Impact Insider June 2011



Impact Kids Ministries Monthly Newsletter

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ne of the greatest outdoor adventures ever took place in the Old Testament. It was an adventure Abraham and his son Isaac will never forget. God told Abraham to take Isaac on a hike to a mountain near Moriah. Once they

arrived at the mountain, God asked Abraham to offer his son as a sacrifice. It was the hardest thing God could ask Abraham to do because Abraham was a great dad who loved his son very much. In this story Abraham does three amazing things. First, he never questions God's command. He never argues with God. Abraham obeyed! Has there ever been a time when one of your parents asked you to clean your room and you said, “why?” or “do I have to?” or “it's not that messy!” Second, Abraham immediately began making preparations for his son's sacrifice. He gathered his materials and headed out the very next morning. Have you ever been asked to take out the trash and you replied, “can I wait until a commercial comes on?” Finally, Abraham had faith. Abraham was trusting God to provide another sacrifice. After tying Isaac to the altar, Abraham raised his knife in the air ready to take his son's life. That's when God stopped him. Abraham had showed God he was obedient and God sent an angel who pointed out a ram caught in a thorn bush. The angel told Abraham to offer the ram as a sacrifice instead of Isaac. Abraham is a great example of a dad who loves God and is willing to obey Him no matter what. God never intended for Abraham to sacrifice Isaac, but God was testing

Abraham to see if he would be obedient and have faith in Him! Take a few minutes to think about how this story applies to your life today. Are there areas of obedience you need to work on with your parents? Do you obey

God's word from the Bible? Take some time and ask God to help you become completely obedient!!!

Impact Kids Ministries 600 7th St., PO Box 40 Port Edwards, WI 54469




Kids Church 8:30 & 10:30am


Kids Church 8:30 & 10:30am

Kids Patriotic Practice

Kids Church 6:00 pm

Kids Patriotic Practice

Kids Church 6:00 pm

Kids Church 6:00 pm

Kids Patriotic Practice

Kids Church 6:00 pm

Kids Patriotic Practice

Kids Church 8:30 & 10:30am

Kids Patriotic Practice

Kids Church 8:30 & 10:30am

Kids Patriotic Practice

CLF Day at the Rafters!! Sunday, June 12th

Father’s Day, June 19th!

Kid’s Practice for the Patriotic Musical, at the beginning of each Weekend Service for 3 weekends

in June, Beginning June 4th

Mark Your Calendars!! Patriotic Musical at Robinson

Park– July 2 & 3

VBS-July 18-22

Family Night at Clancy’s– July 24

Hi Kids,

On one hand I am sad because another school year is coming to an end and I will miss all of my friends from school very much.

But, on the other hand I am happy, because after all it is summer time and the “fun in the sun” activities will begin!

Hey, I have an idea!!! Why not do like what we are doing?

Invite those friends you are going to miss, to all the fun activi-ties CLF has planned this summer.


The Rafters Game June 12th. Baseball, hotdog & soda, you can’t get anymore summery than that! The Patriotic Musical at Robinson Park, July 2nd and 3rd, hey why not come and sing with the choir on stage! How cool is that! VBS is July 18th – 22nd. I hear there are some great prizes to be given away! And don’t forget that there is Camp at Spencer Lake August 8th – 12th!

I also know that we usually have an outdoor baptism in the summer, so think about attending or even getting baptized. Clancy’s has their night of golf this summer! And don’t forget to give your summer sports schedules to us so we can come and support your team and give everyone a nice cool treat!

Wow! When I look at all of that, I know that there are so many fun things to do this summer and before you know it school will be here once again! So get out there and enjoy the “fun in the sun” activities!

One more thought…when you invite your friends, you are be-ing a missionary, just like we spoke about this past spring!

God is so good!!! Love you all very much! See you this summer!!!

Mr. Jim & Ms. Ronda

Circular Volleyball

For this game you will use a large balloon in place of a volleyball. Have all the players but one start on side ‘A’ of the net. The lone player will start the game from side ‘B’. The object of the game is to get from side ‘A’ to side ‘B’. You get to switch sides when you hit the balloon over the net and onto the other side before the other team gets the balloon back over the net. Keep playing until all but one player is on side ’A’, then start over again.


Use sidewalk chalk to draw a row of connecting shapes (squares, triangles, circles, and diamonds). The row can be curved, straight, or zigzagged. Decide what activity should be done in each type of shape. Example: if you land on a square you have to do 3 jumping jacks. Time each person and see who can do it quickest!

Bubble Battle

Make a huge batch of soap solution using a ratio of one part dish soap to ten parts water. Go outside with a timer, cookie cutters, funnels, fly-swatters, slotted spoons, and anything else you think will make bubbles. Set the timer for 3 minutes. The attacking team makes bubbles with their kitchen utensils while the defending team chases the bubbles and demolishes them with the spatulas or wooden spoons. When the timer rings, quickly count how many bubbles are left in the sky. Have teams switch roles and see if the other team can demolish more bubbles than the first team.

Abraham was faced with a tough decision. He had to decide whether or not to obey God and sacrifice his only son, Isaac. Fortunately, this was only a test. Because Abraham passed the test, God rewarded him. Get out your Bible and read the whole story in the 22nd chapter of Genesis. Focus your attention on verses 16 & 17 and see how Abraham’s obedience paid off. Use the Bible to help you unscramble the words below. Then place the underlined letters in the spaces below to see what God thinks is better than a sacrifice.

“...because you have done this and have not with-

held your son, your only (ons), I will surely (selbs)

you and (kame) your (tendasesndc) as numerous

as the stars (ni) (het) sky and as the (dasn) on the


Cars 2—Releases June 24th Star racecar Lightning McQueen and the incomparable tow truck Mater take their friendship to exciting new places in Cars 2 when they head overseas to compete in the first-ever World Grand Prix to determine the world's fastest car. But the road to the championship is filled with plenty of potholes, detours and hilarious surprises when Mater gets caught up in an intriguing adventure of his own.

n obedient child is a parent’s dream. However, raising

obedient children takes a lot of work and patience. Below are several scriptures on obedience and a few ideas on how to get your kids reading them. Ex. 20:12, Deut. 32:46, Prov. 3:1. Prov. 3:12, Prov. 4:1, Prov. 4:3-4, Prov. 4:20, Eph. 6:1, Col. 3:20.

• Bible Drill- Give each family member a Bible. Call out one verse at a time and see who can find it and read it first!

• Scripture Hunt-Hide the verses all over the house. On “go” everyone hunts for the verses and reads the ones they found.

• Memorize one verse as a family. When everyone learns it, have a “Make Your Own Sundae Night.”

• Print the verses and hang them around the house.