Immanuel orphanage school · 2016-12-30 · Immanuel orphanage school Mission Statement: By...


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Robert Kisitu felt called by God in 2012 to reach out to all the

under privileged children who have lost their parents in his

rural area of the Luwero District, Uganda. The closest village of

Janda, has no other schools or services to speak of.

There are hundreds of children in the area that need an oppor-

tunity to get a basic educa%on, but there are no funds availa-


Many if these children have lost one or both of their parents

and do not have the money to pay for school.

Immanuel orphanage


Change the world one life at a timeChange the world one life at a timeChange the world one life at a timeChange the world one life at a time

Immanuel orphanage school

Phone: 256-785-741891 Email:

PO Box 14011 Plot # 6741 Kampala Gayaza Road Uganda, East Africa

Immanuel orphanage school

Mission Statement:

By changing the life of a child, we can change the world we live in!

Rev. Kisitu Robert believes that even under-privileged children with no parents deserve the opportunity

for an educa%on. In his small village there were no such opportuni%es available before Immanuel

Orphanage School opened in 2012.

Robert was able to get an educa%on with support from his grandfather, and believes in the power of an

educa%on to change a child’s life.

As we educate the children, we create a new and brighter future for Uganda!

Why do children need an education?

◊ The ability to read and write is crucial to the ability to obtain employment

◊ The cogni%ve skills developed at a young age increases the child's ability to learn,

reason and improve later in life

◊ Direc%ng a child’s ac%vi%es in a posi%ve direc%on reduces crime and an%–social


◊ A child that has a basic educa%on is more likely to have a be0er understanding of

health and good hygienic prac%ces, reducing the spread of illness and disease

◊ Going to school improves the child’s coopera%on skills that lead to be0er rela%on-

ships both at home and in life outside the home

◊ An educa%on improves a child’s self esteem which is crucial to many of these

children who don’t have a parent to give them uncondi%onal love and support

◊ As a child becomes more educated they become a stronger champion for society

and the be0erment of Uganda as a country….

◊ They are the leaders of tomorrow.

Immanuel orphanage school

Why is Immanuel Orphanage School a good investment?

There are three large buildings in

excellent condi%on that are perfect for

a school

There is a deep water well on the property, so there is always

fresh water

There is already a garden area, which is being farmed to help

increase the food supply

They currently have three milk goats, and are building a pen, so that

they can increase the number of goats as

funds allow;

crea%ng a good supply of healthy goat’s milk

They have just completed a pen to keep

their livestock safe from predators.

Since Opening, the school has had many students that have passed the na%onal exams,

because the quality of the educa%on is something the school prides itself on.

Immanuel is also in the process if building a chicken coupe, so that chickens can be

purchased for eggs. These will supply another source of protein for the children

Many of these children do not get food except for the meals that they have when they

are at school

The owners of the land and buildings are not charging any rent for their use. They are

also not taking any personal salary There are currently NO children that can afford to

pay for their food and a0endance at school. They are currently func%oning solely on


Immanuel orphanage school

Descrip�on Amount in Shillings

US $1.00

No school:

April, September, December and January

May vary based

on Exchange rate

Salary Registered Nurse 500,000 145.00

Salary 1 teachers 30,000 9.00

Gasoline to town 100,000 29.00

School Supplies 100,000 29.00

Internet 35,000 10.00

Other purchases List separately

Food Type : total budget





Corn flour




Medical supplies 50,000 21.00

Repairs to bldgs.

Savings acct 175,000 50.00

Total spent

Fill in monthly Budget 1.490.000 $433.00





House needs

Proposed Operating Budget for 25 children — assessment is $25 per child per month

Immanuel orphanage school

Future plans and dreams

◊ MORE STUDENTS: When the school first opened in 2012 there were more than

300 children who wanted to come to school. But funds are needed to be able to

increase the number of students. More students require more teachers, more

supplies and more food.

◊ A PERIMETER FENCE: The Department of Educa%on requires that schools have a

fence surrounding the school tp protect the children from animals and kidnappers.

It will be an expensive proposi%on, and we need donors to help with the costs.

◊ MORE SOLAR PANELS: During the rainy season, it is very difficult to light the class-

rooms, and the two solar panels that the school currently has are geFng old.

◊ MORE GOATS AND CHICKENS: To increase the amount of protein in the children's


◊ MOSQUITO PROTECTION: Screens or mosquito nets for all the classroom windows.

◊ MORE INVOLVEMENT: Local craJsmen, farmers, and businessmen to come and

teach “Life Skills” classes, so these children can start learning about different trades

and occupa%ons

Health Care Issues in Janda

There is NO health care clinic or facility of any kind. The closest facility is 45km away,

and very difficult to people to get to, as many have no transporta%on.

Because there are THREE buildings on the School Property, it is our dream to turn one of

the buildings into a Health Care Clinic for the neighboring towns and villages that cannot

get to Kampala.

Rev. Kisitu is willing to donate the use of the building to an organiza%on that can come

in with basic equipment and staff to start a rural health care clinic. Not only will this

benefit the children at the school, but also all the residents of surrounding villages and


Emergency care and basic health care educa%on is crucial in these rural areas. This rural

Health Care Clinic would be an important benefit for all concerned.
