IEA Research Programme Update - · IEA Research Programme Update Robin Wiltshire, BRE...


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IEA Research Programme Update Robin Wiltshire, BRE

International Energy Agency Implementing Agreement on District Heating and Cooling including Combined Heat and Power

International Energy Agency Implementing Agreement on District Heating and Cooling including Combined Heat and Power

30 years of IEA-DHC

5 December 2014

Robin Wiltshire

Chair, IEA-DHC

International Energy Agency Implementing Agreement on District Heating and Cooling including Combined Heat and Power

What is IEA-DHC?

International Energy Agency (IEA)

•  was established in 1974

•  works to ensure reliable, affordable and clean energy.

The District Heating & Cooling (DHC) ‘implementing agreement’

•  aims to improve the design, performance and operation of district heating systems

•  current members: Canada, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Korea, Norway, Sweden, UK, USA.

International Energy Agency Implementing Agreement on District Heating and Cooling including Combined Heat and Power

We are 30!

•  There was a meeting (in Stockholm!) in October 1983…

•  As a result of which the District Heating ‘implementing agreement was established…

•  And the first ‘Annex’ commenced 1984

•  Each Annex is a three year period comprising a group of projects

•  The completion of Annex X…

•  10 x 3 = 30 years!

International Energy Agency Implementing Agreement on District Heating and Cooling including Combined Heat and Power

IEA-DHC: what do we do?

•  Carry out research projects on all aspects of DHC technology focusing on reducing cost and improving performance:

•  eg pipe materials, installation techniques, system optimisation, pro-active maintenance, thermal storage, integrating renewables

•  Approximately 80% of projects are technically focused’; 20% policy focused

•  Reports are produced for all projects and are available at the website:

International Energy Agency Implementing Agreement on District Heating and Cooling including Combined Heat and Power

Exciting times for district heating

•  Recognition at IEA Secretariat: CHP/DHC Collaborative

•  Recognition at European Commission: extensive project work now within research programmes: 10 years ago almost nothing

•  Recognition at UN level: ‘District Energy in Cities: Unlocking the Full Potential of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy’ due 2015

•  UK has established a Heat Networks Delivery Unit, and is funding feasibility work in more than 50 towns and cities.

International Energy Agency Implementing Agreement on District Heating and Cooling including Combined Heat and Power

But challenging ones – we need the international research

•  Buildings becoming more energy efficient => diminishing heat demand; – issue for DH providers but needs to be part of an overall community solution

•  Reducing temperature supply => lower heat losses; increased efficiency; more potential for renewables and surplus energy

•  Future integrated infrastructure for sustainable cities; smart systems

•  How to establish networks in embryonic markets – challenge for business models.

International Energy Agency Implementing Agreement on District Heating and Cooling including Combined Heat and Power

IEA-DHC projects – Annex X (2011-4)

•  ‘Towards 4th generation district heating (4GDH): experiences with and potential of low temperature district heating case studies’

•  ‘Economic and design optimisation in integrating renewable energy and waste heat with district energy systems’

•  ‘Improved maintenance strategies for district heating pipelines’

•  ‘Calculation tool for primary energy factors in DHC systems.’

These projects have concluded; reports at

International Energy Agency Implementing Agreement on District Heating and Cooling including Combined Heat and Power

Low Temperature District Heating for Future Energy Systems – a Task Sharing Initiative

•  Amplifies the work of the existing 4GDH project

•  Fundamental link between low temperature systems, integration of renewables, thermal storage, heat demands of future buildings…

•  … all of which together imply the need for research areas on Methods & Planning Tools; DHC Technologies; Communities and Interfaces

•  If you are interested in joining… please contact me or

International Energy Agency Implementing Agreement on District Heating and Cooling including Combined Heat and Power

Annex XI (2014–7) Topics

•  Innovative approaches to cost reduction

•  Transformation from high to low temperature district heating

•  Resource planning and business development.

International Energy Agency Implementing Agreement on District Heating and Cooling including Combined Heat and Power

Annex XI (2014–7) Projects

•  Transformation roadmap from high to low temperature district heating systems

•  Reducing greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption by optimising urban form for district energy

•  Smart use as the missing link in district energy development

•  Structured for success: governance models and strategic decision making processes for deploying thermal grids.

International Energy Agency Implementing Agreement on District Heating and Cooling including Combined Heat and Power

Further information

For  more  about  the  IEA-­‐DHC  programme,  contact:  

Robin  Wiltshire  (Chair,  IEA-­‐DHC)  


Andrej  Jentsch,  AGFW  (OperaIng  Agent,  IEA-­‐DHC)      


