ILIAS community and ILIAS society - Future Learning...Page Layout Revision for ILIAS 6 ๏ Aim :...


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WelkomstwoordILIAS Dutch Meeting • 18 SEP 2018 • ’s-Hertogenbosch

Matthias Kunkel • ILIAS open source e-Learning e.V.

ILIAS community and ILIAS society

ILIAS community and ILIAS society

ILIAS open source e-Learning e.V.๏ is a non-commercial organisation (vereniging)

๏ is the home of the ILIAS community

๏ is publishing the ILIAS software

๏ is offering processes and structures for software development

๏ is organising the ILIAS conference and other community events

๏ is doing marketing for ILIAS (e.g. fairs or conferences)

๏ …

ILIAS community and ILIAS society

What ILIAS open source e-Learning e.V. is NOT DOING:๏ software development

๏ consulting

๏ training

๏ services

Service Providers

ILIAS community and ILIAS society

ILIAS Community

General Meeting of Members

ILIAS open source e-Learning e.V.


General Manager

Advisory Council

Technical Board

Head of Help

Special Interest Groups

National and Regional

User Groups U S E R S

Private Members

Service Providers

Institutional Members

How to join ILIAS society

๏ Every person can become private member of ILIAS society

‣ Have a word and vote in the general meeting of members

‣ Show that you want to support ILIAS

‣ Membership fee: 60€ / year

๏ Every institution using ILIAS can become institutional member

‣ Have a word and vote in the general meeting of members

‣ Have a word and vote in the Advisory Council (own budget)

‣ Right to vote for bugs (priority bug fixing)

‣ Help to guarantee the sustainability of your preferred LMS solution

‣ Membership fee: 2.700 € / year

ILIAS Service Provider

ILIAS Service Provider๏ Companies offering services for and around ILIAS ‣ Software development, hosting, consulting, training, content development, …

ILIAS Premium Partners๏ Service providers that are member in ILIAS society AND engaged in

community‣ E.g.: testing, language support, moderating forums, …

๏ ILIAS is part of the companies’ business model

User Groups

๏ National or regional meetings of ILIAS users

๏ Purposes / aims:‣ Exchanging experiences

‣ Initiating projects

‣ Coordinating actions on regional / national level

‣ Being a welcome committee for newbies

๏ Organising 2 or 3 user meetings year with changing hosts

๏ Free entry and self-organised meetings

๏ User group should have at least two coordinators

Special User Groups

๏ Focus on a special interest (usage of ILIAS or component)‣ ILIAS E-Assessment

‣ ILIAS Performance

‣ ILIAS @ School

๏ Every SIG has a chairman and vice-chairmen ‣ Organising and coordinating group events and activities

‣ Being contact for product management

๏ Giving recommendations for improvement and development of related components

More information

A short outlook on ILIAS 5.4

Roadmap ILIAS 5.4

Feature Freeze 30 APR 2018

Coding Completed 29 OCT 2018

Beta1 Release and Start of Testing 5.4 31 OCT 2018

Testing Completed 31 JAN 2019

End of Bug Fixing 08 MAR 2019

Stable Version 5.4.0 13 MAR 2019

End of Maintenance apx. SEP 2021

Tile Design

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Tile Design

๏ Aim : Attractive presentation of object lists

๏ Presentation of objects in tiles

๏ Own background per object

๏ Top board with important information

๏ Presentation ( list | tile ) can be chosen per container

Content Page

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Content Page

๏ Aim : Simple and nice presentation of Information for course or learning scenario – without the need to use a folder or category

๏ New object „Content Page“

๏ Creation by using ILIAS page editor

๏ Supports learning progress (page read)

๏ Optional custom icon

๏ No container functionality

Learning History

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Learning History

๏ Aim : Quick overview on personal achievements on a timeline

๏ Presentation of events on a timeline

๏ Information about acquired …

‣ Competencies

‣ Learning goals

‣ Badges

‣ Certificates

‣ Learning progress status ‚completed‘

๏ Link to objects

Learning Sequence

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Learning Sequence

๏ Aim : User-friendly guidance through a set of learning objects

๏ Container for objects (e.g. test, learning module, content page, …)

๏ Sequential presentation of objects → learning path

๏ Easy definition of preconditions

๏ Can be used inside or outside of courses

๏ Following ILIAS version will support presentation of learning sequence in kiosk mode (no top bar and main menu)

News Timeline

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News Timeline

๏ Aim : Visualisation of activities in course / group and offers for interaction

๏ Extension of existing time line

‣ Comments to news entries

‣ Pictures and videos in news entries

‣ Emoticons for liking news entries

‣ Notification about interactions

Outlook to ILIAS 6.0

Page Layout Revision for ILIAS 6

๏ Aim : Development of an easy and intuitive user interface that works both on desktop and mobile

๏ Sound analysis of current situation, problems and possible solutions

๏ Understanding ILIAS as an application and not as a website

๏ Revision of navigation in ILIAS

๏ Definition of rules for consistent development

๏ Realisation with ILIAS 6 (2020)

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Thanks for your attention!
