Identity project power point


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Identity Project

By Fran Divorty

Idea 1

• I shall interview my friends and family about their identity and how they live there lives

• Focus on their job, hobbies and memories• I could use snap shot to show a childhood

photograph as they are talking about it


• The objective will be to show how other people live their lives compared to the viewer’s.

• Also to see if the viewer can relate to the interviewer as they have had the same experiences in their lives

How will I do it

• I will set my camera on a tripod as this will make it more stable

• Interview in the persons house so they will feel more at ease

• Use a wise shot as I want the scene of the house

• Ask them certain questions about their lives

Idea 2

• To interview pregnant women about how their identity changes by being pregnant and how their identity changes in them few months of their lives

• Ask how they feel being pregnant and the experiences they have gone though


• For this video I would like to make the viewers guess what they are talking about as pregnancy brings a lot of illness.

• I would like to show how a woman’s identity changes throughout pregnancy and how it changes their identity after giving birth into motherhood

• To show how different each pregnancy can be

How will I do it • Interview the women in their homes so they feel

more at ease and get more of a sense of the person

• Use a tripod to steady the camera and use a wide shot to view the room they are in.

• Shot using 25pfs at 1080p for the best quality• I will sit beside the camera when I interview them • Keep the frame just under the shoulder so the

viewer cant see the bump • Edit the interviews so it switches person to person
