(Ieseription-becaul'~ ur y 10 - Treherne · perlllnnent 'Ibode 10 Jel u!llll~1ll 1 be...


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, r

, 1909

10 Balccr

'.. and .. ," .' Grocer

c: __ _._ _ ~Q""""~=-'-""""-'-""""'==="""


£' I wilt ..,1\ your goods anci for a v.ry sooail Disc:ount you can have your cash day 01 .. I.. Prieto rtasonabl. and utislaction guaunlced.

X. "'1 f.ROX. ':-'I.A • ./\ ••

NO. 13.

Burned I II I I I I I i I I I H-H· ..... ·-i~'·""f ....... I~l-+i ...... 1 'I I 1 l'I-Z~H"-H*"'I'

All Ready for You any Day now ! It is ottr opinion that you wi\l agrcl! with liS that our this-year's Ilolicl\lY I'n!paratil1l1s Silt pa~s anythiug' we ha\'e yet shewn YOll.

. IYC:lllg-ht to be that \\,rI)' - 101 we keep on tr} inl,:" to beat ollr previous.. year's. eO'O\ Is.

tillYW:lY, I"e h;lI'e "I houg h t and planned and houg-ht worked that ":c might will YOUI [;lI'ourable commcnts.

AN EARLY VISIT IS ADVISED \-Vc wouldn't ,lttcmpl t\·cn a partial (Ieseription-becaul'~ wc

'dOI1't feel that we cOllld d" the suhject jUl'tice. nut we "ill j<lst mention that two ur Olll' c/t'parttnent:i appeal espeeiai y 10 lov.rs of t he beautiful-the ,

CUT GLASS AND Sll,VEI;!PLATE These IWl) lin.:s here this Xmas make a greater demand thall

ever upon your intt'rest AI d wl1l'n h('alll), is tied to Ilsefulnefs, Y911 find it in the share of ,.


OR A o'!l~~ROOCH . ," ,~n~Ao~,!A~~CKLET OR A LOC"ET~ Oil A BRACELET

or half n hundred other things,nnd all of which nrc better for being-bought here. . '

No place within your reach I)fiers you quite so complete It showing ns this storc, We Il'pcal- an carly visit is desirable.


~ J-------~tQ! .. zwa


With kind thoughts and be~t \Vi~hes for your

happiness this Xmas and throughout the New- Year

- ,


LEAD TO COHSUMPTIOft Colds ate the most cllnaeroUl ,,'-.11

lonnl 01 d...... A neglected cokll ... do to BrondutlI Comumptloo, Pnellmonsa. .. Couahl" are the remll ol,rrdated bro.­chialtubc.. .. PSYCHiNE" CUretlCOllllha by remoYlnl the IWI.hnll pall .. les .i.! he.l~ tho lOll.mOd membrane II ... ~m\C1de end destroy. the tubercle germ, It.ia a tonIC thlt Ilrenatheoithe luop, the laver and tones up II. •• yllom It mali .. lor better health \R Illcondlhon.ol h~maD­Ity GChtrongand thccollgl, w,lId ... ppelr. "PSYCHINE' male .. weak people IIron;. It eur .. cough' 01 the moll Dbd~­rIte k,od and breaka up a cold 10 • Icw hOIlll.

Write fDr Free Sampl •• r. Solo ., aD 0 .......... d D..Ioro SOc. • Sl

.... 1'.1110 Dr T A SLOCUM



SIRES AND SONS. --Wllllnm O'Brleo the IrlRb volltlcal

lender, Is rI'IIorled to bll VI! tnkeD up bla perlllnnent 'Ibode 10 Jel u!llll~1ll

1 be [lOll rhomo8 Bu Iluoons wbo bns b"en ollPoilllCd AlDerlcnn consul geo/ ('rILl 10 YokobulUn beglln liCe as n tele glllllb Ollcrutor

A W Austin 18 the oldest slreet pro dler lu Cblcllgo In )'enra but be _ 18 young In Ben Ice tIe Is ninety one )onrs old nnd bo obtained a IIceose at Cblcllgo to peddlo wooden CUpll

Professor Brander Mllttbews baa 8111d sOllletttlng tbnt Is wortb puslng ohmg to the rising geoerntloo-"Tbe UIIIII 1\ ho Is to love wltb bls job gets 1II0re cootentment out of life tbnn ony otber ' ..-

Emile Wnldteufel, the waltz com Iloser, wn8 born nt Straubnrg Dee 0, 1831, nnd served all II Boldler In tho war of 1810 Ho married Celestloe Dllfuu nud hns two 800S Dod a dougb ter Dis residences oro In ('oris nnd the \,lIIa- Waldbmfel. at OrDodCllmp IIe8 sulns, In CalvndoB



Sir Irr'lncls Bunaod, wbo 18 now Bc\cnly three bns bnd n long and glo rloull cnreer a8 a buDlorlst botb In IIt­crlliure nnd on the IItnge Be wnH cdl lor of Pllucb for forty fOllr YCllrs Inll IlIg tho offielul desk when bo wns ool~ t wellty Rls: nnd retiring only tb,ce \IICeniin~'iv_;~~~~~~~:'~OI~.·~."~!>,~1 ) cnr~ ngo Be bnl W fltten more tbnll n hllmlt cd ploys, cblefly burlesques Dud light comc<lles, besides two comic op

Thmgs Theatrical.



Romedy That Anv One How the "-BrItish Admlratty Guards Prepare at Home Its Secrets

.~~'~~~:~~"~~~~ .. ~._ .• ,,or less subject _~ s;mple remed1l Officially It has been stntcd that up a cold qUickly and some of the plans ot the celebrated

any that IS curnble IS mnde mystery ship, the indomItable, have mlxmg hvo ounces of Glycerme a .dlsap","ared 1 hese consist 01 con

ounce of Vlglfl 011 of Pine com- fldenl1al dra\1 mgs supplled to the [1Olll1ld pure nnd Clght OUll~e5 of pure \.c'~nt:ra,ctc,rs. and they should now be

skey You elln get thcse 11\ IIn~ possesslOll of the Adnllrnlty ~ood drug store lind ellslly llllX them the very closest Benreh has


III alurge bottle The IlllxtUl'e IS lugh been made, the First Lord of the Ad Iy recommendod by the I.ellch Ohem- mlralty has stated that I t Is not ex Icftl Co, of OlllclDnntJ, who prepllre peel, the possessIon .of tllcm Will ~he !,(Clllune VUIr,n 0,1 of Pille com- be IIll1ed pound pure fot dlspen~llIg f! Ie httle- tmle ILgO, the Adllllrllity

pr,ogiiio;,U:cn. I ___ -'-___ ed thnt ul! new sh.ps should be I wIth the groa test secrecy e,ery

n ono 1118tllnoo, nt least hnd spell. elr[~ft>r£t~l~b~ieilU~gr:'.ll;;;\~~ to aVOId lelllng Ill!; cnnLled nn office Loy to express nt ull rellch forcll(n Ihe prCClde fuet IllS ol1lplo~ er hitd Evcr~ mn. t!ollnected JURI r~lucllll1tly left 10 nttend II II)Oct- ' ..... '.L hus to lnke Iln ollth IIIg of lnnlc dncetora I~herc tIlll pro not revelU nnytlllng ct!rdmgs wer~ sure to be long IIIllI to IllS knowledge • NOI prosy 'outsIder ullo.wod nour

• Jumes," he sUHI to the tow·.jti)Il('ctl wnrsllllf. \lilt despIte Ind, "[Jut up the sIgn BIIS IIIg Lhnt 1 S tuk~, confidcntllll lID out greatcsWvnlue huve d,s

J nmes sought for It III vUln <0 III IIlscllbed lind postC(~ the follOlV1ng "oil Known tllu' cortulll foreign 'ruthful nnnouncement 'Out..-Gono G(>velrnnHmlq WIll almost any ,0 II Bored IIlcctmg -LlpPJIICQtt s "~~S1!~I~~L~L",~ of 801110 of

IUl.en'. I 0; t d sccrets It IS also T,me Has Tested It _ \,~~.:~~:~~;~; mat\~ [orolgncrs '''0 01\1"

011 has been on t' drnw\IIg oUlces of some of thlpty J oa):S . \Vn .. ,I< IP huildlilJit coutructors

It hilS proved 11 blesslIlg to -1,1.01'. of tho 11Ig SlllllS "hlch IltOU:S; It IS In JI1~h fllvor throughou I... hOlled thnt

lind Its oxeellonco h,lS eurllc(' thnt tt:ii-;falI,e b!:yond the SOliS It hilS no nrmy Col

."',_~_ "'._':1 the whole hst o[ hmlllcnts 11 thnn £80, }1~~'1'~'f~~,,~:;~,:,S.~I,lP:r~~i the plICle It w()\tld bo ermllny and A ustrtn [or

.... O' •• Q. ~,"onJldentllll )n[orIllllllon _g~,.t,.r w"rslu~ bml,HT;llf 18 tho secrecy observed

arc not n1l0" cd 11\ rlllnmil", unless pro, \lIed

<:"I,~{~~~~~spcel PIlSS Any nmn lit ::: to onter p.uch It deportmenl d IsmI8S1lIH~j'hstnn tI y frequently ~he elise Lll1lt till

,o)ltl!1P,ces SOlllC of the worltshopo by Brocml armoured flrc

I'proolt {lIOO<rS. ILIH cntrllllCC olld CXlt

';i;;;c,ft;]iiyri~~I;;6~~d when, th~ doors IIfl :' by the olUelll hnv the k', Y '1 hese I e\ •

m the head omoe nnd romoved IXlthout the ex

"'onoo snnctlon of hIgh OfllCIfLls In "II an ontry hilS to hc mudc III II Rt,.tlllg who, bns hm! possessloll kcys nml the rensoll lhe o~llcl

removmg 1111(\ reJllncln~ til noled

1;hcro IS nil Orogon sllltmlllllln who IS very prudent 1\ [th his 1Il01ley, 11 c mrclf ,>!lunus IIIlVUlltlIt I[ he ell\) get omcollo doC to do the spcmhng [or

hUll O,w- II10l'U,11£ hl~,~JI:S-\Vlllklllg do" n

~h(j ~troct With Il ri"iend~lInd Lhe~ Ill( t Ill\d II tllib o[ II 00 that 'l+It!~,!!tHtmnull ,jISt<1lll)(\ ~\io:<t;mI8· •

I hell ho' tUTneci: lo;h'8 fnend IIml

,'LHI Johu tIllS III In s story "((,,,,13 IIIC -gro"tly GI\c'1Lltn II qUllrtcr -nocl",~tCl 11 ~rtlld .!:

,I Il 1£:-DUlIng the l'r~sldelltJnI C1\1l11l'lIlgn

lho question of woman ~unrngc WIL.~ IIIl1ch chscus.ud.;. llIuong 110111011 pro Illd con, tilld lit nll lutetnoon ten the COIl\tlrSatlon tllrned thllt \\11) bctw~en Lho '~nlon b'l1~!'>ts

• A rc YOIl 1\ waml\lI suffrnglRt? nsk cd who \VIIS IlIO.t IIltLrNlt«l

am not roplled the m.I,,,r. Jli6sl':'lSn; phlltlC Illy

too bud hul J'lst sup 'w.'rn' 1\ hOIll w" II I I ( 11

plcscnt CIlIllP" " I ( S LIIIC mllll I \0 IIhl 0) S RUI'

por.tetl, of (lomse, WIIS Ihl 111'1. nply 'my, husbllnd ~Judgo f

S\I(hlon tmlldlboll [,0111 II hot to n old t IIIl'ellltllre CY [10dUIl 10 111111

,,[lIng III II dllll",ltt UII",lIBOlllllhl,' Rub 1~lt"tllJn of light for hOlLv) cluLhll g L1U flllltflll 0I11'8~'" of coils ILnd I he r, 'UItUllt congh so pertlous 10 pOIsons 01 ,cak IUlIgH Among tho IllILny lII~dl cllle" f\lt bp;lIlohl II I cllSOI ders so lUIS IIg there I~ nOlle bettor thnn f31Ckl B \nll ConsumptIve Syrup I r) It '\Ild becomc cOllvlIlccd ['IICO ~~ cent3 -

Stuln l'Lthcr-Youllg Illlln Iho lights III LhlS hou8e nrc put OlLt It to 0 clocl<

'oung MIII1-[ hilt Rll1t~ IlIl Don t dclllY 011 tn) Ilccount - New York runes

tho ,wholo of WIlS covered

nnd puu,t n hUlldr(jd clenned of!'

'JI,,' Vlsllor-'Xnd'YO\l 1LI0 vel, glttel yon 1111V'(! II now hnby blotiwrr

I he BOY-YIS, hut T d be gladder If II IllIHll t sO ten Ibly young -[!took Iyll lIfe Gront j< Ire


I w, s e,'rNI of p lIufnl GOltrc hy MINARD S LIN]MLN'I •

BA'Y \lW MoMUU.IN (,hul hnrn 'Ollt I I\lts mlre,l of 1n[1ILl11l11l1tlOn by

l\[lN,\RD ~ T fNrMl'N'l - "MUS W ,\ J OIINSON

Wnl~l\i T WIIS








.. ___ 0..-__ ..........

'-s .-

" your Crleij.lls-sci up on n henp of ~l1g tllose wllo sllall constltule lhe Secd fn th~ pnsl have oeen wltll the world ~"Cts for you to' worsblp7 Even Ir of Abrnham (natura1 and spultunl). OIlIY In the sense of execuhng 0 gen I\c've pa8!ed through the sen of mire llirough whom. nccordIng to the eral sOlltence for Ad~mlc Slll - U


ron t \\e at Ica~t clear tile filth flam- prOllllso. "nil the famlltes of the earTh denth sentc .. ce '\Ith 1111 thnt thllt 111 nur c\cs and BCe straight and steer ~SELl... PREAQ.t!ES ON_ shall be blessed (GenesIs x"~vlii 14) valves of ml!utnl, morn I and phYSIcal ttral(.lht to tho l.nchora~?' • We ~ not~r8elJll at 0 .h!l't- , e

She bud covered her pnllld tucc wltb GO~'S PURPOSE, docs not relnte to either of these, for lOll Judgments hn've been \lllh those ber muir He bent (orwurd his bnnd thetr JUdgments could be dIscerned \, ho \~cre JustIfied to sp~Clal relntlon

only by the eye of fallh Our tc..'C:t shIp thlouglt fnlth Jf wa were to on the arm or ber chnlr I 0 d Th refers 10 tho \vorld's J4dgmel1ts dur I Julige of the Ilumber who ,.' III bn bless

Her "loved ban" mo~ln,,' nt randoln WIth My Soul Have eSlre eo I n I "1 II I' '"h God' " -" u , .. , mg I u; "I enOln ugc .L en s cd dunng the lIhllel1l11Ul11 by the 'ht encountereel his nnd closcO 00 It can the Night, Yea, }Wlth My Spirit Judgments \1111 be nbroqd in t.l\e earth t1~ Il,o<;k of nntuml I5rnel nnd thtl vuls" cit" !. Within Mo, Will I Seek Thee Early -not merely confined to one nntion "hWa floek'i of splrltunl Iarnel suv·

'Do YOll understand? be repeAted. For When Thy .Judgments Aro or speclDlly clIlIed clnss, but \nll in- cd under Gael's Judgments III ndv Ince "Yes, Pbll," ., "_ , Ab d I th E rth th I nh bl elude every mcmb9r of A1dam's race of the mlllem,pum, the oulcome of the Hend stili sinking fnee coverell \\ It It roa n 0 a , e " And wlnle theBe are dec IIred to~be world S Judgment would 110t nppcur

Ihe sillery fur Ihe trel1lo~ tants of tho World WIll Loarn the Lord s Judgmc11w, nato. the fact ftlYornble But these "auld nat be

- -

By ROBERT W. CHAMBERS. Author of "Th. Flshtln, Chan c •• " Cite.

Oopyrlrh~, 1907, by Boben W Chambe!'ll

body seChc-r bllnd'qulveringon RlghteAusn;;~' (Isaiah XXVI, 9) iliIlt J.hW""\vW bA nrln'llntJ\tJl.rcd fnlr entarlons Prcsent comhtlons nro

(C d) ,.. Henrtslcl., It" tUI bar" to Ilsie (or the OlUlst. 01 which our. glanfied He- IHod III ardor to tost ond to

ontlOuc yll.'ldl'd nnll cll.:lsed with a low click Sundny, December 19 -Pllstor Rus- deemer shnn be the Rehd and hIS the ftuth, ns "all ns thc obedl As IIle hlo Illl11 lIll! r,'II th"lr At tbe sound o( the closlag door be oXlllnnnUoll Un, knew the renl unS\ler sell spoke to'tlIlY from tho text. "'Vlth 'mo:mbers" when glorlfted,.shlllLbo thoSG who lire under trllli or

!Joor nnd Htnrtul to nR~'11(1 the found bls voice It did not resemble nny"ny whlltel er she mlgbt sily nnd my soul have I deBlrod thee 111 the the Body-tho Church Tho Judgments lind who, by renson of the a dOOl on tho IluI'Inr noor ollllllli oorl hlH own 1"Olce elther,ta himself or to Ite understood thnt nny gllme In thnt rught. yeo. WIth my splnt Wltl11l1 me, of the'Lord IIbrood In tho onrlh WIll hllve such' n I'llth as l2ermlts tilt 11' Inndhuly npp .. nr'''~ C:1 ~lopo(1 In hl'r but sho answered bls bewildered house lias Hllltl\en's gnme aod the wlll I seck thee ellrly, for whon thy not meon hnvoc nnd dismay lo mnn thcm to grnsp the glonous feutures of • BOIII'd crlrnRon kllllono aMi a fnlso question ~uests hlA guests lIull thnroern\() IIns Judgments are nbrond m the enrth, kmd m genem1, but the very fe~rse the presc.nt cnll. C-ollscqllcntly, '10\\

I ,1 h only 0110 or tho younger mcn who hnd the mhl1bltnnts of the world WIll -reltef nsslstnnce to nil who come In· there \nll be who will find tho gre It

front \\ hldl hnd HIIPIII'{) Hldo\\'nys ' -"on t know w Y 1 come Is It so ht '(I 1 n) ... ry d!'l!odful? Dovo 1 o"ended you? becn wrung dry In tbnt house learn rIg eousness sllln 1 XXVI, v 10 hno WIth the llghtcous nrrllnge, re\\Uld 1I0W ollored (MlIlthew VB, 11) 'rheros tbe Bllltllno," IIhl"p~rcd '" ~o doubt lit 1111 tbnt nutb~en needed Drooklyn Tnbernaelo was crowded ments of th~t Klngdom'des\gned for This 19 ns God desIgns It beClluso

LllllBln", Imel shl' A milking Rign Illn· 1 did not suppose that men cared about the money Be hnd boeo picked liP by WIth un attenltve nudlence, as usunl theH 11phftlng from sin una dealh he 15 selcctmg n speclnl elnss nut guoge at YOlL "Ig" ug her I'hll Oh conventions" (u Itlg hnrd e3 cd womnn \\ bo hod ";11 We report the dlscourslJ, o.s follows condllons The Judgments of thnt Mil· the arrangements mudo 101 monkmd good evening ~Jr8 a rt.'e' e' IJld )cr; • Out why on earth did you comeT' Only those "ho como to lUI Ildvanc· ienllllll Duy alia thousnnd yenrs WIll 10 gencra) nN thnt the dnrlmcss nnd 1\ IHh to spenle 10 fIle7 Oh to COlltlll1l be repeated "Are you In trouble?" 1I10st forgotteD Itow to luugt. until sbe ed degree of knowledge of God's'Vord be sovere-even to destnlctton-only Sill of the present tIme shnll fiee uwav Sehv) \I-oof COUI'I!I.!I" 'I seem to be now,' she saW wltb round him furlh!!ly m1l2zllng her din cnn renltze how Dlvmo Judgments nre ngnmst the WIllfully the dehbernte· 'fhe ~Ilwlllog of the ?bllcnmulll morn

If lOU Illeuse" 8ulll Mrs Orl"'~o n tremulous laugh "You are frlghten. Uloud laden Ongel'l! So \\bell she dis good-nil blesseu.:f


the 111t I~ rcbDlholls, niter they shall '!'love lng, WIth the ,rlslIlg of the Sun 01 Inl' me to death, Cuptnln Selwyn;" covered that be could sit up nnd beg of fo!!- 0 supers I Ion. no been brought to a clear apprecmtJon Rlghleousness WI th heultng III hIS

oUl1nou91y so I:nnslng l'OUtlllllld 111>- nnd roll oler nt II nod sbe lot blm fol nrlght the teaohmgs of of rwltt nod 'Hong, good nnd e~ll, bellms ('lite Christ 111 "101"" to.Am wllrd, Sel\'SlI des<l!lIlll'll MnI Urrl!IO Stili dozed, he found tbe tlrst chnlr po g t11ut tllev n d d th _. tid low her, /lnd 61nce then he hlld become Slip sm f. (ltld bnelr pennltles, hfe nn on lIghten Inc world) "111 menn illnt \llIved him Into lbe t<1 \lllrior wh.,1'<) a 1110 und dragged It townrd her Indlspensublo nnd hnd curled up on ~~:~f~~~ torment for the gTont Mnrk the st.lltement of tho Propbet Imowledge \\1\1 be grnnted the "orld hll Plc8enUy tOlln,1 Iter Htrllightcuing Sho hcsltntcd ut tho offer, then lllnny 0 soft and silken knee lIud hnd I' ty 01 our mce, we fonred Odd, Dnvld whell prophetlcully referrIng to -fllcts. eVIdences /,roofs The "arid ber • trout" with \lurk worn Ongers "rltank 1011,' sbe said, passing betore rlltl1('! thnn loved hIm Wo dnred nol the Mll\enlllnl Age he pOlllt.~ out thnt \\111 not be reqmr(( to wnlk b> I1l1th

'CuJl.nln ::Ieh,yn, I dcclll<d It my him She laid ber hand on th& ebolr, sOllght and fetched nnd b cnrr~d bfor sny that such n Judgment wns wrong, the JUdg!nonts of thnt tlllllJ will be a not by sIght" {IS IIrc the "elect duty to sct up 111 or.ler to Illform YOll looked a moment at him and sank Into mnny n pretty woman ~ at s e el mllhClous dovlhsh yet wo wllre un· cnuso of glndness Ho snys of lhls present tUlIC IlIstcnd of the of certnln SIIC("lnls dahl's" Rhe suld It. selr did not cnre to touch eveo with able to sco It III nny othor hght, eye of !ruth of the present hme \\II! bn lI,;htll, Resting tbere, ber pale cheek against white giD' ed Ongers hence the genom1 perplcxlty 01.Chn5 'Let the henvens be glnd, be the eye of undClslllnd1l1g (knowl

"Whnt doings? hI' Ihljlllrl'd ber mull', sbe Bmlled at blm and "very Wltllt hlld sho expected when sJle tandom, nnd the genernl nllenlltion of And let tho enrlh rejOIce edge) then Inslend of the secret 01 .IMr I<:rrl:'l1 u Hlr l..nst night hp ('vi n .. rve In hIm quivered wltb pity lllarried him? Ollly Innocent 1';1IOrllll"0 henrt, and many Illtelligent mmds Let mon sny nmung the natioDs, Je tho Lord bmIlg kept [rolll the world

~ "World without end, , she of the ~et he ornnml'ntPd could nc drrven to mfidehty nnd the dlshke til hovnh rClgnoth all of Ins gr. CIOU, PUI poses \111\ Own dpotin lJy found dlffinllt.)' \\ Itlt tltt> Bald. "Let tb& jlldgment COUBt for lbe borror of ber d~lIIuslou thmk about God nod hIS supposodly Let the sen rOllr. and tho fulnQB& 5tnnd fl1l1) reye !led 'Tha Imowledge Irtulrs nnd I all.'l1 blm osll'l.·p Oll th.. What splendors had 8he~drellll1cd at terrible purposes rcspeetmg our rnce thereof, ..r of the glory of God shull fLll the parlor lIo'n when I rome dowlI to an "1 he judgment of tbls /lnd tho goneral owe rcspoctmg tho) Let tim fields rejOIce nnd all that whole elll th ItS the wuters cover the awer tlte mllknll1n 0 amok In R clgor 'ery genUy," he _Id, looking rr~1D tbe ~utsllt1e~ dW:;:;k 1I0S:I~g aOtd Blblo nnd the .tenr of ItB mlBunder· oro lherom glOllt deep (Hobukkuk 11, 14) As II

thot WIIIIO'! III, with hili fel't on tbe ~~~bv;~bnt brlogs FOU bere, ~~t~~~nl"~h~~nmUt: eye8 I!::epro~~~ed~ st'jf~t ~~n~h;~gtho dllwnmg of tho Now Then shull tho trees of tho wood smg result none s111l11 neod to say unto augelue ' _ "What silent slUlle Invited? - All slrulls DIspensatIon the Word of God 18 oloud l\1s nClghbor an<l.to IU8 blOther Know

, I m very, very RnrMI, ~I", Oreeve,' "Will ,.ou believe me,.- b I At the presence of Jehoyah. thou the Lord, for IIll shhll Imow be snld "lind 110 Is il'r ErroJl Ele nnd "1 ea " seem to. grin but the world bna yet to ~hmmg liS nevor 0 are, ono passnge Because ho comelh to Judge tone lInn from the least to the grentest

"1 ben It Is Blmply the desire of the heor tbem luugb. lllummntmg another. our fenr givos oarth of tlloln l~vor" knee shall bow und I bud 0 little tllik todllY U od I 1\111 1 to tlal love "nd fllI-' • ,

'rl ndlcs f Cri d, thl I. •••• pace revoren ~ 1U 0 II k unto Jehovnh (Ar ho tongue cOII(essi lo tIle "lory of Bure thot he will be WOf'e careflll bel''' e a or a en no ng e so,. awe We to u11derslnnd thu~ gIve Hill 8 ~ I ~ xIV 11) Whc~ every ",tier' Dothlng more subtle, nothing of or· the whlcb wo f'" is good, " I 11 tl d

, b ed I t th frootery 0 nothing wane. Do "00 be- celved to tIle D"'I' For 111S mercy endllre~h forever s 10 recelvo promp y un "1 bere Is clgn r holes um n a e I I Chronlcl"s xvi 31 54 t d I ry ev I neve me?" ah, on the con. " I S rewnr IInc eve I

("BIlle!," In~lsted Mrs Oreeve "nnd 0 k d b receIve Ilromptly Its pUll "J don't onde .... tnnd." nlnr e y WIS I t m~rcy \\e wnan't all Insinuated 10 ollr ·-,;;·-·~ri;;;~;r.} • MlIrk the words of S~ Pau respee· the world \1111 spoedlly lenrn

boos ono "llldow puDe brakeD amI JIlst:'l-CC, nnd Love toward mg what Gael bas m reservnlton for I'"""ue. the pUHlshments ancl to \lU1

the gaB a 1I1ue un' whlstlln .trenk de~la~:[I~':t the world He sllys God 'hath the l~words by obedlel cc to tho III\\s ~ Itb the cnrtlllllB Itlowln Into It an " I hi pointed n day (the.. thousnnd·Yoll.!' of tho Kmgdom a strunge cat on to tbat Il\tlo dcnydo lJ tl~~~S 01 Christ) In the which he will The l)lophct m our loxt persol1lhes tbe prOllt being tho repugnant per ~a;;'~e'~~te~~f~~ctcrnnl tor. tho world ll1 righteousness bf The Chrl~t Jesus the Hend and the (ume." "' sm wo find It mnn whom he 11ath ordallled (Ach Church IllS Uo<ly Nato the stllte

"All of whlcb" Nid Selwyn :"I'Mr of denth Wo XVll. 31, ment "WIth my soul hllve I deSIred , < of thnt I In thIS work ordnmed lor o~~ Lor~ thee \11 the tllght (IslIlnh XXVI I))

Erroll will muke every peeal tho he 18 to. have ussoclntes-the eleot The' lllght" of 8l\1 hilS been upon the amends tor Be II very youll~ Airs ,:atiedi, I Ohurch Ius 'members," of whom the \\orld fOI centurIes 'lhe 'mortl1llg IS Orecve aod very mucb aRham ... 1 I 8111 1 Apostle' writes. snying. '}\:now yo not lit hllnd bllt not yet lully COfl]e Dur ~lIre. So please don't make It too b,\n1 thnt the samls shall Judge the world?" mg Iho night time the fmlhlul of the ror him" (I COrlllthlans VI 2) And the Anolont CrLurch urt! l'~l'>lesellled liS \\1I1lnng l\1

Sbe stOod, little IIllppel'f'll fN" pl~nt Worthies enumerated by St Plml lhe 1~!lht o! God's Wprd 'Ihy Word ed Itordlly In the tlrst posltloo In iX. 38040) will also be ls"a,1 uup Illlto my feet. nnd n Illntern

'!'" •. ':~~:~~~:~mt;:tiv~o~n the earthly plano as IInlo my footsteps (Psalm CXIX, 105) dnoclnp: flit, bore arma protruding s of the hellvel1ly Kmg· St Peter l!<tYoS 'Wo hllve n more sure from tbe kimono, ber work 81111111'd wrItten. "I WIll restora vore1 of pldphecy, to \lhlch \\0 do tlngers linked together In trollt at her ns nl the first and. thy \\011 to tnllll heed. s unlo n hght slull With a lolled thlfmb abe tllrnrd n rIng {IS {It tho begInning" g III {\ dl'll{ '!1lnCQ~untll the dn~ on bel' third finger. ;: - dawn and lho d.w all r ~r1ge (11

"I aiD t ft gain' to be mean to nD- ~~~i~i~~~~li~~~!~~j~~~~~~~~~ ';:h,~"~:~;,~':ii;~ .Pel; l' I 10) In thIS l1lght tlOle tho body," sbe 8uld "My gentlemen Is 'elect" nro dlrrClenL Irom Uta Ihnjor

IIlwoYB relined eoen If tl'(o1 do 801111' t;~:~~]~;~]~~l~~ W~lfH1'1"il of those nround them-they deSIre tlml'lI r~riivt the\r!lelvC8 ~hell YOllllg CU~~.'·~)~~~l~IA~~~~lj;~~(~t~~~ ad sligh teoushlllls "nel they pray. and IJI!<lrty Mr Erroll 18 now nllNI 'Ie.n)(~ris~~",t·,'~·d "rhy l{mgdolll ...I:QWj~ ... thy \~ III be sir. and asleep like a chcrult ft~~~~~;~~~~it!,~~~~ " dono on enrth eve II as It IS dono III

;~~~~~J*~~~~W heaven' been sencd throe times ~;~,:~~~":!~::::;J 1l,i'0':osael!1 Those who now lifO uble to 'smg extrn Would vall be good m lhe_plgM'!, bcequ~e-af theIr fippre mention tbe hili to blm In the elUtIOn 01' the Dlvllle V11l11 nro pro tbe grocer betn' anlffy?" And she p\)ct.iQully,d!!clnrGf) tp 'smg the song handed tbe wndlled and Inky memo- of MtJ!!!l1r;':'I.ltc sel-vaM' 6f dbd nnd 'the randum 'of damages to Selwyn. '!ili~s~~ii;:~~:"-"""H song of the Lumb, sUYl11~ Greut nnd flOCket~d It- wltb 11 Dod of aUII .t mJl~'ia"llO\lJ! nrc thy worlts, Lord

,urhere was," aho added following ·.D"'SS:lI1g AlnJ.l~hty Just nnd true lire (hy wn)s blm to the door ''s to see thou Kmg of smuts ~ \Vho shall not

lea Inten 0 Lord, lind glorIfy thy tW),C9, nrt holy for

Ifllira nnd worship the mnmfcs

de Ilitngs

$'?te..~~:~!,o~~.!.,- .• poet. reSIded nmusad hIm.

fenrs of III lhe cholera


English Man of Letters Thought the Present GenoratIon Old Not Com­pore Very Well With the Early VIctorian Ale - Remembered Sir Waltor Scott Walking In Ed on­burgh-Friend of Queen Victoria.

'l'he den th of SIr 'fheodore Mllrtin at the nge of nmety throe gIves to The London DUlly Chromcle the opportull' lty to recull Borne literary personlllla of a IIllln who could look bnek to the begmnings of the VletormD era nod e ~ [lHe 1t \\ Ith tho presl.ll1t genora • 1.lon, "llIch SIr Theodore was wont 1.0 desertbc as II 'snd und slJ.ddenlllg spectnelo "

He remem be red scemg SIr Will ter ScoLt walking. down Frmce 8 street, Edlll burgh A'very tall old man WIth 11 club foot lennll1g heaVIly all a stlek, lIround which hIS legs seellled tol tWIst as he \\ Illked 1 can VIVIdly recall Blr W niter, he sUld, slttmg as clerk 111 lhe court of sessIon He would sometlUles se0111 to go to sloel> dunng the proceecllllgs, lInd then suddenly wlII,e up and begIn scrutching upon pupor WIth n qUIll

SIr Theodora Mnrtlll 8 1011g ulcnd· shIp \nth Queen Vlctoru, wna a prlVI lego ho v11I11Cd very lughly, nnd 80mo of the 1lI0st VIVId IIl1d ehnrriullg rOlD· 11I1seelleos or the lato Queen I wero lhose he pllbhshed only (I fow years ago When It \I liS deCided to pubhsh n hIe of tho 1'r11lco Cousort Sir Arthur Helps wns to h11 ve been enlrusted WIth the blogrnph) FoolIng thnt tho tusk \\lIS beyond hIS 110wers. he urg· ently recommended thnt his fnend Mr Mllrlm should undertake 11 In tllklllg up the work the latler very soon iound how grellt were tho reo sponSI b,lttle8 IItt~chcd to 11. On one OccaSIon he \lent to WllldBor to oon­suit tho Quecn us lo the adVlsabllity of mllkmg certnm statements Her IIdvlee WIIS unhesltntlllg 'Tell tho truth as you find It III tho materlals at your commnnd she said 'Tell lho lruth no l1Iutter whom It hurts Truth IS n very preCIous thlDg to people III my POSI tlon ..

Among SIr 'rheodoro's mnny tn. butes to Queen Vlctonu Is ono worth quoll1l~ 'It IS ulwnys to be remem· bered. he 8nld, "lhnt Queon VIctor. a wus hI a women ot the sarno tIme-Oil the 0110 hllnd II lovlllg WIfe lind moth· er, Ilnll on the other nn exceedmg1y dlg11lficd sovCfClgn In tu1kmg to the 0110 woman you wero 11ever IIllowed to forget the olher'

Tho friendship brought nbout by the Prmco Consort s blOgfllphy dill not eOllse on lhe complelton of tho work SIr Theodore eOlltlllued to nd VIse the Queen III II temry mntters lind hilS told l1I11ny humorous storIes of how he wns nslted to turn Bome 01 Mr Gludslone s dosplltchcs mto in· telllglblo J~nghsh Very olten tho Queen would Bend lor hun to go to Wmdsor. \1 hen ho \\ auld find himself n fellow guosl With mther 1fr Glad­stone or DlSrnell H gllve hun 1111 opportumty of compnrms the two stlltesmen WIth the Queen DIsrnoll wns by far the greater favorlto ~'DIBrlleh" SIr Theodore sUld, "hnrl the art of nppouhng to n womlln

WIlS by fll1' too full of hla ~~,~l~~a~; ,

Theodore lolt Edm bllrgn was born tho yeur follow·

Ing that of Wuterloo-lIlld cnme to Bet.: tJe m London ana of tho first friends to' welcomo hUll \VIIS Cllrlylo

"Well clln I remember snld SIr Theodore "Cnrlylo bursting mto my busmess room one IIfterIloon and plumpmg himself down by lhe firo, nnd saying 1I1 brand Scateh Why III it you never cume 1I1 nnd had 8 craek with me Mnrtm P' ..

WIth bQth Thackeray nnd DIckens BIT 'fhoodore was acqunmted, and ho wns present when they plllcbed up their unfortunnte quurrel He lIked Thackeray the beltor "He wns lIko n grent bIg henrted boy" But of nil the dlslmgUlshed men of the daycwlth whom he carne m contRct Browning

first plRCO m Su Theodore'B af. lee,t1ons, perhnps beoHuso he knew

most mtimlltely The poot Sp011~ weaks n time with SIr Theodore

J.[arllll at Llo11go11en. and hn"I'. recollectIons of 111m nfe

'Vallu.ablc person aha of one whose par·

~b,:~~~:!~~~~af(f~:o,:rd:e:d scant materIal for


'" r

, ar~


to, take .

a proper l'e:.;t 1S to' have , :

110 busi hess_

a ~D.rC ~tnd dispose 0 F a!l,

chance seasonable m~rchandise at these , . inc1l1cled ln this sale.

, -'I'Oll1n:oe~, Cor II , Bea11~, PUlllp\"ill,' • . • . , .

, "' • (Iinlilcd to $1)'. l';lrl911;ll':', qualll','

7 III :'{)X ~\'ICe Vl!oleucia anisills . " :.~ It, 1l0X :\ f. II "

2 S 1 h 110 X • • .. , • .,. . . 111 ixed Pee,!, -- J ,(111;11, Orallie. C Itrull -- pcr I b Bhel1.,d AIl.on,I, nll& \Vnlnut~, per ill . Seeded Ra,isins. elwin', per tll [lkg, 'Clealled CllTrntlls , . J dlv Powuers, a>~ortcd" , 1J~st J:'I all R IC~', \' 'r Ill. ' . . Sudn Bi"I'uit,; . . . . , , . , Bl\kill~ I''' ..... ,IE'" Rell Cl ')f~, p~t Ih 10 Ih p.111 'Syrup . , , . , . , . 20 Ih pail Syrup : , . . . " . , lcillg Su ~ar. . . , ; . , . . . RlJynl CI 0",11 So~p l,cr I'kg , . . .

,', I per l}ox of q! bUls '1' • . nploca . >,. ;- .. ~lincellleat, per l'k~ . .



. . . . , :) call'; for ~llnrallkcd.

, :> 11,.5 for • _. 4 fQr

•• :1 boxes for

· 3 Ji'R for

· . . · · . · . .. · 4 lbli for

· . . . ·

25 c

50 c [ 00


IS C 30 C 10 C • :15 c ~5 c SC

3.'> c IS C

50 C '[ 00

:!5 c 20 C

<1 50 : 2S c

10 C



turnou. out, so

. .

Ra:thwell I •

" ...... @--

~o).').ey t!;, LOiln 011 Im-prm'l'd F'nnn P: l1pCll)' at low­cst I ,\tcs of "inter cSt: "Lcading eo'

~ .. • eJ

LOII!l C~'"~t!a.I'ics. I·cprcsclltcd. ~l Farm Lnnds fQr snle, el

.' --0:-- . "'J ~) .) oJ el ~)

,,},!~:.::,~o/!~~~~~-!,~ ~.~! $,~"".!! ~ IS)

• "

,-- ., .' , : .0

@' •



, ,

~ . . ,. • I







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I , ,

l~It .. ~eMeee ••• ee.e~~~ll.t \~~sl'A!~~f<~~-f'~-"~~"~~ti'@.lS

J Robson/ s" Li:nnner- '1("" afa, ~ 4i ~'-' , ·t I

~ h os ' :, f~~;;:~{~o~~i~'!.~1:,;:'c:~i: ~ 'The Deat A6~orted Stocl\ ~n. tile 'Line : ~ , - , . -, :w l~ yotlr buggy uncler co\'er? B~y ollr J{roo\'ed fllOfillg ~ !' ancl battens nt the 11ricc of second common lumber. :

.c; Do you WRnt good Tnrpnpel? nllY the Juhilce .:' :'-'l~:::""="'.; -to' , the best 011 the markel. ::' ro •• I.-.J

:' 1 . l' ., \,. I tIle best (Trude It' "'--"'-~. Do' you wallt goO( SI( IIlg. .,.e la"C " .• 'iii) prodnced oy the lIlallufactll1'crs III c1enr lilies of 13. C. :f __ Spruce nt~d Fir. I-::~~===.===::::::============:.I

:1 Our space is l(lo limited to specify the !itock, ~ve ,nrc ~ carrying hilt we ha"e first cluss spntce fer well cnbbl11g', ~ I' \. 'fiooritig wa"'on hox stun', oak for duu,hle,trees _ ,!i lip ap, ' '' .. '. 'I" '1'lIglcs ~ and cross-bars. cedar v celhllg. I1r " eCI 1\1/;5, S II ••

;;; . cement. sash doon;, mouldings .'

~ DO NOT DELAY ~ in placiug your orders 05 the season is sl~' ,rter t1~an ttsunl:

t- .. ' . ~ $' .J:.' n .. RO lBSON -~ ;~~~¥."~ •• ",,, ••• ~Y~~~~+O~9~ •• . '

i'l~arly Everyone In South Norfolk ~a~ this Papsr IBgularl,. TREHERNE • • -,




I -,


,A· Marry Cbristmas To ,

There arc hundrcd~ l)f thing", hesides shoes, that lllake sllilahl~' Chri~tl1las <lin,,; hUI tlll're'is nothing- that is morc ;1l:C(Tl:thl~ n! . ~ '... -' . . ....... suitable or sensihle. -

YCHI simply can't g-o wrong by g-idng' something- that this store has to on'cr you,

SLIPPERS \Ve ha\ e a splelldid line of Mcn'~

Ladics' and Children's Slippers, at pel pair,frlllll 35c to $2.00;

SUIT CASES \VC hRve 1\ nice ass.lrtmt:l1t

qA-' • Club Bags and Suit Cases which ~~ lVould makc n splendid Xmas Gi

Santa Claus! \Vc harc ail IIp-lo,date

stock of J

Skating Shoes Ankle Supports

Sk.ate Straps

"There is I/o/hill,/{ li/..e leal/It'r, rt'h,'u rodl Pili 10-

for a/l kil/ds of 7l'l'atl~t'r "


Wc have a special shipment of Ladit!s' Boot~. in DaIs, B1uchcrs. and Buttons. One of the best" A IIlcrican makes, in Patent Pony and PRtrnt Kid, with bla:::k, oozc. lImi elephant's breath lups. 'l'be newest goods on the market.· at

rcasonable prices,

, Come ill nIHI sec Clur sthck and let us wisl. you

The' Complz'l1um.¥s o.l flie Season .I , "

< j ·,:H'.· ·Scott - Treh

"" ,

" •




'\.-,;.S .. O .... N •• _e.~:!AI~~ __ ::.~.\._J;y;I~J1!]P.e£.::,:-. .:.:rll!l~·pl'avjnclal r=o·,,,,'.1 has ISSU

'<~'t;~~~t lor the ye r I.h of the hv ~la.CK.

Report Shows that Port Nelson Route Is Much S~ orter-L ne Would Also Pass Through Better Country­Prospect for Local BU51ness Much Br ghter on Nelson Routo

Olt lIWn - Hon GOOlge P Grnillm mIlliliter of r Ilw I~ S hILS tnhled III p Irll lI11el t 1ho repoJ't of tho Hmlson 111 y surVt y8 M J Butler summnnzCl! Ihe work do Ie Its follows

Jol 11 Armstrong W'IS chief engll cer III tho fllll of promptly orgnlllzed four c mied on Ius vork 1I1 n Lory 1111 nner III d to h m 5' st'ltS Clclht 18 Ilue [or In flll'Ce of work ] Ines ware run to Ohurch II nn I Port NeLqon from

crop poultry f mn blllld111gS ete rcgroLluhll' feniur(J IS tIro decrense noted In the IIvomgc of '>1hen-i and baric) hut th 5 IS IIttnhut.ed Lo the offarle hmng put forth by II mlcrs 111 mOTe summer fallow I1g 1\1 d crop rot tlon WIt] ~11C obJcct of destroy ng nox 10US yeeds Oats and III x however ,how a marked !DCreMe m lIer! ng!! I here 5 n uotionlJle 111cre so 111 hath qunntlty I nd qunllty of pollltocs lisa n the IIclcagc nnd YICld of cult.ivnled

glr \Sacs Slook ~ll1slng 18 ,Iso progrnN 311 g very sutlsfl ctor1ly wllh tI e QXOC]

won of sheep wInch IItlpcar Lo be go 109 bllck ()llOh suoceedlng ~ cur

[ho Lolnl gn n crop 01 the prov111cCl S 113 I)O~ 482 2 bushels n.s col11parcd wIth 11305!! 188 bushel!! lust year Tlo lotlll nerellge undor grmn IS ~ &16 Gil

p L.~ mlSSlO1 I'nd conlo Irs ~cre LI ken c.losoll onough to en,~hle (\ proll-cted loen-hon 10 be mnde th ,t ren.~onwbly Iissures ncc IrIltc qu mtlllcs Delllllcd S lI"VEl)'ll were mude of tho hllrhor lit ~ or!. Churchill nnd POJ1t Nelson und III IIJ1POl't.1ll t 1'Iver CTOSdl 'Iho b lSI of Mr lm strong s In full dehllis He hus for GO JlOun~1 rills nnd I hllve inerense I Ius c.-slnnntc to provide for 80 paun I ruJls lin I fllatc lings nnd ns he hI H not estl!Jllnto<l fol' round houses shops eleylttors md ynrd fnAlhlles lit tcrnun nls or hnrbor works I hive Record 111(Iy estlmrutod for these Items

I find conlllder4~bl(l dlffioulty In d el{hng upon willt bnSI8 to provide nc COll1l11oontJion for n rUllwn~ bhllt In tho nature of tiungs cnnnot be oper nted Lo Ils cnpaelty lor more tl nn two 1II0nths In n YOllr 10 II lessened extont lar /l poSSIble throe months 111<1 for lhe reml1inde~ of tho yeliT shll less 1 have ho\ ever provJdcd fnc IjtlC!l on n sc 110 lIhnt wJlI admIt of a ml xnnum cnpllClty for II smgle truck PIISSlng trllcks snd telegrllpl sin lions every five I11lles VI'/l<wr st ,ilOns ever) Ofteen nlllos nnd roundhouse nnd shop sc commodatIon suffieICnt to enre for thirty two (32) freight bI'llIl s nnd one (1) exprl!is trnln per dllY 01 twenty lour (24) hoUTS

l\{r ANIlslJrong Il11s dlseussed the morlle of tho hnl100M a1. Ohurolull nnd Nelson nn'tl IlS hc Imll lurmshed pillna

wi Lh sound ngs I hnve plotted thp p era IlIld term nrLls req ulred Fran mforml t on thore I~ no room for doubt Ullt Nelson IS I\. hmoor The line Is nlso miles the oountry nllls IS hettel' nnd locnl bU8111ess S Nelson rouUl 'Ihere Illso frob lIblllty thnlt n fOlr proporllon a thr route IS nYllllblc for 8ctUCI11ent wI orell.'! on Lhe ChurchIll route 18 10 s\1cl prol ~hlhty beyond r nlw W1here the 111es s~nrnte

cres wlulc the LoLl'! u 1 ler nll crops s 4 777210 norCB Up to Dec I the fRrm rs hnd mmk~ GIl per eept 01

LhClT yhent or 27 094 010 553 pushe!s The Lotlll nrc, pr~nred far the

III 1010 IS 2171 102 acrea wlul{! tohal nr~n prepared lust ~01l1" \VIIS 2 273802 ucrcs In 1008 the estllnated ,mount expended 111 Inrm bUlldlllgs w's $2054 490 Whl10 thIS yellr It IS ~2 089760

1 no furmers IDIITkc1cd 3002 G33 lOun Is ot butter dUTlng the ycllI' n l\yerBg~ prIce of 199 cents 'Per 100m~1 which LoLals $590 318 2.~ OWlllg .0 the reo;>ent firc III the dll ry build ng M th" AgrlcUlturnl college tho re aids of the output of crellmenes IIp'd hccse fnctor){!s were d().~troyed These

rIlturns I oweve~ WIll be In tl e lin! u I rL')lOm. of bhe depllrtanellt for the

year endIng Dee 31 IgOO

1t IS 61 tllIl u!llllosl Importance tllo II hydrogr tphle be mnd!' of Hudson at tl r posll on n Id cost I!ghi.houHCS Jnny be mll'""'''' "ork properly belongs to the m.iirinr d( p"rt ne It nn I IS lIuportll l~ ei:lollI1!l) to llemnnt,l Lhe pqlllOl III 1.~t9n LlOIl most 0 I P !hle ollleer



lIr~~~~IfJ~~3f.+~~~~~~~~~~~~~~t~=-:_:STATEMENT .: Very Sat sfactory Nature-Revenue for Year Reaches Record

and a



Iluw Anglo Saxons Lived a Century and a Half Ago

THE SUNDAY SCHOOL Do we tuke our pleasures more sad

11 thon .dId our forefnthers of on~ hundred and fifty l ears ago? 'Iastes of eourse like mnnners and customs chon~e '\lth the hmes and there IS a refinement nbout our hfe to dny which were certainly laekmg m that of our forbears But they were cer Lnmly nono the less hnppy IIml It IS an open questIon vhether they did not oblll n more enJoyment IrOlI theIr rolhckmg bOls1erous 11 unners 1111 I


Text of tho L ••• on Matt " 1 12-Momor), V.raee 11, 12-Golden TeKt Matt I 21-C'Ommenta..,. Prepared by Rev 0 M Ste.rn.

thnn we do fro 11 our more enlm and qUieter pleasures

1 hel e 15 one great truth empbaslzed In this gospel and In tho New Tesln DIN t whlcb Is not mnde mucb of by

To tho old fasluoned sqUIre for III stunce thero WIIS only one, ord vh ch hILl illY menull g-sport lIo youll tra,el Ilules 10 sec n eoclc flght or couple of puglhsts bntler lholllsel cs for $25 willIe fOlC hUUtllg wus \\ Ith I I III n sort of rehglOn 'Ih!! four gall on rules "Iuol ono of Uus clllss sot up In h s house lin I nd hered to wore

[ Cllr Go I honor UIB J{llg love your nOlgl bor Uld 1 reserve your loxes

\ cerlllm sportmg colonel cl osc enmllr tlgo for Ius so 1 becuuse thcy mudc the best SIt! lies nnd hr dIes lhere wI lie nnother fox 1m Iter e ller tnllle I nl ,dvorse Op1l1 on coneerlllng ulllvers ty educ ItlOll 0 V ng lo SOOlllg Rome young nen m tho hUl t lIg r 01 I a]lr]{ the fonces

'Ihere I ra I I ny other nmusII g hilt lllg stones lold III 1I[r Rnlph Noy II 8 book 1 he !\lerry lnst of mon wI 0 slood upon U Clr I clIls Lo lei tho wntor run out of Ihelr top boots of uprollrlous hunt-suppers UJl(I speeches the vIgor of ~Illeh , 's COl SI lernhly mcrenscd us the pori wille Clrculntcd Mr NOVll1 Ie 11101 s tho speech of one old sqUire whIch is pI,rtlc tllTly n teres1ng Ilt tho mOl11ont

I m for the K ng nml Constltu t on slIld tho 011 sqUl TO I I 1 lor the Church but not for t thes I I less they go Lo the Inn 1I0rds I m for nobody but gentlcn en lenrlllng to road I II vote for corn lit ono 11111 dred slll1l1l1gs a qunrter lind none of your mouldy foreIgn stuff 1I nt everY sqUlre shall hnvo n.s 111 IllY I orsos 1111 I dogs liS he hlccs ,Hlhout pl,yln[! laxes and Ih ,t ovcry ponclor shnH he hung or shot God snvc tho King

There IS Il story told 100 of , gnl lant colonol who bemg eleele I a ro presontatlvo of ono of tho enstern counties gave n publlo cntortlll 11101 t Lo Ihe elec10rs Illter the f ,tlgue of 11 contest Rnd on In8 helllth bell II drunk IIddros.~ed Ins constltucnts the foHowlng Incomc speech I

Gentlemen -I nm no or lor nl therefore you must not OXI ect frol11

II fine speech 'Ihnt I enn fight 1 of you can doubt thnt]

~~t~n~"ru~~~ you 81 ul1 all bo IIssnred 01 I we pnrt So God bless lOU nnd leavo mo to dolend your

rill!hts A 1 The drmking'nnblls of tho Enghsh

n the pnst snys Mr NeVIll were of such ! k nd ns 10 I11l1ke tl 0 records beyond behef U HnrwICh for In stunee threll ioperij dctorm Iled 10 hllve n thorough SOllklllg set lo ono dnY' lind drnnl< fifty soven qunrts 01 uprightr-thllt IS to SIlY II qullr! 01 boer With II qUI rt\1rll of glll 111 ll­wltlln the spnce of SIX und n hal! hours On thOlr takmg lellve of eueh aU er faT hOl11o ono of t1 III leel,re I that 10 WIlS sbll thirsty and stoppe<,\ smoked n pipe Ilnd drl I kip Ilt n orc Lo hImself


I rOllchers nnd tenchers ns a rule lind thnl Is tbllt Jesus III the SOD of Dn\"ltI the promised heir to Da~ hl s thronc See 111 Mott I 1 Rev xxII 10 how the New Testament begIns nnd ends \\ Ith this nn 1 note bow luu] uses It In nom I 3 11 11m II 8. See Glbrlel8 usa of It In hIs messnge to Mury fn L Ike I S" as_Dnd Peter s referenco to It In his greut Peutecostnl dlscourso 111 Acts II 30 Then tnke the lt1CSt\OIl of tt 0 \\ Ise mcn lu our lesson 'Vhero Is !Ju thnt Is born KIng of the Jews? Hemember tlmt thut title In tho Illn gunges of Jews nud ge Itll!'S \\ IlS plnced o er Als cross nnd thnt \ hell []u slllll COl Ie nlpln III lIls glory Illld Isr I I sill II RU~ This Is our God \\e hn,o "Ilted for !JIm nnd []e will sn\"e liS It will bo to moke Jerl1snlem tho thro Ie at tbe Lord thnt nil the nlltlons !lin) be gl tbel cd Ullto It to the DDmo or the r ord I" Jerusulem I hell the 10111 bellg hlng ot Isrllli In the mIdst or them they shllll uot see e~ II lilY more I lid He will make tbem II nnmo nn 1 n prnlse nluollg ult the people of the cRrtli It en sholl nil the nut/ODS urlng their "el Ith to farnel e\"ell ft9 theso 1\ Ise mou dId nuO Isrnel shnll blossom nnd bud nud till tbo taco of the eorth '11th fruit (IsO uv 0 Jer 111 1 Zepb tf~ 15 10 20 Isa Ill: 5 murgln 3::\:\11 0) I sincerely trust tbnt c\ ery tenel e mny verIfy whnt I havo suld bl lhese lind other texts nud tbuB bn\"o tbo hest 10sslble kind of Cbrlst mus lessou cODeemlng Him of wbom the prophet an Id Out ot tbee (Upthle-bern EI hru to b) sbl tf Ho come fortb UI to lIe to be ruler In Is nel whoso goings fortb hn \"e been from of old from the du) s at eternIty (Mlc v 2) or ns It Is 10 our lesson Out of thee sunil come n go • ruor tbot sbllll rulo uy people ISII 1'1 (I erae 0) Such a Ing ns []erod mlgbt well bo troubled

tJy tbo mentioo of 0 [{Ing ot the Jews for the tfme will come wben Ihe kIngs ot tb!' enrtb liDO the grent and rIch lIud It Igbt, mCD shall l!afl all moun t 11us und rocks to filII on tbem and hi Ie them fl bm HIB face and His "I n th (Rev vi 15-l'n I be chIef prlesrs nnd scrIbes knew propbeey well ella 19b to be nblo to teU wbare Ibo Mcsslnb should bo born but thl'\r kllowledge dId tbem no good for wlien lie cnme publicly nnd In c\ery \\oy pro~ cd HI nselt the Messlab obout thlr ty ) enrs Inter they rejected HIm nnd klflcd HIm It Is not a kno" Ipdge at HIm nor of "hat the ScrIptures soy obout E1fm thnt snfes n lY oue but onl) tI e henrt rl'c< pUOII of Him ne cordIng to )ohn I 1.! Some dllY \\0

shalt know u are tll In \\ e cnn now nuoot UI~g" _ •• 11 en ~ ",bo t h~r wcrl' how lIlony tht rc. ,~el e jllst where they camo frOlii \~hnt Ihes kllen nbollt UIIlI or His stllr nnd ho\\ bpS CUlOe to know \\ bnt tlmr did Jr tbe star Icd them nil the wny to []Is Innd we wou der "by I thpy h r!pel frolll It to ell II upon []eroO lind I ql I e of blm Wo note thut \\ hI'li tbe) I'I'rt Herod tho stnl seen ed to be w nltll g tor thp n for It went before them tfll It ('lime and stood o,er II here the roung cblld \\ os lending thon to the very 10URI! 'I hIs \\ ns theretoro no ortlhu rS stnr uut n supern Iturnl Ifgl t n ben~ eDly messeDger lind It maltcs us II ore tblla ever luterdted ID these IOcn wbom God so honored "ben th, y sa w tbo stnr again atter lenvlng Herod tbey rejoIced wltb exceeding gll'nt joy (verse 10) nnd we do uot n onder tor It must hnye bOOD like pns~lng from lieU to htilh eD to come tram sucb a presellce Into the presenco of Ood s own messeng~r Wh~n tbe nngel brought the shepherds word the "lory ot tho Lord shouo rouud about tMm nnd tho Dles80ge "115 Behold 1 brlDg you good tidings of gruat joy wblell sbnll be to olf people 1 eter BOYS of EIIm Whom hnvlDg not seen ye 10\ e In whom thougb now yo seo

FEllm not, yet believing yo rejoIce wltll Joy unspellknble Blld tull of glory'

In tbe presenco of Ihls cblld and I1Il1 ~~:I~!;l~~;1~~~~~~~~:t].~~~~,1 (I Pet. I 81 ( motber these men fell down nnd war .hlped 111m opened tbelr treneurea and presented unto EIIm glflll gold and franklnconse and lOyrrb (verso 11) Tbls Is no loose cbllnge or pocket book story lIu t n record of treasures brought to Him It mnkes U8 thInk of tile "omnn wbo gll\,o nil living

nnd rccelvedf: trolDao;'~i~'~~~t::~~~r~~:t~~~; mendatlon nM, by c· woman who spout physlcln nnd





-... ----

Do you kftow tlie'" Cllfferen!:e between wolidn, and having the work do.nll for you?

Sunlight Soap Ictuall;y makell the dirt drop • out-saves you time and money-bllt Inlures

neither banda nor clothes. That III lu"t the difference between Sunlight Soap and ordinary



Qulek Spr.nt Anlldy Plkl.'lI-lIl1t rl, rt ':lIy In de

bUlll;nlow look· }llIlIC a rnuey to me DI! look me urOU11L1 1<> ~c slollle, sllow·

,ed me do ~5.lJI)fJ dollnr bulldog be bad JURt bought a,ucJ ,88kL'lI me II I could bc"t It.

Urilly ocor~And wbnt did YOD .ayY .. '

I"n udy Plkes-ll'llltin'l I ,ust.beaUt. -Chicago /';eW8.

Good Roads Wonted. "What 11'0 u" .. d IR R gaud roads

movement," snlcJ I be, progressive clU· sen

"But you don't lI,e In tbe countl'1." "No I'm (!,"eu "orse olr I pa,

tal08 In a tow~'A~t;' tbe stN!ets are torn up Ibe y~ tor allegl'd J'&o

poll'll and kJ\pJjJ\"enienl.ll."-WB.IIbID~ too Slar •

Tho Coming Conqueror. He cro~Modltho ftockh.!! and the AI,-;

He- rruRfttd thj.!P) renee", Tho IIlmnID~;l hlJlhCllI I,eak.

lie lopped \11th Ifillcerul ean, Ji~ croHHed the Anne. with a .mlle:

110 fIIpllrt!d no mountrtln chatn: }Ie dl~ II Yer) hlllh In nlr-

Upon hilt acroplalUl -\;Iuveland I'lain Dealer.

Practleal. Elllmlnrr- Whllt Is

Smu<llhly, Ih(>()IVgi< nlly DN'ell"lt) II lid J~ .... .>\ 1]12

t:1l lid Idll I L'- W~l1, wll<'re R mnn gh'etI


Czar's Life Continually 'I n Danll,r­The P.rsilln Shah'. Belief

Wllerever he Is, wherever he goes, the Czar of Russia 18 surrounded day and mgh t' by pohce and troops or by bnttIcslllPs nnd police patrol:!, suys

Sporting Notes. 1 ra n~ erson Is tbe leadIng race win

Ding driver 00 tile Austrian turf this Henson

Australian sport promotera~iJl':.~:n!':."\1r~ I~runlt Gotcb and George] sclllUldt to wrc.ille In tbat counlry "~IIIf4~

on Enghsh wrIter. , Nor 18 the precantlon unnecessary.

WIlhout tim strict guard hiS lHo would not be worth an hour spur. chuse There IS alwoys at least one plot on foot for IllS assusSlDalion, numerou~ attempts upon his life huve beon made. DuL so far the keen lind restiMs wntch over hIm has been so succcEsful that he hns nevar nrtuully come Incc to Incc with violence.

!!Iorgan ~lItcbcll got a new troitlng performer at Oxford; Pa, wben tbo, guiding ClJnlllI~ Mltcbell trotll'd to 1\

recOid ot 2.21~ In tbe tbree mlnute

Hero's help for cramped shoulders-here's rp.nl relief Try a paIr of suspend eM wltli the "sliding 'lOrds" and see for yourself. AIl dealers 60 cents L ght medlllw Dud heavy I10ighLs.

clns9 GET THE GENUINE-Itlllpl\; Glaze: wbo III concblng 'tbl: .. PRESI DENT" ON EVERY BUCKLE.

Unher>llty or Rochester tootllllll tellUl, pltcll<>d bnseball (or tbe Indianapolis Alllerlcan association team tbe pusl

It Is for thiS renson perhars thnL he hilS LhllL pcrsonal fear 0 cleath 'wt'th n b!111 sis feet !u dl· Irom whIch so muny rulers arc con "~~Lmet(!l' or, more on a Bide, hnB SPlcuously Iree Tho Germ.tn Em· I, peror, for exnmplc, goes nbout can· tbe ptnce of the annunl bowl Llnually wlthouL uny very eflecbvo and cnne rushes between tho fresbmen escort nnd hl\s consequeutly looked nnd sophomores at tbe University at tho would·be Ilssnssltl In the lace over California. • nud over ft~aln. Whlltever may be b "I It f P I Ills 1lllllts. tIe KaIser hns no lack of Cnrtmel1~. ~ e ...... n vers y 0 ennsy -


When He Was Governor-General H Showed Great Promise.

do~~~~di~:~· will remomber Lord Lans­now so promlllently In the

P,~~~:,c eye owing to tile contest bo· t, the BTillsh Houso 01 Oommons

vltnlll ruoller, bas announced bls Inten- House of Lorils. as governor-pcrsonul cournge ., t !gellel'aI. nuL even IU5 Iron nerve may break tion to tUIll proLesslona) and oilers 0 down on occltSlOn. When he came run IIgnlnst Artbur Postie, tbe world'B If he Inckod the warmth or the Enll)nnd on tho denth of Queen VIC' [Jrofesslonal sprinter, In a series of spontaneous brllliarlcy of a Dufferln. tClrla a photographer mnnnged to get 'ellber three or tour matcbes at dill. or the bluff hearLI11~ss of a Stanley, clo!!!! to Ius earringe wlDdow, and tho tances from 130 to 440 Ylrcla. ho offered a dlgmty. a weight, a lu-loud click of the camera sounded so cldiLy of uttornnco, a scrupulous ex· like tho cocking of n rovolver tba~ I Betnoss,.a 10resigM whIch mllrked

Kmser for II moment ehnngr.d COUGHING BURST ~i:e~ut for leadershIp in the large

who suw the aUcmpt mnde BLOOD VESSEL /A certain !Iustedty was marked, on the hIe of Ihe lute Shah but It wen hecame hIm.

Pm'sin SIlYS "The \\ould-be Danger Avoided Bnd Cures One could not well think of him ns mped upon tho step 01 the Coughs In 6 Hours. greatly rolaxing, and yet ho had

carrmgo und levelled a wnrmth and _gemalty. At the same straIght ut tho hend 01 his .\ WI Her fof the meqlcul proBS SL/l,~es time ho wns the representative of Her pulling thc trlJ!ger IWlce, but Lhut couglllug IS ICSPOllSlblc lor Majesty; he WitS the copy of royalty, tunlly: The Shah himself, bttrstmg of blood vessels qUIte he was In a posltJon reqmrlllg dlgmty dlrectl)' 'llIto the hurrel of the qucnLiy. A cough or cold meuns nnd measured relations. In an 1118 was tho only spc~tr,tor of lho iri!du,pn,lq illlmllluLio!1 (fever) public functIOns he exprcssed this who wus wholly unuffected -i).s !lIld those Ill_tum inillic,uL,e: sen so of responSIbility. ' Ltonl!!'ss as n grn,.ven I1l11.u::e"I~JP-l· body IS fun of Jlolsolls und Wilsie IIIUIr In all IllS public speeches ho offer-oxprct8~n 'ul,on '~Iis-I"l!e WIP.! one tel Suuple selic!, as found 111 putenL ed grace und llIuminutJon. He hlld U shghtly contemptuous amusement, cough 1ll(){IlCIlJ,08, nnd wfilskey, orten the chosen word, which fiUed Its anel when 1119 Itssmlant WitS r.cmov.~d result In morc" hurm thull good, as place like II glove. -HIS dicLlon was he dismissed tho congratulations of they elluse Illore congestion. A tomc· pohshed hke a cameo Sometlllng of tho omclals with Itn airy wav\l of the l"xntlve eCHlglr syrup Will worl( mnr- Celtic forvor he mIssed. hut there was hand, us though tho m!\tler were too vels nnd here follows a prescnptlOlI always weight and meanmg, nnd mSlgnlficnnt for notice . winch 18 becontlng fUlllou~ for ItS value in Ius deliverllnce.

Answermg the moro formnl fellmta- pHlmpt lellef lind thOlough cures It He showed II deep interest in the tIons thnt followed later on, tlfe Shah rIds the system of the cnuse, except It progress of art and lcurDlng, and IllS rcmnrked Lhnt II his denth were noL be COlll\l1l1111LIOll Don·t \VOlt for con· addresses at the convocntlons of the ordllmcd by [ate ho could not wnllt &umptioll to gmap Its VlcLl1ll, but be· various universities were models of unseflthed mnong the muted a5sas· \llll J,ll1s tlentlllC'ut, whIch CUles some clearness, of wClghty reflecLlon ftlns of Europe. v; Il1le If It were so III fwe hOUI S. MIX III n boLtlc one-hnl1 WIth tho nboundmg bfe of thiS urdalned al1 the soldiers in FralUm ouncc 'flUld WII,I cherlY bnrk, olle country he was In fwl sympnthy. and could not snve him. OUlICO Qompoulld essence enrdlOl nnd kept III touch With' all ita mamfest,,·

three ounces symp white plIIe com· tlOns. I --- pOIllJ(l ~I'alt() twenty dlOps every linlf Lndy Lansdowne Iwas stately nnd hour lor fOUI homs. Then one-hiLI! to qucen-bke, of a delicate, _ patnclltl onc tettspoonful three or four times beauty. and well fitted to_ glvo dIS· dllY. GIve clnldren less IIccoldlng tinctIOn to II young socloty. whose IIge. growth she eucournge4 in all ,charm-

ing ways.. I

Thomas, llve YO[I1S old, come fuce to fnce the other day With un uncle he hlld 11evcr seon befme, [lnd llotJcc<l Lhis ullcle hlld u hnld hend surroulld· l'd by a fr1l1gc of hlllr-such ,I hend ns lhe CllrLoOlllSls used 10 drllw of Dnvld D. Hill Tlus f,\CL, udded to the uncle's €:-.'ire'll1c hCl\lht and thlllness.

Tomm)'s comment flSay, mmnnlu;" )1f~ SHld, turnulg to

hl~ moth"r "my new uncle grew up so fnst IllS hmr r1llln'L hnve hme to rellch the l<lp of Ins hend I' - Nell York 111bune

EllChcl wos dcep In mnihnmebcs "My clem," nnnouneed Ins wife, "I

IVllnt tQ glVC, Mmy Smith II ptescnt Lhllt "III lOOK hltc It COAL mora Lhan lhe one ~hc sellt me, bul roll\1y be l<ma, nnd I dou't knolV wh •• t she ]l,m<i [01 It Ho\\ much should I spend roo

HereWIth he soughL sufely 111 night




After Suffering For Twenty-Eight Years From Pains and Weakness and Sleepiessness-Dodd's Kidney Pill. the Only Medicine Sho Wonts.

CotLle's Cove Nolle Dume Bny. Nfld (SpeClul).-Gmnd news for suf [l'r1l1g W0lllUII Is thnt bomg scatL~ler.1 lnoulicnst by Mrs E1I7.lLboth P RIch. ,Irda of tillS pluce For yenls she sui fered from thut tenlble weulmess und 111\lse UgOIllZlIlg p lIns so mUllY wOlllen Imow She hus found rchcI 1lI Dodd's KIdney l'llls ancl she wunts !Ill Buffer· mg women 10 know It

"I'or Lwenty-elght yeals," SIlYS IIIrs Rwhurcls, "1 BUlfured from Hheulllu, tlsl11, Kidney 'l'roublc nnd Neumlglll

I.I .. ClIllH(' hI' b\'lnng .. 10' the <'hlll't'b him. I from

Tho term' of office of Lord Lans. downe was not murked by any large

lurncl~ci'isticl event; but· was eontemporaneouB

got so we lit I could not do Ill) housewOlk Sleop WliS nut of the ques· LIOI1 except for II few IIlIllUtCS lIt a LUlIo M.l' huck uehed .0 I could not slcep 1 tiled ull- lunds of me(hC1n~ lind hnd come to the conclUSIon thnl there was no cure for me, when reud­lUg ndvrullscments led me to tl~ Dodd's KIdney PIlls I now slcep well ,Ll1ti rise refl eshed every 1lI0rllln/i Dodd's Kidney PIlls uro ull the medl· CInO I wunt"

twit. Ihllt I. (rco \1111. ' /Jut wbl're gl,e~ IJ!'CUIIS. hIli wltl! belongH, that ncceal!3, -I'ucll.

---"";":"::'" ~

with tho may be said. 01 the the develoIr mlBnlL WIl1CII ;;~)~~i~:~~;1f~nt;. upon tile

The womun who has healthy Kid" neys Will never know the pums lind wculmoss t1l11t multe hfe hnrdly worth hvmg. Dodo's }(ulney rills nlwuys malte heultllY KI~neY8

he snid, "by upt alhtern· oll's',nl't.t1III: .aul " ·'J.llIl'O'WlnJ,: m a cooked encnmber nnd

'~~~~;~t:;~hh~o~s;ili~ll~tf'l'Ili'yed them nIl to!:otlll~l" tnr.d to out of th~

ANTIQUITY OF DICE. Origin of ibe." Dovloeo Burled In the

Remote Poat. Sehola", bll va delved In 'nln ror tbo

orlgln Qr dice, whlcb, In various sbupes, ha \'0 been used In' torms Or' ~orshlp and reUgtollll ceremoules since lbe dlt wn ot htstory. 'l'helr earlier usc was ror tbe torecaatlng,ot O\'eots nnd olltu Inlng 01 divine guidance '1 heir ndulltntion to a gllme at cbance "as cOUlpnmtll'uly qulte recent.

'J bere Is n surprlBlng nu moor at \ ul'lelies ot dice., bnt they runy be dl \'!ded III to t\lO general clltsscs 'j'lle most tn 11111lnr torm ts tbe cu be Wlt~

two pxceptlons-tbe Koreall IIDd IJ1trus. cun-cublcal dice have tbe spots 80 Itr ranged tbnt tbe six ond one, U\ e and two aud tbree nnd fonr ure opposite, mnl.1ug tbe sum ot the OPpDsl1o silies IU\'nrlnbly SCI en In all nges tbe nllm ber 8tH en has boon regarded II Itb pnr tleulnr awe and as bavlng mucb mys­lie Import.

'j'be dice Just described nre Dot 001, pro[Jer to modern Europe aud A mer Icn, but to clnsslcal Urecce nDd ltome, lludent Syrln, Persln, Indio, Chluu, Joplin Illd Slam. The otber rorm Is tbe long. square prism sometime!! rouud amid prohlstorlc ruins 10 l:uropo nnd existing today In Indio

A most luterestlng form Is tbe top or spinning dice, with tour or SII aWes, wblch was twlrled \llth tbe thnmb nnd secoud Dnger, of "hlcb 8

spcclmcn "ns discovered 10 tbo re­mains ot Nnucrotts, a Urcek colony oj GOO 11 C. 'j'wo speclmens or dice bll ve beeu discovered nt Babylon -Harper I Wee\;.ly.

• AN ARCTIC RESCUE. The Feeling When the Relief Ship

Came Into VI.w. Very oCt~n durlnlt tbe months 01

duyllght we stood on the cllff slrnllling our es (\.9 to see tbe longed for rellel 'hlp As Lhe summer or lOOti slipped Dil we nlmost 1espalred, but ODe da) lu .July, when bope had olmost nban [loned us, "e so w one o( the boy! jumplllg up lllld down aDd 8upposed thn t u t lusl bls brain had glveu WU)

uudm the strain. In tact, muny oC us \\ ere 01 tuost crazy wILb tile mOllolOIlS !lud audely thut were upon us duy arter day. We wutehed a moment aod w~ndeled \\ hleh of ns would llc the lIext 10 go olr his balnnce.

Wben "e went to him nnd so w wbllt be saw, Ibe loog looked tor rellet sblp, I don't kno" wbether lYe all jumped for joy or wlvlt we did, for wo bavo no memory ot our actions In tbat honr ~ulckl.l' eaeb man gatbered his little kit, reudy to rusb to tbe boolll IIllIl leave forever thnt Island where d~alh barl stared us In tho tnee for sixteen montlls nud "bero we bud alinoat ,Iven up all hopo of ever nguin 10011· Ing upou t be fnces or our 10\ ~d oura

In our fl antic baste to be gone mnny ot ua lett behind relics nDd recolds whlcb we (Jllzed nnd later regretted Ibe loss or. At the eDd or ailttreo montus tbe relict shIp ~rerr!l Nova bod arrived, nud we stenmed to Norway, wbere our party divided, Bome going to L6lJdoo and otbers to (lermony.-Cuptaln Edwin ColIln's Account ot tbe Ziegler Polar 1il1t(lCdltlon In NaUonaJ Ualtllzlne. ' ---.---

, Show Would Be Cen.or. Beroard Sbnw Is hllnself again Art·

er n relatlvely long period o( silence be hos wrltlen a column !lnll u hulf leIter on tho vexed qnestion or tho censorsblp Sba", Is mora strongly convinced tbau ever tbat tho ceOBor· ship sbonld be abollsbed, but be COD· c1udes;

"It tbe nation sun cHngs madly to tbe Ideal censor clamored tor by so many wltnesses-a man ot tbe world,a mlln of ,culture, brnlns, public ex perl ence, sympatl1y with Htertlturc nnd art, or some knowledge of the Irrench and German drnmn-wlly not mako me censor? I throw olr my nntural mod· esty so fnr ns to cballeugo George Wd

!'des to uume Rny' Ih'lug real, not person wltb on the wbolp, B llct·

ter eqnlpment. At all events. If tbere III a better man lIame hlm."-Loodon Coble to Ne.w York Times

- - -


" ~


'J\\t un' lJ.tll\t\ t t\lR ~\I~\\H6~~S

For the baby ohen mean. rest for both mother and child. Uttle ones like it too-it's so palatable to take. Free from opiates,

All Dru .. ltb. '5 •• ,,10.

Facts From Franoe. Tbe Ports EIITel tower L. 0SI5

hlgb. On~ nrroplnue fnclory at f'nrls elD'

ph'~" t.r.~·two personA [~rllllee hns n Inrger IlrOI <lrtlon ot Ita

entire popula tlon elll[llo~ N) In the "crT­Ice o( the state thall any otber clvltlzcd nntlon.

Tilt' Nntlonnl Coundl of Frenchwo­mrll. \\ hll'1l hn~ n membership or more thnn j') 000. hos hrell clrclllnting a monAt!'1 perltlon III fn\ or of \Voman ~11lTrngr

Eall1y Parted. "De's quite bald, I understand." "Almost Be bus Just two wlllpjt of

hnlr left." "Iudeed? ' "Yes, nud he cnlls ono 'the tool' ond

tbe otber 'bls \Doney.' "-Phllndelphla Ledger.

Renewing Hostll1tle., lIlrs Cnller-I'm sUT\Jllsed tbot you

rccogn Ized lIle. I t bus beeu more tban 01'0 Y(Qrs sluce \\ e met

111 rs Nnggeby-I hllll nlmost torgot­ton ~ our fuee. but I remembered that dress) ou lin (c ou.


Do YOU r.albo tho opportunity South Afrleao Voterlll> Ilorlp ILlf0rd. to .eoure tltlo to 3\lO or

'.0 aor .. of IRnd' Laod "dJolnln~ that upon whloh you can loaate V ot.rlLD Berh' I. heine Bold to-day .. 't from eto to til an aero Fliur. It out what Ihl. mella. to yoo.


1'7. will •• 11 SiD AORIi WARRANTS -011 terms-without "ny ea.1i pay ... at If you bavI> Inlpro .. d farm land to o!fer a •• eeurlty. Our prloo I. 0011 ,1650 00 a Warrant and IlYe yeare 10 pay tb. urn. CANADA LOAN & REALTY CO,

LimIted 31& 311 Mclntvre Block, Wlnnlpo.

Quick Relief I

lor an upset stomach, hic­coughs, a sick headache, con­stipated bowels, or a bilious attack is secured by ~lsing


Ilold Bverywhere. _____ c:::=:_


.. \

. /

, 4


• •

1'hi~ Province has _p .16C).oS~ ncrt's of Innd, (l.or9.2oo :Jeres waler surf.II:\! til t1r:lw 1Il0i,lllrc: flOI1l for AgTlClIlturnl purpo~efi. I\lerd ore we n I wa \'R ho \'c ~11 ffidell t tlloi ,t III c tu i l1~lIre neroI" ,

There i~ )'l'l :ls.e,oo.ooo acres 11110CCl! pied to he hOlllcstended pl1rehn<l:f1. .

, The pupulntion in 1901 waR 255.2r J; It IS 1I0\\' 111 rOllllrl bl'r~ ,~on.(llln or IIcnrly dOllhle ill ~C\'ell years.

J' \VilllllPCg- in IC)or hnd n pppulation of 42,2,~(); has I!OI\'

or lIlore than dOllhled its pnpllintiol1 ill SC\'CI1 ycm~. . 'rhe trlll)s]lllrtntinll-facilitics. nrc nll1w"t. p.erfect. th('~~ l:ell1g

:\;;r6 miles of rui~\\,II" 111 th~ Provlllee •• :~II ~ndlallJ1g- frol11 \\ 1ll1lI,lX'j!". Tlfr('e Iralls,colllllielltnl trOlIliS h:a\'e \\ 111111 pC,:! evcry da), nud It or,ly 11 1lI.llter oi a fel\' IIl1lJllh,-whell there will bi' fh·e. tho~e to ollrl,,11 h"illg the GI3n<l '1'l'llllk-l'uC'ific IIlHI'lhe Canad~tlIl No~the~ll.

'l'hl!se arc imlk:1l iOlls of the l'rrl\'illt'c',; pr(l~rcs;; 11\ all (Ii reel 101 nl1~1 is th~ pIne;! 10 CRo;l in )Ollr lot. ns 110 other cOlllltry can show lhu sn1l1" increase ill the SRme tilllp.

I'", siloclnilulnrnllliinn RI1I.ly III


};;;'.OllartF!rSection, 2 miles from nil tinder cuILi "alion


3.- Quarter Section, ,j}!i T, from SOl11erset.

miles I 4~~-~~~~~~~ ___________ _

4.-'Half Section, ;3 miles from" . 'l'reheme: 2aO nco under cl1ILi·

-_valioll, good builcliugs. plenty of standing wood, best wnler, a first class farm.


5.-Qunrtcr' Section, 5 miles II

of Rnlhwell; <Ii) -acres uudel' culLivalioll, 50 lUore ensy lo dea r, balance wood i grnnary. . -. " ~

\Yc hayc munl olhers 01'1 olir list ~ thnl are cqually- as good bargnins. \Vnle or call in and sec us.

..... M .. U •• *~e •• t!f!~d •• e.~Uu ....... !'~~ t;

th well Rl!mors THE OLD RELIABLE- HARDWAREw i~

1:-=';:~::':=~=~~""'='C='==~~.,ll T_ Greenaway wns n citr visitor asl week. "

1;I't!~lt!~~~~~~m~~~~~~31 Mrs J. 'I'. Little i~ \'isiting rela· ~: tI\'es nt 1I1alliloll thiS week.

George Pritchard nnd sister 'l'lIcsday for Wiltiarnsford, Onto

, The RnlhIVe\l elevalors will close

for ChrisJUlns week rebpelling. 011

Jan. 5 tho

•• , ._ ...... II '.. • "1·1n:'ll,op in Connection." .... , _· ......... 0 ........ ,. !j) • • ............. eo •• • ••

-' = ,

Call and see our

~hri;jtma3 -- --,Sit ver-pla ted Ware

flanging Lamps Drawing Room tamps

~raw.iDg Room and I{itchen

't! " Ii> I!)

~ /'j II' .,. 'l;o ,lI­f .. ~. I)

~ );. It> f~ \~ ~

Elocks tl~ ,) . ')

Myer's ~edicine - ODd o.:.toct. .food ~) ~ no - n ~~==========~'==~======================,======~===== ,~ - ~ ~


-:- MANITOBA. , " t.;

!lm'~f>t;:-I -I R A T H WE. L L. .... , ......... ~ ........ ~ .. ~.~.~.~ ....... ~~~ $~ •

, ,

Ir ~



EXCURSIONS , Low Round Trip Rates 10

Ontario, Quebec and , Maritiine Provi l1ces ,

TichLson .al. D.o. I t& Deft. II. Inelllil ve, !fOOd to roturu withln throo mouLhe.

.. m-e_-" Tlohle loouod In COllncotlon Atlnutla Bteam. T"n-,_" ship BUBine •• will bo on onlo Irom No,'. 21 lIud

• UmltOll to n"o mooths from dnLo or heno. Fjooot Eql1ilHncnt. Stlluc.(nl'd "i''''tI~t ClulI8 ;lIJd ~o\1IrIBtSleOI)lllR'Cnr8 nnll DiniuR Cura an nll Throu.h Trains. t - I.lbrary _ Obeervatrou Cal. 011 I I,lmltod" imd


CUllerS! I ~ ,~

r • A shipment just arrived. Give us ~ a call before buy- tOj-

- ing else~here. I

. I . d i, 'AI .kln . s of re= :j pairs In the 11 "Smithy" line. f.J

: • ' '" ~ ! .............. _ ........ -......... l ....................... 0...... .. . , J. H. SMITH.

Treherne. ~' ManU'Oha

f:luro with Dr, 8htXll CROUP' 81oPI,..) In 20 nolt:.

, Croup ItcJDed~. ()I !9St will IrUrQly pro,

tNo V'omtllllg, JHI elJ Lre ... A sa!. and plonsIDllliYfull--l'A:.lJrn".;lw.

= Treherne Bnyne



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