Implementation Grant (NTIG) Program · 2018-09-28 · • 1-800-919-TERP (8377) Page 7...


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Air Quality Division • • 1-800-919-TERP (8377) Page 1

New TechnologyImplementation Grant (NTIG)

ProgramNTIG Applicant Workshop

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Workshop Agenda

• TERP Overview• NTIG Goals & Objective• Funding• Eligible Applicants & Projects• Scoring Criteria• Eligible Costs• Application Process• Budget Requirements• Eligible Categories & Ineligible Expenses• Getting Started • Grant Phases• Reimbursement• Contact Information

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What does TERP do? The objectives of the TERP are to: • achieve maximum reductions in nitrogen oxides

(NOX) to demonstrate compliance with the state implementation plan; and

• advance new technologies that reduce NOXemissions and other emissions from facilities and stationary sources.

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Why Reduce NOX Emissions?

Ground level ozone is created by chemical reactions of NOX and volatile organic compounds (VOC) in the presence of sunlight.

NOX + VOC + Sunlight = OZONE

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Emissions Reduction Incentive Grants (ERIG) ProgramRebate Grants Programs

Texas Clean Fleet Program (TCFP)Texas Natural Gas Vehicle Grant Program (TNGVGP)

Seaport and Rail Yards Emissions Reduction (SPRY) ProgramAlternative Fueling Facilities Program (AFFP)

Texas Clean School Bus (TCSB) ProgramNew Technology Implementation Grant (NTIG) Program

Light-Duty Purchase or Lease Incentive (LDPLI) Program

TERP Grant Programs

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NTIG Objective

The NTIG program provides grants for the implementation of technologies that reduce emissions of pollutants from facilities and other stationary sources including electricity storage projects in Texas.

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NTIG Goals

• Help Texas become a leader in new technologies that can solve the state’s environmental challenges while creating new business and industry in the state.

• Maintain the quality of air in Texas in order to meet standards established under the Federal Clean Air Act.

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Up to $3.6 million in funding is available for this grant round.

• There is no maximum award amount per project.

• All funds awarded in Fiscal Year 2019 mustbe incurred by April 30, 2021.

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Eligible Applicants

The applicant must:

• be the owner or licensed operator of a facility located in Texas;

• provide evidence of operational control and compliance with all applicable Texas laws; and

• provide at least 50% of the cost to implement the project.

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Eligible Project CategoriesEligible categories include: • Advanced Clean Energy: for new or modified

sources• New Technology: to reduce emissions from

stationary sources• New Technology: to reduce emissions from

upstream and midstream oil and gas industry activities

An activity is not eligible if it is required by state or federal law, rule, regulation, memorandum of agreement, or other binding document unless approved by the TCEQ.

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Advanced Clean EnergyNew technologies to reduce emissions from stationary sources.Projects that involve:The generation of electricity using at least one of the following fuels:

• coal• biomass• natural gas• petroleum coke • solid waste• fuel cells that use derived hydrogen

The creation of liquid fuel outside of the existing fuel production infrastructure while co-generating electricity.

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Advanced Clean Energy

Minimum program requirements:• TCEQ must have received on or after January 1,

2008 an application for a permit, or for an authorization to use a standard permit, for the facility in this application.

• Applicant must use the program-designated baseline example for all emission reduction calculations if a new facility.

• Projects must meet the minimum reduction requirements, including at least 50% carbon capture and sequestration.

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Advanced Clean Energy Scoring Criteria

30 points – Program Alignment 20 points – Emission Reduction Capability15 points – Cost-Effectiveness & Energy

Efficiency10 points – Carbon Dioxide Capture &

Sequestration10 points – Project Location10 points – Testing Protocol5 points – Applicant Qualifications

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New Technology – Stationary Sources

New technology projects that reduce emissions of regulated pollutants from stationary sources.

Minimum program requirements:

• Reduce regulated pollutants from stationary sources:− Criteria pollutants; − Hazardous air pollutants (HAP); − Any other pollutants regulated under the Federal Clean Air

Act; and− Any other pollutants subject to requirements under TCEQ

rules, regulations, permits, orders of the commission, or court orders.

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New Technology – Stationary Sources

• Applicant must demonstrate an achieved reduction from the baseline emissions adopted by the TCEQ for the relevant source.– For an existing facility, the projected emissions, with the

advanced pollution control technologies installed, will be compared to the historical emissions of that particular facility.

– For a new facility, the projected emissions, with the advanced pollution control technologies installed, shall be compared to the baseline adopted by the TCEQ.

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New TechnologyScoring Criteria

30 points – Program Alignment 20 points – Emission Reduction Capability15 points – Cost-Effectiveness10 points – Regulated Pollutants10 points – Project Location10 points – Testing Protocol5 points – Applicant Qualifications

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ACE and New TechnologyPriority Areas

Texas Nonattainment and Affected Areas

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New Technology –Oil and Gas (O&G) Projects

Senate Bill 1731, 85th Texas Legislature, expanded the program to include:

• New technology projects that reduce emissions from upstream and midstream O&G production, completions, gathering, storage, processing, and transmission activities through: – replacement, repower, or retrofit of stationary compressor


– installation of systems to reduce or eliminate loss of gas, flaring of gas, or burning of gas using other combustion control devices or installation; and

– systems to reduce flaring and other site emissions by capturing waste heat to generate electricity solely for on-site service.

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Stationary Compressor Engines

Replacement, repower, or retrofit of stationary compressor engines used in upstream and midstream oil and gas industry activities Minimum program requirements:

• Equipment must have been owned by the applicant and located and used in Texas in its primary function in the routine operations of the applicant for the previous two years.

• Equipment must be in good operating condition and capable of being used in the routine operations of the applicant.

• Applicant must demonstrate an achieved reduction of regulated pollutants from the baseline emissions adopted by the TCEQ for the relevant source.

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Control Loss, Flaring, or Burning of Gas

Installation of systems to reduce or eliminate the loss of gas, flaring of gas, or burning of gas using other combustion control devicesMinimum program requirements:

• The applicant must be the owner or licensed operator of the facility located in Texas.

• The applicant must demonstrate an achieved reduction of regulated pollutants from the baseline emissions adopted by the TCEQ for the relevant source.

– For an existing facility, the projected emissions, with the advanced pollution control technologies installed, will be compared to the historical emissions of that particular facility.

– For a new facility, the projected emissions, with the advanced pollution control technologies installed, shall be compared to the baseline adopted by the TCEQ.

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Waste Heat Capture for On-site Electric Generation

Installation of systems that reduce flaring and other site emissions by capturing waste heat to generate electricity for on-site servicesMinimum program requirements:

• The applicant must be the owner or licensed operator of the facility located in Texas.

• The applicant must demonstrate an achieved reduction of regulated pollutants from the baseline emissions adopted by the TCEQ for the relevant source.

– For an existing facility, the projected emissions, with the advanced pollution control technologies installed, will be compared to the historical emissions of that particular facility.

– For a new facility, the projected emissions, with the advanced pollution control technologies installed, shall be compared to the baseline adopted by the TCEQ.

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New Technology – O&G ProjectsScoring Criteria

30 points – Program Alignment 20 points – Emission Reduction Capability15 points – Cost-Effectiveness10 points – Regulated Pollutants10 points – Project Location10 points – Testing Protocol5 points – Applicant Qualifications

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O&GPriority Areas

Clean Transportation Zone (CTZ).

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NTIG Eligible Costs• Projects selected for funding may be awarded a grant

amount not to exceed 50% of the costs to implement the project.

• Applicants awarded a grant will be required to match the grant amount.

• Examples of eligible costs may include:– equipment and installation costs

– cost of relevant supplies and materials.

• Examples of ineligible costs may include:– overhead, rent, utilities, general and administrative expenses

– costs not directly attributable to the grant-funded work.

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NTIG Application ProcessSTEP 1: Review the Request for Grant Applications (RFGA) and example contract.STEP 2: Download the application form, W-9 form, and Project Application Instructions and Proposal. STEP 3: Complete the application, project proposal, and Implementation Plan.STEP 4: Mail or hand-deliver the application forms and supporting documents.

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Strengthening applications

Applicants should:

• provide technical support for all claims;• identify key tasks in the implementation

plan & timeline;• provide full and complete answers to all questions

under the Project Proposal Outline;• provide a feasible implementation plan; and• provide information about any partnerships that will

be established for the project’s implementation.

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Provide clear and extensive details about:• Emissions Reductions Capability• Testing Protocols (if applicable)• Activities Planned• Technical Merits of Technology • Implementation Plan

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Confidential Information

• MUST be submitted separately– Separate envelope– Every page marked:“Confidential/Proprietary: inform

applicant & Seek AG opinion before releasing”

– DO NOT submit electronically• Applies to supporting information


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Application Submittal

Be sure to submit

• 1 signed paper copy of the application, proposal, and implementation plan;

• 1 electronic copy via a DVD/CD; and

• label and separate confidential information and submit according to instructions provided in Appendix C of the RFGA.

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The TCEQ cannot accept:• Applications via email• Anything on a USB• Anything confidential in electronic form• Photocopied signatures

Application Submittal(Continued)

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Application Submittal(Continued)

Submit application in person or by mail to:

• One paper copy with original signatures (photocopies cannot be accepted)

• One electronic copy (CD/DVD only) SUBMISSION DEADLINE:

December 14, 20185:00 p.m. Central Standard Time

TCEQ12100 Park 35 Circle, Bldg. F (MC-204)Austin, TX 78753

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NTIG Budget Requirements

• Include TOTAL Project Costs• Identify and distinguish between

- expenses eligible for reimbursement (TCEQ pays); and

- expenses that are part of the project and will be matching cost (Applicant pays).

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NTIG Eligible Expenses

Eligible Budget Categories:

• Equipment• Supplies and Materials • Construction• Contractual Services• Other Expenses• Salaries and Fringe Benefits• Travel

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NTIG Ineligible ExpensesIneligible costs may include• costs incurred prior to opening of grant round,

September 28, 2018;• escalation, inflation, indeterminates, and contingencies;• facility improvements and equipment not directly

associated with the project;• costs related to the operation and maintenance of the

grant-funded technology;• purchase of testing equipment;• fees for TCEQ-issued permits; and• administrative costs.

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Getting Started• Receive executed contract• Provide TCEQ proof of insurance and

property rights• Receive Notice to Proceed from TCEQo Limitedo Final

• Begin project, submit requests for reimbursement

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NTIG Grant Phases• Implementation Phase

– Construction– Reimbursement– Reimbursable costs must be incurred by

April 30, 2021– Quarterly Status Reports required– Completion of Implementation = Final Status

Report• Five-Year Operational Phase

– Facility must remain operational for five years from project completion

– Annual Status Reports required

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Implementation Plan should include:

• Technology or technologies to be implemented

• Ability of applicant to operate/maintain technology beyond contract

• Cost-effectiveness

• Timelines

• Partnerships

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Operational Requirements

• Ownership/control

• Facility in good operating condition

• Annual reports

• Compliance

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Help us pay you faster! Submit the supporting documentation with your reimbursement:

• cancelled checks (front and back)

• credit card or bank statements

• itemized invoices

• connect the dots

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• Request reimbursement after the costs have been incurred and paid.

• Status reports may be required.

• Reimbursement forms will be provided.

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NTIG Contact

Laura Bowers512-239-4983

laura.bowers@tceq.texas.govwww.terpgrants.orgWe are here to help!
