II l r JuiteJ#vWiffiP& . ;V; *0|»|ftA |./'-iMN«ll'|...


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JuiteJ#v"WiffiP& mm+<i>m**'gitn\ .y<jr)mtow

J^tg W TO

S - t ^ ^ i •:•.•,« - ( ? • > .


We Milk Crackers, QSc. lby,81bs.'

in tn-ackers, 10% 3 lbs.


. 30o, lb.


R(*t ('iv" '.Tie.

NtitiiK'KS* Gc. OZ Pt-jipcr. ^ 5 c - *b ;

AII «•!her s p i c e s , St.uvhoH.fi, 8 a n d 1 0 c . . -Several of the best makes ofSoap

i; for 25c. CANNED GOODS,

4 (•iui3(,oru.26o. 3^.lIlSTora?.toes, 25c. 3 (\'IMS I Van, 25c,.

32, Best teas, SO, 40 and 50c. Choice line* of Coffee, 25, 30,

••••'. 35 and 40c. Best teaf Lard, only 10c. Bp iOice i4 lbs.: 25c. Strictly' fresh Eggs, only 14c.

Ffc0U& O. K, None Sueli Pride of Phelps

and Phelps. Eose, 50e. for 25 lbs. - - -

White Star and Bonnie Doon. 55c.

Hungarian, 65c. Also the famous Cercsota, 70c.

Also we wish to say that vve are Sx>le Agents for Knowlton's

Coffee Extractor. No Iptchen is complete without


BACHM&N & HINDLE. Castle M M. M « Street.

-A T -

THE WIDE AWAKE, Castle St , Y . M ' /C . A. Block.

II |[ -|| nil! |^«—^—»Hl I I'll !• II »-

Rc-t (able oil cloth, 14c yard. S-4 turkey red table, cloth 39c. Our Mfc table cloth, all linen, for

•I'.ic y a r d . , . C,,,),) butcher knive*s f6v 5c.f R

4 mndo butcher knives For

Vic. Iha\ v copper bottom boiler 75c

worth $1.25 Win-low screens; the 19c kind

tor 10c. Nicv nick e l - p l a t e d t ea s p o o n s 6

fur P i c . Stove l ifters f o r . l c , Rest ,-clf oil c l o t h 6 c yard. ' 12 <li>/. a g a t e b u t t o n s f o r 3 c . M- ii'- » u t i n g s h i r t s 1 5 c u p . . .

Dinner plate, white granite, 5c. 6 cups and 6 saucers, the best for

tlie moneys 37c Bowls from 3c up. 8 piece fancy lemonade set for

79cVorth $1.25. Our $2 95 toilet set, ten pieces,

for #1.99. 8 quart dish pan for 9c. 14 quart heavy dish pan for 15c. Safety pins 2c doz. all sizes. Good linen thread 2c spool worth

5c. Ladies' 15c fast black hose for

10c. Out prices in^agate ware and

nickel plated ware.

Rth!< mherthis sale can't last long as the .prices advanced cent, on Crockery, Glassware, Tinware and

Agate Ware. You can't miss the place.

25 per

THE WIDE AWAKE, Castle St. Y. M.

J . & B . S C H W A R T Z , C. A. Block. P r o p s .

W e make the paper for. you to read, and everybody reads it every day. The good'folks" are wi th 'us who want the full telegraph, for­eign, ;;<

EDITQft pJXfcSV JHfAfL..'. :, rounder of Hie Sun Franotscc-• Af ipn i»^

and Prominent Iu Politic*. J3AN FBAJJOJSCO, Aug, M;*~Srait*- M. Plsley, an editor MSd, iwlitioisb; wall known, in tjbls city and-.-state, haadiodafter a lingering illness. Ho. cjune to Califo*. ttla40yeais «go;

Mr. Plxley arrived In California during-tho period of gold-discovery excitement there andtbeatmQspheroof the time wa*« preserved In the title M the newspaper wMelxAo founded and top many* yeara fld* ited—the San Francisco Argonaut, Hia second claim to conspieuity oh the Pacltto slops was as one of the firsthand mos^ir-i. dent advocates of the Southern Pacific railway. Ho urged the importance' a M necessity of the enterprise and supportei its denionds so persistently in his uewsjja-! oer that Th6 Argonaut became widely Pipwn as a monopoly sheet.

Another individualism contributed pow­erfully to make him a man of notoriety*. He had a most intense antbCatholio'aM< antVIrlsh feeling; and for a long ttmegove' it incessant and vigorous expresltom through his Journal As both the Catho­lic and Irish elements were well rente* sentod in California, ho was in his agres-slv© prime one of the best hated men in a state whore, at that time, violence of feel­ing and action was a cbronlo condition,

For many years the political policy of The Argonaut was strongly pro-Eopubli-ottn, but at a later period Mr, Pbcloy grad­ually moderated his politics almost to non-partisansbip; except, however, as a news­paper* manager and writer he did not par­ticipate in politics, although as mic&he exerted a considerable influence.

.Recently Mr. Pixley had loft active journalism to younger hands, his con-trlbuttons to The Argonaut becoming more and more occasional. He was ono of the few surviving Califoraians of the old pleturosquo era.

Noted Explorer Dead. PAEIS, Aug. IB.—Lucion Bonnparto Wyse

isdead, ,

Luoien Napoleon Bonaparto Wyso, en­gineer and explorer, was born at Paris in 1845,. tho son of Sir Thomas Wyse and Princess Letitla Napoleon. He was early distinguished for his explorations In Cen­tral America. He negotiated with tho Colombian government the extension of tho concession for tho Panama canal.

- ^ - — M .

Senator Hoar Defends Hlmnelf. WOBCESTEB, Mass., Aug. 13.—A reply

from Senator Hoar to the charge that ho is unduly favorable to tho Catholics and* opposed to tho A. P. A. orders ispublishod at-length in the Worcester Spy. Iy la several columns In length. Senator Hoar;

says ho is in favor of tho public Bcliool sys­tem. Ho is'opposed to members of secret societies banding themselves together and endeavoring to pursue a policy of proscrlp* tion toward any class of citizens. The effect would be, he thinks, to drivbthe persons proscribed into organization* equally objectionable. He donies the charge that he is ambitions j says that ho Is now nearly 70 years of ago; that he has assumedhls present position because he ig convinced that it Is right, not In the hops Or tho expectation- that additional poU> foal honors will bo given to him.

The TiMfis has a

eiilatSftl Genevf a w i ^ u t . of. town pa­pers cdrnftin^dV. A d v e r f c s shoutd make a.note

# : . i » . - - # - » • ' • • # '

.S?k u • K .




M,»ir^-,.,.-h,--M^^.^1a^^«^~^...„^^. ^ — r . . . ^ r-. . ^ , . '(.. . miiiinilM.;u»f 111 iiil ,ll'[|i| l|ilillillii'|-|.iy.l.Li.|-r_

j».).:jii..>'iii'jii,'iuifiiii.i_i..»:nw«.»ii,'igii»j)iii ;.j_;.u^i.ii')ni,i in 'mtu HM. L1; nil. ?iT13*!i.7 T•'~.S*«i.••>in.• 11" Um 'Im ni.i lu'r jSS. p * — — •

. , , i ^ ^ i t e ^ g | * 4 a n , i A,ug. J8.*A» #*>*

w«&fiNl^ittM*ioSiE-' Aindewoii! county, l l m«e» -west ,«if:;GM^tottf the oowri^Ke**,

:mi%i\mm<s<m mm ty,3wm wop, S(ii^^i}'4iM#%ye>Jj»a a fctu,d forsayeisa year% Wer|t<#|iisW * MSWhoic of the for-

S # f e , % » | a ^ g ^ e r r i o k ^ ' . h a u « > -wjbi0)n<ho^a#.shw,'by the latter, whb was .IjBs , « u | .y i^ lvw^Hfo^ryi^d Jsaaoifcott and' aanie^ 'Wcftver, tholr brother-in-law.

' f h p j t u ^ j p ^ li>*rehd«f©d to the sheriff of Anderson eouttty! *; s

Adyloe. ITrorii JaoJuron's Role. ' W / 4 ^ # P # | ^ ^ v ! i ? r M % n > r a l ' Vto'.

roe»t r ^ l W # f <Qtf6wjng telegram from

•mtt?m$-Xt MM ^ n forwarded 12S iiillel'l)y»|flirt6r: .^DoJonei' Randall with

ploK^ffifeniKf'Pet*' afitt party, rTln' jdi^s'atttoldynjtfie a'M'female, with 60 p^ii|e«,;itwltJW4>W?^#y ,n T«*on moun-, | y i | | l m fo? ftonxhl ros-orVa'tfoM* ydsl««»y; I s SWb Nemtts, tho

; wounded Bunnock, safely in oainp} aconth ii$patff$fo^$?%<$tif} All ^utet."

Dlcpfitch FroittVAd^ulnii KlrkUnd. WjmmpM?4u& M.-'Aotlrig Seore-

t » r y ^ o A d o ^ 0 1 V e o > | cable torn Ad-mirallfliliaiiiSfSylnfc thaf he would send the MarblohDaa'info'ffie MMitor'rmiean as so6nHifBHe $ » & ? $ * ! « "tie MatStehdadi wll lnot go direct to Syrla,burwilil'go u», ^ W a n f belleftdy'tb M i o ^ l Anywhere

' Wti 4iecoss^y 'Iodine ^rotebtloft of Aiucr lean iBteMK' 2. -'••-•'

'« Steauier-AleiaAdiUa Aillorei BBrairfo^blkif i f ig . lS~-Tho steamer

Aloxahdrin, boiina front Chlrlbtto for this port," went "asnbr! a 'l lttl l southeast of Prcgque isle in'altt l i ihtowing to" a dense ttig. The'-vessel'Bustattea no damage. B^twee4ttWft«aw;passeiigers \rtre trans-, ferred to the'stearaor' Nellie CutKbort and brought to this place;

- - . , . . .TNI <•-*• - . f i lT, - > — .

. ^ Wenlthy, Phy»lcl»n Drowned. ATLANTW OlStr A u g . 18.—Dr. F. H.

Hnlien, a. (wpaWhy, physician who lived in Philadelphia,tw»S dro\vried while bathing at-Chelslaii K ^-v<,--t«. >'•

g«nator Soxton Dead. , DDittTjaiAugTas.—Commodore Horace

Saxt9n;'aged^,'ione of the pioneers of Minnesota, has ^lled of pavalysls.

, Declaret tho Taylor* Ate Innooent, CABRQliOTOJF, ? Mo,>» Aug. 18. ~ Shorlff

Parltonhssreceiveda letter fromAlfred ^llson^Ai^onjrtci;, dn which' he declares thak*he5!Pay.ldE!broj6heis-, just convicted of bttlcheWtfg^th|i>Ieeks family-are not' the milrderera, but "Him' the real murderers f,oroeft1d^|o^ye*Peni-clothes to replace their bljDp4y on^i'an?; then dlshppeared. The story is: not keltevcd here. The cbn-vlpted inen,,wWo wore once among the wealthiest In they county* havo presehied affidavits ha^hjiy' are-Mrlthont the moans topa^i6he;86>^j«g; of their- appeal and i t wUlbe done at tTid eipe'nse of the state. Jt?dgp Kus%"Kog^g^anted a stay of exe­cution pending. t hS appeal and the Thy* lors cnnndibe.hanged peforo next aprln*.


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!H ABANDI - • --••&*• - S » — i » - » - ' - * » •

• • $ ' > •

ONI - •

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:D. i

i% a Ex-Supervisor Mn Bope Mtf ExptM to iWMk Again—But itow He is Active as Ever.

\Z' .»/ Tales Prom the Hills of Otsego County That Will be Read With

Interest There and Every whrire Else. • ^

Among the best-known residents of Wor-._.. ., .1. Y., is John E. Boyi only well known in the locality of his hom», eester, jr.Y., is John B. Boyce. He-is not

From the Aiban]/, if. T„ Journal. or six boxes before he felt their effect.



but lie also lias a wide acquaintance in the counties of Greene, Schoharie, Clutcr. Mont-* goinery, Schenectady, Albany, Delaware, Chenango, Herkimer and Fulton, through, which he traveled-for many years. As the representative of the grocery business con1-ducted by Brumaghim & Argerslnger, and. afterward Whitting & I^onard; of Albany, Mr. Boyce for fourteen years was one of the best known commercial men on the road. At SeheuevuB he-built up one of the largest mercantile houses in that section of the State: For the past twelve years Mr. Boyce has made Worcester his home. He is new en­gaged in the insurance business, and has ait ollicq on the mnin street of the village, nearly opposite his residence. Not oulyido.es, Mr. Boyce enjoy a wide business acquaint­ance, but he is prominent also in political and fraternal circles. Curing his residence in Schenevus he represented the town of Maryland five years in the Board of, Soper-Vlsors, and since coming to WofceBte> he has been town clerk two years. He tea charter member of Otsego lodge, No? 138, F. & A. M., of Cooperstown, ana is also a chitrter member of ScheheVus Valley lodge No. 692. F. & A. M., of Schch'cvus, - : •

The life of a Commercial traveler is beset-with many dangers to hishealth. He sleeps in many beds, and in roonisof varying '$hV

Sofatnres. The food he e"atsandthc'water he rinks are continually changing. Thmtoo.;

he is more or less exposed to inclement weather. During his early life on the road, not a salesman was more active and.ienx**"

fetic or enjoyed-better health than Mr. Bbyce. tut at length the uneven life founds Weak

spot in his strong constitution,, "Fifteen years ago," said Mr. Boyce,

"while I was.traveling,, I contracted totic* ular rhenmatisin through exposure on the road. I first felt if in my knees, b u t « the beginning it 4m not eo very severe, It: kept growing worse and worse," however^ and soon the pain became intense; unbearable., When the first attack came I Waal traveling, ftran Albany grocery house. Irapidjygri>w' so bud tliat I hnd to give up traveling for months ata time andlduririg, the greateftK*-tioa of this time 1 Was confined to my I bed.

' The^^dis-eMeattaak^evSrf'/bintltfmy body* It would leap from my ankles to my wrists and front my knees to my elbows invariably attended by the meat ex?ruciatjngvpaiiis, jhysieians gave me n6;more thHn>tem]?*««ry relief *; , . ' . ' " ' i ; ...

"About fi*e years «go*.I was Rostrated more completely than I had ever been be* fore. For four months I lay perfectly help* less in bed: During; a-grei* part of 4W* timemylfitt leg was %awn'up toward, myj body. The pain was so acute that I w*f compcllcdtQ use immense quantities ofmor-phincond laudaftum to obtain any relief. At all hours tpf the *ight memberttJfM; family wouldhave te get up;a«d»p^ly cloths soakcito laudanum to my knees. I^ftrtti expected to walk agttin. In additfon to M* prcscMpHons of tkedoctors I took medioihiHi of ail kinds, I tried ^evcrythinjf jh»*{JWf rcoommehdedror it was su

reading this, \l procured my third box, and whenf iaannlshed it I began to feel ito* • proved,,Mid by, the time l-ha4;^kehsmy-fifth b»x I.could walk around as ^el | aai I ever could, . j'rom the fa'met,taok' the, first box until I-began to' walk without'tbe;a;id Of erutofieii was less than a'hlonthi'YS '* • .:

' After I fdlly iecdvefed the iisesofmy. legs! stopped taking the pilbrand had h6 ' return of rhenw#tism unfllahis,l«gt wlnterj4' When I was exposed ito, the >weHther and caught a bad cold. As a result I-had » slight,-, tefurn of rheumatism ftf hiy anklet; ' r j p ^ mediately got soiial PWkrPul^'toatfobl? them, and in a few days I %'as'all bright-again. A t tho present Jihteil doh?t ftekflie sfighest traces of. rheumatism. - My liitibs are as flexible aa.thauKhil had never tod' the disease. The people,here Lave1 great confidence in Ptok PiHV' ' ",.', !

Mr, Boyce is by ho means'Hhfe 'only rest, dent of Wb^c^tet'to whdni "BrfWHHims? Pink Pills havewafforddd-^giwlcnil relfefi On the. main street »earl« qppqsJK tfte new union school,building'.MiSs An'nj&Sf " lives with m tiMW.*nw>mm mm been an invalid all her-liffc - H e r l a i r W?' prematurely whJjteneJd.vi.I)jgt||ite the jrfea*ic-tions of doctors who liav'e'forecasted Mr? death time'and* time *faify Mh&W&biiJijk.

foltowlngt . . . , . ^Ihave never beeiiTstrong. .I^eyer^flftd

miich of, a cwsBtutieu >t6jbuild-;em,;ind,V when btfe haStt'Fa ibJ»u»tf«rf;.vm'lSjn6*<. '•the"' rest' Is prcH*":»ard? 4WaVe':*elh'-iSek> *great deal, anal hkr.e taKeSwavgteat dfal ; bfmw't'ane'rh!! aoctoi's ha^enfeverlinolfn,: what was tM^ma'tteTrwlfli ~mef „JY^ara,4ge my ease was brought bWorWW%twe>MP*, leal Society at Albany> byflr.;MeBongllMfo Oneonta^fte^^hen^myjhysieiaai^nle* of the; doctors,*|id.J, nad/pniuihptijinlof. Wtliiitoii otHcrs Md^censtimptiotf of ih^1! bow^s, ibntoll 'Sgreed;, ifafammtiftp *m uniqae, ^mMt JE *0^&&^jm

t brought tovmy hotiep, hSL. i B&* niirnythinphtmm-. tome. _i&erybodywheknewme, attdii^«#!

that I never ftought would pmmUt?W$ sent me letters, medicinw, eireulars tfm kinds, and I tried akout all of {hemand! •iWiout any effect. lAe.attaek Jastedj; f J!^ varying-degree of *Ctf&uflV§M W i Ne*aad then rwfia abK to- hobMftfJg|f on crutches about the house apdyard^ « w I never-ventured iuWher'1ha»'Acros» the street, w For five months I had he n«65«Sf eltltet foot, m cens^uently coniarft»» crutches. At no part df tlie tame ccfeltt stand on my feet without support • . * ^

"About »nr years am when I * M in-to almost helpless cenditioi,, after; * *«W%] tWtation of- i;heni!aati«m,,' * > M r t » Boyce, ."I **W>«»<* ?«« «^ H % ^ M

JooTtSew. I did not aott<y any »***•

and at

. M d * ^ - r h i i W > « i ^ U # * A l c m r m - ^ toentaway^fromi-hdhte^r^gMH&feWfc'*-1 - ' • -.weince '-lai*Ma>i!l^a6WlblSut«#(

ei<xplioa.ofmgm-MmW-mWim0i-winter thanjfota long:tJ«e:,P«te *Hd-$Mi&



. ;V; *0|»|ftA;|./'-iMN«ll'| :f»»W«,. *'' 4 ^»f*l (MBeer-Saya It fa Only m SwaU * " ' " ' . • ' * . « « * . -

WA8jnsftT08i Aug. 18.—A Wgh pffloetof lllOina^s^^he^liheTOMniAf'bei *!:»rea*, icalof dlsappolntmont when the cruise of Admiral Bunco waa ovcr, «nd thftfi the talk about evolutions, manouvres and the defonse of the Atlantlq coast from Bar mifoqtliisilifc.CltfXM^cjsk© c«pos w|W look very small compared with the amount of discussion that has been causo<l. The fact fa ttee Noitlj Atlantic squadron wUlinake a sumnior cruise. With «ix warships i t cjuinotbomuohelse. Tho flu*)* may have a few evolutions off"different points, hut nothing to oompwo with a British fleet In annual manotivres. Groat Britain puts every available ship In commission when mnnbuvrea arc to be had and a fleet of about60veesolsIsgathored,and there1 are attack* and 'defense 'and: gonoral akhrr mlshes:! Admiral "Bunco will have six ships for a plan of defense of the Atlantic pbost and the oftloow remarked that dur­ing tho War with more than 800 warships, the United States vftw not able to prevent blockade runners from getting into South­ern ports.

Charged With Stealing Water Bandit. BCKrAEbV°Aug. 18.—A sequel to tho al­

leged stealing of the bonds of the Akron Water Works company by Frank W. Hay-don has developed hero. Suit has been

' brought by the Aaron Waterworks oom« pany agnlnst Mr, Haydon, ex-proprlotor of the Tlfftf House; for the recovery of tho bends;- thefihtereaPtfiorddn and f l;000dam-

:ngee.:t Formal charges of stealing ivro pre-ferttid agttlnst M». Haydon and the bonds, chattels and coupons have all been replov-lued from his possession.

MM*lonartM Bound For Clilua. TOBOsrto, Aug.' 18,^-Mrs. Goforth, wife

of Rev; Jonathan Goforth, loft Toronto to • Join her husband to China, She was ao> coinpaniod by six other .missionaries who are going out to various places In China.


New York Money Market. -Vtityr YOBK, Aug, II}.

Money on call at 1 per cent. Prime mercantile paper, 8j»(34?i per oent. Sterling exchange; Actual business In bank'

era* bills, HWiQiWi to* demand and M.88M W,m*6i«) d*ys.- Posted i*mt U,m*<W

Corameroial bills, «,86«. Ballroada: Pftdflo8sof'(H,M.I». Sliver certificates, 6%686J$o, Bar silvor, 06}Jo, Mexican, SBJ o. doverhments, new 4K quoted at H.28; old

do, 11,18. Kew York ProdDee Market.

NBWYoSK.Auff. 18. . WiOBB—City mills pateatj«.45®«,78; winter patente, |8.65@3,!8(|ti elty.niUls clear, ti.OO iSS; iwintorStraits, »R*S@8,a6i winter extras, IMIO0 aap; do-low grade«,-»2,30®3.00; Minnesota pat­ents, |8,76®8.fi(>i. Minnesota bakers', !9.(»fft«o; spring low grades, •l.H5®3,fiO; spring extras, |2.00®2.50.> Southern flour: Good to choice do extra, »3.00@0.30.

CORNMKAL- Yellow western, fl.08®1.10; brandy wine; 12.88.

BY»-tStat»iil0®5iej Jersey, «»@61e carlote, S6o delivered i boatloada, 65@58o bid delivered.

BYK FLOrjB-Superflne, W.W®8.85( fancy, |3.8E(»3.S0;

BABtBar—No, 8" Milwaukee, <Bo delivered! two-rowed state, 80o i six-rowed state, western, «%o,to arrive; spot, Woj No, 8western, JSo: Canada,40@7)5He. ' BABIiBlf MAI/r-Western, 7097«o; No, 8 western, «8@7oo; two-rowed, 86o; slx-rowod do, 78®75o,

WHEAT-Spots»!e«No.2red store and ele­vator, 7P>ie; afloat, 78o: 'afloat, f, o. b„ WXei No. J Northern, 78>i» delivered; No. 1 hard. T4MB delivered. Options: No. 8 red Aug* closed at 70JJo; Sept., 71>#it Oct., Tljjoj

OOBN-Spot sales of No. 18, i!%odeUVered this week; f. o. b. afloat, «>i^l6«o; No, 8 White, MJicf.o.b,, afloat; No. 1 white, 48J^of.o. b. afloat; steamer,mixed, o8iCe; yellow,, 48>jo deliverad; 47X®tfJ*o elevator; -elevator, .un­graded mixed, 8890D0; SoJto dellvored. Op. tfon»:jMaycloaedat87Jioj J8epfc,<%e; Ooi,

OATS — Spot sale* of No, 2, »Wc eleva. to#; No, % dellvewajii%®27jie} No.' 8, « o ; No. 9 wWte.B8i<e,' No, »dov«rej,traok white weat<

,ern, iS8936c,; tract white, state, 88*860. Op­tions: May closed at 87J<o;Sepi, HMoi Oct., SBfce.

HAY-SWpplng, 7S»88o; good to choice, 88o(| I1.C6. , s ' .

POBK-Now mess, «1.25(iUiS0; famtly,tQ.68 »12.7S; short clear, $12 i0«l<,(S0; extra prime, •lg.50»12,7t>.

BUa^BR-Western dairy Al<918o! docream> ery48M*ief*> faotory, 8J«»««e; elguw.aOp;. Imitation'creamery, lKjIlfle; state dairy, lad 18^(e; do creawory-, SO JOWo/. -CHKESB-State large,'SJi97Xc; small, fl®

TKm-U State «id PennsylTanU, H»16o; WeaterBfreeh, 18»I4o; southern, limm&p.-1 POTATOK8-t^gfalaod;»l.ll#lirr«weeti, •1.003275; Jei»ey,,|l,09#l.))»;NewTork.«.» O2.00; Maine, |l.*X»l.»f Bermuda, »3.00»*.00; North Carolina, IIJ098.00| ChaHestocandiSa-vannak, »2.W»a.00; southern, 75c«H.O0; Kor-folk, 41.50 #8.00i Virginia rose. I1.00O1.60,

BaOklo Frovltton Market. Bnr»Aix>, Aug, 18.

WHKAT-No. 1 hard, 71«e! No. 8 red, WW-OOBN-No. * yellow, «><o; No. 8, *2»o;No. 8

yellow,*te- ., • BABLEY—No. I western, 8Z0; No. 8 do, 60o;

•heTalior.WJWo; Canada, flB^Mo, -i BY»-No.a old,ottofiiaew, m.' ; OATftir- No>Awh|te, old».(tt!ej doaew, 88Xoj No18roijed,old, 8Re; do4e#,«o.

l^n»^pringwhBat,Mli»"patentp8r bbl., $4.8534.60;. low grades, t8.7IS98.00j winter -W*»at, best family, ».I0^.7»; tiiaam, tS.t»» /ffife'W.-, i. '' • « . . - • " . ' . BWpMft-^tate oreanwry, akawZe; west-

l%rAjfe 81#8tfe ' • ' t " CHEESEiFancy fall cream, SMJt&oi choice do, 7Ji@8c; ugh* sklma/SWe"; skims; 898o. 1

KGOS-State; 18}jo; panada and western, 186.1 i .;••. f» . V i.~7iiinj. ,

) • Cast Buflslo t ire Stock Market. *• • • •• " K«*B«y»fAM>,Aug,ia ., Jb4fflSj$*<Xxh» expori. steers, MWM,f)b; good do, |4.50@5.7B; choice heavy batchers', «.86<HiB0; light handy do,- WWiiM; cpwo

vMAsfrisltftg, ;-e.Xtr«j,K:J8-?M<8!i; oalyos, heavy \0te$$ mm -Teals., WP9»iM :'-fASOTP',4Hl* TjAMBS^dholee to extra .wethera;«.0&3<.2*; good to choice sheep, $2.85 mooy^eminoa' to fair; |2.25'#8,7K; choice to extra spring lambs, $8.25(8128; common, to .tifajax&i.M.- '- . . • ,• ,waSr~ 'Heavy, $&10M^Oi mealum and 'mixed, tt.OOas.lO; Yorkers, $S.ld»5.1S; pigs, mmtM > - '-••• , ••

wsm •

riJuralgfa. -;¥he;dmatisn>£%WP^i|B^p..,

h ... Buffalo | t sy Market. : , « ; , . -SwJ"AlO,AUg. 18-

No. 1 timothy, per ton, 118.00; No. 8 do, $16.00 ai7.00; common mlied, $14.00(115.00; baled hay,

;$15uOO(iltOO;. locno atraw,47.00a8.00; balod do, tm^JJlO-, :-- "- •.•......-. •'

'"-- l i t t le Falls Oheeae Market. •" "_ •_ Liir*c**<Afitt,N.'Y'.,!Aug.l8.

OHBK8B^-I«rg6 colored; 17 lots* 1,21)8 boxes, TB; do 6 lots, 888 botes; 7«e; do 2 lots, IWbokcs,

. *Ke; large white; 15 lots, m boxes,. 7ej smai< white.Slloto, 1,7TBboxes,7^c; do 10 lots,.66, boxe«;7J^ji!»ij«lMqr|ft;#,^r88>^l^^ do «lots, 875 boxes, 7>io; twins, colored, 1 lot

•I%a. Total, 87 lots, 8238 boxes, ^ B - ^ K — , ^:*BT4WBBi-*fiNftftt«iji^kag*« oreamery at

yoRi| Many Items of InteW# Dfched np For

Hurried lleaders.

S^mttel Bear, the horse trainer at East Seuey*, will b e ^ i d up for severaldays by wnhinrtbe tinea of a' pitchfork through bte left foot. He hopes to be able to ride otttin about* week. ' • ••

The Palmyra base ball nine, champions of the northern il&t- of counties, will,meet; the;Oernings,champions of the southern! tier, on tbo grounds of the Onion Agrlcul | turat Society in iPalmyra Thursday after­noon.

The Seneca lake peach crop is an enor­mous one and the grapo yield promises tobe three-fonrths of a yield, despite the early dry spelt There i s but little fu»gu» disease in the vineyards and the trait is fully two weeks ahead of the average season.

The Identity of the apparition which has been frightening the residents of .Palmyra, who live on Fayette street, still remains a mystery. The entire poHco-force-has been gho: t-hunting for the past week but have bagged no game.

The baBeball game played at Lyons S^t. urday afternoon, for the championship' of LyonB, between the regular team, and the Singers, was won by the latter, the score being 13 to S. Batteries, Beguinrs, Price and Ohmann; Singers, McCarthy and Lan-ster.

Tho Central New York Telephone and Telegraph company have completed two. telephone circuits between Syracuse and Utiea. One line is direct to Utlca, but the other will connect with Syracuse, Oneida andtTtica. The company has in view (ihe construction of another circuit* between Syracuse and Oneida and'connecting with Cannstota.

A decree of foreclosure and salo has been entered in the case in Wayne county court, entitled Martha h. Wood against Mfiry Bill and others, and the premises in suit, consist­ing of a farm of forty acres in the town of Huron, will be sold by Joel Fanning, referee at the law office of Wood & Horton, Septem­ber 38th, at 10 o'clock in the f-renoon.

While Mrs, W.F. Misner of North. JTona-wanda and her little son were strolling alqng the docks of that village a few days ago, the lad fell into the water, and. was in imminent danger of drowning. The heroic mother plunged in, although she was,, unable, to swim a.stroke, and, grasping the lad with one hand and a spile with the other, held on to' both with grim, determination. Sue screamed lustily (or help and both were rescued.

The la lies of St, Mark's church in Benn Yon, have organised for the purpose of issu­ing a woman's edition of ' the Faun Yan Demoorat, theprofitatebe used to defra* theehurob debt. The edition will appear at least 10/000 copies; and will appear next month. Miss H. M. T. Ayere he* been select* ed as local editor; Mrs. John H. Sbeppard, political editor, and Miss H. M, T, - Ayers and Mrs. William' Turner, business mana­gers.

A panel of Jurors to sit at the September, term of Wayne county court ttnd court ot Sessions which will be convened at Lyons, on Monday, September 2d, presided over by Hon. Luther M, Norton, Wayne county judge, and Associate Justices James, L Howard of Clyde; and Edgar W, Kelly, of Sodus. will be drawn at the county clerk's office in Lyi ns, Friday morning of this week.

'U' til O lU-'J I. „J^H

M STTHBflME «aja»


Fruit Jars, i *i

C H A S KIPP. M n d i n ^ i , t» - .« P I * o * t o Ckmt THmm,


STOPI A n d L o o k ait Trnlls:

$2,810 burs a Fine Farm of 50 acres a miles from Geneva, All under cultffation; K aorep of fruit; plenty of good water; il»ttorjt bouse with Wing, anil barn. Feuce* all iu good order.; If yod want a bargain call to-day, a« to-morrow may be too laic.


Real Estate, iDsurance km

Room 4 Prouty Butldin£, Seneca Street, Gcneyt, N. Y.

IS HAPPV, PRUITFUI. rUKRRIAaF,^ Every Man Who Would Know tfc* OraMl

Truth*, the Plain F»rt», the New DiscoverMw ol Medical Science as Applied to Harried Ufa. Who Would Atone for P«»t Errors and, Avoid Future Pitfalls, .Should StcMrethe W»ader» ful Uttltt Book Called Cmpfete M«nkoqd,«fM| How to Attain It.

, 'flere^t luat is tnioniMiion from a High aetli alBOur.-cidai ruiibt won, Pondera WHb™]»

gcaoiabon nf men ' ? w

;- Thelioot lully Uesoilhca niothod by WIILB «•>•««#!»•<«« vlfcorand nmnly poneiv/ outhofyTtem " t 0 e o ( l ^'mnalura! aramk-

Tooureioioveroffcttsof excessive overwork

e ^ t l o , ! l f f l „ r | ! , ^ S ! e , i ^ yt " n d t p n e t o

.,„WBbo*'>iapMreIi niuiitatanct soienfjflc, u#e-whoneeofi?6 8 l s Invaluafcieto nwn only - W S f f i * Bit. MaDIOAI, COMFANT. PUSH ? # : W w 1 " «w tin. jut, 0 twokmiieW •cojlPtj-PB MA^f^IOo^» K O « * tt$m


paper, and tin romtiauy Diomlscs to send-the Uoolft in sealed onveloi r ^ " r -ontoioly free


t e w iihoutaiiy maras, and


31.» W '£ tes> tables and

Fruits For Canning

J J t-

are my Specialties i

just now. *

Call and Place an

ft.. A . KAME'


m D. E. D EM PS E Y


and other r

for loss than you can buy RootlfletljCoajpojjBital or Inferior JLiquorselsewijere

i 32. CASTLE ST* fi

The Only Whplesaip Liquor

Dealer In Geneva, j

a S

v k Y q u n g ^ C o ; Jewelers,



;thel*a% w}em$jmbiii;^0tffl!


Wtlca dhe*N» Market, -

of trad* '-a^Vo*erin't)cof,*he^:--,*i;liS^

a g M . a t ' 2 » ^ # i ! l . ; • . '•••••: •..::&!•. * s •

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mm •mw**#-r *Sm M»»tabihrf5i her in renr*'-, t t e vrorld otinind, I ^ M o«'*6a take*1 nt> ,-pyer'- • lihaiili tiii • l i l t main, and nut) Hum tnto

an adveriismept (of

something you are fto-

terested in, how many

peQfjie do you

Would see it ?

are posiitive .that

one issue it would jbe

rejected in

ol eyes*



Diamonds » i ^

AtCieatly Reduced Prices.

Watches never as cheflD be* ' ford. Silver Blown! Sets ,

Link Buttons, Silver^ Novelties.

The largest stock of Cufc<Gla« in the (ity Banquet lamps and $i!k shades A large staple of ere'pe papeis m all colors, f >

, Special Optical Depaitm^nt* Elimination fiee at

i'Lt Young ^Co* 2 0 Seneca St.





ttvh an!,*

» , Jish a Speciilft Mv meat market l a in charge of-Ki |

phrey D Lynch, w h o la # t*»Wrt* ability. I will handle nf.tWa#bi»ri fbrnla for prices ask«l

im» >%*<mint-