IIT Bombay Healthcare Research Consortium · IIT Bombay and Healthcare Research ... osteosarcoma...


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IIT BombayHealthcare Research Consortium

c©IIT Bombay

April 7, 2014

IIT Bombay and Healthcare Research

Our major strength...A strong teaching & research program in Biosciences & Bioengineeringnurtured by active collaboration between physical scientists & engineers

I 15% of our faculty are actively involved in bio-research.

I Between them we now span basic to applied & translational research.

IIT Bombay and Healthcare Research

Our major strength...A strong teaching & research program in Biosciences & Bioengineeringnurtured by active collaboration between physical scientists & engineers

I 15% of our faculty are actively involved in bio-research.

I Between them we now span basic to applied & translational research.

Research areas at IIT Bombay

I Basic biology

I Drug discovery

I Diagnostics

I Bionanotechnology

I Materials and devices

I Biochemical Engg.

I Computational Bio.

Overview of Bio-research areas at IITBBasic biology

I Cell Biology

I Biochemistry

I Microbiology

I Molecular Biology

I Biophysics

I Structural Biology

I Enzymology

I Chemical Biology

Drug Discovery

I Drug synthesis

I Lead identification

I Drug delivery

I Proteomics & genomics

I Glycomics


I Biosensors

I Biomarkers

I Medical instrumentation


I Diagnostics

I Therapeutics

I Materials

Materials & Devices

I Biomaterials

I Devices & Implants

I Prosthetics

I Tissue Engineering

Biochemical Engg.

I Enviro. Engg.

I Biocatalysis

I Bioreactor scaleup

I Downstream processing

I Food Engg.

Computational Bio

I Bioinformatics

I Systems Biology

I Image processing

I Navigation & Robotics

Other areas



Basic sciences: broad areas


I Basic research on cancer and malaria

I Proteomics of cancer and malaria

I Systems biology of cancer and metabolic diseases

Bioprocess Technology:

I Biotransformations, metabolic engineering

I Bioreactor control and data analysis

I Protein therapeutics


I Gluco-conjugates and glycomics

I Structural biochemistry

Computational Biology:

I Bioinformatics

I Systems biology

Basic sciences: broad areas


I Basic research on cancer and malaria

I Proteomics of cancer and malaria

I Systems biology of cancer and metabolic diseases

Bioprocess Technology:

I Biotransformations, metabolic engineering

I Bioreactor control and data analysis

I Protein therapeutics


I Gluco-conjugates and glycomics

I Structural biochemistry

Computational Biology:

I Bioinformatics

I Systems biology

Basic sciences: broad areas


I Basic research on cancer and malaria

I Proteomics of cancer and malaria

I Systems biology of cancer and metabolic diseases

Bioprocess Technology:

I Biotransformations, metabolic engineering

I Bioreactor control and data analysis

I Protein therapeutics


I Gluco-conjugates and glycomics

I Structural biochemistry

Computational Biology:

I Bioinformatics

I Systems biology

Basic sciences: broad areas


I Basic research on cancer and malaria

I Proteomics of cancer and malaria

I Systems biology of cancer and metabolic diseases

Bioprocess Technology:

I Biotransformations, metabolic engineering

I Bioreactor control and data analysis

I Protein therapeutics


I Gluco-conjugates and glycomics

I Structural biochemistry

Computational Biology:

I Bioinformatics

I Systems biology

Diagnostics: broad areas

I Molecular diagnosis

I Metal ion & amino acid sensors

I Platform technologies for sensors (optics, microchannels, microfluids,MEMS, NMES) and already-developed biosensors for proteins andbacteria.

I Absorbance and Fluorescence based optical biosensors for monitoringanalytes in body fluids

I Quantum Dots based biosensors

Diagnostics: Strengths at IIT Bombay

I Electrical and Electronics-based diagnostic devices/integratedcircuits and systems.

I Low-cost and high-performance signal conditioning and IPdevelopment on Silicon and other appropriate platforms

I Sensor-circuit integration

I Energy harvesting for personal healthcare applications

I Signal processing and imaging, intelligent health care

I Biomorphic circuits & systems and neuromorphic/neural processing


Biomaterials, Devices & Implants

I Indigenous modular rotatinghinge knee prosthesis foryoung patients ofosteosarcoma (OrthoCADproject)

I Micro-devices for cardiacuse (minimally invasivesurgery)

I Nanocomposites for dentaland orthopedic use

I In situ gelling vitreoussubstitute

I Ocular inserts

I Cell-material interactions

Tissue engineering

I Bioreactors for expansion ofstem cells

I Nanofibrous mats (bone)

I Sponge scaffolds (bone)

I Injectable scaffolds (bone &cartilage)

I Stem cell differentiation

I Growth factor delivery

I Amyloids as materials

Drug delivery

I Nanoparticles for drugdelivery in cancers

I Targeted, triggereddelivery

I Aerosols for respiratorydiseases

I Liposomes for regional &systemic delivery

I Drug loaded implantsI Intra-articular deliveryI Ocular delivery

I Nanocarriers forneurological diseases

I Delivery to brain tumors

Healthcare Research @ IITB

There is inter-disciplinary healthcare researchhappening at IITB.

We are focused on identification of unmet needs,devising technological solutions, and translatingthese to the market.

We have catalyzed collaborative research with otherInstitutes, Hospitals and Industry partners.

Healthcare Research @ IITB

There is inter-disciplinary healthcare researchhappening at IITB.

We are focused on identification of unmet needs,devising technological solutions, and translatingthese to the market.

We have catalyzed collaborative research with otherInstitutes, Hospitals and Industry partners.

Healthcare Research @ IITB

There is inter-disciplinary healthcare researchhappening at IITB.

We are focused on identification of unmet needs,devising technological solutions, and translatingthese to the market.

We have catalyzed collaborative research with otherInstitutes, Hospitals and Industry partners.

The Healthcare Research Consortium

Formally launched in September 2011.

I IIT Bombay

I Tata Memorial Centre

I National Institute for Research in Reproductive Health

I Hinduja hospital

I Span Diagnostics

I SRL Diagnostics

I Strand Life Sciences

I InnAccel

I Drishti

Consortium Objectives

I Strengthening inter-disciplinary researchI Basic therapeuticsI Applied therapeuticsI Diagnostics

I Catalysing integration of life sciences with engineering disciplines

I Enhancing manpower development

I Translating technologies to products

I Promoting healthcare entrepreneurship

I Accelerating societal benefits from research in the area of Healthcare

Modes of Collaboration

1. Information exchange with respect to research conducted by themembers

I Increase the set of interactions; seed funding mechanisms

2. Exchange of students between the organisations for promotion ofresearch

I Graduate students; UG interns

3. Access to / sharing of facilities for the purpose of research

4. Training of personnel through appropriate mechanisms in areas ofmutual interest

5. Educational outreach

6. Collaboration with industry and non consortium partners

7. Any other appropriate mode of interaction agreed upon

Facility Sharing

I Facilities are listed at the consortium website:


I Shared facilities from the following partners are listed at this time


Seed funding

IITB Scheme initiated Feb. 2012

I Must have consortium partner as coPI.

I Results must feed into a larger proposal.

I 19 proposals, 14 funded

I Other partners are in the process of creating similar schemes.

Seed funded collaborative projects

1. Goldcluster-Liposomes hybrid nanoparticles as theranostic agents forcancer.

2. Role of p53 aggregation and amyloid formation in human cancer

3. Proteomics and imaging analysis for the identification of biomarkersof gliomas

4. A data analysis platform for NGS analysis

5. Trypsin de-adhesion assay as a high throughput tool for correlatingcancer cell invasiveness with cell mechanical properties

6. Development of a biodegradable nanovesicle in gel system forregional delivery of radio-sensitizing agents

7. Biochemical and nutritional characterization of tender coconut waterand its shelf life extension

Seed funded collaborative projects

8. Collection of serum samples from patients with complicated malaria

9. Development of microfluidic device to understand sperm motility

10. Nanofibrous guided bone regeneration membrane for dental andorthopedic applications

11. Design and development of a novel voice prosthesis

12. A network based experimental approach to investigating PSMD9and PSMD10 proteosomal chaperone mediated regulation ofpro-apoptotic and pro-survival decisions.

13. Genome and transcriptome analysis of Streptococcus pneumoniaeduring invasive pneumococcal disease

14. Design, synthesis and functional characterization of antimicrobialpeptide analogues.

Other ongoing interactions

1. Multifunctional magnetic nanohybrids for cancer theranostics

2. Surgery simulation systems

3. Development of Nanoparticles for shRNA transfections in primarycells and in vivo

4. Development of an IHC image analysis tool

Other ongoing interactions

5. Evaluation of effects of Antimicrobial Peptides on membraneintegrity of sperm and bacteria and virus

6. Development of a microfluidics-based diagnostic kits

7. Nanoparticle based drug delivery of vaginal microbicides

8. Elucidating the differences in the cellular proteome of monocytesfrom pre and post menopausal women with varying bone mass

9. Development of a microfluidics-based cell sorter

Scholar exchange

I IITB and Tata Memorial have an agreement governingco-supervision of Ph.D. scholars, student exchange, cross-availabilityof course work.

I IITB UGs are being placed as interns in Consortium labs.

Other Healthcare initiatives at IITB

I Animal facility

I Healthcare accelerator

I Tata Center for Technology and Design

Healthcare Research Consortium

Email: info.healthcare@ircc.iitb.ac.inWeb: healthcare-research.iitb.ac.inPhone: 91-22-25764227