshop also fostered policy development applicable for the participating project scientists

for their representative countries.


Sivaprakash Ramalingam - M S Swaminathan Research Foundation (MSSRF), India.

Manjula Madhaven - M S Swaminathan Research Foundation (MSSRF), India.

Masood Iqbal Awan - University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan.

Anria - Centre for Climate Risk and Opportunity Management in Southeast Asia Pacific

(CCROM - SEAP), Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia.

Akhmed Faqih - Centre for Climate Risk and Opportunity Management in Southeast Asia

Pacific (CCROM - SEAP), Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia.

Lana Shabala – Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture, University of Tasmania, Australia.

David Phelan – Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture, University of Tasmania, Australia.

Holger Meinke – Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture, University of Tasmania, Australia.


Individual Travel throughout the Project of participating members

Myanmar rice systems

In February-March, 2015, V Nageswara Rao visited Myanmar to assess legume crops within

rice systems. Rice is a major crop in Myanmar, and six delta districts produce 65% of total

rice production. The visit was focused on the central dry zone, which is semi-arid, and

contributes approximately 20% of national rice production and 54% of national pulse

production. Although Myanmar on the whole has a food surplus, the central dry zone states

are chronically food insecure.

Rainfed rice in the central dry zone is affected by ENSO, and produces greater yields in La

Niña years. Thus, climate variability is an important variable in agricultural production. Ideally

the system could be improved so that farmer cropping decisions are based on rainfall

forecasts, resulting in enhanced and sustainable productivity and food security. Another

opportunity is intensification of rice fallows with legumes (green gram, black gram, chickpea)

to restore soil fertility, enhance carbon sequestration, enhance system productivity and

mitigate greenhouse gas emissions.

Appendix 6. V.N. Rao - Evaluating the opportunities for intensifying dry season fallows in

rice based systems in South East Asia APSIM collaboration for Sri Lankan student in Australia

Ruwanga Amarasingha visited UTAS, Hobart from September 14 to November 14, 2015.

Ruwanga presented two farming systems papers at the Australian Agronomy Conference,

held in Hobart. Ruwanga also worked with the Australian modelling team to advance Sri

Lankan applications of rice systems research. This involved i) Simulating/evaluating the yield

of rice (i.e. short medium and long duration) under different agro-climatic conditions in Sri

Lanka, and ii) identifying the potential and risk areas for rice under future climate change

scenarios. Ruwanga’s work was further developed into two peer-reviewed publications.

Research - Eco-efficient nitrogen management for emerging aerobic rice systems

Decreasing water availability threatens the sustainability of two highly interlinked precious

commodities i.e. rice and water. An alternative to the conventional transplanted-flooded rice

is ‘aerobic rice’ that is an emerging production system in South Asia. Aerobic rice entails the

growing of direct-seeded rice crop in non-puddled fields under non-flooded conditions

throughout the growing season. Besides water economy, the other major driving force

behind aerobic systems is the shortage of labour required for manual uprooting,

transportation and transplanting of rice nurseries. Aerobic rice could considerably improve

eco-efficiencies in rice-based systems of Pakistan where water, labour, and energy are

becoming increasingly scarce. Improved eco-efficiencies of one resource, however, might

happen at the cost of declined efficiencies for some other resources. For example, Awan et

al. (2014) and Kadiyala et al. (2012) reported that improved use efficiencies of water, labour,

and energy in aerobic systems happen at the cost of declined efficiencies for land and

fertiliser nitrogen (N).

Reducing N losses in aerobic rice should be an important topic for further research and

improvement of the technology (Awan et al., 2014). One of the approaches to improve N

availability, reduce N losses, and sustainable management of soil fertility is to apply

compost, alone or in different combinations with chemical fertilisers. Adding compost to

aerobic fields will improve the use efficiency of N and help conserve soil fertility. Two outdoor

pot experiments were undertaken to test this hypothesis.

APSIM collaboration for Indonesian students in Australia

Akhmad Faqih visited the University of Tasmania (UTAS), Hobart from April 7th to May 4th,

2016. Faqih worked with the Australian modelling team (H. Meinke, D. Parsons and D.

Phelan) to advance Indonesian applications of rice systems research. Faqih’s initial focus of

his visit was on the analysis of projected climate data from a Regional Climate Model (RCM),

the RegCM4. Faqih concentrated on the validation of the projected GCM climate data

against observed historical data via an analysis of both daily data and monthly and annual

means for regional West Java. Faqih then quantified the changes in both the climate and

climate variability using the projected climate data in comparison to a long term baseline

period of 1981 to 2010.

Anria visited UTAS, Hobart from May 9th to June 2nd, 2016. Anria’s work followed on from

Faqih’s in using the projected climate data. Anria also worked closely with the Australian

modelling team (H. Meinke, D. Parsons and D. Phelan) to advance Indonesian applications

of rice systems research. Anria used the projected GCM data from the RegCM4 for

parameterising/validating rice phenology and resultant yields under various agro-climatic

conditions in West Java, Indonesia. Additionally, Anria quantified the projected climate

impacts, potential rice yield gaps, productivity options and crop phenology.


The training visits to UTAS of both Faqih and Anria strengthened the ongoing project

relationship and opportunity to engage with the broader scientific community. The main skills

and knowledge gained was a further development in the use of modelling tools (APSIM) to

conduct research in rice systems through professional development and participating project


Methods In South Asia rice is grow in varying ecosystems, ranging from irrigated lowlands to rainfed

uplands. Water and nitrogen efficiencies are very low, and identification of possible reasons

for this have the potential to not only improve rice yields but also reduce environment impact.

This modelling study is part of a larger research theme relating to resource utilisation in the

APN project and builds upon on a data set collected from various ongoing research projects

in the South Asian region. Simulation models are an excellent tool to analyse alternative

crop management options and to quantify trade-offs between yield potential, resource-use

efficiencies and environmental implications. The existing crop models however require

continuous improvement. Improved model applications for rice-based systems are urgently

required to explore the dynamics of the transitions from anaerobic to aerobic rice systems

and to optimize the use of limited resources such as fertilizer and water.

In collaboration with partners in South Asian countries, differing rice growing ecosystems

were documented in small manageable pilot areas. The major constraints in each rice

ecosystem were studied and the potential transformational technological solutions will be

proposed. The APSIM-Oryza model was used to simulate field conditions under different rice

systems. The data collected from field experiments was used to parameterise, calibrate and

validate the model, this was undertaken in various countries. The APSIM model was then

used to study the use efficiencies of water, nitrogen and the impact of both the projected

climate and the ENSO index across the south-east Asia region region. Rice crop growth and

performance was also analysed to identify possible trade-offs between high water and high

N use efficiencies. The use of improved modelling capabilities will help to propose and

design optimal systems with improved resource use efficiencies throughout the region.

Although the work presented here predominately focused on South Asia (Pakistan, Sri

Lanka and India), the work also includes Indonesia, a country where rice production is also

vitally important. Following is a summary of each contributors work undertaken for the

project, incorporating Sri Lanka, India, Pakistan, Myanmar and Indonesia.

SRI LANKA Validation of APSIM for long duration rice varieties in different agro-climatic zones of Sri Lanka

Ruwanga Amarasingha

Abstract Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is the staple food for many Asians. In Sri Lanka, rice production is

heavily dependent on the rainfall distribution pattern, and would be adversely affected by

climate change. Prediction and estimation of yield and resource-use efficiency of commonly

grown rice varieties is of immense importance under a variable and changing climate.

Agricultural system simulation models are useful tools to assess the performance of

agricultural systems under scenarios of changing rainfall patterns. The present study was

conducted to validate the Oryza module of the Agricultural Production Systems Simulator

(APSIM) model for two long duration rice varieties, Bg403 and Bg379-2 (4 months maturity).

Model evaluation was done using secondary data. APSIM simulated the observed rice yields

for Bg403 and Bg379-2 with a strong fit (R2 of 0.88 and 0.77, respectively, and CV of 9.9%

and 14.4%, respectively). Yield was less when grown under rainfed condition than under

irrigation for both the varieties. The highest simulated yield loss was observed at

Aralaganwila (Dry-Zone Low Country), where a 10% reduction in the seasonal rainfall was

simulated. The validated APSIM-Oryza module can be used in evaluating the potential areas

for rice cultivation in Sri Lanka under current and predicted climate change scenarios.

Introduction Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is the staple food for Sri Lankans. Total land devoted to rice is

estimated to be about 805,647 ha (Agstat, 2013). Rice varieties are categorized into three

types according to the time taken for maturity: short duration (up to 3 months), medium

duration (3-4 months months), and long duration (4-4.5 months). Rice varieties in the short

and medium duration age classes collectively comprise over 93% of the rice production of

Sri Lanka and the balance is long duration varieties (Agstat, 2013). Due to heavy and longer

duration rainfall during Maha season (major rainy season from October to February), farmers

cultivate long and medium duration rice varieties. Short duration rice varieties are cultivated

during the Yala season (minor rainy season from March to September) when the availability

of water is limited. Long duration rice varieties are reported to give higher yields than other

types. The total land area devoted to rice is not usually cultivated due to a shortage of water

during the season (DCS, 2011). Global climate change projections have raised concerns

about the negative impacts on crop production in Sri Lanka (Weerakoon and De Costa,


2009). Therefore, it is important to identify the ways of improving national rice production to

meet the rising demand of an increasing population.

Estimation of rice yields are needed for different management conditions, and one approach

to achieve this is by using crop models. The APSIM-Oryza was developed by incorporating

the ORYZA2000 rice growth model (Bouman and van Laar, 2006) into the APSIM modelling

framework. The model has been used in Sri Lanka, to evaluate the nitrogen response in

lowland rice (Suriyagoda and Peiris, 2011), and for assessing the yield advantage and water

productivity when aligning planting date with the onset of rainfall using short and medium

duration rice varieties (Amarasingha et al., 2014). The objectives of this study were to (i)

validate APSIM-Oryza module for two long duration rice varieties widely grown in Sri Lanka

(Bg379-2 and Bg403), (ii) estimate the rice yield in the Dry and Intermediate Zones with and

without irrigation water availability during the Maha season and, (iii) estimate the rice yield of

long duration rice varieties when rainfall is reduced by 5 % and 10 % during the Maha


To parameterise APSIM-Oryza for rice production in Sri Lankan for three different growing

seasons. Short season (three months), medium season (three and half months) and long

season (four months) for various rice varieties for different agro-climatic zones under

recommended management conditions.

Materials and Methods APSIM model

The Agricultural Production Systems Simulator (APSIM) version 7.4 was used to validate the

phenology and growth of long duration rice varieties Bg379-2 and Bg403 in four locations in

different agro-climatic zones in Sri Lanka namely, Maha-Illuppallama (MI; Dry Zone, Low-

Country), Bathalagoda (BG; Intermediate Zone, Low-Country), Bombuwela (BW; Wet Zone,

Low-Country), and Aralaganwila (AG; Dry Zone, Low-Country) (Fig. 1). APSIM has been

previously parameterised for the above rice varieties (Fernando, 2014).

Figure 1. Sri Lankan agro-climatic zones and locations of the four sites.

Data for model calibration and evaluation

Secondary data collected for over twenty years from both Yala and Maha seasons included

planting date, time taken for flowering, 50% heading and maturity, and yield. These data

were sourced from the Rice Research and Development Institute (RRDI) at BG and its

regional station at BW, and the Field Crop Research and Development Institute (FCRDI) at

MI and its regional station at AG under the National Coordinated Rice Variety Trials

(NCRVT). Daily weather data (maximum and minimum temperatures, rainfall, and solar

radiation) from 1976 to 2011 for MI, 1993 to 2013 for BG, 2002 to 2012 for BW, and 2001 to

2012 for AG were obtained for both Yala and Maha seasons from the Natural Resource

Management Centre (NRMC) of the Department of Agriculture (DOA). Soil characteristics of

the study sites were obtained from Mapa et al. (2010).

Management practices

All crop management practices were conducted according to the recommendations of the

DOA (DOA, 2014). Planting dates and planting methods (direct seeding), irrigation, and

fertilizer management strategies were parameterised in the model simulations as recorded

from the sites. In the simulation process, a maximum ponding depth of 8.0 cm of water was

maintained in the field either through rainfall or irrigation. Irrigation water was available only

at the MI, BG, and AG and therefore, model simulations were run with supplementary




Gannoruwa Kundasale


irrigation for those sites. At the BW site, irrigation water is not available and hence

simulations were run as a rainfed system.

Definition of the scenario modelled

Rainfall distribution may change as predicted by the climate change models. Specifically, the

reduction in amount of rainfall received during Maha season may affect rice production. The

simulated scenarios were:

Scenario A: With and without irrigation

Simulations were run with supplementary irrigation and without (i.e. rainfed).

Scenario B: Reduced rainfall in the Maha season

The weather files of the BG, MI, AG and BW sites were changed to reduce the daily rainfall

by 5% and 10%. The Maha season is the major rice cultivating season in the Dry and

Intermediate Zones.

Results and Discussion The model could simulate the time taken for 50% flowering of Bg403 and Bg379-2 varieties

in different locations. The CV values for Bg403 and Bg379-2 were 2.6% and 3.2%,

respectively. The RMSE values for Bg403 and Bg379-2 varieties were 2.2 and 3.0 days and

the R2 values were 0.71 and 0.70, respectively (Fig. 2).

Figure 2. Observed and simulated days required for 50% flowering of Bg403 and Bg379-2

rice varieties grown during Yala and Maha seasons at Maha-Illuppallama, Bathalagoda,

Aralaganwila and Bombuwela, in Sri Lanka.

The model estimated the rice yield at different locations with a strong fit. For Bg403 and

Bg379-2, R2 values were 0.89 and 0.77, respectively while the CV values were less than 15

% (Fig. 3). Therefore, this model can be used to predict the grain yield of Bg403 and Bg379-

2 with high accuracy.

Figure 3. Observed and simulated grain yield of Bg403 and Bg379-2 rice varieties grown

during Yala and Maha seasons at Maha-Illuppallama, Bathalagoda, Aralaganwila and

Bombuwela, Sri Lanka.

There was a wide variability in soil physical and chemical properties among different

locations (Mapa et al., 2010). Even under such variable conditions the parameterized

APSIM-Oryza model could estimate the grain yield of rice with a high accuracy. The average

expected grain yield of long duration rice varieties is higher than the short and medium

duration rice varieties. However, due to various reasons, the yield potential of those varieties

has not been achieved under field conditions. As APSIM-Oryza can incorporate the changes

in soil moisture, nutritional aspects, and agronomic management decisions, the validated

model can effectively be used in exploring yield-limiting factors. In these simulations

supplementary irrigation was available when estimating the yields at MI, BG, and AG if the

rainfall was not adequate; whereas at BW rice yield was simulated as a rainfed crop.

Therefore, the different sites and years represented varying levels of soil moisture stresses

which was a major factor affecting low observed yields across locations and years. Even

under such diverse soil moisture availabilities, APSIM-Oryza could simulate the grain yield

with a strong fit.

The highest observed yields were recorded at AG (Bg 379-2: 5.9 t/ha and Bg 403: 6.1 t/ha).

The model can be used to estimate the expected yield under different management

conditions such as a reduction in irrigation water availability. At BW, the observed yield

recorded was lower than other locations tested (Bg 379-2: 4.5 t/ha and Bg 403: 3.2 t/ha).

Possible agronomic interventions can be tested using simulation models to understand

whether rice productivity can be improved through different management decisions. The

precision achieved for the long duration rice varieties in this study is comparable with or


even better than the level of precision reached by Amarasinghe et al. (2014) for short and

medium duration rice varieties grown in in Sri Lanka.

Scenario analyses

The validated model was used to simulate yield performances under different scenarios. In

the simulation of Scenario A (with and without irrigation), the yield was reduced at all the

sites, with the greatest reduction at BG (69 % reduction) (Fig. 4A). At AG the yield reduction

was less (15 %) than that observed at MI (50 %).

Figure 4. Average yield of rice with and without access to irrigation water supply (A), and

under different levels of rainfall (B) during Maha season at Aralaganwila (AG), Maha-

Illuppallama (MI), Bathalagoda (BG) and Bombuwela (BW) in Sri Lanka. Vertical lines

indicate the standard error of the means, n=10.

The reason for the greater dependency of irrigation water at BG is due to the lower amount

of rainfall received during the Maha season (average rainfall of 587 mm, n=10) than that

received at AG (average rainfall of 1346 mm, n=10). The dependency of irrigation water can

be reduced at least partly if the planting date is adjusted with the onset of rainfall season

(Amarasinghe et al., 2014). The average rice yield was reduced at all the sites except at MI

when the simulated amount of rainfall was reduced by 5 % and 10 % below recorded data.

The AG site experienced the greatest reduction in grain yield with the reduction in rainfall

(Fig. 4B) and thus would be more affected by a possible reduction in rainfall in the future. At

BG and BW sites, the reduction in grain yield was less than 8 % and 10 % when rainfall was

reduced by 5 % and 10 %, respectively. Rice productivity increased at MI, and the exact

reason for this response is not known and needs to be assessed further.

Conclusion The APSIM-Oryza model was evaluated with high precision for two long-duration rice

varieties (4 months to maturity; Bg403 and Bg379-2) for different agro-climatic zones in Sri

Lanka. The capability of the model to simulate the time required for 50 % flowering,

physiological maturity, and grain yield for both rice varieties was satisfactory.


INDIA Climate-smart Agriculture Practices for Myanmar: Seasonal rainfall forecast based crop management options for the Central Dry Zone of Myanmar V. N. Rao

Introduction Myanmar is the world’s sixth-largest rice-producing country. Rice is the country’s most

important crop and is grown on over 8 million ha, or more than half of its arable land. Rice

production in Myanmar has steadily increased with some area expansion and yield increase

accounting for the improved rice production. In spite of a decreasing use of fertilizer, rice

production grew at 3% per year for the period 2005 to 2010. Modern varieties are cultivated

extensively but because of lower inputs (e.g., fertilizer and herbicide), farmers are not

achieving the yield potential of these modern varieties. Despite this rice yields increased to

4.1 t/ha in 2010 from approximately 3 t/ha in 1995.

Climate variability and crop production in Myanmar The rice ecosystems of Myanmar include irrigated lowland, rainfed lowland (including late-

sown and Mayin area), deepwater, and upland. Late-sown rainfed lowland is the region

sown during the monsoon period. Mayin rice can be transplanted only after the monsoon

when floodwater recedes. Rainfed lowland (the largest of the ecosystems) and deepwater

rice are confined to the delta region and coastal strip of Rakhine State. Approximately 60%

of the delta region of Lower Myanmar, is cultivated with rainfed rice. Because of rainfall and

hydrologic patterns, irrigation is critical in Myanmar’s central dry zone, whereas, in the delta,

there is more concern about drainage and flood protection. The country’s upland area is

mostly in Mandalay, Sagaing, and Shan states. Myanmar has tropical monsoon climate

driven by South West Monsoon from May to October and North East monsoon from

December to February, this is classified as a typical bimodal rainfall pattern. Post monsoon

season in October and November provides a break in the rainfall season. Myanmar has

three distinct climatic zones;

1. Costal - areas receiving the highest annual rainfall of about 5000 mm with mean

temperature around 32°C.

2. Central Dry zone - records the lowest rainfall, ranges from 500 to 1000 mm influenced by

orography, and temperature range varies from a minimum 10°C in winter to a maximum of

40°C during hot dry months. The area most affected by droughts has been the central dry


3. In the Northern and hilly areas, temperatures range within 10° to 40°C, but extreme low

temperatures below freezing point were recorded in both Chin and Shan states.

Myanmar’s economy is largely dependent (70% population) on agriculture, and contributes

45% to the national Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Rice is a major crop produced in

Myanmar, from 6 delta districts considered as rice bowl of Myanmar, contributing about 65%

of annual total rice production. Whereas, the semi-arid Central dry zone of Myanmar which

occupies 13% of the country’s total land area contributes about 20% of country’s rice

production, 54% of total pulse production and also regarded as country's oil pot. Although

Myanmar is considered to be able to produce food surpluses at a country level, the world

food programme (WFP, 2012) indicated that parts of central dry zone, Shan and Chin states

have been chronically food insecure. Livestock, freshwater and marine fisheries are also key

sources of protein in the diet of Burmese.

ENSO effects on Crop Productivity Paddy rice and rainfed rice are major cropping systems in the irrigated costal belt and in

central dry zones respectively. Although the geographical pattern of the impacts of El

Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) on seasonal temperature and rainfall and the impacts of

ENSO on regional yields are well established, no global map has been constructed to date

that describes ENSO’s impacts on crop yields, although there is limited information

concerning ENSO’s impacts on yields in a few locations. Such limited information makes the

overall impacts of ENSO on yields uncertain, and hinders the quantification of the impacts.

While the extent of harvested area affects total crop production, more critical is large year-to-

year variability in yields associated with climatic factors such as ENSO. This study reports

that within Myanmar mean annual rice and pulse yields within the central dry zone during La

Niῆa years are greater in comparison to the El Niῆo and Neutral phases of ENSO (Fig 1.)

a b


Figure 1. Mean annual rice production (t/ha) for each of the three phases of ENSO within

the central dry zone (a) and mean annual pulse production (t/ha) for each of the three

phases of ENSO within the central dry zone (b) of Myanmar. Pulse crops yields are also greater during La Nina years and these yields are significantly

low when the Neutral phase of ENSO prevails during a cropping year. Our analysis indicates

that two major commercial crops of Myanmar, cotton and sugarcane’ yields are also much

affected by El Niῆo phase of ENSO in central dry zone of Myanmar. Climate variability,

extremes and change is found to impact on agricultural production and quality throughout


ENSO based Rainfall Variability Department of Meteorology and Hydrology (DHM) upon the analysis of 40 years of historical

weather data reported that during El Nino the warmer phase of ENSO, results in deficit

rainfall and higher temperatures. During the La Nina phase, the cold phase tends to bring

higher rainfall and lower temperatures in Myanmar. October, November and December

rainfall distribution is most effected by the ENSO phases, this follows with a trend of greater

rainfall in La Niῆa years and lower rainfall in El Niῆo years as observed from rainfall analysis

for both stations of Magway and Pokakku (Fig. 2).

Figure 2. Mean monthly rainfall (May, June, July, August and September) and mean

monthly rainfall (October, November and December) for each of the three phases of ENSO

for Magway and Pakokku, Myanmar.


Although rainfall forecasts are available at various time scales from the Department of

Meteorology and Hydrology within Myanmar, generational use of location-specific forecasts

for improving crop management decision-making to minimize risk and improve productivity is

conspicuously absent in Myanmar. There also exists an absence of institutional mechanisms

to share data available among various institutions within Myanmar. Further, the distribution

of Meteorological observatories is inadequate (Romano, 2010) to sufficiently capture rainfall

variability for modelling crop yield forecasts.

Issues remain concerning communicating forecast decisions for the understanding of policy

makers and stake holders to take appropriate cropping decisions along with uncertainties in

seasonal rainfall forecast and skill levels. Communicating the right information to farmers at

the right time is one of the greatest challenges in the application of seasonal climate

information in farmer decision-making.

Expected outcomes

Farmers’ decisions for appropriate improved cropping options are tailored based on rainfall

forecasts, resulting in enhanced and sustainable productivity and food security.

Intensification of rice fallows with legumes (green gram, black gram, chickpea) restores soil

fertility and enhance’s carbon sequestration besides enhancing system productivity and

mitigates GHG emissions.

Based on seasonal rainfall forecasts, dryland cropping systems may be intensified with

soybean in rainy seasons, short season legumes in post-rainy season during favourable


seasons to improve WUE and NUE of these systems. Analyses of climate change scenarios

for Myanmar helps to develop climate smart (heat tolerant, water logging tolerant) cultivars

to fit into cereal-legume cropping systems for future food security in Myanmar.

PAKISTAN Entry points for eco-efficient aerobic rice production system in Punjab, Pakistan Masood Iqbal Awan

Abstract Major issues challenging the sustainability of conventional flooded rice systems in Pakistan

are: low input conversion efficiencies, productivity stagnation, rising costs of production, and

shortage of water, labour, and energy. An emerging opportunity is an alternative, eco-

efficient production system called ‘aerobic rice’, which entails the growing of direct-seeded

crops in non-puddled fields under non-flooded conditions. Eco-efficiency is about achieving

more agricultural output per unit of input, through substitution of production factors including

knowledge. We evaluated the aerobic rice system in Punjab, Pakistan from biophysical and

socio-technological perspectives employing a combined approach of experimentation (i.e.

field trials on resource-use efficiencies and growth chamber studies on phenology) and

farmer surveys. Our findings suggest that the aerobic rice system is a rational approach for

improving the eco-efficiencies of water, labour, and energy. However, for subtropical

conditions, the knowledge-intensive system is still very much in the development phase, thus

requiring a thorough understanding of the entry points (i.e. opportunities and threats). Based

on our findings, the entry points for aerobic rice systems are: availability of fine grain basmati

varieties; savings on water, labour, and energy; net profitability; extension outreach

programmes to raise awareness among farmers; good quality biocides; prospective areas

for crop diversification; optimisation of agronomic practices such as seed rate, water, and

fertiliser inputs; land levelling; and mechanical interventions for appropriate seeding and

weeding. In order to balance production and sustainability, risks of crop failure can be

reduced by optimisation of scarce resources and provision of suitable genotypes.

Introduction Water is becoming scarcer than land in Pakistan. Water productivity of different crops is

among the lowest in the world. Current practices in some parts must transition to water-

saving systems for sustainable crop production, in particular for ‘water-guzzling’ crops like

rice. Rice crop, essentially grown on irrigated fields in Pakistan, covers 2.6 million hectares

(Mha) with an annual production of about 6 million tonnes. Rice based cropping systems are

rice-wheat, rice-berseem, rice-pulses, rice-vegetables and rice-fallow (GOP, 2014;

Chapagain and Hoekstra, 2011). The rice-wheat system covers 2.2 Mha and is the second

largest cropping system after cotton-wheat. Paddy rice is typically grown by transplanting

30–35 day old rice seedling in continuously flooded conditions with ponding depths of 50–75

mm for most of the growing season, requiring 15 to 25 irrigations. Total water application


ranges from 1200 to 1600 mm over a 100–150 day growing period. (Ahmad et al., 2007).

The stagnation of productivity threatens the sustainability of intensive systems via the

degradation of soil and water resources. Water shortage, low plant population per unit area

due to labour shortage at critical time of transplanting, falling water tables and concomitant

rise in energy requirement for pumping groundwater are the major limitations for rice

production. With low income generating ability and low conversion efficiencies for the scarce

inputs, the conventional transplanted flooded rice system is now showing its limitations for

resource poor farmers. (Farooq et al., 2011; Ladha et al., 2003).

Emerging global resource constraints have led to a renewed focus on improving the overall

eco-efficiencies of agricultural systems (Keating et al., 2010). Conceptually, eco-efficiency is

achieving more agricultural outputs in terms of quality as well as quantity with less inputs of

land, water, nutrients, energy, labour, or capital, thus covering both the ecological and

economic aspects of sustainable agriculture. An emerging opportunity is an alternative and

eco-efficient productions system called ‘aerobic rice’. Aerobic rice entails the growing of

direct-seeded rice crop in non-puddled fields under non-flooded conditions throughout the

growing season. We used the term ‘aerobic rice system’ for the whole package of agronomic

practices and biophysical and socio-economic boundary conditions. Aerobic rice could

considerably improve eco-efficiencies in rice-based systems where water, labour, and

energy are becoming increasingly scarce. The aerobic rice system is gaining momentum in

South Asia as an alternate to the conventional transplanted flooded rice system (Mahajan et

al., 2013). Under Pakistani conditions, water economy is the main driver behind aerobic rice

systems. Changing the current production system to non-flooded aerobic rice could

considerably increase resource use efficiencies. However, for subtropical conditions, such

as those in Pakistan, the non-conventional system is still very much in the development

phase. Aerobic rice systems are knowledge-intensive thus requiring careful management

interventions, heavily relying on biocides for managing weeds and nematodes. Essential

plant nutrients (e.g. N, P, K, Fe, Zn, and Mn) may become deficient under aerobic conditions

(Kreye et al., 2009). Management practices should be developed to enhance resource-use

efficiency especially for water and nitrogen (N) which are the most limiting factors. Accurate

prediction of the timing of different events in plant development is crucial to facilitate timely

resource application, which is crucial for optimising resource use of scarce inputs. In this

paper we outline the main entry points (i.e. opportunities and threats), which are critical for

further technology development and dissemination.


This paper is based on an interdisciplinary project (Awan, 2013). In the interdisciplinary

project, we employed a combined approach of experimentation and farmer surveys to

contribute important information on aerobic rice crop performance, pre-flowering

photothermal responses, and farmers’ perspective. Two seasons of field experiments (2009

and 2010) at the research station of the University of Agriculture, Faisalabad–Pakistan

tested three local (KSK133, IR6, RSP1) and two exotic (Apo, IR74371-54-1-1) genotypes

against different combinations of irrigation levels (Total water input through irrigation and

rainfall in 2009-10: 1278-1318 mm (high), 934-979 mm (moderate), 701-938 mm (low)) and

nitrogen (N) rates (0, 170, 220 kg N/ha) under aerobic conditions. The experimental site lies

in the non-traditional rice belt, which is an important target domain for aerobic rice.

Understanding phenology × environment interactions is essential to devise management

practices that improve resource use efficiency in environments with sub-optimal resource

supply. To disentangle photoperiod (PP) and temperature effects, we used a two-step

approach. The PP-response was determined in growth chambers, through a reciprocal

transfer experiment with variable daylength (10, 12.5 and 15 h/d) conducted at a fixed

temperature of 26°C. Consecutively, the temperature response was determined by

combining the obtained PP-parameters with data from field experiments. To supplement the

basic biophysical research, we conducted farmer surveys in three major cropping systems of

Pakistan Punjab viz. rice-wheat, mixed-cropping and cotton-wheat to understand farmers’

views about the future prospects of aerobic rice system. Respondents (n = 215) were

grouped using two criteria: (1) their current cropping system and (2) their experience with

rice and specifically aerobic rice system. The second criterion led to a distinction between

three groups: group I (n = 70) were informant farmers from the rice–wheat system who had

tried aerobic rice in a participatory research trial in 2010; group II (n = 97) were rice-growing

farmers from each cropping system who did not participate in the trials; group III (n = 48)

were non-rice-growing farmers with experience in mixed-cropping or the cotton–wheat

cropping system (Awan et al., 2015). Based on the results of the interdisciplinary project and

relevant information on aerobic rice experiences in other parts of the world, we have

identified the key entry points in this paper.

Key findings and their implications Eco-efficiencies of water, N, labour, and energy

Grain yield (GY) is a basic measure of eco-efficiency. The GY levels of tested genotypes

were generally within the target GY of 4–6 t/ha for aerobic rice systems i.e. 80% GY

attainable under transplanted-puddled rice system. Under aerobic system, the GY penalty in


Pakistan and India ranged between 7.5–28.5% (Kumar et al., 2011). The exotic genotypes

(Apo and IR74371-54-1-1) better coped with water stress, clearly lowering the risk of

obtaining low GY. Under different irrigation regimes, the exotic genotypes recorded GY (t/ha)

levels of 4.34 (high), 3.57 (moderate), and 2.64 (low) respectively as against the GY levels

(i.e. 4.56, 2.55, 1.78) of the benchmark local genotype KSK133. The exotic genotypes

clearly lower the risk of obtaining low GY under water stress conditions but under more

optimal water supply conditions the local genotype KSK133 was better. Under aerobic

system, we found water productivity (WPg; g grain/kg total water input through rainfall and

irrigation) values of up to 0.38, which is more than double the national average of 0.16 for

the conventional flooded system in Pakistan. Compared to the gross water requirements of

1600 mm, the total water use (~1300 mm in the high irrigation treatment) resulted in a 20%

water savings, which might save farmers three to four irrigations and also reduce energy

requirements for pumping groundwater through diesel or electric pumps. Farmers ranked

labour savings in direct-seeded aerobic system higher than water saving. Under subtropical,

semiarid conditions as in Pakistan, producing more rice per unit area and with less water is

rarely possible: reduced water input in our study increased WPg but decreased the GY

compared to the flooded system. Pakistan is one of the most water-stressed countries in the

world, hence aerobic systems are more advantageous in terms of saving both water and

labour compared to the direct seeded rice systems, which mainly focus on labour saving.

The GY was positively correlated with total N uptake but we found small differences between

the three N application rates, which suggest that a significant amount of the applied N was

not taken up by the crop. The process of alternate wetting-drying is known to stimulate the

decomposition of soil organic matter and nitrification–denitrification processes. Although we

have insufficient experimental data to quantify the complete N (and hence energy) balance,

we hypothesise that atmospheric N losses were a major factor in the overall N balance

(Awan et al., 2014). In aerobic systems, the improved eco-efficiencies of water, labour, and

energy might happen at the cost of declined efficiencies for N and land.

Resource-use in relation to phonological development

All four tested genotypes (KSK133, RSP1, Apo and IR74371-54-1-1) were PP-sensitive. The

crop duration (i.e. sowing to maturity) extended under aerobic conditions. The extended crop

duration under aerobic conditions is probably one of the reasons for failure of long duration

fine grain basmati genotypes under limited irrigation regimes like aerobic rice. Since the crop

duration has direct implications for resource use and the sowing window, aerobic rice

genotypes should be early-maturing. The significant variation in optimal flowering time and

PP-sensitivity among tested genotypes could be exploited by breeders to develop genotypes

that can avoid adverse environmental conditions such as pre- and post-monsoon drought.

A good understanding of developmental processes such as PP-sensitivity and their

interactions with other environmental factors (temperature, water, and N, in particular) is

essential to avoid resource limitations during critical growth stages.

Farmers’ perspective

More than half of respondents never heard of aerobic rice; yet most of them (76%) were

positive about trialling the non-conventional aerobic rice system. Rice farmers, who have

already heard about aerobic or dry direct-seeded rice, often call it broadcast or dry rice

which reflects their appreciation for either shrinking labour or water resources. The most

often mentioned positive attribute of aerobic rice was reduced labour requirement followed

by water saving. Other positive attributes were: ease of operation due to direct seeding

instead of laborious puddling and transplanting activities; good income; improved physical

condition of the soil. The negative attributes or the associated risks were: weed infestation;

diseases; increased spikelet sterility; poor germination; higher irrigation frequency; more

seed rate; unavailability of suitable varieties; GY penalty (Awan et al., 2015). The greater

water use efficiencies (yield per unit of water) are often associated with lower land use

efficiencies (yield per unit of land). An optimal system is then a system that maximises

resource use efficiency of the most limiting resource (in this case water) while keeping

possible efficiency losses for other resources within acceptable limits.

Entry points for aerobic rice systems To feed over nine billion people by 2050, agricultural systems will rely on transformational

technologies. For rational use of scarce resources, ‘knowledge’ as a production factor will

play a decisive role. Aerobic rice is a knowledge-intensive technology that requires

precise/timely management practices. Identifying the knowledge-based entry points can

answer this basic question: how can aerobic rice technology pick up momentum to be able

to spread in the target domains? Our interdisciplinary study underpins the potential for

increasing use-efficiency of scarce resources of water, labour, and energy. However, the

aerobic rice technology is still evolving and much needs to be done to increase its adoption

rate. Identification of the technological and knowledge gaps can value add to the on-going

research on water-saving rice cultivation. Farmers need to be educated through extension

activities to raise awareness about the non-conventional system and to tackle the associated

risks like weed infestation. Field level studies on resource-conservation technologies

documented the potential for water saving. To upscale the results at basin level, there is a

need to adopt the required precursor technologies (e.g. laser land levelling) and to identify

alternate uses of saved water. For example, the saved water can be used rationally for


bringing more area under rice cultivation, thus compensating for yield penalty under aerobic

rice systems. With the extension of irrigation system e.g. development of a ‘Greater Thal

Canal’ in a region supporting pulses-based cropping systems, there is a need to identify

alternate crop rotations, which might give a niche for aerobic rice systems.

Improved eco-efficiencies of water, labour, and energy might happen at the cost of declined

efficiencies for N and land. Eco-efficient N management strategies (e.g. using composts and

farmyard manure) and bringing the culturable wasteland under cultivation by provision of the

saved irrigation water are some of the proposed measures for improving the productivity and

sustainability of agricultural systems. Currently, the non-traditional rice belt of Punjab and

Sindh province are the main target domains as coarse grain non-basmati varieties, which

are comparatively better adapted to aerobic conditions, are grown there. In the typical rice

belt of Punjab, the abode of world’s famous aromatic basmati varieties, non-availability of

well-adapted aerobic varieties of basmati rice is a major constraint for expansion of the

aerobic rice systems. The on-going breeding efforts should screen rice germplasm for

developing basmati varieties adaptable to heat and water stress conditions. Based on the

results of farmer surveys, farmers already growing rice, in particular those having large size

of landholding and farms with clayey soil types are most likely to be early adopters of the

technology. Introduction and dissemination of aerobic rice technology will depend on filling

the technological gaps: mechanical interventions for seeding and weeding; good quality

biocides; optimisation of agronomic practices such as seed rate and balanced nutrition;

quantitative estimation of potential areas for intensification or crop diversification.

Conclusion Aerobic rice is a viable eco-efficient option to improve water productivity in regions like

Pakistan where water is getting scarcer than land. The developing technology will benefit

from well-informed knowledge based entry points to fill the identified technological and

attitudinal gaps.

Indonesia Utilization of Crop Growth Model to Support Climate Change Adaptation in Agricultural Sector: Climate Variability, Climate Change and Rice Productivity in Indramayu Regency Anria and Akhmad Faqih

Introduction Although Indonesia is the third-largest country regarding global rice production, it is still a net

rice importer. This situation is commonly the result of farmers' use of non-optimal production

techniques combined with large per capita rice consumption (by a large population). Climate

change adaptation is also required in order to ensure the sustainability of rice production.

The agricultural sector, especially rice cultivation remains a crucial sector as long as rice

remains as staple food of Indonesian. Not only as a source of staple food for more than 95%

of Indonesia's population, but also as a source of livelihood for 25 million farmer households.

Thus the fluctuations of rice production and its distribution also influence the national stability

(BPADI 2009). In 2008, approximately 28.3 million people worked in agriculture fields, this

value was 40% greater than the number of agriculture workers in 1993 (SPI 2010).

Rice is grown in all major islands in Indonesia, ranging from Sumatra to Papua, albeit with

different productivity. Based on National Statistical Agency data (BPS 2014a), Java is the

island with the greatest rice production with an annual average of 37,493,00 tons from an

area of 6,467,073 ha (Figure 1). It is more than half of the national production (52.6%), and

is regionally split in West Java province (17%), Central Java (14.5%), East Java (16.9%) and

other provinces (4.2%).

Figure 1. Indonesian island rice production (Source: BPS, 2014a).





11% 1%



Bali and Nusa Tenggara



Papua and Maluku


Indramayu, one of regency in West Java, is known as the national granary. The regency

contributes the highest rice production in West Java province, of approximately 1,435,900

ton, equivalent to 11.88% (BPS 2014b). Greater rice production in Indramayu is supported

by the availability of land, suitability of both land and climate to rice production, as well as the

availability of labour. From the total land area of 209,942 ha in Indramayu rice is grown on

approximately 116,759 ha, or more than 50% of its total land area (BPS 2013). Based on

PODES (Village Potency) data in 2011, it is known that 43% of the 523,799 households in

the district of Indramayu are farmer households (equals to 227,044 household). Additionally

from the 316 villages, the main income of the residents in 279 villages is from rice farming

(BPS 2011).

Temperature and rainfall are two major climatic factors in rice production. Temperature is a

primary factor affecting the rate of plant development. Warmer temperatures associated with

climate change and the potential for more extreme temperature events will impact plant

productivity. Jagadish et al. (2010) reports that the increase in both frequency and intensity

of high temperature, along with large variability, is emerging as a potential threat to the

sustainability of rice production. Sufficient water supply is one of the most important factors

in rice production (Datta 1981; Peng 1995). Indramayu regency, an area affected by El Niño

Southern Oscillation (ENSO) phenomenon, has challenges relating to water supply. During

El-Niño events, the amount of rainfall is below average and thus water supply for rice

planting becomes very limited (Subagyono and Surmaini 2014). Reducing the area planted

and directly leading to reduced total rice yields.

To anticipate the impact of climate change on rice production, adaptation measures need to

be taken (Las et al. 2011a; Las et al. 2011b; Irawan 2012). Adaptation action to face of

climate change can be realized through the adjustment in the farming management. Such as

the selection of varieties, fertilizer application, plant spacing and utilization of post-harvest

hay as well as several other technical issues that will affect the rice production. Harmoko

(2014) states that technological innovations generated through research will reduce the

impact of climate change on the sustainability of agricultural production. Technological

innovation to increase rice production can be applied in several ways, including the selection

of rice varieties, improved irrigation management, efficiency in fertilizing as needed,

integrated pest and disease management (IPM) and the further development of mechanised

agricultural machinery.

Crop growth models were developed three to four decades ago (Vanderlip et al. 2004), and

are a vital tool in developing innovative crop management and can assist in the decision

making process. Simulation models of agricultural systems are frequently useful in

quantifying the performance of the multiple scenarios in various agricultural systems. The

modelling of rice farming systems is commonly undertaken to address a variety of issues

such as estimates of crop yields, development of specific recommendations in the

management and decision support systems, exploring the impact of climate change and

adaptation options as well as comparisons to similar research conducted in different

locations or environments (Suriadi 2009; Ahmed and Hassan 2011). APSIM (Agricultural

Productivity SIMulator) is a crop growth model which can be used to simulate various crops

with adequate precision. In this study the APSIM-Oryza module from APSIM (version 7.7)

was used to simulate rice production under three different scenarios. The selected study

areas were Indramayu regency in West Java Province, Indonesia. Indramayu was chosen

due to its role as national granary. In line with that, adaptation action is needed to support

the sustainability of rice production in this district. The objective of this study was to

parameterized APSIM-Oryza module for IR64 rice varieties which is largely cultivated in the

region, to parameterise the model then use the model for investigating the impact of climate

variability and climate change on rice productivity in the region.

Materials and methods Study regions

The selected study area for this research is Indramayu regency which is part of West Java

Province. This district is located between 1070 52’ - 1080 36’ E and 60 15’ - 60 40’ S. This

Regency, an area of 2,099.42 km2 is located in the north coast of the Java island. Rice

farming is the dominant farming system in Indramayu district. Indramayu regency land area

in 2012 was 209,942 ha with rice fields covering more than 50% of it, aproximately around

116,759 ha (BPS 2014). The rice fields in Indramayu region can be classified into three

regions; the north, central and south (Figure 2). Area of rice fields in northern areas is

approximately 19%, central (59%) and south (22%). The northern and central regions are

largely irrigated rice fields (87%), while the southern region is predominalty rainfed

(Estiningtyas 2012).


Figure 2. Three study regions in Indramayu Regency (North, Middle and South).

Rice varieties From 1943 to 2004, Indonesia has released 184 rice varieties, including the introduction of

IRRI varieties. In West Java, up to 2003, IR64 variety dominated 36% area of lowland rice,

followed by Ciherang variety (27.55 %) and Way Apo Buru (12.27 %) variety on the second

and third place respectively (Table 1). In this study, IR64 rice variety was calibrated and then

validated and further was then used for long term simulations.

Table 1. Adoption of rice varieties in West Java Province 2002-2006 (Balai et al. 2006).

Variety Adoption (% of total rice planted area)

2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 IR64 41.41 36.06 28.14 29.76 20.52 Way Apo Buru 19.32 12.27 7.01 5.18 2.31 Ciherang 12.88 27.55 40.68 48.66 47.00 Varietas lain 8.70 8.49 3.75 0.25 12.31 Widas 6.99 7.07 8.14 8.02 10.49 Cilamaya Muncul 2.36 1.15 0.66 0.24 0.25 Memberamo 2.27 1.36 2.37 0.71 0.52 Cisadane 1.81 1.53 0.96 1.70 0.47 Way Seputih 0.63 0.24 0.24 0.01 - Cilosari 0.63 0.33 0.29 0.15 0.04 Towuti 0.60 0.98 4.63 2.09 1.57 Cisanggarung 0.51 0.54 0.12 - 0.01 PB 42 0.49 0.49 0.56 0.79 0.84 Cirata 0.39 0.12 0.10 - - Cibodas 0.35 0.19 0.10 0.14 - Sarinah 0.33 0.43 1.85 0.86 - Sintanur 0.32 1.20 0.26 0.47 - Mekongga - - - - 0.06 Cigeulis - - 0.15 0.72 2.96 Situ Bagendit - - - 0.24 0.65

North region

Middle region

South region

Parameterisation and Validation of APSIM-Oryza module APSIM-Oryza does not provide IR64 as one of rice variety on its list. Therefore,

parameterization process was done first. The observed data required for the

parameterisation process was the historic climate data from Kandanghaur sub-district during

the 1st planting season in 1997-1998, as well as physical and chemical properties of soil on

that sub-district along with common farming management practice.

Observed and simulated data were plotted on a 1:1 graph having an intercept of 0 and slope

of 1 to identify the difference and/or similarity between the observed and simulated yield for

IR64. Coefficient of determination or R-squared (R2), coefficient of variation (CV) and Root

Mean Square Error (RMSE) were used as the statistical tools to evaluate the simulated yield

from the model. Equation and criteria for each of them is given below:

𝑅𝑅2 = 1 − 𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟 𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑠𝑠 𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜 𝑟𝑟𝑠𝑠𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟 𝑡𝑡𝑜𝑜𝑡𝑡𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟 𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑠𝑠 𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜 𝑟𝑟𝑠𝑠𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟

; R2 = 1 indicates that the regression line perfectly fits the


𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶 = 𝑆𝑆𝑡𝑡𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑆𝑆𝑠𝑠𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑚𝑚

; Coefficient of variation < 20 % is generally considered as a good model.

𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅 = �∑ + (𝑆𝑆𝑟𝑟𝑠𝑠𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑡𝑡𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑖𝑖−𝑂𝑂𝑂𝑂𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑆𝑆𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑖𝑖)2𝑛𝑛



Climate Variability and Rice Productivity The impact of climate variability on rice productivity was specifically addressed in relation to

El-Niño. Information about El-Niño years were found from other research studies (Rojas et

al. 2014). Based on that study, an El-Niño occurred in the years of 1991/1992, 1994/1995,

1997/1998, 2002/2003 and 2004 in Indonesia. The relationship between the El-Niño years

and APSIM simulations, based on observational climate data from 1991 to 2005 was then


Climate Change and Rice Productivity The impact of climate change was assessed for the 1st planting season (October – January)

and 2nd planting season (February – May) separately. Climate data used in this long term

simulation was RegCM4 (10 km grid resolution) with the RCP4.5 emission scenario.

Analysis of the results for long term simulation is conducted by classifying the data based on

the three different periods, i.e. 1981-2005 as a baseline, 2011-2035 and 2041-2065 as the

medium-term and long term respectively. The relationship between rice productivity and


climate change were also quantified by consecutive dry (days) and maximum temperatures

above 32°C.

Results and discussion Parameterisation and Validation of APSIM-Oryza module for IR64 varieties Parameterisation of the APSIM-Oryza module for IR64 varieties was specifically done

through adjustment of its phenology.

Table 2. Adjusted value for phenology of IR64 varieties Parameter Description Value Unit

DVRJ development rate in juvenile phase 0.00786 0C/day

DVRI development rate in photoperiod sensitive 0.00758 0C/day

DVRP development rate in panicle development phase 0.00521 0C/day

DVRR development rate in reproductive phase 0.01218 0C/day

Tb base temperature for development 8 0C

Topt optimum temperature for development 32 0C

Tmax maximum temperature for development 42 0C

WGRMX maximum individual grain weight 28 gr/grain

Figure 3. Linear regression between observed and simulated yields.

By using observation data of rice yield from Cikedung and Haurgeulis district during 1994-

2000, the parameterised APSIM-Oryza module returns an acceptable simulation of IR64 rice

productivity (n=14, R2 = 0.756, RMSE = 312 kg/ha, CV = 9.48%). A value of R2 which is

close to 1 and CV which is less than 20% indicate that the model performed adequatley

(Figure 3).

Climate variability and rice productivity Sufficient water supply is one of the most important factors in rice production. Indramayu

regency, as an area which affected by El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) phenomenon,

has challenges related to the water supply. El-Niño occurred in 1991/1992, 1994/1995,

1997/1998, 2002/2003 and 2004 in Indonesia. During the El-Niño events, the amount of

rainfall is below average and thus water supply for rice planting is limited. The simulation

results indicate that reduction of rice yield in Indramayu regency were occurred during El-

Niño years, specifically during moderate to strong El-Niño condition in 1992/1993,

1997/1998 and 2002/2003 (Figure 4). Further confirmation was achieved by overlapping

between negative anomaly of rainfall (blue line) and negative anomaly of rice productivity

(red curve). Additionally rice yields were reduced from 1991 to 2005 by up to 2000 kg/ha

(Figure 4).


North region

Middle region

South region

Figure 4. Rainfall anomalies and rice production.

Climate change and rice productivity The relationship between the observed climate data and the projected RegCM4 climate data

from 1991-2005 is shown in Figure 5. The coefficient determination value (R2) was above

0.9 for all three regions, indicating that RegCM4 climate data can be used with confidence in

projecting rice productivity.


th R








th R



Figure 5. Comparison between the observed climate data and the projected RegCM4

climate data for the period of 1991 to 2005.








1 15 1 15 1 15 1 15 1 15 1 15 1 15 1 15 1 15 1 15 1 15 1 15

jan feb mar apr may jun jul aug sep oct nov dec


d (k



date - month

Obs RegCM4








1 15 1 15 1 15 1 15 1 15 1 15 1 15 1 15 1 15 1 15 1 15 1 15

jan feb mar apr may jun jul aug sep oct nov dec


d (k



date - month

Obs RegCM4








1 15 1 15 1 15 1 15 1 15 1 15 1 15 1 15 1 15 1 15 1 15 1 15

jan feb mar apr may jun jul aug sep oct nov dec


d (k



date - month

Obs RegCM4


In this study, two observed climate parameters were used of rainfall and temperature

(Figure 6). Cumulative dry days (CDD) were treated as a representation of rainfall condition,

while the number of days with maximum temperature above 32°C (T>32°C) for temperature

condition. As shown in Figure 6, CDD and T>320C will increase in the future. CDD can be

related to drought condition and water supply for rice planting. Long CDD may affect to the

reduction of planted area and directly leads to the reduction of rice yield. Maximum

temperature above the upper threshold of optimum temperature (32°C) will also affect plant

growth and reduce productivity.

Cumulative Dry Days Tmax > 32°C










CDD (days)

< 5 6 7 8 9 10 > 10

Tmax > 320C (days)

<15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 >23

Final Report: ARCP2012-09NMY-Meinke 63

Figure 6. Cumulative dry days and number of days with Tmax > 32°C annually for each


The simulations show that rice productivity in all areas of Indramayu regency is projected to

decrease in the future (Figure 7). This reduction in rice productivity correlates with

increasing CDD and T>32°C. Reduction in rice productivity was observed by up to 13%

where the greatest reduction in yields is in the 2nd planting season.

1st planting season (October - January) 2nd planting season (February - May)










Productivity (kg) ≤ 3750 3751 - 4000 4001 - 4250 4251 - 4500 > 4500

Figure 7. Rice productivity for two planting times and three time periods with the RegCM4 climate data.

64 Final Report: ARCP2012-09NMY-Meinke

Adaptation Action As stated in the previous section, CDD and T>320C are projected to increase in the future. In

order to adapt with these conditions, a drought tolerant variety that is not susceptible to low

water supply, and a heat tolerant rice variety which has higher limit of optimum temperature

is needed to ensure reliable rice production in the future. Climate-based projections in

agricultural simulation studies can help agriculture decision makers to understand the long-

term impact of climate change on agricultural productivity, while using climate-based

projections in agriculture could help to decide optimum planting time in the shorter time

periods, especially for operational purposes. Both long- and short-term climate information

are required to reduce the impact on rice productivity in the future.

Conclusion The parameterised and validated APSIM-Oryza module, for IR64 variety in Indramayu

regency is able to adequately simulate rice productivity (n=14, R2 = 0.75, RMSE = 312

kg/ha). Long term simulations of future climate scenarios from the RegCM4 model, under the

RCP4.5 emission scenario indicates that a reduction in rice productivity is projected in the

future (2011-2035 and 2041-2065) in comparison to the baseline period of 1981-2005 of up

to 13%. We report that the projected reduction in rice productivity is correlated with both

increasing CDD’s and T>32C, having a negative impact to rice productivity. In terms of

adaption we suggest that both drought tolerant and heat tolerant cultivars will be required.

Final Report: ARCP2012-09NMY-Meinke 65

Project Conclusions

The world is running out of rice. A key global food security question is: how can rice

production be increased without using more resources such as land, water and nitrogen

while reducing its carbon footprint? Simulation modelling offers an ideal tool for integrating

disciplinary knowledge and providing methods for evaluation of technologies and policies. An

emerging opportunity is aerobic rice. Recent advancements in rice simulation modelling

enable simulation of rice through the transition between aerobic and anaerobic growing

conditions. In this project, we incorporated in-country R&D and combined with simulation

modelling to design better farming systems practices that will substanially improve resource

efficiency of rice production.

The APSIM-Oryza model was evaluated and parameterised for two long-duration rice

varieties for different agro-climatic zones in Sri Lanka. The capability of the model to

simulate physiological maturity and grain yield for different rice varieties was considered

acceptable. Employing the parameterised model for experimental simulations focussing on a

anticipated reduction in rainfall we report that the average rice yield was reduced at all the

sites when the simulated amount of rainfall was reduced by 5% and 10% below recorded

data within Sri Lanka. The reduction in rice production was less than 8% and 10% when

rainfall was reduced by 5% and 10%, respectively. Conversely, rice productivity increased at

one site under a reduction in rainfall, although the reason for this response is not known and

needs to be assessed further.

Within Myanmar, paddy rice and rainfed rice are major cropping systems across the irrigated

costal belt and in central dry zones. Rice yields are heavily reliant on rainfall, which is highly

variable in accordance with the strong impact the El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) has

on this region. We found that rice productivity during La Niῆa years is higher compared to El

Niῆo and the neutral phases of ENSO in Myanmar. Simulation results that take into account

seasonal rainfall forecasts indicate that there might be scope for intensification of the dryland

cropping systems: during the rainy season, growing soybean could be considered, while in

the post-rainy season a short season legumes might be an opportunity in cases when the

rainfall forecast is favourable. Both these options would increase the overall water and

nitrogen use efficiencies of these systems.

We also evaluated the aerobic rice system in Punjab Pakistan, from biophysical and socio-

technological perspectives employing a combined approach of field experimentation and

farmer surveys. The results indicate that the aerobic rice system offer great potential for

66 Final Report: ARCP2012-09NMY-Meinke

improving the eco-efficiencies of water, labour, and energy within the Punjab province of

Pakistan. However, aerobic rice is what is known as a ‘knowledge intensive’ technology,

requiring far more management skills than traditional rice production systems. Particularly for

subtropical conditions, optimal management for aerobic rice is still very much in the

development phase. While many farmers have indicated in-principle interest in the

technology, their lack of experience constitutes a major hurdle for the broad adoption of the

technology. Further, aerobic rice technology is not without trade-offs: often the improved

eco-efficiencies of water, labour, and energy comes at the cost of declined efficiencies for N

and land. Eco-efficient N management strategies (e.g. using composts and farmyard

manure) and bringing wasteland back into production through the provision of the saved

irrigation water are some of the proposed measures for improving the productivity and

sustainability of agricultural systems within Pakistan.

Rice cultivation in Indonesia has a long tradition of considerable economic importance. Rice

remains a staple food for 95% of Indonesia's population. It is also as a source of livelihood

for 25 million farmer households across the nation. Hence, fluctuations in rice production and

its distribution also influence the national stability. Thus projected climate change studies are

critical for Indonesian rice production, and where currently rice production in Indonesia is

greatly affected by short-term climate variability, the industry may be impacted upon

significantly by long-term climate change, especially that of increasing temperatures. We

report from simulation modelling undertaken within regional Indramayu that reductions in rice

yields by up to 13% may be expected with a changing climate. We conclude that very high

temperatures during the flowering period are a primary cause in a reduction of rice

productivity. As the temperature increase beyond 32°C, spikelet fertility and number of

grains decreased leading to a reduction in harvestable yields. Reliable water supply is also

projected to become a growing issue, increasing the need for more waterstress tolerant


Rice is an important crop for all of South Asia, which is comprised of Bangladesh, Bhutan,

India, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. Agriculture in the region provides employment and

livelihoods for tens of millions of rural families, either directly or indirectly. The region

accounts for almost 40% of the world's harvested rice area and almost 25% of the world's

population. To maintain regional self-sufficiency in rice, the irrigated and rainfed rice systems

must achieve much higher yields over the next two decades whilst simultaneously facing

many constraints. The key challenge for South Asian rice production is to ensure ongoing

food security while water resources are declining. This project was focussed on beginning to

Final Report: ARCP2012-09NMY-Meinke 67

meet this challenge over the coming years, and part of this work will contribute to meeting

these future challenges.

The project addressed all APN goals through supporting regional co-operation,

strengthening interactions among scientists and policy makers, and cooperating with and

developing scientific and technical capabilities of participating organisations and nations.

The project addresses APN’s science agenda primarily in the areas of climate change and

variability (effect of climate on rice production), land use (intensification of rice systems and

potential expansion into new land areas), and resource utilisation (water, nitrogen and other

production inputs). The project linked research with policy and decision making processes

with respect to sustainable rice production.

Future Directions The demand for rice is projected to double by 2050, a challenging target in the midst of

competing demands for resources, and a changing variable climate. Required rice

production increases must be achieved sustainably. Productivity increases must also focus

on combinations of intervention action at all levels. Further, this will entail the validation of

APSIM across diverse agricultural climatic zones via characterising agricultural climatic

zones and suitability for different rice systems, as well as understanding specific causes of

rice yield gaps and mapping constraints in specific regions and differing rice systems. A

major focus of the UTAS led APN project was to increase the systems analytical capacities

of developing scientists and organisations, while strengthening a network of researchers

through building further partnerships and collaborative work with fellow colleagues within the

APN framework.

A further objective of the project was to make the science outcomes more relevant for policy

makers. Unless policy takes relevant scientific insights into account, the science will be

limited in its impact. It will also imped the benefits that could flow to societies. The final

phase of the project therefore focused on developing a better understanding amongst the

scientists involved about the policy process and the communication skills required in order to

make excellent science policy relevant. Project participants were challenged to develop

policy briefs for each country involved in the project based on their research. The final

workshop, held at the Bogor Agricultural University in Indonesia in late 2016 focused on this

science – policy nexus. The workshop provided professional development to the

participating project scientists with specific attention to the farming systems (rain-fed and

irrigated rice) applicable to the participating scientists. Summaries and results were

presented by the participating project scientists. The project team emphasised systems

68 Final Report: ARCP2012-09NMY-Meinke

thinking supported by simulation modelling (APSIM) to integrate disciplinary knowledge.

Using such skills, the team evaluated and discussed technologies, management options and

relevant policies.

Final Report: ARCP2012-09NMY-Meinke 69


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Amarasinhga, R.P.R.K., Suriyagoda, L.D.B, Galagedara,L.W., Marambe,B., Silva, G.L.L.P.,

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74 Final Report: ARCP2012-09NMY-Meinke

Final workshop Appendix 1. Sivaprakash Ramalingam - Developing abiotic stress tolerant rice varieties

using biotechnological tools for improved agricultural productivity targeting food security. Appendix 2. Manjula Madhaven - In Search of Ecological Rationale for ‘The Kerala

Conservation of Paddy Land and Wetland Act’

Appendix 3. Masood Iqbal Awan - Resource-use efficient alternate rice production systems

for Pakistan.

Appendix 4. Anria and Akhmad Faqih - Utilization of Crop Growth Model to Support Climate

Change Adaptation Action in Rice Farming System.

Appendix 5. Lana Shabala – Functional Genomics approaches to food security.

Individual travel throughout the project Appendix 6. V.N. Rao - Evaluating the opportunities for intensifying dry season fallows in

rice based systems in South East Asia.

Appendix 7. Valentine Gueneau - Impact of Water and Nitrogen in direct seeded rice in

regional Sri Lanka: A case study.

Appendix 8. List of Young Scientists

Dakshina Murthy Kadiyala Agro Climate Research Center, ANGR Agril University

Hyderabad, India.

Dakshina is presently working as Scientist (Agronomy), Agro Climate Research Centre,

ANGR Agril University, Hyderabad. Current responsibilities include 70% Research 20%

Extension and 10% Capacity Building. Main research responsibilities include development of

best management practices for suitable cropping systems in semi-arid tropic regions of

Andhra Pradesh using field experimental data and simulation modelling (DSSAT, APSIM

etc.,). Up calling of experimental results to district, watershed scales linking crop models with

GIS and RS to identify most profitable cropping systems for the rainfed regions of AP state

Final Report: ARCP2012-09NMY-Meinke 75

Dakshina started his career as a Scientist (Agronomy) at Acharya NG Ranga Agricultural

University, Hyderabad, India mainly focusing on ground nut agronomy and cropping systems

research. Later moving to Rice Research Station at Maruteru, ANGRAU to conduct research

on rice based cropping systems and developing best management practices for rice-rice

system. During the 2008 Dakshina received a fellowship to pursue PhD at the University of

Florida, Gainesville, USA. His PhD research involves solving an important piece of a

complex challenge in rice production system. Dakshina studied developing water saving rice

production technologies using field experimentation and simulation modelling. Insights from

his research would directly help rice growing farmers and enhance water productivity in

these ecosystems.

Raji Reddy Acharya N. G. Ranga Agricultural University (ANGRAU)

Hyderabad, India.

Raji is presently acting as Director, Agro Climate Research Centre, ANGR Agril. University,

Hyderabad. Current responsibilities include 30% Administration, 50% research and 20%

extension. Conducting research and teaching related to Agrometeorology, crop modelling,

crop weather relations in major crops. Preparation of crop contingency plans, drought

monitoring and development of mitigation strategies.

Renowned agrometeorologist and agronomist with many years experience working in Asia.

Recently became Director, Agro Climate Research centre, ANGRAU, India. Having 30 years

of research experience mainly focusing on crop weather relation, crop modelling and

cropping systems research.

V Nageswara Rao International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT),

Hyderabad, India.

VN Rao worked as a lead Scientific Officer in the systems modelling of Research Program:

Resilient Dryland Systems, International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics

(ICRISAT), India.

76 Final Report: ARCP2012-09NMY-Meinke

He was a conjoint PhD candidate (Agricultural Sciences) at PERC, Wageningen University

and Research Centre (WUR), The Netherlands, and at the School of Land and Food (SLAF),

University of Tasmania (UTAS), Australia. We mourn his untimely death.


Centre for Climate Risk and Opportunity Management in Southeast Asia Pasific (CCROM -


Bogor Agricultural University,

Jawa Barat, Indonesia

Anria is a Research Assistant at CCROM SEAP (Center for Climate Risk and Opportunity

Management in South East Asia and Pacific) since 2012. He was student at Applied

Meteorology program in Bogor Agricultural University and received his B.Sc. tittle on

December 2011. He granted JASSO (Japan Student Services Organization) scholarship for

PARE (Population, Activities, Resources and Environment) program to study at Hokkaido

University from October 2015 to February 2016. These programs involve seven universities

from Indonesia, Thailand and Japan. Andria has interest in climatology, hydrology and

agriculture. He has experience in operating several crop models and has done some

research related to rice production systems such as agro-climatic zoning, modelling of water

availability and rice harvest yield, and yield gap analysis.

Akhmed Faqih Centre for Climate Risk and Opportunity Management in Southeast Asia Pasific (CCROM -


Bogor Agricultural University,

Jawa Barat, Indonesia

Faqih is a lecturer at the Department of Geophysics and Meteorology, Faculty of

Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB). Currently Faqih is

also responsible as a Head of Climate Modelling Division at the Centre for Climate Risk and

Opportunity Management in South East Asia and Pacific (CCROM-SEAP), a research centre

in IPB that focus its research areas and activities on climate risk management. Faqih

received his PhD degree in Climatology (Physical Science) from the University of Southern

Queensland, Australia. Prior to this Faqih, in 2003, graduated with a bachelor degree in

Agrometeorology at IPB.

Final Report: ARCP2012-09NMY-Meinke 77

Recently Faqih has been actively involved in research studies and consultancies conducted

in CCROM-SEAP and in the Department of Geophysics and Meteorology, IPB. Faqihs main

research interest is mostly on climate science that involve analyses of climate variability and

change as well as on climate modelling aspects.

Gito Sugih Immanuel Centre for Climate Risk and Opportunity Management in Southeast Asia Pasific (CCROM -


Bogor Agricultural University,

Jawa Barat, Indonesia

Gito is a young researcher at Center for Climate Risk and Opportunity Management in

Southeast Asia and Pacific (CCROM SEAP), Bogor Agriculture University (IPB). Gito has

major studies in Applied Meteorology and also a minor in Expert System. During his studies,

Gito has had an opportunity as a Lecturers assistant for agricultural simulation model in the

Department of Geophysics and Meteorology and also had an experience to work as a

Technical assistant for Relationship between Climate Change and Food Production

Strategic: Independent Review Policies in the Field of Trade and Development in SEAMEO

BIOTROP. These experiences along with Gito’s interest in spatial analysis and modelling

system, has built up his competence in environmental and modelling of climate and


Ruwanga Amarasingha University of Peradeniya, Kandy, Sri Lanka.

Ruwanga is an early career researcher at the University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. Her major

areas of research incorporates systems modelling, with an emphasis on rice production

systems throughout Sri Lanka under both rainfed and irrigated conditions. Ruwanga has

continued throughout the duration of this project continued to build her scientific capacity in

rice systems modelling.

Dr. Sivaprakash Ramalingam Department of Biotechnology,

M S Swaminathan Research Foundation (MSSRF),

Chennai, India

Dr. Sivaprakash Ramalingam is currently working as a Principal scientist at M S

Swaminathan Research Foundation (MSSRF), Chennai, INDIA. He obtained his PhD from

78 Final Report: ARCP2012-09NMY-Meinke

Madras University, INDIA. During his doctoral research, he was involved in biofortification of

rice (iron), targeting endosperm specific expression of Avicennia marina ferritin in indica rice

using transgenic approach. He was also involved in isolation and characterization of ESTs

from the mangrove species (halophyte), Avicenna marina. After his PhD, he spent seven

years at John Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA as a Post-doctoral researcher. He worked

on targeted genome modification, using custom ZFNs/TALENs to reduce their cytotoxicity

and off-target cleavage. His work at John Hopkins using gene-editing nucleases has resulted

in several publications and has potential applications in translational research including

targeted genome modifications in human cells. Currently, he is working on targeted genome

engineering in plants using CRISPR/Cas9 approach to develop transgene-free salt tolerant

crop plants. His work with gene-editing nucleases has resulted in two patents and several

publications in high impact factor journals. He is a recipient of the prestigious

Ramalingaswami Re-entry Fellowship awarded by the Department of Biotechnology,

Government of India (2014). He has more than 16 publications to his credit. His work has

been cited more than 900 times with an H-index of 13 from his publications (Google


Manjula Madhaven M S Swaminathan Research Foundation (MSSRF),

Chennai, India

Ms. Manjula.M works as Principal Scientist at the M.S.Swaminathan Reserach Foundation,

Chennai. She is a post graduate in Agricultural Economics from Tamil Nadu Agricultural

University, Coimbatore and is pursuing her Ph.d on ‘Household Energy Choice and Demand’

from Madras University. She is currently working on issues related to community based

adaptation to climate change through risk management strategies and strengthening

livelihoods through value chain development.

As an Agricultural Economist, her work involves studying the existing community level

practices and knowledge systems using quantitative and qualitative research tools,

facilitating participatory development of context specific, viable and eco-friendly adaptation

measures for resource poor farmers in the rainfed farming systems and designing

appropriate interventions in the case of value chain development. Measuring the outcomes

and impacts of the project interventions on the target community is another major aspect of

her work as a social scientist in the organization to establish the evidence based research

for sharing and up scaling.

Final Report: ARCP2012-09NMY-Meinke 79

Masood Iqbal Awan Ph.D. (Wageningen University, The Netherlands)

Assistant Professor (Agronomy)

University of Agriculture Faisalabad


Awan has ingrained enthusiasm for science that matters for society. With a background in

Agronomy and Crop Physiology, Awan is prepared to acquire knowledge and learn the latest

techniques in the field of rice systems research. In Awan’s PhD project at Wageningen

University, I focused on ‘improving resource use efficiency in rice-based systems of

Pakistan’. As an alternate to the conventional transplanted-flooded system, he evaluated the

so-called ‘aerobic rice system’. Awan also attended several professional courses aimed at

skill development and competence strengthening during his stay in the Netherlands (2007-

2013). Awan was able to absorb and effectively apply the tips, tools and techniques that he

learned in Wageningen University courses such as project and time management,

interpersonal communication, information literacy, imaging science, interdisciplinary

research, mobilising scientific network and techniques for scientific writing. Awan is also an

active member of an international collaborative network of rice researchers, funded by the

Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research (APN)

( In this project Awan engages with

the international collaborative network of rice researchers to propose and design optimal

rice-based systems for South Asia (particularly Pakistan and India) with improved use-

efficiencies, in particular for water. In future, Awan would like to apply the knowledge and

expertise gained at Wageningen University to enhance his understanding of rice-based

systems of South Asia against the challenges of climate risks and food insecurity. Awan’s

aim is to excel in the fields of his research interests: Eco-efficient cropping systems,

Alternate production systems, Crop modelling, Robustness, Sustainability, Food security.
