IEC Ibn Sina Medical Clinic 2009 Alijani MD Executive Director



IEC Ibn Sina Medical Clinic 2009 Alijani MD Executive Director. Click col mouse per avanzare. What is the IEC?. IEC is the Islamic Education Center IEC went through 3 phases of growth: In 1981 IEC was inaugurated - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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IEC Ibn Sina Medical IEC Ibn Sina Medical ClinicClinic20092009

Alijani MD Alijani MD Executive DirectorExecutive Director

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What is the IEC?What is the IEC?

IEC is the Islamic Education Center

IEC went through 3 phases of growth:1. In 1981 IEC was inaugurated

2. In mid eighties IEC built the 3rd floor for use by the Muslim Community Center

3. In mid nineties IEC built the office complex

In 2007 IEC helped launch Ibn Sina Clinic

The 3 Phases of IEC GrowthThe 3 Phases of IEC Growth

1st Phase

2nd Phase

3rd Phase

The Vision by Dr. RossThe Vision by Dr. Ross

Vision for a clinic carried out by Dr RossDr Ross was joined by 10 others in 1997, and the group formed Ibn Sina clinic

December 1997 the Articles of Incorporation were registered by Dr. Tabibi

Dr. Alijani joined in 1998

It took several years before it joined MobileMed

Thus the clinic remained dormant till 3-23-2007 when it officially started to see the first patient

The Founding FathersThe Founding Fathers












AlijaniJoined next year

Basics of Starting a ClinicBasics of Starting a Clinic

1. The Medical Clinic opens Irrespective of:a. Raceb. Nationalityc. Religiond. Immigration Status, ore. Locality in the State of Maryland

2. Open only to patients who do not have any Medical Insurance

The NucleusThe Nucleus

Right: Dr. RossMiddle: Dr. AlijaniLeft: Dr. Tabibi

5. Timing factor

4. Economic factor

For Planning Methodology Consider:For Planning Methodology Consider:(According to Akram Al-Attar)(According to Akram Al-Attar)

2. Political factor3. Functional factor1. Social factor

All above factors are to be considered and weighedfor every decision


Components of Decision-MakingComponents of Decision-Making


1. Analysis

2. Design

3. Evaluation4. Implementation

5. Monitoring

Role of IECRole of IEC

At first there was no physical place for Ibn Sina Clinic to start its mission

Maulana Bahraini made IEC available

The space provided was deemed sufficient

Arrangement with MobileMed was made

Provided were 3 rooms:One for the nurse

The other two for the physicians


1. Clinic opened on March 26, 20072. Seeing patients on every Monday basis: 6pm

to 8pm, 3. Office hours often extended to 10pm or

beyond4. Two family physicians, as well as one internist

are in charge5. Number of patients increased progressively6. One nurse practitioner is employed7. Nurse practitioner is employee of MobileMed

Finance: Ibn Sina ClinicFinance: Ibn Sina Clinic

1. An optional fee of $0.00-25.00 per visit

2. If patient cannot afford, he/she is taken free of charge

3. Medicines and tests are free to the patient

4. Lab tests are done by NIH, Suburban or Shady Grove Hospitals

5. All procedures necessary are done by NIH or Suburban and Shady Grove Hospitals

6. Procedures are free to the patient

Collaboration with Collaboration with MobileMedMobileMed

MobileMed has a good many similar clinics in Greater Washington area

1. Has been in existence for over 40 years2. Is supported mainly by Federal and Local governmentInterchangeability of patients:

1. A patient who needs medical help on days not available in his clinic, such patient can be seen by another but similar clinic

2. Appointments and referral of patients are done by MobileMed

Computerized Administration of the clinics are done by MobileMed

MobileMed and IEC Celebrating Ibn Sina clinic

Select Services RenderedSelect Services Rendered

Two services deserve mention:1. Collaboration with Red Cross to collect

blooda. Conducted once a yearb. Blood Mobile carries an average of 40-50 units

2. The Flu Immunization Drivea. Flu Vaccine is bought in volume by Ibn Sina

Clinicb. The drive to immunize is repeatedly announcedc. Flu shots are given free to all

Growth of Patient LoadGrowth of Patient Load

At first a few patients per day: averaging 5-6Steady but slow growth: now averaging 15Though patients are supposed to come by appointment, many just drop inThe referral to NIH and/or Suburban, Shady Grove Hospitals worked smoothlyThe clinic consists of 3 rooms

One for the nurseThe other 2 for the two physicians to check the patients


1. Malpractice: Each physician with his personal malpractice insurance is covered

2. Stark Program: Stark Program is Federal Coverage for this kind of clinic:

a. Apply, and fill the necessary documents

b. It is sponsored by the Federal Government and offered completely free to participants

c. Covers everyone in the clinic free

To Start a Similar ClinicTo Start a Similar Clinic

1. Persuade your local mosque to initiate a clinic2. Zoning Permit to open a clinic in the County3. Present a Blueprint and fill Application Form4. Premise to be checked and inspected by the

County 5. Once occupancy permit is given, you can start6. Advertise it to the congregation of the mosque7. Persistence and giving quality care will

broadcast your effort

Staff of Ibn Sina ClinicStaff of Ibn Sina Clinic

Medical Director Alijani MD

Exec. Director Tabibi PhD

Nurse Practitioner Leila Abedi

Volunteer Physicians Rahimian MD

Rahmanian MD

Khalilzadeh MD

Ross MD

Ibn Sina Clinic

Dr. Rahimian, Dr. Rahmani,

nurse Leila Abedi and patient

Available Medical SpecialtiesAvailable Medical Specialties

CardiologyInternal MedicineGynecologyGastroenterologyPsychiatryOphthalmologyImmunologyFamily MedicinePulmonary MedicineSocial ServicesOrthopedics

IEC: Ibn Sina Services ProvidedIEC: Ibn Sina Services Provided

Services by way of MobileMed, and through NIH and Suburban and Shady Grove Hospitals are provided:

EKGEchocardiographySonography24 Hr. BP MonitoringPulmonary Function Testing24 Hr. Holter MonitoringPharmacyComplete Blood WorkAmong many others

Comparative GrowthComparative Growth

Year Number of Patients Number of Visits

2007 520 606

2008 852 1006

Based on ICD-9 Diagnosis

Growth, Patient Load: 2007-2008Growth, Patient Load: 2007-2008

Comparative yearly Statistics








2007 2008

Patients Clinic Visits

One Year Common DiagnosisOne Year Common Diagnosis


BP and Heart12.0%









Based on ICD-9 Diagnosis






Under 256%65+


Patient Age DistributionPatient Age Distribution

For New Initiatives: You Need:For New Initiatives: You Need:

A Good Leader (preferably a physician)

To Recruit Physicians

To Recruit Staff

To Update Space as needed

Specialty Care Network

Procuring Free Medications

Women’s Health Care Services

Health Education Funding

Identify and pursue other funding sources

In conclusionIn conclusion

Ibn Sina Clinic, MobileMed and IEC formed Collaborative Effort:

It is for patients with no insurance Grew fast, beyond expectationTests and medicines are given freeAll who qualify can be servedIt can be emulated in your own mosque or center.Try to start such a clinic in you Center

With best wishesWith best wishes

May Allah Bless you all
