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Document ofThe World Bank


Report No.: 20034-MAG





January 21, 2000

Human Development IVAfrica Region

This document has a restricted distribution and may be used by recipients only in the performance of theirofficial duties. Its contents may not otherwise be disclosed without World Bank authorization.


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Currency unit: Malagasy Franc (FMG)(Period average)

1992: US$1.00 = FMG 1864 1996: US$1.00 = FMG 40611993: US$1.00 = FMG 1914 1997: US$1.00 = FMG 50911994: US$1.00 = FMG 3067 1998: US$1.00 = FMG 54411995: US$1.00 = FMG 4266 1999 (Jan. I to Jun 30): US$1.00= FMG 6,065


FISCAL YEARJanuary I - December 31


ARIF Association Regionale Interprofessionnelle pour le developpement de la Formation professionnelle.BPE Education Project Office (Bureau du Projet Education - BPE-PREFTEC)CEFA Cellule d'Enseignement et de Formation AgricoleCERES Centre d'Etudes et de Ressources du Personnel de l'Enseignement TechniqueCFP Public Sector Vocational School (Centre de Formation Professionnelle)CNFTP National Technical and Vocational Training Council (Conseil National de la Formation Technique et

Professionnelle)CRESED Education Sector Reinforcement Credit (Cridit pour le Renforcement du Secteur de I'Education)DCA Development Credit AgreementDET Departmnent of Technical and Vocational EducationEASTA Ecole d'Application des Sciences et Techniques AgricolesENAM National Civil Service Training School (Ecole Nationale d'Administration Malgache)FAC French Aid and Cooperation Fund (Fonds d'Aide et de Cooperation)FIFP Training Fund (Fonds d'Intervention pour la Formation Professionnelle)FPI Pre-service training (Formation Professionnelle Initiale)FPQ In-service training (Formation Professionnelle Qualifiante)GIREFTP Groupement Inter-Rigional des Etablissements de Formation Technique et ProfessionnelleIDA International Development AssociationILO International Labor OfficeINPF National Vocational Training Institute (Institut National de la Promotion de la Formation)IST Higher Institute of Technology (Institut Supirieur de Technologie)LTP Lycee Technique ProfessionnelMEF Ministry of Employment and TrainingMETFP Ministry of Technical Education and Vocational Training (Ministere de l'Enseignement Technique et

de la Formation Professionnelle)MINESEB Ministry of Basic and Secondary Education (Ministere de I 'Enseignement Secondaire et de I 'Education

de Base)MINESUP Ministry of Higher Education (Minist0re de l'Enseignement Supirieur)NGO Non Governmental OrganizationONCE Observatoire National des Compitences et de l'EmploiONEF Observatoire National de l'Emploi et de la FormationONG Organisation Non GouvernementalePEP, PIP Public Expenditure (Investment) ProgramPNAE National program for the improvement of education (Programme National d'Amelioration de

I 'Education)PREFTEC Manpower Training Project (Projet de Renforcement de la Formation Technique et Professionnelle)SAR Staff Appraisal ReportSNFTP Systeme National de Formation Technique et ProfessionnelleTVET Technical and Vocational Education and Training (Enseignement Technique et Formation

Professionnelle - ETFP)UNDP United Nations Development Program

Vice-President: Mr. Callisto MadavoCountry Director: Mr. Michael Sarris

Sector Manager: Mr. Arvil Van AdamsTask Manager: Mr. Daniel Viens






Introduction ..................................................Project Objectives ................................................ 1i

Implementation Experience and Results ................................................ iiiSummary of Findings, Future Operations and Key Lessons Learned ................................................ iv

1. PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION ASSESSMENT ................................................. 1

Project Objectives ................................................. 1Achievement of Project Objectives ...... 2..........................................2Implementation Record and Major Factors Affecting the Project ............... ................................. 4Project Sustainability ................................................. 6Bank Perfornance ................................................ 7Borrower Performance ................................................. 8Assessment of Outcome ................................................. 9Future Operation ................................................ 10Key Lessons Learned ................................................ 12

2. STATISTICAL ANNEX ................................................ 15

Table 1: Summary of Assessments ................................................ 16Table 2: Related Bank Loans and IDA Credits ................................................ 18Table 3: Project Timetable ................................................ 19Table 4: Credit Disbursements: Cumulative Estimated and Actual ................................................ 19Table 5: Key Indicators for Project Implementation ................................................ 20Table 6: Key Indicators Operation ................................................ 27Table 7: Studies Included in Project ................................................ 28Table 8: Project Costs ................................................ 31Table 9: Project Financing ................................................ 32Table 10: Economic Costs and Benefits ................................................ 32Table 11: Status of Legal Covenants in the Credit Agreement ................................................ 33Table 12: Compliance with Operational Manual Statements ................................................ 41Table 13: Bank Resources: Staff Inputs ................................................ 41Table 14: Bank Resources: Missions ................................................ 42

Annex A: Aide-m6moire de la mission du secteur de l'education de la Banque mondialeAnnex BI: Borrower Assessment of Project ImplementationAnnex B2: Borrower 's comments on the ICRAnnex C: Sector Policy Letter (Strategy for TVE7)Annex D: Map IBRD No. 20035RI

This document has a restricted distribution and may be used by recipients only in theperformance of their official duties. Its contents may not otherwise be disclosed withoutWorld Bank authorization.




This is the Implementation Completion Report (ICR) for the Manpower TrainingProject (Projet de Renforcement de la Formation Technique et Professionnelle - PREFTEC)in Madagascar, for which a Credit (2382-MAG) in the amount of SDR1 6.7 million (US$22.8million equivalent) was approved on June 9, 1992, signed on June 25, 1992, and madeeffective on January 15, 1993. The Credit aimed at assisting the Government to implement anew strategy for technical and vocational education and training (TVET).

The Credit was closed on June 30, 1999, one year behind schedule. An estimatedSDR460,000 (US$ 630,000 equivalent) is expected to be cancelled. The last disbursementtook place on October 27, 1999. In addition to the government counterpart contribution andcontributions by beneficiaries (employers, NGOs and other training institutions, andtrainees), the project was to be cofmanced by France and the UNDP.

The ICR was prepared by Rachidi B. Radji (Human Development Economist - AFMCI) andPaul Geli (consultant), and editorial input was provided by Maryanne Sharp (OperationsAnalyst - AFC08). Nellie Sew Kwan Kan (Team Assistant, AFTH4) assisted in theprocessing of the report. It was reviewed by Daniel Viens (Task Manager for the project -AFTH4) and Mr. Arvil Van Adams (Sector Manager, AFTH4). Preparation of this ICR wasstarted during the Bank's final supervision/completion mission in May 1999. It is based onmaterials in the project file, and on the interviews of people who have been associated withthe project during implementation. The Borrower contributed to the preparation of the ICRby providing views reflected in the mission's aide-memoire (annex A), by preparing its ownevaluation of the project's execution (annex B1) and by commenting on the draft ICR (annexB2).





1. At the time of project preparation and appraisal in the early 1990s, the technicaland vocational education and training (TVET) system in Madagascar faced a number ofcritical issues. Vocational training was perceived as, and actually was, a supply-drivenservice delivered mostly (if not entirely) in public training institutions offering traditionalprograms unrelated to labor market needs. The system was poorly planned andadministered, and institutions were inefficient and ran low-quality programs. Costsharing, cost recovery policies, and adequate funding was lacking. In addition, privateinvestment in skills development was minimal, and enterprises were unaware of thebenefits of in-service training and uninvolved in policy-making and managementdecisions. To restructure the system, the Government developed a sector strategy (AnnexC) in discussion with IDA. The strategy recognized the need to: (a) establish a stronginstitutional framework to provide policy guidance and improve coordination; (b) involveemployers in TVET; (c) develop better information on TVET and the labor market; (d)increase the internal efficiency of TVET sub-systems and better match supply anddemand; (e) base future training on diversified models; and (f) contain the costs of publicTVET to provide resources for more practical training. The strategy also recognized theneed for cost recovery and cost sharing by employers and trainees, including financialcontributions by employers through direct subsidies and training contracts. TheGovernment strategy addressed the correct issues and deserved support as an integralcomponent of Madagascar's broader education reform program (PNAE - ProgrammeNational d'Amelioration de l'Education).

Project Objectives.

2. According to the Development Credit Agreement (DCA), the project aimed toestablish a technical and vocational education and training system encompassing privateand public training institutions and responsive to actual training needs of the economy.More detailed and precise in their definition, the objectives stated in the Staff AppraisalReport (SAR) were to support a program of reform to make technical and vocationaleducation and training (TVET) more responsive to the needs of employers and the labor

Page ii Evaluation Summary

market, give a more important role to the private sector (both NGO and commercially-runschools) in the provision of TVET, promote cost recovery in TVET, thus providing fundsfor increased levels of training without increasing the burden on public expenditures,increase quality and efficiency of public sector TVET, and improve training of civilservants. Specific objectives were to: (a) establish a system to develop TVET policy andpromote, coordinate and finance training by private and public training institutions andemployers, so as to meet the needs of the economy, making efficient use of the limitedpublic and private resources available; (b) establish a system to provide informationabout the labor market and TVET needs; (c) rehabilitate and reform the public TVETsystem, and increase its quality and internal and external efficiency; (d) commence theprocess of agricultural education and training reform; and (e) develop the training systemfor senior civil servants. The project objectives were not modified during projectimplementation.

3. To achieve these objectives, the project consisted of five components: (i)development of the National Council of Technical and Vocational Education (CNFTP),including a training fund (FIFP); (ii) restructuring and strengthening of the TVET system;(iii) introduction of a labor market information system; (iv) reform of agriculturaleducation and training; and (v) training for senior civil servants. General administrationof the credit and logistical support were to be provided by the education project office(BPE/PREFTEC), but the CNFTP was also given its own special account. The wholeproject was to be coordinated by a committee chaired by the Minister of the Ministry ofTechnical Education and Vocational Training (METFP). The total project cost estimatewas US$31.5 million equivalent; the project was expected to be completed by December31, 1997 and the credit to be closed on June 30, 1998.

4. In addition to the standard clauses for special accounts, counterpart funds, projectobjectives and the Borrower's commitment to those objectives, procurement, audit andthe mid-term review, a number of covenants in the Development Credit Agreement(DCA) were expected to help achieve project objectives. Those covenants dealt withproject coordination, the responsibilities of a newly established ministry in charge ofvocational training (METFP), work programs, monitoring of training institutionenrollments, conditions of financing by the training fund, a study on vocational trainingfinancing, and preparation of public expenditure and investment programs.

5. The project objectives were clear, but lacked quantitative indicators of success;only input and output indicators were developed and monitored during projectimplementation. The project was complex and demanding for the Borrower, since itinvolved a change in the structure of the sector and required a different approach,philosophy and mindset of the responsible officials, private sector beneficiaries and trainingoperators. The objectives were, and remain essential, for establishing the foundations ofsustainable development of the sector. However, in the context of implementation, thoseobjectives proved to be unrealistic in light of the magnitude of reforms required and thedegree of commitnent and mobilization of the main players involved.

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Implementation Experience and Results.

6. Little has been done to document achievements, and monitonng activities havestarted only recently. In addition to the institutional development and capacity-buildingactivities carried out (CNFTP, DCF, ONEF, CERES, GIREFTPs) and the rehabilitation andequipment of 8 LTPs (Lycees Techniques Professionnels), three important accomplishmentsare deserving of mention. These are: (i) improved functioning of the CNFTP and thetraining fund (FIFP), which has contributed to creating links between the private productionsector and the TVET system (638 training subprojects were executed benefiting 18,277workers, 25% of whom were women and 40% of whom were from the informal sector andassociations; the financial contribution of the beneficiaries was 27% on average); (ii) theprogress made in decentralizing the management of the system by delegating increasedresponsibilities to the managers of training establishments and increasing the private supplyof TVET; and (iii) the introduction of in-service vocational training courses (FPQ -Formation Professionnelle Qualifiante), even though these will require some modifications.On the other hand, the expansion of the system has been largely based on conventionaltraining approaches and the quality of training and strategic management of the system isstill weak. Overall, much remains to be done to fully accomplish the project's initialdevelopment objectives - particularly in ensuring that demand drives the system andincreasing the quality and effectiveness of the public training supply. An operational auditof the 62 public establishments revealed the persistence of deficiencies in the managementof the system. Achievements have been rather insignificant in establishing a system formonitoring and analyzing labor market and training needs data, and limited in scope forlaunching the reform of agricultural education and training and for civil service training.

7. In sumnmary (Table 1), achievements can be assessed as substantial for physicalobjectives, partial for sector policies, financial objectives, institutional development andprivate sector development, and negligible for public sector management; otherobjectives listed in Table 1 do not apply.

8. Whether achievements produced in relation to the project's major objectiveswould be maintained in the future is on balance uncertain (Table 1). On the positive side,the project brought about important changes in the thinking, attitudes and approach of allparties involved in TVET. However, three aspects of the project give rise to questions ofsustainability. First, the sustainability of the training fund (FIFP) is somewhat fragile inthe absence of a decision on its permanent financing (envisaged as an outcome of theproject). The second aspect concerns the decentralization of the management of thepublic system (including the promotion of cost recovery at the establishment level) sincesteady management improvement is required. Finally, the durability of the capacity-building and equipment activities (including the critical activities of CERES) will dependon availability of the necessary financial resources by all stakeholders.

9. The latest estimate of the cost of the project is US$27.5 million, compared to theSAR estimate of US$31.5 million including taxes, or a 13 percent decrease. Despite thedecrease in project cost, and because of the increase in the dollar value of the SDR, IDAdisbursements in dollars were very slightly more than originally forecast (plus 1 percent);Government and beneficiaries as well as other donors (France and UNDP) contributed

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less than the original estimates. The credit was closed on June 30, 1999, one year behindschedule.

10. A number of factors affected project implementation and the achievement of theproject objectives. One factor that affected project implementation positively was thechange in focus of technical education and vocational training to target povertyalleviation. The factors that affected project implementation negatively were: (i) thepolitical situation with its deleterious effect on enterprises and on the motivation of civilservants entrusted with implementing the reform; (ii) the change in the role of thecoordinating committee; (iii) the inability of government to reform the system for pre-service technical education and training and to ensure meaningful participation of theprivate sector in that system; (iv) changes in Ministers (five Ministers or DeleguesGeneraux in five years) and other top personnel; (v) an attempt by the Ministry in1995/1996 to interfere in the day-to-day management of CNFTP and the project; (vi) thedelayed promulgation of the legal texts for putting in place the organs of CNFTP; and(vii) the delayed availability of counterpart funds.

11. Bank performance on this project was satisfactory for identification, deficient forpreparation assistance and appraisal, and marginally satisfactory for supervision.Borrower performance can be rated as satisfactory for preparation, deficient forimplementation and marginally satisfactory for covenant compliance.

12. The project outcomes are variable and mixed. While the project has had somesuccess in fostering changes in attitudes towards in-service training in Madagascar, it fellshort of achieving needed reforms in the public provision of pre-service training. On thepositive side, CNFTP was instrumental in developing a partnership between Governmentand the private sector, fostering participation of private enterprises and NGOs in thepromotion, coordination and management of in-service training through eight regionalassociations of employers (ARIFs), and developing and disseminating expertise in anumber of key areas. Other positive outcomes include the development of nationalcapacity in designing and delivering in-service training programs tailored to the needs ofenterprises and workers, and the training of instructors. On the negative side, expectedimpact on effectiveness of pre-service training, implementation of a sustainable financingframework, clarification on the role of the state in the financing and provision ofvocational training, and collection of labor market information failed to materialize.When examined in the light of three key aspects of the Government's strategy supportedby the project [(namely: (i) adaptation of training to the labor market; (ii) improvement ofthe quality and effectiveness of TVET; and (iii) control of public expenditures, costrecovery and promotion of the private training sector)] and when giving appropriateweights to all the positives and negatives, the overall outcome of the project can beassessed as marginally satisfactory.

Summary of Findings, Future Operations and Key Lessons Learned.

13. The project aimed at establishing a technical and vocational education andtraining system encompassing private and public training institutions and responsive toactual training needs of the economy. During implementation, an increased emphasis

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was put on poverty alleviation and decentralization so that at the end the project wassomewhat different from what it was at the beginning. In the absence of satisfactoryarrangements for monitoring and evaluation, it is difficult to document the achievementsand impact of the project.

14. In a nutshell, the establishment and strengthening of CNFTP which was able torecruit a good group of competent professionals is an impressive achievement, butunfortunately CNFTP has had a limited influence on the quality of the steering andstrategic planning of the system. The project was successful in developing a partnershipbetween government and the private sector, in increasing the role of the private trainingsector and in promoting a beginning of cost recovery in the system, partially successful intransforming the TVET system into a system driven by the needs of the labor market butunsuccessful in enhancing the quality and effectiveness of the public supply of TVET.

15. A number of measures should be taken to consolidate the gains already made,maximize the project benefits and improve sustainability. Those relate primarily to: (i)in-service training and its financing; (ii) the role and operation of the GIREFTPs; (iii)TVET reform and the training establishments (LTPs and CFPs); (iv) the training ofteaching staff, (v) the question of the labor market; and (vi) agricultural training.

16. Some important lessons can be drawn from the implementation of the project, bothwith respect to sector policy and the choice of operating approaches and options. Themain lessons are the following:

* The selection and monitoring of key quantified indicators is very important tofacilitate the strategic steering of the reform during project implementation and toevaluate results at the end of the project.

* In this type of project aimed in particular at increasing the role of the private sector, itis important to carefully define the State's responsibilities and to better integrate theprivate training sector in the sector strategy. Strong national leadership andcontinuity are important for the success of a project that includes major reform of thesector. Strategic thinking about the development of the private sector (regulation,supervision, partnership) is also important.

* The successful organization of employers as necessary partners in a demand-driventraining system depends on the correct incentives and the provision of appropriatetechnical assistance and support.

* Administrative and financial autonomy, implementation plans, work programs, and acontracting approach are important to ensure efficient project management and toallow for flexible implementation with quick results. The participation of all partnersin both project design and execution results in better definition of concepts andapproaches, their greater dissemination and above all their more efficientimplementation.

* Attitude changes are essential elements of sustainability.

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+ The continuous adaptation of training to the needs of the labor market requiresflexibility in the management of the system, and greater assignment of responsibilityto the training establishments can facilitate the emergence of a dynamic aimed atenhanced efficiency and innovation.

* The successful implementation of in-service training programs could serve as a modelof efficiency for an in-depth reform of pre-service training.

* The arrangements and modalities for the financing of training should take intoaccount the targeting of beneficiaries and be affordable to the target groups.





Project Objectives

1.1 According to the Development Credit Agreement (DCA), the project aimed toestablish a technical and vocational education and training system encompassing private andpublic training institutions and responsive to actual training needs of the economy.

1.2 The Staff Appraisal Report (SAR) was more detailed and precise in its definition ofthe project's objectives. The objectives stated in the SAR were to support a program ofreform to make technical and vocational education and training (TVET) more responsive tothe needs of employers and the labor market, give a more important role to the private sector(both NGO and commercially-run schools) in provision of TVET, promote cost recovery inTVET, thus providing funds for increased levels of training without increasing the burden onpublic expenditures, increase quality and efficiency of public sector TVET, and improvetraining of civil servants. Specific objectives were to: (a) establish a system to developTVET policy and promote, coordinate and finance training by private and public traininginstitutions and employers, so as to meet the needs of the economy, making efficient use ofthe limited public and private resources available; (b) establish a system to provideinformation about the labor market and TVET needs; (c) rehabilitate and reform the publicTVET system, and increase its quality and internal and external efficiency; (d) commence aprocess of agricultural education and training reform; and (e) develop the training system forsenior civil servants. The TVET strategy that the Government intended to follow in theshort- to medium-term, that is during the implementation period of the project, was spelledout in a Sector Policy Letter, included in Annex C of this ICR.

1.3 The project objectives were not changed during implementation, but at the time of themid-term review there was a shift in the beneficiaries of the in-service training provided,from the large firns of the structured, formal sector to the small and micro enterprisesincluding those of the informal sector, with greater focus on poverty alleviation and targetingbased on the size of the enterprises and the level of income of the entrepreneurs.

Page 2 Project Implementation Assessment

1.4 To help achieve the above objectives, the project consisted of five components: (i)development of the National Council of Technical and Vocational Education (CNFTP),including a training fund (FIFP); (ii) restructuring and strengthening of the TVET system;(iii) introduction of a labor market information system; (iv) reform of agricultural educationand training; and (v) training for senior civil servants.

1.5 The Manpower Training Project was to be coordinated by a committee (Comite deCoordination) chaired by the Minister of Technical Education and Vocational Training(METFP). The administration of each component was to be the responsibility of the agencyconcerned, and particular attention was to be paid to the working of the CNFTP which wasgiven its own special account. General administration of the credit and logistical supportwere to be provided by the education project office (Bureau du Projet Education - BPEPREFTEC). The total project cost estimate was US$31.5 million equivalent; the project wasexpected to be completed by December 31, 1997 and the credit to be closed on June 30,1998.

1.6 The project's objectives were clear, but lacked quantitative indicators of success. Inaddition, there was some misunderstanding at the level of the implementation strategy sincethe sector policy letter was not very explicit and detailed, particularly regarding pre-servicetraining. The main objectives of the project were to transform the TVET system into a systemdriven by the needs of the labor market, to increase the role of the private training sector, toenhance the quality and effectiveness of the public supply of TVET and to promote costrecovery in the system. The project was complex since it involved different types of training,and required coordination between several ministries. It was also demanding for theBorrower, since the whole structure of the sector had to be changed with clear separation ofvocational training from basic education. The project required a different approach,philosophy and mindset of the responsible officials, private sector beneficiaries and trainingoperators that were asked to manage their organizations as private enterprises. The SARmade it clear that controversial measures needed to be phased over a number of years toswitch from formal technical education to employment-oriented vocational training, and thatthe implementation of reforms would call for firm commitment and support from all parties,both public and private, and close coordination among donors. There were manyGovernment officials and private sector operators who were interested in the reform ofTVET, but the timing of the project may not have been the best given the political transition.The objectives were, and remain essential, for establishing the foundations of sustainabledevelopment of the sector, in line with the policy of global liberalization of the Malagasyeconomy. However, in the context of implementation, those objectives proved to beunrealistic given the magnitude of reforms required and the degree of commitment andmobilization of the main players involved.

Achievement of Project Objectives

1.7 The Staff Appraisal Report (SAR) had identified three major benefits of execution ofthe project, namely: (i) the establishment of a flexible TVET system capable of respondingeffectively to the training and qualification needs of the production sector; (ii) the contributionto better utilization of public resources in the sector, and (iii) strengthening of capacities to(

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ensure flexible management of the system. Although little has been done to documentachievements and monitoring activities of output indicators have started only recently, theAide-Memoire of the last supervision mission of May 1999 (Annex A) and the Borrower'sReport (Annex Bl), as well as Table 5 on key indicators for project implementation, try tohighlight the achievements and shortcomings of the project. In addition to the institutionaldevelopment and capacity-building activities carried out (CNFTP, DCF, ONEF, CERES,GIREFTPs) and the rehabilitation and equipment of eight LTPs (Lycees TechniquesProfessionnels), three important accomplishments are deserving of mention. These are: (i)improved functioning of the CNFTP and the training fund (FIFP), which has contributed tocreating links between the private production sector and the TVET system; (ii) the progressmade in decentralizing the management of the system by delegating increased responsibilitiesto managers of the training establishments; and (iii) the introduction of short, modular in-service vocational training courses (FPQ - Fonnation Professionnelle Qualifiante), eventhough these will require some modifications. On the other hand, the expansion of the systemhas been largely based on conventional training approaches and the quality of training and thestrategic management of the system is still weak. Overall, it is observed that much remains tobe done to fully accomplish the project's initial development objectives - particularly inensuring that demand drives the system and increasing the quality and effectiveness of thepublic training supply.

1.8 Achievements have been partial but nevertheless significant in the development ofsector policy and promotion of private sector involvement. The operationalization of CNFTPhas created the framework for more private sector involvement in sector planning anddevelopment. The capacity of the Council's Executive Secretariat has been progressivelystrengthened but the structure itself has had a limited influence on the quality and strategicplanning of the system. The activities of the training fund (FLFP) have energized the growinglinks between the production sector and the mechanism for supply of training through thefinancing of requests for in-service vocational training (formation continue). As of June 30,1999, 638 training subprojects were executed benefiting 18,277 workers, 25% of whom werewomen. The type of demand for training has changed greatly over the eight years of operationof the training fund (FIFP). Initially, the majority of beneficiaries were employees of largebusiness firms, but as of 1995, requests began to be accepted for training from players in theinformal sector and associations, who make up about 40% of the persons trained. The fieldsinvolved are varied but demand is especially strong in tertiary-sector disciplines (management,accounting, data processing, communication, etc.). More than 38% of the training wasconducted in Antananarivo. The average cost per person trained was US$200 and the financialcontribution of the beneficiaries was 27% on average. The setting up and supporting of eightARIFs in the six provinces seems to be a promising approach for ensuring the emergence ofcredible in-service vocational training needs. However, these associations remain weak and itis not clear whether just the promotion of training will be sufficient to ensure the continuingmobilization and motivation of their members. The private supply of TVET has grown (700operators currently listed). This supply is of a variable quality and is concentrated in theterdary-sector training fields.

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1.9 Achievements have been more limited with respect to the reform and enhancement ofthe quality and effectiveness of TVET. Eight LTPs were rehabilitated and equipped, andthere was a considerable increase in the number of these establishments (26 in 1999). Theestablishment heads were made responsible for managing their institutions' budgets. A goodproportion of the teaching staff benefited from basic and/or advanced training courses run byCERES (educational psychology, training theory and management of training establishments).Modular qualifying or in-service vocational training courses were launched in the majority ofestablishmerts. In 1998/99, around 2,000 students benefited from this type of training, whichrepresented the main source of revenue for the establishments. Despite the technical support,equipment and training provided, the steering and strategic management capacity in the systemremains generally weak. There is little information available regarding the hiring of graduatesand evolution of system cost and effectiveness. The findings of an operational audit of the 62public establishments (26 LTPs and 36 CFPs) revealed the persistence of deficiencies in themanagement of the system (weakness in the demand/training approach, diversity of thetraining programs, and inefficient management of available resources).

1.10 Achievements have been rather insignificant with respect to the establishment of asystem to monitor and analyze labor market and training needs data. ONEF (formerly ONCE)products only included preparation of 16 listings of employment opportunities, monographs inthree regions and pilot activities concerning FPQ evaluation, and thus its performance has notmet expectations. Little information has been produced on employment and its developmentand the establishment of a monitoring and analysis system remains an open question.Achievements have been limited in scope for agricultural education and training; the priorityaction plan implemented includes, among other things, experimentation with the training ofmultipurpose agricultural technicians in two pilot establishments (starting at the beginning ofthe 1999/00 academic year). The visibility and validation process of these actions in theagriculture sector have been insufficient. Achievements in the training of civil servants havealso been limited, in part because of the recruitment freeze in the civil service.

1.11 In summary (Table 1), achievements can be assessed as substantial for physicalobjectives, partial for sector policies, financial objectives, institutional development andprivate sector development, and negligible for public sector management; other objectiveslisted in Table 1 do not apply.

Implementation Record and Major Factors Affecting the Project

1.12 The Borrower's report in Annex B1 describes the implementation record for theproject. Implementation performance has been mixed. At the beginning of the project, thepolitical climate has been rather turbulent; the public administration came to a complete stopduring the 1991 political events, and no major decision could be made during the transitionperiod that followed. That situation contributed to the delay in making the credit effective,and accounts in part for the delay in project completion and the one-year postponement ofcredit closing. Also, because of the political climate, enterprises may not have beenparticularly inclined to give priority to human resource development, and the motivation ofcivil servants may have been affected.

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1.13 The Coordinating Committee (Comite de Coordination) referred to under paragraph 1of Schedule 4 to the DCA was established at the beginning of the project as a condition ofeffectiveness of the credit. It functioned normally until 1996 to ensure the implementation ofproject activities and to liaise with donors. Later, its role became more restricted toawareness-raising and supervision of training institutions and operators, and the Committeehad few opportunities for working meetings to discuss sector issues or for exchanges ofviews and experience between the committee and donors. This change in responsibility mayhave contributed to the lack of follow-up on the implementation of TVET reform. At thetime of the mid-term review in 1995, CNFTP adopted an approach focused on povertyalleviation and smaller enterprises, including the informal sector, and in 1996 the articles ofagreements and by-laws of CNFTP were arnended to allow for greater participation of theprivate sector. In 1997, eight ARIFs (Association Regionale Interprofessionnelle pour leDe'veloppement de la Formation Professionnelle) were established paving the way for adecentralization of decision-making as to the beneficiaries of training and the kind of trainingto be provided. Up to the end of 1996, the management of the project did not encounter anyparticular problems. Starting in 1997, there were some accounting and financial problems inthe BPE/PREFTEC, which led to the resignation of the accountant and the carrying out oftwo complementary audits in January and July 1999. The Government reimbursed IDA anddeposited US$109,000 in the credit account for expenditures that were not eligible or wereunjustified, and BPE/PREFTEC appointed an accountant recruited from a private firm. Inthe last year of the project, the directors of the two implementation units were replacedfollowing a serious illness of the Director of BPE/PREFTEC in June 1998 and his subsequentresignation, and the death of the Director of CNFTP in November 1998.

1.14 The latest estimate of the cost of the project is US$27.5 million, compared to the SARestimate of US$31.5 million including taxes, or a 13 percent decrease. Despite the decreasein project cost, and because of the increase in the dollar value of the SDR, IDAdisbursements in dollars were very slightly more than originally forecast (plus one percent);Government and beneficiaries as well as other donors (France and UNDP) contributed lessthan the original estimates. Thirty-three percent of the US$27.5 million were spent for theCNFTP and the training fund (FIFP), 52 percent for the TVET component, one percent forthe labor market component, six percent for the agricultural education and trainingcomponent and three percent for the ENAM (civil servant training) component; the balanceof five percent was for project management.

1.15 A number of factors affected project implementation and the achievement of theproject objectives. One factor that affected project implementation positively was the changein beneficiaries of technical education and vocational training which was introduced at thetime of the mid-term review in 1995. In line with the focus on poverty alleviation of thePolicy Framework Paper (PFP) for 1996-1999, the approach, procedures and tools (includingthe Manuel de Procedure of CNFTP) were revised to target employees of small firms andartisans, including those in the informal sector, rather than large enterprises.

1.16 The factors that affected project implementation negatively were: (i) the politicalsituation with its deleterious effect on enterprises and on the motivation of civil servantsentrusted with implementing the reform; (ii) the change in the role of the coordinatingcommittee; (iii) the inability of government to reform the system for pre-service technical

Page 6 Project Implementation Assessment

education and training and to ensure meaningful participation of the private sector in thatsystem; (iv) changes in Ministers (five Ministers or Delegues Generaux in five years) andother top personnel; (v) an (unsuccessful) attempt by the Ministry in 1995/1996 to interferein the day-to-day management of CNFTP and the project; (vi) the delayed promulgation ofthe legal texts for putting in place the organs of CNFTP; and (vii) the delayed availability ofcounterpart funds. Project implementation also suffered from inadequate design of the labormarket component, which was in effect a non-starter and probably should have included inthe activities of CNFTP.

Project Sustainability

1.17 Whether the achievements produced in relation to the project's major objectiveswould be maintained in the future is on balance uncertain (Table 1). On the positive side, theproject brought about important changes in the thinking, attitudes and approach of all theparties involved in TVET, and those changes are here to stay. All professional organizationsare now working with the TVET authorities. It is generally accepted that in-service trainingshould be viewed as an investment and evaluated as such by the beneficiaries who contributeto its cost, and should be based on the demand (instead of being supply-driven) andpartnership, with appropriate contractual arrangements between the parties involved in itsdesign and implementation.

1.18 However, three aspects of the project give rise to questions of sustainability. First,there is a strong consensus among the players as to the need to maintain a sector mechanismfor coordination and consultation that will involve the private production sector and theTVET authorities. The framework and mechanisms organized around the CNFTP shouldtherefore be able to maintain themselves after the project. However, the situation is not asclear regarding the training fund since the development of options for its permanentfinancing (envisaged as an outcome of the project) has been delayed. The conclusions andrecommendations of the financing study done in 1995 were discussed extensively at both theregional and national levels, and by the decision-making organs of CNFTP. Consensusemerged on a few key points: distribution of responsibilities (essentially pre-service trainingto be left to the Government and in-service training to the private sector), financing to beundertaken primarily through a tax on salaries and wages with some contribution fromGovernment, management of the training fund by those who contributed to it, and the needfor appropriate incentives. These agreements in principle constitute progress, but nothing hasbeen implemented. Some important efforts, including analytical work, are still needed toformulate and put in place an acceptable and permanent solution.

1.19 The second aspect concerns decentralizing the management of the public system,including the promotion of cost recovery at the establishment level. Although this positivefeature still remains fragile, it has many advocates and supporters at the central andperipheral levels, even if their motivating factors seem sometimes to differ. The opening upof and interaction with the business and professional world is also a major aspect of many ofthe approaches developed. There is no reason to doubt the continuation of this movement inthe future, provided the necessary strengthening measures are deployed in order to reassure

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authorities in the Ministry of Finance and other partners that steady managementimprovement will occur.

1.20 Finally, the durability of the capacity-building and equipment activities will dependon the availability of the necessary financial resources. Even though an equipmentmaintenance unit is currently operational for the various establishments, and cost recoverycan help to lessen the pressure on public finances, the question of the sustainability of theseactions has not yet been explicitly tackled. In particular, the situation of CERES' activitiesappears somewhat critical, considering the significant training needs of personnel.

Bank Performance

1.21 Bank performance on this project has been satisfactory for identification, deficient forpreparation assistance and appraisal, and marginally satisfactory for supervision.

1.22 The Bank and the Borrower, together with other donors, had an active policy dialoguein the early 1990s to analyze key aspects of the TVET sub-sector and in the end, identifiedthe correct issues to be addressed. On the other hand, Bank performance for preparationassistance and appraisal was deficient in two respects. First, the whole area of pre-servicetraining was not examined and prepared in sufficient depth, as reflected in the Sector Policyletter on strategy (Annex C) and in the project description in the SAR, so the path to reformwas not as clear-cut as it could have been. Also, the project tried to cover too many types oftraining (i.e., agriculture and civil service for example) instead of focusing on a smallernumber of components that could be realistically implemented. Second, the project designneglected monitoring and evaluation, and neither the SAR nor the legal documents includedquantified indicators of implementation, operation or impact. As it turned out, theestablishment of a tracer system to evaluate training programs, which was included in onecomponent (Part B.4 of the project), was never implemented! Some of the preparatory work,such as the manual of procedures of CNFTP which was too heavy and too cumbersome, hadto be redone during project implementation.

1.23 Regarding project implementation, the project was adequately supervised by theBank, with some continuity in staff. The Bank somehow neglected to pursue TVET reformand, among other things, forgot to follow up on the functioning of the CoordinatingCommittee (Comite de Coordination) and the establishment of a tracer system. It remains anopen question whether the Bank should have been more forceful in reminding Government tocomply with its commitments to implement the project, including TVET reform on pre-service training, with due diligence and efficiency. Threats to suspend disbursements andother pressure by the Bank might have been counterproductive and could have jeopardizedthe results achieved on the in-service training front. Nonetheless, the Bank showedflexibility in agreeing with the Borrower on a reorientation of in-service training activitiesmore in line with the new poverty alleviation focus and making a start in meeting trainingneeds for the informal sector. Giving appropriate weights to all the positives and negativeshighlighted in this ICR, the Bank performance on supervision can be assessed as marginallysatisfactory.

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Borrower Performance

1.24 Borrower performance can be rated as satisfactory for preparation, deficient forimplementation and marginally satisfactory for covenant compliance.

1.25 In the late 1980s, a team of Malagasy officials assisted by consultants financed by anIDA PPF advance and by France, was set up to formulate sub-sector reform and to identifypriority investments. The project was prepared by this team under the guidance of the Bankand France, and with the assistance of UNDP, ILO and UNIDO. The Borrower'sinvolvement in project preparation, at a time when the METFP did not exist and when theMalagasy team was in effect very dependent on the advice and support of outside actors, canbe assessed as satisfactory.

1.26 Compliance with covenants is only marginally satisfactory because important aspectsof the project were not implemented with due diligence and efficiency, and theimplementation program, particularly project coordination, was not adhered to (Table 11).

1.27 With respect to implementation, as already noted, achievements were partial oninstitutional development (CNFTP, ARIFs, etc.); a number of positive initiatives have beentaken primarily by CNFTP. The Borrower has shown flexibility in reorienting in-servicetraining activities (FPQ) towards entities in the informal sector with good market potential,and in making adjustments in the use of technical assistance from various sources(replacement of long-term assistance to CNFTP with a series of short-term assignments).The private sector has begun to make financial contributions to the cost of training. Finally,the manual of procedures of CNFTP for in-service training has been simplified andimproved.

1.28 The downside is that the TVET reform in pre-service training (FPI) has not beencarried out, mainly because of lack of leadership and coordination at the highest level.Whatever commitment to reform might have existed within Government and the civil serviceat the time of project identification and preparation somehow evaporated when the time cameto implement that reforn. The political risks (in particular, the difficulty in having a genuinedialogue and fostering cooperation between the public and private sectors, to close the mostinefficient training institutions or to modify the technical baccalaureate, which is seen as apassport to the university) were clearly identified at the identification and preparation stages.The number of training institutions was not reduced, the technical baccalaureate was notmodified, and the GIREFTPs and training institutions remain under the control of Ministryofficials (a representative of the Ministry is always the President of the Board of Directors,which does not really control and manage the budget). Actually, there is no indication thatGovernment ever attempted to resist the political pressures that were anticipated. Finally,there were substantial delays in completing the study on the financing of training, and nodecision was made on the system to be introduced. According to the SAR, the objective ofthe study was to identify a mechanism to ensure the establishment, by 1995 at the latest, of ameans of funding CNFTP and training activities that does not depend on substantial recourseto the national budget. Clearly, that objective has not been met, a fact which gives rise toquestions of project sustainability. Overall, Borrower's performance on implementation canbe assessed as deficient.

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Assessment of Outcome

1.29 The evaluation of project outcomes is made difficult by the fact that there was very littlein place to document the achievements and impact of the project and, therefore, one has to relyin part on anecdotal evidence. Table 5 on the key indicators for project implementation, theAide-Memoire of the last IDA supervision mission of May 1999 (Annex A) and the Borrower'scontribution (Annex BI) attempt to evaluate the project outcomes in terms of purpose andimpact. These outcomes are variable and mixed. While the project has had some success infostering changes in attitudes towards in-service training in Madagascar, it fell short ofachieving needed reforms in the public provision of training.

1.30 On the positive side, CNFTP was instrumental in: (i) developing a partnershipbetween Government and the private sector; (ii) fostering participation of private enterprisesand NGOs in the promotion, coordination and management of in-service training througheight regional associations of employers (ARIFs); and (iii) developing and disseminatingexpertise in certain key areas. Other positive outcomes include the development of nationalcapacity in designing and delivering modular in-service training programs tailored to theneeds of enterprises and workers, and the training of instructors (both from public and privateinstitutions) under the CERES.

1.31 On the negative side, expected impact on effectiveness of pre-service training,implementation of a sustainable financing framework, clarification of the role of the state inthe financing and provision of vocational training, and collection of labor market informationfailed to materialize. The project has failed to come to grips with a redefined and reformedsystem of vocational training. METFP continues to be managed as a traditional "ministry",with overstaffed and inefficient directorates and services at central level, lack of initiative onthe part of decision-makers in public offices at the regional level and in the training centers(who were granted "autonomy" under revised statutes), and poor management, accountabilityand monitoring practices.

1.32 In addition to those general comments, the project outcomes can also be examined inthe light of three key aspects of the Government's strategy supported by the project, namely:(i) adaptation of training to the labor market; (ii) improvement of the quality andeffectiveness of TVET; and (iii) control of public expenditures, cost recovery and promotionof the private training sector.

1.33 As noted above, while a number of steps have been taken to align the system moreclosely with the market, the results remain limited in overall terms. The absence of anymonitoring of graduates' success in obtaining employment renders assessment of resultsdifficult, but the few indications available regarding the labor market and the observedexpansion of the system suggest that the results are poor. Nevertheless, the training subprojectsfinanced by the FIFP (18,277 trainees) and the qualifying or in-service vocational trainingcourses (about 2,000 trainees in 1999) have been perinent responses. The evaluation of theirimpact and quality should ensure ways to consolidate these promising leads.

1.34 The number of trainees enrolled in the public TVET establishments rose from 6,107 in1994/95 to 10,376 in 1998/99, hence an annual average increase of 14%. The LTPs constitute

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more than 80% of this public supply, which is still dominated by the traditional pre-servicetraining courses (FPI) in specialties of a general nature or of a low cost-effectiveness. Measuredin terms of academic results, the quality of this supply remains low (the average success rate inthe different examinations ranges between 30% and 50%). In overall terms, the reform of pre-service training that is essential for increasing both the internal and external effectiveness of thesystem is not yet really underway. Political will and the mobilization of the main actors withinthe system were not sufficient to support the reform.

1.35 Budget appropriations (excluding wages and salaries) have been increased on averageby 10%, in nominal termns, over recent years. Nearly one third of these funds have beenabsorbed by the central administration of the Ministry and of the attached agencies supervisedby it. In 1999, the situation deteriorated further since out of the FMG 8.7 billion budgeted,FMG 4.1 billion was allocated to the central structures (i.e. nearly 47%). There are fewindications available as to the development of unit costs in the system. The findings of theoperational audit of the system underscore the persistence of significant inefficiencies in thesector's use of resources (disparity of instructor-student ratio, high ratio of administrativepersonnel to students, ridiculously small size of certain establishments, disparity ofsubsidy/student ratio). The same report also notes, however, that cost recovery organized forthe FPQs and production activities has made a substantial contribution (33% to 53%) toresources available to the establishments in 1998/99. This favorable development of costrecovery will have to be clarified and shaped by the formulation of an appropriate policy, asdiscussed below (under the section on future operation).

1.36 After giving appropriate weights to all the positives and negatives, the overalloutcome of the project can be assessed as marginally satisfactory.

Future Operation

1.37 Whether or not there is a follow up project to this Manpower Training Project, thereare a number of measures that should be taken to consolidate the gains already made,maximize the project benefits and improve sustainability. Those relate primarily to: (i) in-service training and its financing; (ii) the role and operation of the GIREFTPs; (iii) TVETreform and the training establishments (LTPs and CFPs); (iv) training of teaching staff; (v)the question of the labor market; and (vi) agricultural training.

1.38 Regarding in-service training and its financing, analytical studies initiated by theGovernment and supported by IDA, such as the evaluation of the impact of training onbeneficiaries and the plan for sustainable financing, are important for clarifying andsolidifying the bases for pursuit of training fund (FIFP) activities. The existence of aconsensus among the players that a lasting solution is needed is a decisive step. However,analyses are still needed to ensure the economic and financial foundation of the proposedarrangements and their suitability (level of contribution/charges, method of recovery, andrules governing access to financing). It would also be advisable for Madagascar to benefitfrom other country experience in this field. The informal sector and agricultural activitiesplay an important role in the stimulation of the country's economic growth and creation ofemployment (more than four out of every five jobs), and should accordingly receive

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sufficient attention on how to meet the needs for the continuous upgrading of Malagasy laborskills. The CNFTP Executive Secretariat will have to:

* Strengthen its management tools (appropriate database on requirements,establishment of chart of activities) and equip itself with suitable tools;

* Adapt and strengthen its procedures in three areas: (i) improve access to the trainingfund (FIFP) for the infonnal sector; (ii) adjust training operator selection proceduresin order to give all qualified operators access to training contracts; and (iii) improvemonitoring and evaluation activities, including the subcontracting of quality controlin the highly specialized training fields;

* Maintain an updated listing of potential training supply by field. The updating of thistool should be enriched by feedback from monitoring and evaluation activities,including assessment of training operators' performance;

* Promote the ARIFs as mechanisms to bring out credible training demands and theircofmancing. Their role in the operator selection process should be reexamined with aview to preventing any risk of possible conflict of interest.

1.39 The GIREFTPs form the first link in the decentralized management of the system.However, their influence and impact on the system's effectiveness are hardly perceptible. Withthe aim of strengthening the delegation of responsibility to the training centers, an evaluation ofthe operation of the GIREFTPs would help to adjust their role and operation.

1.40 With respect to TVET reform and training establishments (LTPs and CFPs), thecontinuation of the present practice of coexistence of the FPI and FPQ at training establishmentlevel would be hard to envision in the medium-term. It would in fact carry the risk ofinstitutionalizing two training streams of different qualities in the system. Furthermore, it givesrise to the appearance of varying poles of motivation in the establishments as well as problemsof inequity in access to quality training. It is necessary: (i) to carry out a technical evaluation ofFPQ activities undertaken so far and to identify assistance required for their continuation; and(ii) to establish and execute an effective plan for converting the present FPI activities intomodular qualifying training courses, in the light of the results of the strategic options and thenew division of roles in the system.

1.41 Cost recovery in training establishments constitutes an irreversible option; however,the roles of the players involved need to be clarified. The development of cost recovery willhave to be shaped by the formulation of a policy guided by the following three basicprinciples:

* Establishment of a cost-sharing system with the beneficiaries of new-model pre-service vocational training that will ensure a minimum of equity in access;

* Recovery of the costs of the in-service vocational training and/or advanced trainingactivities that takes into account the need to safeguard reasonable competition withprivate training operators;

Page 12 Project Implementation Assessment

Billing of production activities induced by and associated with the training activitieson a basis that is balanced and avoids introduction of distortions in the market for thegoods and services considered. To the fullest extent possible, the quest for optimumutilization of the installed technical capacities should be based on renting, oncompetitive terms, of the hours available.

1.42 With respect to the pre-service and advanced training of teaching staff, the activitiesof CERES were helpful in the process of decentralizing the management of the system andintroducing the qualifying training modules. The further training needs of the teaching staffare still considerable, and questions of their renewal and pre-service training are important.These points as well as the training of private-sector trainers should be primaryconsiderations in any study of the future of the system. Meanwhile, it appears necessary tocontinue CERES' activities. The authorities are counting on the support of the AfricanDevelopment Bank (AfDB) and of other agreements being put in place. However, it willalso be important to progressively increase the budgetary funding for these activities. In1999, the budget appropriations for operation (excluding wages and salaries) of CERES wereFMG 236 million (about US$40,000). They have enabled the maintaining of a minimum oftraining activities after the closing of the project.

1.43 As to the monitoring and analysis of the evolution of the labor market and trainingneeds, the largely unsuccessful experience of the ONEF calls for consideration of alternativemodalities for effectively handling these activities. To be effective, a mechanism of this sortcould be handled by CNFTP, or alternatively organized around a light structure which, byreason of its status and institutional position, would benefit from the respect and support ofthe main producers and users of information concerned (Statistics Institute, EmploymentDirectorate, private sector, research centers and key ministries with responsibility foreducation and training). The chief role of this structure would be to operate a work andexchange network and to serve as its technical secretariat.

1.44 The National Rural Development Program (PADR - Plan d'Action pour leDeveloppement Rural) currently under preparation should provide an opportunity for furtheraction on agricultural training based on the thinking and activities that have been developedin the context of the project.

Key Lessons Learned

1.45 Some important lessons can be drawn from the implementation of the project, both asregards sector policy and the choice of operating approaches and options mentioned above inFuture Operation. These should be considered during the design of PREFTEC II. The mainlessons learnt include: (i) the need to reinforce the strategic steering of the reform; (ii) theneed to better define or clarify the State's responsibilities and to integrate the private sectorinto the strategy; (iii) the importance of autonomy and of a contracting approach and the needto refocus the implementation of the reform on the training establishments; (iv) therecognition that in-service training could serve as a model for pre-service programs; and (v)the need for arrangements and modalities for the financing of training consistent with thetargeting of beneficiaries.

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1.46 The selection and monitoring of key quantified indicators is very important tofacilitate the strategic steering of the reform during project implementation and to evaluateresults at the end of the project. The difficulties encountered in the evaluation of theexecution of the reform call for reestablishment of responsible steering of that reform. Usingthe CNFTP's consultative framework, it is important to establish a critical path for theimplementation of the reform, defining performance indicators and putting into effect anappropriate mechanism for monitoring and evaluation. To be effective and sustainable, thesteering could be organized around three poles: (i) making establishment managersresponsible for carrying out basic monitoring and evaluation activities (including a lightsystem for tracking graduates' success in securing employment); (ii) establishment andregular updating of a performance chart at the central level; and (iii) programming andsubcontracting (research centers or consulting firms) of evaluation actions and/or specificimpact measurements.

1.47 In this type of project aimed in particular at increasing the role of the private sector, itis important to carefully define the State's responsibilities and to better integrate the privatetraining sector in the sector strategy. Strong national leadership and continuity are importantfor the success of a project that includes major reform of the sector. While the key objectivesof the strategy adopted by the Government in 1992 remain pertinent, the pursuit andconsolidation of a large number of reform initiatives need to be clarified in light of the State'smedium- and long-term responsibilities in the expansion of the TVET sector, and in responseto the country's economic development. An exercise of this type should be based oneconomic prospects and the structuring of employment, options for financing of training byall players (households, State and private sector) and analysis of the alternative arrangementsfor organizing the training supply. The establishment of a consensus on this importantquestion is essential for catalyzing the effective mobilization of the forces involved andenabling the public sector to play its role fully and effectively.

1.48 As noted above, the private training sector has developed significantly over the pastfive years. The recent creation under the Ministry of Technical Education and VocationalTraining (METFP) supervision of the Office National de l'Enseignement Technique et de laFormation Professionnelle Privee (ONETFOPP) constitutes an important step. However,with this dynamic already in motion, it is important to start thinking strategically about thedevelopment of this sector (regulation, supervision, partnership) in light of the need forreexamination of the role and responsibilities of the State.

1.49 Regional employer associations are necessary partners in a demand-driven trainingsystem. The establishment of voluntary regional employer associations for training (ARIFs)suggests that the successful organization of employers depends on the correct incentives (e.g.requiring them to be self-sufficient), technical assistance and support provided by CNFTP toguide their development and educate them on the potential benefits of collaboration (such aseconomies of scale in training and analyses, and exchange of information).

1.50 Administrative and financial autonomy, implementation plans and a contractingapproach are important to ensure efficient project management and to allow for flexibleimplementation with quick results. The project experience suggests that of the structure ofthe CNFTP as a semi-autonomous organization (e.g. election of the Director by its Board,

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collection of fees for services, and the ability to hire and fire staff in response toorganizational needs) is an effective one to manage the Training Fund and provide specialistservices on training needs assessment and training engineering. The participation of allpartners in both project design and implementation results in better definition of concepts andapproaches, their greater dissemination and above all their more efficient implementation.Implementation plans, manuals of procedures, and work programs are important to facilitatespeedy and smooth project implementation. Attitude changes are essential elements ofsustainability.

1.51 The continuous adaptation of training to the needs of the labor market requiresflexibility in the management of the system. To be effective, opening up of the businessenvironment and taking into account of local economic opportunities will have to be handledat the level of the establishments. The delegation of the management of operating expenseshas already demonstrated how greater assignment of responsibility to the establishments canfacilitate the emergence of a dynamic leading to enhanced efficiency and innovation. Anacceleration of the institutional transformation of the establishments would serve as apowerful catalyst for implementing the reform.

1.52 Project experience also suggests that the successful implementation of in-servicetraining programs - short, modular, competency-based and demand driven activities financedin part by beneficiaries - provides political support and serves as a model of efficiency for in-depth reform of pre-service training specifically as to competencies, professional standards,qualification and performance-based contracts.

1.53 Finally, it is not always possible to reconcile the requirement of cost recovery intraining with the targeting of beneficiaries on the basis of social and other criteria, such aspoverty alleviation. Therefore, instead of relying on a single formula, the arrangements andmodalities for the financing of training need to be tailored to the ability to pay of the targetgroups (for example, full cost recovery or almost full cost recovery for the larger privatefirms of the formal sector, and government subsidies for the micro-enterprises in the informalsector, as is being applied through selective financial participation clauses in the manual ofprocedures of the training fund).


Page 16 Statistical Annex

Table 1: Summary of Assessments

A. Achievements of Substantial Partial Negligible NotObjectives Applicable

Macro Policies X

Sector Policies X

Financial Objectives X

Institutional Development X

Physical Objectives X

Poverty Reduction X

Gender Issues X

Other Social Objectives x

Environental Objectives X

Public Sector Management X

Private Sector XDevelopment

Other (specify) x

B. Project Sustainability Likely Unlikely Uncertain


Page 17 Statistical Annex

Table 1 Summary of Assessments (continued)

C.. Bank Performance Highly Satisfactory DeficientSatisfactory

Identification X

Preparation Assistance X

Appraisal X

Supervision X(marginallysatisfactory)

D. Borrower Performance Highly Satisfactory DeficientSatisfactory

Preparation X

Implementation X

Covenant Compliance X(marginallysatisfactory)

Operation (if applicable) N/A. N/A. N/A.

E. Assessment Highly Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Highlyof Outcome Satisfactory Unsatisfactory



Page 18 Statistical Annex

Table 2: Related Bank Loans and IDA Credits

Credit or Purpose Year of StatusLoan Title Approval


CR. 510 Technical education and secondary 1967 Completedteacher training

CR. 663 In-service teacher training and education 1976 Completedadministration, and production ofeducational materials

CR. 1155 Accounting and audit 1981 Completed

CR. 1661 Accounting and management training 1986 Completed

CR. 2094 Education sector reinforcement 1990 Completed

FollowingOperations ._____

CR. 2474 Food security and nutrition (SECALINE) 1993 CompletedNearing

CR. 2778 Social fund II (FID) 1995 completion

CR. 3046 Education Sector Development 1998 Ongoing

CR. 3060 Community Nutrition II 1998 Ongoing

CR. 3180 Social fund III (FID) 1999 Starting

Page 19 Statistical Annex

Table 3: Project Timetable

Steps in project cycle Date planned Date actual / latestestimate

Identification February 1989

Preparation 1989-1990

Appraisal November 1990

Negotiations April 1992

Board Presentation June 9, 1992

Signing June 25, 1992

Effectiveness September 25, 1992 January 15, 1993

Midterm Review October 31, 1995 June/July 1995

Project Completion Dec 31, 1997 Jun 30, 1999

Credit Closing Jun 30, 1998 Jun 30,1999

Table 4: Credit Disbursements: Cumulative Estimated and Actual

(US$ million)Fiscal Year 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000AppraisalEstimate 1.50 5.00 10.00 16.00 20.00 22.80 22.80 22.80

Actual 1.54 2.56 6.01 10.12 13.81 18.93 22.39 23.04Actual as %of Estimate 103 51 60 63 69 83 98 101

Date of Final Disbursement: October 27, 1999

Note: An estimated SDR460,000 (US$ 630,000 equivalent) is expected to be cancelled.

Page 20 Statistical Annex

Table 5: Key Indicators for Project Implementation 1


Establish a system that (a) Develop the CNFTP, and The regulatory framework of There have been some delays in

ensures the specifically make its different organs the CNFTP was fully defined in bringing the organs into operation

development of the operational and strengthen its 1996 by the decree relating to (first GA in February 1997 and

TVET policy and the capacity: (i) for proposing priority its articles of agreement and by- BD effectively set up in March

promotion, policies for TVET development; and laws (General Assembly - GA - 1999).

coordination and (ii) to stimulate development of and Board of Directors - BD).financing of training training programs and to offer theby the private and technical support necessary forpublic sectors. training enterprises and operators.

The capacity of the CNFTP's The functioning of the CNFTP'sExecutive Secretariat has been structures and the awareness-progressively developed raising activities concerning the(creation of administrative and FIFP have helped to createfinancial manuals of procedures, linkages between the privatetools for identifying training sector and the TVET mechanism.needs, training of its personnel The CNFTP has, however,and resource persons within the exercised little influence over theenterprises). strategic steering of the system.

(b) Set up a Training Fund (financed The management tools of the The analytical tools developed

initially by the Government or donors) FIFP (manual of procedures, are insufficient and are being

and establish a more permanent legal database, monitoring and strengthened. The procedures

framework for the financing of evaluation) have been adapted need to be better adapted to the

training (employers and trainees). and improved over the years new target populations, including(including targeting of the the arrangements for organizinginformal sector). the selection of training operators.

1 The SAR and the legal documents did not include any quantified indicators for project implementation.

Page 21 Statistical Annex


(b) Set up a Training Fund (financed As of June 30, 1999, 638 The evaluation of the impact ofinitially by the Government or donors) training subprojects have been the training on the beneficiariesand establish a more permanent legal financed and 18,277 persons (individuals and/or enterprises) is

framework for the financing of have been trained. (employers and trainees).

Establishment and support of These structures remain fragile,the ARIFs in the six regions as with a very variable degree ofof 1997. representation (1% to 4% of theThese structures should form enterprises, with in addition a fewthe most promising means for associations of enterprises).ensuring the emergence ofcredible demands for training.Promotion of supply of private Equitable access of trainingtraining (about 30% of operators to FIFP-supportedsubprojects have been executed training opportunities will have toby private operators). be improved.

The private supply of TVET hasbeen expanded (about 700training organizations counted in1999). Its quality is variable.

Regional consultations and There has been a considerableagreement in principle at delay concerning this essentialCNFTP GA level (March 1999) question. Additional analyticalon some assumptions for long- studies are still needed to clarifyterm sustainable financing of in- the final choices.service vocational training.

Page 22 Statistical Annex


Restructure and (a) Strengthen the planning and While technical support, Institutional changes havereform TVET and management capacity of the DETP training and equipment have reduced the chances ofincrease its internal and of the decentralized structures, been provided, the sector's maximizing the benefitsand external including establishment of an steering and strategic obtainable from the supportefficiency. operational personnel database and management capacity remains received. There is a need to

setting up of a system for monitoring weak. better define certain roles andthe hiring of graduates at the level of responsibilities.the establishments.

The gathering of statistical data issporadic and the monitoring ofgraduate hiring is ineffective.

The monitoring and analysis ofthe system's cost effectiveness arenot being performed. Thepersonnel database is notoperational.

An operating audit of the systemin 1999 revealed the persistenceof a certain number ofdeficiencies, e.g. demand/needapproach still weak, diversity inthe programs actually applied,inefficient management of thesystem resources.

Page 23 Statistical Annex


Restructure and (a) Strengthen the planning and The establishment of the The effectiveness of the operationreform TVET and management capacity of the DETP GIREFTs and their BDs has of the GIREFTP is variable.increase its internal and of the decentralized structures, created a decentralized Their impact on the quality of theand external including establishment of an management framework for the management of the system is stillefficiency. operational personnel database and public TVET organization. limited.

setting up of a system for monitoringthe hiring of graduates at the level of An evaluation would make itthe establishments. possible to target their role better,

including the composition of the_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ BD s.

Establishment heads and their The assigning of responsibility tobusiness managers have been the base echelons has created atrained to ensure the dynamic of initiative andperformance of their new creativity at the level of theresponsibilities (authorization of establishments.expenditures, payment ofoperating expenses, generation Involvement of the business andof own resources). professional world in the

management of theestablishments has produced littleeffect as yet.

An evaluation of the two years ofexperience would make itpossible to contain and correctany possible errors.

Page 24 Statistical Annex


Restructure and (b) Reform and rehabilitate technical A reclassification of the system The implications of this decisionreform TVET and secondary education and specifically done in 1997/1998 raised the in terns of sector strategies haveincrease its internal (i) the distinction between the streams number of LTFs from 7 to 26, not been thoroughly analyzed.and external leading to higher education and those which together serve 10,376efficiency. of a vocational training nature; (ii) students (i.e. 84.9% of the In 1998/99, nearly one third of

promotion of short-duration modular number in the system in 1999). the students enrolled in initialcourses leading to appropriate vocational training were inqualifications; (iii) the rehabilitation general technical specialties (G1,and the equipment of eight LTPs G2, G3 and other general(about 800 work stations); (iv) the technical training courses).advanced training of about 360teaching staff (pedagogy, trainingtheory and program revision) and ofabout 100 establishment directors andshop heads; and (v) the strengtheningof the capacities of the INPF.

(Modular) vocational training These courses are tailored tocourses leading to qualifications actual demands (individuals,(FPQs) have been developed enterprises). At the present timeand run by the majority of the there is little indication as to theirpublic training centers (in quality. FPQs are the main1998/99, 2,067 students in some source of internally generated30 specialties). revenues for the establishments

(FMG 250,000/module onaverage).

Page 25 Statistical Annex


The present parallelimplementation of these twotypes of training (FPI and FPQ)in the establishments can give riseto two problems: (i) creation ofdifferent poles of motivations inthe establishments, and (ii) someinequity in access to qualityvocational training.

Eight LTFs have been The challenge will be to be ablerehabilitated and equipped to ensure proper maintenance of(electronics, electrical this, construction and In certain specialties, thepublic works, mechanical equipment is for technologies thatfabrication, auto mechanics, are advanced compared withmetal structures and those in use on average in thewoodworking). branch of activity concerned.

CERES has been installed and While this component of thebrought into operation (texts, project has made it possible toequipment, training of trainers, respond in part to the staffrehabilitation of a 100-place training need, the question ofboarding institute). making this activity permanentSeveral staff training activities together with the formulation ofhave been carried out, initial teacher training remains toincluding: be resolved.-140 center managers-200 teachers (in educationalpsychology and training theory,in particular).

Page 26 Statistical Annex


The operating capacity of the Two observations have to beINPF has been improved made: (i) the complementarity of(computer equipment and the INPF with the LTFs needs tovehicles, renovation of boarding be clarified; and (ii) thoughtaccommodation). needs to be given to the role and

medium and long-term prospectsBetween 1997 and 1999, the of the INPF.number of trainees at the INPFrose from 135 to 350. The cost-recovery arrangementsinstituted seem to be making asubstantial contribution towardimproving the establishment'sfmancial equilibrium.

Establish a system for (a) Strengthen the ONEF's capacity to While the ONEF has produced The dimension concerninggenerating and assemble and organize the existing some studies, in particular 16 on monitoring of the evolution ofanalyzing information statistics and data on employment, employment opportunities, three labor market conditions and theiron the labor market wages and training needs, and to regional monographs and pilot analysis has not been touched.and training needs. analyze and disseminate same. studies for evaluating FPQs, the

initial objectives arenevertheless far from beingaccomplished.

Page 2 / Statistical Annex


Initiate reform of (a) Proceed to: (i) evaluate the quality On the basis of the diagnostic The sectoral visibility andagricultural training and cost-effectiveness of the study made in 1993/94, the team validation of the actionsand develop the agricultural education and training has developed and implemented undertaken still remain verysystem for training system and identify the reforms an eight-point action plan, limited.government officials. required; and (ii) implement these including:

reforms. -school curriculum enrichmentexperiment (two primaryschools in 1998/99);-experimentation withmultipurpose agriculturaltraining (two pilotestablishments starting with the1999/2000 school year).

In collaboration with the French The operating capacity of the Growth of the number of traineesCooperation agency, strengthen the ENAM (ex ENFAR) has been depends on the number ofcapacity of the ENFAR to draw up a improved (computer equipment positions authorized in themedium-term plan and to implement a and teaching aids, vehicles, budget. For the start of thetraining program for middle and etc.). 1999/2000 academic year 168senior-level civil servants (about 150 trainees were expected, spreadpersons over the first three years.) over eight specialties.

Table 6: Key Indicators Operation

The SAR and the legal documents did not include any quantified indicators for project operation. Some of the indicators listed and discussed inTable 5 on project implementation pertain also to some extent to project operation.

Page 28 Statistical Annex

Table 7: Studies Included in Project

Description of study Impact of Study

Study and technical assistance for the transfer from MIP DETP has been transformed firstto MEF of the responsibility for public sector technical into a Delegation Geinerale deeducation and vocational training (including the transfer Gouvernement Chargee deof the DET or DETP), in accordance with section 3.03 of I'Enseignement Technique et de laDCA. The study also included recommendations to Formation Professionnelleimprove the management of public sector technical (DGGETFP) under the Primeeducation and vocational training. Minister, and then into the

Ministere de l'EnseignementBy consulting firm CRC SOGEMA in 1992/1993. Technique et de la Formation

Professionnelle (METFP).Study of the financing of technical and vocational The conclusions/recommendationseducation and training (TVET) of the financing study done in

1995 were extensively discussed(referred to under paragraph 8 of Schedule 4 to the DCA) both at the regional and national

level, including by the decision-The objectives of the study, which dealt with the modem making organs of CNFTP. Itsector of the economy (private enterprises), were to seems that a consensus emergedidentify the best mechanisms to increase the financing on a few key points: distribution ofavailable and to diversify the sources of financing so that responsibilities (essentially pre-the government budget would not be the main source of service training for thefinance for TVET. Government and in-service

training for the private sector),By consortium SFERE -ATW Madagascar in 1995 financing primarily through a tax

on salaries and wages with someGovermnent contribution,management of the training fundby those who contributed to it, andthe need for appropriateincentives.

Study of the legal framework for the financing of Proposals for the establishment ofvocational training. a financing mechanism (including

the collection and management ofBy the consulting firm Rajaonary Mamy in 1997 funds) for private sector in-service

training, and preparation of draftlegal documents.

Study and technical assistance for the organization and * As a result of the study andimplementation of a program of in-service training by the technical assistance, 1576 GIREFTPs (Groupements Inter-Regionaux des training sub-projects, in 25Etablissements de Formation Technique et different field of expertise,Professionnelle) have been implemented by 16

private and 40 public trainingBy consulting firm AFPA International in 1995/1996. institutions, for the benefit of

35 enterprises and 6,077persons.

Page 29 Statistical Annex

Description of study Impact of Study

Study of agricultural education and training Opening of two pilot schools atAmbanja and Bezaha

By consulting firm EEDR Mamokatra in 1997Technical audit of 62 institutions (26 LTPs and 36 CFPs) Availability of basic data on eachfor technical education and vocational training. institution, with elaboration of

recommendations to improve theBy consulting firm CRC SOGEMA in 1999. TVET system.Ten studies for the identification of training needs and the - Improvement of humanpreparation of training programs for various specialties resources management within thefor seven individual enterprises (SIRANALA, ARO, enterprise.SECREN, ADEMA, AFOMA, MARBOUR, and - Integration of the trainingPAPMAD). program into the enterprise's

investment program.Primarily by the enterprises themselves. - Implementation of training

activities.Six studies for the identification of training needs and the - Better knowledge of the socio-preparation of training programs of enterprises in specific economic conditions of thecities (Antananarivo, Antsirabe, Toamasina and cities/regions, and identification ofMahajanga), or for specific regions (Maintirano, Sava, informal sector.Vakinakaratra and Fenoarivobe). - Increase in ARIF's membership.

- Evaluation of the level ofBy various organizations, including INPF, a CFP and an competence of the enterprises'ARIF. personnel, and assessment of the

training needs.- Assessment of the ability to payof beneficiaries.- Input for the preparation of thestrategy and training program ofARIFs.- Implementation of trainingactivities by ARIFs, NGOs andothers.- Development of incomegenerating activities.

Page 30 Statistical Annex

Description of study Impact of Study

Thirteen studies for the identification of training needs - Better knowledge of the industryand the preparation of training programs for specific or or activities (printing, fisheries, building - Contribution to the recognitionmaterials and building industry, welding, pig livestock, of the importance of quality andmilk, skins, salt, wood working, silkworm breeding, the respect of international norms.forestry and ceramics). - Identification of informal sector.

- Development of partnershipsBy various organizations (trade institutes, training between enterprises and trade/organizations, university and IST, and consulting firms). training institutes.

- Assessment of the ability to payof beneficiaries.- Assessment of training needs,and implementation of trainingactivities by ARIFs and others.- Development of incomegenerating activities.

Study for the preparation of a directory of the training Availability of a data bank onsupply for the city of Antananarivo. training institutions in

Antananarivo, that can be easilyBy the consulting firm GROFPA consulted by users.

Possibility of integrating thosetraining institutions into the TVETsystem.

Note: In addition to the studies listed above, the Project included a number of technicalassistance assignments in various fields (methodology for technical and vocationaltraining, assessment of machine tools and equipment needs, equipment maintenance,audio visual production, administrative and financial management, accounting,computing and data processing, IEC, recruitment and training of staff, and establishmentof new entities such as ONCE), as well as architectural/engineering studies andconstruction supervision for civil works (CERES, ENAM, LTP and CFP), and the auditof the project accounts.

Page 31 Statistical Annex

Table 8: Project Costs

(US $ million)

Project Components Appraisal Actual/LatestEstimate Estimate

I. CNFTP and Training Fund (FIFP) 9.2 8.93

II. Technical and vocational Education and Training(TVET)

a) Strengthening DETP and reform 2.3 2.53

b) Rehabilitation of vocational school (Lycdes techniques) 6.7 9.20

c) In-service training 2.9 2.33

d) National Vocational Training Institute (INPF) 1.2 0.25

Sub-total TVET 13.1 14.31

III. Labor market 1.2 0.29

IV. Agricultural education and training 1.0 1.65

V. Training of civil servants (ENAM) 1.7 0.93

VI. Project implementation 0.6 1.35

Total base costs * 26.8 27.46

Physical contingencies 1.6 -

Price contingencies 3.1

Total Project Costs * 31.5 27.46

* Including taxes of US$1.7 million equivalent butexcluding duties of US$2.4 million equivalent.

Page 32 Statistical Annex

Table 9: Project Financing

(US $million)

Source Appraisal Actual/LatestEstimate Estimate

Government 2.7* 0.51

Beneficiaries 2.1 1.63

Cofinanciers (France and UNDP) 3.9 2.28

IDA 22.8 23.04

Total 31.5 27.46

* Including taxes of US$1.7 million equivalent.

Table 10: Economic Costs and Benefits

The Staff Appraisal report (SAR) did not include any economic analysis of the project.There are no data available to calculate a posteriori the economic rates of return or the costeffectiveness of the investments that were actually financed under the Project.

Page 33 Statistical Annex

Table 11: Status of Legal Covenants in the Credit Agreement

Section Covenant Present Fulfillment Description of Covenant CommentsType Status date

2.02 (b) 1 C Continuous Borrower shall open and maintain in dollars twoSpecial Account in a commercial bank, on terms andconditions satisfactory to IDA, to be operated inaccordance with Schedule 5 of DCA. SpecialAccount A, opened in the name of CNFTP, shall beused exclusively for Part A of the project, and specialaccount B, opened in the name of BPE, shall be usedexclusively for Parts B, C, D, and E of the project.

3.01 (a) 4, 5 CP Continuous Borrower declares its commitment to the objectives of The most important aspect ofthe Project as set forth in schedule 2 to this DCA and, Part B, namely the reform ofto this end, in accordance with the Vocational and TVET (B. 1), has not beenTechnical Training Strategy, carried out with due diligence(i) shall carry out Parts B.1 through B.6, C and D of and efficiency.the Project with due diligence and efficiency and inconformity with appropriate administrative, financial The personnel dataand engineering practices and shall provide, promptly management system (B.2) isas needed, the funds, facilities, services and other not functionalresources required for such Parts of the Project;(ii) shall cause CNFTP to carry out Part A of the B.4 has not been carried outProject with due diligence and efficiency and in at all - A tracer systemconformnity with appropriate administrative, financial relating to TVET trainees inand educational practices and in accordance with the training institutions has notCNFTP Implementation Agreement to be entered into been the Borrower and CNFTP, whose terms andconditions shall have been approved by IDA andwhich shall include the Manuel de Procedure ofCNFTP specifying eligibility criteria and legalprocurement and financial arrangements to be made inrespect of the carrying-out of training Sub-Projects;

Page 34 Statistical Annex

Section Covenant Present Fulfillment Description of Covenant CommentsType Status date

3.01 (a) 4, 5 C Continuous * (iii) shall cause INPF to carry out Part B.7 of theproject with due diligence and efficiency and inconformity with appropriate administrative,financial and educational practices and inaccordance with the INPF ImplementationAgreement to be entered into by the Borrower and1NPF, whose terms and conditions shall have beenapproved by IDA;

* (iv) shall cause ENFAR (ENAM) to carry out PartE of the Project with due diligence and efficiencyand in conformity with appropriate administrative,financial and educational practices and inaccordance with the ENFAR ImplementationAgreement to be entered into by the Borrower andENFAR, whose terms and conditions shall havebeen approved by IDA;

* (v) shall take or cause to be taken all action,including the provision of funds, facilities,services and other resources, necessary orappropriate to enable CNFTP, INPF and ENFARto carry out the respective Parts of the Project andshall not take or permit to be taken any actionwhich would prevent or interfere with thecarrying-out of the respective Parts of the Projectby CNFTP, INPF and ENFAR; and

Page 35 Statistical Annex

Section Covenant Present Fulfillment Description of Covenant CommentsType Status date

3.01 (a) 4, 5 CD Continuous (vi) shall for the purposes of making available its Two separate accounts forcontribution to the Project: (A) open and maintain in government counterpart fundsthe namne of the Project a separate account, make an (one for BPE/PREFTEC andinitial contribution of the equivalent of $150,000 into one for CNFTP) weresuch account and replenish such account at least on a maintained in a commercialquarterly basis or whenever its balance shall be less bank. The amounts to bethan the equivalent of $30,000 up to the amount of the deposited or replenishedinitial contribution; and (B) open and maintain two turned out to be too low, andbank accounts (advance accounts), each in the namne moreover replenishmentsof BPE and in the name of CNFTP, in a commercial were delayed. Thisbank and make an initial deposit of the equivalent of contributed to delays in$75,000 and $25,000, respectively, into such project implementation, to anaccounts; such accounts to be replenished out of the increase in payment arrearsaccount referred to under sub-paragraph (vi) (A) (particularly for taxes) and toabove on the basis of adequate justification for a lack of credibility of theexpenditures made. project with its suppliers.

3.01 (b) Continuous Borrower shall take all measures regarding the See Schedule 4 belowexecution of the Project as shall be consistent with theImplementation program set forth in Schedule 4 tothis DCA.__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

3.02 10 C Continuous Procurement of the goods, works and consultants'services required for the Project and to be financed outof the proceeds of the Credit shall be governed by theprovisions of Schedule 3 to this DCA.

Page 36 Statistical Annex

Section Covenant Present Fulfillment Description of Covenant CommentsType Status date

3.03 12 C By December Borrower shall take all necessary legal and All public technical and31 1992 and administrative action so that its ministry responsible vocational training schoolsby July 3 1, for vocational training: that were previously under1993 (a) by December 31, 1992, shall be responsible for the Ministry of Primary and

public sector secondary technical schools with respect Secondary education haveto investmnent expenditures, the contents of courses been transferred in 1992 totaught, the numbers of student enrolled and the the Ministry of Technicalopening and closing of said schools; and Education and Vocational(b) by July 31, 1993, shall be responsible for the full Training (METFP).management of public sector technical education andvocational training schools and shall include DET.Borrower shall thereafter entrust the technical andadministrative tutelle for technical education andvocational training to a single ministry.

4.01 1 C By June 30 Borrower shall maintain adequate project records and Audit reports have alwaysof each year, accounts to reflect in accordance with sound been prepared and submittedfor the accounting practices the operations, resources and to the Bank on time.preceding expenditures in respect of Parts B, C, D and E of theyear. Project of the departments or agencies of the

Borrower responsible for carrying them out, to havethe accounts (including the special account B andstatements of expenditures) audited by independentauditors acceptable to IDA, and to furnish to IDA, notlater than six months after the end of each fiscal year,the report of such audit by said auditors.

Page 3 7 Statistical Annex

Section Covenant Present Fulfillment Description of Covenant CommentsType Status date

4.02 1 C By June 30 Borrower shall cause CNFTP to maintain adequate Audit reports have alwaysof each year, project records and accounts to reflect in accordance been prepared and submittedfor the with sound accounting practices the operations and to the Bank on time.preceding financial conditions of CNFTP, to have the accountsyear. (including the special account A and financial

statements) audited by independent auditorsacceptable to IDA, and to furnish to IDA, not laterthan six months after the end of each fiscal year, thereport of such audit by said auditors.

6.01 1, 4, 5, 12 C Conditions of (a) a principal technical advisor for the CNFTP with Credit was made effective oneffectiveness experience and qualification acceptable to IDA and January 15, 1993.

the members of the management committee ofCNFTP and its chairman have been appointed;(b) Borrower has entered into the ImplementationAgreements in conformity with the provisions ofSection 3.01 (a) (ii) through (iv) of this DCA;(c) Borrower has created the Comite de Coordinationreferred to in Schedule 4 to this DCA;(d) Borrower has made the initial deposits into thethree accounts referred to in Section 3.01 (a) (vi) ofthis DCA in accordance with the provisions of suchSection; and(e) the special accounts have been established inaccordance with Section 2.02 (b) of this DCA.

Page 38 Statistical Annex

Schedule Covenant Present Fulfillment Description of Covenant Comments4 to DCA Type Status dateParagraph 5, 12 NC Continuous Project Coordination The committee functioned

1 Borrower shall provide overall coordination of the only at the very beginning ofProject through the Comite de Coordination with the project, then from BPE. The absence of a coordination

committee may have beendetrimental to theimplementation of the reformand the execution of somecomponents.

Paragraph 3, 5, 9, 10 C By Sep 30 Annual work program The implementation units2 and by Dec Borrower shall, by September 30 of each year, prepare (BPE-PREFTEC and

15 of each (and cause CNFTP, INPF, and ENFAR) to prepare CNFTP) prepared annualyear, for the annual work programs, establishing that at least 25% programs that were submittedfollowing of disbursements during the next year would be made each year to IDA. Theyear for Training Sub-Projects and that at least 10% of program for 1998-99 was

aggregate disbursements of CNFTP would support submitted to the Bank intraining activities carried out by NGOs, and submit April 1998, at the time of thethem to IDA for review and comments; and by request for a one-yearDecember 31 of each year submit to IDA the final extension of the closing date,annual work program. to justify such extension.

Page 39 Statistical Annex

Schedule Covenant Present Fulfillment Description of Covenant Comments4 to DCA Type Status dateParagraph 5, 9, 10, 12 C By June 30, Mid-terrn review The mid-term review took

4 and 5 1995, and by By June 30, 1995, Borrower shall undertake an in- place in June/July 1995.October 31, depth review of the Project and its implementation There was a lack of follow up1995 arrangements and submit a report to IDA. Said report on some of the problems

shall contain a detailed examination of: (a) the identified during the review.implementation of the vocational and technicaltraining strategy; (b) the implementation and results ofthe Training Sub-Projects financed under Part A. 3 ofthe Project; (c) the financing arrangements madetherefor: (d) the participation of NGOs in theexecution of Training Sub-Projects; (e) adherence ofCNFTP to the provisions of its Manuel de Procedure;and (f) review of the adequacy of the Statutes and theManuel de Procedure of CNFTP to accomplish itspurposes.By October 31, 1995, Borrower shall review thereport with IDA and, thereafter, shall take allnecessary measures to remedy any problems identifiedduring such review.

Paragraph 9 C By February By February 15 of each year, Borrower shall furmish BPR-PREFTEC, in close6 15 of each to IDA a report on the enrollments in each technical or collaboration with the

year vocational training institution under the supervision of Directorate of Planning inMIP/MEF in such detail and scope as IDA shall METFP, prepared annualreasonably request. statistical reports on training


Paragraph 5, 9 C Continuous For any Training Sub-Project estimated to cost the Proposals for sub-projects7 equivalent of $20,000 or more, Borrower shall cause estimated to cost $20,000 or

CNFTP to submit to IDA for approval a detailed more were sent to IDA forreport on the proposed financing, procurement and review and approval, inimplementation arrangements for such Training Sub- accordance with the ManuelProject and its justification in accordance with the de Procedure.Manuel de Proceidure.

Page 40 Statistical Annex

Schedule Covenant Present Fulfillment Description of Covenant Comments4 to DCA Type Status dateParagraph 2, 3, 4 C By June 30, By June 30, 1995, Borrower shall cause CNFTP to The findings of the study

8 1995 complete a study for a funding mechanism to support (completed in mid- 1996)ETFP activities and the operation of CNFTP and have been discussed with thereview the findings of such study with IDA. Bank, and presented to the

General Assembly of CNFTPin February 1997.

Paragraph 11 C By Beginning September 30, 1993 and, thereafter, by METFP prepares a public

9 September 30 September 30 of each year, Borrower shall in expenditure program eachof each year association with CNFTP prepare a public expenditure year. This program is

and investment program for technical and vocational reviewed in the context oftraining activities in Madagascar for the next year PEP reviews conductedwhich shall be consistent with the Vocational and between the Government andTechnical Training Strategy and review such program the Bank on an annual basis.with IDA.

Implementation Agreements entered between the Government on the one hand, and CNFTP, INPF and ENFAR on the other hand, included

the same clauses as in the DCA regarding the respective obligations of CNFTP, INPF and ENFAR.

Explanation of Covenant type and present status

Covenant types:* 1= Accounts/audits. * 8 = Indigenous people. Present status:

* 2 = Financial performance/revenue * 9 = Monitoring, review and reporting.generation from beneficiaries. * 10 = Project implementation not covered * C = Covenant complied with.

* 3 = Flow and utilization of project funds. by categories 1-9. * CD = Complied with after delay.

* 4 = Counterpart funding. * 11 = Sectoral or cross-sectoral budgetary + CP = Complied with partially.

* 5 = Management aspects of the project or or other resource allocation.. * NC = Not complied with.

executing agency. * 12 = Sectoral or cross-sectoral* 6 = Environmental covenants. policy/regulatory/ institutional action.

* 7 = Involuntary resettlement. * 13 = Other.

Page 41 Statistical Annex

Table 12: Compliance with Operational Manual Statements

Statement Number and Title Describe and comment on lack of |complianceII

Bank Operational Manual Statements (OD or OP/BP) have been substantially compliedwith.

Table 13: Bank Resources: Staff Inputs

Stage of Project Cycle Actual

Staff/Weeks US$(in thousands)

Preparation to Appraisal 73.2 n.a.Appraisal 27.3 n.a.Negotiations through Board 18.7 n.a.ApprovalSupervision 163.9 241.8Completion 7.0 34.0TOTAL 290.1 275.8Source: FACTn.a. = not available

Page 42 Statistical Annex

Table 14: Bank Resources: Missions

Stage of Month Number Days Specialized staff Performance Rating Types ofProject Cycle /Year of in skills represented Problems

Persons FieldImplemen- Develop-

tation Status mentObjectives

Through Up toappraisl 11/90Appraisal 2/92 2 12 PO, MTthrough BoardSupervision 1 7/92 2 14 IMP, MT, DO 2 2 ACF, PMP, CLCSupervision 2 12/92 3 12 IMP 2 2 PMP, PP, CLCSupervision 3 5/93 2 18 IMP, MT 2 2 ACF, PMP, PP,

I ______ _____________ CLCSupervision 4 11-12/93 3 16 DC, IMP, MT 2 2 ACF, PMP, PP,

CLCSupervision 5 34/94 1 17 IMP 2 2 ACF, PMP, PP,

CLCSupervision 6 10-11/94 3 7 IP, MT, FA S S CLCSupervision 7 1-2/95 2 7 IMP, MT S S CLCSupervision 8 6-7/95 2 14 IMP, MTE HS SSupervision9 10-11/95 2 14 IMP, MT HS SSupervision 10 2-3/96 2 8 iMP, MT HS SSupervisionl 1 10/96 1 6 IMP HS SSupervision12 11-12/96 3 16 ED, IM,MT HS S

Supervision13 6-7/97 2 15 ED, IMP HS S _

Supervision 14 10-11/97 2 17 ED,IMP HS SSupervision 15 2-3/98 3 7 ED, IM, MT S SSupervision 16 5-6/98 1 3 30 ED, IMP, MT S SSupervision 17 10/98 4 21 ED, iMP, FA, MT U S PMP,ACFSupervision 18 12/98 5 ED, IMP, EC, MT, U S PMP, ACF

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |_ _ |_ _ FA _

Supervision 19 5/99 4 16 DC, ED, IMP, EC S SpItion I 0/99 1 10 HDE S S - _S

Key to specialized staff skills

ED = Education Specialist EC = EconomistMT = Manpower Training Specialist iMP = Implementation SpecialistDC = Division Chief FA = Financial analystMTE = Manpower Training Economist DO = Disbursement OfficerPO = Project Officer HDE = Human Development Economist

I Key to performance ratingI = Problem Free 2 = Moderate Problems3 = Major Problems 4 = Major Problems - Corrective action to be taken.

HS = Highly Satisfactory HU Highly Unsatisfactory NR = Not RatedU = Unsatisfactory S = Satisfactory

Key to problemsACF = Availability of counterpart funds FP = Financial performance PP = Procurement progressCLC = Compliance with legal covenants PDO = Project Development Objectives SP = Studies progress

PMP = Project management performance 0 =Other (*)



Republique de MadagascarAide-memoire de la mission du secteur de l'education de la Banque mondialesur la mise en oeuvre du Projet de Renforcement de la Formation Technique

(PREFTEC, Credit 2382-MAG)du 11 au 27 mai 1999

1. Une mission du secteur de l'education et de la formation de la Banque mondiale* asejourne A Madagascar du 11 au 27 mai 1999 dans le but de faire le point sur la mise enoeuvre du Projet de renforcement de la formation professionnelle (PREFTEC, Credit 2382-MAG). I1 s'agit de la derniere mission de supervision du Credit dont la date de clOture estfixee au 30 juin 1999. La mission tient A remercier toutes les personnalites qu'elle arencontrees pour leur accueil chaleureux et leur collaboration efficace.

2. Au cours d'un sejour dans la region d'Antsirabe, la mission a rencontre desoperateurs economiques et representants d'associations de producteurs et d'ONG, ainsi quedes membres de l'Association Regionale Interprofessionnelle pour la Formation (ARIF).Elle a egalement visite le Lycee Technique d'Antsirabe. Participaient A ces rencontres lesresponsables du Bureau du Projet Education - PREFTEC (BPE-PREFTEC) et du ConseilNational de la Formation Technique et Professionnelle (CNFTP). A son retour AAntananarivo, la mission a e invitee A rencontrer les membres du Conseil d'Administrationdu CNFTP. Elle s'est entretenue avec des representants de 1'ARIF d'Antananarivo ouest,apres avoir visite des fermes d'elevage de canards et rencontre des membres d'associationslocales qui ont beneficie de formations continues financees par le Fonds d'Intervention pourla Formation Professionnelle (FIFP). Une rencontre de travail a et organisee avec la Celluled'Enseignement et de Formation Agricole (CEFA), responsable de l'execution de l'une descomposantes du PREFTEC. Des rencontres de travail ont egalement e organisees avec lesagences d'execution afm de faire le point sur l'achevement du projet et pour examiner lesprochaines etapes pour la preparation d'un rapport d'achevement. Enfin, la mission tient Aremercier Monsieur le Ministre de l'Enseignement Technique et de la FormationProfessionnelle pour l'audience qu'il lui a accordee.

3. Comme il s'agit de la derniere mission de supervision, le present Aide-memoire apour objet de dresser un bilan provisoire des principales realisations du projet par rapport auxobjectifs convenus lors de son approbation, de son impact actuel et previsible sur le systemede formation professionnelle, et des enseignements tires de sa mise en oeuvre.

* La mission etait composee de Messieurs Daniel Viens, chef de mission, Van Adams,directeur sectoriel, AFTH4, Gerard Lassibile, economiste et Pierre Mersier, specialisteen formation professionnelle et execution des projets.

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Bilan du PREFTEC

4. L'objectif du Projet PREFTEC etait de mettre en place un systeme d'enseignementet de formation technique et professionnelle impliquant les organismes prives et publics deformation et adapt6 aux besoins de formation du pays. Pour realiser cet objectif, le projetcomprenait 5 composantes dont les objectifs et realisations sont enumeres ci-apres.

Composante A. Support au Conseil National de la Formation Technique etProfessionnelle (CNFTP).

5. Cr6ation du CNFTP. La mission du CNFTP est d'orienter la politique du sous-secteur de l'enseignement technique et de la formation professionnelle en fonction desbesoins de l'economie et des exigences du marche de l'emploi. L'appui du projet a porte surla rehabilitation de batiments, l'equipement et la formation de son personnel necessaires poursa mise en operation. Le CNFTP est operationel depuis 1993. Il comporte actuellement 16professionnels. II a permis de developper et systematiser les liens entre le mondeprofessionnel et celui de la formation, qui etaient pratiquement inexistants avant sa creation.

6. Le CNFTP a developpe, sous la forme de sous-projets concus, realises et financesen collaboration avec les beneficiaires (employeurs, ONG, associations, groupements) et lesoperateurs de formation publics et prives, un outil de developpement economique et social atravers des formations efficaces, economiques et rapides directement ciblees vers les besoinsexprim6s par les beneficiaires. I1 a developpe une expertise solide en ing6nierie de laformation professionnelle et a encourage la motivation des employeurs a s'organiser pourprendre en charge leurs besoins de formation. Les demandeurs et beneficiaires de laformation professionnelle prennent conscience du besoin de se regrouper pour organiser etfinancer les formations qui leur sont necessaires pour developper leurs entreprises.

7. Le CNFTP a supporte la creation et le fonctionnement initial de huit AssociationsRegionales Interprofessionnelles de Formation (ARIF) dans chaque province (trois pour laprovince d'Antananarivo) ayant un role d'interface entre les operateurs economiques(entreprises, ONG, associations et groupements) et les operateurs de formation. Les ARIF,bien que se developpant rapidement, ne rassemblent jusqu'a present qu'une trop faible partiedes employeurs du pays (en majorite de grandes entreprises) et ne sont pas encoresuffisamnment representatives de l'ensemble du secteur productif pour permettre la mise enplace un systeme de financement satisfaisant.

8. Creation, sous la gestion du CNFTP, d'un Fonds d'Intervention pour laFormation Professionnelle continue (FIFP). Le FIFP a permis l'identification, larealisation et l'evaluation de sous-projets de formation continue repondant aux besoinsimmediats des operateurs economiques. Le CNFTP a realise au 30 avril 1999, en partenariatavec 681 operateurs economiques, 587 sous-projets de formation pour 17.437 personnes enemploi et pour un cofit total de 3.328.000 US$. La participation financiere des operateurseconomiques a ete en moyenne de 27%. Le succes de cette operation a contribue en grandepart a la sensibilisation des employeurs a la necessite qu'ils ont d'organiser la formation deleur personnel pour assurer non seulement leur survie, mais leur developpement dans uncontexte regional oui la competivite se durcit rapidement.

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9. Realisation d'etudes. Les etudes incluent une etude sur le financement de laformation professionnelle et des etudes sur le marche du travail dans 25 filieresprofessionnelles. L'etude sur le fmancement a ete a l'origine de la creation des ARIF, et lesetudes des besoins de formation dans les filieres economiques a l'origine de 50% des sous-projets.

Composante B. Reforme de l'Enseignement Technique.

10. Reforme du systeme national d'Enseignement Technique et de FormationProfessionnelle (SNFTP). L'objectif du projet etait de mettre en place un systeme deformation professionnelle efficace et economique capable de repondre rapidement auxbesoins en formation du secteur productif malgache et comprenant des programmes deformation de courte duree. Le systeme mis en place par le Gouvemement malgache dans lecadre du projet consiste en plusieurs entites administrativement et financierement autonomesplacees sous la tutelle administrative du Ministere de l'Enseignement Technique et de laFormation Professionnelle (METFP) et financiere du Ministere des Finances (MF). Cesentit6s autonomes sont traitees ci-apres.

11. Le Conseil National de Formation Technique et Professionnelle (CNFTP)charge de proposer la politique nationale de formation et d'identifier, concevoir, fairerealiser, evaluer et fmancer partiellement avec les beneficiaires des sous-projets de formationrepondant directement aux besoins exprimes par les operateurs 6conomiques (ComposanteA).

12. L'Observatoire National des Competences et de l'Emploi (ONCE) charge derassembler et exploiter les informations en matiere d'emploi et de besoins de formation(Composante C).

13. Le Centre de Ressources de formation technique et professionnelle (CERES)charge du developpement de la methodologie de la formation, de la preparation desprogrammes, et de la formation des formateurs et des formateurs de formateurs. Le CEREScomporte un effectif de 53 personnes repartis en 7 services, et 16 techniciens. II a developpeune methodologie de la formation professionnelle basee sur l'acquisition de competences al'aide de modules. I1 a realise la formation de 40 conseillers techniques specialis6s quioccupent maintenant des fonctions de chefs d'etablissements ou de formateurs de formateurs.Par ailleurs, il a forme 186 enseignants pour la mise en oeuvre et la gestion des actions deformation professionnelle continue au sein des etablissements de formation publics et prives.Le CERES est fonctionnel et s'avere etre, avec le CNFTP, l'organisme d'ingenierie et deformation des formateurs au coeur du SNFTP. Cependant il a besoin de renforcer sa capacited'ingenierie de la formation qualifiante et de formation initiale et continue des cadresadministratifs et enseignants du SNFTP et des etablissements prives de formation.

14. Les Groupements Inter-Regionaux des Etablissements de FormationTechnique et Professionnelle (GIREFTP) rassemblent sous une meme coordination tousles etablissements de formation de la region (dont 63 etablissements publics dans l'ensembledu pays) qui offrent aussi bien des formations initiales formelles que des formationscontinues qualifiantes cibl6es sur les besoins exprimes par les employeurs locaux. Les

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GIREFTP ont produit dans le cadre du projet, en partenariat avec les beneficiaires, 173actions de formations modulaires ciblees vers les besoins locaux, au profit de 6.077personnes. Ces actions de formation ont ete realisees par 56 etablissements de forrnation (16priv6s et 40 publics) avec 39 operateurs economiques pour un cout total de US$ 765.356.

15. Cependant les GIREFTP ne sont pas encore autonomes administrativement etfinancierement. Ils sont encore astreints A 1' execution de programmes de formation obsoletesdefinis au niveau central, leur conseil d'administration est preside par un fonctionnaire duMETFP, et ils ne sont pas maitres de leurs actions et de leur budget. En particulier, ilscontinuent A offrir, dans des conditions materielles et financieres tout A fait inadequates, unprogramme d'enseignement technique menant A l'obtention d'un baccalaureat technique demauvaise qualite, inadapte aux besoins du marche du travail aussi bien qu'A l'entree dansl'enseignement sup6rieur. Le taux de reussite avoisine 20% des candidats, dont la moitie desrecus sont des redoublants. lus ne sont donc pas efficaces et ne se developpent pas au rythmeespr&. Le projet a finance un audit technique des 63 etablissements publics de formation quipermettra de les evaluer et de les situer dans le cadre socio-economique regional, et derecommander les actions eventuelles necessaires pour la reforme et la rationalisation duSNFTP. Cet audit sera termine en juin 1999.

16. D'autres institutions autonomes sont egalement placees sous les tutelles du METFPet du MF. Ce sont L'Institut National de Promotion Formation (INPF), le Centre National deReadaptation Professionnelle des Personnes Handicapees (CNRPPH), le Centre de FormationProfessionnelle Artisanale Rurale (CFPAR), le Centre National d'Artisanat Malgache(CNAM), l'Association Sportive des Techniciens (ASTEC) et l'Association des Techniciensde Madagascar (ATECMAD). L'INPF en particulier a pour mission d'oeuvrer a 1'expansionet au renforcement de la formation initiale et continue en s'attachant A developper desprogrammes adaptes aux besoins des entreprises regionales. Le projet lui a apporte unsoutien en rehabilitation de batiments, en equipement et en perfectionnement de 25formateurs (CERES).

17. Le M.ETFP n'est pas, dans sa structure actuelle, l'organisme de tutelle permettantI'autonomie desiree des organismes constitutifs du SNFTP. Outre le Cabinet du Ministre, ilcomporte un Secretariat General, 9 directions incluant 29 services groupant 1.149 personnelsenseignants et 881 personnels administratifs, dont 120 au niveau central. Cette structurelourde n'est pas necessaire pour assurer la tutelle et coordonner les activites des organismesautonomes. Son fonctionnement requiert une part excessive des credits de fonctionnement(environ 32%) et d'investissement alloues. Enfin, l'autonomie des organismes constitutifs dusysteme n'est pas respectee, car ces organismes sont places sous des directions du Ministereet ne disposent pas d'un budget propre. Sa restructuration, sous un organigramme rationaliseet simplifie qui avait ete defini en commun accord avec la Banque mondiale en 1994, n'a pasete effectuee jusqu'A ce jour. La motivation et la responsabilisation des agents locaux, quisont des conditions necessaires d'efficacite du systeme, ne sont pas encouragees par lemanque d'autonomie. La reforme du systeme d'enseignement technique et de formationprofessionnelle initiale des jeunes n'a pas ete engagee.

18. Le secteur prive de formation professionnelle, de qualite variable, accueilleenviron 50% des jeunes et des adultes inscrits dans les programmes de formation

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professionnelle. II est dynamique et se developpe rapidement, noamment dans le secteur desservices. Le projet PREFTEC a apporte un soutien significatif A ce secteur au travers desous-projets de formation (CNFTP) et de forrnation de formateurs (CERES).

19. Le projet a permis la mise en place d'une Unite de maintenance des equipementsdes etablissements de formation du METFP aux niveau central et provincial. Le projet afourni l'equipement et les outils pedagogiques necessaires et forme le personnel. Cette uniteest operationnelle mais ne dispose pas encore d'un budget de fonctionnement propre. Centcinquante machines-outils des lycees techniques ont e remises en etat de fonctionnementdans le cadre de la mise en place de cette unite.

20. Le fonctionnement de la Direction de la Planification du METFP a eteinformatise dans le cadre du projet.

Composante C. Observatoire National des Competences et de I'Emploi (ONCE).

21. Le projet visait A la creation d'un Observatoire de l'Emploi autonome, sous la tutelleadministrative du Ministere charge de l'Emploi et sous la turelle financiere du Ministere desFinances, qui avait pour mission de rassembler et analyser, pour l'ensemble du pays, lesinformations sur le marche du travail et sur le ch6mage. L'ONCE a e cree et est soustutelle administrative du METFP. Il comprend 17 cadres bases A la capitale, divis6s en troisservices - etudes des emplois et qualifications, banque de donnees et partenariat etcommunication - ainsi que neuf correspondants regionaux issus du secteur prive. Depuis sacreation, l'ONCE a e confronte A des difficultes de fonctionnement liees au manque depr6cisions de ses missions et au manque de qualifications de son personnel. Il aessentiellement travaille A l'elaboration de deux referentiels de formation, A un inventaire del'offre de formations publiques et privees et realise deux etudes socio-economiques dans lesregions de Mananjary et Fort Dauphin. Il n'a pas pu, jusqu'A present, jouer son r6led'organisme d'information sur le marche de 1'emploi et de determination des besoins deformation dans les secteurs et sous-secteurs economiques en amont des autres el6mentsconstitutifs du systeme.

Composante D. Enseignement et Formation agricoles.

22. Le projet avait pour objectif d'evaluer les priorites, les couits et l'efficacite dusysteme de formation technique et professionnelle agricole et de preparer une reforme et unplan d'actions incluant l'identification et la realisation d'un programme de formationprioritaire. Le projet a realise une etude exhaustive du systeme existant (1994) qui a conduita la creation, au sein du Ministere de l'Agriculture, d'une Cellule d'Enseignement et deFormation Agricole (CEFA) chargee de mettre au point et de faire realiser un programmestrategique de reformes et d'actions prioritaires s'inscrivant dans le cadre du Programmed'Action de Developpement Rural (PADR) entrepris par le Gouvernement. Dans le cadre duprojet, la CEFA a prepare un programme modulaire de formation continue agricolerepondant aux besoins prioritaires identifies. En application de ce programme, deux ecolesont ete selectionnees pour les regions nord et sud du pays, Ambanja et Bezaha, pour servird'6coles experimentales. Le projet, en collaboration avec le Programme National deVulgarisation Agricole (PNVA), a rehabilite les batiments, fourni l'6quipement et forme les

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enseignants. Quatre sous-projets de formation continue sont en cours d'execution avec unfinancement partiel du CNFTP dans le centre d'Ambanja. Ces deux etablissements seronttotalement operationnels en juin 1999 pour offrir un programme de formation de technicienset des programmes de courte duree en formation continue qui seront organises en fonctiondes besoins exprimes.

Composante E. Formation des Fonctionnaires.

23. Cette composante avait pour objectif de renforcer la capacite du l'Ecole Nationaled'Administration Malgache (ENAM) a identifier les besoins de formation continue desfonctionnaires de l'Administration malgache et realiser des programmes de formations decourte duree, notamment pour appuyer le processus de decentralisation de I'Administrationentrepris par le Gouvemement. Le projet a construit et equipe un batiment a usaged'internat, fourni de l'equipement informatique, de l'equipement didactique et des vehiculespour 1'ENAM. Celle-ci est en mesure de former chaque annee environ 100 fonctionnaires enformation initiale et 50 fonctionnaires en formation continue qui sont tous employes A l'issuede leur formation.

Enseignements a retenir du Projet PREFTEC

24. Informations sur le marche du travail et les besoins de formation. Le projet apermis aux operateurs economiques et aux operateurs de formation d'engager et poursuivresystematiquement un dialogue leur permettant d'identifier les besoins de formationimmediats. Ceci resulte principalement du systeme de formation continue mis en place, basesur la participation des beneficiaires a l'identification des besoins de formation et aufmancement des sous-projets de formation. Les entreprises, les ONG, les associations et lesgroupements de micro-entreprises sont de plus en plus conscients de l'importance de laformation pour leur developpement et leur competitivite. Ils ont reconnu la necessite de segrouper (en ARIF) pour disposer d'un outil d'identification et d'ingenierie, interface entreeux-memes et les operateurs de formation et les sources de financement. Des informationssur le marche du travail flables et pertinentes ont ete recueillies localement par le CNFTP etles operateurs de formation, et analysees par le CNFTP. I1 reste encore A les developper et Ales exploiter au niveau national. L'ONCE n'a pas e en mesure de remplir cette tache Acause de son organisation administrative centralisee et son approche descendante, sans liendirect avec les realites economiques et les conditions d'operation des entreprises. L'analysedu marche du travail engagee par le CNFTP avec les ARIF et les operateurs de formation estencourageante et semble etre la voie a poursuivre pour mettre en place un systeme fiable etefficace d'information sur le marche du travail et des besoins de formation.

25. Gestion et financement de la formation professionnelle. Le systeme mis en placepar le projet PREFTEC est constitue d'elements autonomes administrativement etfinancierement. I1 s'est avere efficace et economique en ce qui conceme la formationcontinue, le CNFTP ayant e gere comme une entreprise privee avec une autonomie quasitotale. I1 n'en a pas ete de meme pour les autres elements du systeme qui sont encore sousune tutelle lourde des unites centrales du METFP. Ce manque d'autonomie s'avere &re lacause principale du peu de resultats de la reforme envisagee du systeme de formation initiale.Le principe de la gestion et du financement partiel et croissant de la formation continue par

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les beneficiaires est acquis. La participation de l'Etat sera encore necessaire durant lesprochaines annees, en particulier pour les petites et micro-entreprises. Une formation initialepublique des jeunes repondant aux besoins locaux, c'est-a-dire offrant les qualificationdemandees par les employeurs ou pour permettre la creation d'entreprises individuelles (desexperiences locales ont ete conduites avec succes dans plusieurs etablissements publics etprives), reste necessaire et pourrait s'inspirer de la methodologie pilotee par la demande,adoptee pour la formation continue.

26. Formation continue. Le systeme base sur l'execution de sous-projets enpartenariat entre les beneficiaires, les organismes d'ingenierie et les operateurs de formationse generalise et correspond aux besoins actuels de developpement aussi bien des entreprisesdu secteur formel que des micro-entreprises du secteur informel. Ce systeme est flexible ets'adapte a l'evolution rapide de l'economie malgache. II est cependant important de lecompleter par un systeme de normalisation et validation, notamment dans les secteursexportateurs.

27. Formation initiale. La reforme envisagee n'a pas et engagee, sans doute en raisondes reticences du personnel administratif et enseignant des etablissements et des parentsd'6leves. Ces derniers y voyaient la disparition d'une voie d'acces a l'enseignementsuperieur. L'enseignement technique prive n'a pas non plus avance dans une reforme defond pour les memes raisons. Le systeme de formation continue mis en place avec succespourrait servir de reference pour engager un processus de reforme de la formation initiale.

Achevement du Projet PREFTEC

28. Le Credit 2382-MAG sera clos le 30 juin 1999. La mission va recommander a laBanque mondiale de maintenir l'ouverture des comptes jusqu'au 31 octobre 1999 pourpermettre le reglement des depenses relatives a des operations terminees (travaux acheves,equipements livres, formations terminees) au plus tard le 30 juin 1999.

29. Comme suite aux travaux d'audit sur les comptes du BPE-PREFTEC et a la lettre deMonsieur Sarris adressee a Monsieur le Ministre des Finances en date du 12 mars 1999, lamission a compris que le Gouvemement a reverse au compte du Projet une somme deUS$109.780,49 et que le METFP et b'auditeur sont en train d'examiner les piecesjustificatives pour les d6penses realisees en 1997 sous la rubrique formation (FMG 451,05millions), et pour des depenses realisees en 1998 (FMG 587,75 millions) pour lesquelles lespieces justificatives ont et6 jugees insuffisantes. La mission a compris que le rapport del'auditeur sera acheve le 4 juin 1999. La mission recommande que ce rapport soit transmis ala Mission Residente et au siege de la Banque mondiale a Washington dans les plus brefsdelais.

30. Le BPE/PREFTEC restera en activite jusqu'au 31 octobre 1999 avec un personnelreduit (le directeur, l'assistant administratif, le comptable, deux chauffeurs, un gardien et lapersonne chargee de l'entretien) pour achever les operations de reception definitive destravaux et les operations comptables qui ont ete revues au cours de la mission, et pourpreparer le rapport d'achevement du projet. L'equipement (mobilier, informatique et lesvehicules) affecte au BPE/PREFTEC restera sous sa responsabilite jusqu'au 31 octobre 1999.

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31. Le CNFTP continuera ses activites avec le personnel reduit actuel et le budgetdisponible jusqu'au 31 octobre 1999 telles qu'elles ont e revues et definies et estimeesfinancierement durant la mission. II travaillera egalement a la preparation du rapportd'achevement pour les parties qui le concernent. L'equipement (mobilier, equipementinformatique, equipement achete pour 1'execution de sous-projets de formation et lesvehicules) qu'il a acquis dans le cadre du projet restera sous sa responsabilit6 jusqu'au 31octobre 1999.

32. La mission a compris que le Ministere envisage de mettre en place un comite dereflexion sur l'avenir de l'enseignement technique et la formation professionnelle initiale.Elle supporte vivement cette initiative et recommande que ce comite inclue, a parts egales,des representants qualifies des secteurs public et prive de formation et des employeurs. Lamission souhaite que le Gouvemement tienne la Banque mondiale informee dud6veloppement de cette initiative a laquelle la Banque pourrait eventuellement apporter sonsupport si le Gouvernement le souhaite.

33. Rapport d'Achevement du projet PREFTEC. La mission a revu en detail le plan etle contenu du rapport d'achevement du Projet avec les agences d'execution. Une ebauche dela contribution de l'Emprunteur devra etre achevee fin aouit 1999.

Antananarivo, le 26 mai 1999.



This annex includes only the main text of the Borrower's report. The full Borrower reportincluding all annexes is in the project files.



L'objectifdu PREFTEC est de creer un Systeme d'Enseignement et de FormationTechnique et Professionnelle impliquant les organismes prives et publics de formation etadapte aux besoins de formation du pays. Concu pour repondre aux besoins d'uneeconomie alors en reprise de croissance, le projet devait permettre (i) une adaptation dela formation aux besoins du marche du travail et de l'emploi, (ii) une amelioration de laqualite et de l'efficacite de 1'ETFP prive et public, (iii) une maitrise de la croissance desdepenses publiques, (iv) une optimisation de l'utilisation des ressources allouees a1'ETFP et (v) l'allocation d'un role plus important au secteur prive de la formation. I1faut noter que ces objectifs, general et specifiques du projet, ont ete clairs pour1'ensemble des acteurs. Toutefois, les articulations entre les composantes, d'une part etentre les organismes d'executions du projet, d'autre part, n'ont pas e explicites. Ce qui acree des interferences dans la mises en aeuvre des actions.

Les cinq composantes du projet ont mend leurs activites a travers les organismes et/oules entites instaures dans le cadre du projet ou appuyes par celui ci. Les realisations deces cinq composantes peuvent se resumer comme suit:

COMPOSANTES REALISATIONSAppui au Conseil National de la Creation de la structure et operationnalisation de sesFormation Technique organes (A.G, C.A, Secretariat Executif),

mise en place des ARIF pilotes dans les chefs lieux deprovinces, Antsirabe et Antananarivo-Ouest, uneoption proposee pour le systeme de financement de laformation professionnelle

Enseignement technique Creation et operationnalisation du CERES, et de laDirection de la Planification *Contribution a la reorganisation et a la reforme de1'ETFP public; autonomie de gestion du GEETP

Informations sur le marche de Creation et operationnalisation d'un Observatoirel'emploi National des Competences et de l'Emploi (ONEFI


Enseignement et Formation Agricoles Creation et operationnalisation de la Cellule deFormation Agricole (CEFA). Mise en route d'unereforme de l'enseignement et de la formation agricole

Formation des Fonctionnaires Renforcement du systeme de formation desfonctionnaires de niveau intermediaire et superieur par1'ENAM


* La Direction de la planification, creee au sein du METFP a contribu6, (i) avec le CNFTP,A la definition de la strategie generale de 1'ETFP, (ii) avec l'ONEF/ONCE a la creation d'unsysteme d'information sur le marche de l'emploi et les besoins en matiere d'ETFP. LaDirection de la coordination des formations et l'INPF ont contribue A la reorganisation et A lareforme de 1'ETFP public.


a) adaptation de laformation aux besoins du marche du travail et du marche de 1'emploi:

Le developpement et l'application de la logique de la demande de formation a e renduedifficile par: (i) la non maitrise de la methodologie d'Identification des Besoins deFormation et d'elaboration de Plan de Formation par les partenaires, (ii) l'habitude tropancree de la logique de l'offre de formation au niveau des centres de formation et (iii) ladifficulte a etablir une communication sur la question entre les entreprises et op6rateurs deformation.

Neanmoins on peut affirmer que la logique de la demande est de plus en plus adoptee dansl'approche de la formation. La conception de la formation, initiale comme continue, estdesormais basee sur l'identification des besoins de formation (IBF) etlou sur l'elaboration deplan de formation (PF) repondant a un plan de developpement de region, de filiere oud'entreprise. Dans certaines regions, des besoins nouvellement identifies grace A larealisation d'etudes ont abouti A la mise en place de filieres de formation complementaires (cfannexe etudes). Ainsi, dans la cadre du FIFP les demandes sont diversifiees et regroupeesdans 40 principaux domaines de formation. Parmi ces domaines, les types de formation les plusdemandes sont l'Informatique, 15% des actions financees et la gestion, le management,I'administration, 14% des actions fmancees. Ces domaines tertiaires ont cible 23% de l'effectif totaldes formes. Le domaine primaire (agriculture et elevage) regroupe 8% des demandes de formationdont l'effectif des formes represente 18% de l'effectif total.

Les centres de formation, notamment publics, ont developp6 les formations professionnellesqualifiantes pour mieux repondre aux besoins immediats des entreprises. Dans le domaine del'agriculture, le projet a contribue A la mise en place de deux Ecoles pilotes (EASTAd'Ambanja et de Bezaha) et a realise des sous projets de formation au profit des jeunes rurauxd'Ambanja. L'ENAM a forme des administrateurs repondant aux besoins de l'administrationmalgache. Les ARIFs se sont positionnres en lieu de rencontre de la demandes et de l'offrede formation.

b) am6lioration de la qualit et de l'efficacitf de l'ETFP (public):

L'offre publique a ete amelioree grace (i) au developpement des outils institutionnels(CERES, ONEF, 6 GIREFTP, INPF), (ii) A la formation de formateurs et de gestionnairesd'etablissements par le CERES,(iii) A l'elaboration de programmes de formation par leCERES et la DCF/DET, (iv) A l'amelioration des moyens materiels et des infrastructures de


08 LT? poles, 08 CFP dont 07 par le CNFTP, 2 EASTA pilotes, 1'INPF et 1'ENAM, (v) Al'organisation d'un systeme de maintenance des equipements et infrastructures.

Concemant l'efficacite interne du systeme, pour 1'ensemble des examens organis6s parles LTP, le taux moyen de reussite est passe de 40,90% en. 1995,a 48,02% en.1997. Le tauxmoyen de promotion inteme est passe de 89%, en 1995 A 88% en 1997 et le taux deredoublement de 14% A 12%,; pour les CFP et LTP. On note toutefois un taux deredoublement de 42% A 39% au niveau de la 3eme annee des LTP.Le taux moyen d'abandonest de l'ordre de 11% en 1995 et 10% en 1997 pour les CFP et LTP. L'abandon peut etrevolontaire ou pour cause de triplement. (source DCF).

Les approches developpees par le CNFTP ont contribue au developpement de formationsintra et inter-entreprises. 78 % des formes, dans le cadre du FIFP, sont des employesd'entreprises. Les stages destines aux createurs d'activites professionnelles (SCAP) ontcontribue A la creation effective et au developpement d'activites economiques. Les SCAP ontcible 14% ( plus de 1600 individus) de l'effectif total des formes dans le cadre du FIFP.Laformation professionnelle qualifiante initiale (FPQI) et la formation prd-emploi (FPE) onttouche 8% du public cible total. Pour l'ensemble de cas finances par le CNFTP, ces objectifsetaient: (i) la normalisation des produits, (ii) l'amelioration de la qualite, (iii) l'ameliorationdes delais de production, (iv) l'augmentation de la productivite, (v) I'amelioration destechniques de production, (vi) l'amelioration de la communication, (vii) la capacite a diriger,(viii) la maitrise de l'utilisation des mat6riels, (ix) I'augmentation de la part de march6, (x)l'amelioration de la creativitd. Les quelques experiences du CNFTP dans la formation parapprentissage ont permis de constater que ce mode de formation favorise l'auto-emploi, maisla reglementation y afferente est appelee A 8tre remise A jour.

c) maitrise de la croissance des d6penses publiques:

Les cofits de formation, initiale comme continue, sont de mieux en mieux maftrisesgrace a l'institutionnalisation de l'autonomie de gestion des etablissements de formationainsi que la budgetisation systematique des formations. Des outils y afferents ont ete misA la disposition des promoteurs de formation par le CNFTP et des etablissements par leMIETFP en collaboration avec I'AFPA Intemationale. Dans les etablissements et auniveau des GIREFTP, le Manuel de proc6dures de gestion comptable, financiereadministrative et pedagogique a ete mis en application.

La normalisation progressive des couits de prestations par domaine, l'augmentation de lacontribution des beneficiaires et l'introduction du systeme de recouvrement des cofitstraduisent la progression vers cette maitrise de la croissance des depenses publiques.

d) utilisation efficace des ressources alloujes a l'ETFP:

Les formations inter-entreprises, la creation de GIREFTP dans les provinces ainsi que lerecours aux personnes-ressources ont cree une dynamique regionale par rapport aux regionset aux acteurs. La mise en commun des moyens humains et materiels locaux ont permisd'assurer des formations r6pondant a la qualite requise tout en realisant des economiesd'echelle .


e) attribution d'un r8le plus important au secteur prive de laformation:

Pour la formation continue, le principe d'appel d'offre (qualite/cofits) est institue pourstimuler la concurrence. Les centres de formation, publics comme prives, recenses aupres duCNFTP, des ARIFs et des entreprises sont invites a soumissionner pour la realisation desactions de formation. Des formations de formateurs de la Direction Nationale del'Enseignement Privee de Madagascar, ainsi que I'appui du CNFTP en materiels necessairesa la realisation d'actions de formation ont contribue a 1 'amelioration de la qualite de l'offreprivee. On assiste au developpement de l'offre privee par l1'mergence des etablissements deformation et de filieres de formation repondant aux besoins du secteur economique. Ainsi lenombre d'etablissements et centres de formations professionnelles prives ont augmente de30%, dans la periode du 1993 a 1995, soit un accroissement moyen annuel de 10%. De 1995A 1997 ce taux d'accroissement est de 8% soit un taux annuel de 4%.( Source ONEF/ONCE).Quant aux actions financees par le CNFTP , les interventions des prestataires privesrepresentent 63% des interventions totales et 37% pour les publics. Dans certains domainesde formation, les prestataires publics sont beaucoup plus representatifs que les priv6s. Dansle domaine de la peche , ils representent 77% des prestataires choisis et 70% dans le domainedes menuiseries - ebenisterie et ouvrage bois.


Les experiences du PREFTEC ont permis la formulation d'une politique du sous-secteur dela Formation Technique et Professionnelle dans le cadre du Programme National pourl'Amelioration de l'Education - phase II (PNAE II).Cette formulation a permis l'adoption des lignes directrices communes dans la realisationd'activites de chaque organisme du systeme et l'amelioration de la communication inteme auniveau du dispositif et avec les autres Departements ministeriels.

Pour le CNFTP:

Les reflexions, initiees par le CNFTP ont d'abord porte sur la reforme de l'EnseignementTechnique et de la Formation Professionnelle et ses objectifs pour lesquels les concepts de lalogique de la demande, de l'investissement-formation et du partenariat au niveau desdifferents acteurs ont ete developpes. Ainsi, en matiere de financement, la necessite dupartage de couts a ete confirmee et en matiere de partenariat, le r6le preponderant du secteurproductif accepte. Cette reflexion a notamment contribue A la formulation de la politiquesous-sectorielle de 1'Enseignement Technique et de la Formation Professionnelle. Lesexperiences, de l'approche < filiere) d'une part et celle des formations aux metiers debase, d'autre part, ont contribue A la definition des axes de developpement de cette politique.

Au niveau des regions, le leadership est assure par les ARIFs. En effet, ces dernieres ontdeveloppe un partenariat particulirement encourageant avec, suivant leur regiond'implantation, diverses entites economiques educatives et sociales, nationales etinternationales.


Desormais, associe A la fonnation professionnelle, le CNFTP est invite A intervenir et Aapporter ses experiences lors de rencontres traitant de la formation professionnelle, toutdomaine confondu, et de problemes que la contribution de la formation professionnelle peutaider A resoudre. A noter que le cas du CNFTP et celui des ARIFs ont e choisis pour etreexposes A la Conference des Ministres de l'Education des pays ayant le fran,ais en partage(CONFEMEN) de BAMAKOU. Lors de la visite du MEDEF a Madagascar, le CNFTP a pudiscuter de differents aspects de la formation professionnelle avec la delegation chargee de laFormation Professionnelle.

Grace au developpement d'une methodologie adaptee et adaptable aux realites du contextemalgache, le CNFTP a contribue A repondre A 638 demandes regroupees dans 40 principauxdomaines de formation pour 18.277 apprenants et a la realisation de 31 etudes relatives Al'IBF et A l'elaboration de Plan de Formation ont e realisees (i) dans differents domaines etregions, (ii) pour les branches et les filieres economiquement porteurs, (iv) au profit depopulations tres diversifiees. Cette diversification de la demande a entraine unediversification de l'offre. Un marche de formation se met en place. La contribution desbeneficiaires au fmancement de la formation professionnelle a connu une evolutionsignificative. Cette contribution est passee de 9% du cofit total de la formation en 1993 A22% en 1997.

Le delai de traitement des dossiers de demande de fmancement a raccourci grace A unemeilleure appropriation par les partenaires de la methodologie de l'Identification des Besoinsde Formation ainsi que des procedures d'acces au FIFP. Le controle qualite des actions deformation est assure grace A un systeme de suivi et evaluation accompagne d'un systeme depaiement par echeances comme clause de bonne fin et mesure de sanction. Lacontractualisation des relations a permis la responsabilisation de chaque partenaire. A noterque ces actions de formation ont eu des effets induits non negligeables a savoir 1'exercice,par d'autres acteurs, des activites identiques ou liees A celles qui sont entreprises par lesbeneficiaires, l'extension et diversification des activites des beneficiaires et le developpementdu partenariat.

Concernant le fmancement de la Formation Professionnelle, suite aux recommandationsd'une etude realisee par le consortium SFERE-ATW, des concertations regionales etnationale ont ete organisees entre les representants de l'offre de formation, publique etprivee, d'une part, et ceux du secteur economique, d'autre part. Ces concertations ont permisde jeter les bases du futur systeme de financement: sources - gestion - mesures incitatives. Lacreation des ARIFs pilotes, eventuelle option pour le systeme de financement de la formationprofessionnelle, en est la premiere concretisation.


L'ONEF a developpe l'identification des filieres sur 3 r6gions. 4 etudes ont e realisees dansles zones de Morondava - Tulear - Moramanga - Antananarivo - Antsirabe et Antsiranana.Des reseaux de correspondance sont installes et operationnels dans diverses r6gions. Desetudes prospectives des metiers ont ete developpees. Ce qui a abouti a: l'identification desbesoins en formation dans 12 domaines differents et la proposition de 100 modules deformation repondant A ces besoins. Une banque de donn6es sur la formation professionnelle


et 1'emploi repondant aux besoins des differents utilisateurs a e constituee.

Pour le CERES:

Le CERES a contribue a la mise au point d'une methodologie d'ingenierie de formationprofessionnelle et au developpement de l'approche par competences qui a permis (i)I'elaboration de programme modulaire et la capitalisation des formations et (ii) la formationdes formateurs a differents niveaux.


Ces operateurs se sont lances dans (i) le d6veloppement de formations qualifiantes de courteduree organisees a la demande des employeurs et/ou des createurs d'activites, (ii)l'amelioration des formations de qualification initiale, (iii) la rationalisation de la maintenancedes equipements et des savoir-faire avec lIelaboration du plan directeur de maintenance et dumanuel de procedure de maintenance .Le tableau ci-dessous indique les realisations de ces operateurs en matiere de formationqualifiante.

Individus INPF ENAM EASTA GIREFTP TOTALFormation 3.5941 142' 6.077 9849

: Qualifiante | =


B.1. Politigues macro-economigues et sectorielles:

A mi - parcours du projet, la preconisation par le DCPE (1996-1999) de la luttecontre la pauvrete a entrainm la necessite d'adapter les approches et les outils du METFP,dont le Manuel de procedures du CNFTP. En outre, le PNAE II (1998-2003) et le DCPE(1999-2001), dans le cadre de la mise en valeur des ressources humaines, preconisent, entreautres, d'assurer des formations recherchees par les employeurs et les employes pourarnliorer la procedure et la rentabilite, corroborant ainsi la pertinence des objectifs du projet.

B.2. Engagement du Gouvemement:

Conformement aux dispositions de I'annexe 4 de l'accord de credit, un comite decoordination a ete mis en place par voie de decret (N°93/908 du 30/11/93). Ce comrit anormalement fonctionne jusqu'en 1996 comme organe de l'emprunteur destine a assurer lacoordination generale de l'execution des activites du projet et des relations avec les bailleursde fonds.Par suite de plusieurs changements au niveau des hauts responsables du METFP, le r6le ducomite s'est quelque peu transforme. II s'est limite a des actions ayant trait a lasensibilisation, 1'encadrement, la vulgarisation aupres d'etablissements et operateurs de


formation. A partir de 1996, il n'y a plus eu ni seances de travail organises par le comite niechanges formels de point de vue ou d'experiences entre le comite et les representants desbailleurs de fonds.

B.3. Nomination du personnel:

En l'espace de 5 ans, l'organisme de tutelle technique a change cinq (5) fois de DelegueGeneral ou de Ministre ce qui s'est traduit par autant d'orientations politiques. Cetteinconstance a eu des retombees negatives sur le deroulement du projet.Au BPE, suite a la maladie du Directeur depuis Juin 1998 et A la demission du responsablede la gestion comptable et financiere en octobre 1998, la Banque, avec l'accord du Ministerede tutelle, a recommand6 de confier la responsabilite de la gestion comptable et financiere Aun cabinet de Consultant et de nommer un nouveau Directeur, l'ancien n'ayant pu reintegrerson poste.

Au niveau du CNFTP, la mise en place d'un CGP bis et la nomination d'un Directeurexecutif bis par l'organisme de tutelle de l'epoque en 1996, le retard dans la promulgationdes textes relatifs a la mise en place des organes du CNFTP par l'organisme de tutelle del'epoque (DGGETFP) a perturbe la marche des activites. En 1998, apres le deces subit duDirecteur Executif, la nomination de son rempla9ant a 6te retardee par l'absence de Conseild'Administration au niveau du CNFTP. Tous les engagements, surtout financiers ,ont esuspendus jusqu'A la designation du Directeur Executif ad interim et la nomination desregisseurs de la Caisse d'avance. Le Directeur Executif a.i a ete confirme A son poste apres lamise en place du C.A en mars 1999.

L'operationnalit6 des organismes autonomes cr6es dans le cadre du projet a e fonction de larapidite de la nomination des premiers responsables et de leur stabilite.

BA. Troubles politiques et sociaux:

Les evenements de 1991 ont entrainm des perturbations politiques, economiques etsociales qui se sont ressenties sur le demarrage du projet. Pendant certains temps unenvironnement economique difficile a notamment detourne les preoccupations desentreprises du probleme de la valorisation des ressources humaines.

B.5 Disponibilite du fonds de contrepartie

L'insuffisance du fonds de contrepartie du Gouvemement et le retard des virements aucompte du projet ont entraine une lenteur et un retard dans l'execution des activites, uneaccumulation des arrieres (surtout de la TVA) et un probleme de credibilite du projetaupres des fournisseurs (refus de bon de conmmande).

B.6 Les couits de formation


L'augmentation des cofits a rendu l'etablissement des cofits de reference ainsi que labudgetisation de la formation particulierement difficile surtout dans la formation initiale.La dimension geographique(eloignement des fournisseurs par rapport aux demandeurs oudes prestataires par rapport aux beneficiaires de formation ) a aussi entraine une diversitedes couits et prix. Le cout moyen /etudiant a connu une diminution de 21%, de 1997 a1999, pour les CFP et une augmentation de 12% pour les LTP. En moyenne, le cofitunitaire de ces deux types d'etablissement publics a diminue de 10%. (source DCF)Quant aux formations financees par le CNFTP, les coats moyens different suivant lestypes de formation. Le cofit moyen unitaire de la formation est de 1 700 000 FMG(environ 260 USD). (source: CNFTP).

B.7 Utilisation de I'assistance technique

Pour le CNFTP, apres essai, il est apparu qu'une consultation periodique assuree parun consultant etait plus souple et plus efficace qu'un conseil technique permanent. Pour1'ONEF/ONCE, le recrutement d'un consultant a permis la mise au point d'unemethodologie d'IBF. Une assistance technique francaise a apporte son appui aI'elaboration des documents des equipements pour les LTP. Au CERES, I'appui d'unConsultant du BIT a permis la conception et 1'experimentation d'une methodologied'ingenierie de FP avec formation d'un groupe de 29 formateurs en vue del'operationnalisation de la methodologie. Quelques problemes sont cependant apparusconcernant la conception de la methodologie de l'ingenierie de formationprofessionnelle i adopter.

(a) B.8 Participation des beneficiaires

Du fait des problemes economiques auxquels elles doivent faire face, et de la cultureinvestissement-formation encore en developpement, la contribution des entreprises estencore peu satisfaisante quoiqu'elle soit en hausse progressive. Ces dernieres ontexprime leur motivation a la mise en place d'un fonds de formation, a travers lesdecisions prises au niveau de l'Assemblee Generale du CNFTP.



Jusqu'i fin exercice 1996, la gestion du projet s'est deroule normalement. Des lacunesconsecutives, notamment, a des depenses effectuees par le comite de coordination (cfrapport d'audit - mai 1998 et les aides memoires de la mission du 05 au 26 octobre1998) ont e detectees au niveau de la gestion comptable et financiere a partir del'exercice 1997. Cette defaillance a abouti a la demission du responsable comptable etfinanciere. Deux audits complementaires ont ete necessaires pour clarifier la comptabilitedu projet (rapports d'audit de Janvier et de Juillet 1999). II faut aussi signaler la maladie


du Directeur du BPE a partir de Juin 1998 qui, par la suite n'a plus pu reprendre sesfonctions. Le DCF a d'abord e designe coordonateur technique du BPE depuisnovembre 1998, puis nomme Directeur du BPE en fin Janvier 1999. Ces evenements ontentraine beaucoup de problemes surtout comptables (retard important de la mise a jour,accumulation d'arrieres de paiement des fournisseurs, TVA, DTI ,calendrier de paiementen tirage directs et approvisionnement du compte special non programmes A temps ). I1est enfin important de souligner que par rapport a l'importance des fonds geres par leBPE et les taches requises y afferentes, le personnel du BPE a e apparemment assezreduit .Cependant, il faut dire que le BPE a e bien equipe en matiere de moyens detravail .


En 1996, le statut de CNFTP a e modifie pour assurer une meilleure repr6sentation duPrive au sein de ses organes de decisions (Assemblee Generale, Conseild'Administration). Jusqu'en fevrier 1997, le comite de gestion provisoire a jou6 le r6le del'Assemblee Generale et du Conseil d'Administration et la mise en place de ces derniersont eu lieu respectivement en fevrier 1997 et mars 1999. L'autonomie de gestion del'organe d'ex6cution, a permis au Secretariat Ex6cutif de mener a bien ses missions.

Sur le plan financier, les echanges permanents d'infonmations avec la Banque Mondialeant permis de contourner les problemes de gestion financiere:

- augmentation du plafond du Compte Special de 200 000 USD A 400 000 USD- reallocation de certaines rubriques par rapport A la table des coots, en raison descofits et charges imprevisibles- les solutions aux problemes de TVA et DTI communs aux Projets, ont ete d6battuesen reunions inter Projets

Les audits realises periodiquement ont note quelques remarques constructives pour lagestion du CNFTP. Des ajustements ont ete apportees suivant ces remarques.


DI Engagement du Gouvemement

La cr6ation d'un Ministere charge de l'Enseignement Technique et de la FormationProfessionnelle permet une meilleure synergie des actions des elements du systemenational de la formation technique et professionnelle et une meilleure comprehension dela FTP au niveau des hautes instances de decision . Ainsi, le DCPE (1996-1999) a-t-il preconise la priorisation des investissements dans les secteurs sociaux, dontl'Education et la Formation. Avec l'integration de la politique du sous-secteur de la FTPdans la politique de l'education (PNAE II) et la definition des roles et participation del'Etat Malagasy dans sa mise en ceuvre, cela traduit un meilleur cadrage macro-economique de la FTP.La concretisation du principe d'autonomie pour plusieurs organismes du dispositif deFTP augure une meilleure efficacit6 du dispositif La participation a des rencontres et


ateliers intemationaux sur 1'ETFP (Italie, Coree du Sud, Afrique, Canada, France)temoignent de la volonte des responsables du secteur d'e1argir le champ de vision dans ledomaine de la FTP.

La contribution du gouvemement, a travers le METFP, au financement des organismesrattaches et des GIREFTP s'eleve a 5,037 milliard de FMG soit 23% du budget alloue auMETFP (hors PIP). Avec la Direction de la Planification et la Direction de laCoordination de la Formation, ce montant s'eleve a 6,365 milliards de FMG soit 29% dubudget du METFP (hors PIP).

La depolitisation des criteres de nomination des hauts responsables du dispositifconstitue une des conditions de stabilite donc d'efficacite du dispositif.

D2. Strategies developpees:

La poursuite de la prise en main progressive de l'organisation et du financement de laformation professionnelle par le secteur productif, l'operationnalisation d'un systeme derecouvrement des coats et de generation de ressources propres, l'assurance d'uneautonomie effective pour les organismes du systeme, et la mise en place prealable demesures incitatives et d'accompagnement assureront la perennite du projet.

Les bdneficiaires et participants seront incites & continuer le Projet en les impliquantdans son evaluation et dans les reflexions sur les perspectives du Projet, notamment surles strategies appropriees a privilegier.

Afin de maintenir l'lan obtenu aupres des partenaires, notamment du secteur productif,le projet devra renforcer ses acquis.


Durant les phases d'identification et de preparation du Projet, une analyse en dialoguedynamique avec les autorites malgaches des problemes essentiels et des actionsenvisageables en matiere d'ETFP a et effectuee . I1 en est ressorti une largeconvergence de vue qui abouti a I'accord de credit PREFTEC No 2382-MAG (Cfrapport d'evaluation du PREFTEC en Juin 1991). A partir du moment oui les conditionsde mise en ceuvre du credit ont ete remplies, les bailleurs de fonds ont facilite l'executiondu projet.

Durant les phases d'evaluation et de supervision du Projet, ont pu etre notes (i) unecomprehension mutuelle des problemes specifiques et des contraintes du projet qui s'esttraduite par des series de recommandations pour assurer le bon d6roulement du Projet:flexibilite des procedures, renforcement de l'assistance technique, reajustement dubudget, revision detaillee du programme d'activites,..., (ii) des echanges d'experienceset des resolutions de problemes grace aux reunions sectorielles periodiques organiseesavec le comite de suivi de projets , (iii) des echanges frequents de point de vue avec les


principaux responsables malgaches du projet. Cependant, quelques fois les conclusionsfinales des rencontres ne correspondent pas toujours a la position du METFP par rapportaux strategies de mises en ceuvre adoptees au niveau operationnel du projet

Concernant les relations entre la Banque Mondiale et l'Emprunteur, chaque partie s'estefforcee de respecter les clauses de l'accord de credit. Neanmoins, un probleme estapparu sur le role du comite de coordination que l'emprunteur devait creer. D'une part,la Banque Mondiale ne l'a pas tellement sollicite, d'autre part, la tutelle technique duproj et (METFP) ne l'a pas non plus tellement utilise efficacement.


F. 1 Institutions et activites soutenues par le Projet

Le projet poursuivra sa mission d'orientation de la politique en matiere de FTP, de laconscientisation des partenaires sur les enjeux de la FTP, des efforts de coordination desactions des composantes du systeme de la formation professionnelle, du renforcementdes competences des partenaires (ARIF) en ingenierie de formation avec les moyensdisponibles, du renforcement des capacites operationnelles des operateurs (priv6s etpublics) de formation et des organismes d'appui en matiere d'ingenierie de formationprofessionnelle. Les acquis seront valorises et capitalises.

F.2 Indicateurs de suivi

- Evolution du systeme de financement- Efficacit6 interne et exteme des operateurs de formation- Developpement de l'ingenierie de formation professionnelle- Impacts economiques des formations

F.3 Resultats et impacts du projet

Malgre un debut assez difficile et un contexte politique et economique defavorable, onpeut affirmer que le Projet a rempli sa mission. En effet, il a reussi ai:

* Mettre en place une structure qui assure l'organisation et la coordination de laformation continue et initiale

* Fournir les moyens requis (RH, materiels, organisationnels,... ) au ministere detutelles et aux differents organismes concourant au developpement de la FTP


* Persuader ses differents partenaires des interets de la Refonne de la FormationTechnique et Professionnelle

* Vulgariser la demarche qu'il preconise en matiere d'ingenierie de la formationprofessionnelle

* Obtenir du secteur prive qu'il participe au financement de la formationprofessionnelle* Mettre en relation les divers acteurs du secteur (employeurs, prestataires deformation, prestataires d' etudes, fournisseurs de materiels didactiques, bailleurs defonds, autres organismes facilitateurs,.....)

* Introduire dans les etablissements de formation, l'organisation de formations decourte duree a la demande des entreprises ou createurs d'activites sur la base d'unpartenariat et de la recherche d'interets mutuels

* Mettre en place les fondements du systeme de financement de la FTP par la creationdes ARIF

* Amorcer la mise en place d'une base de donnres sur la Formation professionnelleCependant, il faut rappeler que les acquis du PREFTEC sont encore fragiles. Leurrenforcement par la continuite des efforts constitue une des conditions de leur perennite.


Les principales lecons a tirer de Vtex6cution du proj et sont:

> Une autonomie effective, administrative et financiere, est indispensable pourpermettre la gestion performante d'un projet. En effet, elle permet objectivite, souplesseet rapidite dans l'execution des activites.

> La formulation prealable d'indicateurs verifiables est importante. Elle permet desregulations efficaces en cours de projet et une evaluation plus objective et plus rapide ala fin de projet

> L'adaptation des manuels de procedure au contexte permet au projet de repondre auxexigences de son environnement.

> L'elaboration de plans de travail periodiques permet de s'assurer de l'ex6cutionharmonieuse des activites selon les exigences de qualite et les delais impartis.

> Les efforts en matiere d'information, de communication et de coordination doiventetre renforces .

> L'approche terrain est indispensable avant toute conceptualisation.


> L'implication des differents partenaires pendant tout le processus permet unenrichissement des differents concepts et approches, leur plus large diffusion et surtoutune meilleure efficacite dans leur mise en ceuvre.

> Le secteur productif constitue un partenaire incontournable dans tous les domainesde 1'ETFP. La prise en main de la formation professionnelle continue par ce secteur enconstitue une condition de reussite. Le regroupement des entreprises et des associationsautour des ARIFs en est un premier pas. L'acceleration de la mise en place desdiffirentes mesures incitatives impulsera le mouvement.

> La perennite des acquis depend beaucoup d'un changement dans le comportementdes acteurs.



ARIF: Association Regionale Inter Professionnelle pour le developpement de la FormationProfessionnelle

AFPA: Association pour la Formation Professionnelle des Adultes

BAC: Baccalaureat

RAE: Brevet d'Agent d'Execution

BPE/PREFTEC: Bureau Projet Education

BT: Brevet Technique

CERES: Centre d'Etudes et de Ressources du Personnel de l'Enseignement Technique

CFP: Centre de Formation Professionnelle

CNFTP: Conseil National de la Formnation Technique et Professionnelle

DAF: Direction Administrative et Financiere

DCF: Direction de la Coordination de la Formation

DCPE: Document Cadre de la Politique Economique

DGGETFP: Direction Generale des Groupements d'Etablissements Techniques et de laFormation Professionnelle

DP: Direction de la Planification

DTI: Droits et Taxes d'Importation

EASTA: Ecole d 'Application des Sciences et Techniques Agricoles

ENAM: Ecole Nationale de 1 'Administration de Madagascar

ETFP: Enseignement Technique et Formation Professionnelle

FIFP: Fonds d'Intervention de la Formation Professionnelle

FTP: Formation Technique et Professionnelle

GETFP: Groupement des Etablissement Technique et de la Formation professionnelle

GIREFTP: Groupement Inter Regional des Etablissements de Formation Technique etProfessionnelle

IBF: Identification des Besoins de Fornation

LTP: Lycee Technique Professionnel

INPF: Institut National de Promotion Formation

METFP: Ministere de l'Enseignement Technique et de la Formation Professionnelle

ONEF/ ONCE: Observatoire National de l'Emploi et de la Formation/ de Competence et del'Emploi

PF: plan de formation

PIP: Programme d'Investissement Public

PNAE: Programme National pour l'Amelioration de l'Education

SCAP: Stage de Creation d'Activites Professionnelles


SPF: Sous Projet de Formation

SPP: Stage de Perfectionnement Professionnel

TVA: Taxes sur la Valeur Ajout6e






Objectifs du Projet et evaluatIon de leurs atteintes- Les objectifs du projet etaient et restent 1.6essentiels pour jeter les bases d'un L'ampleur et la complexite du projet, la multiplicite desdeveloppement pertinent et soutenable du acteurs sollicites, et l'interdependance de leurs actionssecteur, en accompagnement de la respectives sont peut-etre une des raisons pour lesquellespolitique de liberalisation globate de seuls des indicateurs de resultats physiques et financiers ont1'economie malgache, notamment si on pu etre fixes explicitement au depart du Projet. Des outils depouvait impulser le systeme par la suivi des performances ont ete elabores et ameliores au fur etdemande A mesure de l'ex6cution.

Une pleine atteinte des objectifs de la Refonnen6cessitent des efforts de longue haleine quJ rendent ladures du Projet (5ans) peu rAaliste

- Manque d'indicaturs quantltatifs pourmesurer les resultats... Des indicateurscles de l'execution du projet ont ete definiset ont fait l'objet d'un suivi pendantI'execution meme du projet- Projet complexe _

La structure (du CNFTP) a eu une 1.8 Le CNFTP:influence limitee sur la qualitM du 1.13 - a joue son r6le d'iniffateur et d'incitateur et a reussi Apilotage et de la planification 1.16 produire un effet d'entralnement sur le reste du dispositifstrategique. (approche, concepts, m6thodologie, partenariat et

contractualisation).- s'est efforce aussi de tenir son r6le de conseil et deproposition d'orientation bien que les effets en sonteffectivement assez faibles surtout en matiAre de FPI.Ainsi, le CNFTP, pour le compte du METFP et avec lacollaboration de tout le dispositif, a concu et prepare lapolitique sous-sectorielle de I'ETFP qui est incluse dansle PNAE II.

Toutefois:- la responsabilit6 du pilotage reste floue si l'on se refereaux differents textes: CNFTP, METFP, Comite decoordination, et aux relations ainsi induites.- pour la planification strat6gique, I'absence de reperesau depart (ex: echelonnement des mesures dans letemps du projet, resultats attendus par anneo ou partranche d'annees), l'introduction A mi-projet d'unedimension lutte contre la pauvrete, le retard dans la miseen place des differents organes, mais surtout l'absenced'informations suffisantes (cf 1.9 RFE) n'a pas permisd'asseoir une vision moyen et long terme precise et donc

______________ _________________ __ de proceder a une planification strategique des actions


Une meilleure precision des r6les etresponsabilite.s des diff4rentes entit6s sus-mentionn6es, et les 6l4ments qualitatifs etquantitatUfs d6crits dans la Politique sous-sectoriellede l'ETFP pourrait constituer une base de pilotage et

_______ de planification strategique dans I'avenir

P6rennite du projet, en parliculier 1.18 - A sa creation, la DGGFETP a essaye d'instaurerconcemant la mise en place d'un systeme 1.38 unilat6ralement, une taxe sur la formation professionnelle, maisde flnancement de la formation 1.45 celle-ci a ete abandonnee apres un rejet unanime du secteurprofessionnelle 1.49 priv.

- Les resultats de l'tude realise par SFEREIATW, et ceux desconcertations ont releve comme condition de reussite de lamise en

1.51 place d'un systbme de financement: I'adh6sion des"contrbuants" au systeme a etablir.

L' option preconisant la progressivitN au d6marrage a6te un choix delib6r6; les ARIFs constituent donc lepremierjalon du systeme de financement de la formationprofessionnelle continue. Outre, la regionalisation, levolontariat d'adhesion et la progressivitA dans les cotisations,les ARIFs par la presence en leur seind' entreprises du secteur modeme et de petites et micro-entreprises du secteur informel, donne un prefiguration d'unemutualisation des ressources rares.

L'Assemblee Generale du CNFTP a demande uneperiode test de 2 ans de cette option avant toute g6neralisation.

- Suite aux actions menees par le CNFTP et les ARIFs,actuellement, l'id6e d'une coiusation obligatoire assise surlamasse salariale est acceptee par le secteur formel.

Toutefois, dimportants travaux analytiques sontencore n6cessaires, IAG du CNFTP a estime lors de sar6union de Mars 1999 quo le systeme de financement nesaurait etre efficacement mis en place quo vers 2003. Unappui Important, tant sur /a plan technique quo financier,est necessaire pour la preparation et l'op6rationalisationdu mecanisme..

Outre les points releves dans le RFE, une meilleurecoh6rence et synergie des efforts nationaux et desbaillours de fonds devrait etre recherch6e, arin derentabiliser les efforts passes, notamment en conrfirmant etpromouvant au mieux leas structures et mecanismesorganisds existants (CNFTP, ARIFs) et en clarifiant to rolede l'Etat.

Performance de la Banque Mondlale 1.21 Lors de la preparation, ont et6 mal apprehendees lafaible structuration de la fonction-formation au sein desentreprises et l'insuffisance voire la non-disponibilite decompetences nationales en matiere d'identification de besoinset d'ingenierie de la formnation professionnelle .

Lors de la realisation: I'absence de cadre de references


POINTS RETENUS Ref RFE COMMENTAIRESclair a exige des differentes missions de supervision une fortecapacite de dialogue. II a ete remarque les efforts continus desdifferentes missions pour preserver et consolider les acquis. LeRAP et le RFE remarquent l'absence d'indicateurs quantitatifsclairs dans les documents legaux, ce qui expliquerait leslimites de la portee des differents aide-memoires.

Los offets des actions en matffre de formationcontinue et des experences dans la formation initialeauraient et6 penalises par une suspension du Projet quiaurait detruit le climat de collaboration difficilementinstaur avec les partenaires natfonaux

Performance de l'Empruntour 1.24 Malgre des realisations importantes sur le plan1.25 institutonnel et methodologiques, ainsi que des efforts sur le

plan financiers (cf RAP et RFE) , les performances deI'Emprunteur:- sont difficilement evaluables du fait de l'absence d'indicateursveriflables au depart du Projet , du caractere novateur etcomplexe du meme projet ainsi que de I'absence deprogrammation ferme arretee par les deux parties en cours deprojet;- ont ete limitees par (i) un changement des responsables duprojet (Ministere de tutelle technique de la preparation n'est pascelui lors de 1'execution, changement de Ministre la Wate deI'ETFP) ; (ii) la non-conformite des Manuels de Proceduresinitiaux aux realites malgaches et A l'environnement, dont lespremiers tests et la readaptation ont Wconsommateurs de temps. Une meilloure approche-terrain etune Implication plus significative des cadres operaffonnelsmalgaches, avant touts conceptualisation, saavArentindisponsables pour eviter de tolles exp6riences; (iii) lamise en place des structures nouvelles (exigences du Projet),I'adaptation progressive de leur personnel A de nouveauxconcepts et methodologies, ont pris du temps sur les 5 ans duProjet dejA court. Les d6lais necessaires semblent ne pas avoirete bien appr6hend6s lors de la pr6paration.

Le Comite de Coordination tel que defini par les Accordsde Cr6dit a effectivement disparu en 1996, cependant leMinistere sous differentes formes (reunion des directeurs,comites techniques inter-direction...) a assure au mieux cettecoordination et a pu cr6er une synergie tres visible en fin deProjet. Ces efforts, ainsi que les risques attaches a la formationd'un nouveau Comite, a peut-^tre distrait l'attention des deuxparties sur la necessite de cette formalisation.

Op6rations futures

- Prendre des mesures de consolidation 1.37 Cela ne pourrait se faire sans un appui des bailleurs dedes acquis fonds qui devrait permettre la mise en place des moyens et

methodes necessaires.- Ameliorer les activites de suivi evaluation, 1.38 L'identification et la formation eventuelle des partenairesy comprs la sous-traitance du contr6le ,ainsi que la formation du personnel du CNFTP, en particulier,qualite dans les domaines de formation en matiere de controle-qualite, semble necessaire, pour palliertres specialisee a une insuffisance des competences nationales pour le premier

point et pour permettre au CNFTP une bonne preparation etsuivi des sous-traitances dans le second point.


POINTS RETENUS R6f RFE COMMENTAIRES- Tenir a jour un repertoire vivant sur l'offre 1.38 Une repartition daire des taches (CNFTP, DCF,de formation par domaine ONETFOPP), un consensus sur les modalites d'intervention

doivent etre adoptes afin d'assurer une utilisation rationnelle etefficace des moyens disponibles.

- Suivi et analyse du marche du travail et 1.43 Actuellement, le CNFTP dispose des introductions etdes besoins de formation continue relations necessaires; il a initie le travail pour les besoins de la

formation continue.

Principales lecons du Projets 1.45 En matiere de formation continue, d'importants travaux1.46 sont encore n6cessaires sur le plan institutionnel, technique et1.50 financier.1.53

En outre, un appui aux etablissements prives et publicsles plus performants savere encore indispensable, dans lesannees A venir, pour satisfaire une demande de formation6volutive et croissante.







le 13 mai 1992

Le Ministre de l'Emploi et de la Formationet le Ministre de l'Instruction PubliqueAMonsieur Francisco Aguirre-SacasaDirecteur, Departement des Pays des Grands Lacset de l'Ocean IndienBanque Mondiale

Monsieur le Directeur,

Objet: Strategie pour l'Enseignement Technique etla Formation Professionnelle

Yai l'honneur de vous faire part de la strategie de la Republique Democratique deMadagascar en matiere d'Enseignement Technique et de Formation Professionnelle (l'ETFP).Cette strategie s'ins6re dans le cadre de nos strategies fondamentales de developpementdconomique et social. La strategie sectorielle de l'ETFP complete celle du secteur del'education, qui est A la base du projet sectoriel de l'education (CRESED), et harmonisera lapolitique de rETFP du secteur public avec la strategie nationale de l'education dans sonensemble. La strategie aura pour objectifs l'adequation entre la formation et les besoins dumarche de remploi, ainsi que l'amelioration de la qualite et de l'efficacite de l'ETFP, enmeme temps que la maitrise de la croissance des depenses publiques et l'utilisation efficacedes ressources qui y sont allouees.

L'execution de la strategie n'entrainera pas une augmentation, dans l'ensemble, desdepenses publiques (en termes reels) consacrees A I'ETFP. L'augmentation des d6pensespour les objectifs prioritaires sera compensee d'une part par les contributions des employeursaux formations qui leur sont utiles, et d'autre part par des economies resultant des mesuresindiquees ci-dessous pour augmenter l'efficacite du systeme. Un programme de depensespubliques de 1'ETFP sera pr6par6 tous les ans en conformite avec la strategie de 1'ETFPcomme celle-ci est exposee dans la presente lettre. Ce programme sera coherent avec leprogramme global de depenses publiques et avec celui du secteur de l'ducation generale.Nous comptons discuter de ce programme annuellement avec la Banque Mondiale et avecnos autres partenaires qui participent au financement du secteur. Nous avons l'intentiond'utiliser le programme de depenses comme instrument de gestion du systeme, et pour lapreparation du budget de l'Etat.

L'operation actuellement a l'etude, le Projet de Renforcement de l'EnseignementTechnique et de la Formation Professionnelle (PREFTEC), qui beneficierait du soutien d'un


credit de l'IDA, a ete concue en conformite avec cette strategie, et fournira des moyensd'appui pour aider a sa mise en place. Le PREFTEC permettra la reorganisation de 1'ETFPpublic, et integrera les actions necessaires a la realisation des mesures specifiques en vued'accroltre l'efficacite inteme et exteme du sous-secteur.

L'execution de la strategie necessitera des efforts i la fois du Gouvernement et desautres partenaires sociaux. Par consequent elle a deux axes paralleles qui comprennent lerenforcement et la restructuration de I'ETFP public, dun c6t6, et de l'autre c6t6 ledeveloppement de 1'ETFP fourni par le secteur prive: les ONG, les employeurs, et les ecoleset les autres etablissements a caractere commercial de 1'ETFP. Les deux secteurs, public etprive, se completent et representent la capacite de formation du pays; ils sont appeles a jouerensemble les roles essentiels economiques et sociaux qui sont les leurs. Les fmancementsqui seront obtenus de l'IDA et d'autres bailleurs de fonds pour 1'ETFP seront ainsi repartisjudicieusement entre ces deux secteurs, afin d'en faciliter une utilisation efficace, etd'encourager les etablissements prives et ONGs a participer de facon concertee avec lesecteur public au developpement de la formation professionnelle. En favorisant ainsi lescentres (tant publics que prives) qui ont fait preuve d'efficacite, la poursuite de la strategielimitera les depenses publiques consacrees a la formation, et aidera a mobiliser les ressourcesdu pays et des bailleurs de fonds a cet effet.

La mise en aeuvre de la strategie de 1'ETFP, ainsi que la coordination et la promotiondes actions de 1'ETFP, seront la responsabilite du Conseil National de la FormationTechnique et Professionnelle. Le Conseil National (le CNFTP) aura parite de representationdu secteur public et des employeurs du secteur prive dans ses organes de reflexion et dedecision, afm de favoriser la participation des employeurs A l'orientation de la politique deformation. Le CNFTP aura acces aux ressources financieres et techniques qui lui permettrontde promouvoir, d'aider, et de participer au fmancement des actions dans ce domaine. LeCNFTP participera au financement des actions de formation qui correspondent aux objectifsde la strat6gie nationale de I'ETFP, comme celle-ci est exposee dans la lettre actuelle et serapar la suite developpee par le CNFTP; des criteres detailles d'attribution du financement onte elabor6s, que nous avons examines conjointement avec les bailleurs de fonds concernes.

Le financement de 1'ETFP depend actuellement de facon trop importante du budgetde I'Etat et des bailleurs exterieurs de fonds. Ceci constitue une ponction importante sur lebudget, mais ne fournit suffisamment de ressources ni pour le fonctionnement efficace dusysteme ni pour en permettre la croissance. Pendant la periode du projet, le Credit de 1'IDAapportera une contribution majeure, mais il est essentiel de prevoir le fmancement apresP'achevement du projet. Pour mieux favoriser l'efficacite dans 1'ETFP et la disponibilite d'unfmancement adequat a moyen terme, le CNFTP examinera d'ici le 30 juin 1995 despropositions de mise en place des systemes de financement convenables, en tenant comptedes possibilites et volontes des forces vives de la nation a contribuer a 1'ETFP. Un systemeadequat de financement - par exemple, les contributions des beneficiaires, et/ou descontributions des entreprises - sera par la suite mis en place, pour prendre la releve duPREFTEC. Nous sommes n6anmoins convaincus que dans le cas ofi le nouveau systemedonne des resultats satisfaisants en faisant ses preuves d'efficacite, l'appui des bailleurs defonds exterieurs nous sera acquis pour completer le financement inteme.


La priorite de la strategie, qui sera suivie dans toute operation d'ETFP qui beneficierad'un fmancement public, sera la conformite aux besoins de 1'economie et du marche del'emploi. Des cadres institutionnels seront crees qui permettront aux responsables de laformation, tant au niveau national qu'aux niveaux decentralises et des etablissements de1'ETFP, de se renseigner concernant les priorites du marche de l'emploi, et de determiner lespriorites des formations qui repondent A ces besoins, et qui favorisent ainsi l'acces desdiplomes A l'emploi. Des mesures favorisant la qualite de la formation et de 1'enseignementseront adoptees, telles que la formation initiale et en cours d'emploi de formateurs et*enseignants, le renforcement de la formation pratique, et la disponibilite des materielsdidactiques ainsi que l'tablissement des cadres permettant de mieux associer les employeursA la definition des programmes de formation.

Nous procedons A une professionnalisation progressive de 1'enseignement fourni parles etablissements de 1'ETFP public. Les activites A l'interieur des lycees comprendront desfilieres de la formation generale technologique qui donnent acces au baccalaureat technique,et celles qui donnent acces A L'emploi. Au fur et A mesure que les formations professionnellesseront mises en place dans les lycees techniques, nous serons amenes A reguler et le nombredes eleves et le nombre de sp6cialites dans les filieres technologiques. En outre les,tablissements formeront des etudiants A la requete des employeurs; pour financer les

ressources en materiels permettant aux etablissements de fournir de tels cours, lareglementation sera modifide pour que les etablissements puissent recevoir des contributionsdes employeurs et affecter et utiliser ces ressources a cette fin. Des mesures seront adopteespour assurer que les etudiants A l'entree de la filiere generale technologique aient acquis lesconnaissances de base en mathematiques et sciences qui leur permettent de poursuivre desetudes donnant acces au baccalaureat et par la suite (pour ceux qui sont recus) d'avoir lesmeilleures chances de reussir leurs etudes universitaires. La maitrise des flux d'eleves Al'entree du systeme, en correspondance avec les ressources financieres disponibles et lesdemandes du marche de l'emploi, sera une partie importante de la strategie.

Le Gouvemement: examinera de facon detaillee le niveau d'utilisation desetablissements de 1'ETFP publics. L'allocation des ressources etatiques se concentra lA oui lesetablissements peuvent en faire l'utilisation maximale en termes de coutt/efficacite, donnantune formation adequate au plus grand nombre d'etudiants, et oui il existe un comite integrantdes employeurs de la localite.

Le renforcement de la gestion du systeme constitue une partie importante de lastrategie. Des mesures seront prises pour faciliter l'autonomie des centres de formationassortie d'une rigueur dans le controle de leur gestion.

Veuillez croire, Monsieur le Directeur, A l'expression de ma haute consideration.

Le Ministre de l'Instruction Publique Le Ministre de l'Emploi et de la FormationFulgence Fanony Bruno Bearivo


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