IGCSE Physics Exam


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  • 8/20/2019 IGCSE Physics Exam








    Combination of Paper 2, 4 an !


    Ma$ 2"%#

    % &o'r (" min'te)

    Candidates answer on the Question Paper.No Additional Materials are required.


    Write your Centre number, candidate number and nameon all the work you hand in.Write in dark blue or black pen.You may use a pencil or any dia!rams or !raphs."o not use staples, paper clips, hi!hli!hters, !lue or correction luid."# N*T W$%&' %N ANY (A$C#"').

     Answer all questions. At the end o the e*amination, asten all your work securely to!ether.&he number o marks is !i+en in brackets - at the end o eachquestion or part question.

    &his document consists o / printed pa!es.



    +or E/aminer0) U)e

    % 1 2#

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    Tota 1 !"

  • 8/20/2019 IGCSE Physics Exam


    0 M$)M 12PA 345 36437897)'M4745 3T'rn oer5

    &he ollowin! inormation may be useul. &he symbols ha+e their usual meanin!.


     sv  =




    9.asuv   2





    1at ut  s   +=

    5. Momentum : mv 

    6.ma F   =

    ;. "ensity, < : m


    =. g  : 43 m s>


  • 8/20/2019 IGCSE Physics Exam


    Se6tion A 7Paper 28

    % Which physical quantity has the correct ).% unit? 

    P&$)i6a 9'antit$ S:I Unit

     A. &ime minute

    (. Mass Newton

    C. @en!th meter  

    ". &emperature Celsius

    2 Which o the ollowin! prei* +alue is correct?

    Prefi/ ;a'e of prefi/

      A. i!a 43>=

      (. Mili 43>6

      C. "esi 43>4

      ". Nano 43>;

    (:  A measurin! cylinder is used to measure the +olume o a quantity o water.

    Which measurin! technique would not impro+e the accuracy o themeasurement?

     A makin! sure that the measurin! cylinder is +ertical( makin! sure that the water surace is at eye le+elC readin! the water meniscus


  • 8/20/2019 IGCSE Physics Exam


    " usin! the bi!!est measurin! cylinder 

    4: &he dia!ram shows a stopwatch, ori!inally set at 33B33.

    When a car was irst seen, the stop>start button was pressed. When the car

    passed the obser+er, the stopwatch showed 34B36.

    ow lon! did the car take to reach the obser+er?

     A. 4.36 s (. 6 s C. 66 s ". 436 s

    #. "ia!ram shows two burettes, D and Y.

    Which statement is true? Comparin! the two burettes, burette D is

     A. more accurate


      Burette X Burette Y

  • 8/20/2019 IGCSE Physics Exam


    can rolled

    mark on can

    0 cm51015202530 cm

    (. less sensiti+e

    C. more consistent

    ". less consistent

    !: &he dia!ram shows a thick>walled tube. &he thickness o the wall is 9 mm

    What is the internal diameter d  o the tube?

     A. .= cm (. 9.4 cm C. 9./ cm ". ;./ cm

  • 8/20/2019 IGCSE Physics Exam


    =. "ia!ram shows a +ernier caliper which is used to measure the thickness o a

    metal block. &he readin! o the +ernier caliper is

     A. 4.4/ cm (. 4.G/ cm C. .3/ cm ". .4/ cm

    >. (ased on the dia!ram below, what is the actual diameter o the obHect?

    Without obHect With obHect

     A. 6.53 mm (. 6.69 mm C. 6.66 mm ". 6.6G mm


    Metal block

  • 8/20/2019 IGCSE Physics Exam


    %": "ia!ram EaF and "ia!ram EbF show two methods o catchin! a ball

      "ia!ram EaF "ia!ram EbFWhich o the ollowin! e*plains the ma!nitude o the impulse orce on the handswhen catchin! the ball?

    "ia!ram EaF "ia!ram EbF A )mall )mall( )mall (i!C (i! )mall" (i! (i!

    %%:  A child is standin! on the platorm o a station, watchin! the trains.

     A train tra+ellin! at 93 m7s takes 9 s to pass the child. What is the len!th o thetrain?

    A 43 m B 93 m C G3 m D ;3 m

    %2. (elow are our statements about the eects o orces on obHects.

    &hree o the statements are correct. Which s tatement is in6orre6t?

     A A orce can chan!e the len!th o an obHect.


  • 8/20/2019 IGCSE Physics Exam


    ( A orce can chan!e the mass o an obHect.C A orce can chan!e the shape o an obHect." A orce can chan!e the speed o an obHect.

    %(: "ia!ram shows a car in+ol+ed in an accident.

    Why are the ront and rear sections desi!ned to crumple easily?

     A &o increase the riction orce( &o increase the impulse orceC &o decrease the momentum" &o increase the impact time

    %4:  A hea+y lorry is diicult to start mo+in! rom rest and diicult to stop when it is

    mo+in!. &his statement is related to

     A the concept o equilibrium o orces

    ( the concept o inertiaC the principle o conser+ation o momentum" the principle o conser+ation o ener!y.

    %#: &he dia!ram shows a bird on tree.

    %n which direction does the wei!ht o the bird act?


  • 8/20/2019 IGCSE Physics Exam



    %!:  A stone alls reely rom the top o a cli into the sea. Air resistance may bei!nored. Which !raph shows how the acceleration o the stone +aries with time

    as it alls?


  • 8/20/2019 IGCSE Physics Exam


    Which o the ollowin! !i+es the distance tra+elled in time inter+al #$?

     A the area #PQ$( the len!th PQC the len!th EQ$ I P#F" the ratio Q$7P#

    %=: "ia!ram shows a displacement>time !raph o a motion o a boy who starts rom

    rest and tra+els towards north. 

    Which part o the !raph indicates that the boy is mo+in! to south?

     A. #P (. PQ C. Q) ". )&

    %>: "ia!ram shows trolley A and trolley ( o same masses.





    %& $ime!s


  • 8/20/2019 IGCSE Physics Exam


    Which comparisons are true or the +elocity o trolleys A and ( ater collision?

    Troe$ A Troe$ B

     A %ncrease %ncrease( %ncrease "ecrease

    C "ecrease %ncrease" 2nchan!ed 2nchan!ed

    2": &wo obHects D and Y are placed on a beam as shown. &he beam balances on a

    ulcrum at its centre.

    What does this show about D and Y?

     A  &hey ha+e the same mass and the same density.(  &hey ha+e the same mass and the same wei!ht.

    C  &hey ha+e the same +olume and the same density.  "  &hey ha+e the same +olume and the same wei!ht.

    2%:  &wo orces act on an obHect.

    %n which situation is it impossible or the obHect to be in equilibrium?





  • 8/20/2019 IGCSE Physics Exam


     A &he two orces act in the same direction.( &he two orces act throu!h the same point.C &he two orces are o the same type." &he two orces are the same ma!nitude.

    22: &wo stones o dierent wei!ht all at the same time rom a table. Air resistancemay be i!nored. What will happen and why?

    what will happen why





    both stones hit the loor at the same time

    both stones hit the loor at the same time


    the acceleration o ree all is constant

    they all at constant speed

    acceleration increases with wei!ht

    speed increases with wei!ht

    2(: )tate the relationship between +elocity,v  and time,t  in the dia!ram below.

     A. + is directly proportional to t.(. + is in+ersely proportional to tC. + is linearly proportional to t". + is linearly increasin! to t.

    24: Which dia!ram shows orces in equilibrium?


  • 8/20/2019 IGCSE Physics Exam


    2#: Calculate the rope tension in the ollowin! pulley system i the acceleration is .5


     A. 3 N (. 95.5 C. 9;.5 ". =3 N

    Se6tion B 7Paper 48

    % 8i!ure 4.4 shows a ticker tape produced when a trolley mo+e alon! an inclined

    runway. &he electric current which is supplied to the ticker timer has a requency

    o 53 J.

    8i!ure 4.4

    EaF &ick EKF the correct bo*.&he type o current used by the ticker timer is

       Alternatin! Current EA.C.F

    "irect Current E".C.F 



  • 8/20/2019 IGCSE Physics Exam


     EbF #n 8i!ure 4.4, mark L. to show one tick.


     EcF (ased on 8i!ure 4.4, determine the +elocity o the trolley.


    elocity : ...................................-

    &otal : /-2 8i!ure .4 shows a car with a dummy dri+er beore and ater a collision test.


    8i!ure .4

    &he mass o the dummy dri+er is G3 k!. &he impact time to reduce the dummysspeed rom /5 m7s to Jero is 4. s.

    a Calculate

    i &he momentum o the dummy Hust beore impact.


  • 8/20/2019 IGCSE Physics Exam


      Momentum : ...................................-

    ii &he a+era!e orce on the dummy durin! impact.

      8orce : ...............................-

    b '*plain what causes the dummy to be thrown orward durin! the impact.




    ............................................................................................................................  -

      &otal : 6-


  • 8/20/2019 IGCSE Physics Exam


    ( EaF 8i!ure 9.4 shows a skier descendin! a hillside.8i!ure 9. shows the speed>time !raph o the motion.

      8i!ure 9.4 8i!ure 9.

    i ow can you tell that the acceleration o the skier is constant durin! the



    ii Calculate the acceleration o the skier.

     Acceleration : ....................................-


  • 8/20/2019 IGCSE Physics Exam


    EbF Another skier starts rom rest at the top o the slope.

     As his speed increases, the rictional orce on the skier increases.

    i )tate the eect o this increasin! rictional orce on the acceleration.

    ............................................................................................................ 4-

    ii '+entually the speed o the skier becomes constant.What can be said about the rictional orce when the speed is


    ............................................................................................................ 4-

    iii #n the a*es o 8i!ure 9.9, sketch a possible speed>time !raph or the

    motion o the second skier.

    8i!ure 9.9 



  • 8/20/2019 IGCSE Physics Exam


      &otal : ;-

    4 EaF %n an accident, a truck !oes o the road and went into a ditch. &wo breakdown

    +ehicles A and ( are used to pull the truck out o the ditch, as shown in 8i!ure /.4.

    8i!ure /.4

     At one point in the rescue operation, breakdown +ehicle A is e*ertin! a orce o /333 N and breakdown +ehicle ( is e*ertin! a orce o 333 N.


  • 8/20/2019 IGCSE Physics Exam


    i 2sin! a scale o 4cm : 533 N, make a scale drawin! to show the resultant

    orce on the truck.


    ii 2se your dia!ram to ind the ma!nitude and direction o the resultant orce

    on the truck.

    Ma!nitude o resultant orce : .............................

    "irection o resultant orce : ........................................to direction o road


    EbF EiF )tate why the resultant orce is an e*ample o a +ector quantity.


    iii i+e one other e*ample o a +ector quantity that is not a orce.

    ................................................................................................................. 4- 


  • 8/20/2019 IGCSE Physics Exam


      &otal : =-

    Se6tion C 7Paper !8

    # &he %C)' student is in+esti!atin! a simple pendulum.

    &he apparatus is shown in 8i!. 5.4.


  • 8/20/2019 IGCSE Physics Exam


    7a8 #n 8i!. 5.4, measure the len!th l o the pendulum.

      l : .................................................. 4-

    7b8 &he dia!ram in 8i!ure 5.4 is drawn 475th actual siJe.Calculate the actual len!th L o the pendulum.


  • 8/20/2019 IGCSE Physics Exam


      L : .................................................. -

    768 A student places a metre rule on the bench so that the 53.3 cm mark is +ertically

    below the centre o the pendulum bob.

    "escribe how you would Hud!e that the 53.3 cm mark is +ertically below the centre o 

    the pendulum bob. You may draw a dia!ram.


    ....................................................................................................................................... 4-

    78 &he student pulls the pendulum bob to one side until it is +ertically abo+e the 5.3

    cm mark on the rule. e has mo+ed the pendulum bob a horiJontal distance d : .3 cm.e releases the pendulum bob, then measures the time t taken or 43 complete swin!s

    o the pendulum. e repeats the procedure usin! a ran!e o d +alues. &he +alues o d 

    and t are shown in &able 5.4.


  • 8/20/2019 IGCSE Physics Exam


    7i8 Calculate the period T o the pendulum or each +alue o d .

    'nter the +alues in the table. &he period T is the time taken or one complete swin! o 

    the pendulum.


    7ii8 Complete the column headin!s in the table with correct unit. 4-

    7e8 2sin! the e+idence in the table, describe the eect on the period T o increasin! the

    distance d . Oustiy your answer by reerence to your results.

    "escription .......................................................................................................................


    Oustiication .......................................................................................................................





  • 8/20/2019 IGCSE Physics Exam


    7f8 )u!!est why the student measures the time taken or ten swin!s o the pendulum

    rather than or one swin!.



    ....................................................................................................................................... 4-

      &otalB 43-

