IMPACT ANALYSIS OF SENIOR EXPERTS IN NEPAL Analysis of Senior Experts in Nepal . Preface. This...


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Authors: Simon Linder Ågheim, Aline Rouvroy, Sung A Shin, Fernando Ovalle, DongKyun Ha

Coach: Roger Martin, M.A.

Consulting Project International

Market Research for Senior Expert Corps

and Senior Experten Service


Impact Analysis of Senior Experts in Nepal

Reference Title Page

Swisscontact logo. (No date). Retrieved May 15th, 2015 from

Senior Experten Service logo. (No date). Retrieved May 15th, 2015 from

Frontispiece. (No date). Retrieved May 15th, 2015 from

Preface II

Impact Analysis of Senior Experts in Nepal

Project Team / Authors

Simon Linder Ågheim

Aline Rouvroy

Sung A Shin

Fernando Ovalle

Dongkyun Ha


Swisscontact, Zürich (Switzerland)

Elsbeth Horbaty, Project Manager of Senior Expert Corps

Senior Experten Service, Bonn (Germany)

Philipp Niermann, Deputy Head of International Department

Coach / Tutor:

M.A, Roger Martin

Submission date:

June 8th, 2015

This study was supported by the Innovation Fund of Unité, Swiss association for the exchange of personnel in development cooperation.

Preface III

Impact Analysis of Senior Experts in Nepal


This report is the result of a consulting project completed by five incoming students at

FHS, University of Applied Sciences, St Gallen, Switzerland, for Senior Expert Corps

(SEC) and Senior Experten Service (SES).

The main objectives of the project were to measure the outcome of Senior Experts’

assignments, which took place between 2013 and 2014 in Nepal, to collect feedback

from customers in regards to the collaboration process and to retrieve success stories.

Based on the findings, the team analysed similarities and differences between SEC

and SES, elaborated best practices and formulated suggestions for further


Overall, this project was an enriching experience both professionally and personally.

We learned how to deal with real working issues, to communicate on a professional

level and to adapt to unpredictable situations (e.g. earthquake in Nepal). We have

gained in confidence, learned how to work in an international team and developed

cultural awareness.

We would like to thank our clients Mrs Elsbeth Horbaty and Mr Philipp Niermann for

giving us the opportunity to do this project and sharing with us their professional

experience. Moreover, we would like to communicate our thanks to Mrs Alexandra

Wick for conducting the clients’ interviews in Nepal, and Mr Neeraj Singhal and Mr

Harihar Subedi for managing the online survey and interviews’ organization with

clients on-site. We would also like to thank Mr Walter Zahnd for providing us with

precious information about Nepali business culture.

We are particularly thankful to our coach, Mr Roger Martin, for supporting and guiding

us during the entire project.

Our thoughts are with the people of Nepal during this difficult time, following the tragic

earthquake that occurred in Nepal on April 25th, 2015.

St. Gallen, May 15th, 2015 The team

Management Summary IV

Impact Analysis of Senior Experts in Nepal

Management Summary

Initial Position

Swisscontact is a foundation, established in 1959, which aims to improve living

conditions in developing countries. The Senior Expert Corps, founded in 1980 by

Swisscontact, is a project implementing short-term assignments with Senior Experts in

developing countries and Eastern Europe to contribute with practical support to small

and medium enterprises (SMEs), and other institutions and therefore to a sustainable


Senior Experten Service is a non-profit organization, established in 1983 by the

Association of Chambers of Industry and Commerce (DIHT), which aims to support

societal, economic and social development in order to raise living standards in

developing countries, emerging markets and, since 1990, also in Germany.

SEC and SES are interested in measuring the outcome of the Senior Experts’

assignments they conducted in Nepal between 2013 and 2014.


1. The impact of Senior Experts’ assignments on clients of SEC and SES in Nepal

is evaluated.

2. Most significant change for customers due to an assignment has been

established and possible success stories of Senior Experts’ assignments (SEC

and SES) in Nepal are collected.

3. Comparisons between SEC and SES assignments in Nepal are made.

Differences and similarities between the results of both organizations are made

visible. Suggestions for improvements or further development are drawn from

the comparisons between SEC and SES.

4. Based on the received inputs, possible best practices and suggestions for

improvements or further development of the programs are proposed.

Management Summary V

Impact Analysis of Senior Experts in Nepal


A multi-method procedure (triangulation method) for the collection of data was applied

to conduct the primary research.

This implies the utilization of a quantitative online survey and qualitative interviews

conducted on site in Nepal.

Quantitative survey

The team used an online questionnaire since it is the fastest method to obtain a valid

sample for statistical analysis and the easiest to use with clients. Indeed, thanks to the

online survey, participants could fill in the questionnaire whenever they wanted. On the

other hand, this method allowed the team to analyse the results at any time.

The questionnaire was written down in clear, basic English to guarantee the

comprehension of the questions by every interviewee.

Qualitative survey

An employee of SEC conducted 10 individual qualitative on-site interviews with

managers and employees. This decision was made to prevent any linguistic barriers

that a phone interview might have led to.

The interview guide was semi-structured and included a list of questions and topics

that needed to be covered during the conversation, following the Most Significant

Change” (MSC) methodology. This is a method used to collect stories of change,

review these stories within the organisational hierarchy and provide stakeholders with

regular feedback about the review process.

Management Summary VI

Impact Analysis of Senior Experts in Nepal


Senior Expert Corps

Outcome of Senior Experts’ assignments:

Companies’ overall performance results Companies’ competitiveness results

88% of the participants can note

moderate or high enhancement of the

overall performance.

86% of the participants can note

moderate or high enhancement of their


Only 12% of the participants cannot note

or measure any enhancement of the

overall performance.

Only 14% of the participants cannot note

or measure any enhancement of their


Collaboration process:

The local coordinator shows motivation and excellent performance with regard to the

assignments in Nepal.

Overall the Senior Experts show motivation and expertise with regard to the

collaboration process. Considering cultural and linguistic differences, the Senior

Experts demonstrate excellent adaptations to the given conditions.

Overall, the communication before assignment is established to some extent between

the Senior Experts and the clients, with a relatively low percentage of non-

communicating parties.

Management Summary VII

Impact Analysis of Senior Experts in Nepal

Senior Experten Service

Outcome of Senior Experts’ assignments:

Companies’ overall performance results Companies’ competitiveness results

100% of the participants can note

moderate or high enhancement of the

overall performance.

82% of the participants can note

moderate or high enhancement of the

overall performance.

Only 8% of the participants cannot note or

measure any enhancement of their


Collaboration process:

The local coordinator shows motivation and excellent performance with regard the

assignments in Nepal.

Overall, the Senior Experts show motivation and expertise with regard to the

collaboration process. Considering cultural and linguistic differences, the Senior

Experts demonstrate superior adaptations to the given conditions.

When communication is established between the Senior Experts and the clients, it is

continuous. However, almost one third is not in contact before the assignment.

Management Summary VIII

Impact Analysis of Senior Experts in Nepal


Best practices

Step 1 Before the assignments

- Regular contact between the client and the Senior Experts.

The goal is to reduce the time spent on site to collect information about the clients’

situation and acquire knowledge about the Nepali market.

- Strict clients’ selection

It is essential that the local coordinators select clients who are willing to improve their

businesses and clearly define the companies’ problems to solve.

Step 2 During the assignments

- Regular follow ups done by the local coordinators.

Beside the fact that potential issues can be highlighted, it allows the coordinators to

develop a trustful relationship with the client.

- Willingness of the Senior Experts to adapt to different culture.

It is essential that the Senior Experts are able to understand and adapt to all cultural


Step 3 After the assignments

- Conduction of follow-ups (new assignment for the same client).

It is the only solution to verify that the management is following Senior Experts'

recommendations and is able to implement them.

- Conduction of personal follow-ups by the Senior Experts.

Clients are extremely thankful for the assistance provided by the Senior Experts in

case of problems.

Management Summary IX

Impact Analysis of Senior Experts in Nepal


Senior Expert Corps

1) Encourage the Senior Experts and the clients to exchange information about

the companies’ situation before the assignments on a regular basis.

2) Encourage the local coordinator to carefully select clients who are willing to

learn and show motivation.

3) Ensure that the local coordinator continues to maintain regular contact with the

client during the assignments.

4) Implement at least one follow-up assignment per client.

5) Continue to foster the relationship between the headquarters and the local


6) Continue to conduct successful assignments in Nepal.

Senior Experten Service

1) Ensure that the Senior Experts and clients exchange information about the

companies’ situation before the assignments on a regular basis.

2) Encourage the local coordinator to carefully select clients willing to learn and

show motivation.

3) Ensure that the local coordinator continues to maintain regular contact with the

client during the assignments.

4) Continue to conduct follow-up assignments.

5) Continue to foster the relationship between the headquarters and the local


6) Continue to conduct successful assignments in Nepal.

Table of Contents X

Impact Analysis of Senior Experts in Nepal

Table of Contents

Preface...................................................................................................................... III

Management Summary ........................................................................................... IV

Table of Contents ..................................................................................................... X

List of Figures ......................................................................................................... XII

List of Tables ......................................................................................................... XIV

List of Abbreviations .............................................................................................. XV

1 Letter of Scope ................................................................................................... 1

1.1 Company Description ..................................................................................... 1

1.1.1 Swisscontact – Foundation for Technical Cooperation...................... 1

1.1.2 Project Senior Expert Corps .............................................................. 2

1.1.3 Senior Experten Service .................................................................... 4

1.2 Initial Position ................................................................................................. 5

1.3 Project Goals ................................................................................................. 6

1.4 Approach ....................................................................................................... 7

1.5 Project plan .................................................................................................... 8

2 Research Design ................................................................................................ 9

2.1 Goals ............................................................................................................. 9

2.2 Target Group................................................................................................ 11

2.2.1 Target group of the quantitative survey ........................................... 11

2.2.2 Target group of the qualitative interviews ........................................ 12

2.3 Methodology ................................................................................................ 13

2.3.1 Quantitative survey.......................................................................... 13

2.3.2 Qualitative interviews ...................................................................... 13

3 Outcome of Senior Experts’ assignments ..................................................... 14

3.1 Introduction .................................................................................................. 14

3.1.1 Quantitative and qualitative survey data sets .................................. 14

3.1.2 Data set approach ........................................................................... 16

3.2 Senior Expert Corps ..................................................................................... 18

Table of Contents XI

Impact Analysis of Senior Experts in Nepal

3.2.1 Overview ......................................................................................... 18

3.2.2 Outcome on business efficiency and sustainability ......................... 20

3.2.3 Outcome on business profitability ................................................... 33

3.3 Senior Experten Service .............................................................................. 35

3.3.1 Overview ......................................................................................... 35

3.3.2 Outcome on business efficiency and sustainability ......................... 37

3.3.3 Outcome on business profitability ................................................... 46

3.4 Comparisons between SEC and SES .......................................................... 47

3.5 Conclusion ................................................................................................... 51

3.5.1 Senior Expert Corps ........................................................................ 51

3.5.2 Senior Experten Service .................................................................. 52

4 Comparisons between SEC and SES processes........................................... 53

4.1 Collaboration ................................................................................................ 53

4.1.1 With the local representative ........................................................... 53

4.1.2 With the Senior Experts ................................................................... 55

4.2 Communication ............................................................................................ 57

4.2.1 Before the assignments ................................................................... 57

4.2.2 During the assignments ................................................................... 58

4.3 Fulfilment of clients’ expectations ................................................................ 59

4.4 Conclusion ................................................................................................... 61

5 Success stories ................................................................................................ 63

5.1 Senior Expert Corps ..................................................................................... 63

5.2 Senior Experten Service .............................................................................. 65

6 Best practices ................................................................................................... 67

6.1 Description ................................................................................................... 67

6.2 Recommendations ....................................................................................... 69

6.2.1 Senior Expert Corps ........................................................................ 69

6.2.2 Senior Experten Service .................................................................. 69

7 Reflection of the goals ..................................................................................... 70

8 Self-Reflection .................................................................................................. 72

Bibliography ............................................................................................................ 75

List of Figures XII

Impact Analysis of Senior Experts in Nepal

List of Figures

Figure 1: Business model of SEC .................................................................................. 3

Figure 2: Target group (quantitative survey) ................................................................ 11

Figure 3: Outcome overview (SEC) ............................................................................. 18

Figure 4: Outcome on overall management (SEC) ...................................................... 20

Figure 5: Outcome on overall management (per sector, SEC) .................................... 23

Figure 6: Outcome on performance of employees (SEC) ............................................ 25

Figure 7: Outcome on performance of employees (per sector, SEC) .......................... 27

Figure 8: Outcome on quality of products/services (SEC) ........................................... 29

Figure 9: Outcome on quality of products/services (per sector, SEC) ......................... 31

Figure 10: Outcome on business profitability (SEC) .................................................... 33

Figure 11: Outcome overview (SES) ........................................................................... 35

Figure 12: Outcome on the overall management (SES) .............................................. 37

Figure 13: Outcome on overall management (per sector, SES) .................................. 39

Figure 14: Outcome on performance of employees (SES) .......................................... 40

Figure 15: Outcome on performance of employees (per sector, SES) ........................ 41

Figure 16: Outcome on quality of products/services (SES) ......................................... 43

Figure 17: Outcome on quality of products/services (per sector, SES) ....................... 45

Figure 18: Outcome on business profitability (SES) .................................................... 46

Figure 19: Comparisons between SEC and SES: overall performance ....................... 48

Figure 20: Comparisons between SEC and SES: competitiveness ............................. 48

Figure 21: Comparisons between SEC and SES: efficiency and sustainability ........... 49

Figure 22: Outcome conclusion (SEC) ........................................................................ 51

Figure 23: Outcome conclusion (SES) ........................................................................ 52

List of Figures XIII

Impact Analysis of Senior Experts in Nepal

Figure 24: Comparison between SEC and SES: collaboration with the local coordinator

.................................................................................................................................... 53

Figure 25: Comparison between SEC and SES: collaboration with the Senior Experts

.................................................................................................................................... 55

Figure 26: Comparison between SEC and SES: communication with the Senior

Experts (before the assignments) ................................................................................ 57

Figure 27: Comparison between SEC and SES: communication with the Senior

Experts (during the assignments) ................................................................................ 58

Figure 28: Comparison between SEC and SES: fulfilment of clients’ expectations ..... 59

List of Tables XIV

Impact Analysis of Senior Experts in Nepal

List of Tables

Table 1: Project plan ...................................................................................................... 8

Table 2: Primary research: online survey results ......................................................... 14

Table 3: Primary research: individual interviews’ statistics .......................................... 15

Table 4: Outcome analysis approach .......................................................................... 16

Table 5: Outcome on overall performance and competitiveness (SEC) ...................... 19

Table 6: Interviews’ statements on overall management (per sector, SEC) ................ 24

Table 7: Interviews’ statements employees ‘performance (per sector, SEC) .............. 28

Table 8: Interviews’ statements on quality of products/services (per sector, SEC) ...... 32

Table 9: Outcome on overall performance and competitiveness (SES) ...................... 36

Table 10: Interviews’ statements on overall management (per sector, SES) .............. 39

Table 11: Interviews’ statements on employees’ performance (per sector, SES) ........ 42

Table 12: Interviews’ statements on quality of products/services (per sector, SES) .... 45

Table 13: Values assigned to the Likert Scale ............................................................. 47

Table 14: Comparison between SEC and SES: collaboration with the local coordinator

(interviews’ statements) ............................................................................................... 54

Table 15: Comparison between SEC and SES: collaboration with the Senior Experts

(follow ups) .................................................................................................................. 55

Table 16: Comparison between SEC and SES: collaboration with the Senior Experts

(interviews’ statements) ............................................................................................... 56

Table 17: Similarities between SEC and SES processes ............................................ 61

Table 18: Differences between SEC and SES processes ........................................... 62

Table 19: Best practices before the assignments ........................................................ 67

Table 20: Best practices during the assignments ........................................................ 68

Table 21: Best practices after the assignments ........................................................... 68

List of Abbreviations XV

Impact Analysis of Senior Experts in Nepal

List of Abbreviations

DIHT - Association of Chambers of Industry and Commerce

MSC – Most Significant Change

SEC – Senior Expert Corps

SES – Senior Experten Service

SME – Small and Medium Enterprises

Chapter 1: Letter of Scope 1

Impact Analysis of Senior Experts in Nepal

1 Letter of Scope

1.1 Company Description

1.1.1 Swisscontact – Foundation for Technical Cooperation

Swisscontact was established in 1959 as an independent foundation with the vision to

make a sustained, effective contribution towards the reduction of economic disparities

in an increasingly complex, globalized world.

In order to achieve this mission, Swisscontact promotes economic and social

development in selected countries in the South and East, by creating opportunities for

people seeking to improve their living conditions and livelihoods through their own

initiatives and integrating them into local commercial life.

In 2014, Swisscontact was active in 27 countries with a workforce of 941 people. The

foundation’s head office is located in Zurich.

Swisscontact aims to improve living conditions in developing countries. Considering

that the private sector is the most important driving force behind economic

development and long-term poverty measures, the foundation focuses its actions on

the development of four private sectors:

a. Skills development: Swisscontact prepares people in developing countries for

the world of work through vocational training and advanced training.

b. SME promotion: Swisscontact identifies market options and mobility potential

for strengthening and encouraging long-lasting economic competitive ability of

local economies.

c. Financial services: The goal is to enable broad levels of the population,

especially farmers, women, small businesses and households to have access

to financial services such as small loans, savings options, and monetary

transactions including insurance.

Chapter 1: Letter of Scope 2

Impact Analysis of Senior Experts in Nepal

d. Resource efficiency: Swisscontact promotes energy efficiency in production of

small enterprises, regulated waste management, urban waste-water treatment

and drinking water provisions, renewable energies, sustainable building and

clear air in the cities.

Swisscontact is financed by private and public donors to the amount of 60 million

Swiss Francs per year.

1.1.2 Project Senior Expert Corps

The Senior Expert Corps, founded in 1980 by Swisscontact, is a project of

Swisscontact implementing short-term assignments with Senior Experts in developing

countries and Eastern Europe to contribute with practical support to small and medium

enterprises, and other institutions and therefore to a sustainable development.

Customers from developing countries and Eastern Europe can benefit from the

consulting services of Senior Experts. They can contact the SEC coordinators and put

a request for an expertise, which will promote their companies, create new jobs and

develop new products or services.

Senior Experts are selected from a pool of over 650 experts and appointed to

assignments in the area of tourism, crafts and skills development. SEC Experts share

their professional knowledge and skills where it is needed on a voluntary basis. Senior

Experts encourage the vocational/technical qualification of personnel and

management executives. Their assignments last on average between one to three


Since 1979, the Senior Expert Corps has organized and overseen 2,000 assignments

in 65 countries. In the process, the Experts have done over 778,370 voluntary working

hours with an equivalent value of approximately 29 million Swiss Francs. This project

has an annual budget of 500,000 Swiss Francs.

Chapter 1: Letter of Scope 3

Impact Analysis of Senior Experts in Nepal

After discussing with SEC’s representatives, the team has graphically represented the

business model of the SEC project as follows:

Figure 1: Business model of SEC


to help small and medium

enterprises in developing countries

Customer Relationships

Three types of customers: Experts, clients and donors

Key Partners

Clients (SMEs, institutions and cooperatives)



Key Activities

Short term advice to SMEs that are active in

the following areas:

Skills Development

SME promotion

Financial services

Resources Efficiency

Key Resources

Donors (financing: 0.5 million francs per year)

3 staff members

10 coordinators

Customer Segments

Small and medium enterprises

(institutes and cooperatives)


Advice and services of Senior Experts are

delivered directly to client located in developing countries and Eastern


Chapter 1: Letter of Scope 4

Impact Analysis of Senior Experts in Nepal

1.1.3 Senior Experten Service – The Foundation of German Industry for

International Cooperation

Senior Experten Service is a non-profit organization. It was established in 1983 by the

Association of Chambers of Industry and Commerce. In 1986, the Federation of

German Industries, and the Carl Duisberg Advisory Board joined as shareholders, and

later the German Confederation of Skilled Crafts and the Confederation of German

Employers’ Associations joined too.

The Foundation’s aim is to support societal, economic and social development in order

to raise living standards in developing countries, emerging markets and, since 1990,

also in Germany.

SES has its headquarters in Bonn, while fourteen offices in Germany and more than

180 representatives worldwide maintain contact with clients and with the Senior

Experts. As the Senior Experts Corps, SES offers interested retirees the opportunity to

pass on their skills and knowledge to others on a voluntary basis. Over 11,000 Senior

Experts, both men and women, are currently registered. They are retired specialists

from over 50 fields with years of professional experience, foreign language skills and

experience abroad, as well as the ability to adapt to the conditions that prevail

wherever they are assigned.

Since the SES was founded in 1983, 30,000 assignments have been implemented in

more than 160 different countries and in Germany. The duration of these honorary

assignments usually ranges from three to six weeks and the maximum is six months.

Chapter 1: Letter of Scope 5

Impact Analysis of Senior Experts in Nepal

1.2 Initial Position

Through its development cooperation, Switzerland has been engaged in Nepal since

1959. With the establishment of its Embassy in Nepal in August 2009, Switzerland’s

assistance has been strengthened, and it focuses on the following themes: rural

economy, social development through rural infrastructure, natural resources

management, technical and vocational education, local governance and human rights.

Switzerland is also committed to support Nepal in the process of political and social

conflict transformation as well as peace building at a local, national level and build

resilience to climate change.

Senior Expert Corps has been sending Senior Experts to Nepal since 1994. In total,

554 Senior Experts have supported SMEs and other institutions in Nepal.

As Swisscontact’s assignments are financed up to 50% by the Swiss Agency for

Development and Cooperation, the foundation must maintain its credibility by providing

its principal donor with a strong analysis of its long-term impact on local companies.

One way of evaluating the impact is by asking customers to fill in a questionnaire after

each assignment. In order to identify the long-term impact of the assignments of the

Senior Experts in Nepal, SEC wants to collect data from clients after the experts have

left. In other words, the SEC and SES are interested in:

a. The results and improvement of: business efficiency, sustainability of

businesses, increase in the number of employees, growth of revenue,

competitiveness and possible impact on local areas.

b. Success-stories of the assignment. What has been the most significant

change for head of companies and their staff due to the assignment(s) of a

Senior Expert?

The scope of the SEC will not measure all 554 assignments conducted in Nepal, but

only approximately 80 that were carried out in 2013 and 2014. A list of assignments

has been provided.

Chapter 1: Letter of Scope 6

Impact Analysis of Senior Experts in Nepal

The German organization SES has carried out 254 assignments for Senior Experts in

Nepal. The evaluation will cover approximately 45 clients for the SES, each of whom

had received an expert in 2013 and/or 2014. The list of assignments has been

provided to the team.

Based on the same questionnaire, similarities and differences between SEC and SES

clients will be evaluated and possible best practices will be highlighted.

1.3 Project Goals

The project is successful if the following goals are achieved:

1. The impact of Senior Experts’ assignments on clients of SEC and SES in Nepal

is evaluated. The results will be based on:

a. A quantitative questionnaire sent by e-mail to managers/contact persons

(one person per company)

b. Qualitative interview to managers/contact persons and to members of

staff of these companies

2. Most significant change for customers due to an assignment has been

established and possible success stories of Senior Experts’ assignments (SEC

and SES) in Nepal are collected.

3. Comparisons between SEC and SES assignments in Nepal are made.

Differences and similarities between the results of both organizations are made

visible. Suggestions for improvements or further development are drawn from

the comparisons between SEC and SES.

4. Based on the received input, possible best practices and suggestions for

improvements or further development of the programs are proposed.

Chapter 1: Letter of Scope 7

Impact Analysis of Senior Experts in Nepal

1.4 Approach

1. Describe the current situation of the Senior Expert Corps and the Senior Expert

Service in Nepal; understand the business model, the services and the project

scope (expert interviews and secondary research).

2. Define a project plan for the market research including timing, milestones,

meeting with customer and time needed by the project team and the customer.

3. Creation of the Letter of Scope including the company, the current situation, the

goals of the project and the approach.

4. Develop a research design for the primary research:

a. Goals: According to the goals of the project

b. Target group: customers and their employees of the SEC and SES in

Nepal having assignments in 2013 and 2014 (approx. 80 companies

(SEC40, SES40))

c. Research method: quantitative online-questionnaire to approximately 80

companies, qualitative interviews on site conducted by a Senior Expert

d. Content: quality of performance of Senior Experts, improvement of

business efficiency, sustainability of business, increase in the number of

employees, growth of revenue or maybe even impact on local areas

e. Success-stories of the assignments. What has been the most significant

change for head of companies and staff due to the assignment(s) of a

Senior Expert

f. Evaluation of a best practice and recommendations for further


5. Execute the research, analyse and interpret the data.

6. Analyse the results with focus on the differences and similarities regarding the

assignments of SEC and develop a best practice.

7. Make strategic and operational recommendations based on the collected data.

Chapter 1: Letter of Scope 8

Impact Analysis of Senior Experts in Nepal

1.5 Project plan

Table 1: Project plan

Clients’ meeting in Zürich, 24.02.2015

Letter of Scope, deadline 13.03.2015

Research Design, deadline 17.03.2015

Project Status Report, deadline 21.04.2015

Questionnaire and interviews, deadline 30.04.2015

Results discussion’s meeting with the client, 07.05.2015

Analysis of results, deadline 17.05.2015

Preprint final report, deadline 22.05.2015

Final report, deadline 08.06.2015

Final presentation, 09.06.2015

PR-Report, deadline 19.06.2015

Chapter 2: Research Design 9

Impact Analysis of Senior Experts in Nepal

2 Research Design

2.1 Goals

The goals of the Quantitative research are achieved if:

1. The impact on business efficiency due to Senior Experts’ assignments is

evaluated based on the following indicators:

Cost effectiveness of the company

Efficiency of the workforce

Number of employees

Quality of product/services

Revenue stream

2. The impact on business sustainability due to Senior Experts’ assignments is

evaluated based on the following indicators:

Customer loyalty from clients’ perspective

Work safety of employees

Managerial structure

Business competitiveness

3. The collaboration between clients and SEC/SES is determined regarding the

following criteria:

Transmission of knowledge

Cooperation process

Relationship between the managers and the Senior Experts

Chapter 2: Research Design 10

Impact Analysis of Senior Experts in Nepal

The goals of the Qualitative interviews are achieved if:

1. The collaboration process between managers/employees and Senior Experts is


2. Significant change on SMEs is identified and described, as well as possible ripple

effects on local population and environment

3. The outcome regarding business efficiency, business sustainability and business

competitiveness is explained

4. Clients’ perception of Senior Experts performance is explained

Chapter 2: Research Design 11

Impact Analysis of Senior Experts in Nepal

2.2 Target Group

2.2.1 Target group of the quantitative survey

After consulting the clients (SEC and SES), the questionnaire will be delivered to

heads of companies who received Senior Experts support in Nepal between 2013 and

2014. Both clients’ lists from SEC and SES have been provided to the team. Each file

includes e-mail addresses and phone numbers of companies’ contact persons in


The graph below represents the gross and net sample for SEC and SES’ clients:

Senior Experts Corps Senior Experten Service

Expected rate of return: 30%

Figure 2: Target group (quantitative survey)

The gross sample represents the number of persons to whom the questionnaire will be

sent out whereas the net sample shows the amount of answers expected to be


All clients of SEC and SES in Nepal between 2013 and 2014 will do the quantitative

survey, that is 67 SEC and 22 SES participants.

Chapter 2: Research Design 12

Impact Analysis of Senior Experts in Nepal

2.2.2 Target group of the qualitative interviews

As discussed with the clients (SEC and SES), interviews will be conducted in addition

to the questionnaire. The team considers that interviewing 10 companies is necessary

to establish a relevant analysis. The number represents approximately 30% of the net

sample of the questionnaire.

Proportionally to the net sample of both SEC and SES clients in Nepal, 7 companies of

SEC and 3 companies of SES will be consulted.

Companies eligible to interviews will be chosen regarding the answers to the

questionnaire and their location in Nepal. For logistical reasons, only companies

located in Kathmandu and Pokhara will be interviewed. The team will seek companies

which could be potential candidates for success stories, and companies which

encounter difficulties.

In agreement with the clients (SEC and SES), two target groups in each company will

be interviewed:

Managers of SEC and SES clients in Nepal

Managers selected for interviews will be the same ones who filled in the questionnaire

in order to preserve coherence between the quantitative and qualitative survey.

Employees of SEC and SES clients in Nepal

One employee per company who has been influenced by the changes, in the day-to

day business, due to Senior Experts’ assignment(s), will also be interviewed in order to

obtain complementary points of view.

Employees are only eligible to participate in the on-site interview in Nepal. This implies

that they only participate in approximately 50% of the research. This can be explained

by the fact that there is no adequate or scientific responsible way to enable employees

to participate in the online questionnaire, mainly due to resources (time and logistics).

However, all data from the on-site interviews with employees are highly significant

since they will provide depth to the research.

Chapter 2: Research Design 13

Impact Analysis of Senior Experts in Nepal

2.3 Methodology

A multi-method procedure (triangulation method) for the collection of data will be

applied to conduct the primary research.

2.3.1 Quantitative survey

In agreement with SEC and SES, the team will use an online questionnaire since it is

the fastest method to obtain a valid sample for statistical analysis and the easiest to

use with clients. Indeed, participants can fill in the online questionnaire whenever they

want and the duration needed to complete it should not exceed 15 minutes. On the

other hand, this method allows the team to analyse the results at any time.

The questionnaire will be written down in clear and basic English to guarantee the

comprehension of the questions by every interviewee.

An e-mail including the link to the questionnaire will be sent to managers/contact

persons (one per company).

2.3.2 Qualitative interviews

An employee of SEC will conduct 10 individual qualitative on-site interviews with

managers and employees. This decision was made to prevent any linguistic barriers

that a phone interview might lead to.

The interview guide will be semi structured to allow informants the freedom to express

their views in their own terms and the interviewer to ask additional questions that may

differ from the guide (Cohen & Crabtree, 2006).

The team will utilize the MSC methodology for the qualitative interview guides. This is

a method used to collect stories of change, review these stories within the

organisational hierarchy and provide stakeholders with regular feedback about the

review process (Davies & Dart, 2005).

Chapter 3: Outcome of Senior Expert’s assignments 14

Impact Analysis of Senior Experts in Nepal

3 Outcome of Senior Experts’ assignments

3.1 Introduction

3.1.1 Quantitative and qualitative survey data sets

In accordance with the goals of the research design, the team conducted both

quantitative (online survey) and qualitative (individual interviews) surveys and retrieved

the following statistics:

The online survey results

Table 2: Primary research: online survey results

The team collected respectively 44 and 15 answers from both SEC and SES clients.

However, in the case of SES, most of clients performed more than one assignment

between 2013 and 2014 and therefore sometimes filled in the online survey twice.

Consequently, the 15 answers compiled from SES clients actually correspond to 11



Total gross sample: 67

Completed survey: 44

Number of different clients who completed the survey: 44

Return rate: 65.7%


Total gross sample: 22

Completed survey: 15

Number of different clients who completed the survey: 11

Return rate: 50%

Chapter 3: Outcome of Senior Expert’s assignments 15

Impact Analysis of Senior Experts in Nepal

The individual interviews results

Table 3: Primary research: individual interviews’ statistics

In agreement between the team and the clients, one employee from SEC conducted

the interviews in Nepal from 19th to 28th of April, 2015.

The local coordinators of SEC and SES were in charge of the entire interview week’s

organisation. They managed to schedule 7 interviews for SEC and 3 interviews for

SES as planned in the research design.

Unfortunately, due to the tragic earthquake on 25th of April, 2015 in Nepal, 2 interviews

were cancelled.


Total number of expected client's interviews: 7

Number of selected clients subjected to interview: 13

Number of scheduled clients interviews: 7

Number of conducted clients interviews: 6


Total number of expected clients' interviews: 3

Number of selected clients subjected to interview: 5

Number of scheduled clients interviews: 3

Number of conducted clients interviews: 2

Chapter 3: Outcome of Senior Expert’s assignments 16

Impact Analysis of Senior Experts in Nepal

3.1.2 Data set approach

For this first part, a two-step approach is utilized, starting off with the analysis of the

online survey data sets since it provides measurable figures that can be utilized to

draw correlations needed to understand the reasons behind results.

The second part consists of an analysis of the online survey data sets per sector,

which can enlighten sectors in which assignments are successful or could be

improved. Only the sectors for which interviews were conducted are analysed.

The approach is visualized below:

Table 4: Outcome analysis approach

Analysis of the online survey data sets

- General overview

- Explanations of results based on statistical correlations

Analysis of online survey data sets per sector

- Focus on main factors influencing the overall performance

- Explanations of the results based on interviews' statements

- Only the sectors represented in the interviews are analysed



- Hotel, Café, Restaurant

- Education

- Food manufacturer


- Food manufacturer

- Health

Chapter 3: Outcome of Senior Expert’s assignments 17

Impact Analysis of Senior Experts in Nepal

It has to be considered that answers to the questionnaire are based on Likert scales,

and, consequently, do not allow the team to estimate to what extent the statements

are true. For instance, if a participant answers, “strongly agree” to a question that

stipulates, “due to the Senior Experts’ assignment, your company could enhance the

overall performance”, it means that the performance has improved (positive trend) but

it is impossible to deduce a percentage. On the contrary, if a client answers “strongly

disagree”, it does not necessarily mean that the overall performance has decreased

but might have just remained the same. Indeed, the team makes the assumption that it

is unlikely that the performance has diminished after the Senior Experts’ assignment

whose goal is to help companies in developing countries to develop.

Furthermore, it has to be taken into consideration that the SMEs who represent all

results shown in the following chapter, are at different stages of development. This

implies the following:

Companies in early stages: A type of company which needs to be taught basic

business related matters, often in all aspects, from management to employee

training/understanding. The research suggests that these companies often

perceive higher outcome since the threshold for implementation is lower. It is

often irrelevant to use complex measuring parameters at this stage, for

example, revenue, production cost measurements and production volume

measurements. These measurements become increasingly important when the

fundamentals are in place.

Companies which are more developed: a type of company where the basics of

business are in place, and more complex measuring parameters are relevant,

as mentioned above. The outcome threshold is often higher due to more

complex implementation, and the outcome is often related to longevity since

implementation of new and increasingly more complex strategies often takes

time to fully blossom.

This exemplification is highly important to note, and the results that are presented are

from companies with different expectations and levels of complexity.

Chapter 3: Outcome of Senior Expert’s assignments 18

Impact Analysis of Senior Experts in Nepal

3.2 Senior Expert Corps

3.2.1 Overview

Figure 3: Outcome overview (SEC)

Chapter 3: Outcome of Senior Expert’s assignments 19

Impact Analysis of Senior Experts in Nepal

At first glance, looking at the enhancement of the overall perfomance (red square) and

the competitiveness (yellow square), the results show the follwing:

Companies’ overall performance results Companies’ competitiveness results

88% of the participants can note

moderate or high enhancement of the

overall performance.

86% of the participants can note

moderate or high enhancement of their


Only 12% of the participants cannot note

or measure any enhancement of the

overall performance.

Only 14% of the participants cannot note

or measure any enhancement of their


Table 5: Outcome on overall performance and competitiveness (SEC)

These figures illustrate that the Senior Experts’ assignments have a significant positive

outcome on Nepali SMEs’ performance and competitiveness. In order to comprehend

the reasons behind this affirmation, the team will analyse the outcome of Senior

Experts’ assignments on business efficiency and sustainability as well as business

profitability. Moreover, to enable such comprehension, statistical analyses such as

bivariate correlation analysis and multivariate regression analysis are mainly utilized.

Bivariate correlation: “tests whether the relationship between two variables is linear (as

one variable increases, the other also increases or as one variable increases, the

other variable decreases)” (Garczynski, 2014).

Bivariate correlation produces output, which ranges from -1 (strong negative

correlation), to +1 (strong positive correlation).

This report only takes into consideration correlations above 0.6, which implies

moderate to high correlation.

Multivariate regression analysis: “Multiple regression is a statistical tool used to derive

the value of a criterion from several other independent, or predictor, variables. It is the

simultaneous combination of multiple factors to assess how and to what extent they

affect a certain outcome” (Janssen, n.d. para. 1).

Chapter 3: Outcome of Senior Expert’s assignments 20

Impact Analysis of Senior Experts in Nepal

3.2.2 Outcome on business efficiency and sustainability

Based on the multivariate regression analysis, the team has selected 3 factors that are

of high importance and impact directly the efficiency and substainability level of


- The overall management

- The performance of employees

- The quality of products/services Overall work management

General overview

Figure 4: Outcome on overall management (SEC)





The overall management has improved

Strongly agree

Slightly agree


Slightly disagree

Strongly disagree

N = 43

Chapter 3: Outcome of Senior Expert’s assignments 21

Impact Analysis of Senior Experts in Nepal


Due to the Senior Experts’ assignments:

84% of participants agree that they are able to manage their company more

efficiently than before the assignments.

33% of participants significantly improved their overall management.

51% of managers questioned indicate that the overall management has slighly


14% of participants actually consider that nothing has changed.

2% slightly disagree with this question. An explanation was found in the

qualitative interviews, in which one client stated the following “we were not

helped in finding better suppliers and the materials needed. We continue to use

our original contacts.” However, this client is overall satisfied with the


Chapter 3: Outcome of Senior Expert’s assignments 22

Impact Analysis of Senior Experts in Nepal


Competitiveness improves. With a score of 0.723, there is a high correlation

between the overall management and competitiveness. This figure illustrates

that if the overall management performance improves, there is a high

probabiltity that competitiveness will improve as well. This result is logical since

a company that is well-managed should technically achieve positive results.

Needless to say, external factors such as the economic context might intervene.

Performance of employees improves. With a score of 0.690, there is a

moderate to high correlation between the overall management and the

performance of employees. This figure illustrates that if the overall management

performance improves, the performance of employees should improve as well.

This result is logical as an employee who is given clear guidelines, whose work

is controlled and who receives feedback from his/her manager usually performs

better than one who is not led at all.

The ability to obtain resources more efficiently. With a score of 0.749, there

is a high correlation between the overall management and the management of

resources. This figure illustrates that if the overall management performance

improves, the ability to obtain resources more efficiently improves as well.

Improvements in work safety. With a score of 0.812, there is a very high

positive correlation between the overall management and work safety. This

implies that when the management improves, it is able to allocate resources

and train employees, so the employees are able to handle, for example,

equipment in a sufficient safe way. Furthermore, it can be linked to the

importance of fire drills, earthquake management etc.

Chapter 3: Outcome of Senior Expert’s assignments 23

Impact Analysis of Senior Experts in Nepal

Overview per sector

Figure 5: Outcome on overall management (per sector, SEC)












Overall management has improved (per sector)

Strongly agree

Slightly agree


Slighly disagree

Strongly disagree

Chapter 3: Outcome of Senior Expert’s assignments 24

Impact Analysis of Senior Experts in Nepal



Almost 90% of managers in the education sector affirm that the

overall mangement has improved. This is mainly due to the fact that

lesson planning, homework and management online systems have

been implemented.

“Our chefs have slowly changed their teaching approach: students do homework and

get prepared before they come to the classroom”, “chefs and students are both

preparing for the class”.

“Every lesson plan is in a file on a computer. Let’s say, if I am sick tomorrow and I

can’t come to work, somebody else can easily teach the students based on my

lesson planning, so there is no gap”.

“We separate the class because of the difference of knowledge”.



Café sector

Almost 88% of managers in the hotel, café, resturant sector state that

the overall management has enhanced. This is mainly due to the fact

that there is a better following of employees’ achievements.

However, 12% consider that there was no change of situation. This is

not due directly to the assignments but it is the result of external

factors such as the difficulty to obtain specific ingredients in Nepal.

“Now, when employees make a mistake, I take them separately to talk, sometimes

two times, three times. When they make several mistakes, I gather the staff and

explain the complaint to them”.

“Due to the lack of products and supplies in Nepal, we haven’t managed to apply

what we learned”.




Almost 70% of managers in the hotel, café, resturant sector state that

the overall management has enhanced. This is mainly due to the fact

that there is a better management of the stakeholders.

“The Senior Expert taught us how to handle the workers, the staff, the products, the


“The first time, we had more employees than we needed, and now we have the same

employees but they are fully occupied”.

“The Senior Expert showed us how our products should be displayed and


Table 6: Interviews’ statements on overall management (per sector, SEC)

Chapter 3: Outcome of Senior Expert’s assignments 25

Impact Analysis of Senior Experts in Nepal Performance of employees

General overview

Figure 6: Outcome on performance of employees (SEC)


Due to the Senior Experts’ assignments:

93% of the participants note overall improvements by their employees.

42% notice high improvements by their employees.

51% of the participants notice slight improvements by their employees.

Only 7% gave a neutral answer to this question.




The performance of employees has improved

Strongly agree

Slightly agree


Slightly disagree

Strongly disagree

N = 43

Chapter 3: Outcome of Senior Expert’s assignments 26

Impact Analysis of Senior Experts in Nepal


The performance of employees has improved due to an improvement of the


Indeed, the overall improvement of management and the performance gain of

employees appear to have a moderate to high positive correlation of 0.690. It means

that when the management improves, the overall performance is enhanced.


Competitiveness improved. With a score of 0.764, there is a high correlation

between the performance of employees and the competitiveness of the

company. This figure conveys that when the performance of employees

improves, competitiveness improves too. This results is logical since employees

represent the labour factor within a company and consequently play a major

role in the company’s results.

Chapter 3: Outcome of Senior Expert’s assignments 27

Impact Analysis of Senior Experts in Nepal

Overview per sector

Figure 7: Outcome on performance of employees (per sector, SEC)












The performance of employees has improved (per sector)

Strongly agree

Slightly agree


Slighly disagree

Strongly disagree

Chapter 3: Outcome of Senior Expert’s assignments 28

Impact Analysis of Senior Experts in Nepal



Almost 95% of businesses can note a strong positive trend regarding

the performance of their employees.This is mainly because teachers

feel more confident, are more student-oriented and more organized.

“Before the chef was only giving a briefing to students, and then cooking. The new

policy includes multiple repetitions, tastings, getting feedback not only about the food

but the service as well”.

“Teachers learned many things: how to use the materials, how to evaluate the

knowledge, how to acquire the knowledge. Then they evaluate if the knowledge is

properly used, and then they make the plan for the next day”.

“I have become a better teacher. For the other teachers, they have a very good

attitude and they are now respecting their job”.



Café sector

Almost 90% of businesses can note a strong positive trend

regarding the performance of their employees.This is mainly due to

the fact that employees use the supplies more efficiently and have

developed a customer-oriented relationship.

“At the second assignment, we made a special bonfire in the winter; people liked it

and stayed longer.” “Even now we make it every night and people like that”

“My employees are using more part of the meat and fish, which they were not doing

before. With this technique, we are more sustainable because we are more

independent from the supplier”.

“My employees learnt how things should be organized, how food should be prepared,

at which temperature the food should be stored”.

“My employees benefit a lot of the current business situation because one of them is

actually talking about setting up his own bakery now”.




100% of businesses can note a strong positive trend regarding the

performance of their employees.This is mainly due to the fact that

employees learned new recipe.

“We make many new things: muffins, cakes that we display “.

Table 7: Interviews’ statements employees ‘performance (per sector, SEC)

Chapter 3: Outcome of Senior Expert’s assignments 29

Impact Analysis of Senior Experts in Nepal Quality of products/services

General overview

Figure 8: Outcome on quality of products/services (SEC)


Due to the Senior Experts’ assignments:

83% of the participants affirm that the quality of their products/services have

improved following the Senior Experts’ assignments.

49% perceive high improvements regarding the quality of their products and/or


34% note slight improvements in the quality of products and/or services.

17% do not perceive any change.




The quality of products/services has improved

Strongly agree

Slightly agree


Slightly disagree

Strongly disagree

N = 41

Chapter 3: Outcome of Senior Expert’s assignments 30

Impact Analysis of Senior Experts in Nepal


An improvement of the products and services’ quality is mainly due to an improvement

in the performance of employees.

A score of 0.617 shows that an improvement in the performance of employees

correlates moderatly with the enhancement of products’/services’ quality. It means

that when the performance of employees improves, the quality of products/services

also improves.

Chapter 3: Outcome of Senior Expert’s assignments 31

Impact Analysis of Senior Experts in Nepal

Overview per sector

Figure 9: Outcome on quality of products/services (per sector, SEC)












The quality of products/services has improved (per sector)

Strongly agree

Slightly agree


Slighly disagree

Strongly disagree

Chapter 3: Outcome of Senior Expert’s assignments 32

Impact Analysis of Senior Experts in Nepal



Almost 80% of managers think that they are delivering a service of

higher quality to students mainly because they improved the

infrastructure and are more student-oriented.

“We used to have practice but only between students, not with the guests. Now they

work with guests, they are exciting and I can see the improvement. It is like a hotel”.

“Menus are more balanced”.

“The idea of making lesson plan and the idea to prepare children for the lesson is

really important and is really effective. Before students were passive and now

teachers make students work”.

“Each class has a plug now”.

“Since we have solar panels, all the computer are linked to them, so we don’t have

any problem of power cut. This is a big change and it is fantastic and awesome”.



Café sector

Almost 85% of managers affirm that the quality of their products and

services has improved. This is mainly due to the fact that hygiene has

improved as well as the taste of the food served.

“I have almost eight hundred people reviewing. Out of 100, only two or three wrote a

bad review”. “Before, there were sometimes bad reviews on TripAdvisor, we couldn’t

handle the people coming to the restaurant, but now we can do it, we are more


“The changes were that the hygiene has improved as well as the control of the food.

Before we used to have complains about the food served”

“The Senior Expert showed us how to cover the food for the fridge, before we didn’t

put any cover”.

“Working condition is now healthier, customers sometimes got sick before”.




100% of the managers claim that the quality of their products has

improved mainly due to the fact that hygiene has improved.

“We know how to maintain hygiene, how to control it and cook”.

Table 8: Interviews’ statements on quality of products/services (per sector, SEC)

Chapter 3: Outcome of Senior Expert’s assignments 33

Impact Analysis of Senior Experts in Nepal

3.2.3 Outcome on business profitability

Figure 10: Outcome on business profitability (SEC)


Contrary to efficiency and sustainabily factors that show a clear positive trend,

the results in term of profitability are generally mixed.

However, turnover has increased for 68% of companies and 45% have

increased salaries.

These results are encouraging for the future development of the companies

which should be able to afford new equipment, and the hiring of more

employees, for instance, if their businesses expand.






















Increase the salaries

Decrease your production cost

Increase your production volume

Increase your profit

Increase your sales


Strongly disagree Slightly disagree Neutral Slightly agree Strongly agree

Chapter 3: Outcome of Senior Expert’s assignments 34

Impact Analysis of Senior Experts in Nepal


The diversification of results can easily be explained by the fact that companies

are at different development levels.

Companies in which the workforce is still learning fundamentals such as how to

conserve food, usually lack financial figures for the last few years.

Consequently, it is almost impossible for them to directly see the outcome on

profitability. It is a long term impact that will be measured in the coming years.

However, the situation is different for companies which are already developed.

Managers usually have financial balance sheets and income statements and

are able to see the changes annually.

Chapter 3: Outcome of Senior Expert’s assignments 35

Impact Analysis of Senior Experts in Nepal

3.3 Senior Experten Service

3.3.1 Overview

Figure 11: Outcome overview (SES)

Chapter 3: Outcome of Senior Expert’s assignments 36

Impact Analysis of Senior Experts in Nepal

Looking at the enhancement of the overall perfomance (red square) and the

competitiveness (yellow sqaure), the results show the following:

Companies’ overall performance results Companies’ competitiveness results

100% of the participants can note

moderate or high enhancement of the

overall performance.

82% of the participants can note

moderate or high enhancement of their


Only 8% of the participants cannot note or

measure any enhancement of their


Table 9: Outcome on overall performance and competitiveness (SES)

These figures show that the Senior Experts’ assignments have a significant positive

outcome on Nepali SMEs’ performance and competitiveness. In order to understand

the reasons behind this statement, the team will analyse the outcome of Senior

Experts’ assignments on efficiency and sustainability as well as business profitability.

Bivariate correlation analysis is the main statistical method of usage for the outcome

part for SES. It is not possible to do a multivariate regression analysis due to the low

sample size.

Bivariate correlation produces output, which ranges from -1 (strong negative

correlation), to +1 (strong positive correlation).

This report only takes into consideration correlations above 0.6, which imply moderate

to high correlations.

Chapter 3: Outcome of Senior Expert’s assignments 37

Impact Analysis of Senior Experts in Nepal

3.3.2 Outcome on business efficiency and sustainability

Based on the bivariate correlation, the team has selected 3 factors that are of high

importance and impact directly the efficiency and substainability level of companies:

- The overall management

- The performance of employees

- The quality of products/services Overall work management

General overview

Figure 12: Outcome on the overall management (SES)



Overall management has improved

Strongly agree

Slightly agree


Slightly disagree

Strongly disagree

N = 11

Chapter 3: Outcome of Senior Expert’s assignments 38

Impact Analysis of Senior Experts in Nepal


73% of participants can note a strong positive trend.

27% of participants can note a positive trend.

In total 100% of participants can note a positive trend in regards to the

improvement of the management.


The management of resources has improved. With a score of 0.668, there is

a moderate to high correlation between the overall management and the

management of resources. It means that when the overall management

improves, the ability to obtain resources more efficiently improves as well.

The performance of employees has improved. With a score of 0.802, there

is a very high correlation between the overall management and the

performance of employees. This figure illustrates that if the overall management

performance improves, the performance of employees should improve as well.

This result is logical in a sense that an employee who is given clear guidelines,

whose work is controlled and who receives feedback from his/her manager

usually performs better than an employee who is not led at all.

The quality of products/services has improved. With a score of 0.716, there

is a very high correlation between the overall management and the

improvement of the products/services. This implies that when the management

improves, the quality of products/services also improves. On the other hand, if

the performance of the management decreases, the quality of the

products/services will proportionally decrease by a factor of 0.716.

Chapter 3: Outcome of Senior Expert’s assignments 39

Impact Analysis of Senior Experts in Nepal

Overview per sector

Figure 13: Outcome on overall management (per sector, SES)

Health sector 100% of managers affirm that their overall management has




100% of managers state that their overall management has

improved. This is mainly due to the fact that the workplace

management has improved and there is better management of

resource allocation.

“If I put the machine and it was not in the right place, the Senior Expert suggested to

me that it was not in the right place”, “If the Senior Expert saw something, for

example machines, then he told me how to keep it perfect.

“The Senior Expert told me I have to write what I do in a board or in a book”

Table 10: Interviews’ statements on overall management (per sector, SES)















Health (N=2) Craft (N=1) Education(N=1)

Overall management has improved (per sector)

Strongly agree

Slightly agree


Slightly disagree

Strongly disagree

Chapter 3: Outcome of Senior Expert’s assignments 40

Impact Analysis of Senior Experts in Nepal Performance of employees

General overview

Figure 14: Outcome on performance of employees (SES)


50% of the participants can note a strong positive trend.

50% of the participants can note a positive trend.

In total, 100% of the participants can note a positive trend in regards to the

improvement of employees’ performance.


Customer satisfaction has improved. With a score of 0.839, there is a very

high correation between the improvement of customers’ satisfaction and the

improvement of employees’ performance.

50% 50%

The performance of employees has improved

Strongly agree

Slightly agree


Slightly disagree

Strongly disagree

N = 14

Chapter 3: Outcome of Senior Expert’s assignments 41

Impact Analysis of Senior Experts in Nepal

Overview per sector

Figure 15: Outcome on performance of employees (per sector, SES)















Health (N=3) Craft (N=2) Education(N=2)

The performance of employees has improved (per sector)

Strongly agree

Slightly agree


Slightly disagree

Strongly disagree

Chapter 3: Outcome of Senior Expert’s assignments 42

Impact Analysis of Senior Experts in Nepal

Health sector

100% of managers affirm that the performance of their doctors has

improved. This is mainly due to the fact that doctors have learned

new medical techniques or practices and they have developed a

patient-oriented approach.

“My doctors learned how to cooperate, how to approach the patient, how to treat

cerebral palsy”.

“In Nepal, we tell the patient that he has to have a surgery. I learned from the Senior

Expert that I don’t decide for the patient. We give them options so they can decide for


“Increasing our knowledge, we are able to recognise more areas as well that are

lacking, and help those that we couldn’t help before. Now we can do this better

because before we were doing meaningless and superstitious things”.

“We moved from one disease to the entire spectrum”.



100% of managers state that their employees’ performance has

improved. This is mainly due to the fact that employees use

equipment at their disposal more properly, and that they learned

techniques to improve their cuisine.

” I learned how to sharpen a knife and how to use the machines, how to clean the

machines, and at what temperature to cook the meat”.

Table 11: Interviews’ statements on employees’ performance (per sector, SES)

Chapter 3: Outcome of Senior Expert’s assignments 43

Impact Analysis of Senior Experts in Nepal Quality of products/services

General overview

Figure 16: Outcome on quality of products/services (SES)


77% of the participants can note a strong positive trend.

15% of the participants can note a positive trend.

8% of participants cannot note any change.




The quality of products/services has improved

Strongly agree

Slightly agree


Slightly disagree

Strongly disagree

N = 13

Chapter 3: Outcome of Senior Expert’s assignments 44

Impact Analysis of Senior Experts in Nepal


Competitiveness has improved. With a score of 0.982, there is a very high

correlation between the quality of products/services and business

competitiveness. This means that when the quality of products/services

improves, business competitiveness improves too.

Customers’ satisfaction has improved. With a score of 0.927, there is a very

high correlation between the quality of products/services and customers’

satisfaction. This means that when the quality of products/services improves,

customers are more satisfied. Moreover, customer satisfaction can be linked

directly to competitiveness, with a very high positive correlation of 0.915.

Chapter 3: Outcome of Senior Expert’s assignments 45

Impact Analysis of Senior Experts in Nepal

Overview per sector

Figure 17: Outcome on quality of products/services (per sector, SES)

Health sector

100% of managers affirm that the quality of the service that is

delivered to patient has improved. This is mainly due to the fact that

doctors are more patient-oriented. Patients’ requests always come


“Our unit established some standards and quality and we now receive students and

professionals from different countries”.

“Before we had 20 children in one hour. Now I tried to give to all children 45min to

1h, which is new for me”.

“I believe we are now treating not only cerebral palsy but new medical disorders”.



65% of managers affirm that the quality of the products and services

delivered to customers has improved.

Table 12: Interviews’ statements on quality of products/services (per sector, SES)














Health (N=3) Community(N=3)


Craft (N=2)

The quality of products/services has improved (per sector)

Strongly agree

Slightly agree


Slightly disagree

Strongly disagree

Chapter 3: Outcome of Senior Expert’s assignments 46

Impact Analysis of Senior Experts in Nepal

3.3.3 Outcome on business profitability

Figure 18: Outcome on business profitability (SES)

Out of the 15 completed surveys, only approximately 30% of answered questions

regarding profitability were collected (n = 5).

Moreover, the question arises as to why one third did not answer these questions.

Possible explanations are drawn, but are only based on assumptions:

Profitability measurements are not possible to establish or not relevant at the

current developmental stage of the enterprise.

Measurements of profitability are not relevant for the type of company, for

example, non-profit organizations.

However, besides the low number of applicable answers, those that were given show

a positive trend regarding profitability. As mentioned, profitability measurement is often

related to longevity, in the sense that developing companies often need time to

implement these complex parameters of measurement.













Increase the salaries

Decrease your production cost

Increase your production volume

Increase your profit

Increase your sales


Strongly disagree Slightly disagree Neutral Slightly agree Strongly agree

Chapter 3: Outcome of Senior Expert’s assignments 47

Impact Analysis of Senior Experts in Nepal

3.4 Comparisons between SEC and SES

Firstly, the team will compare the average score of each question with regards to the

enhancement of the overall performance, competitiveness, efficiency and

sustainability. Moreover, to be able to generate mean values for each question, the

Likert scale was assigned values from 1 till 5.

Before proceeding with the analysis, it must be taken into consideration that the

sample sizes of SEC and SES are largely different, and thus the results of SES carry

more uncertainty than SEC. This poses a restriction to the opportunity to make

comparisons based on the quantitative results expressed in percentage.

Answers: Score:

Strongly agree = 5

Slightly agree = 4

Neutral = 3

Slightly disagree = 2

Strongly disagree = 1

Table 13: Values assigned to the Likert Scale

Following this, “a two-sample (independent groups) t-test is used to determine if the

unknown means of two populations are different from each other based on

independent samples from each population” (Elliott & Woodward, 2007).

The hypotheses that are tested in this test are the following:

Ho: m1 = m 2 (In words: The population means of the two groups are the same.)

Ha: m 1 ≠ m 2 (The population means of the two groups are different.)

Chapter 3: Outcome of Senior Expert’s assignments 48

Impact Analysis of Senior Experts in Nepal

Moreover, similar tests for small sample sizes have been conducted and the results

are appropriate to the two-sample t-test.

Figure 19: Comparisons between SEC and SES: overall performance

Statistically, there is no significant difference between SEC and SES with regards to

the overall performance.

Figure 20: Comparisons between SEC and SES: competitiveness

Statistically, there is no significant difference between SEC and SES with regards to


4,45 4,71







Enhance the overall performance











Improve your competitiveness



Chapter 3: Outcome of Senior Expert’s assignments 49

Impact Analysis of Senior Experts in Nepal

Figure 21: Comparisons between SEC and SES: efficiency and sustainability

In general, the results between SEC and SES are very coherent implying that,

statistically, there is on average no significant difference between SEC and SES

regarding the mean score for each question.

However, there are certain differences that must be analysed:

Improvements of overall management

Statistically, there is a significant difference between SEC and SES in regards to the

improvement of the overall management. Before proceeding, please note that SES

has on average a higher score than SEC, even though this is not significant.

Following the analysis of the qualitative data and an interview with a well-exposed

Senior Expert, a strong trend emerges as to why this is so.









Chapter 3: Outcome of Senior Expert’s assignments 50

Impact Analysis of Senior Experts in Nepal

SES has fewer assignments but conducts more follow-up assignments. SEC has more

assignments but fewer follow-up assignments. The Senior Expert who was interviewed

stated that the most important measure to ensure success is to ensure a system of

follow-up assignments.

Increase in the number of employed people

There is no significant difference between SEC and SES regarding this question.

However, the score of this question is significantly lower than for the others at 3.32 out

of 5. There is certain ambivalence towards this question. From a stakeholder’s point of

view, increasing the number of employed people can be perceived as positive for local

populations. From a business perspective, in certain cases, it might be a corporate-

oriented managerial decision to cut or maintain the existing workforce. As was found in

the interviews, one company stated that before the assignment they were not efficient

at all. In fact, they had more employees than they needed. Now, they have the same

number of employed people but they are 100% occupied.

The relation between management and employees

An interesting notion that appears in the data set is the high score of the improvement

of employees’ performance. Even though there is a high turnover rate of employees in

Nepal, the performance of employees is still considered to have improved 1 to 2 years

after the assignment(s). This can be linked to the positive trend regarding the overall

management. In other words, the management is able to train and teach their new


Chapter 3: Outcome of Senior Expert’s assignments 51

Impact Analysis of Senior Experts in Nepal

3.5 Conclusion

3.5.1 Senior Expert Corps

Figure 22: Outcome conclusion (SEC)

Figure 22 illustrates the overall outcome of the Senior Experts’ assignments and the

three main significant changes which directly contribute to improving the overall

performance of companies. These are the management, the performance of

employees and the quality of products and services. Among these factors, the

management is the most important to focus on since it directly influences the

employees’ performance and indirectly the quality of products and services. Moreover,

regarding the high turnover of employees in Nepali companies, it is essential to train

the managers to enable them to share their knowledge with new employees.

To summarize, teaching techniques to employees significantly improves business

efficiency in the short term. However, giving advice to managers will significantly

improve business sustainability in the long term and directly enhance business


0.729 0.740 0.713

0.617 0.690


Improvement of


Improvement of



Improvement of the

quality of


Improvement of the

competitiveness Improvement of the overall performance


Chapter 3: Outcome of Senior Expert’s assignments 52

Impact Analysis of Senior Experts in Nepal

3.5.2 Senior Experten Service

Figure 23: Outcome conclusion (SES)

Figure 23 illustrates the overall outcome of the Senior Experts’ assignments and the

main significant changes which improve the overall performance and competitiveness

of companies. These are the management, the quality of products and services,

employee performance and customer satisfaction. Among these factors, the quality of

products and services is one of the most important to focus on since it directly

influences the overall performance and competitiveness of companies. However,

enhancing the quality is only possible if the management has improved, and the same

applies for the improvement of employees’ performance. Moreover, regarding the high

turnover of employees in Nepali companies, it is essential to train the managers to

enable them to share their knowledge with new employees.

To summarize, teaching managerial techniques significantly improves the quality of

products/services and the performance of employees. These two factors are essential

to higher customer satisfaction and to improve business competitiveness.




0.982 0.927




Improvement of


Improvement of the

quality of


Improvement of the

overall performance

Improvement of the



Improvement of the



Improvement of the


Chapter 4: Comparisons between SEC and SES’ processes 53

Impact Analysis of Senior Experts in Nepal

4 Comparisons between SEC and SES processes

4.1 Collaboration

4.1.1 With the local representative

Figure 24: Comparison between SEC and SES: collaboration with the local coordinator

In general, both SEC and SES local coordinators demonstrate a very good to excellent

ability to collaborate with clients.



25% 20%













Collaboration with the local coordinator


Very Good


Very Poor


Chapter 4: Comparisons between SEC and SES’ processes 54

Impact Analysis of Senior Experts in Nepal

All clients interviewed are extremely satisfied as the following statements reveal:

Collaboration with the local coordinator of SEC

“The communication was very well, very professional”.

“He was available if we needed anything. He was very clear, open-minded”.

“He was very supportive and helpful. He was always in touch with us and he did the


“He was very friendly, so he was easy for us to cooperate with him”.

“He is the man that once you are in contact with him, he does not leave you like that.

He is constantly in contact with you. He is so precise, even for small things, he

contacts you, advices you, guides you. He is a really good organizer, I would like to be

like him”.

“He was a really good representative because when we requested something from

him, he immediately reacted. We did not need to wait so long”.

Collaboration with the local coordinator of SES

“He was very helpful and quick. He sometimes visited us. He is like family”

“He is very good. We met personally”

Table 14: Comparison between SEC and SES: collaboration with the local coordinator (interviews’ statements)

Chapter 4: Comparisons between SEC and SES’ processes 55

Impact Analysis of Senior Experts in Nepal

4.1.2 With the Senior Experts

Figure 25: Comparison between SEC and SES: collaboration with the Senior Experts

In general, both SEC and SES clients consider the collaboration with Senior Experts

as very good to excellent.

The team is not able to explain why 2% of SEC clients chose ‘very poor’ regarding this

question. No evidence found in the surveys could support a good explanation.

Looking at the interviews, it appears that most of the Senior Experts are still in contact

with the clients after the assignments and do personal follow-ups. This quality is highly

appreciated by the clients who usually have questions for them. Below are some

statements regarding this point:


“We are keeping in touch through emails”.

“If you need further assistance, you can always get in touch with him”.

“It is really good to see that even if he is not there, he is still opened to us”.


“I send him pictures like EGs via email to ask for an opinion. He sometimes answers

that he will ask someone who is specialised in this field”.

Table 15: Comparison between SEC and SES: collaboration with the Senior Experts (follow ups)



30% 27%

7% 2%











Collaboration with the Senior Experts


Very Good


Very Poor


Chapter 4: Comparisons between SEC and SES’ processes 56

Impact Analysis of Senior Experts in Nepal

All clients interviewed are extremely satisfied as the following statements show:

Senior Experts (SEC)

“He was a sending angel. He was very professional, humble, smart, hard-working,

respective, well-mannered, patient and polite. His teaching style is very top level”.

“He was 100% committed”.

“He is very flexible, expert, friendly and soft. He had a great contact”.

“He was very friendly, helpful, professional and open-minded. He could find all the

problems. He gave us a daily plan”.

“They were really high qualified”.

“He was the best expert, very sincere, experienced and nice. He cared about us. He

could adjust to the Nepali culture”.

Senior Experts (SES)

“They were very qualified, professional, dedicated, helpful and willing to answer to


“He was very good, helpful, and cooperative. He was very family. He showed good


Table 16: Comparison between SEC and SES: collaboration with the Senior Experts (interviews’ statements)

Chapter 4: Comparisons between SEC and SES’ processes 57

Impact Analysis of Senior Experts in Nepal

4.2 Communication

4.2.1 Before the assignments

Figure 26: Comparison between SEC and SES: communication with the Senior Experts (before the assignments)

Comparing SEC and SES in terms of communication before the assignment reveals a

significantly different structure of communication. Concerning SEC, 89% of clients

have been in contact with the Senior Expert(s) before the assignment(s), to some

varying degree. As for SES, 60% of clients were often in contact with the Senior

Expert(s), 13% had some contact, and 27% no contact at all.

Being in contact with clients before the assignment is of utmost importance, and this

can be emphasized by the following statement, “It takes him/her one or two weeks

when he/she comes here to prepare”. Furthermore, having regular contact with clients

can ensure that time is not wasted when the Senior Expert arrives.




13% 11%











Communication with the Senior Experts before the assignments


Quite a Bit

Not at all

Chapter 4: Comparisons between SEC and SES’ processes 58

Impact Analysis of Senior Experts in Nepal

4.2.2 During the assignments

Figure 27: Comparison between SEC and SES: communication with the Senior Experts (during the assignments)

At first glance, the results might appear to be very different in nature. However,

globally, the results show that the communication between clients and Senior Experts

during the assignment is very good indeed.

Furthermore, it shows how the Senior Experts are able to overcome large language

barriers with innovative ways of teaching. Stated in several of the interviews, the

Senior Experts were able to teach by showing, and it proved to be a very successful

way of teaching.

The team is not able to explain why 2% of SEC’s clients answered ‘very poor’ to this

question; no evidence found in the surveys could offer an exact explanation.




13% 9%














Communication with the Senior Experts during the assignments


Very Good


Very Poor


Chapter 4: Comparisons between SEC and SES’ processes 59

Impact Analysis of Senior Experts in Nepal

4.3 Fulfilment of clients’ expectations

Figure 28: Comparison between SEC and SES: fulfilment of clients’ expectations

Expectations are difficult to fulfil, since the expectation range can vary widely from

client to client. However, globally the results are very positive both for SEC and SES.

For SEC, there is little evidence that supports an explanation as to why 2% answered

‘very poor’ to this question. However the team makes the assumption, based on

statements from the clients, that the client received a Senior Expert for another field of

expertise than the one requested.

On the other hand, there are certain aspects clients’ states in the interviews that are of


Length and frequency of the assignments: “One month was ok, but more

often”, “I think one month was too short for us, it could have been two months”,

“If we could have had longer time, it would have been more useful…” These

statements are found throughout the interviews, and stipulate that follow-up

assignments are needed to ensure the longevity of the assignment.



32% 33%













Fulfillment of clients' expectations


Very Good


Very Poor


Chapter 4: Comparisons between SEC and SES’ processes 60

Impact Analysis of Senior Experts in Nepal

Market place: It is important that Senior Experts have some knowledge about

the Nepali market place in order to avoid the development of new products

which do not meet the customers’ needs.

Sending the same Senior Expert: If the relationship between the Senior

Expert and the client is favourable, it is essential to send the same Senior

Expert for a follow-up assignment.

Senior Experts’ dedication and motivation: Both SEC and SES Senior

Experts show motivation and dedication towards the projects in the sense that

they continue to assist the clients after assignments.

Chapter 4: Comparisons between SEC and SES’ processes 61

Impact Analysis of Senior Experts in Nepal

4.4 Conclusion

Similarities between SEC and SES

Collaboration with the local coordinators

The local coordinators of both SEC and

SES show motivation and excellent

performance regarding the assignments

in Nepal. Both coordinators are a key

value for the success of the assignments.

Collaboration with the Senior Experts

Overall, the Senior Experts show

superior motivation and expertise in

regards to the collaboration process.

Communication during the assignment

Considering cultural and linguistic

differences, the Senior Experts

demonstrate remarkable adaptations to

the given conditions.

Table 17: Similarities between SEC and SES processes

Chapter 4: Comparisons between SEC and SES’ processes 62

Impact Analysis of Senior Experts in Nepal

Differences between SEC and

SES Comments



before the





assignments is

established to

some extent,

with a relatively

low percentage

of non-





is established, it

is continuous.


almost one third

is not in contact



The important thing to note

here is that both

organizations have room for

improvements regarding the

communication process

before the assignments.

Considering the short length

of assignments, it is

imperative to establish a

regular communication

structure between the

Senior Experts and the

clients, in order to avoid

waste of time during the

actual assignment.

Frequency of


High number of



and low number

of follow-up


Low number of


and high

number of



Having follow-up

assignments is one of the

key criteria to ensure long-

term success of


Table 18: Differences between SEC and SES processes

Chapter 6: Success stories 63

Impact Analysis of Senior Experts in Nepal

5 Success stories

5.1 Senior Expert Corps

Company: Victor Hugo Manjushree Vidyapith

The school Victor Hugo Manjushree Vidyapith is a primary school founded in 2005.

When Mr Pramod Khakurel and Mrs Saru Bhetwal became the owners of the school in

2011, after spending many years in France, they realised that the Nepali education

system could be improved “In Nepal, our problem is that our children do not think, they

are learning by heart. Even the teachers go to school without thinking and usually ask

to students: what can I teach you? The main problem is to train teacher who never had

trainings and if you want to hire experienced teacher, it is really expensive for a

primary school” explains Mr Pramod. To do so, he decided to apply for a Senior

Experts’ assignment offered by SEC. Two Senior Experts, Urs and Dora, came to the

school twice times between 2013 and 2014.

They mainly taught the teachers to “prepare a lesson plan” before each class, to

“separate the class by difference of knowledge” to implement “six levels of questions”

and to “give homework” to children. Moreover, they also explained the importance of

hygiene to students, especially “how to wash their hands with soap”. On the other

hand, as power cuts are frequent in Nepal, “Urs and Dora suggested installing some

solar panels” explains Mr Pramod.

As a result of the Senior Experts’ assignments, the performance of teachers has

significantly improved. “I have become a better teacher. I have lots of confidence now.

For me, managing the class by level and the 6 levels of questions motivate children

and I still follow it” explains a teacher. Furthermore, the communication and

relationship between children and teachers have been enhanced. “We had morning

assembly where only children were singing. Students and teachers have been singing

together for two years now” explains Mr Pramod. The school is also more sustainable

than before the assignment as the director mentioned “we had a lot of problems of

electricity. Today, we have 60 solar panels, which means 24 hours of electricity. All the

computers are linked to it. If there is a power cut, we have electricity for 2 days. This is

Chapter 6: Success stories 64

Impact Analysis of Senior Experts in Nepal

a major change and it is fantastic”. Last but not least, these assignments have

contributed to enhancing the performance of students and to make them happier.

“When you go to class and you see children without education expressing themselves

in English, it is not the case in other schools. Some students who went to expensive

school because they provide good quality education now realise that we are doing the

same thing for poor people, not only for the rich. Our students do not want to go back

home because they love the school. Once they are here, they don’t want to go to

another school” explains Mr Pramod.

It goes without saying that the school Victor Hugo Manjushree Vidyapith, thanks to the

help of SEC and its experts, now provides poor children with high quality teaching that

competes with expensive private schools. Children are so happy that they do not want

to leave the school. Teachers who never received any training before have learned

“how to use materials, how to evaluate knowledge, to acquire knowledge” with the

support of the Senior Experts. “Whenever someone says that we will have training, we

become so happy and we think it is an opportunity” explains a teacher.

Chapter 6: Success stories 65

Impact Analysis of Senior Experts in Nepal

5.2 Senior Experten Service

Company:The Self-Help Group for Cerebral Palsy

The Self-Help Group for Cerebral Palsy is a non-governmental and non-profit

organization, founded 27 years ago with the goal to support people with cerebral palsy

and their family.

Before 2006, “this organization was really isolated, doctors were establishing wrong

diagnoses” explains Mr. Bimal, current CEO of the clinic. It was prevalent in this

association as well as in other clinics and hospitals in Nepal as doctors generally learn

from books and barely have practice. However, when Mr. Bimal joined the Self-Help

Group for Cerebral Palsy in 2006, he also brought with him the ambition to train the

doctors in order to provide adapted treatments to children diagnosed with cerebral

palsy. “Technical doctors are the backbone of the organization, so they need to be

good” explains Mr. Bimal. To do so, he decided to apply for a Senior Experts’

assignment offered by SES.

Following this, Prof. Gunter Gross-Selbeck and his wife, Sr. PT Claudia, have come

once a year to the clinic. They succeeded in transferring their expertise that

practitioners could not learn from any books through the hands-on trainings. “After

noticing my interest for cerebral palsy’s treatment, Dr. Gunter asked me to inject Botox

to CP children, which was not happening in Nepal before. I am now the only one in

Nepal to practise Botox injections and I present my work during many seminars”

explains a doctor. Apart from medical technique or knowledge, Sr. PT Claudia also

taught excellent virtues to be a competent doctor. “Before we examined 20 children in

one hour. Now I try to spend 45min with all children” explains a physiotherapist.

Moreover, annual training sessions and long-term follow-ups allowed doctors to

become, not only better, but excellent. “One of our doctors is a paediatrician. Before

he was trained by SES experts, he did not know about the medicine and small

children. Today, there are around 300 paediatricians in Nepal and they all refer to him.

This is a big success. Indeed, after four years of learning with SES, he has grown up

and become a star” explains Mr Bimal.

Chapter 6: Success stories 66

Impact Analysis of Senior Experts in Nepal

As a result of the improvement in doctors’ performance, the Self-Help Group for

Cerebral Palsy could upgrade the quality of their medical service to the same level as

that in hospitals in developed countries. “We feel very proud when people who went

abroad tell us that the standard is the same here. The Nepali population has an

access to a service that was not available in Nepal before, only abroad” Even parents

of children are happily surprised when they come for the first time to the clinic. “A

father was in Kathmandu where he spent three months before coming here. He went

to many NGOs, many hospitals, and one recommended him to come here. He told me

that he did not believe that Nepal had such service, a real service. This quality is

actually established by SES and the Senior Experts” explains Mr Bimal.

Though the Self-Help Group for Cerebral Palsy has achieved incomparable successes

with the support of SES, it is not complacent about its current position as a leading

hospital in Nepal. Its members are still eager to learn further to discover effective ways

to cure more children and ensure better health for them.

Chapter 6: Best practices 67

Impact Analysis of Senior Experts in Nepal

6 Best practices

6.1 Description

Step 1 Before the assignments

Regular contact between the client and the Senior Experts. It is imperative to

ensure that the Senior Experts are continuously in contact with the client before the

beginning of the assignments. The goal is to reduce the time spent on site to collect

information about the clients’ situation and acquire knowledge about the Nepali

market. This is even more important if only one short assignment is conducted. In the

field, SEC's Senior Experts are in general more in contact with clients before the

assignments than SES.

Strict clients’ selection. It is essential that the local coordinators select clients who

are willing to improve their businesses and clearly define the companies’ problems to

solve. The goal is to guarantee that the right Senior Expert is chosen. Both SEC and

SES coordinators are in general aware of this.

Table 19: Best practices before the assignments

Chapter 6: Best practices 68

Impact Analysis of Senior Experts in Nepal

Step 2 During the assignments

Regular follow ups done by the local coordinators. This practice is followed by

both SEC and SES coordinators and is highly appreciated by the clients. Besides the

fact that potential issues can be highlighted; it allows coordinators to develop a

trustful relationship with the client.

Willingness of the Senior Experts to adapt to different cultures. It is essential

that the Senior Experts are able to understand and adapt to all cultural aspects. Both

SEC and SES Senior Experts demonstrate ability to adjust to a different culture,

which explains the overall positive results of assignments. All clients interviewed are

highly satisfied with Seniors Experts.

Table 20: Best practices during the assignments

Step 3 After the assignments

Conduction of follow-ups (new assignment for the same client). In order to

ensure that the management, which is the leading factor of sustainability and

competitiveness, is well-trained and able to teach new employees, it is imperative that

follow-ups are conducted. This is even more important since Nepal is facing a high

employee turnover. Moreover, follow-ups are the only solution to verify that the

management is following Senior Experts' recommendations and is able to implement

them. SES is currently following this practice with an average of two assignments per

client in Nepal.

Conduction of personal follow-ups by the Senior Experts. Most of the Senior

Experts are regularly in contact with the clients who they advise after the

assignments. They usually communicate by email. Clients are extremely thankful for

the assistance provided by the Senior Experts in case of problems. Both SEC and

SES Senior Experts generally follow this practice.

Table 21: Best practices after the assignments

Chapter 6: Best practices 69

Impact Analysis of Senior Experts in Nepal

6.2 Recommendations

6.2.1 Senior Expert Corps

1) Encourage the Senior Expert and the client to exchange information about the

company’s situation before the assignment on a regular basis.

2) Encourage the local coordinator to carefully select clients who are willing to

learn and show motivation.

3) Ensure that the local coordinator continues to maintain regular contact with the

client during the assignment

4) Implement at least one follow-up assignment per client

5) Continue to foster the relationship between the headquarters and the local


6) Continue to conduct successful assignments in Nepal

6.2.2 Senior Experten Service

1) Ensure that the Senior Expert and the client exchange information about the

company’s situation before the assignment on a regular basis.

2) Encourage the local coordinator to carefully select clients who are willing to

learn and show motivation.

3) Ensure that the local coordinator continues to maintain regular contact with the

client during the assignment

4) Continue to conduct follow-up assignments

5) Continue to foster the relationship between the headquarters and the local


6) Continue to conduct successful assignments in Nepal

Chapter 7: Reflection of the goals 70

Impact Analysis of Senior Experts in Nepal

7 Reflection of the goals

This chapter will present goals determined at the beginning of the project and a

reflection about whether and how they were achieved.

1. The impact of Senior Expert assignments on clients of SEC and SES in Nepal

is evaluated.

To achieve this goal, two methods were utilized: a quantitative online survey as well as

qualitative interviews. This was done in order to ensure reliable and valid data sets

which could yield relatable and sufficient results. Additionally, MSC methodology was

implemented for the qualitative interviews. This was done to ensure that the interviews

could be interpreted to yield valid results. Both methods were conducted and were

highly successful, and it was thus possible to measure the impact and the outcome of

the assignments in Nepal in a sufficient way.

2. The most significant change for customers due to an assignment has been

established and possible success stories of Senior Expert assignments (SEC

and SES) in Nepal are collected.

To fulfil this goal, the online quantitative survey and the qualitative interviews were

utilized to triangulate and detect significant changes for clients due to an assignment.

With statistical tools, and MSC interpretation of qualitative interviews, it was possible

to detect significant changes, at several levels, and the goal was thus successful.

Through the analysis, the team retrieved success stories for both SEC and SES.

3. Comparisons between SEC and SES assignments in Nepal are made.

Differences and similarities between the results of both organizations are made

visible. Suggestions for improvements or further development are drawn from

the comparisons between SEC and SES.

Chapter 7: Reflection of the goals 71

Impact Analysis of Senior Experts in Nepal

To be able to compare SEC and SES assignments, both the online quantitative survey

and the qualitative interviews were utilized.

With proper statistical instruments, it was possible to compare SEC and SES in

regards to the quantitative survey.

Concerning the qualitative interviews, the comparison was made possible via a

thorough interpretation of the clients’ statements.

Although the proportion of sample size differed, this goal was fulfilled and valuable

information was retrieved.

Via this process, suggestions for future improvements were proposed.

4. Based on the received inputs, possible best practices and suggestions for

improvements or further development of the programs were proposed.

Via the entire process, in other words, the analysis of all data material, it was possible

to establish best practices as well as provide suggestions for improvements and a

proposal for the further development of the programmes. The goal was thus


Chapter 8: Self-Reflection 72

Impact Analysis of Senior Experts in Nepal

8 Self-Reflection

“Prior to this project I had little to no knowledge about teamwork, intercultural aspects,

professional communication and collaboration processes. Furthermore, being selected

as the team leader for such a complex and diverse project was a humbling statement

of trust from my dear teammates.

Due to the nature of the project, dealing with different expectations of different clients,

different cultures within the team, conducting our research in a foreign country, this

project has truly been an obstacle course filled with challenges from the very start.

Through this process as the obstacles commenced, I learned that the only way to

tackle such obstacles were to face them straight on, and to deal with the reality of the


The most challenging aspect of the project was by far the intercultural aspect,

especially in regards to communication. It sure takes time to fathom how to tackle a

multicultural diverse situation. Such a diverse situation was and is prone to generate a

wide array of misinterpretations. However, with the openness of the team, clients and

the coach, I was able to get a deeper awareness about the intrinsic differences of

different cultures.

I cannot say that I understand all aspects of different cultures, communication and

collaboration, but I can definitely say that I am much more aware as a person, I now

accept the differences; I will never criticise other cultures and their way of method

again, I rather engulf in the treasure-trove of awaiting knowledge. I am truly grateful

that I have been able to discover my strengths and weaknesses in aforesaid

situations. Moreover, that I have been able to learn ample knowledge about other

cultures and communication.”

Simon Linder Ågheim

Chapter 8: Self-Reflection 73

Impact Analysis of Senior Experts in Nepal

“From my perspective, I’m very grateful for the experience of working on this project

with different nationalities. As in any team we had some issues in the beginning, for

example how to explain or allocate work amongst the team. The main reason was the

communication, but I would like to highlight that we all put in a lot of efforts to solve

this problem and we succeeded. It was my first experience doing a consulting project

and it was very helpful. I have learned things that will help me in the future. Like I said

before, I do not have any experience about consulting projects, I have now a real

conception about the steps that I need to follow to create a viable project. Other

important things that I learned and the most important in my opinion, was how to work

with people from other countries and other cultures. I mean working with my team and

the companies, the experience that I obtained, it was truly great because it was my

first experience working with another language that I do not frequently use.

Fernando Ovalle

“The consulting project was a new and different challenge for me. When I looked at

the syllabus of the consulting project before the semester, it caught my interest

because it looked so different from any other lectures. I taught I could not skip out on

this opportunity that is truly unique. So I chose to take the consulting project. However,

at the beginning, the project was massive and appeared to be something almost not

accomplishable for me. I perceived the project to be very complicated and I felt that my

language expertise was somewhat inferior for the task. Moreover, I could really see

that my language ability evolved during the entire project. I appreciated that I could

look at how Swiss and German companies work. When something was difficult in

regards to the work, the team would always gladly assist me. However, there could

sometimes be conflicts because of the cultural difference. It was not easy at times to

understand the cultural characteristics. However, we could resolve those problems

through in depth and open conversation. Finally, we found ways to delegate work and

it worked well. On the other hand, this project gave me insight and knowledge about

culture and teamwork. For example, thanks to this project, I now have understanding

of the importance of work in developing countries”

Dongkyun Ha

Chapter 8: Self-Reflection 74

Impact Analysis of Senior Experts in Nepal

This project was my first working experience as a member of an international

consulting team. I had realised two consulting projects for French companies the past

two years but it was completely different than to work for two international clients. The

focus is not the same. I discovered that establishing a clear and realistic project plan,

explaining the methods that will be used in the project were fundamental before

starting any research. That was something I have never been used to. If at the

beginning, I admit I was little perplexed, I realised, after the issue we faced during the

conduction of the online survey that planning tasks and anticipating problems as well

as communicating with the clients on a regular basis were essential to avoid

misunderstanding and complications. That is the main lesson I learned and that I will

apply in the future. Moreover, I am really thankful for having the opportunity to work on

a project about Nepal. This was a personal enriching experience that broadened my

mind and made me realise how culture can differ from a country to another and how

important it is to take this factor into consideration. Analysing results of a country

should always start first with learning about the culture to avoid misinterpretations.”

Aline Rouvroy

“Through this project, I acquired valuable lessons that I could not learn from my

academically focused home university. As it was my first time to do the Consulting

project, I sometimes struggled a lot with the tasks that were given to me. To be more

specific, setting project goals and making the interview guides demanded good

English skills and a complete understanding of the whole project. Though I tried to

comprehend all the information regarding this project, it was still not easy for me to

establish right goals and make ideal questions. Thanks to our team members’ support

and advice, I was able to find the reasons of my difficulties and improved further. On

the other hand, transcription and summary of the interviews were not so difficult but it

required much time to finish. However, this process helped me to understand the

project better. Moreover, I could prepare myself in internationalized working

environments by collaborating with a multicultural team. This is because this project

helped me to realize the importance of accepting different working styles and

perspectives generated by diverse cultures in order to lead a great teamwork.”

Sung A Shin

Bibilography 75

Impact Analysis of Senior Experts in Nepal


Cohen, D. & Crabtree, B. (July 2006). Qualitative Research Guidelines Project.

Retrieved on March 19th, 2015 from

Davies, R. & Dart, J. (2005). The ‘Most Significant Change’ (MSC) Technique.

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Elliott, A. C. & Woodward, W. A. (2007). Statistical Analysis Quick Reference

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Garczynski, J. (2014). Bivariate Correlation in SPSS. Retrieved on May 2nd, 2015


Techopedia. (No Date). Multiple Regression. Retrieved on May 3rd, 2015 from


We hereby declare, that we:

- author this report independently and quote all used sources.

- do not pass any information from the company to unauthorized third parties; not

even beyond the project work.

- do not hand out copies from this report to any third parties without approval of WTT

and the customer.

St Gallen, 17.05.15 Simon Linder Ågheim

Aline Rouvroy

Sung A Shin

Fernando Ovalle

Dongkyun Ha
