IDOE LINK Initiative Update...IDOE LINK Initiative Update April 2019 @EducateIN Working Together for...


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IDOE LINK Initiative


April 2019

Working Together for Student Success@EducateIN

Debbie Dailey

Director of Strategic


Dr. John Keller

Chief Technology



INtelligrants: The purpose of this project will be to improve the processing of the State and Federal funding streams.

Data Exchange: The purpose of this project will be to improve the process of data transfer and certification for student and educator level data submitted by schools and school corporations.

INview: The purpose of this project will be to improve access to IDOE data and resources.

Unified Access: The purpose of this project will be to establish and implement the foundational technical elements which will support the remaining projects.

Schools 360: The purpose of this project will be to implement a tool to improve the capacity of internal staff to support customers.

IDOE LINK Initiative


The Schools 360 project will

implement Microsoft Dynamics 365

within the IDOE to improve the

capacity of internal staff to support customers.

What IDOE is doing…

• Organize IDOE work around schools and school


• Track contact with the schools and school corporations

• Access IDOE wide data including master school


• Access business area specific information

• Establish workflows for completing business area


• Create dashboards and task lists to drive daily activity

What that means for schools…

• Improved support with collaborative response

• Possible new electronic submission of some forms


• Core development complete

CRM tool selected and procured: Microsoft Dynamics 365

Implementation Vendor procured: eImagine

Review and define business areas needs

Core release defined and developed

• Master Data Management integration and data load

• Release immediate following MDM completion

Schools 360 Updates


The INtelligrants project will

implement a consistent platform to

manage the full cycle of State and

Federal funding streams.

What IDOE is doing…

• Unify processes and systems for managing the

lifecycle of funding streams

• Improve communication regarding grant

opportunities and timelines

• Create dashboards to track funding streams

What that means for schools…

• New solution for the full grant lifecycle,

from application through final reporting.

• Includes State and Federal funding;

competitive and formula

• Same solution leveraged by multiple State

agencies: CJI, DOC, DHS, IDOE


Pilot and Base

INtelligrants tool selected and procured

Initial review and definition of funding processes complete: 44 funding processes

Rules engine InRule integrated with solution

IDOE Unified Access integrated with solution

Multiple release cycle to cover 44 funding processes order planned

Base workflow and design built

Master Data Management integration

PeopleSoft integration

Fund specific form modifications

Phase I, II and III

Additional requirements and specifications per funding stream

Funding stream specific form modifications

Funding stream specific workflow adjustments

INtelligrants Updates




• Dual Immersion

• Title I Past C Migrant

Phase I

• David C. Ford Tech Program/Educational Technology Digital

• David C. Ford Tech Program/Educational Technology: Innovation Planning Grant

• David C. Ford Tech Program/Educational Technology: Summer of E-Learning

• Title IV-Charter School

• Title IV-Charter School Program (CSP) Quality Counts

• Title IV-B 21st Century Community Learning Centers

• Teachers' Appreciation (School Performance Award)

• Title III Bilingual Education

• Title III Bilingual Education: Significant Influx

• Title V Part B - Rural & Low Income Schools (RLIS)

• State Connectivity- E-Rate School and Library Connections

• Refugee Children Impact -Fssa

• Title I 1003G

• Title I Part A Charter

• Title 1 Part D Institutions serving Delinguent Students

• Title 1 School Improvement 1003(a)

• Title II-A Teacher/Principal Quality

Phase II

• Advanced Placement FY-12

• Alternative Education

• Remediation Testing/Formative Assessment Grant

• Early Intervention Fund

• Common School Funds Construction

• Common School Funds Technology

• High Ability

• McKinney-Vento/Homeless Children and Youth

• Mitch Daniels' Early Graduation

• Special Ed Part /611 grant

• Special Education Preschool / 619

Phase III

• Turn around payment

• State Tuition: Career & Technical Grant

• State Tuition: Special Education

• State Tuition: Basic Grant

• State Tuition: Complexly Grant

• State Tuition: Honors

• Text Book

• Social Security

• Adult Learner

• Summer School

Intelligrants Rollout Plan


PreviewINtelligrants Preview


The INview project will implement

technologies to improve data access,

transparency, and collaboration.

Components will include publicly and

securely available data sets and dashboards.

What IDOE is doing…

• Enriching access and visualization of publically

available data

• Upgrading dashboards for school and school

corporation to access record level data

What that means for schools…• New public data transparency portal

meeting ESSA requirements

• More context with data metrics


Phase I Release: Target Summer 2019

Transparency tool selected and procured

Initial review and definition of data requirements complete

Requirements defined for School Directory, Performance, Educator, School Environment and Accountability pages

Initial pages developed

Validation and refinement

Data load for School Directory, Performance, Educator and School Environment

Data load for Accountability (when 2018 Accountability data is final)

Phase II Release

Requirements defined for Finance pages

Data loaded for Finance

INview Update


INview Vendor Samples


The Unified Access project will implement

processes, policies and technologies to

accomplish the key objectives of the LINK initiative.

What IDOE is doing…

• Streamlining identity, user, and access management

• Unifying point of entry for IDOE solutions

• Revising Master Data Management

• Adopting data standards

• Adopting user interface and user experience


• Reviewing and revising infrastructure policies

What that means for schools…

• Fewer usernames and passwords

• Consolidated on-board/off-board process for

access to systems

• More robust master data management aligned to

the Ed-Fi Data Standards

• New site to access all IDOE systems


Consolidated Sign-On

Identity strategy defined with local defined Cloud identities (G-Suite and Office 365)

Proof of concept tested

• Security registration process implementation

• Unified Access Security Portal implementation

• LINK Portal implementation

Hosting Strategy

Azure Cloud serverless implementation

Business Logic Processing

Rules engine InRule implemented

Unified Access Update


Name: Debbie Dailey

SPN: 88888888



Teacher @ North Elementary School

Navigate to Link Login 1

Hey Google!

Who is This? 3Hi LINK!

This is Debbie Dailey(

4Look Up Debbie’s Permissions

Using the GSuite Email

5 Show Debbie her Data





Unified Access Example


The Data Exchange project will implement a

solution to improve the transfer and

certification of student and educator level data between IDOE and education entities.

What IDOE is doing…

• Implementing Ed-Fi Data Standards and

Technology Suite

• Improving data transfer methods

• Updating the process for data review and


• Implementing SIS vendor certification protocols

• Addressing non-SIS bulk data submissions

• Transitioning to robust business rule management

What that means for schools…

• New process for schools to submit data through

interoperable data exchange

• New portal for review and approval of data

• New process for SIS vendor to certify


Master Data Management – Entities

Data structures defined and developed

Data migration complete

• Interface to read/write implementation

Master Data Management – Identities

Data structures defined and developed

Interface to read/write implemented

• Data migration

• Matching algorithm definition

• Merge action implementation

Data Exchange ODS API

IDOE data mapping complete

Data structures defined and developed

API defined and developed

Certification requirements released to SIS vendors

• SIS Vendor Certification

• Solution pilot release

• Implementation plan

Data Exchange Validation Portal

IDOE data validations cataloged

Data certification process defined

• Portal requirement definition

• Portal development

Data Exchange Dashboard

Data dashboard requirements defined

Data dashboard development complete

• Dashboard integration with Unified Access

• Solution pilot release

• Implementation plan

Data Exchange Update

Data Exchange Design


Proposed Data Exchange Implementation Phases

Master Data Management Entities

• Implements management of schools, corporation, other education entities

• Replaces current Master File

• As early as Q1 2019

User Management

• Implements management of system access for users

• Allows users to access the LINK portal and any migrated solutions

• Can be submitted through API or template/upload

• As early as Q2 2019

• Implements managements of STN and SPN

•Replaces several current processes for STN and SPN management

•Leverages the Identities API

•As early as Q2 2019*

Master Data Management Identities

• Implements:

•System for transferring record level data through API

•Rules engine for data validation

•Portal for certified data

•Data dashboards

•Vendor certification process

•Security management functions

•Annual roll over process

•Pilot as early as Q2/Q3 2019

Data Exchange

Data Exchange Stages

