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NUMBf:R 2.

FRESHMAN CO-EDS TO Ip . Lou Organizes

New Noise Maker

DoN RrnBoNs oF GREEN romu~.ent Visitor May Be

First Chancellor Of U. Of


sTuDENTs TONI GHT I reshmen Are M.!First sand o.~:-:::ason w;11 Fol· 1 After Soph So t he Senators Decide at Their First

Meeting Last Thursday-Hazing rs


I low the t .... nnual Faculty Reception

-Many Wiii Attend. CJ Edward Charles Elliott. Head of Department of Education at L even the University of Wisconsin, '/151\s College on Monday-May •


-l tl•I

Severa New Men Are Berng Trained

for the Montana State College Band

Th s Fa

f lllHlll , Tr ... L Charge of State Institutions. run1 llf ... 11 • 1 a.11111.tl < t'

1 1f>u~111 011 !O t111 ~t 1lt·nr ... c1 1 ~1 :l

t H.i ::'tatr co1 ~,.. I 1 ·1 1 lafe r l t

a cla 1st"/ i<· dP Ii 'lllH·nt ·011: l I ht to lh qn l· clw; rd t' Elliott 0111 01 lw I t Splr011s H+ wn c.n~atl} 1 I l:­

iiL"st kno\\n c·tl11c·ator~ in th1 <·rn1111ry I fincl tllf' ~'sl1 111 't hi~h 1 r f clii· 11

lfl I JP a11 wl.t t ls n porti ii 11\· ht- st ll sr1 fa1 al ·a1 (Pd , Ill I

th• 1_ \\iu:..: roum t th1 l10111f' 1 <'lllH•m

ll Thi 11 WI J,p Ho lll;t pp !.!11111. h J

llh·r· \\ill It 11 I fr I~ •In Ill .II


ifll i.11ly ma\ ht h1• llrst llant 1101 in m f..1·d \try f Ycir bl~ \\"i h . l

sowing- tlwt ha,.., l1c1n ua i

ot lh l nn1:-rsln of \lnnt<!.na, \isit1•cl {Jr l·:llioti \\HS grurl l<llPd 10

ti """"' "" ~[011da) il<' made a \er'it\ of :-;,. """La i.1 ,

tho µ;h ll\t·stJJ!alion ol tlit-! ' ri(••ls a 1h_rpe of ha IH"'I' nf S( , 11

d 11 ! • rt1J1••nt .. o tht· hill and made till' :-.~ .1r Jatfl' he \\as a"-.111


H q ta 1 wt of most of th1· fac·ulty t1 r 1h·~rt--t· in hi "':l?lli

mt>1nh4'·r~ h l :101 he rtid po~t gr:uh1·tt,

f 1 1Jtl \ s in tht• slitlf> re,· it win~ tt 1 111h Pr~ ty l .f Pna r- 1 n •1

th1 systr~111 (11 higher l'Clllt"atinn at t 1lP tJu• nPxt .vt'ar stntlierl :p t'

i11\tta11011 of thp statt' hoard. HP ar- U lh.Prsity, frum whh h h· \\

rin·I} in 111.·kna laH Satunln~ and tin degret• of doetc r c r pJ1 \1 s I

th+-' '"'' 1 ninK was lht gutst of honor F or two yi·ari-; he W<is a • ll lllli , 1

at a lunc·heon giYl:'n })y L:o\"t,rno1 th1 Tt:•ac·hpr's 1.:olle1.;1;> at C'ohtmtd

Stt'wart at the :i.to1110111a dub. at whi<-h For the pust s~·\ t•n ) i>ar~ Jw lln

CL• e ANO M·\KE PLA"IS. WPre Jll'ex,.111 alxo Senator \\'nlxh b•• n a promin,.nt mcrnlwr uf llw fH

~uperint~n,lt·nt of Pubh<' lnstnu uon 11Jr, or the L'niyer~ity uf ""is<·ons11

I >in·~t· Prnlt•ssor l>eitric·h. f'\.·Altonwy A:- ht ad of the dppartment ol hlll·

lll'-tr IIllt>lls if I tad lwm l. TJl(t.'ll!J. n' !11' ;, ' t·HI· rcµ,i:--tt•r CPnC'ral Kelly_ State Treasurer Hea. C'ation al !hat insritt1tion he has f'ar-

' d 1. t ... • 1 r.r 1 C•' "' · \\;:..,. c aHt>d \\":tltt·r S llar1111an of lhP lo,·al boanl, r i"tl on many inq:i~tir::ations on '<1 ·j

'Thi !Jo~ s rt• Tut ·lay f• ·1 ' 11 1 i;.,-. h·< 11 • 1 oti'.'.t Hr ~\\ •t ,·11 d 1111 t t · J / . ' •. t• P' Y s a t' s11per1t1tP1H • at• J1rnblems relatin~ 10 uni\'t>r!-\itv

11 furm.;:h rn i:-1l ior all O< -asinns o 'he I •,1( 1µ' 'tll!d>1" for th1• J)llr t•nt and ./, II T H) man or tlh• loc·:il aclm1nis1ration ancl haR be1·omP rNo~-

J11is1• of n· - '.1.11:_ l i ' s11 that m.lt hoard of ).!i!-'.!-OOUla. ni z '1 as an internalional anthoritv 011

On 1 of llu :-11cl"ial fi•attln•s thi )1 .lr ti rs 1f" 1 ' • ., I / .

· ' :o--'''' 111 • ""'l ,1 ,.,, ''"' 11·1 st ~unt ay h1:- ~pent in )lissouln look· edutalional suhjeC't~. ''" is the an

-:aH ofty)11an~1111::i k 1 ltlt•tlrum~t tl1nt ... ligh 1 Ir tli1q:-; :id 'l'ht•m1 1~- itu:u\t-r1hatlnand1of1lwl·ni\'ersity lhor or many artil'k~ whkh han·'

Sudt a sN of drum~ is ''Pry ntrt'ly 111L:. wa a:l1•1! 11• 11tl1 r l•\ Jim, 1rd at ".\lontana and mreting- thf' member:- le.tit with i·dn1.·ational problem~.

r+'ln ~hlllf- t--. \u 11•

lO!n II 111 :-11 t Bl th+ l! \\

Uf lltS ll't ''· '' ith lh• oHlt·r h \ '.{l'I} >!hl'J \\'h l( 'r r

till 111 W sl1Jcl1 nt

m a h \'P

• tl

flJI lO\tl I [ lll !hf !,ll J\t\ (

I 1 r~ tha t H· y st•1d1~11t n 1lw hill

att1: 11d 111 ... ,, (~nr Thp t;'! 1 r 1-• ,

t n has , Jw.i,\~ ht:'t:>tl lo11k(•d lol N 1

'o l \Pr sintt• it w;i:- inau:.:.111,tlt tl dll 1

tlt1· f;u·ulty :-01 iaJ c ommitt•·t-• <·011 io'"d

of Prot r A_ Thaif:'I'. )Ir"' l na H.

Ht>rric'k, :i.Hss Flor._.11,.. B.1lli11:..t-1

ProL Altn·d Atkinsuu an1l Pro! )[ II

S.paulding an~ s1mring- 10 1 a n:- o

makC' tht· rec-eption toni.eht onP 01 !hf'

best eYer lwld After !llP rt-•c·eplion a

hand cLt1ic·e will lw hPlr1 in th1-> drill


found Ill an orga11 zation he slzP o ~1a11111.:- or,.,. 1r t',,11it" 1 Pl 01 lht.-' fact11f\ He abo talktli maltf'r:- \\'alt~r S. lfartman

the (·oliegf• band This ls ·m 1·\.l 1 dr :-;sect thosf' pri sf•nt "a.vin" tli·.tt 0 , 1;-r with l't'••". i<i"ttl l'ltarle." LI 1.,,,,. of lhP loC'al agronomy de11artmem stafi

"" _, ..-- ~ , . 1 brn1rd r·\111·cs~ecl himself as bPilw of' --+

:'lfiss )fyrth Alderson 01 Ht->h•na has

been appointtJd to take thP tilae .. of

:\Iiss Bradford . who resi~1wd from the

lllt->rP W(·r now fiftt-en en1ollt>d i11 man <Jf tlh' ~lcllt· St'hool of \lin<>s th.~ opi111on lhat ).lontana will he Yi·n- CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATIONS

hinlo~y antl that t was his opinion Althtlllhh Ur. Elliott has trnsst--d fort tnil!f· if I lean Elliott comp:-· hPrt:.

In tOllllPttio11 with lht· h,wd this tha1 a grpaf d~al of ~ood c·onld bf• ill· th ·oud1 \1011tana somt- tiflt'n odd P iot'cssor A \\" Richter dl·<rn or rn·

\t .u u 1 l"' rr..!amzin~ a !rum a111l riYPd from !'Uc-11 a sodPty H(~· al--o timt--:-, 011 his way to lhP <·oast. lw

This t·orps \\ill hl' ..;TaLPd that tilt' otbPr brant·ht·:o:: on tht> dt-·dar1-d tha h1 harl llt'H.•r ~een con


Tht· first rPception of the {'OJlec;e

Good Schedule Wil Be Arranged vv th

Outside Elevens and Interesting s~i

son Planned f 1r First-Year Men.


ancl \\"ht·t 1' r

wnr 1s.-.:-;t

of .-.;oJne oi tlw oltlt't 1ii..:·"k

\\ill ha\+> 1har .. " of !lit-• 1• sh lt"'ll

all ... amPs 11la) 11 will IH .... , li1·d11lt·.J h'

the mall.l-t>lltt·nt

Two nr 1hreP ~a·iw:-; \\111 Ii'

for ''it Ji 1 p, ms



F'n·tihtn• n



lo .. r ... shnrn1


L \ 1 ~ lo l

Hllllp lligh

'' •n :...• nH:n \ I

I ... Ji

111 B


1 ontµ0'-'1:"d ot twt>he trumpf'IS, four hill ha\e tlwir sOcif:'ti•~sand~ainm 11 l') 1 dilion:": :-.o fa\oraiJJ., nor thf' IH'OPlt

"'Hart ind two bass clrutns. T1lf• corps from 1hem and that hP ro11l•l :-\Pt~ 110 :.

gin ·ri11g at tbl' r·oll<'!'.!P, also "'Jll 1,l

n r} fa\ ora})ly of him. llr. ::J1i.11t

left :\fon1lny rYenhtg for \\'isronsin yenr gi\·en to th(' studtint body as a

whole was held in Bozeman's l"\PW to :....ll a ~;.n11e with the \I 'Ir na (" n

y ~t. C' A. buildi11~ under the di- lt>ge a Dt't=>r LocJg,...

rection of the C'ollegt:.' Younc: :i.ten's <"oach BPun on h

;ind Youn~ "·omen·~ C'hrisr an .·\s~11('lll· Osenl11 irg an1t Bill Hf' n <l!=iOn why thP stnrlt-nts in hiolog~

lOU tl IH t rln flit sami:< lfp c-mphasiz1>1l

th1• f,tc t th, t it "ould IH· of parti1 nla1

ht>llPfil to tlh• lowt-r cla~suwn as i1

won lei gly them an insight into 1 h1

Frosh A

Enjoy Sweet

Of Life tions, anrt wns the be:-;t a~tend1·d nnrl ' e fre~hmau a.D(! •

YUl'iOUS 1Jr,1111:ht•S Of lJjo)O!.!'.\°

Sfl\'f'r;tJ Of those IH'NWIH P'.\pri·.;!>.l:'d

" ii uur al lt·nst a pan ol thE>msP ln·s m taYor or s1a·h a c-Juh

t111 "' atp iu thf' sprine-. An1oug lhe and by unanimous \ olt-- It was clt"1· <led

frPSlllllf-'11 "bo have filled \'acaucies to 01'!.!31llZ1· Howard ~kama11s of 1h1·

aud th 1 in"trumenti-; they 11Jay is ).lne ~t-nior c·lass "as ''l<"C'tf'd ti·miuiral')

of D1-1·r LodgP "larinel, lta.na. Bill r·hairman and IH with !lo~- ~trand a11rl

" n~!". . uarhat; PrPntile Hamilton, llon I..1nlrohr, wf'rl:' st>lHttd to cJ·aft

tro111Lo11 1 \lardiio11, A1wconda , snare .l c·on~tillllion and seJt .. c-1 a 11anu· for

t.lrnm , Smith BillingR. al JO thP so,·iety.

Time Some F irst Year Men are Treated

to a Very Novel and Enterta ining


At Student Assembly

most SHC'f'C'~sfnl 5mc!a1 affair t. H·r giYf'll

hy tlH"sP organization". Iufon11al

address£'~ of W( konw wPre maclP hy

President C'larenC'P (' Holt of th1.· col

Jeep Y. )£. )liss Albf'J'ta Borthwkk,

president of the youn~ won11 n's onnn

ization; and President .T. \l Ha mi · ,

Sta nding Room Only at t he First Meet- of )1:. S. C'. The rollPge band fur111..;Jlr I

In g of the Student Body-Several !.->plendid musi<' and light rPireshments

Live Talks. were senecl A throng of new s.1 u

·1 hat lass ii\a ry hl·lwt>en lilt> frl,_...h 1-~,t>ry st·at in tlw a~st·mhly roon dents took a1!Ynnt;1~t of th1• 0rc·a,.:wn

to ~et nrquainted

lllPll :-tlld sophomort·s is J.;et·n• r t lian 111 :i.tontana hall wa:-; fillt'<l and many

t'\"t:•I' is f--'\ i1h·n<'t'd h.\ tht> fa1·t thut 011 ::;tudents \\\'re !".tand1ni.:. up \\ ht>n Pres-

si::nal" au l .,., tht

tke for tlw !--'Kill r t <


l (I)

F•f. )(


P1of ,J A. Tha1t:1 it~ dt1-.;i d a .Je~1l

hronch th1• Buell L ... n1l 1 on an,· l>)

whkh he llllrdiast--d two sec11on:; •Jt

raw i.rnl) ly 11!{ iorth ot :-:. l.t.

turn he llis110 .... d <II

1•artmt-111 oJ tin· collegP,

last ~l1111day ui!(hl Ol'('llrred the third ident Hamilton ope11ed the tits( Slit College Fa1' r Exh 1' b1' ts t'lass raid in Jes:-- than a wePk llent hody meeting of tht! .Yt>nr. at 1;

This 1i111t' i1 was thl sophomort's o'do{'k last F'ridaJ morning. The I • Big Marine Disaster

To Be Staged Friday ~:1 1~0 r::~·r:,tl:Hl~~~~:1\111:i.i\:~· ~~-~~~::1~~l(~'"~::~1~ - ;tl'~l~\:r:d a1~~;~:-~~i~l:h~1t~ ~~~:r ~~~l 1~11:(:~ 1 Attract Much A tten t1on (l's The 1~·s wen· on~y 11ar1ially !'ill<- tana Staip must soon lrn,·e more rnom

n --~rnl l>el'illlhP l'hl'llll$ll'Y tng und 1n whid1 ro take l·are of her eYer in-

:'\'tx t Friday aftt'rnou11 llll' a1:w1. l as laid down Uy Ou· st11d1•111 !>.t'llaH· J•;n:.\l~sh \\t'rc kt'.~pit.1g tlw majority of! crf'asing: student bo<.h In ordPr 1hat !ill! J1t:•oplt' of :\ l tJlllHna dents in the department, sho\\in~ ho"'

tu~-or-war l>etwt.'en the· t\~u low••1 1 an_· as follows: tht· grt·L·ll one$ bui;y ..\. ItlW, how- Alt(•r saying a [+--'w wonls of wi·l· m<1y know wha1 the <'olle~l' i ... 1loinc textiles ror sah~ in the stores J.r»

d;1sse~ will be staged at the !'rot; po1~ 11 F.:aC"ll tt-am shall conslsl 01 a num t'H·r, l'Ollld not rf's1st the lemptatio11 <'Olll<' President llamilton lUllH'ii the rn further Lhe <kevlo1mwnt of tht' adulterated with inferior material~

U\\iug lO the sl:te of th t- sophonH,t'P ber of men ~qua! to the smallf-1· ol' lhf' to stroll abom tllt• street~. Thes1.~ met?ting o\'el' to UaYt> Steel, presidrnr st:1u~. Jar~e e"Xhihits are this WC't.•k ht· and how the- hou:.-;ewifp 111.1y employ

c.:ia::)S thi:-> year the enml will 111 snrnllt'I' of the two l"lassPs. wen· tin· unrort111J<ltt' ones for the of tlH" student senale Tlw firsl fpw in~ display~d by tht' \arinns dPpart· simple tests to detect the!iP adnlter-

doubtedly enga~e more men than "\· •·r The clas.s haviu~ the smaller 1111mbi·r sophs tool, them in l'harg<:·. After momeuu; were devol-ed to the pass- ml"'nts on tlw hill ~Lllt>ndid exhibits atlons and guard hf'rself a~amst irau•t

b<•fore and the frogs on tbe receiYill<{ of men s h :ilJ weigh up one week he· painti11~ tla·ir t"at·es and givinA" a SYl'\111 ing of a motion to C'hange the <:onsli- prepared by the t•ngint..-..ering, •tgrknl·

line V.'ill probably be a weary lot when fort'"' thP ronte~t and th~ oth er C'la~s Rhampuo to their \'ktim~. they treatf:'d tution of the .student bodv so as to t111·r.1. hmm- s<·ienttJ, rind 1•x1ension tl1

th& last man of the d.efeated team ~u1 ~~ must weigh within one lrnndred tlwm to an ice c:ream eone smear. At permit of it!-i being nmenciea in thP I \'isions. were shippf'<l LO HelPnu the

through the d1illy waters po111id~ of their opponents. All weigh· a h1te hour the frosh wt-re relea..c:;ed., tuture first of the week nnd we:·t:' imnwdiatt

Both classes hRve been making plan"' ing sh~t ll l.><:. done In the prr·senc·t' of th l' soph s retired. while the C'liildren In a bril·f talk President Steel Jy ~el n11 by 1he student assistant.s

tor tb 1: t'H:nt :.ind iL is rumort>tl t:ial the ('aptains of l.Joth teams. s11tnt the next two hours in remOYing dwelt on th( to ll ege 1·us1om8 and 1hr That the nctiYe part taken by t he rol·

H'<Ttt iJJ'a{'tic:es ha Ye lHH:· n held ~·'· l~ach tea m shall place a pennant on Bungalow syrup rrorn th Pil' hnir and nl'ces:-;ny of l'nforri ng them. Presldt>"nl 11-~t' in rnnhering the ~uccess of lbe

read y. :\'eedltss t.o say l>oth sideH w1tl PaC'h e n d of rope and these pennnnt!-i I c lo thes. Hamilton when called upon extended a state fair 1s a11preciated, is evidenced

taht! t:H~ry poss ible precaution that shall be(·ome the property of the win + ('Ordlal \\e.l!·ome 10 all 1he stucle11t:-:,by the many faYt~rab~e 1.·omencs that

HHLl <:ontnlJut<· to the <' ha11c:es ui: <l nPrs af it~r the 1mll. ANOTHER VICTIM IS and J)r1 •dicted a most sUCC'essfu l year. haYe been a.m1ear1ng 111 the ne\\st1a11·

' i<'tory. The 1'ope ~hall bf' taken from rh1• CONSIGNED TO THE DEEP. Stress w:is laid upon 1he llE'<'es.sity e r s of the siate during tlw la~t ft'\\

Tbe (·usto111 in tlH· past Ila ~ betn 1 ·11· 1Jar11 Uy :t c·ommitl~l· o f f'ight per~on . ..;, of n bi~ rnotball ~quad lhls fa.II nnd days.

For rwo h:tlf hour periods t•ach halt

day duriug the f ir 1he ~·01mg: J:ic1i

will rlemoHstrate the~1 It's!~ for :ti

who wii-:h to se<- th<>m. Tht) youn~

ladies who are to hare c harg•· of he:-1

rxhi biH~ under )liss ,lt>n:-;en·s su1-.er

Yi~io11s art> for tht> fir~t half of •b~

Wt"f>k \fisses F:slbt..•r Cooley M

Roz'-'man and Erma Li.l.~P llP or Butrtl'

and for !ht~ Jn."t hail o( 1h1 WP1•k prl)h­

nbly Misses Albert,1 Horthwit"k or

'\'orth Dakota and \1ar~n Hidf•ll >t

thP ijecond year 1111.:n to "hutle>ngP tin· four f r om t'lid1 class. \\'~dnesday morning a lone fresh· t he importalll'e of making a strong The t·ulmination or the y~ar's work lh·lena.

freshnH~ll to the mortal combat. Th Tiu_. rope shal l UP returned to rhn man was espied by a de lega tion ol s howing in th C' games that ban• been by the boys' 11ota~o and l~orn club~. Tht> Sta11• B<1anJ of l•:111omolo )

rnomentou!i t.lo<·tmitnt w·ill 110 douli' ham by a t•o111 1n ittef' of the Jo~·m:.:. sophomores. wand ering O\"€'r th.~ ,'11'11· HC' hetlulecl with the fast Ro ·Ky :i.toun and by the girls' gardening and cann whil'h Prof. R A. t'oole,· i)f the , . ._ll

appE.'ar on tht· lJllll(.)tin l>oard 111 a ff'\\' team within tw1•nfy.four hours lrt,·r 1 1n1s without hi s greC'n h ea.d-gpnr A lain Conferenc·t• e leYens this fall In n Ing c lubs comes at the time of the fair leg:e ii:; St;>Cl"t"'tan will ban• .t ( 011c;.:i l 1·r

days. thP meet. sortie was made, resulti n g: in the rap- rousing speeC'h by Coath F'rPd Bl'11- when the winner of the first 11rize- able f'\hibit of the mdhocls 01 co1,rr11

In HHJ7 tht· l'UtilOlll ot havill}:!; a t~tg· 1 ~a pits shall tw ctu;.: for the <·onipsf· ture ur the offendl.·r. After a brit>f 11ion. from ench county is brougln 10 Helena Of in~t.'C'L pt•st~. purticularl~ tl1e <'•nt

-1if·war bc:twt.'c:n the two lo wer c lasse:) ants. t·ourt·ma rtial in \\bfch the fro-.h •lr1•w "I n onlrr to re1aln her 11l;1re In tht> to r€'cei,·e th<> reward of hi::; or ht"r mo11 housefly

fi n a 11rig-i11ated. wht-->11 tla~ cla~ses of F.aC'li pt,:>r~on 11111st remain in th1• pr.- lht:- den ct the party lwadecl '"ur ! 1·, Rock,· :'ltountaln ('Onfe rPn ce :-itontana l'fforts, and to en joy without expense This t•x hibi1 \\Ill b.- ill 1 h.tr~" ,

I t I b k f J -. • 't / 1 - d ti sight seeing Th's Dr R n. Pa.rkf'r who b now gh .....

tu aud I I pulled for fifty minutt:ij to sit ion assigned to him o n the rope and arg-e water 11~ Lroug l ac · o t 1E' <'Lt- ~tale'!:i t enm this year tnU!-it JlTO\'€' 1 · t 1e tr_1Jl an ie · · hif' whole tlnw to the stud) nf 1

ta lit' The iwxt year the pull !or SCHOi:" must not ll"'t the rope sll<le throi..·.h lilt' barn. Tlwrl', mm·h to the dis<'om- self to bt• a good drawing (·ard." gaid work is under the genC'ral charge ot iirohlPm in \funtana Tl1t'rt will '

1rnknown rt:'asou was omitted. but in his hand~. fituri· or the hatl ess infnnt. and lh '-' the coach. I•, S. Cooley direC'tor of the State

190!1 It was again Jwld Al that time An umpire 1'i hall bf en.e;aged to warth db;gust of tilt' hi~h -bred I ·1t•·vn:i of In a live tall, that fre<111ently brought College e\.lension de1>artment. ).fiss bl? .in e xhibit showing tlw lifi· hi~Mr

he dass of lHI:~ fre:;hmeu pulled lh<· f'a<·h ~ id t~ to sl:'P that th ese rulPs :1 r 1• the t rough, a hurri e d and u11dl~~1dfi·•d c· h eers from lhp freRhmf'n. Z\1ana~er/ \ ngusta l•~\·ans bas been the active/of the woodtkk, whid1 i-: r1 flC<l\"' 1' 11

"'O l>hoinoreH through the pond obser"ed immt>r:-;ion wok plal't!. Otl Romne~· of the blue nnd gold agl.'ll t in the organtzntioi. or the dubs, for Lht• dreadt>d spotted 1..-vt.•r_ in '1 'n

Again 111 Htl 1 tilt- c.-Ja:-;s of '14 was + • e leYen. urged the firs t Y<':lr m en 10 and will b o n hnnd to nssist in caring tanu and oth('r Ho<'k~ :'lfo11nta1n sr·ir

the Yktim. when last }ear's seniors I SCIENCE COURSES ARE MORE .\t a V('ry Plllhus1astlc m eeti ng llPl u organize 11 (' Jn ss team ant.I e ndC'BYnr tor the girls who come t o Helena, and I Interesting Eng ine erin g Displ ay

Tl I last Sunday al a1 I Solllh Gran(\ lhl' to defeat tilt' ~ophomore:- li t· 1l1tli· r :\fiss Katherine J ensen at the exten- 'rhe engineering de1rnrtlllf'lll-: of th

pullt•<l their oppo ne nts through ie V HIS YEAR , ,. j d r the St·tt,. Collq~ w1l' . n11rt~t11tt>d ,,.-

' lGti werf' again \'i<-toriOUij In their POPULAR THAN E ER T J•~ergus clulJ wa:-; formed. Tia• llll'lll· ca ted also tht> importa1H'1.' of thf' dif·l~ion department acl.0:0 as u ge a · ' . · . 1

' I b I II re r " tll no!leg• ,·1° t1·,·1' t i""·' attll tl1 • ,·11lt1· c·aune<l fruits and Yegetabltis s.~nt it an in. '""S\llU:: cro: ii 111 '11 d.\ ~

sophomort yt>ar and triumpht'd O\'el' lwn;hqJ ~ to t;> <·om posN ot <:O ege •,t hl'e be,t1"flt tcl1•, t't11a)· 'b"e <l•t·i,··,'l fr·ont 111 Ill" "<1mn.ntltion, and a lso nid:- in showing student work v~1y lnr. 'If

thtl 1>resent senior c lass 111 a pull la.c:;t I The henv}' enrollment in llw tlitlf•r- stncl~ nt s lrorn ~,ergus l'Oll nty Tlw u ·~ " ,- .... tl1<· <·a,re'" or i~;1e gi rl ~ Dr. \\' .1 Hart· There w1Jl h~ a nu1.1'l•' .. r t 111...11

Jug about thrt..>P minlllP~. YPar JJ,-.for~ 1•nt scfenct• <"onrses indicat<'s t11a1 purpose or the dub is to <'U rry on so- association with tlw '11 ri o11s OrA"anlz::i l"llll. ui.il!t• l\i

~ last the ' I Gs surrered tbt·ir M~"u1al dl ... thtise course~ an· IJe<:omi n.£. nwr"' t•ial (' \'en ts. promote n>lle~e ad i\"iti es ti nos . 1111n 11, o f the extc.·nslon dr1mrtment aids in~ u :1 \ Ii i.nd h, lll• l moift'l.i

feat at lht• hands o l tlic· Jll"I ·Il l 1111:111::1r 1•ttl. :>tid' 7 1H·i'~ :ll'I' l10W and further the inlerests or ~tontnna Tlw c·ol\egp hand. under lht> lt•adt>t l liredor Coolf'y in takln~ drnrge QI ~Indent.., .ud .. t1~0 O.>I

shi11 of nirector Lou fl owH rd, [urniRh· the boys. Prof_ 0. B. 'Vbi]lpl e nf thl· n! \:lfll)"}S Unch~ pre I - • : h) th• 111 n

juniors. ~ l :i1ty p 11 r 11 ' ·d n thP ,·:1 r lrn~~ .... •Ptl< • Stale f'Ollege in F ergus C'Oll nty tlw ~!J .,. . nd la


11, ... ., 11

Last year alter thf'ir first nw.u ,,as C'Olll'St'H, Ji';•l••l' rin I • 1~"1t'IFI r~ 1·al'11 Th e C' hnrle r membe rs are Holland ed sollle e>xrellent mui:.k al the mee t· 1 hortit:nll\lral department of the colleg~· will bP .1

c·i rcuit 0

.,. i: .i•,I x-

in the wa te r up to his ankks ·!J P s- h·t\ 'I tll' L ~f'•l tr. th~ r n\.IH r :d'." Hi<ldic k, Frnuk I log-eland. 1•;f1onCrook. Ing-. Collt>g:e y1;·1ls. led by :\f)Ton C':1rr. \\I ll judge the potato exhibit hit' f I tn •·l•1t 1u·tt.

M J' Roi I IJ ) al~o Hen ed 10 instill enthui:.iasm inro Detecting Adulterated Cloth lll 0 copper Jl a

e nl sophomores ralli ed ~rn d dragged Is 'l Vt'ry n1J1ic u1bl1~ ia!· ~LS•' on•r .Joe • urra)·, ·~ rnest > n~on, <'Ir.\ The dorr:estfc science c..c.'pllrtruelll of and an e li?t'triC' rurn~ur trand11rmie-r

tbt• ' 17s into th e slimy Wl\ter . prp,·ious }'Pa;-:; all~ C" rtai 11lv slitJ\\"!::: l\furrar nnd Jl;1Jph Powell 1-:rrlf•H t the n. sem bly . An abunclnnte of "pep" I t C'(lll!'l r ll1 led by ~tuclenls. An lnt.~rdlt-

Rule s for Tug.of.War. that applied ·clr· 11<'t''i .1"• {·01.1111~ 1·1 Robinson WU.'{ ele<" ted president and was ilispla~·f'iJ througho111 tlw meet· the colleJ!;C' ls sendin~ O\'Pr an ntPres . tCM1 tinned on Pat;l" Four.)

I · 1

In~ PXhihi t 1neparecl by th £• oldPr stn

l 111e ru1Ps gov<~rnlog thP lll~·<J f - war the front. Ralph Powe-JI !:'N' l'E' ary, mg.


~t..GE TWO l )[i~s ('la rn Po!' I of Rel~rncle . wlhJ

I t.>mplovt-d for tht.• :'Ulllllh'r :-:1.:hool on Y made hislory. I' vil'~ antl phys1olo ·y

THE WEE"LY EXPONENT .'1Il<11lg. these 1110) be 11w11tion<«I l'rn. I II II ( \l1'1111•·n1<>1l; 11 "' popular· .\t is,; El:\ a o · .

l'.ll Tht· r:-:t '"~>f th·· l·:xnPllt'lll .\L \Yray \Yitl• n ot \·Pr:"-ail11·i- . .\~\1~ whose work in ilrnwinir and pam;.nc

t ihh .tH I 1 n l J::\.pOUt>llt I 1h1., \t-ar haH bt·1 n pr .. p;.111 ll llllllt>r who Jp,·ltlred eal'h dny during the. 1 grew to bf• a mos! attracti\'f' ft•a• '.'

it~r·Jw~h .~ \1onth ~ weeli:S on mE>thods ot' H•aching 'l!!l'lC\ • natl \·ey helpful to tlH' tparhers '11.~s Jhl b!INI I n tap l\~1- d1r1i1 ul!te"' . .\sis usnalh lh• c.tst• .it 1urP tn the rural schN1b. ~lllll ~avn .1 .\fary I ... t>t' \\"ilson of .\lilps City \\1·11

• t •· b~..: u11lu..: of t'1r \Par tht• "'tail I:; t·nurs.._. or about ll•n lt•c-tm·t's on r Ia• knowu for her work as a ll'fil' .. (". ot

Pl bJ1Mhtd \e1y Fr1da,· of_ ih~ l_ol I ·1 ·1 s.11ri11" Sl'\t·ral •ll tht· '"1 ~chllOI organiz.;tion Tht• allt~ndanle f ,

~' ,-p.1r i,,· 111 t>tl lnri I stttlf i 10:-Pll smal .. :-; , - l by <Hl Prof. \\"ltten·~ h~nures incn·asrd primary method~. a.nd two o l ';LP rr,•m I ._. ~1•111• ut nl ht• \Io•11aua i·r·:- stnmJ.!:1'~t nwn "l'rt• o:--:t steadily throu~hnul !hf· conrsf'. atld at l!Taduate~ of thi~ Y•'ar ' ::- rJa.i..;s ;~ 1t- lt'

~!. '" I olh·t-:£> of \ "rlc •11 Jre awl \h'- _ratlur.twn Their plnl'f':-. ttlll~l ht' 11 ~ tlw num· SI le <'Olle~e. \ti~s n.~rda t n I<".

rl:16ni1 \r1s Ho- 111 "1 ntana "I llt· Jrt•411110111 the end mort" 1ha1.1 ilon.'' r""l.'t"1·e·I ,,110 tall""ht typPwrilin~ '""'r~ ~11c·1·L"""· fll11•d b~· IJt>\\ lllHl•·rl:ll d I \\ho h Ld ,-.., -"'" i:-> d

lwr of. stu ('ll ~. . , ··n<·" - .Cltl1<'r J full.Y; anti .\ri!-";s llazel ('offey who ha

'·l,·is. '· 11 i:-o \1 ar il' 0J11• of lh•• larl!t'sl in ...,1Jat \ltt nd .. ~ ,.

STAF F we-rt' tn r~t--· ., .' . w, s \:l'l"\ <.;ti( chargc> or ihe work in j<'Wt'lry m:\r\i•:u:.

ftlfO "''h r I· ff•slP!.<'ol~ t II' 111:-.llH'~ ol lit· (Olh.•C:l' an1l is. l·'.\ .. tc>ildll'l'S, \'bus• \\Ork a • I ·h··1 l'lll\' .of thl,) lP:ld\er..:.t11olf'1:t:-.

th ni>s.: \l·inaL'• llnrnhl flH kso1 I . . . f I • 'W'' nwn t't-"~!'.ful were .\li~i:t Mnrgn.n.·t Jloyle o1 \\ H l n' ·.

H1 .. ·l!'ln.i? 1-'diior H11b•'rT Str1•d!'. pt•L'lt·dr11r11r11bh11111!-'lO th. . h lnnc;u~H?.t~ work. nnE> ,,f tookanr!PnJo~ed .

·\«f4i<"ial E11ito1 .J llonald KPllPV \ 'alual>h- "'111-,ri•·u1 £1' is ~alllC'li frtim HnttE> !~int e. lirit~ <~r the ~umm1 1· :\o ont· who attpnlie·d lh(' " ~m<>1


They pave the way to her


The Bungalow rirrulat m1 '-L1t1.t,_Pr ( r! l:·ulenb~1rgl . k on till' pa)lt'l both fn.1m th" anu:q the l+-'a .:. :-11 ·1·1~ llar11wrn of B\ltlt' sd10ol failed to J'C'Cognizt' the rllort.-.;

~l·Ort \\"riln l'l!nton <.. Strrnn <tll v.nr . ::;1.:hool :\ltss 1 ... 1l e • . - , >r . I II ll ols t the pri1wi11al 01

~1w +-'l.\ H1•JHfffl'r Edith !~~~:.~:;~ iwwspaper tr:iiHiU.i.:' r1>cf•1n•U and twm in thf' Palnwr pC'nm;111ship, \\ho \1ad oil I .~' ; . no;· of Pr~~itfrnt .I. :\I 1 l£a111·

C• r1·ntl Jtepnrf1 r J. r.nnlon · nllll<H l with i~opli· whwh 11at11r;ill~ _ p<;: class in ihe snmtn'"'r l ll' R< oo. .

• \lo<I· the ln 1t?: .1. " . f tht ihon of the College. tn make thl· \\Orl,

•,11 .1.n1111 ,anit·s ·ppt1rtorial d11tiP!" school Prof A mmon ~"opt> 0 • . •1

. 11

!-' ll>:-.a111 t in11 n.;\l•• Tw11 I>ollar,:. 11.Pr . ~ . .' • t,· h i h !'d1ool at Boul· i.-:o smooth ly and ~attsfnf'ton ~ w ~ }•:-... fl\1' rt·nls 1wr ropy -\~hP1:t1s· ('ru ni wspapl'r sry\.._• Is lollowt•d as far .IC'1f1.:1sou 1.:oun. .1?: . l t'01H·ern t•cl. \11 all respp<'ts lh·• ,, 011\

ln1· HIP-. in.nit· kiln\\ n on appltcauon . . - .· . " ~ ·1rtkh"'-"' a111l dl·r in manual traming. "ho tPllt' lf'~ • . •

as poss1hh• Ill ''111111,.. tht . '. - ; l.,,~n thf> g ir ls co handle loob sm·cess· wns w,~11 managed.


fo.r.tl·n·d .1:-> :-;p·cond-das:-; mall mall~r mak111g \IJl thi• pa111•1' Tiu h11:0111~=-:-/ 111Jl)· :ll Boulder: .\1rs. R C. Young of •

al Ho:wuw 11 \lnnt rna. unlln .\ I'! Of rl~partmt•nt alsl' nlll'l'l:; an 01 1 11onunil~ \"frwr who mndl' ba~kpt-makini..: o m · SOP H OMO RE C LASS MEETING .

(<Hl..'T£'"'S ol ,\I.11th ' l~ifl ___ 10 ~i·<·ure \ahtalJlt' trninin.c: 101 11111=-" of lht..~ lois('innth1n!' of 1h~· :.-;ummt'r


ILANGOHR'S I Last T11t•!"i1lay afternoon al :~ :tu a

=============== 1 sho rl business nlPE>ling of thf' sopho·

' morP d;!~s wa.:-; ht•ld in Prof Tall· The weekly Expo nent is st ri c t ly a j who preft'r tha1 sitk t 1 f tht• wo_rk

student enterprise. Its chief purpose I l'rt',·iou~ 1 ,,wriPm·1· ill llC\\ sp1.11Jt'I'

is to prese nt to its reade.rs . ca.ch we.ck I '.'·ork i~ unlll'l''--'~~ar~ fl.1r a strnh~nt \\ho

an accura te and complete record of tlPsirt>:- to try out fnr a position on tlH'

tne' developments 111 college affatrs -.tarf :-:Oonw of fh(' ht'"'' nwn 1 lw papt•r

during that period and 1t 1s intended · . . , .

that rt s influences shall be exerted for ba~ "'''!"had 111·\-PI' \\TOlP a IW\\~J).llH 1

the upbullding of Montana State Col- 1 ._11·tkh Ll'llH't• Llw~- hl'hilll \\Ork ll!l !hi'

lege. T he p~per is the result of volun-1 E:\.ptillt•lll 1•romptnt· .... ~·. 1J1 Idling a~ tary effort put for t h by the students si:.:HJl\l'llts .11111 it ,,j\\111~nt'S!" to Jt .. arn

who compose the staff. :trt' tlu onl~ t .. •i~l'ntials .\ dmn1-to\\ n

' J man·s ro1110. At 1hi~ nwtin.c: Prt..'~idPnl I I Ho~s \\<l:; 1 111an imou~I~ elc('ll."d 1·aptain

f nl thP sophomon• football tE>am anti


1 Attent1·on 1 :~d:~l·~ri:"~:~·:~:~·; ,'.'.~~.·,l~\,.~~::li~~,I·:~~~ I P ho ne 95 W . 315 Tra cy Ave. S . J

A Weekly Sc 1mmage Day ot·in fitted \\Ith ty )t'Wl'Ht'l'S :\IHI 11111

.\J nrn II nu II' fn1 •1 <'[ .t me 1 1tt' lh1 \\ nrJ,

1'nrried lo leYy an assess1111;-•11 l of ~l.1ln

f ,1 yt>ar 1111 t'al'h nwmhf'r of tlH class



, Fifty I l'llt . ..; rlas~ clues and fifty cents

: FOOTBALL PLAYERS! ;1:-; ;\ si11k111~ fund fo r llC"Xt year't> an-! f 1111al. \ C'o11stit11tio11 1·nmmittn.' con·

I I h·t .Johnson ant! .\Ir. flr11mmond. was New Farr Goods Just n .

appoint1•d by Pn•sident !toss Thl•


I G. McKEY The Printer


I WPt l;: \ !-<l'I mma ·l:H i~ lhl _n 11 In : Tiu t·ditnr "ill )1· .111.1ly t 10 I-! :111 ltl IF

NoowOT BisA Lt'-hcS, Time to get Busy. : ... b .ni:. of .\Ir Jt•an l\:t·ll1·y '.\lbs \lar·


1 ~::'.:::1

."::::~:1::~ .:~::1

:~:::11.':'.:1:.~:.:,::.;;:~ •. ··~·1


·~~~~~-~~--~~~---~~__,!. (on 1 Bt-nnum clu ,1 rJ1l l"JtlJ.1\1 llH'l I :-111il1'llts who 1h':-!it to tn 111 11 l(ll

, .aoo:c 11 1111 t I I· ilCh \\"ed1u· . .;lla) •1. =- sr af' J•Pl'Jlion:- t SHOES. PADS, tc.

lu D t ~ull" or till:; llUr(ll "'t' r\ 'I'' • SUMMER SCHOOL WAS II M. S. C. PILLOW COVERS I •

AND PENAN TS I Enough Said

! Montana State College :f Agriculture I lh h .... < rim:ua~

.1m an1I e lht•1 •· GRATIFYING SUCCESS

1 l"i,·iiian Yn11th I<'' all 1 er ·s•·ll

I I 0 talk ahout polil't'\\ 1Jlh'I\ nut \\".I;\

! l lt t\\• en th1

~' t..ond nr :wni.• lm"1 ell•\ l'll

},(' \<1hle I f 1111"' day I !ht llt'll 01

1·011ld llH•y 110 a~ainst Tl1t'll "'"

Patriotir .\faldt>n (prcmptlv1

snppo:<.P th1 amhoritiPs 1hink 'h:l tlwy

would hP qllite a match for 111.,:- ,, 1111

I and Mechanic Arts ' I

hf- Jorh 4lJa•l \\ill bt• gr1·a. II I

'' t lt' .;.tu l nl botl~ ~JO\\"'\ f•r th.1 wil

n'1p th )!I" llt':-.t IH•lWPt If lhP ollec;e

Severa! Distinguished Lecture rs from

AllOver the Country Gave Addresses

This Summer. I ROSE DRUG CO. ! ' I ha\ P rPlllil ilwd at home." l 1H1wh f The Rexall Store I I

l'ia1·1ic-al rou ·~es i C'ivil. EIN·lril'al ·rncl '.\lE>chan1c:.d

1·:11..:inl'(•l'i1ig-, "\lt•chanic Arr=-.. \_g-ric11l111re. Dair~ I lorti­

c11lt11ral !lomP E<·onomit:s. lnd11s1rlal f'h1-.·ni~tn

E1·11nni11il' niolo~y "\Iusir• and Art.

Tlw ~umnwr ~ehool ht·hl at t lie t • •

101 n n.nd \\1}men flll 111 with thp spir 1 I lt'!!.l-' ln....i sumnwr -as b~ 1a 1 J,,, 11111. t

I __J

f t t "'- JJHl m.1k1 It ,l sLH'l·e:-:-.1 sun·t':':->l.·11 1 bi><h 11 '·' r -c .1u•l < r------1' \\ f- 111e :1t aftt 'lH.ion 1s U1.1tll' .1 l·ndaIH't _or an~ 1lw:-- f,u· i r.iJJ\,nt:.. du) wiH·n (''t'P :-.ludi>nt ou Tht· six \\t't>k., :'l'S!"ion "h' iwc.111 I th hill ,i::Pt (ll t to \\: 1, b th ~< im. Junt> ti. L·ndl·d w th l 1011r .'.'r 1h1• ''I



• . !O\\SlUl\l-• jl3l'k .\bu1•f .'\ OI I

'TiliC:t ch~ r !ht· men. and m1112Ie with 'summer scllool :-t idt·11ts 11 ad1 Ii• ·i1 ' ' t>a h ntht'!' lht'll tl11~ tL1Y "Ill be a I und.er thE' guicl<.lllC't.> ot l \Vo :lf hu 1<1C·

JIOWPrt"uJ factor in \\1•ldinc f~ur or fi\P ulty Prt1f H .\ Hart1P~. f' oh., .... nd

hun1lrP1t cnllt>i:!'t' 11d1\'id11n .... Into ,1 Prof II, '.\I. Jt•nni~11n, bot.rni:-.t "'

TrnP t·ol fillPd a doublr- rolP, wtln!! ,.., 1 !~a

on:-; anti 1 xpia,nint: ht l1·C'I" ~pir'• l !:: u ic;: be.:t n '\'Pr hC'en dt'i"~ ol lh" park.

too ahnn(l ut on ht" hill. T.a~t fall


w'Jt"n foothnll r II

~plrit r::i.n hiµ:ll n1 iu~ th<> creatt"r

pn.4- of th(> hn~k(>thnll s{'a!:wn !he !;tll·

ThP ;1ttf'udan1·1· at thf> :-.11mm1·

~chool not 011n1111t:. th< fo11,·odil 1111.

i:oters '\\ho "Pre JH'P:->• nt for m111.; t =-·

weel• was 1:-in a~ ai.rn.!llst -, ... for lal't

d1'nl ho<ly wns f r rrm hPln~ l ive vear. a \'Pry l!l'at 1 y H,e hwr"":l~P hiti>r

"'r~a:lizatfc n ni.o t )llf'gt.: spirit wn::;, to ~st In the work dp,('Jnped sr,•a1\il~· ll

11aY the !Pn , dorm:-tnt. the Pnd to P'\J1rt·:"~ t'H'1r appr• 1 101

Jf the many ft>a1i1 ·p"' ot t\JP \\·1,rk <1

fpre<l 1wre. .\l11C'h 111 tl11• iUltJ'•·St ol th< l"P~-iu!I

wa~ dUt tn th1 di=-l 1 gl' ,Jlt'd I <I r••1'5

rnt Cl 1a1t ~ t ir _)i h" liaske1ball who ..::11u1t Yl101·f' or P:-.~ timP Ll th1

amt dc·b:it 11g f' s1 u th..:: wint1•r and "nll..-J!i "' 111 h 1111 '11 •1!-' Ill \\' H •·n JI

t 4. t H' 11 t t> sp: ng \.i!R01l of '.'\i>w York 1' Jy !)1· li:trnld

.\· Fm::ht of \\"ash ucto11 J 1 l' l'roi T 1e e is 1111 bt>'ter w tY to hriu~ thi

1;arlaud A. ~~rickt r of l 'olumh1 .., llh.~1.

till llr Grant E Finl'h ol llillou, \1 lilt

" *htl

l Kut th. n to

Imm l~t C y a :la~ wht~n nnd tl11ring. tlh• Jngt

111 tilt> 1 i1l 1r11s nlll 1n Sl'e ~upt 11 A I h\\ p;

.\I J1011nilton.

\lout rna or

1 Pll tla~·s ~t l '

1111 Pre.::!· ll! .I

thp 1011 ~·.:.ih l(u t a m 11 to :- :n

\\"h I tntl('il of 1111

\1'11 h) lilt> rt•J:!lll.

ill'"tl'1h tlon \\<1

m1·111bt>rS ol lw

c 1lt t:"t fa<.'u y muc·h wo1 k w.-~ mos t

a. T1·ptahly giv1•11 hy spp1•1:1J t• a h( "" \\ I



I .'.">t'( Ol llt'\\ sho\\ 1lll!, o" his ::I

01111la ~tYlt> ot Jt>WH1 ~

' I Hin~'· llroodt"'· Fol"- La \"al i J lit• 'l's and S1· 1rf Pin~ I : I

! 1'1 "'' a• ,,. frc>m .·1 110 I I I ' : I '

I I 1 H. A. Pease & Co. I I

Jewelers ard Optornetr 1sh


• Phone F rertzy.

said th-· lnq .tlh td n1an.

Is ht> p.lt a~ilh tht• tPli'll'lO''''·

I'll ~o lishin~."

•·tli1ln't know ~011 ,·,\r" I fnr ! ·:1i:1~.

'I dun t t1nlinnril~ nnt 1·-.: th• •Illy

{'hance ol r ndin~ my!"l1 lf a. ti~ 1 :1·1

ot a lint> That isn I hn ·y. \\-nsl f1:!..'.·

ton :-:Oiar

• Where He Shot Himself.

lit> hail :->pun a fp\\ P:I\\ storit>s about

his dt>atlb ~hon1111:.:; expl'rten{'e, an1l

e\'t-n·o1w 111 tilt> c·arria~t' \\<l!" :?;rnwin~

w1·ary, when a S('Otsman spokt>.

I n·nH·mber wh('n Ollt shooting-

rabbit!'. one tlay ... he ~ail.I. "T wa~ 9)1 r e·

paring to ~o hOllll'. wht•n 1 nntPd OOP,

ronnd till> sidf' of a ha~ ~lai'k, nd

altt'r dodg-in~ aft(·r him awhilt> and

nh' ays 111i!'.si11_~ h m, a hrilliant idt a

:->ll'lll'l, lllP Hl'llllillg- thl· 1\1117.Zlt 0

my Knn iuto a hall t·ircl~ I took stt>atly

aim :11111 fired.'"


' nea111 "111 c;rouncJg, cnmmo<lions huil1linh~. compl1·t

woo<! and iron shop~. extensiYE> laboratori{>!", mof!Pl

kitrhPn anrt spwit1~ room~. music and an ~tullin



.-----------11' -SEE- II DR .


For 1ha1 11t.•\~ T<iil11r ).ladP. suu nf


1 dothe~ :ind 1c1r ym,r Prpssm!? anli I

Cka1 iIH!'.. :

C'olle2e ..:\gt'llt 1 I


Ollke- Golden H.ult~ Hit rk

Pho1w--OllkP !17 \\. \\

HARRIS & S TAFFORD I I Let Hank and Ed. Do It! ==========


·, I do t he best Heat ir.g and Plumb-


1 ing jobs in tow n. If you want th e

best. see


\11'd did you kill him"" ~:1rcas1i- 1 I l'Pntral \.\·e1111p

t·a ly inquirf'd tlw spor :om.in ('/0 thes for 'Youn 9 C'ent/emer I__ Phont' :~011 .I

Xo." was thC' rPa1ly rPJ1ly I ~hot

I I I ~ I

' I I I

I I Hig h Schools or Flathea d and Vicinity I ( o\l~~t' 1• I'll I ud r !ht•,.. I

Are Ma kin Plans for District I dnlhP:' nt•(•,llJM' thr.v '''lll'l' s. l'OI· I Basketball T ournament. I li•i~:t· ilit>:J. .rnd t1r. lw \i1 1 s1 of all 1

1 .\ln.•ml.' so1w nf lht' hi:;li ""1 h 1ol'-' , lo he~ I

01 th1 stalt ll't ht. r"'inn111.:::: t 1 lnnk ·ro· I I

np·splf in the hark·· ·-PLAN DIST RIC' TO U RNAMENT

\\ill'd 10 th1 haskt>!hall wiirnanwnt :rnd

t tl~I' of FJ;nht:atl .111d tilt> "lll'rt)lll\1\111:.., \\'t' wnnld liki t 1 '·"•n\\ \Oli

========== =

I I Dr W C. Dawes.


I \tanin Hl1lt'k

! lio:1~·ma11 \J )I , __ _ I I'' ::

I t·ouutn· a p 'llann 11 ~ !or t 11 , ton ·na llt'' n.otl1 b llHt h 1 E' \011

I -, I 011" 011 I

I STUDENTS HEADQUARTERS lllt>t11 to 111· h1•ld in tlwir tli~trwt I :

f ,1 btt J(' in.i.: 1 1 \ t,... :-; 0 , I l'oad1 \Yil~on of 1h€' Platht•.ul l'O\\lt I l,

I .·o1hrn ~ hi 11 f·t lS \\orkllH I ' I.\ 11b~h s1 hool n1·tin1Jy ~i.l\t' a ho11 ... 1 Ors. Davidson & Cook,

llJtlU_\( J s 111 l 1,1 .it ei l 011 1,lh..I I party 011 Fln!ht·a1l lal.;p ,\! \\ hkh ol\ ~ I ', st id• ut:-: I thl' l'Oadw~ in 1hat 1lis1rkt \\Rl'P ll1·" : DENTIST S.

1_' __ _:_:~~~~A~----.1 ~:11:i.. I a:1.."11:.1~~:~.:h211,::.1.'.~~.·::·! ., ! w alsh' s ! j ( >ll ll>el .,,, ~ F 1sh1ng for Compl1 ,..,e.,t.s. • --------------

H uk

T u Ian~ ly \\ t ;ti h· :n • 1h ..;t _J

: I Fransham Coal Co. I

THE THREE BEST COALS, I ~ 1,, 1 a '01 ntv S1._·al~ l'll·k~ t "

1ahl1• aucl 1·"rtai11 n•marl.-: . ., had brot·ll

ma1!1~ \\hkh ~'d\l!"t'd !ht> 11 11 ot h

house HI tw11 tht' otlwr '' 1t 11 h

statt'llll'nl that thl·~ Wf':I 1 slrn:~ In•

l'olllplimt•nt~ ThP sma11 ?rl <lt Ji,

family instanll~ rt-101·1n:I \1·1111

===============:-1-----~----~--I I If You Are

o o I

~ ~ : PHONE 253,

I Fatht·I' 111•\1•r ha:-; tn ti Ii tor



(';\l) gl\ t•

Coal, Wood Lumber ! Particula

'' " an' cheerful I t" Phone 253

~r-----.or-------,~ ~ I __________ _




S f.f, n.:1 N " 1 abrc. Ci c



1 I Thelen & Hanley I I ; Livery, Saddle H .... rses and Auto ! : ! F oe H ire. I' : l Phon~ 57 Bozeman I : ---- ---------' I I . I I • r--TI~ Centra~- St~~~~-1


: ' t1Jk , I I ALFRED SCHLECHTEN, PROP. : I '.. _____________ J

• He War:ted t o Hel p.

So ~1111 ''rt-' t·x11t·1·ti 1d

a1·t l'VPl'Y da~·"'

Yes," rPpliPd lh1 1 Hn~

I lo\\ .1ho11t lodu~ ., ..

'\\"pl! th1• ll'i.\f",ll'I' has hl • 1

a litrl1' trn11h\., with nw

Ii 11 I 111 cht :-.t 1y :1wa'

ml chi• Ii · 1 a r• , ....

Pen ait1 es of Genius,

I tibt \r1 1i;1 1 \\ hn :-. lf> II


f111 • 111011;\i.:1 h) lnf'al 1·crnstahl1•1

1)1 Ill.Ill h,l\P 'O I 1\11 I th i<

(,Ill \ol ""'I' h,\ his rf 1

1 llH11,nn ll 1111 n·" 1111L 01 1

~I d11 3 r ,r;11

Clean ar.d Sanitary,

, I Co.11


"' Letts & Marqui:

i----------------------------------···· ' ' I I

' I I

' .\\\ I

' ' rn I

l\(!"Jl\ :


Good Reasons for Trading With Us!

=-',1..11~ .11 t11111 11 1 \t·p artu II- ~<111 to\l' ol'.' 1•nk1· ''"' 1

i1ur Ii 111~\\1 t 1111!•1] n11 h1' 1as1 01 SATISFACTION 1111 ''

J. '' l) \.llll•r 11 1 111d1 <1·rnt• t lt1 ~ ur lnlik \ 1~ h 1 ~1111 Inn

\ II() • I 'II lie ha s lh.H \111 Ill :->I II 1111. ;II it•tl \\ h \OIJr un~h 01 ·1· an 11\ \ntll" 111111Hy h.11·k \\, lau al\\H)~ pit t.1 ~1111 1f y

\\j]J l' 11 I 1; 1 •11'110 11 \1 11 111 IH II

< <1·1s1 11.h ·~1ow 1t < t ltt"' 11, . : R.oechers Drug Store ln11't ti: 10\\



- ·no>·•t 1l~Scbaffocr & ~tlM'T

===-=====~-====T==-H~E:_:W.:_:E.::E~K:_:L::_Y~E::_X~P.:::ON ENT.:__F_R_I D_ A_ Y, SEPTEMBER 24, 1915. PAGE THREE

l1-=I = C=ol=le=g=· e=N=o=te=s=::!Jll \\==S=o=c1=· e=t=y==l\\ FOR $20.00

Thf> <Pment u~nni!-i l'OUrts h;1\"e bet-on wt>ll 11atronize-d this wi·l'k.

ProfP~sor \\1l ~lo~·k•or the grain lair orawry is judging f>Xhibi1s al the Spo·

:i..Ii!-is Amelia Stanley entertai111-d at a spread ~at11n.lay e'"ening for '.\trs .J. A Grime~.

We can sell .you a real Tailored Suit or O vercoa t . ..J.00 patterns to pick from. Made as you want them made. No alteratt0ns. Perfect fit and satisfaction.

'.\liss llarkins !n~er~ainf'd t he se111or girlH Tne~day afternoon in honor ol

For real clothes satisfaction. kanP fair

••• Fred Bullock oi thP junior <.'lass ha8

d1a.n~e 01 lht· 1·01leg" sei>d t•xhihit at 1 llH> :)late (air.

••• Di n ... c·tor F 8. Cooley or the extPn-sion tle11anment lelt >Ionday for the statt• fair

.I. R. l'arker ati~u~H state ontomol-OKiHI i!:i in Le\dl:)town i1nest1gating grain pests.

• •• :\lorf"; 1han 2;; mr>n h:n·e been JH"O-

:\[r~ .. J. A Grime!:\

)liss Lois ('oy~u~ of Livingston was the gnei;:t of '.\hss '.\t:ollie Allen at Ham­ilton hall thi~ ,vN'k.

:'l l r and '.\[rs.• it t l'urrier e n ter-t.ain(~d al chnm~r on Thur~dav ,.ll s~ I\ Ruth ""rat. ~liss ,\ melia Sianle". I Alumni and Ex- I ~l1os Dorotlw ~ 1 111s and ~!rs -~ Students 1 Grlme8

Allllef' Piedall~e ~r•the clas~ of 1 ~} Wm . Harnes. '11, did graduate wo rk I' hds returned f i om he r summer 'a"a- at Berkeley this summer tion ~l>ent m South Dakota. I + + + + • + .I E llodgsk1ss. '12 ts working on

manager Lmn Saturday the ~l1s!;Ni Lula tln.x IU\("St1~a11on Ill the- nonlwrn pall I Renan De l'atri p• o t the Junior da>> Chestnut and Ada B~erntecher went to' or the state under the d11ernon or I

,.ided with jobs by the rollege employ­ment bureau 01 whid1 r~d .larobs i~

vi.-.;itf'd the fair in Helena this week Relirradf'. thf' Experimen t ~tation. • • • •

:\lan.v •·ollerr. e 1•1"o~•l~ eni·o,·"d tl1e 1"1·-1 .. lurlgf". and '.\frs. ". R. C". Stewart. I' • + + .. ,.., "'"


'" "' l ,..- :.rma '.'\oble. ·l1!\. has reurued 10 forrnanct:.• of ·A Pair of Si~xe~·· at the ).figs '.\l ildred Stewart of the junior Townsend, where ~hf' will ag;ain tea«l1 Bozeman o1~ra hou~e \\'edne!-idaY eve- class, and Ila! Stewart or the frC'shman in the high school nin~. · rlass motored O\·er to l-fplena the fir~l

of thf> \\"('f"k • • • I : : : I ~ · + • • HOllll'I' l'. Thompson. ·112, haH bt>en .\ JiustE>r. :h .. ~ 1eet, illu!->tralt>fl hY ~~,I 1 nesday evf'ni1H.:: the .r. A. ~I '.\t. (']nb ele<'lecl pre~iclent of the newly organ-

McDonald, Sweet & Johnston



'' An Attractive Variety"-llazel :\ul '\nuttal, Fruit Caramel anil ~laltecl ~ ! ilk Chocol~te> with ila\·o r:-.. .:\l.•at packac:c..., g-c.:ncrou~ly filled with bi~ Chocolate'.'!

Post Office News Stand


1 v • t 55 ut~, aih·ertisi11g the work 1lonc· by: the <'n]oyed " 11irnir u11 Bridger ranyon. ii.ct ele,ator com1iany ai Three Porks. : arst y \"arJOUt" ll.ep3l'tlllt'lll...; of tlw colh"gt• ,,I'~ . .J .\. Gri1~e:. "\~ho wag fornwrl_,. • • • 11 f wh ch was compiied hY B. 1 .. llellrick Frieda null .. '07, of the )fathematic·s \


: of the u;;ronom\' dl'partmt·nt is ou ells~ tl;wrml_olyn ~[illR has returned to i11" r ell partment ot ~1 S. C .. did ~radnate ~;;;;;;~~;;~~;;;;;;~~;;~~~;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;~;;;;;; · · · lOmP m nuttf'. wor\i. at the l ' nl\·erslty of California -: his ls c ,f le Har Schaffner ,J~y at ilw .... ol pge hooth in Heh'na I • + + al Rerkeley during tlw summer REGISTRATION TOTAL I " \larx m,)!!rl> ror young men. -~ 18 '"""k. ~Ii" Lana Baldwin •pent the week t . an rn " !>rake< ot th<• <'xtt,nsion tei·rsts of tlw <allege. !Jr l1 l' (lar!liner. ·o:i. oi Anaconda.

IS STILL GROWING. t \\ 1• haYP hem at $20 up \l 1 1

• • • . I at thP Rtate fair in Helena in t he in- • + + t + I dt partnwiH 1:-; wkrng an t>xtencled tri.. + + + was a Uusi1H"H!" visitor in Bozeman Ill through the westt•rn stat('s, Glacier \ ph~a~ant hurseb:ick trip 10 ~lyRtic la~t weel\ Pre pa ra tions Are Be ing Made for the

HOLLOWAY'S ~at.iouaJ ~1ark Will be the JrSt point !aJ . .;e la:-:.t $~tlll'0da.~.· W<lR_ f'.lljOyf'cl by + ••

. . Largest Enrollment Ever in the : \ls1'ed 1' rom tllen .\Liss Ur·1ke plans I ).Its~ Azalea Lmf1eld. l·.d1th FowlPr Inez nnsenbnrg, T!, has r13sig:nE>1l t I to go to the coast and tonr 11·a,hin~· C'rai~ Ingram and Ilo\\card Seamans h"r position a< teacher in the Rud-

Short Course.

: Home of Hart Schaffr'.er & Marx 1

tT)n Or('gon and Cali.ornta + • + yartl schools and r<>turned to l•ozeman. I 1 I ' + + + Those who went were ).{isges Ada I Clothes, !Ir \\'ebh and Profe"ors Arnell. Reer>tPrher. ~!ae ('lark. )rildred Stew- l:<·orge lllinn. ~ x· lt_ is now manug Although the number of studt:nr_q I 11 d l enrolled already exceed~ tal:)t year·, --------------~ llo dtiridge, .\larti11, Lmfield. Cooley, art.. Josephine Kount"l ~nd .lane le ini::; a <'oal c·on("t>rn in Great Falls =============== anu Atkinson are among the iatull' Lund record. the re~istration figures are 11ie111lwrs who are eui••y·in~ the fair In + + + + + + still <'limbing. )[any o[ the older stu·


,,lena th


we•ek The first <lanc·e or the year, given Burle Jone>. ·04, "ho has be~n "

011 <lems ha\e been unable to completP + + + hy th• )!omana stan in the drill hall nt><·ted 'nth the Orangewood :\ursery their regi>tration as yet on acco•ll\t

1 .Jean KPlley 01 tbt• ~01ihomort.· da~:-; last Ratnrday f'Vf"ning was e-njoyetl by <~<:mi)any al l~l~oenix. Ar:z~na. has ~<:-1 of conflicts in the various courses and enjoyed a dsit lrom hi~ l'arent!-i last a lare-P rrowd. A number of the new c<tited _a positiot~ ~s hoit1cultural LX· because of other technicalities. 71·.-.·· 11 \\"f'dllt.>~day :\lr and :\lr:-;. Ke-llt.1'" mo- I studt>nts werC' present. as well as the pert with ihe \\ hllf' rnnch at RuPna freshmen are still coming in and It on•• O\ l'r from A1rnL·onda . I ol<lPr onP~ a nil the affair proved to he Yista. California. will not be until next week that ,1n~ + + + I a very pleni:;nnl one ror all • • • thing like final fi~ures will b1• an11'.-

I .Jal"k ~lill111rn'. who a.:-;si~t:d. in st•t C:ood musk was furni!-ih~.d by a four- Annit> Brennaman. '117. retnrn~d to I able. The number of fre:->hmen al· I t up; up llw enp;lll•'""' ,g exlub1t al tlw plocr nrehe"ra and dancing eontinued her work in the THon coun1.;· I.i~h ready enrolled is llJO, sophomores, 74; 1, statt~ fa11· llw tirst oi tht' Wl:'l'k rP- until midnight s<'hool at .~l10tea~1. attf'r s~endmg .~:1e junior~. Jl; seniors. 3~. and secondary j l

1 turned to Bozcmu11 on ll'echw>day + + + 1~ummer '"th he1 parent• m Bmen .m. student$, ;;o This makes a total of I

1 I ).fi~s Cecil \\'alker entertained at din- I t SeYeral [lktl·S+ 0~ ntw ati}ill l"'alH-" + + • 2-,4 istudenus of colleg1ate 1 ank as com· l WHO CARES. the phy-.ical edui·ation departm!~~ ner on Sunda; the \!isses i;rma Les- ~Cr an<] \lrs \\'tlliam 8 \'estal, both, pared with the

233 ,tu<J,.nts enroll"d



The House of Feature Films


1 •el. Dorothy Ziebarth, Leah Hartman. of the class ot l!ll ! _are the parents o( al the eutl oi the second "eel, last t J H Harrl·S r.i\ Co have arri,·ed and are b~ing in~talled Ali<'"- ).f,..Con•. ).[ar.\· DaniPl"'oo. and bab b b r \\ 1 sd 1n \ a


• . ·Ct • ~ ' a Y oy o n e< ne · .<) • n year. It is expected that the n~al ""·, I I BETT E R SHOES. by lnotructor Richardson. Ethel )!iewald . ronda. nres will be close to ~;;;. I:....-------------..! I I Hal11h .Jorg<·n~n~ ~'uoe11<· llapatz \!r and )[rs. t t t ure ntertalned + + + Principal Hol't of the School 1 t I =============== ~~§~~§~~§§~~§~~·. \ ~lan1r d :';,ow .md Renan J>eC'amp S l . M' ('e Prof. llam visited all tlw leaoing Agriculture is making pre11arations to I .: I ·1 ;, at supper un< ay Hen mg • ISSes . <'Olleges or Idaho. ll'"'hington and care for a large increase in the ntUP I Where the Money Comes Frorn. t :':ek~mong l 1e w n,rnrn this cil Holmes. Dorothy Ziebarth, Edith Cali[ornla this summ<•r On this trip ber of short course students lhi.< Teacher-Wha t is the meaning or I F • p Fowlf'r and ~Iessrs Llewellyn Luce. be vi~itt:.•d the l 'nh·ersity of \Vashiug- vear From the number of letter~ the word patrimony. ! ounta1n ens ~Ii" l·;rma Le:..er or tlw :5enior l'la", ,!yron Carr, and Jay Duquette. ton. Wa,hington State rollege. the l:rom both µrospective au<l old •n.d1·n•.s Pn11il-Money left by one·• •au-.cr


left S.unday ior lh•Jpna '.\I bs Lt.-ssPl I )Ii" Erma Le~•:I ! nu Esther Belle l'niversh" of i<laho, Leland :>tan!ord. that have b•·cu pourino; in the .lttend- Teacher-Good! :\ow deil11e malri· t "•Ii-tiller• for $1.25 and the Ideal will demonstrate at the State· l' ·iir ('ool<')' went to Helena Sunday to '". Pomona college anti l'altrornia 1',1ly- ance in the short course will be uy tar mony 1 Walerm SeH-filler and non-leak- tlurin~ he week for the extenoion de si" In the exlribit or the bome econom· tec·hnic institul1 the greatest ever experien<ed s;t,ce its Pupil-Money lert by one':; mot.her. able kind from I partment. irs department at the State fair ,!iss beginning. Has Strained Relatlono. $


TO $10.00. I \l'- \!· ... • 1t 1~ 11

. 1

Ill· . Alhertn Borthwirk anti )farsa Riclclell I STATE FAIR VISITORS -+--- ,!rs Raye-She is slm11ly mad on

Lesll·e £. Gage 1 Sf'~ - .i'.t>,l H. e '1111 ~.\ 1 •t~' lPtt q·sterda\" for Helena Prerequisite. the subject of g-erms. and sterilizes, r llortlnrn k lc>tt on \\ ednesday 1or llPt · · - + SEE FLIES AND TICKS. e na. "hei" the) "ill •l<'mon>' rate on 'Are you unmarried ... inquire.I the filters everything in the house.

!I Pxtension !IPpartm,.nt worl, Y . W. C . A. GIRLS HAVE census man. \'isitor-How does she get al111:., + + + Department of Ento mo logy Has Inter- "Oh. clear. no," said the little hdy· with her family? The• 1-<irl" trom the Y \\' houoe en

1 COMFORTABLE HOME esting Exhibit of Domestic Pests in J blusb!n~. ''I've never even been ma"·, )[rs. Baye--Oh. even her relat:o11• '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ jOY!'d a tram11 up Tlri1lger on :5aturday Helena. ri<'d."· Ladies Home Jonrnnl \are strained

Jeweler and Registered Optometrist.

r--- afternoon L11nd1 was rnk<"n ;dong I House Will Be the Scene of Many =============== ·rrr. ~h hatd1+>n All n-•11on havinl.!. a 1 ing Year. Tlw l·utomolog) dr-llarlllwnt is •·e- :\ty man. where did yon becon! ... -,--------------I

: ~ an1l 1hr· J.drl~ tramped a~ far as tiH' I Social Gatherings During the Co m- I --- - Telling Her. I : ( \ ~ood time. presented at llelena thio we~k with such an expert swimmer?' : .l . . • • • an exceptionally good as well a• in- "\\'by, lady." responded our h· IC t Qual1"ty Foot t \ ! ) llllh<'rl su· .. ,.,,, 01 . lw ' •h 01 " 01"' The """ y 11 t .~ home,, whid1 I struct1ve exhibit. llr H. R l'arl"·r modestly, ·1 t"e<l to h· a traffic <'DI' in = l v/' t•la!'i:;: }Pit Snt•Jr'.lay tor 1~10 ·. \\ h~re is situated OU Urancl an•1111e a fc•\\" who ha-" bet-n in drnrge o[ fly illVt'S- YeniC'e. Buffalo Expre::;s 1

-~ he will .., pend a 11·\\" clan• workmg tor · I · · · · ·· · I ,- . · . ~ 1 lilo1·k.·s trom :\lain lj!r<.'et, ~ uow hclllt?; t1gauon at '\tile~ ( 1ty for the pa~t + I ·~· ,, ~ the ~-~ :qlerinw~tt statJOn wuh 11 T·. u:-:ed !"he houBe. ls ~i1uated on tile season and who is one of the fore· Woman's Part. I )!orrl8, who IS also at I,oln at ihe corner and ha> a iery 11leasa11t ouL· most authorities on the subject in llw I l I pn·sent time. ~[is> \'inc !lo \OU fa1or women· : • + + war<] a]'}leara1J1·e, [Jeltl)'; sU\TOUllUPd by l'nited States, i> in 1·harge Ol tlW ex proposing~" I .\ltl•Oll~h tlh· l'er!<US C'luh was• or· a nice la\\D, the holl>l' nselt io almost hiuil. The dis1ilay is in two ;ections. \lrs. Oal<s 't'erta uly not II hen .1 1 I KELL" STVF c-·-t FALL ~a11 ztd o11\.r Ja~t Suncla~. ll ha. al hi<ltlt-n irom \'iPw by dot's the Hrst vart of wllkh rleals with tlll' woman 11ieks out a man sh1__• ~l11111ltl I !1

FOOT w EAR r<·acly heeu C'all(:'d upon lo entPrt;tin Th~ lower tloor is taken up wi1h a spottetl fever tick. and thP oth1

·r with make him pnwose." Hou~ton l h 1

u 1he llJlJl~r ('i;\~slllPtl The club Hl<-Ill · ~very tine tnlrlor, a. nice sitting room j the houl"'\e fly h'le. I ti ' al !'ho ..,]1111 II ·k 1·olr>n._·.l Jir·rs. mo~t of whon1 :1re [rpghmi·n, nc· and a lan~e <lining room. The girb Tht.· tkk (_•;..hibit l·ontains s11t:•dme11~ • , 011 ops out 01 six .t:. les at I

knr1wlerlgP a \"ery 1 1 \ea~ant c·all from h_ave the .\It:>~ .or th.e8e rooms at a.ll I in all sta)'.!;<·s. arra11~-·li in a <'Ydtl ".·hkh A Star Perform~r · t I eus fou1 1a\"" doth 1011!-'. thP J

I \.Un( s 1

, 01

ki I, ~· .,, ,.tal and \le8'r~ L1wr. Park, Sewell and Waters tune,, which IS a leaturo so •el<lom n·pre8l·nts tlw d<"elo\lntL'lll ol the .\ml i> this "" ,0

.m in•u this 1


31e11t IP,tthf'l', tl1e t<ll" are lar"<>ly· on last \!onilay night. round in a private hom•. Tlw bed• species Dia1-<ram' tu explaiu th• tn .. mi rt 11 ith nnblushinK ioots"'I"· w\1'' I 1 tn clark o:!wclPs. \"r·ry lilll~ or thP rooms are iound on 1he Het·ond floor 11

triea\I• points in till' life history ari• the cloak of hypot:risy 1n hi!-i mou•h. I t PXl r-nwl) ranc~· footw

1·ar that was and al llH' pn•sent tin.if> aHonl very a1su ~hown .. 111 onl<'r that ti.le t'\lOl·t·e<I I .. t i rrni}ll< tl lat srrinl-! i~ to he MADELINE PHILLIPS 11leasant and {:Omlortab1e aerommotla I IPY<·r ti<·k m1~ht not he contnsPd """ •nd hi draw iitte1·n hn h><-.<S o11t ,>! I

: 1 slY" ' " an· plain and my di• nt s pocke18 with im1•11n • •·

11 1



le , .:.rnPd for smartni·~ t f tions. About lHtcen girls would com-1 the t·ommun wiull'I" lid.;, an t>\.hilnt asked an F.n!.!.lish barrbtt.r Ttwre """.-: I I :ml ~ ('1·nrral 1 1 I



1. r' ''1)1h lacP uud I [ortably fill the house. t10ug1 twrc of tbt> lattt>r i!-> also shown 1 (.'I · · n • 1 1· I , i P1: l" I I>:STRT"('TJOX . I I no f<'\I Y 1r•s11;1n •'1!. P t

1 '"" 11 ,, , ~ a re not tbal many· stayrng l WI'<' as In the R<'<Oncl part of the <'xhihit + I I ., ·' 0

,- nn PIANO. VOICE. yet . the rnrions """"" of tlw growth and Like an Hour Gl ass. 1 1


Chambersb =fisher Co._ Three Y1•ar>' S111dy 111 n .. rlin. The house is run on practically tlw cl"'"l"P""'n' "' housl' 11y are irnlil',1te11 :\.-Iii• 1, that 1 .. llow «i your' I samt· rule~ as those in rorc·l' al I \am and t hP many ldn<ls or !lit·~ whi<'h ;Ht~ l.!,oing to get up tht>- 1·our;_H~·· t

1> pro· l

ilton 11 all and Dean 1 I er rick has ::;up· 1 domestic pests an· !-lhown pose" J enis ion of the girl" as she has of This oxhihit i> nndonhll'<llY at1i:H't Belle- I !':""" ""' H•·~ lik" "" I thmw 111 UH~ hall :\l1R~ Alda_ 'Smllh ol I ing muth allt>!Hion al 1lw :.-\hill"' l•'ai1· lwur-glass. I thC" faeully is the d1:111ero1w 1n t'harg,t•. 1 both be<-.iusr• oi ill"- t'\.l·p\li•llt't' and on '\pJlil' An honr·izla~s., l·~a<'h J:.!.il'l takC'~ c·an~ of lu·r own room. ncconnl of intereRt inanil'eslPd alon~ HellP- Yc>s till' 111orl• inw hP ~ds.




( .l.,-

Reefs Bootery whih:• thC' rPsl of thP work is 1lo1w by these lines. 1h1• \i•s:-:. sand ht~ has


a housekN•pc•r. :\liss Ruhy Stalfurd is --------------------------------------------thP sttult"'Jll head ancl !-llli><·n·h-11•s th 1 --------------------1 S1·c·o11d ~Tllilrln(•!'!-i 11i stvle l shapP anrl SIZP. . .. worl~ of th1• ~iris anll flops tlw ont·r 1--- JT'S A BEAR I ing ror till' ho11s<' . 1 I llpl·au::.t> llii!hlan1l Linpu has It i~ tile intt>ntio11 of tlrnst· '.ll c.:h:1n . .:.1· I I h". 1• qaalitiPs and hPC'aU!-'•· il is 10 mal<P tlw ho11s1• a :-.Ort ol .t dO\\ II I I h 1

sll}ll'li,.cl in " 1ari~ly Of 1\alnty l<<l\I\ 1·1>n1or IOI' thP acthitie·n of th• I Our CEDAR MOP is moie popu ar t an ever I t 111 and Si'"'• it has luwolll<' tlH' y 11 (' ,\ All 1111' Rodal .111<1 hu81· : mos i'"l'"lar 11riting i''IJ"·r ol ne'8

11wrlinc• pf lh< assm·iation will. AMONG HOUSE CLEANERS THIS FALL, ESPECIALLY SINCE THE I .\IH<•rka he hl'hl th""'" ,\II girls 11ho <IS<' lh< SHAPE IS TRI ANGU LAR INSTEAD OF ROUND AS IT GOES INTO ALL I I OF THE COR ERS PERFECTLY AND GETS ALL O F THE DUST I ious<' will h<' PXl'""l'"I in II<' ""'"1 I AND DIRT.-PRICES ARE LOWER AS WELL ONLY 75c and $1.25

nt ht> assodatioll.

1 FO R THE TWO SIZES. SOLD BY - I \Ion· clrl• 1·an h• 01·•·0111101 d<ttC·<I '"

I th< "'""·1h,wnrau!l•h• lil1•of1l,.. t USE HARDWARE COMPANY II n·nlnr<' d<'IW!l!l-< u11on i1s su1·c••>-S this !' QWENHO ~ year.

TH: co:;R:CT WRITING PAPER 35c . TO $3.oO.

GALLA TIN DRUG CO. •• J: ... • '·. -- . ~· ... ,, '.' -1:

-------------~ ---


PAGE~F~O~U~R'.._~~-::::=-~~~--:::=-::::-:=:=--:::==-~-==-~-== 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-------

1 !:fi~~!::fi~!::fi~!:fi~!::fi~~~!:fi~!::fi~ !::fi~!:fi~!:fi~!:fi~ I 1~

I I l I

I e I


I ! I I



The Losing Team




Gallatin Laundry Company G. R. MILBURN. College Agent

l:I Fromh BGetwe1epn I ! ,~


! ~ t e oa osts M ! ff;*~ I !fi~!::fi~!::fi~!:fi~!:fi~!:F.~'l!:fi~!:fi~!:li~!::fi !lffe!:fi~!:fi~!:fi~ : I 'b~~·

j \\ Jth !he PTO'>llE'(\ Q( a f('IQLball gcJTil(' : \ rULilMU.ll1LllH

r En;.ryhody ont on Si.'rlmUHl!!'.P cay t1) in shdll betWC't'Jl tht:>1US1'l\"e$ ,'ud !IH' : t\'1-'r".·:.



L\ld.1' 1:1 •'l'Tl.I·:

C:.\I \Ll. J:11TTI 1:



l see Bennion·£' huskle.-:; work out. • I ··\\e:irt;>rs ol' the ~T£'t~n·· the ~01ihnm11•e!_.:. ·::... ;

+ + + hR\'P shown a ~onwwhat hearty inter- \: ,~,:;...:; I ·\t thf" Tuc~d~1y praetic-e ol' ihi:-; wN•k est in foo1ball durine tbe last week f


: therL' wer'°' ·l:'l men om ior roorball. The A number of them arc already out and ''-----------------------­

! tlay before nearly ;;n mPn ap111?an·d for J prnctice. This inc·rea:"P Rho" s tlwL more are e:qieded i o i·esponcl. Those


I !hp foo1hall enthusiagrn is gaining out for practice this ~\·eek are· ~~Bos, I _ernuud and tbat the game is getting Holt, Robinson. Tht'111. nurhe. h1ue:, 11 a cood hoo~t rlglll from the ::>-tart Hai:;.titH!S, ~trCabe. AlbPrt Borton. C'arl

J norton, \\"ayne Bo,-.:lf'n. ?>.fml.. StTann- t

I 11 wa> t111d•·">t~o~ IJ~ Coach B«lllion Jrnn. ~finar Riddick and $"an. :

J antl the nw-n out for practice nn ~Inn- roach Bennio: g-~v: tlH"' new players I f 1 day tb:n they plPd~!i'd their. wnr~ 11 f a chance to learn ~ome of the [undn­

J honor not to nse rohuc('o nr 111tox1ca1- menLils of footh:tll 111 t_h~ first sc-rim·

J l in~ liquors chning the football season ma~e o( ihe season. \\ lurh wns held 1

I nr until !::'m·h 1ime a::. he ~honld l'e· Inst \\"edue.!-'day This is only lilt> 1

I Jii•\1• 1lwm 0f thPir 11ledge. first of a series of sc·rirnmag'e-" ·which I 1

11 + + • will probably be- held at t·very pra1·11<·e

A Red Hot Overcoat "THE MIKADO."

_\~E T<l SEE IT.

The Hub If If y\1u art' 11art.1r•1Jar,

1'ry 11r:::.

\rill l'l11J::;r111 of F:<1lbpi?'ll. who playt-'( from llO\Y un ! t I the positi{1n or: guard ll~ the team • + + I

l'hone 7~1. 'i last Year arriT"etl Tuesda) to take up Some of the new material i::e-£111 on I hi~ wot·k nt :.'lfontana. $tall· Tn spiti· the field thi~ week looks Yery promis· 1 Walk-Over Shoes

of the fact that he did not gei in until ing Speed. rather than weight. will 1------------------------------..i Ed. and Lou Howard, Proprietors

Stetson Hats

three o'clock in the morning. \\'ill wa~ probably C'hara_cterize th~ bl~ie and



: I --1 VERDANT FROSH HOLD out for practice Tllesday afternoon. gold elen'n t111s fall as 1t dtd ln~t. ,.----- 1

'?:!?L.n ' THEIR FIRST CONFAB 1 :,

u, ,'II;:; h 1 c· 1 . SEVERAL MORE CARS OF

ARCADE/'A•~o~~::i·~~;;~~:~i ~h:·~~:;:r~·~; Activity In Foot al ire es jj New Furniture ! .A Good Plal·e for I'.:\·en I the Green Elect Tug.of.War Captain. It l

0-l?ntleman \\'ith the h:>suing or mobilization or· leacli1\g games of O<·t. 23 include Hn1·- : ARE COMING IN THIS WEEK. WHEN :

BI LLIARDS POOL I ders tor the moleskin brigade 1...•f more ,-ard vs. C'ornell. Priliceton q;. Dart- I YOU ARE GETTING READY FOR 1


The tirst tre~hllHlll assembly 01 the I BOWLING I d ll S nil(] ·c\11 • ,.., n10lllh, Arm,_· YS. '1eorgetown, Xa, ....... I I

· year was held last Monday a.iternoOn than a lhonsan <'O ege · ::;; '·' · \ J SCHOOL WE CAN HELP YOU OUT. I

Co\le~e Hair Cmting a S!'e<'ialry. l.i:clwarcl Jacob5. the fre$.hman guard· ers are Jireparing for the ~~·eal•.l:->! )fichigan Ys. )lichigcrn Aggies. Penn· : I at iour o'C'lock in the assembly room. throughout the connlry, football lead· YS. Virginia Poly. Chicago vs. Purdue. I l

f J ian who was a11nointecl by tile srndent ,e.ricliron c:nmp:.lig11 in tht- history 01 sylvania \"S. Pittsburg, T<-xas vs D D SMITH l --------------- senate. presided oYer the meeting-, the sport. \\"ithiu ihe next fe,.,. ,n•ck::c Oklahoma. Yale vs. \\~ashington nnd II t

1 \\ hkh was held for the ~mr}iose of t.be iuitinl games of the season >\ill be Jefferson, \\'isconsin \"S. Obio State, • • :


----------------11 electing a tug-of-war ca1'.tam and dis· played aucl each succeecling Sat11rtl"l' Georgia vs. Yirginia and }finnesota vs. I

-THE- cussing other matters ot 1111po1lanC'e .. will witness a :.:.teadily inl_>reasitJg 10"\Ya. ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-;==;-;-;-;-=-=-;-;-=-=-=-=-;,,-;-;;;;;=-=__.)===

Hornet• "~ig" Taylor was chosen to I schedule oi <·ontests until the ('l'e';;>t 1 I The final Snturclny of October is -------------------------------,,

S~~l[~~T[N ST~olo II an~ as cbi~f ro1ieman. . . I th(' sport is reached lnre in :\t)Yemb 1'r marked by seYeral iutersectionnl

. 1.he c·ba1 rma_n spoke 01 tile_ JlO:'iSl· ancl tile 1·\·,))' cle<·l1'11•'-.'. to tl10 1i1·:1 . ,.., ., I Th G 11 t• L b r Co I

I l ' ". " games; ,\fichigau meets ~yracuse. Lor- e a a l n LI m e •

t bilny of s.ecunn~ a schedule ior the matches of e;1r1'· December nell faces Yirginia Poly. and the ~li<'h- • l B I freshman football team lll'O\"ided :o:.ut· ~ot sin<'e the.days oi tht.' sen~111ie:< igan Aggies plny the ele\·en of the HeadquaNers for the famous OWL CREEK and PEERLESS BEAR f

rke-nt im~rest wa~ ::.;llown bv t.he clu:-s. I · · · 1· CREEK COALS.-Your trnde will be a111n·eciaied. ! UP·TO·DATE PORTRAITURE I _ . . · . . wht-n Amenc:an mterl'olle14tatli' 1 ~ot Oregon Agrirn!rnral C'Ollege. Olhf•r


Aner a ~·ery enthusiasll<: disc·u~sion. ball was born. has tllen been an ;;n:· contests in the ,·arious sections of the Opposite Court House Phone 20 . ...,.. I Jame!:> J.-"'1tzcrerald. a member 01 la:;t . il/j;t' • ::. • • I r:.imn which held forth as muth 111 Llw country bring rogether Harvard and

years G~illauu tootball team, wa::; ,\·av o( gridiron ar·tivit,· a::; !hat l)J Penn state. Chicago and \Yisronsin.

I:? Bladi: A\"enne t unanimous)\ eh?..::ted football manngt>r. · .... 1

· 1 .. ·

1 l •

II ,' . l!ll:1 _.\.('(.'Ol'ding tot le ot ina """ 1~11 \~anderbilt and Tennessee. Yale and

BOZEMAN . · MONTANA A t'OillllHfLee was a11po111te1l In th1• I I . t

! · ule prepare<l bY t w rue:;. cou111111 Q Colgate. Tllinois and ~linnesota. Prince- j I C t chairman to submit Ul the next lllt'f!t· 1 1 s non . s will be }llaYed b ton a11d ""illiams. 0, nd Dartmouth \"S. I ere an a

---------------~ 10g sets of color combiuations !rom <" ose to '' · game . '·. ·· LI

Mean.s Quality IN FLOUR AND ROLLED OA TS- TRY THEM TODAY . 1he leading collegt' and SL'hool LNHl~~ Amherst. I

. which cl~s colors will . be chosen. oi the l"ni~ed States between Septem· n t d d I The opening of ~oYember finds the I

l ! _1e COllllUll ee as lli-l~e 1$ COlllPOSL ber IS aud Decemher J. The ot ).fessrs Hay:::. chan·mun, MO!." and . • . . . , leading elevens gyrating together wilh


PENNIES 'Hhein hardt aud :.'lfisse~ Parker, In- Dunng this i1enod of tl trnle less the result that on Saturday. XoY. fi. '-'------------------------------"'I

MAKE B than s~l duYs there will be more than Penosyt,·ania and Dartmouth ]llay at I

I itram and eatt)~ l lllJO am~:;; betwe<.>n the ele\'ens ot'

I DOLLARS. ProfL·Rsor Currier spoke ot the val· I · g . Boston, Princeton and Harvard clash ,------------------------------,

Bozeman Company Milling

And doJJars make lche~.-it's all uahle trnining >eeured ·11 <he· ,; ee the i1rinci1ml uniwr~itws and ""liege« at Princeton, Notre Dame lrarels to I I FLINT LYNN I

in a :--y:-temati<' s<1Yi11.e- 1)f a c·ertain dubs and urgE"cl all wh11 t·oulJ to try aud twic:e that nrnny 'onie:;t:;; among: '°'~esr Point to meet the Anny, Corn~ll \ Bear Cree}{ COAL sum weekh I for plaC'eS. :he lending high sdrnol-:'. <lilt! prepan1- goes west to play ).lichignn, C'hiC'ago 1 Round· Up I L b C

~1:! I\' eek:-> of S'.l\ iug at our hank K Lei::ter Colt·', E>flitor of lhe E:\J>Oll- tory aeailemit•s. Gaines are ~C'hednli>d meets lhe Haskell Indians. \'irginia I Monarch i. um er o. will t.;."i\"t• ~o lie11.·1· 1 ln1::: 1l1all cnt, spoke of 1Jw training seL·ured for every day in tht· week exci~tll ~ 1111 and \"antlerbilt linP UJI, Yale has JI Phone:s2

·,~ ''"' 1.-k:-; ol ~pending. from ·worl;; on the ('Olle~e weekly and day, and. if en·nl)" divided betwe•·n Browu as an opponent, Oregon wi11 t

Tr~· i' nnd -..ee. srn1ed thal hP was looking to 1he !.tonday and Saturday, would an-ragE' face \\~ashin~~ton and Tennessee will

close to -II) per day.


----·1 ___ : 7"·--<.!t.i.~ _,...:.v1n-gs Bank_._! freshman da~s 1.0 fill sereral \"ilC'HB· l'it>s on the staff The honnr ot npeninµ. lht" s1::·n.-:nn Yale and Frinceton will be 1he heall­

Pre-!5ident Hamilton was to address falls to tour Pennsylvania Institution~. linf'r~ ill lhe f~ast on '.\'oy t:~. ~,·hile i'or the- C'arlisle Indians play AJbrig-ht

play South Carolina.

r I

E.W. Thompson! t

BARBER SHOP. I 1·n1h 1· ."\ational Uauk ol \:auatin I


College Students a Specialty.

:~eb;n~i~:i;e~tbut iouud it im11ossible and nuc-kuell m~ts Bloc.Hnburg normal :.\Iinnesota and Chkago will 11lay thP

The meeting wus markecl through- "'l'hool in the ii1itirtl .iiames of lh1~ an· leading roks ill the middle west. Olh·

0111 by tbe <'las~ spirit !'lbowu.


rumn on Snt.nrd~ly. SeJit. l~. One er important <·ontests on the samt: day

wei:>k la1er the anivity will spread to lnrlude ""a::>hing1011 and L1...'e and C'lll"·

nell, Brown <lt Hannrd, :.'ltic·higan at I :-:<'ores of 1i 111e·mark1?d lield:.;, for 11\0rt~

Pennsylvania. Coi_gate at ::3yratus.P.,

(Continued F'rom Page One 1 ihrin 101 ' tt.>ams play the otiening g;rnh~s Penn State al L<.tfayeue. South Dakota

ing exhibit will be lhat or ~o<ld bu111· oi' tbE-ir sdwduh·s. including lfan.ll"d, at .\'orth Dakota. _\mherst. at \Yilliam:::. PrintPton, YalP. :11 )rtrnolllh. Penn:.;yl- I

Jing materials, showing ni£1rl 1otls of cCJn- . . . T ,.. . . \'ander- and lllinois nt \\'isconsin.

stn1ction. There will be a_ rlis11lay of ~~:113Qbe;l1~~-es.C~e0e10' ra,;org. min, "f'he final games or many colleg;:~

models for flumes and weus fo:· 1be · Greg:::;on and

conveyance and measuremeDt or flow, many other east.e-rn. weslt""rn ancl

Commercial National Bank

ing water. Specimens in mini'lture °"outhern elevens.

I of types rf roof trusses mav be seen. . Cornell will no1 be-)!.ill play until th·

There will also l)e a com~let.e clav tinal days oft.he month. llut Satunlay,

J model of the campus and nil the b11ild- I tkt.. 2-. will see ihe leadin~ 11nh·ersi1y

f ings in their places. and <·olle~e teams of all ~wl·tions lln

The engineering exhfbil will be for ing up in c·ontests. ~ome of whkh l'an

elen.:ins will be p\R,·ed on Satunlnv I ?\'oY. 20. The annual comest betwet~n

Han·arcl Hncl Yale at Cnmbrid?:e stands I pre·eminent on tile day's card. bnt

there are other games oi.' importanre-1

schedule inC'luding Colgate at George­

town. Dari mouth at Syrac-use, 1llinois I at Chicago, ~linnesota a.t \\"isconsi11. I Dem·er at Colo111do, )1ississippi at

A1·kan$.as. and ;\lissouri at Kansas.

hartlly he classed as prelirniuar:-<'Al'ITAL STOCK $loll.1llltl the entire week in care of Taylor Les-

Sl.RPJ..TS and PnOF'ITS _ $2ii\1,0llO <.-her aad George [{, )ti\hurn or the games. Print· ton will mei•t l{lltJ?.E:.'!'i-<,

J. H. BAKER. Cashier. senior c·lass. Prof F'. (' Snow of whose team has hPl?n looking fonvard

DOZJ' r ihe d\"i\ f.::!ngineet"ing dlj,J)artmellt to Lhi:::: matcl1 :or almost a ~ea1 Tht• Thnnksgiving day will see Pennsy\.

'"'· .. ;\AX, MON"TA:"\A 1 wa!' with It r\urin~ thi. rirst d''·" will nlso mark the debut. or the vania and C'ornell playing at Philadel-

-----------------' half o( the week, and Prof. .J A. l'ni1Nl St:i1es :'\Iilitary and Xa,·a\ avail- phia. C'arli.i:::lc lnclians at Drown. Syrn·

Thaler oe the electrical engineering t'lllY elen.•ns again~t Holy Cross awl ruse tackling the State Unh1 ersity at

I department during ihe lasl half C'lf the Georgetown resp«dively. Still other r.liRsoula. Xotre Dame playing Texas

wtek. Th<" engineerin:!. l'Xhibit Is lPams to iak(• the field !'or the initiHI at Aust.in. )tissipni facing Alabama at

with The oiber Hlnl'ationd displays game.s intlude lllinois. :\Iinnes.ota. \\'js. Rirmingharu, Penn ··tate at Pittsbur~. J

I iu the sortheast wing, second noor or 1·011:-;in. Texas. NchraS\lrn, :\fi!>sissippl Kentucky ~lute n1 Tennessee, Lou isl- 1

I the main exhibit hall. Thf' agricullu- anrl i'ilissouri. ana n1 Tulane. ::\orrh 'Carolina at Yir·

ra! an cl \!~tension Wllrk have new ;\fid1ig;an, like Cornell. ha:;. sele1·le1I gin in, Southern California ntaying 1 h('

quarters in the opposite win~ of the a ml<.lwe~k dar for her opening gnme, Orego11 Aggies at San Francisco and

I b11lldin!? where the fint..• ans display bu1 will join t.he Sarnrday brigade ou Yanderhilt meeting the UuiYeTsit.y o(

I hns hPPn in past years. Odober ~1 . when a number ot 11rurnis- the South at Xasln-i\le.

I Many Faculty Judges. ing n>nteRis are sc·heduletl \\'bile lhc The season will tluse in the East on

. _:'.tany other members oC lLe fa.<'llily haHbnll fans :-irf' anxiously n.waltiH£?; Saturday, NoY. 27. wlth the annual

I ' 111 also be on hann ia various lhP Ollt('Ome of the world's sPries. i'oot- Army.:'.'\ayy game, played in "New York

c-:tnac·ities at. Helena ProL Alfr(•d liall iollowers wiH wateh with illlt<r· lhiR yf'ar, btn wii1 l'Ontinue for auoth·

I \ikinson will in<lge the grain• ana <>Sl lhe re•nlt of such games as C'or· er week In the •outb an<l west. ;>;otre

forage <-'reps, and also th{' g-eneral nell YS. \\'illiams. Hannrd Ys, Carlisle-, Dnme will close an autumn o( mudi

I c·ount~ e~hibit~. IJr. Howard \\'elrh Prin<'eton ''5 · Syracuse. '.'\avy YS. travel by playing Hice lni:;tilnle :n

is ~11peri~1tencknt of the caltle depart- PittRburg. PPnn State VR. Pennsvl\'a· Houston, Texas; thl' l'niversity of

i m1 Dl. ;\\t~i:;, Lan<i P.aldwtn is judge '>f nia. :\linnesota. vs. low~. >:otre l;a me New .\texku will pia) the truiteli

t lhf:' fine- ;nts L'xhibit. t=>rof R R. Ys_ 1 tusk el\ and Yale ,.s. Lehigh. States lndi<ln sc:hool at .:\lberquerque

STETSON I l>odderidge will as.:sist In t.he lh·e- A week later lh<' leading ~ames of on :--; 0,._ :1fl, nnd lh•• rullowiug- day Sy.

AND I Hock .altr department. Prof \\'. F. Saturday will bring toge1her L'Oli'nl< raense will also w:ud ll)> a session 01

CROFUT ANO KN!t.PP I 8<'hop1~· will attend thl" meeting o the and 'Yest Point, Pennsylvania anc' many trips with a game n~ainst the

H A T S State l1oa1·d ol poult.-y huslJilndn· ;>;avy, Ch!t-ag-o and Indiana. Pittsbnrr llreRon A~!'les al Portlr.ntl, Oregon.

Our New Shapes are all ;,1 . I -- +-- ___ · and Carlisle. Georgetov•n and :s"ort.l on Saturday. llec-. 4. lhe LTnh·ersit,· or

Th I "C'an yon wonder that our sUHf':--1n1.n C'iirolinn, lloward and \"irginia. Printe· Southern Cnlifornin wtll meet \\'btltler

I e w i] Ison Co I omf:'timf'~ make· 111b1ak('s~ \\'h~. only ton and Lafayette. Ali1111€'SOta an{ [l( Los Angeles an<'! with this contest

t I yc·:--u·rda\' I g-ot into a b11s 11.lat was South Dflkota. Alabam a and ~ l ississlr ended, football laps wlll h\? sounded

'--------------------! ~(•'.rl! ; 11 th~· wrnng dirf>('tlon. i'L:i;d:. J).i, and '\1sconsin :-.nd Pun1ue. Tbr for another yea r .

John Phiiip Sous?.. T~"" March King, says:

uTuxedo giues an absolutely t:atis­

fying srn~ke, fr::lgrant, mild and

pleasant .

Tuxedo in the Day's l\.1arch

All the vim, energy nd enthusiasm you gf't out of a Sousa march i.• 1U b"t out of the s•eady use o f Tuxedo. Tuxedo is Z'.·· rl•t"'Pri11~ a~1d i:i~;:'. .-ing ?S t~e "Stars

a nd Stripes Fore\ •'r," L · cnse ' 1 uxedo is always re­

l reshin g, beneficial a1 d \. 1 'lesome. To be pipe·

happy i3 en a par wi,h bem1- ·11ir· ·1 - happy. Then

you r:rn 1'' t the punch inlo !1.e ! .".-.,d it's certainly

worth while . The shNl - liLc lo p .' peace is Yta

Made b:: th<" !o.· •ws "Tux>'rl0 Pr0r ss," Tuxe-do

is the one tobacco n th·~ w, .-! that will not bile

your tongue, no ma ter haw ,;1uch 'ou s moke of it .

The extra - cho', e l :-:ntuc;l-..y Eudey leaf from

which Tuxedo i~ n,~ \; t ~ a,knowle«J«J l v exrens

to be the world's pr rrnet >moking-tubacco leaf. This

is why Tuxedo i~ so niud and n;ellu", so pleasantly aromatic, so deliciou in Ila-. or.


Convcoicnt, glusinc~wr:tppcd, s moislurc proof pouch. • . . C F ~mnu s veer. tin, \"ith eold 1 O

1 .. u .. riue:, cu1 ved to fit pod:c:t C In Tin Humidors, 40c anJ 80c In Glass H,.:n:Jors, 50c anJ 90c