Impedance Analysis of Silicon Nanowire Lithium Ion Battery


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Impedance Analysis of Silicon Nanowire Lithium Ion Battery Anodes

Riccardo Ruffo,† Seung Sae Hong,‡ Candace K. Chan,§ Robert A. Huggins,| and Yi Cui*,|

Department of Materials Science, UniVersity of Milan-Bicocca, Milan, Italy, and Department of AppliedPhysics, Department of Chemistry, and Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Stanford UniVersity,Stanford, California 94305

ReceiVed: February 20, 2009; ReVised Manuscript ReceiVed: April 10, 2009

The impedance behavior of silicon nanowire electrodes has been investigated to understand the electrochemicalprocess kinetics that influences the performance when used as a high-capacity anode in a lithium ion battery.The ac response was measured by using impedance spectroscopy in equilibrium conditions at different lithiumcompositions and during several cycles of charge and discharge in a half cell vs. metallic lithium. The impedanceanalysis shows the contribution of both surface resistance and solid state diffusion through the bulk of thenanowires. The surface process is dominated by a solid electrolyte layer (SEI) consisting of an inner, inorganicinsoluble part and several organic compounds at the outer interface, as seen by XPS analysis. The surfaceresistivity, which seems to be correlated with the Coulombic efficiency of the electrode, grows at very highlithium contents due to an increase in the inorganic SEI thickness. We estimate the diffusion coefficient ofabout 2 × 10-10 cm2/s for lithium diffusion in silicon. A large increase in the electrode impedance wasobserved at very low lithium compositions, probably due to a different mechanism for lithium diffusion insidethe wires. Restricting the discharge voltage to 0.7 V prevents this large impedance and improves the electrodelifetime. Cells cycled between 0.07 and 0.70 V vs. metallic lithium at a current density of 0.84 A/g (C/5)showed good Coulombic efficiency (about 99%) and maintained a capacity of about 2000 mAh/g after 80cycles.


The demand for higher specific energy lithium ion batteriesfor applications such as electric vehicles, next generationelectronic devices, and implantable medical devices motivatesthe research toward electrode materials with larger specificcharge capacities. Among several compounds proposed toreplace graphite at the negative electrode, silicon is verypromising because it has a theoretical specific capacity of 4200mAh/g due to the incorporation of 4.4 lithium atoms per onesilicon atom.1 Moreover, since silicon is the second mostabundant element on earth and already has a mature industrialinfrastructure in existence, it is an attractive material whenconsidering commercial applications. Thus there is a greatincentive to find a way to utilize silicon in lithium ion batterysystems.

There have been a number of studies on silicon-basedelectrodes involving submicrometer pillars,2 micrometer,3 andnanosized particles,4,5 and various composite anodes.6 Animportant feature of all of these silicon-based materials is thelarge inherent change in specific volume (up to about 410%)during the insertion and extraction of large amounts of silicon.7

This causes decrepitation, sometimes called pulverization orcrumbling, and a loss of electrical contact between the activematerial and the current collector. The result is the reduction inthe effective capacity during cycling which nowadays has beenthe main reason preventing commercial application of siliconin lithium ion secondary systems.

Recently, we have developed an electrode platform that usesnanowires (NWs) and core-shell NWs8 adhered to the currentcollector9,10 to accommodate the large volume change and toavoid capacity loss during cycling due to the decrepitation. Byexploiting the nanometer size in the diameter and keeping freespace between NWs, we aim to allow for facile volumeexpansion while preventing decrepitation. In addition, NWs formdirect chemical bonding with the current collector for goodadhesion and electron transport, which makes the traditionalelectrode additives such as the binding polymer and conductingcarbon unnecessary. In our previous work8-11 we have obtainedpromising results by using the NW electrode. In fact, by limitingthe capacity of the electrode using a lower cutoff potential of70 mV vs. Li, we observed a specific capacity of about 2800mAh/g with 85% retention after 50 cycles and more than 99%Coulombic efficiency. Nevertheless, the correlation betweenstructural/morphological features of NWs and their electro-chemical performance is still not well understood.

A useful tool to study the electrochemical behavior ofelectrode materials is impedance spectroscopy (IS). In thisexperiment, a small sinusoidal voltage stimulus of fixedfrequency is applied to an electrochemical cell and its responsein terms of current is measured. The ac behavior of anelectrochemical system can be investigated by sweeping thefrequency over several orders of magnitude (generally from afew mHz to several MHz). In the classical three electrodeconfiguration, the voltage is applied and measured between theworking and the reference electrode while the counter electrodecollects the induced current. The output impedance is the sumof the impedance due to the working electrode (WE), theinterface between the WE and the electrolyte, and the ohmicdrop between the WE and the reference electrode (RE). In thecase of lithium ion battery components, this approach has been

* To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail:

† Department of Materials Science, University of Milan-Bicocca.‡ Department of Applied Physics, Stanford University.§ Department of Chemistry, Stanford University.| Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Stanford University.

J. Phys. Chem. C 2009, 113, 11390–1139811390

10.1021/jp901594g CCC: $40.75 2009 American Chemical SocietyPublished on Web 06/04/2009




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widely used and detailed models exist to take into account thedifferent physical, chemical, and electrochemical contributionsto the total electrode impedance of the cell or of one singleelement (positive electrode, negative electrode, or electrolyte)under investigation. The analysis of impedance spectra is usuallyperformed in terms of Nyquist plots where the imaginary partof the impedance is plotted as a function of the real part overa wide range of frequencies. Equivalent circuits built in seriesor parallel combinations of simple elements like resistance,capacitance, and inductance are often used to qualitativelydescribe the electrode material, while the determination of theirnumeric values by fitting procedures yields quantitative data.The kinetic steps common for most lithium ion electrodes havebeen discussed by Barsoukov.12 Generally, each process has onecharacteristic time constant (or a narrow distribution of them)that can be seen by the frequency scan. For example, in thecase of carbon anodes, it is possible to describe the totalimpedance of the electrode as the sum of the resistance and thecapacitance of the solid electrolyte interface (SEI) passivatinglayer, the charge transfer resistance of the intercalation process,the double layer capacitance across the interface, and the solidstate diffusion into the center of the active material particle.Other anode materials have been studied through IS, in particularSn-based compounds, using models similar to those for carbonanodes.13 A few reports were also devoted to the investigationof the impedance in silicon systems as carbon-coated micro-particles,14 amorphous thin layers,15 and 3-dimensional cellarstructures.16

In the present work we describe the impedance behavior ofour silicon NW-based electrode at different states of the charge(SOC) or depths of discharge (DOD) and after several charge/discharge cycles in a half cell vs. metallic lithium. We alsodiscuss the contributions of the NW surface resistance and bulklithium diffusion to the total impedance, as well as thecorrelation between the impedance response and the behaviorunder direct current (DC). Finally, we show how the informationcan be used to improve the electrochemical performance of theelectrode.

Experimental Section

Stainless steel (SS) 304 (0.002 in. thick, McMaster-Carr)substrates were covered with Au to serve as the catalyst forSiNW growth. The substrates were heated to 485 °C and 2%silane in Ar was flowed in at 50 sccm with a total chamberpressure of 40 Torr for 20 min. The mass of the SiNWs in agiven experiment (∼200 µg/cm2) was accurately determined byusing a microbalance (Sartarious SE2, 0.1 µg resolution) toweigh the substrates before and after growth. Most of nanowireshave a diameter and length of about 100 nm and 10 µm,respectively. More details about sample preparation can be foundin our previous work.9,11

To test the Si NW electrode in lithium ion battery applica-tions, we have used a “coffee bag” cell similar to commercialprototypes. Two and three electrode half-cells were fabricatedout of the SiNW/SS working electrode, Li metal foil as bothreference and counter electrode (CE), and Celgard 2325separator soaked in electrolyte. The electrolyte was a commercialsolution of 1.0 M LiPF6 in 1:1 w/w ethylene carbonate:diethylcarbonate (Novolyte). No binders or conducting carbon wasused. The cells were assembled inside an Ar-filled gloveboxand sealed in aluminized polyethylene laminate bags. Two- andthree-electrode half-cells were used in galvanostatic cycling withpotential limitation (GCPL) and IS experiments, respectively.Typical SiNW/SS electrode sizes were 1 cm2 for GCPL and 4

cm2 for IS. For impedance measurements several three-electrodecell geometries were tested and evaluated. The exploredfrequency range was from 50 kHz to 100 mHz under ac stimuluswith 10 mV of amplitude and no applied voltage bias. GCPLswere performed at the C/5 rate, using different cutoff voltages.All electrochemical measurements were carried out using a Bio-Logic VMP3 multichannel galvanostat-potentiostat. The im-pedance data were fitted using the ZSimpWin computerprogram.

Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to check theelectrode morphology before and after the cell assembling.Images were taken with a FEI XL30 Sirion SEM at magnifica-tion of 1000×.

Several samples were prepared at different SOC and DODfor X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analysis of thesurface. After the galvanostatic measurements, the samples weredisassembled from the cells and washed in dimethyl carbonateovernight to remove excess electrolyte. The XPS measurementswere conducted with a PHI 5000 VersaProbe (Physical Elec-tronics, Chanhassen, MN) equipped with an Al KR X-rayradiation source. The X-ray takeoff angle was 45° and the spotsize was about 200 µm. No charge neutralization was used. Thesurvey scans were taken with an energy resolution of 1.5 eV,using a source with power and current of 125 kW and 10 µA,respectively. Survey scans and high-resolution scans of the Si2p, C 1s, O 1s, F 1s, Li 1s, and P 2p energy spectra were takenof each sample to identify the compounds present on the surface.The high-resolution scans were obtained with a pass energy of23.5 eV and energy resolution of 0.1 eV. The spectra werecalibrated to the hydrocarbon peak at 284.5 eV. The molecularcomposition of the SEI layer was determined by analyzing the

Figure 1. Cross-sectional SEM images of (a) pristine Si NW electrodeand (b) of the electrode after the 2nd cycle.

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XPS high-resolution scans. For more information on the peakassignments, see ref 11.

Results and Discussion

Electrode Morphology. As shown in Figure 1a, the electrodeconsists of a high density of NWs attached to the substrate.The electrode is in mechanical contact with the separator, whichis soaked with the electrolyte. When the cell is assembled, aslight amount of pressure is applied to the cell, which causesthe NWs to lie down mostly parallel to the substrate. As shownin Figure 1b, which was obtained by disassembling the cell afterthe charge, the electrode appears as a dense mass of wirespacked together between the separator (not shown) and thesubstrate.

XPS Analysis. XPS data reported in Figure 2 show thecomposition of the wire surface at different capacities. As wecan observe, the distribution of the elements (Figure 2a) variesfor each sample, suggesting that the surface composition isdominated by the SEI layer formation, which is a dynamicprocess over the voltage range used. The signal from the Sidisappears at 0.1 V in the first charge, indicating that the SEIlayer has grown thicker than the XPS penetration depth (∼10nm). Figure 2b shows a summary of the composition of the

surface of each sample as determined by identifying thecompounds from the high-resolution spectra (data for chargeto 0.1 V are shown in Figure 2c). At the first charge to 0.5 V,the SEI layer is composed of hydrocarbons, PEO-type oligo-mers, and lithium salts (LiF and LiPF6), with smaller amountsof ethers and lithium alkyl carbonates. The observed speciesare consistent with previously reported studies about reductionproducts observed in this electrolyte.17 In the first charge to 0.1V, the SEI surface consists mainly of hydrocarbons and PEO-oligomers, indicating further electrolyte reduction; no Li alkylcarbonates or ethers were observed, suggesting that theseproducts transformed into Li2CO3. Upon sputtering (Figure 2d),C-O features were observed to disappear from the C1s peak,indicating that hydrocarbons and PEO are part of an organiclayer on the surface. LiPF6 species were also found on the outerlayer, with more LiF inside on the surface of the electrode. Thisis consistent with previous observations on Li and LixCelectrodes, where the SEI consists of an inorganic layer closerto the surface of the electrode and an organic, polymer-containing layer at the interface with the electrolyte. At the fullcharge to 10 mV, the SEI surface contains mainly Li2CO3 andLiF. The Li2CO3 is formed as a product of electrochemicalreduction of the electrolyte, but the LiF is formed as a

Figure 2. (a) Atomic composition of the SiNW surface determined by XPS survey scan at different SOC and DOD (capacity in mAh/g shown inparentheses). (b) Molecular composition of the SiNW surface determined by XPS high-resolution analysis (same capacities as in panel a). (c)High-resolution spectra for the C 1s, O 1s, and F 1s peaks for the SiNW sample charged to 0.1 V shown after different sputtering times. Using anapproximate sputter rate of 4 nm/min, the thicknesses are (i) 0 (initial surface prior to sputtering), (ii) 2, (iii) 12, (iv) 60, and (v) 80 nm. (d) Thedepth profile from the SiNW sample charged to 0.1 V with an approximate sputter rate of 4 nm/min.

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decomposition product (of LiPF6) rather than an electrochemicalone. The SEI layers at 0.4 V in the dealloying (discharge) haveagain LiF and Li2CO3 as major components. At the fulldischarge to 2 V, the SEI was found to be composed predomi-nately of Li2CO3, with other major species being LiF and LiPF6.During the second cycle, the composition remains the sameduring both the charge and discharge. This suggests that thecompositional formation of the SEI is an important featureduring the first cycle and afterward stays mostly the same, withLi2CO3 as the major species.

IS Data Validation. The geometry used in the impedanceexperiment was chosen and validated by using two three-electrode configurations where the impedances of the WE vs.the RE and that of the CE vs. the RE were measured. If themeasurement is independent of the shape and position of theRE, the sum of those two impedances has to be similar to thatobtained in a two-electrode configuration between the WE andthe CE.18 In our case, the best result was obtained by placing asmall Li RE (about 6 mm2) between two separator sheets inthe middle of a pouch cell. The RE is connected to the outsideof the cell through a polyimide-insulated copper wire.19 Usingthis geometry, the sum of the WE/RE and CE/RE impedancesdiffered from that of the WE/CE impedance by less than 6% inthe explored frequency range. The comparison between the sumof the two half cells’ value and the full cell’s value is reportedin Figure 3. Stable, reproducible spectra can be obtained byusing this geometry at frequencies higher than 100 mHz.

IS Experimental Sequence. The change in composition ofthe SiNW electrode is described in terms of the state of charge(SOC) during lithium insertion and depth of discharge (DOD)during lithium extraction. To change the SOC and DOD, weused galvanostatic pulses (0.21 A/g) during the first two chargeand discharge cycles. The cell was then cycled by GCPL at0.42 A/g for an additional 8 cycles (during cycles 3-10). Atthe eleventh and twelfth cycles impedance measurements weretaken again at different SOC and DOD. After the twelfth cyclethe cell was opened and all of the components (CE, RE,separator sheets, and electrolyte) except for the WE weresubstituted with new ones. IS measurements were carried outagain for the thirteenth cycle. Each IS spectrum was collectedat the end of the corresponding galvanostatic step after waitinga certain amount of time for relaxation at the open circuit voltagecondition (OCV). The OCV potential drift (measured as mV/h) is an important parameter in defining the equilibriumconditions attained from the electrode, and it has great influenceon the linearity of IS measurements. After 15 h of relaxation,the slope of the curve OCV/time is usually less than 0.5 mV/h;only at deep discharge states did we observe a bigger and

constant value up to 1.0 mV/h. However, no substantial driftwas observed in spectra collected at different times in theexplored frequency range. A typical voltage time profile isshown in Figure 4. The profile itself is a galvanostaticintermittent titration curve (GITT) with long current pulseswhich can be employed to monitor the evolution of the internalresistance. The internal resistance can be evaluated from thedifference in potential at the end of the current step and at theend of the relaxation3 on the current impulse. Panels a and b ofFigure 5 show the OCV and the cutoff voltage of each step asa function of the capacity for the first and the second cycles.The corresponding internal resistance values, reported in Figure5c for the first and the second cycles, are around 1000 Ω athigh SOC, then decrease to 600-700 Ω in the middle of thedischarge, and then increase 1 order of magnitude at high DOD.

Equivalent Circuit. The electrode morphology described inFigure 1b is similar to a thin film of mixed ionic/electronicconductor with a large surface area and pores that can bepartially filled by the liquid electrolyte. Part of the externalsurface of each NW is in contact with the electrolyte and maybe covered with SEI, while other parts may be in contact withother NWs also covered with SEI. The base of each NW isalso in contact with the current collector. In such a system, eithercharge transfer or solid state diffusion is usually limiting thekinetics of guest ion insertion or deinsertion processes forlithium inside the Si structure. Several equivalent circuits canbe used to describe the situation, from the simple Randles-typecircuit to more complex systems built by several subcircuits.The ambiguous situation is also complicated by the fact thatseveral equivalent circuits have the same mathematic represen-tation. However, the impedance of lithium ion battery electrodesis usually modeled by considering all the processes in serieswith each other, with each chemical-physical process representedby a subcircuit element.12 In our case, the electric equivalentcircuit is given in Figure 6, where Rser is the uncompensatedohmic resistance of the electrolyte, Qdl is the double layerpseudocapacitance of the NW/electrolyte interface, Rsur is theresistance of the NW surface (charge transfer between the solidelectrolyte layer and the NW), and Zd represents the impedanceelement describing the solid state diffusion process inside theNWs.

Analysis of Nyquist Plots. The impedance features can bediscussed in terms of Nyquist plots for analyzing the differentcontributions to the total electrode impedance. Typical Nyquistplots of Si NWs are reported in Figure 7, panels a and b,obtained at high SOC and DOD, respectively. The solid linesin the figure are the results of the fitting procedure using theequivalent circuit in Figure 6.

Figure 3. Comparison between the impedance response obtained in atwo-electrode condition and the sum of the two three-electrodeconfigurations.

Figure 4. Voltage/time profile under constant current (continuous line)and relaxation (dashed line) conditions. IS experiments were performedat the end of each relaxation.

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At high frequencies (above 10 kHz), the spectrum isdominated by the contribution of the external cell connections,the electronic conduction between the substrate and the activematerial (in our case, likely an ohmic contact due to iron silicideformation at the SiNW-SS interface9), and the ionic conductionthrough the electrolyte. Since the highest experimental frequencyis too low to see inductance distortion in the spectra, these

contributions appear as a pure resistive behavior (Zim close to0) and are dominated by the ionic conductivity of the electrolyte.This can be determined by the high-frequency intercept of thereal axis (points around 15-20 kHz). No significant changeswere observed in Rser (about 1.5 Ω) throughout all theexperiments and also after the cell disassembling and reassem-bling.

As the frequency decreases (between 10 kHz and 10 Hz) eachactive component (NW) of the electrode contributes to thesurface resistance, which is due to the active electron transferresistance on the electrode interface and the presence of apassivating SEI layer. This resistive contribution is in parallelwith the double layer capacitance and appears in the Nyquistplot as a depressed semicircle having a diameter equal to thevalue of the surface resistance. In our model in Figure 6, thedouble layer capacitance has been replaced by the constant phaseelement Q because the NW size is not constant and theirdiameter and length are distributed around average values.9 Thedetermination of the surface resistance can be made by fittingprocedures using the equivalent circuit in Figure 6 or directlyfrom the semicircle diameter in the Nyquist plot. The formerapproach has the advantage that the errors in the parameter haveelectrical units allowing us to evaluate their significance. In ourmodel the determination of the surface resistance has a numericalerror that is usually lower than 1%.

At lower frequencies (below 10 Hz), the contribution fromsolid state diffusion is present, i.e., Li ions moving into the bulkof SiNW active material. In this frequency region the spectrum(Figure 7a) shows a clear semi-infinite diffusion element dueto the presence of the metallic current collector interface, whichblocks the diffusion of ions (SS does not alloy with Li). In this

Figure 5. OCV and cutoff potentials from the (a) first and the (b)second cycles. (c) Corresponding internal resistance calculated fromthe potential difference on the current.

Figure 6. Equivalent circuit used to fit impedance data. Rser and Rsur

are the serial and surface resistance, respectively, Qdl is the double layerpseudocapacity, and Zd is the diffusion element.

Figure 7. Typical Nyquist plot showing the experimental data at (a)intermediate and high capacity and (b) a very high depth of discharge(less than 500 mAh/g of charge remaining).

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case, the Zd element in the equivalent circuit in Figure 6corresponds to a tangent-hyperbolic function (T) widely dis-cussed in the literature20-22 that has admittance (Y ) Z-1)mathematic representation equal to

where j ) -1, ω is the applied frequency, Y0 is theprexponential factor, and B is a parameter that depends on theelectrode geometry, the electrochemical properties of the ac-tive material, and the diffusion coefficient of the guest ion inthe host structure. The representation of T in the Nyquist plotis a diffusive Warburg segment at 45° followed, at lowerfrequencies, by a vertical capacitive line. The diffusion processcan be characterized by a limiting capacity (Cd) and a diffusionresistance (Rd). Cd is the capacity corresponding to the verticallow-frequency line in the Nyquist plot (Cd ) -1/ωZim), whileRd is the portion of the real axis between the high-frequencytail of the surface semicircle and the projection of the verticalcapacitive line. Cd and Rd can be obtained directly from the ISspectra or by spectrum fitting through the tangent hyperbolicelement T ) Y*(ω) containing B and Y0 variable parameters,which can be combined as Rd ) B/3Y0 and Cd ) Y0B.22 Sincewe do not have a thin film but rather an ensemble of NWs, itmay not appear straightforward to use these relationships.However, because the NW density is high and the NWs tendto lie down almost parallel to the current collector (Figure 1b),they form a “pseudofilm”.

Except for impedance spectra obtained at very high DOD(measured usually at the end of the discharge), those measuredat different SOC, DOD, or cycle number have generally thesame features of that reported in Figure 7a. Nyquist plots forthe second cycle at different SOC, either during charge ordischarge, are reported in Figure 8 wherein they are plotted from0.1 to 50 kHz, while the two spectra at very high DOD, whichare similar to the spectrum in Figure 7b, are cut at about 10Hz. In the latter case the low-frequency diffusive process appearsas a portion of an arc that has a time constant 1 order ofmagnitude less than that of the surface process. The twoelements are partially overlapped (see the inset of Figure 7b)and the deconvolution can be performed by using a RQ parallelelement in the Zd subcircuit in Figure 6. The introduction ofthe resistance element (called Rnp) is justified by the net decreasein the statistical error parameter during the fitting procedure(the 2 is about 1 order of magnitude lower). The measuredresistance Rnp, listed in Table 1, is 3 orders of magnitude greater

than Rsur or Rd resulting in a dramatic increase in the overallelectrode impedance. The origin of this increase as well as thephysical meaning of the new subcircuit is still unclear. The XPSanalysis discussed previously does not support surface modifica-tion that can justify the contribution due to a new interfaceresistance at high DOD. In fact, at very high DOD the surfacecomposition turns out to be almost the same and is dominatedby the presence of inorganic species close to the NW surface.Perhaps the new subcircuit describes a different diffusionmechanism with a possible additional contribution due to a phasechange in the NW.12 The constant phase element is frequentlyused in solid state electrochemistry and already has been usedto model diffusion.19 It is also possible that the diffusive processdeviates from the usual relationship due to the kinetics ofstructural changes,12 even if these effects are usually seen atmuch lower frequencies (few mHz). Another possible explana-tion is that, due to the morphology changes during cycling ofthe NWs at very deep states of discharge, the electrodemorphology changes from a “quasi”dense to a highly porousfilm, altering the diffusion process that can no longer bedescribed by the “pseudo”thin film model. A partial dissolutionof the SEI at very high potentials, as observed with scanningelectron microscopy,11 supports the concept of this porous film.This porous film would have a dramatic change in the diffusionmechanism as well as impedance treatment compared to theother model.

Analysis of the Surface Resistance. The surface resistancecan be analyzed regarding its variation with Li concentration(SOC or DOD) during one cycle or at fixed SOC amongdifferent cycles (Figure 9). In Figure 9a, obtained during thesecond cycle, the surface resistance shows a minimum forintermediate SOC around 1000 mAh/g. The slight increase athigh SOC is in agreement with that already observed in theliterature for amorphous silicon thin films and has been attributedto the growth in thickness of the SEI when the potential becomesmore negative.15 XPS analysis with surface sputtering suggeststhat the growth in thickness (and in impedance) is due to theinorganic components of the SEI. The surface resistance increaseat high DOD is probably the effect of the porous formation onthe SEI surface or its dissolution, indicating that the passivatinglayer is not really homogeneous at low lithium composition.

The change in surface resistance during cycling at the sameSOC (around 900 mAh/g) is reported in Figure 9b. Betweenthe first and the second cycle, the surface resistance decreasessubstantially and after 10 cycles becomes 1 order of magnitudeless. No relevant differences were observed between the spectracorresponding to the eleventh and twelfth cycle. However, oncethe cell was opened and both separator and electrolyte werereplaced with fresh ones, the resistance reverted back to thefirst cycle value and started to decrease in the next cycle. It isimportant to point out that the sample was kept wet withelectrolyte solution during the time the cell was rebuilt in the

Figure 8. Nyquist plot at different capacities measured for the secondcharge/discharge cycle.

T ) Y*(ω) ) Y0√jω tanh[B√jω]

TABLE 1: Low-Frequency Impedance Fitting Parametersof High DOD Dataa

cycle capacity (mAh/g) Rnp (kΩ) Yo(Ω-1sn) × 103 n

1 360 2.2 ( 0.4 5.6 0.721 310 4.4 ( 0.6 2.1 0.752 110 2.1 ( 0.4 5.6 0.7211 0 (charge) 0.9 ( 0.1 3.8 0.8011 70 (discharge) 1.0 ( 0.1 9.0 0.7613 650 2.3 ( 0.2 5.6 0.85

a Results for Zd fit by using RnpQd subcircuit. Yo and n are thetwo elements used to fit the constant phase element Q.

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glovebox. Thus, we do not believe the procedure alters the“internal” interface between the Si and the SEI, which is madefrom insoluble inorganic lithium salt (LiF and Li2CO3) asconfirmed by XPS analysis. It seems that during the first fewcycles the surface resistance depends mainly on the externalorganic SEI/liquid electrolyte interface and in minor part onthe charge transfer across the NW/SEI interface. Several charge/discharge cycles are necessary to fix the external interface whichwas destroyed during the replacement operation. An interestingobservation is that the Coulombic efficiency of the 13th cycledecreased to a value similar to that obtained at the end of thefirst discharge. The external interface has to be “rebuilt” duringthe first cycle in the fresh electrolyte. Figure 10 shows the chargeand discharge specific capacity of the SS/SNWs electrode as afunction of the cycle number. The efficiency increases duringthe first three cycles from about 90% to 99% and then slightly

decreases until the cell is disassembled. At the 13th cycle itdrops to 85% and starts growing again. The analogy with thedecreasing trend in surface resistance is straightforward and thetwo parameters appear to be directly correlated.

Analysis of the Diffusion Process. From the low-frequencycapacity Cd and the diffusion resistance Rd, it is possible tocalculate the diffusion coefficient of the lithium ions in the NW.In fact, in is possible to demonstrate that the diffusion coefficientcan be obtained as D ) L2/(3CdRd), where Cd and Rd are thecapacitive and the resistive limiting diffusion values and L isthe thickness of the film.20 In our “pseudofilm” model, D is an“effective” diffusion coefficient that describes the diffusion ofthe lithium ions from the surface of the fraction of the NWsurface exposed to the liquid interface toward the currentcollector or to the complex NW/SEI interphase of another wire.The case would be different, for example, in a beaker cellwherein each NW would be completely surrounded by liquidelectrolyte and D represents the diffusion coefficient from theexternal surface area to the center of the wire. The SEM imagesin Figure 1b provide support that this picture fits the electrodemorphology. However, the results of the error analysis in thefitting procedure point out that the Cd and Rd values from thespectra should be considered only an approximate method toestimate the diffusion coefficient. The situation is even morecomplicated because the NWs change in volume during theelectrochemical process. In fact, high-resolution SEM analysisshowed that the diameter increases from about 100 to 150 nmat the end of the charge.9 Under these basic assumptions, wehave obtained several D values at different SOC and DODduring cycling with the best fitting procedures (Table 2). Thelithium diffusion coefficient in silicon electrodes has beenreported in ref 14 for a conventional powder electrode.Compared to data in the literature (1.7 and 6.4 × 10-11 cm2/sfor 800 and 1200 mAh/g SOC, respectively), our diffusioncoefficient is 1 order of magnitude larger.

Comparison between ac and dc Behavior. A direct com-parison between the ac and dc response of the cell canbe performed by considering the internal resistance values(Figure 5c,d) and the total ac resistance measured by theimpedance response (the limit of the real part of the compleximpedance function when the frequency approaches 0). In theequivalent circuit in Figure 6, when Zd is the tangent-hyperbolicfunction, the limit is due to the sum of Rser, Rsur, and Rd;otherwise (when the diffusion element is modeled by the RQsubcircuit at high DOD) it is the sum of Rser, Rsur, and Rnp. Ifall the kinetic processes responsible for the electrode behaviorare present in the explored frequency range, the total acresistance of the electrode should be equivalent to the internaldc resistance.

When Zd is modeled by the hyperbolic tangent element (T)(as in Figure 7a) it is evident that the total ac resistance is 2

Figure 9. (a) Surface resistance trends vs. capacity for the second cycleand (b) vs. cycle number for the charge state of about 900 mAh/g.

Figure 10. Specific capacity of charge/discharge cycling as measuredduring both IS and GCPL three-electrode experiments.

TABLE 2: Calculated Diffusion Coefficientsa

cycle capacity (mAh/g) D (cm2/s) ( 0.5 × 1010

1 1090 (charge) 2.01 2900 (discharge) 2.02 2385 (charge) 2.02 1275 (discharge) 1.511 840 (charge) 3.011 3495 (charge) 1.511 1155 (discharge) 3.013 1920 (discharge) 2.0

a The diffusion coefficient was calculated for several capacitiesfitting Zd with the hyperbolic tangent T element.

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orders of magnitude lower than the dc internal resistance of thesystem. In other words, from the impedance analysis, we expecta drop in potential of a few millivolts rather than severalhundreds of millivolts (from Figure 5a,b) after the current isswitched off. To explain the discrepancy we have to considerthat the explored frequency range in our experiment is usuallytoo high to see modifications which have very long kinetics. Infact, the voltage time profile in Figure 2 is characterized by asudden drop followed by a slow relaxation of the potential. Wehave considered the system in equilibrium when the OCV/timeslope is lower than 0.5 mV/h (usually is less than 0.3 mV/h)but we are probably in a metastable condition that evolves withtime. Due to the very slow kinetics, the processes (usually dueto structural modification12) can be seen in impedance spec-troscopy only at a much lower frequency.

When the diffusion element is modeled by the RnpQd

subcircuit (at high DOD, as in Figure 7b), the sum of theimpedance resistance becomes comparable to the internalresistance. We also observed the OCV/time slope is about 1mV/h. At this DOD, the processes responsible for the slowrelaxation time become faster, can be found at higher frequen-cies, and could be connected to the Rnp value introduced in themodel.

Galvanostatic Continuous Cycling. In our previous work,11

we have observed better performance when the SiNWs arecycled between 0.07 and 2.0 V instead of 0.01 and 2.0 V vs.metallic lithium; in fact, both the Coulombic efficiency and thecapacity retention are higher in the smaller potential range. Inthe present work we have shown that at high SOC the surfaceimpedance is greater than at intermediate charge states. We havealso found a correlation between the Coulombic efficiency andthe surface resistance. Moreover, since the impedance increasesdramatically at a very high DOD, galvanostatic cycling has beenperformed by using a lower discharge cutoff potential with acurrent of 0.84 A/g (C/5). To lower the impedance withoutreducing too much reversible capacity, we cycled a two-electrode half cell in the potential range between 0.07 and 0.70V by GCPL. The corresponding results are reported in Figure11 in terms of specific capacity and coulomb efficiency andcompared, over 80 cycles, with the values from the cyclingbetween 0.07 and 2.0 V.

The initial specific capacity of the electrode is 1400 mAh/gwith a Coulombic efficiency of 75% in the first cycle. Duringthe first 14 cycles, the capacity and the efficiency increased to2600 mAh/g and 99.2%, respectively. The cell cycled with thehigher discharge cutoff potential (2 V) shows higher capacitiesfor the first 40 cycles, but afterward the performance became

worse. With the optimized voltage range (0.07-0.70 V), thecell shows a capacity retention after 80 cycles higher than 100%and 70% with respect to the first and the tenth cycle (havingthe greatest capacity); moreover, the Coulombic efficiency isabout 99% during all cycles.


We have already demonstrated that the SiNW-based electrodeshows promising performance when cycled in a half cellprototype vs. metallic lithium. Our chemical and electricalanalysis shows that the SEI formation is a potential dependentprocess and that achievement of a compact layer is a crucialrequirement for optimizing the charge/discharge efficiency.However, IS alone cannot be used to describe the electrodekinetics because we should use much lower frequencies tomonitor the very slow processes responsible for the electrodeequilibration at OCV. We have to point out that these frequen-cies could be reached with normal experimental setups, but arenot compatible with conditions required to have very stablemeasurements.

At low lithium compositions in the silicon NWs (high DOD),an abrupt increase in the electrode impedance was observed inboth the ac and dc responses. The reasons for this increase arestill not well understood and may be due to structural transfor-mations which have slow kinetics. The attempt to limit theimpedance growth by changing to the cycled potential rangefound that between 0.07 and 0.70 V the electrode is able todeliver 2000 mAh/g after 80 cycles with good efficiency and acapacity retention.

Acknowledgment. Y.C. acknowledges support from theGlobal Climate and Energy Project at Stanford, U.S. Office ofNaval Research, and King Abdullah University of Science andTechnology. C.K.C. acknowledges support from a NationalScience Foundation graduate fellowship and Stanford GraduateFellowship.

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