Illinois Knights News - Illinois State Council


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Illinois State Council Knights of Columbus

Illinois Knights News

Paul Havrilka Jr., State Deputy Vol. 6 Issue 7 Robert Fuggiti, Editor WORDS FROM OUR STATE DEPUTY

Dear Brother Knights, Last year is history. We had some good points and bad points as

most of us do in our lives. We appreciate the hard work of many of the councils in Illinois in growing their councils and putting on good programs. Illinois grew in charities by more than $100,000 last year reaching a new high of $5.672 million donated to charity from our councils and the State Charities funds. We started a new program with the Soccer Kick program and saw expansion in the Free Throw contests. Sixty councils earned Illinois Spirit Awards, and the news will be out shortly on the councils earning the Star, Columbian, McGivney or Founders Awards. Great news and we hope to see all of these areas grow next year. The bad news is that we did not grow the membership in Illinois. We recruited 2439 men last year, suspended 1237 and lost 1541 to deaths or transfers. Most of these were deaths. This means we lost 339 more members than we brought into

the Order. When compared to the last 3 years of positive net/net gain, recruitment was down an average of 300 members and suspensions were up an average of 300. Deaths are comparable with the last 3 years. Illinois needs to recruit about 3300 members per year to end the year with about 500 members more than we started the year with. A Net growth of 500 members per year is the long range plan approved by the State Officers in the past, and has been projected for the next 10 years. If we want to preserve the Knights of Columbus in Illinois and insure that our councils continue to grow, we must plan for positive growth. If we want to leave the legacy of the good works of the Knights for our children and grandchildren to enjoy, we must plan for positive growth. Carl Anderson has said that the leaders of the Knights of Columbus have 3 main tasks, and Membership Growth must be # 1. If you want your council to exist 30, 40 or 50 years from now; you have to recruit at least one more member than all your losses (suspensions, deaths and transfers). The District Deputies will be presenting their councils with all the information on membership, charities and programming they learned on the weekend of July 8-9th. Plan on attending your District meeting and


take your DGK, Membership and Program Directors. Additional training for Council Grand Knights and Officers is scheduled in each diocese by the KC Academy in the next 2 months, and current officers will find the information and training to be very helpful throughout their term of office. Brothers, this is the time of forms completion to make sure all the right people in your council get information. Please complete the Data Gathering Form on the Illinois Website or the hard copy mailed by the first week in August. This information is needed to ensure the accuracy of the council information in the State Directory and at the State Office for mailings and emails. This information is only used by Knights as a directory and is not sold or given out foe any solicitation purposes. Please see the note that has been on the inside of the front cover of the Directory for many, many years. Also, the 185 Elected Officers, 365 Program Chairmen, and audit for 6 months ending 6-30-06 are due now. Please complete these forms online or manually and send to Supreme, State Office in Kankakee and your District Deputy. Thank you for your prompt cooperation. The mini directory and State pins should be in the mail by the end of July to Grand Knights, Financial Secretaries, Faithful Navigators and Comptrollers. The pin has changed to “Families…United by Faith to Serve Church and Community”. As you well know, the Knights is a family organization, and this builds on the family being an important part of service to church and community. In closing this month, I ask you to keep a watchful eye on legislation supported

by the Knights of Columbus. The Protect Marriage Amendment has stalled, and will probably not come back up until after the elections based on the latest news in the papers. If you have not signed the post cards to your Senators, you can still do so and send them in. District Deputies were previously shipped 3000 for distribution to their councils earlier this spring. The Protect the American Flag Amendment (SJR # 12) was one vote short of the 2/3’s majority of 67 in the Senate. And the “Under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance is still under attack in the court system. Rally around the causes supported by the Knights and let your congressmen and representatives know how you feel. Grass roots support is needed to create change in this country. Vivat Jesus State Deputy--Paul Havrilka


St. Thomas Aquinas Council 12120 in Freeport held several benefit meals to raise money for the Sisters of the Immaculate Heart. Donations from the events purchased Christmas turkeys and groceries for the sisters.



The State Deputy and Chaplain let their hair down at the Friday night Party where Charity was once again shown by the gifts donated by the attendees. State Secretary Phil Barone STILL BUILDING A BETTER WORLD The New Fraternal Year has begun with a renewed sense of enthusiasm. As we look back on the last Fraternal Year we can find much to be grateful. Our State Deputy Paul Havrilka provided a New Vision with new ideas and continued focus on the traditional values that Knights hold dear.

We were the host of a very successful International Supreme Convention, with a great supporting cast of many Brother Knights and their families. We completed another successful Charitable Activities Year with a successful MR/LD drive along with a terrific outpouring of generosity and support for the hurricane victims. The Vocations Program Raffle was a huge success and we continue to support the Newman Campus Ministry Program as no other organization can match. The new Soccer “Shootout” program was introduced and is a successful addition to the outstanding programs that will be performed throughout the year. There are also many Membership Campaign opportunities that will come as a result of the Council Blitz Programs that should be scheduled NOW along with your 1st Degree dates. The Jurisdiction of Illinois is truly outstanding in the Areas of Charitable Activities and Council Programming. We are the envy of many throughout the Knights of Columbus. We have made some tremendous strides, in the last few years, in demonstrating that the Councils in Illinois can take that same expertise in Charities and Programming and make Membership the primary Programming Activity in ensuring that each council and the Order in general will have a bright future. Last year’s results in Membership recruitment didn’t reflect the desired results that we ALL should expect from the efforts that should have been put forth. NOW! Is the time to re-focus our efforts in the Area of Membership Recruitment? If your council was successful in the Blitz Campaign, Congratulations to You and Your Council! We need to make sure that Blitz Campaign results have been reported to your District Deputy and that First Degree dates have also been scheduled and reported as well as making sure are the Prospects have been signed and advised of the degree dates.


If your council was not very successful in the Membership Programs planned, then it is now time to take a different approach and plan another membership program. Help from your District Deputy and Diocesan Coordinators are readily available. You need only ask and help will be forthcoming. Membership is a continuous activity that requires the efforts of ALL the members of the council, even if it is to simply provide a name of a Catholic Gentleman that can be a potential member. We ALL have the opportunity and resources to achieve OUR Goal, making the Knights of Columbus in Illinois an Active, Strong, and Vibrant Fraternity that is second to none. Each of US must make that commitment to our councils that will add new members this fraternal year. The time is NOW and the person that is needed is YOU. With ALL of our efforts the Knights of Columbus in Illinois will continue to be a Leader and the Bright Jewell of the Order. Vivat Jesus, Phil Barone


The State Officers wife bring up the Gifts at the July District Deputy Meeting’s Mass Holy Family Council 13123 in Rockford provided funds for Teens for Life, a group based at St. Mary’s Oratory, to travel to the March for Life in Washington, D.C.

Christ the King Council 11027 in Lombard presented a check for $1,275 to Woman’s Choice Services, a pro-life counseling center. The money was raised at a pancake breakfast co-sponsored by Council 11027 and the Council of Catholic Women. St. Andrew Circle 4885 in Rock Fall donated $100 to the Sauk Valley food bank. Glen Carbon's St Cecilia Council 13216 Ten Year Old Boy Winner, Brendan Wolff who won at District 75, Region and State was one of the International winners. Congratulations to Brendan Wolff who lives in Edwardsville. State Treasurer James C. Bednar Brothers, Thank you to all of the retiring officers of the councils in Illinois and congratulations to the returning and new council officers for this new fraternal year. Your State elected and selected officers are always ready and willing to assist you as needed, all you have to do is ask. During the installation of the council officers, the District Deputy tells the Grand Knight that the tip of the pyramid can appear to be a lonely place but he is admonished to note that the base of the pyramid is wide indicating the support of the other council officers and members. Also as part of that base is the support of the Supreme Council and the State Council officers call on us if you have a need. If you the council officers, are to a sure your councils success this fraternal year, start early by leading by your example. If your council is to be successful than each officer should step forward and recruit, and degree at least one new member before September 1, 2006. If the officers would do that than this would give our field agents a chance to complete the insurance requirements for Star Council


early in the year and that would make everyone successful. Wouldn’t it be great if by January 1, 2007 we have 100% of our councils as Star Councils! That would also mean that we are sharing the gifts of membership in the Knights of Columbus with other Catholic men and their families. Oh, how good if feels to give the gift of membership but how much greater it feels to know that we have helped a brother protect his family. God bless all of you and your families and know that my prayers are that all of our councils are blessed with abundant membership growth this fraternal year and in the coming years.


Chicago Archdiocesan Chapter President addresses the District Deputies at the Diocese Break out . State Advocate Richard C. Spada Planning and Success go hand-in-hand in almost anything we do. Imagine heading out on a family trip without any destination in mind or even where to begin! How frustrating and disappointing this could be. I don’t believe anyone sets out on a family trip that way; and, I don’t believe any council or district should either!

As we journey from one fraternal year to another, planning for our councils should be fluid. Our focus needs to be on both short and long term council goals both this current year and the next five years. This sort of planning creates the need for council leaders to think beyond their year of office into the future of the council. Our members and our Church count on the leaders to work as a team, develop effective plans for programming and recruitment and to ensure the viability of our councils for many years to come. “Plan your work, and then work your plan”; the State Council has a few tools to assist you in accomplishing that objective. Training is an important tool that should be part of any organization’s plans; the Knights of Columbus is no different. Become familiar with the guidance given in our Constitution and By-Laws which serves as a primary source for much of our training plans. Know your duties as individual officers and the interaction with other officers. The Knights of Columbus Academy, now in its fourth (4th) year, provides an organized consistent curriculum. You will learn that the most important man in the council leadership is the Grand Knight (GK), but I am sure that the GK is the first to acknowledge that he cannot succeed alone. The council officer group works best when working together to set goals and plans for achieving those goals. Plan on attending the Academy seminars; make it a road trip with your officers and district deputy to attend and interact with other members from other councils. Illinois Spirit was primarily designed as a planning tool for councils to tailor goals that fit their council’s abilities; some councils are ready to achieve more than others at different times of their development. Using the Illinois Spirit planning form, councils that set modest goals one year can look ahead to set loftier goals for future years based on council growth and development


strategies. For example, a council that hasn’t recruited or introduced new activities in several years can have a goal to add at least one new member and a new activity in the coming year. Multiple year planning allows the council officer team to collaborate strategies for progressive improvements for the council in a seamless operation from one fraternal year to another. Most importantly, council officers should include the programming/membership directors in completing the Illinois Spirit Planning document and use it as a compass on their journey moving from one fraternal year to another. Discussions during these planning sessions should have healthy interaction from the admission/retention committees which serve to keep in touch with existing members as well as prospective member interests. Council officers, the Membership Director, Program Director, Admission and Retention Committees working together form a collective planning body to lead the council/district to what we measure as STAR council. The Illinois Spirit planning guide becomes a reference for the council and its district deputy to monitor a strategy of growing your council (recruitment and retention); making your council viable (good and refreshed programming / charities); and having fun and the good feeling of accomplishment (pride and success). Best of luck to all of you on your Experience of a Lifetime journey!


Some 40 Sir Knights marched along Columbus Drive in Chicago during the annual St. Patrick’s Day parade.

At the first annual Parish Dinner Dance held May 13, 2006 in the new Parish Center the George Cardinal Mundelein council 13267 in Mundelein, received the HEART OF MARY AWARD for it's many hours of service to the Santa Maria Del Popolo Parish. The council Participated in almost all the parish programs held since ithe councils initution in 2003 and is a driving force in the parish, there were 21 Knights and families present at the presentation. State Warden Frank Ryan First I would like to THANK all of you for the privilege and honor to server you as your State Warden. It is very humbling to be elected to one of the State Offices. I hope that I can fulfill your trust in putting me in this position. I know we have a lot of work to do in this next year and the State Team looks forward to taking on these challenges. As a former Membership Director I know the importance of starting the year off with a plan, you should have your Illinois Spirit plan filled out for the coming year. Don’t wait until September or October to fill it out, do it now. With this plan you will have a blue print to success, your council will continue to be active with Programs and Charities, which will make your Membership plan work all the more. Good programs and charities make membership growth a lot easier.

This is an exciting time to be a member of the Knights of Columbus. At our State Convention we had so many council that received awards for all the great works they do. There were so many ideas that you could take back to your council and use to help make your council one of the best. I know I came away with some new ideas to help my council. I know that you sometimes get tired of hearing Membership, Membership, Membership but if your council does not recruit, the council is starting to die a slow death. Every council needs new growth with new ideas, and someone to take the place of


those who have gone on to their eternal rest. New members mean new people to work your chicken dinners, your MR/LD drive, to help in the parish and all the other projects that your council is involved with. I ask you to start the year off with every officer recruiting one new member for your council, and see what a difference it makes with all the new help you have. Try it you will like it!

God Bless

ILLINOIS KNIGHTS IN ACTION North American Martyrs Council 4338 in Niles held a Mother’s Day flower sale that netted more than $1,400 for the pro-life Women’s Center of Chicago. The council also presented an honor guard at the annual Memorial Day Field Mass, celebrated at Maryhill Cemetery. Membership Co-Directors Bill Linz Jr. Bob Thomas The theme of every year is membership. This year is no different. The difference is what you make of it. Listed at the end of this newsletter are degree dates and locations. Along with the form 100 YOU carry in your wallet you should have a tri-fold about the Knights of Columbus (Available on line at and the dates you can take your candidate to a degree. Get the commitment but be prepared to follow up.

ILLINOIS KNIGHTS IN ACTION Christ the King Council 11027 in Lombard presented a check for $1,275 to Woman’s Choice Services, a pro-life counseling center. The money was raised at a pancake breakfast co-sponsored by Council 11027 and the Council of Catholic Women.

On May 7th, St Michael Council 12173 lead the Chicago Police Saint Jude Memorial March down Michigan Av to Holy Name Cathedral where Mass was celebrated by the Most Reverend Bishop Francis J. Kane. Approx 8,000 people participated in the march, which pays tribute to the police officers killed in the line of duty. General Program Director Donald “Skip” Kinyon Brother Knights and families of Illinois, what a year we have had in programming. The Illinois Spirit Award program was quite a success. 90 councils received an award for programming at the 2006 State Convention. I look forward to the new fraternal year, as more councils will be participating in the Illinois Spirit Award program. Speaking of the 2006 State Convention, Anthony Giordano from Wheaton Council #2601 was selected as the Illinois Knight of the year. The Ken Prigge family from Algonquin council # 11091 was selected as the Illinois State Family of the year. Congratulations to both. The Illinois Knights blood drives were equally as successful. There were over 6000 units of blood donated this past fraternal year, thank you. If you have not donated this gift of life please consider doing so during this fraternal year. There is always a demand for blood especially during the summer vacation months. The State of Illinois was very successful in the International youth competitions as well.


Congratulations to Brendan Wolff as being selected as the 10 year old international winner for the inaugural Knights of Columbus Soccer Challenge. St. Cecilia Council #13216 sponsored Brendan. Illinois was also privileged to have 4 international winners in the free-throw contest. Congratulations to 13 year old Andrew Tapley sponsored by Council #8021 South Beloit and on the girl's side 10 year old Page Rakers sponsored by council #1382 Carlyle, 12 year old Alli Reed sponsored by council #2964 Mount Vernon and 14 year old Kristen Peters sponsored by Council #2869 Breese. This gives Illinois a total of 5 International winners for the year. What an honor! I do not think Illinois has had this many winners in the past. We are all very proud of our youth in Illinois! The new fraternal year's programming platform was presented during the summer District Deputies meeting on the weekend of July 7th through the 9th. A few more programs have been added to the mix but in general, the 2006-2007 programming will be the same. We almost made our goal of parish roundtables. This program is so vital to the support of our parishes and priest's. Let me remind everyone. This is not a new council formation tool; this is a member retention tool. This program is one more opportunity for our members to be active in council activities. It is a very simple program to run. The state website has all of the info and if you have any questions give Stuart Murray the Illinois State council parish roundtable chairman a call. Membership and programming go hand in hand. You can not have one with out the other. Programming attracts new members and new members bring new programming ideas along with participation in the current council programs. If you did not recruit a new member last year I urge you to do so this year. With all of the success Illinois had

last year in Programming just think of how successful we will be this year with everyone recruiting! The annual Cardinal Baseball trip will be held on September 17th. State Kamporee Chairman Dave Tressell is asking for all campers of Illinois to contact him as this year's Kamporee is fast approaching. Dave is looking for more campers to participate in this very worthwhile family activity. Dave promises that this will be a fun filled and a very busy weekend for all in attendance. I have heard that there will be a few good stories told around the campfires!! Lastly, Grand Knights meet with your programming director and District Deputy early to plan out your complete year's agenda in programming activities. Keep in mind the Illinois Spirit award program as a guideline for ideas and of course in isn’t finished until the paperwork is done. Make sure all of your forms are sent in by the due dates. One thing I urge the councils to do is have a forms chairman. His responsibility is to make sure all of the forms are completed and submitted on time. This makes everyone's duties a lot easier. Here is to a successful programming year for all.


Above is the State Officer at the July DD meeting. NIU Huskies Council 5572 in DeKalb produced and sold pro-life ribbon magnets. Thus far, the council has raised $6,000 and has divided the proceeds among We Care Pregnancy, the Consumer Advocacy Council of DeKalb and Opportunity House.



Father Michael L. Pfleger of St. Sabrina Church in Chicago received a check from the ladies’ auxiliary of Holy Family Council 11981 in Inverness along with $80,000 in clothes, cash, food, furniture and other contributions for displaced Katrina victims currently residing at the parish. State Charities Director Ted Stites I’d like to thank all of the Brother Knights for your generosity over the recently completed fraternal year. It was a particularly challenging year and the Illinois family answered the call loud and clear. I also want to publicly thank your State Charities Team for the hard work and dedication they put into their respective programs: MR/LD Co-Chairs Ray Biliskov and Ed Feeney; Newman Chairman Jerry Bevignani; GAF Chairman Terry Hoelting; Vocations Co-Chairs PSD Ron Ziemba and PSD Bill Brown; Special Olympics Liaison PSD Bill Spainhour; and MR Residential Homes Chairman State Advocate Rich Spada. These men are committed to helping all councils and district deputies to develop successful programs and achieve their goals. Finally, I’d like to thank State Deputy Paul Havrilka for the trust he placed in me over the last year, and for entrusting me for another year as your State Charitable

Activities Director. I hope and pray I can live up to the challenge. To kick off the year, we have some big news. This year we are launching a new program, the Wheelchair Foundation. Some of you may have heard of this program already, and you’ve perhaps seen the video of the efforts of the California State Council with this cause. The Knights of Columbus have partnered with the Wheelchair Foundation to help them provide wheelchairs for those less fortunate around the world. We’ve received much support and information from the Wheelchair Foundation and the California Knights of Columbus and have decided to start this year with a pilot program. All of you will receive, or may have received, a packet outlining the program. For this year, it will be strictly voluntary, much like our blood drive program. We encourage councils to make a donation to the Wheelchair Foundation sometime during this fraternal year. When you do this, please make sure you send a copy of your donation form to State Program Director Skip Kinyon, your District Deputy, and to me. We will monitor participation this year and use it as a gauge to determine if and how to expand the program in the future. Of course, we still need all councils to plan for the established charitable programs we’ve supported for years. Early planning now will make for a much more successful year and successful drives. The MR/LD Tootsie Roll weekend is just around the corner and your planning should be in full swing. The Vocations raffle will be held in December this year so you need to get an early start. And Newman should not be forgotten either. Too often the Newman drive gets pushed off until the snow starts to fall. Strive to make this and all of your programs year-round efforts. Good Luck to all Grand Knights and other officers in the new fraternal year. Let’s make 2006-2007 the best one yet!



St. Florian Council 12911 presents Christmas gifts to the nuns at St. Mary of Providence young ladies . This is the residence of their Chaplain, Fr. Tom Mulcrone. KC Academy Director Ted Glaser First, please let me take this opportunity on behalf of the Academy Faculty and myself to thank all who attended this past year's KC Academy Seminars. From your feedback, both written and oral, the Academy " hit the mark" and then some. Thank you to all the Diocesan Coordinators for all your help in scheduling and site selection. A very special " thank you" to the host Councils and Council members who did an absolutely OUTSTANDING job and welcomed us so graciously! To have been selected as the KC Academy Director for this past year and asked to serve again this year has been and is a very special honor and privilege. I am truly blessed and humbled. The training for this fraternal year is rapidly coming together. The fall seminars will again feature Council Officer Training. It is important to note that this segment is always with the latest updates-not the same ol' thing. A week or so ago, our current RPC and PSD Joe. P gave me an updated Officer training DVD which was developed by Supreme. Interesting enough, we here in Illinois seem to be

ahead of the curve as we do have much of it already included and updated but we have made changes to better educate our 71000 Illinois Brothers with the inclusion of this material. Another segment will focus on the role of the Council Public Relations Director-what is he? Why does a Council need one? And our Worthy State Deputy will also have a segment and has the goal of being in attendance at all Seminars. All seminars will be no more than 4 hours with a free working light lunch provided. The tentative dates and locations of the Fall Seminars are: August 12 Belleville Diocese 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m., Pinckneyville Council 2921, Council Hall, 312 N. Gordon St., Pinckneyville, Il 62274 August 13 Springfield Diocese, 11:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m., Litchfield Council 699, Holy Family Church, Parish Center, 211 E. Columbia St., Litchfield, Il 62056 Sept. 9 Peoria Diocese, 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m., Peoria-Spaulding, Council 427, Council Hall, 7403 N. Radnor Rd., Peoria, Il 61615 Sept. 10 Joliet Diocese, 11:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m., Co-hosts Councils 6521 & 382, Council 382 Council Hall, 100 S. 129th Infantry Drive, Joliet, Il 60436 Sept. 30 Rockford Diocese, 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m., Dekalb Council 5572, Newman Catholic Center, 512 Normal Rd., Dekalb, Il 60115 Oct. 1 Chicago Archdiocese, 11:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m., George Cardinal Mundelein Council 13267, Santa Maria Del Popoio Parish, Parish Hall, 126 N. Lake St., Mundelein, Il 60060 Oct. 7 Chicago Archdiocese, 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m., St. Michael the Archangel, Patron of Police 12173, Fraternal Order of Police Hall, 1412 W. Washington St., Chicago, Il 60607 Please check the Illinois KC website for the most up-to date locations.


All Academy Seminars are open to all our Brothers. We do strongly encourage ALL Council Officers to attend. We do strongly encourage ALL DD's to attend with representatives from ALL the Councils within their Districts. This past year saw a very nice increase in overall attendance. The Academy has worked very closely with the Diocesan Coordinators and thus the Diocesan leadership teams to select the best possible location and date for each. Each Grand Knight owes it to their respective Councils to attend and get the latest training and information and thus help their Council to have the GREATEST year ever! A tremendous amount of time and talent is expended By the Academy Faculty to present these Seminars and to make it very worthwhile to the greatest asset the Knights of Columbus has-------YOU! Please plan on attending. In closing, and on behalf of your KC Academy faculty and myself, I would like to thank all of you for the absolutely great support, encouragement, and feedback. A program such as the KC Academy has not enjoyed its success without it. Please, if you have any comments, suggestions etc.-contact me at or call me. I look forward to seeing you at the next Academy Seminar.


Finalists from the 2006 annual State of the Art Catholic High School Band Competition accept their awards from Fourth Degree members attending the event. The contest, which drew 23 bands from 18 Catholic schools, is jointly sponsored by councils and assemblies in the Chicago Archdiocese and the Joliet Diocese.

Illinois State Council Office Don, Donna and Mary THE MR/LD 2006 drive has not even started and already we have our first problem. Please be sure you forward your white order form to a larger council if your council is ordering fewer than 18 cases of candy. IF YOU SEND TOOTSIE ROLL AN ORDER FOR FEWER THAN 18 CASES IT WILL NOT BE FILLED! All orders must be sent to Tootsie Roll together, they will not be “matched up” at tootsie roll! The 2006 apron order form and candy order form along with drive suggestions and the Letter from the Attorney General along with the Permit for the City of Chicago have all been mailed to EITHER the MR Chairman or the Grand Knight. Remember to send the pink copy of the Candy Order form to the State Council not doing this will delay the issuance of your distribution request. The drive report, funds request fund and listing of approved charities will be sent in the same manner a few weeks before the drive. We are happy to announce that a great number of newly approved charitable groups have been added to our list, so before sending in your Distribution Request Forms, please review the Approved list to check if there are any new groups that need your assistance in your areas. If you know a group which you feel should be on our list the request form is available online. Simply have the organization complete the form and send in the requested information. It’s that simple. This year, the webmaster has loaded our Drive Report and Request for Distribution forms on our website: so they can be completed online. The Drive Report can be completed on line with the calculations being automatically done so mathematical errors should not occur. Print your report


and forward to the State Council along with your council check in the amount shown on line 6 of the form. The State Office also has a supply of the canister labels available for this year’s drive. Let us know how many labels you would like and we will be happy to send them out. We also have participation certificates available upon request. We are hoping that more councils can replace their old aprons with the aprons that now read MR/LD DRIVE. We do not want any aprons on the streets that refer to our Drive as “…mentally handicapped…" The Form 185 Report of Officers Chosen for 2006-2007 has been coming in steadily and are being loaded into our main database. Bear with us as we struggle to input new information and simultaneously process new mailings. Don’t forget to complete and send in the Form 365 Personnel report. Both the 185 and 365 can be completed online by using the link to Supreme Forms on our website. Be sure to type in your own email address, the Illinois State Council email and your District Deputy’s email address before clicking on “SUBMIT”. The new Charity Goals will be calculated as soon as the Membership numbers are in for 6/30/06. We will be sending a Charity Goal letter to each Grand Knight as early in July as possible, but they will also be given to your District Deputy and the July Installation meeting. Each District Deputy will be scheduling a meeting with his councils so he can discuss new as well as old programs and the charity goals will be available to him at that time. Each council can check our website at any time to find the latest reports available. The format for the 2006-2007 Per Capita bills has changed. We will be sending an INVOICE for the entire amount of per capita due directly to each Financial Secretary. As in prior years, this bill can be paid in 2 installments: July 1, 2006 and

the balance due January 1, 2007. Of course the entire per capita bill can be paid in one payment if preferred. Councils that have not paid a prior year’s per capita will continue to receive past due notices and should contact the State Council Office if there are any questions. We hope this eliminates some confusion that our prior format sometimes caused. The staff at the State Office looks forward to a new year and hope we can be of service whenever you have questions.☺


The Master of Illinois enjoy a drink at the Friday night party at the July District Deputy meeting. St. Daniel the Prophet Council 10575 in Wheaton donated a new funeral pall and matching vestments to Father Thomas Sularz at St. Daniel Church.

ILLINOIS KNIGHTS IN ACTION Fourth Degree members of St. Irene Council 6710 in Warrenville, who belong to Dr. Thomas A. Dooley Assembly in Dupage County, provided an honor guard for council chaplain Father Jim Antiporek when he celebrated a Mass marking his 25th anniversary as a priest. Public Relations Director/ Newsletter Editor Robert Fuggiti Congratulation to Past State Warden John and Abbie Scheerer on their 60th Wedding Anniversary.


DAY DATE 1ST 2nd/3rd DD NAME DD# HOST # LOCATION Sunday 08/06/06 1:00 PM 2:00 PM Frank Stock 30 5918 St. Joan of Arc, 820 Division St., Lisle

Saturday 08/12/06 12:00 PM 1:00 PM Pete McEllen 50 556 Fr. Hunt Council, 1556 Fremont St. Galesburg Sunday 08/13/06 12:00 PM 1:00 PM Kevin Hamilton 57 634 Starved Rock, 401 W. Main St. Ottawa Sunday 09/24/06 12:30 PM 1:30 PM Stephen Scherer 58 854 St. Mary School, Pontiac Sunday 10/01/06 12:00 PM 1:00 PM John Angerame 42 11091 St. Margaret Mary Church, Algonquin Sunday 10/01/06 12:00 PM 1:00 PM Joseph Schmidt 64 391 401 S. 4th., Riverton

Saturday 10/07/06 12:00 PM 1:00 PM John Trimarco 2 11112 St.Paul the Apostle 6401 Gages Lake Rd., Gurnee Sunday 10/08/06 12:45 PM 1:45 PM Howard Morrison 22 4698 St. George Parish LC, 6625 W. 175 St., Tinley ParkSunday 10/08/06 12:30 PM 1:30 PM Morris Benson 43 717 St. Marys Church, 302 Fisk, DeKalb Sunday 10/15/06 12:00 PM 1:00 PM Bob Smialek 47 7527 St. Mary School, 705 Rt.35, E. Dubuque

Saturday 10/21/06 Fr. Boland Assembly, Holiday Inn, Rock Falls

Sunday 10/22/06 12:30 PM 1:30 PM Dale Gall 83 11110 American Legion Hall, 801 Clinton St., Aviston Sunday 11/12/06 12:30 PM 1:30 PM Tom Buchmiller 78 4596 Corpus Christi School, 100 E. 5th St. Cahokia Sunday 11/12/06 12:00 PM 1:00 PM Tom Washington 45 735 St. James Parish 535 Caswell St., Belvidere Sunday 11/12/06 12:00 PM 1:00 PM Bill Dekowski 56 2090 KC Hall, 505 W. 7th Ave., Mendota Sunday 11/19/06 2:00 PM 3:00 PM Howard Kinch 38 736 ST. Therese, 271 N. Farnsworth, Aurora Sunday 11/19/06 11:15 AM 1:15 PM Jim Coglianese 37 745 187 S. Indiana Ave., Kankakee Sunday 11/19/06 12:00 PM 1:00 PM W. Michael O'Kane 61 13103 Old American Legion Hall, New KC Hall, Philo

On a sadder note Former Master Ben Daniels was called to the Lord. He was an example of what a Knight should be. To his Family and Son DD Mark Daniels we sent our prayers. Has your Council appointed their Directors? I do hope that you have appointed a Public Relations Director. His responsibility will mainly be the Council Bragger. If you want new members then let's advertise what, where and when we do things. Every community has a local newspaper. Don't be afraid to send them your information on the activities of your Council. In order to inform you must be informed. I am encouraging all appointed P.R. Directors to attend the K of C Academy with your fellow Officers. In the April issue I put in the wrong caption with Council 658's picture of their MR/LD distribution. Am I bad! In our last issue I talked about leaving your legacy by recruiting a new member. I used Tempus Fugit Memento Mori to stress this point. Little did I know that these words were meant for me. The reason I say that is a candidate I recruited for Knighthood took his 1st degree on the same night my Father passed away. I was the one who recruited my Father into the Knights. When I did see my newly

installed Knight I apologized for not being with him when he took his 1st degree. I also told him that he would be my Dad’s replacement. I did not mean that he would be my Father but only that when a Knight falls from our ranks there should be someone who is willing to take his place. TEMPUS FUGIT MEMENTO MORI!!! Webmaster Dr. Logan Ludwig, IPSD If your looking for forms, Program Information or the latest copy of our newsletter then visit the website at:


The State Officers, at the District Deputy’s installation Mass, gather and pray for a successful year.


Into Your Hands We Commend Their Spirit Brother Council # Years of Service

Roy E. Abdnour 790 45 Silas R. Aldredge 665 43 Donald Anderson 2932 49 Richard L. Berg 7580 25 Bernard J. Burford 665 72 Jerry F. Bushue 665 54 William K. "Bill" Connell, Jr. 460 57 Ben Daniels, PGK, FDD, FM 1687 ? Nicholas H. Ettelbrick III 665 43 Dino Fuggiti 5025 17 Joseph A. Griesbaum 665 31 Andrew V. Hagan 665 60 Emil G. Helfrich 665 52 Victor Hellice 2869 58 Louis A. Herboth 665 62 Francis M Horan, PGK, PFN 1712 ? Ray Kaiser 1952 ? Richard Lampe 2869 48 Nick Miller 4179 48 Weston J. Molloy 460 60 Kenneth Oczkoski, PGK 2789 19 Steve Oros 1098 33 Benard J. Phelan 887 13 Richard Rakers 2982 53 Robert Santarelli Sr. 3914 ? Ben Strack 1098 50 Joseph B Timmermann 2869 48 William Van DeVelde 9628 41 Raymond A. Wente 665 50 REV. FR. Frank Weshoff 364 65

May Their Souls and all the Souls of the Faithfully Departed Rest in Peace. Amen

Tempus Fugit Memento Mori
