IDLE TORQUE · 2019. 4. 5. · Gary Martin (Thomas) Thomas Hoffman (Gary) 6653 7331 6653 4743 6652...


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Idle Torque Edition Number 202 April 2019 Page 1

IDLE TORQUE Edition No. 202 April 2019

Newsletter of the

C.ex Coffs Sports, Touring and Classic Car Club

PO Box 2438 Coffs Harbour 2450



More than just a car club

Idle Torque Edition Number 202 April 2019 Page 2

Office Bearers 2018 – 2019

Home Mobile Email

PRESIDENT Dick Willis (Joan)

6652 2099

0427 400 158


VICE PRESIDENT Dave Norton (Penny)

6657 1967

0448 789 903

SECRETARY Pat O’Carroll (Glenda)

6653 5585

0448 017 048

TREASURER Kevin Ingersole (Sharon)

6653 8295

0419 538 499

MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE Russell Phemister (Judy) Grant George (Kerrrianne) Gary Wallace (Kerry) Peter Titmus (Margaret) Bill Denham (Helen)

6658 1346 6656 4228 6690 2592

0409 525 077 0408 493 134 0412 653 228 0467 072 702 0407 219 985

NEWSLETTER EDITOR Michael Guymer (Sandy)

6658 5028

0409 827 064

WEBMASTER David Lee (Daphne)

6651 3034

0407 956 965

EVENTS CO-ORDINATOR Judy Phemister (Russell)

0407 937 327

EVENTS COMMITTEE John Stephens (Pam) Tony Bennett Chris Bridgen (Jill) Gary Martin (Thomas) Thomas Hoffman (Gary)

6653 7331 6653 4743 6652 8419

0418 372 319 0400 919 120 0419 409 762 0439 476 993 0409 416 192

CLUB REGISTRAR & REGISTRATION INSPECTORS Leo Goodfellow (Barbara) Albert Johnson (Noela) Peter Titmus (Margaret) Pat O’Carroll (Glenda)

6654 1283 6656 9083 6656 4228 6656 5585

0429 045 810 0418 968 004 0467 072 702 0448 017 048


6651 3034

0407 956 965

RAFFLE CO-ORDINATORS Bob Rushbrook Cynthia Darrington

6658 8225

0431 445 311

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed within this newsletter are not necessarily those of the Coffs Harbour Sports Touring and Classic Car Club or its Committee. Whilst all care has been taken, neither the club nor its officers accept responsibility for the accuracy of information printed and the quality of any items or services advertised or men-tioned in this publication. The Committee reserves the right to edit contributions for publication.

The Club holds a General Meeting each month and the August meeting is preceded by the AGM. Ten (10) General Meetings are held on the first Monday of each month at C.ex Coffs at 7.30pm, except for October when the meeting is held on the first Tuesday of the month, due to the public holiday Two (2) other General Meetings are then held, one at Cex Urunga (usually in June) and one at C.ex Woolgoolga (usually in November). These meetings are held on a Sunday morning with a car display and followed by a luncheon.

Idle Torque Edition Number 202 April 2019 Page 3

President’s Message April 2019

I guess I was always destined to be a car nut, from the earliest I can remember I was fascinated by cars, drawing them, looking at them and trying to understand how they worked. Then, at the age of nine, I discovered motor magazines, The Australian Motor Manual, I devoured every word and in 1953 and 1954 more motor magazines were released, Wheels and Modern Motor so more pocket money spent on every month’s edition and incidentally I still have them all. Naturally all this reading intensified my desire to own a car and I still don’t know how I did so well at school given all the time I spent reading motor mags instead of studying school work. When the great day arrived and I was finally the proud owner of a Morrie Minor the next step was to join a car club so I joined the Grafton Sporting Car Club after attending one of their hillclimbs. Car club membership opened up new avenues of friendships for me because at last I could mix with like minded individuals who shared a love of cars. Since that fateful day I have enjoyed membership of a great many car clubs, both local and out of town but the common thread shown in all of them is that great camaraderie among car people. One only has to approach an owner at an event and it is immediately possible to share a rapport with them by showing an interest in their car.

Over the years I have been a member of various service clubs and associations but being a rather introverted person I have always found difficulty in establishing some common ground with other members but with car clubs the cars have always been the common thread which have bound members together and established many long term friendships. Consequently I hope you are all enjoying your membership of our Club and may you treasure the friendships you have discovered therein.



Bob Fairclough 3rd Warwick Thomson 9th

Phil Carmichael 11th Thomas Hoffman 19th

If you are not mentioned it means we do not have your birth date (day/month). So please let Bill Denham know and he will add you to the list.

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Monthly Meeting of the C.ex Coffs Sports, Touring and Classic Car

Held at: C.ex Club, Coffs Harbour Date: Monday 1 April 2019 Meeting Commenced: 7.30pm Chairperson: Dick Willis Present: 41 Members as per attendance book plus partners and visitors. Apologies: Sharon & Kevin Ingersole, Deno Accadia, Brian Carter, Judy & Russ Phemister, Helen Denham, Gary Addison, Mark Edmonds, Tony Bennett, Ted Van Styn. Visitors: Ian Ward New Members: Nil MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING The Chairperson moved that the minutes as printed are accepted as true and correct. Moved: David Norton Seconded: Chris Bridgen



1. 7 X Newsletter from other car clubs. 2. A product update from Rare Spares 3. An update from the Southern Motoring Group following their March meeting. 4. A flyer from the Great Lakes Club advertising their Motorfest on 9 June. 5. A flyer from the National transport Museum Inverell advertising their car show on 5 May. 6. A flyer from the Kempsey Club with a flyer and entry forms for their Hat Head Rally on 3- 5 May. CORRESPONDENCE OUT:

NIL The Secretary moved that the correspondence be received and adopted. Seconded: Mike Gosbell TREASURERS REPORT: Pat O’Carroll provided the report in Kevin Ingersole’s absence.

Members viewed a Power Point Presentation depicting the clubs` financial position. The Treasurer moved that the accounts as presented are accepted as true and correct. Seconded: Peter Thomson. GENERAL BUSINESS: Nil EVENTS COMMITTEE REPORT- Judy Phemister, Tony Bennett, Chris Bridgen, Thomas Hoffman, Gary Martin. Gary Martin showed some slides on recent events and provided a run through of calendar of coming events. Bill Denham provided details on up coming Raleigh Nursing Home Run. Pat O’Carroll advised members the cut off date for the Tamworth Run in May was tonight and all unbooked motel rooms would be handed back to the motel. Bob Fairclough advised members on the Tech mornings he has organised in coming months. Dave Norton asked members to let him know if they would be attending the Car Show in Nov and what vehicles they would be bringing. This is to enable planning. Watch for full details listed inside Idle Torque under “Mark Your Calendar” and book in early.

EDITORS REPORT: Michael Guymer

Michael said he would be working from Sydney this week but hoped Idle Torque would get out on time. He asked for members to

keep sending in articles for publication. Hard copies of Idle Torque will now be received printed in colour at no extra cost.

WELFARE OFFICERS REPORT: Bill Denham Bill only knows of Ian Sagaris and Toby Tyson who are on the sick list. REGISTRARS REPORT: Peter Titmus, Albert Johnson, Leo Goodfellow and Pat O`Carroll.

Peter Titmus advised members of some of the information received from the Southern Motoring Group following their AGM.

1) After Dec it will be near impossible to import historic vehicles and get them registered 2) The Asbestos problem is continuing.

MEMBERS SPOT: After some difficulties with the computer the members were shown several DVDs

* Historic garages and building in the Coffs Harbour area provided by Dick Willis. * Some historic motor racing at Mt Druitt in the 1950s provided by Maureen Mattinson. * Dick Wills showed a DVD on his recent visit to Phillip Island.

RAFFLE WINNERS: Co-ordinator Andre Baiada, Peter Titmus, Leo Goodfellow, Neville Hoy. There being no further business the meeting was closed at 8.45 pm.

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COFFEE RUN TO PARK BEACH SURF CLUB 13TH MARCH 2019 Some 25 members attended the coffee run to the Park Beach Surf Club on a warm and humid morning. The members were well looked after with good service, goodies and excellent coffee. It was a good chance to relax with plenty of talk and banter with everyone enjoying themselves. In a nice touch everyone wished Charlie Smith best wishes for his 91st birthday on 11th March. Some 6 “H” and 2 “D” plated vehicles were used on the run.

Warwick Thomson


Following a wet couple of days, the sun shone and six cars, drivers and observers participated in the Club Observation Run on 17th March. The run was 100kms long with everyone winding their way up Bruxner Park Road through the Orara East State Forest to Bucca where they navigated their way around the myriad of roundabouts from Bucca to Woolgoolga and then to the back blocks of Woopi back down the highway to Bucca road and out through Nana Glen. The run finished at the Jetty Foreshores where we all had a very pleasant picnic lunch. Interestingly, the last car to leave managed to arrive back first!!

Alan and Maureen Mattinson were outright winners with all 30 questions being answered correctly. Ian and Lesley Sagaris and Rob and Margaret Chapman came in equal 2nd with 28 points and everyone else scored 25 points. It was a very enjoyable day after which we all left to watch the Australian GP or have a snooze!!

Chris Bridgen

David, you are not meant to be in the photo?? You are taking the photo!!


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On Friday 22nd our group of 16 Club members

gathered at the rest area at Jackadgery for morning tea before heading off for The Standing Stones at Glen Innes for our lunch time stop. We found this to be an interesting area with a nice little coffee shop. The weather was perfect at about 29 degrees and because of forecast 40+ Temperatures at Lightning Ridge, we elected to drive our air conditioned modern cars and this proved a master stroke. After leaving Glen Innes and Inverell in our wake we arrived at the Albert Motel in Moree and after booking in some of our mob sampled the Artesian Pools before returning for happy hour at the motel. Then it was into the Club next door for drinks, more lies and a lovely meal before surrendering to the Sandman back at the motel.

The Lion’s Park at Collarenebri welcomed us for our Morning tea stop on Saturday morning, an area without grass and a view of real water above the weir. Onward to Lightning Ridge over a very rough undulating road flanked by an empty flat landscape crying out for rain. It was surprising to find little roadkill, probably because most of the animals had died of thirst. On entering the township one couldn’t help noticing the population sign which features a large question mark and we were told that the most popular name in “the Ridge” is John Smith. We parked our cars for the weekend at the Wallangulla Motel, booked in then crossed the road to the Bowling Club for lunch (and to escape the 40 degree heat), after which we were taken on the “Town Tour” by “Borco” from Outback Tours. This included a walk in mine visit, opal polishing demo and Amigo’s Castle. Following a spruce up the Club’s aircon beckoned, we followed for drinks, more lies and dinner before returning to the motel for a good night’s sleep. On Sunday, “Borco” picked us up after breakfast for our full day tour of the opal fields. This included morning tea at the “Club in the Scrub”, a licenced venue (we even had to sign in), lunch at the Glengarry Hilton and The Sheepyard. No building code out here! The war memorial and museum was a real surprise. Rough miner’s cottages and unregistered vehicles were everywhere and I loved the traffic sign “vehicles with brakes must give way”.

Chambers of the Black Hand were our destination for Monday morning. 20 metres underground a labyrinth of rooms and tunnel walls were covered with over 600 carvings and paintings of all descriptions. There was also a coffee lounge and gift shop. This place was truly amazing and is a must visit. It was then goodbye to Lightning Ridge, hello Inverell where Happy Hour at the Club Motel preceded Dinner at the adjacent Services Club. Coffee at the Information centre and a visit to the Transport Museum completed our tour and our tired but happy group made their various ways home. Bill Denham

A great report Bill. Editor

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EDITOR COMMENT………..... “Is that the Standing Stones in the background”?

The Lightning Ridge Tour group stop for lunch at the “Standing Stones” Glen Innes

Stop over at the National Transport Museum Inverell

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EVENTS CALENDAR 2019 of the C.ex Coffs Sports Touring and Classic Car Club

If you attend a run in a H/D plated car it is YOUR responsibility to ensure you are entered in the Runs Book

Members with H/D plates must attend five (5) club runs per year (August to July) in their H/D plated vehicle for the club to sanction the renewal of their H/D plates. Members with multiple H/D plated cars may attend the five (5) runs in any of their H/D plated vehicles. New members must attend four (4) club runs or club events before applications for H/D plates will be considered for approval by C.ex Coffs Sports, Touring & Classic Car Club.

Note; Club monthly meetings do not count as runs or events for this purpose



1st Monday MONTHLY MEETING - C.ex Coffs

7th Sunday Lunch run - Macksville Star Hotel Gary Martin Wed 3rd

13th Saturday “Chin Wag” at Dick’s Shed Gary Martin Wed 10th

17th Wednesday Breakfast Run - Silvio’s Café Park Beach John Stephens Wed 10th

27th Saturday Coffee Run - Idle Inn Café Nana Glen Tony Bennett Wed 20th

MAY 2019

1st Wednesday Coffee Run - Secret Garden Café at Garden Mania Lifestyle Centre Boambee East

John Stephens 27th April

6th Monday MONTHLY MEETING - C.ex Coffs

8th Wednesday Raleigh Nursing Home Bill Denham Wed 1st

12th Sunday Lunch run - Dorrigo Lookout Retreat Gary Martin Sun 5th

18th/19th Sat/Sun Tamworth Car Show Pat O’Carroll 1st April

25th Saturday Tech Session (Endrust) + Coffee Bob Fairclough Sat 18th

JUNE 2019

2nd Sunday MONTHLY MEETING - C.ex URUNGA Day meeting and lunch

5th Wednesday Coffee Run - Boatshed Café Nambucca Heads Gary Martin Sat 1st

12th Wednesday Tech Session - Raven’s Servo Grafton Bob Fairclough Wed 5th

23rd Sunday Wings & Wheels Grafton Aero Club Need Volunteer Sun 16th

29th Saturday Brindley’s Nursery Sandy Beach + lunch Judy Phemister Sat 22nd

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When Saturday 13th April 9.00am

Where 20/27 Hurley Drive Coffs Harbour (Dick’s Shed)

Depart Go direct to venue. Show starts at 9.00am

Expect A great morning featuring old photos and tall stories

Bring Maybe a fold up chair could be handy

RSVP Gary Martin by email or mobile (see below)

Contact Gary Martin 0439 476 993

Comments Coffee and a snag will be provided




Sunday April 7th 2019


Short run down the old Pacific Highway to Macksville. The Star Hotel has reserved seating upstairs for us overlooking the Nambucca River. For members with mobility issues there is plenty of downstairs seating available around the Bistro.


McDonalds South @ 011.00 a.m.


Drive south taking Pine Creek Way to Urunga on the old highway. Raleigh Bridge is closed so briefly coming out on the new freeway turning off to Urunga. Travelling south once again on the old highway past Nambucca Heads through to Macksville. Be mindful of the “ever changing” speed signs and cameras along this run otherwise it will be an expensive lunch!!!!


$$$ for lunch and drinks.


Need numbers by Monday April 1st. Email me at or message my phone and include numbers attending please.


Gary Martin on 0439 476 993 or email.

Brief Comments

In Macksville travel south over the old bridge and turn left into River Street in front of the Star Hotel. If parking is an issue you can generally find parking within the block around the hotel. Members living south can join the convey or meet us at the venue at 11.45 a.m.

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When Saturday 27th April 2019

Where Idle Inn Café Nana Glen

Depart 9.30am from Repco Carpark

Expect Great food & Coffee and the usual good company

Bring Money for eats & drinks

RSVP By Friday 19th April. We are limited to 46 people so first in best dressed

Contact Tony Bennett 0400 919 120 or email


We will travel up the highway to the Moonee Beach exit then on to Bucca Road and west to Nana Glen. This venue also has interior seating so should not be a problem in weather.


When Wednesday April 17th

Where Silvio’s Café – Park Beach Plaza at 09.30 a.m.


Meet at the Café - Shop 118/253 Pacific Highway Park Beach Plaza Shopping Centre.


Morning tea, coffee, cake and light snacks available. Menu items such as bacon and eggs/rolls/avo toast etc. on order. Seating and tables will be made available for club members.

Bring Money and a smile!!!!

RSVP Wed 10th April. Please be on time with booking in, as latecomers maybe disappointed. Please state number of persons.

Contact John Stephens on 0418372319 via email jbs@ ozemail.

Brief Comments

This is an all weather venue.

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Wednesday 8th May


Raleigh Masonic Village (Nursing Home on Old Highway at Raleigh)


Maccas South at 9.30am


Tea/Coffee, food, entertainment.


Money for M/T


Sunday 25th April


Bill Denham or 0407219985

Brief Comments (if necessary)


When Wednesday 1st May. 9.30am

Where Secret Garden Café at Garden Mania Lifestyle Centre 19 Lindsays Road, Boambee


Meet at the Cafe shop.

Expect Morning tea, coffee, cake and light snacks available.

Bring $$$ for coffee and munchies.

RSVP Fri 26th April. Please be on time with booking in, as latecomers may be disappointed. Please state number of persons.

Contact John Stephens on 0418372319 via email jbs@ ozemail.

Brief Comments

Unfortunately the Frogarium is not open at the moment however, you can browse the great display of items for sale in the adjoining Willy Wagtail Homewares store.

This car show has become an annual event. The village organises entertainment with a BBQ and good espresso coffee. The Village also runs raffles, has a couple of craft stalls and if there are a couple of our cars available to take 3 residents for a short run they run a raffle to decide who goes. If required a carer accompanies the resident removing responsibility from the driver. This has been one of our most enjoyable runs in the past and it makes the day for the residents.

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Inverell Invitation From: National Transport Museum <> Sent: Wednesday, 16 January 2019 12:53 PM To: Subject: Electric Expo and Car Show Good Afternoon. The National Transport Museum Inverell are advising the next Electric Expo and Car Show will be held Saturday the 4th of May and Sunday the 5th of May. When the programme is finalised you will receive an email. We are hoping that you might put this date in your Club Bulletin. Regards

Kevin Dunn, (Chairman

National Transport Museum Inc 69 Rifle Range Road INVERELL NSW 2360 (PO Box 1103) Ph/Fax 02 67 212270 Mobile: 04 5998 1994 Email:

President Dick Willis received a call from Tony O’Dell from Darlington Park Arrawarra extending an invitation to our Club to attend a Show & Shine in May. Dick advises that many club members have attended this event in the past. I contacted Tony for more information and below is a copy of his email response. This would be treated as an “Invitation Event” for any members attending from our Club.


Our show and shine will be held on May 4th 2019 at Darlington Tourist Park Arrawarra 2456.

Beginning at 8.00am till 4.00pm. We have major sponsorship from Westpac, NRMA, North Coast V Twins, Woolgoolga Tavern, Ducati Club, so far.

All proceeds go to brain cancer research in children. The local Gumbaynggirr mob will be opening the show.

Only $15.00 to enter your bike or car. $5.00 entry fee per family

Plenty of free parking coffee & ice cream van Jumping castle for the kids and live music

Tony O'Dell <>

0449 134 573

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Our “Classic Cars @ Cex Coffs” event will be held again on 10th November 2019 in the C.ex Coffs Club Castle Street Carpark. Could all members who intend to display cars please email or phone Dave Norton and provide details of the car(s) and your contact details. The is the major event on our calendar and requires a lot of pre-planning. Register early to secure one of the 86 available spaces. EDITOR

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Porsche 356 enthusiasts worldwide are well aware of Rod Emory, his company Emory Motorsports and the iconic Outlaw series of cars he and his close-knit team of craftsmen produce in the United States. His business operation remains a ‘closed shop’ other than to his loyal customers and suppliers. We were privileged recently to meet the man and his team at the secured ‘inner sanctum’ in North Hollywood, California. The affable and grounded Rod whose workday typically commences around 4:30am made us feel most welcome to tour his operation. The showroom contained four of Rod’s gleaming concourse level ‘daily drivers’ – the Speedster, the 1959 Coupe, the 904 and the 911. The walls were adorned with unique photographs, posters and a vast collection of die cast Porsche models. The Emory Design studio here is where Rod’s creative ideas are

transformed into reality. Since the beginning in 1996, Emory Motorsports has created in excess of 170 unique 356 and 911 Outlaws. Cars are built to order and can take eighteen months to complete. Customers select their car (a coupe or open model) and then their preferred specifications are discussed at length with Rod who will offer enhancements and the finer details. Entering the production area was a sight to behold.

We were surrounded by a dozen 356s at varying stages ranging from dismantling to re-creation. To see examples of the three primary models under construction, an Outlaw, an Emory Special and an Emory RS was mouthwatering. The operation runs like a well-oiled machine with attention to detail highly apparent everywhere we looked. Grafting Porsche 964 componentry to a 356, the meticulous stiffening of a chassis’, Emory – Rothsport Outlaw-4 engines of varying power outputs, the handcrafting of a titanium roof rack combined with both subtle and tasteful custom features as well as concourse quality finish is what makes these cars ‘stand alone’ in the custom 356 world. The Emory RS currently under construction (opposite) generated enormous interest at the 2018 SEMA.

It was only by chance I came across this storey after asking Grant George about a T-shirt he was wearing which had an unusual branding. Grant’s modesty was quite apparent and he appeared unsure whether it would be of interest to the overall club membership, as it was specific to one type of car. I had a quite different view and insisted Grant send me the complete article for publication in our club newsletter. None of us knows what Heaven looks like but I think in Grant’s case, this might be as close as it gets??

Memories of Emory: The Inner Sanctum

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Although the exterior design appears somewhat radical, the 356 DNA remains most apparent. The 964 underpinnings will be complimented with one of those special engines that will develop 400hp. The 356 Universe eagerly awaits the completed car this year. We were taken into the holding area of the factory. A mixture of at least twenty customers 356s were carefully stored over two levels, awaiting their recreation.

Our host was only too pleased to impart his considerable knowledge throughout our visit. Back at the offices, we exchanged mementos – Rod kindly presented us with Emory Motorsports Outlaw T-shirts. He in turn gratefully accepted an Australian Porsche 356 Register badge.

Footnote The following day we visited the amazing Petersen Automotive Museum in LA which was featuring “The Porsche Effect Exhibition” – a finest collection of some of the most unique models. The Emory Motorsports fastidiously restored Porsche 356/2-063 Gmund SL (#46) on display was the most iconic model that ‘started it all’ with the significant class win at the 1951 Le Mans event.

View the Jay Leno video using the link below

Many thanks to Rod and the Emory memories.

Grant and Kerrianne George

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02 6653 4304 0403 935 859

S. U. Company Limited —Skinner-Union was incorporated in August 1910 EDITOR

Problem with your SU Carburettors?? - Give Tony Dingle a call

In 1953 Boambee locals Peter and Tom Lindsay started a transportation business with two Ford trucks, as in the pic. It has now grown to a publicly listed company with over 1000 vehicles in its fleet. Photo provided by Dick Willis

Idle Torque Edition Number 202 April 2019 Page 19

2000 Honda Prelude VTI R

The last Honda Prelude was sold in 2000. This car has a 2.2 litre VTI R engine with a 5 speed manual transmission and runs only on high octane fuel. Having owned two Mazda MX5's, Liz and I decided to change to a more compatible car. I searched around locally and found the Honda for sale which was owned by a local doctor. It filled all the requirements and made our longer runs with the club more enjoyable. As this car was purchased for club runs only it does very little mileage.

Price $6000 Owner/club member Bob Rushbrook. Enquiries phone 0431 445 311


John Cooper Works Mini R56 Our genuine John Cooper Works Mini R56, is one of the highest specification cars produced 2007/2008. Just about every conceivable extra was added to this package in both mechanical & trim. The car has only traveled 62,400 klm in 11 years, never an every day driver rather just used sparingly by two mature lady owners. The car has up to date service books, as well as the correct verification from Mike Cooper. The car is registered (concessional) until 07-11-2019.

Price $21,990 Genuine enquiries phone Mike Gosbell 66518141 May take trade ?

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Two folding bikes with helmets, bags and folding instruction sheets Very good condition and only $95 each

Ph 0418 666 512

(if they don’t answer leave a message as they are most likely out jogging)

Put on a few kilos over Christmas?

Having trouble doing up your shoe laces?

Are your scales saying “one at a time please”?

Do you get the urge to exercise but find if you lie down for a while the urge goes away?

Well, here is your chance to change all that…………...

The present owners have now reached peak physical fitness and are moving on to Triathlon level, so these great folding bikes are just waiting for new owners.

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Car Club Regalia

Refer to the Website for images of all regalia and where to get Club shirts

Club Cap $22

Window Sash $22

Metal Car Badge $30

Umbrella $25

Window stickers available on request

Winter Jacket $75 Contact Di Power 65647616

For all other regalia contact Russ Phemister 0409 525 077

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* Pinch weld * Door and boot seals

* Window seals * Fuel and heater hose * Self-adhesive tapes * Mats and carpets

Sheet and strip rubber * Foam rubber



Show your Club Name Badge and get a discount on purchases, excluding catalogue & sale items, at the Coffs Harbour store.

Idle Torque Edition Number 202 April 2019 Page 23

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