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    A currency future, also FX futureor foreign exchange future, is afutures

    contractto exchange onecurrencyfor another at a specified date in the future at

    a price (exchange rate)that is fixed on the purchase date; seeForeign exchange

    derivative.Typically, one of the currencies is theUS dollar.Thepriceof a future

    is then in terms of US dollars per unit of other currency. This can be differentfrom the standard way of quoting in the spotforeign exchange markets.

    The trade unitof each contract is then a certain amount of other currency, for

    instance 125,000. Most contracts have physical delivery, so for those held at

    the end of the last trading day, actual payments are made in each currency.

    However, most contracts are closed out before that. Investors can close out the

    contract at any time prior to the contract's delivery date.

    In finance, a forward contractor simply a forwardis a non-standardized

    contract between two parties to buy or to sell an asset at a specified future time

    at a price agreed upon today.[1]This is in contrast to aspot contract,which is an

    agreement to buy or sell an asset today. The party agreeing to buy the

    underlying asset in the future assumes along position,and the party agreeing to

    sell the asset in the future assumes ashort position.The price agreed upon is

    called thedelivery price,which is equal to theforward priceat the time the

    contract is entered into.

    The price of the underlying instrument, in whatever form, is paid before control of

    the instrument changes. This is one of the many forms of buy/sell orders where

    the time and date of trade is not the same as thevalue datewhere

    thesecuritiesthemselves are exchanged.

    Theforward priceof such a contract is commonly contrasted with thespot price,

    which is the price at which the asset changes hands on thespot date.The

    difference between the spot and the forward price is theforward premiumor

    forward discount, generally considered in the form of aprofit,or loss, by the

    purchasing party.

    Forwards, like other derivative securities, can be used tohedgerisk (typically

    currency or exchange rate risk), as a means ofspeculation,or to allow a party to

    take advantage of a quality of the underlying instrument which is time-sensitive.
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    A closely related contract is afutures contract;theydiffer in certain respects.

    Forward contracts are very similar to futures contracts, except they are not

    exchange-traded, or defined on standardized assets.[2]Forwards also typically

    have no interim partial settlements or "true-ups" in margin requirements like

    futuressuch that the parties do not exchange additional property securing the

    party at gain and the entire unrealized gain or loss builds up while the contract is

    open. However, being tradedover the counter (OTC),forward contracts

    specification can be customized and may include mark-to-market and daily

    margin calls. Hence, a forward contract arrangement might call for the loss party

    to pledge collateral or additional collateral to better secure the party at

    gain.[clarification needed]In other words, the terms of the forward contract will

    determine the collateral calls based upon certain "trigger" events relevant to a

    particular counterparty such as among other things, credit ratings, value of

    assets under management or redemptions over a specific time frame, e.g.,

    quarterly, annually, etc.

    What is the difference between forward and futures


    Fundamentally, forward and futures contracts have the same

    function: both types of contracts allow people to buy or sell a

    specific type of asset at a specific time at a given price.

    However, it is in the specific details that these contractsdiffer. First of all,futures contractsare exchange-traded and,

    therefore, are standardized contracts.Forward contracts, on

    the other hand, are private agreements between two parties

    and are not as rigid in their stated terms and conditions.

    Because forward contracts are private agreements, there is
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    always a chance that a party maydefaulton its side of the

    agreement. Futures contracts haveclearing housesthat

    guarantee the transactions, which drastically lowers the

    probability of default to almost never.

    Secondly, the specific details concerning settlement

    anddeliveryare quite distinct. For forward contracts,

    settlement of the contract occurs at the end of the contract.

    Futures contracts aremarked-to-marketdaily, which means

    that daily changes are settled day by day until the end of the

    contract. Furthermore, settlement for futures contracts can

    occur over a range of dates. Forward contracts, on the otherhand, only possess one settlement date.

    Lastly, because futures contracts are quite frequently

    employed byspeculators, who bet on the direction in which

    an asset's price will move, they are usually closed out prior

    to maturity and delivery usually never happens. On the other

    hand, forward contracts are mostly used by hedgers that

    want to eliminate the volatilityof an asset's price, and

    delivery of the asset or cash settlementwill usually take


    Derivatives: A derivative is an instrument whose value is derived from the value of one or more

    basic variables called bases (underlying asset, index, or reference rate) in a contractual

    manner. The underlying asset can be equity, commodity, forex or any other asset. The majorfinancial derivative products are Forwards, Futures, Options and Swaps. We will start with the

    concept of a Forward contract and then move on to understand Future and Option contracts.

    Forward Contracts: A forward contract is an agreement to buy or sell an asset on a specified

    date for a specified price. The main features of this definition are There is an agreement

    Agreement is to buy or sell the underlying asset The transaction takes place on a predetermined

    future date The price at which the transaction will take place is also predetermined Let us

    illustrate it with an example. Suppose an IT company exports its services to US and hence
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    earns its revenue in Dollars. If it knows it would receive a payment of $1 million in six months

    time, it cannot be sure as to what would be the Rupee value of this $1 million after six months.

    Assuming that the current rate is Rs 43/$, the value as per current rate would be Rs 43 million.

    Now suppose the actual forex rate after six months is Rs 37/$ and hence the company receives

    Rs 37 million which is less by almost 14% that the current value. In the reverse scenario of

    rupee depreciating vis--vis the dollar, a rate of Rs 45/$ would lead to a gain of Rs 2 million.Hence, the company is exposed to currency risk. To hedge this risk, the company may sell

    dollar forward i.e. it may enter into an agreement to sell $1 mn after 6 months at a rate of Rs

    43/$. Note that it satisfies all the conditions of a forward contract. One pre-requisite of a forward

    contract is that there should be another party which is willing to take a reverse position. For

    example, in the above case we may sell dollars forward only if someone is willing to buy it after

    six months. An importer who purchases goods and hence makes payment in dollars might need

    to hedge his currency risk by being the other side of this contract. Future Contracts: A future

    contract is effectively a forward contract which is standardized in nature and is exchange traded.

    Future contracts remove the lacunas of forward contracts as they are not exposed to

    counterparty risk and are also much more liquid. The standardization of the contract is with

    respect to Quality of underlying Quantity of underlying Term of the contract Let us understand it

    with the help of an illustration of a Reliance Future contract. What does the statement - I have

    bought 1 lot (250 shares) of Reliance July Future @ Rs 700 meanin theory? It means that the

    person has agreed to buy 250 shares of Reliance Industries on 26th July 2012 (the expiration

    date) at Rs 700 per share. Here, The underlying is the shares of Reliance Industries The

    quantity is 1 lot, i.e. 250 shares The expiry date is 26th July 2012 (last Thursday of July), and

    The pre-determined price is Rs 700 (and is called the Strike Price) If the actual price of Reliance

    is Rs 800 on the settlement day (26th July), the person buys 250 shares at the contracted price

    of Rs 700 and may sell it at the prevailing market price of Rs 800 thereby gaining Rs 100 per

    share (Rs 25,000 in total). On the other hand if the price falls to 650 he loses Rs 50 per share

    (Rs 12,500 in total) as he has to buy at Rs 700 but the prevailing market price is Rs 650.

    Derivatives - Common Characteristics of Futures

    and Forwards

    Forward CommitmentsA forward commitment is a contract between two (or more)

    parties who agree to engage in a transaction at a later date

    and at a specific price, which is given at the start of the

    contract. It is a customized, privately negotiated agreement

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    to exchange an asset or cash flows at a specified future date

    at a price agreed on at the trade date. In its simplest form, it

    is a trade that is agreed to at one point in time but will take

    place at some later time. For example, two parties might

    agree today to exchange 500,000 barrels of crude oil for

    $42.08 a barrel three months from today. Entering a forward

    contract typically does notrequire the payment of a fee.

    There are two major types of forward commitments:

    Forward contracts, orforwards, are OTC-tradedderivatives with customized terms and features.

    Futures contract, orfutures,are exchange-traded

    derivatives with standardized terms.

    Futures and forwards share some common characteristics:

    Both futures and forwards are firm and binding

    agreements to act at a later date. In most cases this

    means exchanging an asset at a specific price sometime

    in the future.

    Both types of derivatives obligate the parties to make a

    contract to complete the transaction or offset the

    transaction by engaging in anther transaction thatsettles each party's obligation to the other. Physical

    settlement occurs when the actual underlying asset is

    delivered in exchange for the agreed-upon price. In

    cases where the contracts are entered into for purely
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    financial reasons (i.e. the engaged parties have no

    interest in taking possession of the underlying asset),

    the derivative may becash settledwith a single payment

    equal to the market value of the derivative at its

    maturity or expiration.

    Both types of derivatives are considered leveraged

    instruments because for little or no cash outlay, an

    investor can profit from price movements in the

    underlying asset without having to immediately pay for,

    hold or warehouse that asset.

    They offer a convenient means of hedging or

    speculating. For example, a rancher can conveniently

    hedge his grain costs by purchasing corn several months

    forward. The hedge eliminates price exposure, and it

    doesn't require an initial outlay of funds to purchase the

    grain. The rancher is hedged without having to take

    delivery of or store the grain until it is needed. Therancher doesn't even have to enter into the forward with

    the ultimate supplier of the grain and there is little or no

    initial cash outlay.

    Both physical settlement and cash settlement options

    can be keyed to a wide variety of underlying assets

    including commodities, short-term debt, Eurodollar

    deposits, gold, foreign exchange, the S&P 500 stockindex, etc.
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    Derivatives - The Futures Trade Process

    Most U.S. futures exchanges offer two ways to enact a trade

    - the traditional floor-trading process (also called "open

    outcry") and electronic trading. The basic steps are

    essentially the same in either format: Customers submit

    orders that are executed - filled - by other traders who take

    equal but opposite positions, selling at prices at which other

    customers buy or buying at prices at which other customerssell. The differences are described below.

    Open outcry trading is the more traditional form of trading in

    the U.S. Brokers take orders (either bids to buy or offers to

    sell) by telephone or computer from traders (their

    customers). Those orders are then communicated orally to

    brokers in a trading pit. The pits are octagonal, multi-tiered

    areas on the floor of the exchange where traders conduct

    business. The traders wear different colored jackets and

    badges that indicate who they work for and what type of

    traders they are (FCM or local). It's called "open outcry"

    because traders shout and use various hand signals to relay

    information and the price at which they are willing to trade.

    Trades are executed (matches are made) when the traders

    agree on a price and the number of contracts either through

    verbal communication or simply some sort of motion such as

    a nod. The traders then turn their trade tickets over to their
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    clerks who enter the transaction into the system. Customers

    are then notified of their trades and pertinent information

    about each trade is sent to the clearing house and


    In electronic trading, customers (who have been pre-

    approved by a brokerage for electronic trading) send buy or

    sell orders directly from their computers to an electronic

    marketplace offered by the relevant exchange. There are no

    brokers involved in the process. Traders see the various bids

    and offers on their computers. The trade is executed by the

    traders lifting bids or hitting offers on their computer

    screens. The trading pit is, in essence, the trading screen and

    the electronic market participants replace the brokers

    standing in the pit. Electronic trading offers much greater

    insight into pricing because the top five current bids and

    offers are posted on the trading screen for all marketparticipants to see. Computers handle all trading activity -

    the software identifies matches of bids and offers and

    generally fills orders according to a first-in, first-out (FIFO)

    process. Dissemination of information is also faster on

    electronic trades. Trades made on CME Globex, for

    example, happen in milliseconds and are instantaneously

    broadcast to the public. In open outcry trading, however, itcan take from a few seconds to minutes to execute a trade.

    Price Limit

    This is the amount a futures contract's price can move in one

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    day. Price limits are usually set in absolute dollar amounts -

    the limit could be $5, for example. This would mean that the

    price of the contract could not increase or decrease by more

    than $5 in a single day.

    Limit Move

    A limit move occurs when a transaction takes place that

    would exceed the price limit. This freezes the price at the

    price limit.

    Limit Up

    The maximum amount by which the price of a futures

    contract may advance in one trading day. Some markets

    close trading of these contracts when the limit up is reached,

    others allow trading to resume if the price moves away from

    the day's limit. If there is a major event affecting the

    market's sentiment toward a particular commodity, it maytake several trading days before the contract price fully

    reflects this change. On each trading day, the trading limit

    will be reached before the market's equilibrium contract price

    is met.

    Limit Down

    This is when the price decreases and is stuck at the lowerprice limit. The maximum amount by which the price of a

    commodity futures contract may decline in one trading

    day. Some markets close trading of contracts when the limit

    down is reached, others allow trading to resume if the price

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    moves away from the day's limit. If there is a major event

    affecting the market's sentiment toward a particular

    commodity, it may take several trading days before the

    contract price fully reflects this change. On each trading day,

    the trading limit will be reached before the market's

    equilibrium contract price is met.

    Locked Limit

    Occurs when the trading price of a futures contract arrives at

    the exchange's predetermined limit price. At the lock limit,

    trades above or below the lock price are not executed. For

    example, if a futures contract has a lock limit of $5, as soon

    as the contract trades at $5 the contract would no longer be

    permitted to trade above this price if the market is on an

    uptrend, and the contract would no longer be permitted to

    trade below this price if the market is on a downtrend. The

    main reason for these limits is to prevent investors fromsubstantial losses that can occur as a result of the volatility

    found in futures markets.

    The Marking to Market Process

    At the initiation of the trade, a price is set and money is

    deposited in the account.

    At the end of the day, a settlement price is determined

    by the clearing house. The account is then adjusted

    accordingly, either in a positive or negative manner,

    with funds either being drawn from or added to the

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    account based on the difference in the initial price and

    the settlement price.

    The next day, the settlement price is used as the base


    As the market prices change through the next day, a

    new settlement price will be determined at the end of

    the day. Again, the account will be adjusted by the

    difference in the new settlement price and the previous

    night's price in the appropriate manner.

    Infinance,a futures contract(more colloquially, futures) is astandardizedcontractbetween two parties to buy or sell a specified asset of

    standardized quantity and quality for a price agreed upon today (the futures

    price) with delivery and payment occurring at a specified future date, the delivery

    date. The contracts are negotiated at afutures exchange,which acts as an

    intermediary between the two parties. The party agreeing to buy the underlying

    asset in the future, the "buyer" of the contract, is said to be "long", and the party

    agreeing to sell the asset in the future, the "seller" of the contract, is said to be


    While the futures contract specifies a trade taking place in the future, the purpose

    of the futures exchange institution is to act as intermediary and minimize the risk

    of default by either party. Thus the exchange requires both parties to put up an

    initial amount of cash (performance bond), themargin.Additionally, since the
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    futures price will generally change daily, the difference in the prior agreed-upon

    price and the daily futures price is settled daily also (variation margin). The

    exchange will draw money out of one party's margin account and put it into the

    other's so that each party has the appropriate daily loss or profit. If the margin

    account goes below a certain value, then a margin call is made and the account

    owner must replenish the margin account. This process is known as marking to

    market. Thus on the delivery date, the amount exchanged is not the specified

    price on the contract but thespot value(i.e. the original value agreed upon, since

    any gain or loss has already been previously settled by marking to market).

    A closely related contract is aforward contract.A forward is like a futures in that

    it specifies the exchange of goods for a specified price at a specified future date.

    However, a forward is not traded on an exchange and thus does not have theinterim partial payments due to marking to market. Nor is the contract

    standardized, as on the exchange.

    Unlike anoption,both parties of a futures contract must fulfill the contract on the

    delivery date. The seller delivers the underlying asset to the buyer, or, if it is a

    cash-settled futures contract, then cash is transferred from the futures trader who

    sustained a loss to the one who made a profit. To exit the commitment prior to

    the settlement date, the holder of a futurespositioncan close out its contract

    obligations by taking the opposite position on another futures contract on the

    same asset and settlement date. The difference in futures prices is then a profit

    or loss.



    1 Origin

    2 Margin 3 Settlement - physical versus cash-settled futures

    4 Pricing

    o 4.1 Arbitrage arguments

    o 4.2 Pricing via expectation

    o 4.3 Relationship between arbitrage arguments and expectation
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    o 4.4 Contango and backwardation

    5 Futures contracts and exchanges

    o 5.1 Codes

    6 Who trades futures?

    o 6.1 Hedgers

    o 6.2 Speculators

    7 Options on futures

    8 Futures contract regulations

    9 Definition of futures contract

    10 Futures versus forwards

    o 10.1 Exchange versus OTC

    o 10.2 Margining

    11 Further reading

    12 See also

    13 Notes

    14 References

    15 U.S. Futures exchanges and regulators

    16 External links


    The first futures exchange market was theDjima Rice Exchangein Japan in the

    1730s, to meet the needs ofsamuraiwhobeing paid in rice, and after a series

    of bad harvestsneeded a stable conversion to coin.[1]

    TheChicago Board of Trade(CBOT) listed the first ever standardized 'exchange

    traded' forward contracts in 1864, which were called futures contracts. This

    contract was based ongraintrading and started a trend that saw contracts

    created on a number of differentcommoditiesas well as a number of futures

    exchanges set up in countries around the world.


    By 1875 cotton futures werebeing traded inMumbaiin India and within a few years this had expanded to

    futures onedible oilseeds complex,rawjuteand jute goods andbullion.[3]


    Main article:Margin (finance)
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    To minimizecredit riskto the exchange, traders must post amarginor

    aperformance bond,typically 5%-15% of the contract's value.

    To minimizecounterparty riskto traders, trades executed on regulated futures

    exchanges are guaranteed by a clearing house. The clearing house becomes the

    buyer to each seller, and the seller to each Buyer, so that in the event of a

    counterparty default the clearer assumes the risk of loss. This enables traders to

    transact without performingdue diligenceon their counterparty.

    Margin requirements are waived or reduced in some cases forhedgerswho have

    physical ownership of the coveredcommodityorspread traderswho have

    offsetting contracts balancing the position.

    Clearing marginare financial safeguards to ensure that companies or

    corporations perform on their customers' open futures and options contracts.

    Clearing margins are distinct from customer margins that individual buyers and

    sellers of futures and options contracts are required to deposit with brokers.

    Customer marginWithin the futures industry, financial guarantees required of

    both buyers and sellers of futures contracts and sellers of options contracts to

    ensure fulfillment of contract obligations.Futures Commission Merchantsare

    responsible for overseeing customer margin accounts. Margins are determined
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    on the basis of market risk and contract value. Also referred to as performance

    bond margin.

    Initial marginis the equity required to initiate a futures position. This is a type of

    performance bond. The maximum exposure is not limited to the amount of theinitial margin, however the initial margin requirement is calculated based on the

    maximum estimated change in contract value within a trading day. Initial margin

    is set by the exchange.

    If a position involves an exchange-traded product, the amount or percentage of

    initial margin is set by the exchange concerned.

    In case of loss or if the value of the initial margin is being eroded, the broker will

    make a margin call in order to restore the amount of initial margin available.

    Often referred to as variation margin, margin called for this reason is usually

    done on a daily basis, however, in times of high volatility a broker can make a

    margin call or calls intra-day.

    Calls for margin are usually expected to be paid and received on the same day. If

    not, the broker has the right to close sufficient positions to meet the amount

    called by way of margin. After the position is closed-out the client is liable for any

    resulting deficit in the clients account.

    Some U.S. exchanges also use the term maintenance margin, which in effect

    defines by how much the value of the initial margin can reduce before a margin

    call is made. However, most non-US brokers only use the term initial margin

    and variation margin.

    The Initial Margin requirement is established by the Futures exchange, in

    contrast to other securities' Initial Margin (which is set by the Federal Reserve in

    the U.S. Markets).

    A futures account is marked to market daily. If the margin drops below the marginmaintenance requirement established by the exchange listing the futures, a

    margin call will be issued to bring the account back up to the required level.

    Maintenance marginA set minimum margin per outstanding futures contract

    that a customer must maintain in their margin account.

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    Margin-equity ratiois a term used byspeculators,representing the amount of

    their trading capital that is being held as margin at any particular time. The low

    margin requirements of futures results in substantial leverage of the investment.

    However, the exchanges require a minimum amount that varies depending on

    the contract and the trader. The broker may set the requirement higher, but may

    not set it lower. A trader, of course, can set it above that, if he does not want to

    be subject to margin calls.

    Performance bond marginThe amount of money deposited by both a buyer

    and seller of a futures contract or an options seller to ensure performance of the

    term of the contract. Margin in commodities is not a payment of equity or down

    payment on the commodity itself, but rather it is a security deposit.

    Return on margin(ROM) is often used to judge performance because it

    represents the gain or loss compared to the exchanges perceived risk as

    reflected in required margin. ROM may be calculated (realized return) / (initial

    margin). The Annualized ROM is equal to (ROM+1)(year/trade_duration)-1. For example

    if a trader earns 10% on margin in two months, that would be about 77%


    Settlement - physical versus cash-settled futures[edit]

    Settlement is the act ofconsummatingthe contract, and can be done in one of

    two ways, as specified per type of futures contract:

    Physical delivery- the amount specified of the underlying asset of the

    contract is delivered by the seller of the contract to the exchange, and by the

    exchange to the buyers of the contract. Physical delivery is common with

    commodities and bonds. In practice, it occurs only on a minority of contracts.

    Most are cancelled out by purchasing a covering position - that is, buying a

    contract to cancel out an earlier sale (covering a short), or selling a contract to

    liquidate an earlier purchase (covering a long). The Nymex crude futures

    contract uses this method of settlement upon expiration

    Cash settlement- a cash payment is made based on the

    underlyingreference rate,such as a short term interest rate index such as90
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    Day T-Bills,or the closing value of astock market index.The parties settle by

    paying/receiving the loss/gain related to the contract in cash when the

    contract expires.[4]Cash settled futures are those that, as a practical matter,

    could not be settled by delivery of the referenced item - i.e. how would one

    deliver an index? A futures contract might also opt to settle against an index

    based on trade in a related spot market. ICE Brent futures use this method.

    Expiry(or Expirationin the U.S.) is the time and the day that a particular

    delivery month of a futures contract stops trading, as well as the final settlement

    price for that contract. For many equity index and interest rate futures contracts

    (as well as for most equity options), this happens on the third Friday of certain

    trading months. On this day the t+1futures contract becomes the tfutures

    contract. For example, for mostCMEandCBOTcontracts, at the expiration ofthe December contract, the March futures become the nearest contract. This is

    an exciting time for arbitrage desks, which try to make quick profits during the

    short period (perhaps 30 minutes) during which theunderlyingcash price and the

    futures price sometimes struggle to converge. At this moment the futures and the

    underlying assets are extremely liquid and any disparity between an index and

    an underlying asset is quickly traded by arbitrageurs. At this moment also, the

    increase in volume is caused by traders rolling over positions to the next contract

    or, in the case of equity index futures, purchasing underlying components ofthose indexes to hedge against current index positions. On the expiry date, a

    European equity arbitrage trading desk in London or Frankfurt will see positions

    expire in as many as eight major markets almost every half an hour.


    When the deliverable asset exists in plentiful supply, or may be freely created,

    then the price of a futures contract is determined viaarbitragearguments. This is

    typical forstock index futures,treasury bond futures,andfutures on physical

    commoditieswhen they are in supply (e.g. agricultural crops after the harvest).

    However, when the deliverable commodity is not in plentiful supply or when it

    does not yet exist - for example on crops before the harvest or

    onEurodollarFutures orFederal funds ratefutures (in which the supposed

    underlying instrument is to be created upon the delivery date) - the futures price
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    cannot be fixed by arbitrage. In this scenario there is only one force setting the

    price, which is simplesupply and demandfor the asset in the future, as

    expressed by supply and demand for the futures contract.

    Arbitrage arguments[edit]Arbitrage arguments ("Rational pricing") apply when the deliverable asset exists

    in plentiful supply, or may be freely created. Here, the forward price represents

    the expected future value of the underlyingdiscountedat therisk free rateas

    any deviation from the theoretical price will afford investors a riskless profit

    opportunity and should be arbitraged away. We define the forward price to be the

    strike K such that the contract has 0 value at the present time. Assuming interest

    rates are constant the forward price of the future is equal to the forward price of

    the forward contract with the same strike and maturity. It is also the same if the

    underlying asset is uncorrelated with interest rates. Otherwise the difference

    between the forward price on the future (futures price) and forward price on the

    asset, is proportional to the covariance between the underlying asset price and

    interest rates. For example, a future on a zero coupon bond will have a futures

    price lower than the forward price. This is called the futures "convexity


    Thus, assuming constant rates, for a simple, non-dividend paying asset, thevalue of the future/forward price, F(t,T), will be found by compounding the

    present value S(t)at time tto maturity Tby the rate of risk-free return r.

    or, withcontinuous compounding

    This relationship may be modified for storage costs, dividends, dividend

    yields, and convenience yields.

    In a perfect market the relationship between futures and spot prices

    depends only on the above variables; in practice there are various market

    imperfections (transaction costs, differential borrowing and lending rates,

    restrictions on short selling) that prevent complete arbitrage. Thus, the
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    futures price in fact varies within arbitrage boundaries around the

    theoretical price.

    Pricing via expectation[edit]

    When the deliverable commodity is not in plentiful supply (or when it doesnot yet exist) rational pricing cannot be applied, as the arbitrage

    mechanism is not applicable. Here the price of the futures is determined

    by today'ssupply and demandfor the underlying asset in the future.

    In a deep and liquid market, supply and demand would be expected to

    balance out at a price which represents anunbiased expectationof the

    future price of the actual asset and so be given by the simple relationship.

    By contrast, in a shallow and illiquid market, or in a market in which

    large quantities of the deliverable asset have been deliberately

    withheld from market participants (an illegal action known ascornering

    the market), the market clearing price for the futures may still represent

    the balance between supply and demand but the relationship between

    this price and the expected future price of the asset can break down.

    Relationship between arbitrage arguments andexpectation[edit]

    The expectation based relationship will also hold in a no-arbitrage

    setting when we take expectations with respect to therisk-neutral

    probability.In other words: a futures price ismartingalewith respect to

    the risk-neutral probability. With this pricing rule, a speculator is

    expected to break even when the futures market fairly prices the

    deliverable commodity.

    Contango and backwardation[edit]

    The situation where the price of a commodity for future delivery is

    higher than thespot price,or where a far future delivery price is higher

    than a nearer future delivery, is known ascontango.The reverse,

    where the price of a commodity for future delivery is lower than the
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    spot price, or where a far future delivery price is lower than a nearer

    future delivery, is known asbackwardation.

    Futures contracts and exchanges[edit]


    There are many different kinds of futures contracts, reflecting the many

    different kinds of "tradable" assets about which the contract may be

    based such as commodities, securities (such assingle-stock futures),

    currencies or intangibles such as interest rates and indexes. For

    information on futures markets in specific underlyingcommodity

    markets,follow the links. For a list of tradable commodities futures

    contracts, seeList of traded commodities.See also thefuturesexchangearticle.

    Foreign exchange market

    Money market

    Bond market

    Equity market

    Soft Commodities market

    Trading oncommoditiesbegan in Japan in the 18th century with the

    trading of rice and silk, and similarly in Holland with tulip bulbs. Trading

    in the US began in the mid 19th century, when central grain markets

    were established and a marketplace was created for farmers to bring

    their commodities and sell them either for immediate delivery (also

    called spot or cash market) or for forward delivery. These forward

    contracts were private contracts between buyers and sellers and

    became the forerunner to today's exchange-traded futures contracts.

    Although contract trading began with traditional commodities such as

    grains, meat and livestock, exchange trading has expanded to include

    metals, energy, currency and currency indexes, equities and equity

    indexes, government interest rates and private interest rates.

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    Contracts on financial instruments were introduced in the 1970s by

    theChicago Mercantile Exchange(CME) and these instruments

    became hugely successful and quickly overtook commodities futures in

    terms of trading volume and global accessibility to the markets. This

    innovation led to the introduction of many new futures exchanges

    worldwide, such as theLondon International Financial Futures

    Exchangein 1982 (nowEuronext.liffe), Deutsche Terminbrse

    (nowEurex)and theTokyo Commodity Exchange(TOCOM). Today,

    there are more than 90 futures and futures options exchanges

    worldwide trading to include:

    CME Group(formerly CBOT and CME) -- Currencies, Various

    Interest Rate derivatives (including US Bonds); Agricultural (Corn,

    Soybeans, Soy Products, Wheat, Pork, Cattle, Butter, Milk); Index

    (Dow Jones Industrial Average); Metals (Gold, Silver), Index

    (NASDAQ, S&P, etc.)

    IntercontinentalExchange(ICE Futures Europe) - formerly

    theInternational Petroleum Exchangetrades energy

    includingcrude oil,heating oil, gas oil (diesel), refined petroleum

    products, electric power, coal,natural gas,and emissions

    NYSE Euronext- which absorbedEuronextinto whichLondon

    International Financial Futures and Options

    ExchangeorLIFFE(pronounced 'LIFE') was merged. (LIFFE had

    taken over London Commodities Exchange ("LCE") in 1996)- softs:

    grains and meats. Inactive market inBaltic Exchangeshipping.

    Index futures includeEURIBOR,FTSE 100,CAC 40,AEX index.

    South African Futures Exchange - SAFEX

    Sydney Futures Exchange Tokyo Stock ExchangeTSE (JGB Futures, TOPIX Futures)

    Tokyo Commodity ExchangeTOCOM

    Tokyo Financial Exchange- TFX - (Euroyen Futures, OverNight

    CallRate Futures, SpotNext RepoRate Futures)

    Osaka Securities ExchangeOSE (Nikkei Futures, RNP Futures)
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    London Metal Exchange-

    metals:copper,aluminium,lead,zinc,nickel,tinand steel

    IntercontinentalExchange(ICE Futures U.S.) - formerly New York

    Board of Trade - softs:cocoa,coffee,cotton,orange juice,sugar

    New York Mercantile ExchangeCME Group- energy and

    metals:crude oil,gasoline,heating oil,natural



    Dubai Mercantile Exchange

    Korea Exchange- KRX

    Singapore Exchange- SGX - into which mergedSingapore

    International Monetary Exchange(SIMEX) ROFEX- Rosario (Argentina) Futures Exchange

    NCDEX- National Commodity and Derivatives Exchange, India


    Most Futures contracts codes are five characters. The first two

    characters identify the contract type, the third character identifies the

    month and the last two characters identify the year.

    Third (month) futures contract codes are

    January = F

    February = G

    March = H

    April = J

    May = K

    June = M

    July = N

    August = Q

    September = U

    October = V

    November = X
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    December = Z

    Example: CLX14 is a Crude Oil (CL), November (X) 2014 (14)


    Who trades futures?[edit]Futures traders are traditionally placed in one of two groups:hedgers,

    who have an interest in the underlying asset (which could include an

    intangible such as an index or interest rate) and are seeking to hedge

    outthe risk of price changes; andspeculators,who seek to make a

    profit by predicting market moves and opening aderivativecontract

    related to the asset "on paper", while they have no practical use for or

    intent to actually take or make delivery of the underlying asset. In otherwords, the investor is seeking exposure to the asset in a long futures or

    the opposite effect via a short futures contract.


    Hedgers typically include producers andconsumersof a commodity or

    the owner of an asset or assets subject to certain influences such as

    an interest rate.

    For example, in traditionalcommodity markets,farmersoften sellfutures contracts for the crops and livestock they produce to guarantee

    a certain price, making it easier for them to plan. Similarly, livestock

    producers often purchase futures to cover their feed costs, so that they

    can plan on a fixed cost for feed. In modern (financial) markets,

    "producers" ofinterest rate swapsorequity derivativeproducts will use

    financial futures or equity index futures to reduce or remove the risk on


    Those that buy or sell commodity futures need to be careful. If a

    company buys contracts hedging against price increases, but in fact

    the market price of the commodity is substantially lower at time of

    delivery, they could find themselves disastrously non-competitive (for

    example see:VeraSun Energy).
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    Speculators typically fall into three categories: position traders,day

    traders,and swing traders (swing trading), though many hybrid types

    and unique styles exist. With many investors pouring into the futuresmarkets in recent years controversy has risen about whether

    speculators are responsible for increased volatility in commodities like

    oil, and experts are divided on the matter.[6]

    An example that has both hedge and speculative notions involves

    amutual fundorseparately managed accountwhose investment

    objective is to track the performance of a stock index such as the S&P

    500 stock index. ThePortfolio manageroften "equitizes" cash inflows

    in an easy and cost effective manner by investing in (opening long)

    S&P 500 stock index futures. This gains the portfolio exposure to the

    index which is consistent with the fund or account investment objective

    without having to buy an appropriate proportion of each of the

    individual 500 stocks just yet. This also preserves balanced

    diversification, maintains a higher degree of the percent of assets

    invested in the market and helps reducetracking errorin the

    performance of the fund/account. When it is economically feasible (an

    efficient amount of shares of every individual position within the fund or

    account can be purchased), the portfolio manager can close the

    contract and make purchases of each individual stock.

    The social utility of futures markets is considered to be mainly in the

    transfer ofrisk,and increased liquidity between traders with different

    risk andtime preferences,from a hedger to a speculator, for

    example.[citation needed]

    Options on futures[edit]In many cases,optionsare traded on futures, sometimes called simply

    "futures options". Aputis the option to sell a futures contract, and

    acallis the option to buy a futures contract. For both, the optionstrike

    priceis the specified futures price at which the future is traded if the