Imperialism in China What were the causes of the Opium Wars?


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Imperialism in ChinaImperialism in ChinaWhat were the causes of

the Opium Wars?

The Opium Wars• Very little trade between China & the West, except for silk & tea

for silver which favored China• British bring technology gifts to China, Chinese are unimpressed• Next, British bring opium from India to China

Poppy Plant

• 1835: 12 million Chinese were hooked on the drug – Chinese Qing Emperor tries to ban opium• Emperor’s advisor complains to Britain’s Queen Victoria

Stop selling

drugs to our people!

Deal with it!

• Queen ignores him and Britain continues trading in Opium

• 1839: China tries to destroy British opium. Britain starts “Opium Wars”• Chinese loses the war

•1842: Treaty of Nanjing gives Britain the island of Hong Kong & extraterritorial rights (foreigners not subject to Chinese Law)

• 1850: Taiping Rebellion led by Hong Xiuquan attempts to remove Qing Government for not protecting China

• Hong recruits a peasant army

• 1864: Empress Cixi asks British & French to help defeat Hong’s army since 20 million+ killed in Taiping Rebellion• Hong defeated, Empress “owes” Britain & France but rest of Europe & Japan want Spheres of Influence in China• Fearing another “Scramble for Africa”, the US negotiates the open door policy, which allowed all nations trade with China

• New Qing Emperor wants to end open door pol.• He is arrested & Empress Cixi returns, she expands foreign influence

•1900: Angry Chinese form the Boxers, began a revolt known as the Boxer Rebellion•Although the Boxers were beaten, Chinese & West know reform is needed

Taiping Rebellion

Boxer Rebellion
